Jonathan M. Woodward in Toronto

UPDATED: Monday, October 4, 2004 13:27
VIEWED: 7015
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Sunday, October 3, 2004 4:37 PM


So, this past weekend was Sunnydale Central 3 and one of the guests was Jonathan M. Woodward, Tracy in The Message. Quite apart from being just a really lovely guy, he was also really honest in answers at the Q&A's about things. And as much as I love Buffy and Angel, I wanted to find out Firefly stuff; I'm far too addicted to FF at this point to NOT ask the guy about the show when he's standing 10 feet away.

I asked what it had been like to having been filming The Message when word came through that the show had been cancelled, and how everyone had reacted. He said that the cast and crew of FF, by the time of his appearance, were like the happiest family he'd ever seen on a TV show; he said he dreamed about lucking into being on a show like that and would have happily stayed on for 100 years had they asked him. He said he was "morbidly depressed" (his words) that he wasn't going to get to be on it anymore after his episode because the situation was the most amazing he'd ever encountered. Said Nathan and Gina were inseparable on set, and that he found a lot of the relationships between the actors were very similar to their character relationships. Except that Gina had Laurence Fishburne to go home to so she and Alan were really just great friends...

In terms of when word came through about the cancellation, he likened his feelings of having been there to having a brand new girlfriend and your relationship is only two weeks old, and you go over to her family's place for Thanksgiving dinner - and one of the grandmothers keels over into her mashed potatoes dead of a heart attack at the table. He said he felt really bad for everyone because they were so devastated and destroyed, but felt he wasn't really a part of the sadness because he'd only just come on to the show - and that they were such professionals that they got the job done. They put their heads down and just worked through the depression.

He said that they were one of the most talented groups of people he'd ever met - Sean is quiet and thoughtful, Alan is goofy and smart, Morena and he have become really good friends and she's a lovely woman (they worked on a project together in Vancouver after his stint on the show), Jewel is of course amazingly sweet and wonderful, that working with Adam was really intimidating because of his past career, and that Nathan was in actuality the natural leader of the bunch off camera as well. He said that Nathan has this incredible natural ability to be able to help focus people and keep them together and moving in a forward direction, and that he's - - - - amazing - - - - does one say this delicately...he has an amazing ability to pass wind. They'd all be stressed after a long day of work and touchy as people get when they're tired, and Nathan'd come along to any one of them at any time and say, "Pull my finger. No, really, pull it." :oD Jonathan said that would break the tension every single time, for everyone.

He said they hadn't told him ahead of time that he'd in fact be naked for an entire scene and that he found out when he got the script. So they had him onto the set a bit early the day they filmed that scene and put make-up all over his body, and then he spent much of the rest of the day putting his butt into Gina's face - and that she was very gracious about it.

He said he kept falling asleep in the coffin, and that at one point he was actually snoring, and jokingly said they were all looking at him like, "How DARE you come onto OUR show and fall ASLEEP in the coffin?" hee hee He said the last scene was really bizarre 'cause he was trying so hard to stay awake and they had the "snow" falling (he called it cancer in the air), and then all the extras were crowding the coffin and kept touching at him like, "I'm the mother!" "No, *I'm* the mother!" He said that was very bizarre but really amusing.

That's all I remember right now, but I thought some 'round here would want to know what had been said of our BDH...


(X-posted to the OB)

"I'm not a control freak, I'm a control...enthusiast." - Joss Whedon


Sunday, October 3, 2004 5:12 PM


I decided long ago that when I get off my ass, start my career, break into showbusiness, and eventually pitch my idea for a show I've had in my head for years, Johnathan M. Woodward will take the lead.

Anybody Joss can kill three seperate times is aces in my book.


Sunday, October 3, 2004 5:18 PM



Originally posted by LividLiquid:
Anybody Joss can kill three seperate times is aces in my book.

Jonathan said he thought there was some lesson to be learned in the fact that all three shows ended fairly soon after he was killed on each. Someone in the audience suggested he might be a jinx (to which everyone went "ooooooooooooooo!") and he suggested it meant that Joss had just better stop killing him!



Sunday, October 3, 2004 5:29 PM


He's just so damn lovable.


Sunday, October 3, 2004 8:26 PM


Wonderful report, Rockgoddes. Was the event well attended? See any Firefly costumes and promo stuff around?


"When one man chases a hare, he finds a hare. But when many men chase a hare, they find a dragon."
--Source: The Darkness That Comes Before, by R. Scott Bakker.


Sunday, October 3, 2004 8:41 PM


Thanks so much for sharing the story... a very enjoyable read.

Jonathan M. Woodward is a delight, and must have become quite endearing to Joss to have appeared in all three shows.

The fact that Mr. Woodward was killed messily, all three times, by a fatal chest wound, was just Joss's way of showing how much he loved him.



Sunday, October 3, 2004 9:28 PM


Thanks for the report. I haven't made it to any of the cons, so I really appreciate it when those of you who do go pass on the juicy details!

We've done the impossible and that makes us mighty. Mal - Serenity


Monday, October 4, 2004 3:00 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Thanks for the report!

It is always great to hear what someone from the cast or involved w/ Firefly has to say about their experience on the show, their interactions w/ the cast, and Joss.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, October 4, 2004 1:27 PM


Sunnydale is a small, intimate con, which meant that those who were willing to pay for it and had the entire weekend free got to spend a lot of time with Jonathan and Claire Kramer and a bit of time with James Leary. Jonathan is involved with doing a documentary on conventions with a friend of his and interviewed quite a few people on the weekend.






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