Mistake in Star Wars- A New Hope ???

UPDATED: Saturday, September 25, 2004 22:45
VIEWED: 8945
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004 12:34 PM


Onboard the Death Star just after Obi Wan disables the tractor beam 2 stormtroopers arrive and stand on the gangway. Using the force Obi produces a noise to which the stormtroopers say "What was that? ahh it was nothing , just POP GASSING."

This has been bugging me since 1977... I believe the line should have read "GAS POPPING" not "POP GASSING" maybe the stormtrooper was dyslexic..


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 1:03 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
Onboard the Death Star just after Obi Wan disables the tractor beam 2 stormtroopers arrive and stand on the gangway. Using the force Obi produces a noise to which the stormtroopers say "What was that? ahh it was nothing , just POP GASSING."

This has been bugging me since 1977... I believe the line should have read "GAS POPPING" not "POP GASSING" maybe the stormtrooper was dyslexic..

George Lucas doesn't make mistakes. Just ask him.

The stormtrooper was referring to Vader, whom they called "Pop" behind his back, because "vater" means "father" in German. Vader had a bad problem with flatulence, so when they heard the noise, they thought it was merely "Pop" gassing again.

I you not.



Tuesday, August 17, 2004 3:08 PM




Tuesday, August 17, 2004 3:37 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
Onboard the Death Star just after Obi Wan disables the tractor beam 2 stormtroopers arrive and stand on the gangway. Using the force Obi produces a noise to which the stormtroopers say "What was that? ahh it was nothing , just POP GASSING."

This has been bugging me since 1977... I believe the line should have read "GAS POPPING" not "POP GASSING" maybe the stormtrooper was dyslexic..

ya know I think there were MANY mistakes--the cardboard people in the trophy scene--to Luke yelling out CARRIE instead of Leia--to I forget the others

still for the time it was a FUN movie and still my fave of the 3--cant even count the 2 prequels{{{Shudder}}}}

Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:20 AM


Did you forget to end your quote?


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:26 AM



Originally posted by rivergirl:
ya know I think there were MANY mistakes--the cardboard people in the trophy scene--to Luke yelling out CARRIE instead of Leia--to I forget the others

still for the time it was a FUN movie and still my fave of the 3--cant even count the 2 prequels{{{Shudder}}}}

Agreed on the prequels - I could really care less that III is coming out...

However, if you're interested in the goofs from Star Wars: A New Hope, check out IMDB's page for it ( Turns out that the "Carrie" line isn't real, but there are lots of other mistakes...



Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:49 AM



Originally posted by Rabit:
Agreed on the prequels - I could really care less that III is coming out...

There's one reason, and one reason only to care. It comes out shortly after Serenity. Which is excellent for us, because people will be directly comparing the two, and I believe that people will see which is the *better* movie. (There really is no contest).



Keep flying


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:30 AM


Guy's I'm new to this forum, and feel horrible that I have to be all negavtive and what not in my first post.

I'm 27, and grew up with Star Wars. After waiting so long to see if Uncle George was going to continue with this 'first of it's kind story', I now only have this to say.

Who cares.

Is there really anymore to say? George, get the bloody film out and then get out of the business. You can't write anymore, you can't direct, you have no business bothering us with what you think is good work.

There. That's done. So who wants to follow up that rant, huh?

God bless Serenity and her wonderful crew!

"why'd you all order a dead guy for?"


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 4:36 AM


I kow that I can DEFINITELY wait for the next movie, aka "2 More Hours of Jar Jar". If this was the quality of the Old Republic I don't mind that it fell.

I always thought the trooper in question was saying that it was out-gassing, which would be much less wrong sounding. Guess I'll have to rewatch and see.

To quote Darth Vader, "Yippee!"


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 4:42 AM





(I won't ask).

You will find that this is a great forum.

And I also thought that the stormtrooper said, "Outgassing".

And I have thought that the new Star Wars (aside from Jar Jar) have been fine.

My theory is that the sense of wonder you have as a young person (yes, even The Real Me could have been considered a "young person then") doesn't hold up decades later.

The mythic elements do not strike as hard.

Also, Star Wars is no longer the unique thing that it was, especially in the realm of Special Effects. Back in 1977, there had been nothing like it before.

The Real Me


Friday, August 20, 2004 6:41 AM



Originally posted by gojiro:
The stormtrooper was referring to Vader, whom they called "Pop" behind his back, because "vater" means "father" in German. Vader had a bad problem with flatulence, so when they heard the noise, they thought it was merely "Pop" gassing again.

I you not.

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, perfect. Perfect.

... my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Friday, August 20, 2004 6:45 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

And I have thought that the new Star Wars (aside from Jar Jar) have been fine.

My theory is that the sense of wonder you have as a young person (yes, even The Real Me could have been considered a "young person then") doesn't hold up decades later.

The mythic elements do not strike as hard.

Also, Star Wars is no longer the unique thing that it was, especially in the realm of Special Effects. Back in 1977, there had been nothing like it before.

Yes, seen through my kids' eyes (and on DVD, I've now seen each of the two prequels several dozen times through the kids' eyes, LOL!) the stories are great. Even JarJar is acceptable to a four-year-old ... he's the one who says what the kids are thinking: he's the one who interprets stuff as "rude".

And as mythologies go, I still enjoy them. I just wish they wouldn't rely so heavily on the CGI and over-done 'wall of sound' ... perhaps if I had 20-ish individually-focusable eyeballs all the zipping and zapping on the screen would be manageable, and the in-theatre sound is outright painful.

But the kids are definitely looking forward to both Serenity and Ep III ... we've promised they get to see both in theatre!

... my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Friday, August 20, 2004 3:02 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
Onboard the Death Star just after Obi Wan disables the tractor beam 2 stormtroopers arrive and stand on the gangway. Using the force Obi produces a noise to which the stormtroopers say "What was that? ahh it was nothing , just POP GASSING."

This has been bugging me since 1977... I believe the line should have read "GAS POPPING" not "POP GASSING" maybe the stormtrooper was dyslexic..

Over 27 years and countless viewings, I've always heard that line as "out-gassing". Now I'm going to have to see it again to double-check.

My favorite blooper is where the storm-troopers force their way into the control where C3P0 and R2 are hiding and one of the troopers totally clongs his helmet against the bottom of the door-- you can see the actor readjusting his helmet in the next shot.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Friday, August 20, 2004 3:05 PM


Oh, don't misunderstand me.

I think a mythic "sense of wonder" as I described is good, even essential, for an adult.

However, I think the impact on the young is greater, especially when it is accompanied by amazing effects.

The Real Me


Friday, August 20, 2004 3:25 PM



Originally posted by Rabit:

Originally posted by rivergirl:
ya know I think there were MANY mistakes--the cardboard people in the trophy scene--to Luke yelling out CARRIE instead of Leia--to I forget the others

still for the time it was a FUN movie and still my fave of the 3--cant even count the 2 prequels{{{Shudder}}}}

Agreed on the prequels - I could really care less that III is coming out...

However, if you're interested in the goofs from Star Wars: A New Hope, check out IMDB's page for it ( Turns out that the "Carrie" line isn't real, but there are lots of other mistakes...


Great, I did check this out, and now I'm gogin to be going through the movie frame-by-frame to check all these goofs out. So much for free time .

This one kinda puzzled me:


Continuity: When the stormtroopers raid the rebel corvette at the beginning of the film, C-3PO says, "There'll be no escape for the Princess this time," but when R2-D2 shows the holographic recording of Leia and Luke asks who she is, C-3PO says he doesn't know, only that he "thinks she was someone important". (There was a rumor that the original line was supposed to be "There'll be no escape for the Captain this time", but Daniels flubbed the line and no one caught the mistake. This is unconfirmed.)

I always thought that this was C3PO being duplicitous (sp) and not wanting to reveal that he and R2 are from Leia's entourage-- if you accept the prequels, then it is obvious that 3PO and R2 have been family retainers for decades.

I was gratified to see that IMDB did not include as a goof the "parsecs" line from Han and Obi-Wan's conversation in the cantina. I still run into people who gripe about this-- I tell them to do what Gary Kurtz (the movie's producer) told us to do in a panel saw him on once (World Con 1979- yeah, I'm that old)-- watch Obi-wan's reaction to Han's line-- it's subtle bit of business but priceless, and it puts everything into context.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Saturday, August 21, 2004 3:15 AM



Originally posted by Peace:
I always thought that this was C3PO being duplicitous (sp) and not wanting to reveal that he and R2 are from Leia's entourage-- if you accept the prequels, then it is obvious that 3PO and R2 have been family retainers for decades.

I was gratified to see that IMDB did not include as a goof the "parsecs" line from Han and Obi-Wan's conversation in the cantina. I still run into people who gripe about this-- I tell them to do what Gary Kurtz (the movie's producer) told us to do in a panel saw him on once (World Con 1979- yeah, I'm that old)-- watch Obi-wan's reaction to Han's line-- it's subtle bit of business but priceless, and it puts everything into context.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!

First - awesome quote!

As to C-3PO, I think that we're going to see something in RotS that will change things, but we'll see what happens...

The "parsecs" line... I don't have them available to check out. What exactly is the deal, if you don't mind? Thanks!


"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe." - Marcus Cole


Saturday, August 21, 2004 10:39 AM


What the hell is 'Star Wars'?


Saturday, August 21, 2004 11:54 AM



Originally posted by sgtgump:
What the hell is 'Star Wars'?

Its a nuclear defence program that Reagan dreamed up in the 80s - I think everyone above has taken too much LSD.

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, August 21, 2004 2:18 PM



Originally posted by Rabit:

Originally posted by Peace:
I always thought that this was C3PO being duplicitous (sp) and not wanting to reveal that he and R2 are from Leia's entourage-- if you accept the prequels, then it is obvious that 3PO and R2 have been family retainers for decades.

I was gratified to see that IMDB did not include as a goof the "parsecs" line from Han and Obi-Wan's conversation in the cantina. I still run into people who gripe about this-- I tell them to do what Gary Kurtz (the movie's producer) told us to do in a panel saw him on once (World Con 1979- yeah, I'm that old)-- watch Obi-wan's reaction to Han's line-- it's subtle bit of business but priceless, and it puts everything into context.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!

First - awesome quote!

As to C-3PO, I think that we're going to see something in RotS that will change things, but we'll see what happens...

The "parsecs" line... I don't have them available to check out. What exactly is the deal, if you don't mind? Thanks!


"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe." - Marcus Cole

The "parsecs" line is where Han is bragging to Obi-wan and Luke in the cantina, obviously taking them for two rubes, and says the Millenium Falcon "made the Kessel run in 6 parsecs" or something to that effect (I don't have the exact quote but that's the gist). Parsecs, of course, are a measure of interstellar distance, not time, and this line was much commented on when the film came out as a flub. Kurtz, the original movie's producer, told us to watch Obi-wan right after Han makes this comment. It makes the comment understandable and gets a giggle out of me every time I see it.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Friday, September 24, 2004 10:11 PM



Originally posted by Misguided By Voices:

Originally posted by sgtgump:
What the hell is 'Star Wars'?

Its a nuclear defence program that Reagan dreamed up in the 80s - I think everyone above has taken too much LSD.

"I threw up on your bed"

MISGUIDED BY VOICES - I just came back to this thread and realized something. "I drink from the keg of glory?"

Bring me the best muffins and bagels in all the land!

God bless ya! We need to discuss this on another thread I think...

"why'd you all order a dead guy for?"


Saturday, September 25, 2004 2:45 AM


I don't see why people rip on the prequels so much. George spent 20 years explaining that the prequels would be like this, that 4-6 were the most personal and the prequels were a mostly political story about the fall of the republic. Fanboys urge him to make them anyway, yet when they come out people complain that they're not like the originals and are a more political story. I don't understand, did they expect him to change the story while making them or what?

I really like the prequels, episode 1 still grates on me a bit but I love episode 2, especially if you include the deleted scenes as part of the film. They're good fun and there's political intrigue aplenty going on in the background.

check out my WIP firefly roleplay system at


Saturday, September 25, 2004 2:49 AM


TheRealMe: I totally agree with you on this! Every time I watch Star Wars, I watch as I would have when I was little and it came out. I turn off my adult brain (how much of one there and watch as my nephews would. That's the best part about it! No deep thought, no confusing, complicated plot lines, just a good clean ride.
I go to movies with this mentality (especially when it's Star Wars): If you expect anything, on any movie, you will usually be disappointed because you expected too much. If you expect nothing, and the movie's any good at all, you will be pleasantly surprised.... If that makes sense to you all.
Also, I can't wait to see Ep III. I liked (liked, not loved) Ep I and II, and I want to see how well he does with III before I can say that it was great or not.


The "parsecs" line is where Han is bragging to Obi-wan and Luke in the cantina, obviously taking them for two rubes, and says the Millenium Falcon "made the Kessel run in 6 parsecs" or something to that effect (I don't have the exact quote but that's the gist). Parsecs, of course, are a measure of interstellar distance, not time, and this line was much commented on when the film came out as a flub. Kurtz, the original movie's producer, told us to watch Obi-wan right after Han makes this comment. It makes the comment understandable and gets a giggle out of me every time I see it.

The Kessel Run comment was supposed to mean:
When the Kessel Run was made, it was made through an asteroid field that was constantly moving. Most other pilots who had flown the Kessel Run had to fly around 14-20 parsecs before they would make it out. It took Han 12 parsecs to get out. Basically, he was using it as a measure of distance and not time. It's like you can say that it takes you 4 miles to get out of downtown New York City, and for most people it takes 8, you not only get out quicker, but you travelled less distance doing so. That means you know the terrain better than anyone else and you know all of the shortcuts. I don't remember where I read that at..... it was either one of the Star Wars books or in the Star Wars Companion.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 3:45 AM



Bojesphob wrote:
Saturday, September 25, 2004 02:49

The Kessel Run comment was supposed to mean:
When the Kessel Run was made, it was made through an asteroid field that was constantly moving. Most other pilots who had flown the Kessel Run had to fly around 14-20 parsecs before they would make it out. It took Han 12 parsecs to get out. Basically, he was using it as a measure of distance and not time. It's like you can say that it takes you 4 miles to get out of downtown New York City, and for most people it takes 8, you not only get out quicker, but you travelled less distance doing so. That means you know the terrain better than anyone else and you know all of the shortcuts. I don't remember where I read that at..... it was either one of the Star Wars books or in the Star Wars Companion.

It was in the books. Only I dont think it was asteroids, I think it was a dense region of blacks holes called "the Maw". Pilots normally have to fly right around the intense gravitational tides but hot shot smugglers would "thread the needle" so to speak and travel the shortest distance possible(a straight line) cancelling out opposing black holes gravitation by flying inbetween. Hans 12 parsecs must have been very close to straight.

Or maybe it was a stuff up


Saturday, September 25, 2004 4:27 AM



Originally posted by Peace: Obi-wan's reaction to Han's line-- it's subtle bit of business but priceless, and it puts everything into context.

....Kurtz, the original movie's producer, told us to watch Obi-wan right after Han makes this comment. It makes the comment understandable and gets a giggle out of me every time I see it.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!

I love the explanation of the "parsecs" comment (that Han made the run in a shorter distance), and I think it makes sense. But I'm still not sure I understand how Obi Wan's reaction to Han's statement explains anything -- could you please clarify? And by the way, when we watch it, we DO pay special attention to Obi Wan's expression in that scene, because my husband says he looks totally camp when he pulls that face, and we always get a huge laugh out of it. So I guess we're all laughing, but for different reasons?! What do you think the expression means? (And I'm sure that to you it means nothing like "Well, helloooo, Sailor!" or, "MY, you're a big boy, aren't you?" -- like it does to those of us with twisted minds.)


Saturday, September 25, 2004 5:06 AM



It was in the books. Only I dont think it was asteroids, I think it was a dense region of blacks holes called "the Maw". Pilots normally have to fly right around the intense gravitational tides but hot shot smugglers would "thread the needle" so to speak and travel the shortest distance possible(a straight line) cancelling out opposing black holes gravitation by flying inbetween. Hans 12 parsecs must have been very close to straight.

Close, but not quite.

Only a Jedi or someone with an exact map of the route in can actually navigate the Maw.

Han simply skirted closer to the outside of the cluster than is generally considered wise, thus shaving some distance off.

The Han Solo trilogy by AC Crispin mentions that the Kessel Run involves both the Maw and an asteroid field, so the first answer about that was not entirely wrong either.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 5:07 AM



Originally posted by sgtgump:
What the hell is 'Star Wars'?

A movie to which Firefly owes at least some small part of its existence.

Joss has said that the Millenium Falcon was part of his inspiration for Firefly.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 11:03 AM



Originally posted by sexchicken:

God bless ya! We need to discuss this on another thread I think...

As long as we stick pre-season 5. Not that I'm a Sorkin-ite you understand, just limited to what the UK has shown (and gorram if the new scheduling of season 4, finally, means that its on TV that I can see, but have missed all bar a few minutes of the first two episodes. Thankfully the full DVD of the season is out tomorrow so will be up to speed - in a loose fashion - by the end of the week no doubt)

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, September 25, 2004 12:35 PM



Lindley wrote:
Saturday, September 25, 2004 05:06

Only a Jedi or someone with an exact map of the route in can actually navigate the Maw.

Han simply skirted closer to the outside of the cluster than is generally considered wise, thus shaving some distance off.

The Han Solo trilogy by AC Crispin mentions that the Kessel Run involves both the Maw and an asteroid field, so the first answer about that was not entirely wrong either.

Hmmm, you could be right.. I'll have to dig that Han Solo trilogy out and check.

Point is Hans 12 parsec line was used in the correct context.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 12:38 PM


My memory is that the Han Solo trilogy only marginally covers that material. There's a more in-depth explanation in the Jedi Academy Trilogy.

Of course, that's not as nice a re-read.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 3:28 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
Onboard the Death Star just after Obi Wan disables the tractor beam 2 stormtroopers arrive and stand on the gangway. Using the force Obi produces a noise to which the stormtroopers say "What was that? ahh it was nothing , just POP GASSING."

This has been bugging me since 1977... I believe the line should have read "GAS POPPING" not "POP GASSING" maybe the stormtrooper was dyslexic..

Okay, in response to the original topic:
From the first time I saw it, I always thought the 'trooper said "broadcasting."
As in, when you talk on two-way radios, there are little noises, and since the 'troopers have radios in thier helmets, they every now and then get those broadcasting sounds. I always assumed that's what he said, I never heard any different.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 10:45 PM


I cant hear "broadcasting".. I just watched that scene over and over and over again and I still hear "pop gassing".

Might have to try and find an original script to check.






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