My Top 20 Firefly Quotes

UPDATED: Thursday, July 24, 2014 07:02
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014 1:04 AM


No matter who it is, you can't stop the signal. Not even with a sword.

'Kay, it's no secret...I love Firefly. One of my favorites, if not my favorite, television shows of all time. And one of the reasons it's so is 'cause it's got more witty dialouge than a classic, comedic...comedian, packed to the rim with laughable laughs and quotable quotes that make a Joss Whedon show. So I have attempted to do what n'others (save for half the Browncoats on the internet) have ever attempted before! Here are my top 20 Firefly quotes, each'th a reason, and an origin. Enjoy!

20) "I'll be in my bunk."
Origin: Jayne, War Stories
Probably the most quotable quote of all, used hilariously by Jayne whenever he sees Inara and her female client. It's incredibly funny, but there are so many amazing Firefly quotes it just reaches the bottom of the list.

19) "I must say, lady. You're my kinda stupid."
Origin: Mal, Heart of Gold
The first hint of an attraction between Mal and Nandi that eventually makes Inara leave Serenity. Mal's utter sincerity played gorgeously by Nathan Fillion bumps it up quite a notch.

18) "But...psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction." "You live in a spaceship, dear."
Origin: Wash & Zoe, Objects in Space
Though i'm not usually into meta stuff (dunno why), it's Wash, so it has to be brilliant. It basically explains why psychic is allowed in this universe...because the future is always gonna be science-fictiony. That's how it works.

17) "Here lies my beloved Zoe, my autumn flower. Somewhat less attractive now that she's all corpsified and gross."
Origin: Wash, Shindig
However, I am a fan of both black humor and friendly banter. "Shindig" is an episode full of classic lines, and it's just further proof to why Wash and Zoe are the best couple in television history. Why, Serenity? WHY?

16) "Also? I can kill you with my brain."
Origin: River, Trash
In a nutshell?: Jayne gets owned. Seriously owned, and after Ariel, it's really fun to watch. First, his ego is trampled by Simon's incredibly kind reaction, and then his fear is heavily brought up by this classic.

15) "Well, my days of not taking you seriously are coming to a middle."
Origin: Mal, Our Mrs. Reynolds
A highly regarded quote from my favorite comedy episode, Firefly is known for twisting cliches and making them into something much more enjoyable. This turns an overused quote into something that'll have all viewers chuckling.

14) "I've been in a firefight before. Actually, i've been in a fire. Actually I was fired, from a fry cook opportunity."
Origin: Wash, War Stories
This quote just embodies, if one sees the rest of the episode, how much development Wash recieves in War Stories. He goes from knowing nothing about fighting to leading a full-on attack on Niska! Bastard didn't get days.

13) "Couldn't buy an invite with a diamond the size of a testicle, but I got my 'ands on a couple." *sniggering* "Of invites!"
Origin: Badger, Mal, and Jayne, Shindig
Hey, even if you're a war-hardened captain of a ship who shoots first, takes money later, you can still be childish. And Mark Sheppard is fun to watch, no matter what he says.

12) "You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go and beat you with 'til you understand who's in ruttin' command here!"
Origin: Jayne, The Train Job
I don't know what it is about this line. It's not particularly well-written (well, in Firefly standards), it's just that Adam Baldwin is so funny at the hapless Jayne this line just makes me burst out laughing every time. *wipes eye*

11) "Mercy is the mark of a great man." *stabs* "Guess i'm just a good one." *stabs* "Well, i'm alright."
Origin: Mal, Shindig
In comparison, Mal is a much better man than Atherton. He cares about others than himself, and Atherton is such a low-down, dirty jerk that seeing him get a taste of his own sword is a pleasure on any viewing.

Now we arrive at the top ten!

10) "Oh my god, it's grotesque! And oh look, there's something in a jar."
Origin: Wash, The Message
My second favorite Wash line ever. This one doesn't get much love, but I love it all the same. As if to add insult to injury, Wash uses his amazing sense of humor to pulvarize Simon's attempts to woo Kaylee right next to a cow fetus.

9) "No, this must be what going mad feels like."
Origin: Simon, Jaynestown
Poor Simon. Jayne, the trained ape without the training that wrecked his lab. That raided his room. He gets a town to love him, Simon gets a hamster. The poor guy must be literally mortified.

8) The entire "Fruity Oaty Bar" commercial
Origin: TV Screen #1, Big Damn Movie
Even better than the Mr. Sparkle it took inspiration from. Just the weirdest, most unbelievable thing to ever feature a herd of cows, an octopus, and a Japanese man, and so much fun to watch, especially in that gritty bar!

7) "Ain't no power in the 'verse can stop me."
Origin: River, War Stories
So damn powerful. River must be so happy, thinking she saved Kaylee and did good, whilst the poor mechanic is terrified. She has little to no idea what River can truly be...

6) "We have done the impossible. And that makes us mighty."
Origin: Mal, Serenity
This one makes me cry every time I say it. Mal lost everything. God, his soldiers & friends, his dreams...and this is made better by it's basic embodyment as one of Firefly's best quotes. It truly is. *wipes eye again*

5) "We're still flyin'." "That's not much." "It's enough."
Origin: Mal & Simon, Serenity
If the theme song ("You can't take the sky from me.") isn't Mal in a nutshell, this is. Back before Mal was "jolly," he seriously stares out into space and basically says the line that cements what Firefly is.

4) The whole dino scene
Origin: Wash, Serenity
If ^ that explains Mal, this explains Wash. Our wonderful Wash spends his break by playing with dinosaurs. It makes you love him from first sight. Hell, it's so character-important they keep 'em in the cockpit after he dies.

3) "What does that make us?" "Big damn heroes, sir!" "Ain't we just."
Origin: Mal & Zoe, Safe
The best scene in the episode has the crew of Serenity return to the planet to save Simon & River from becoming brothered toast, complimenting themselves as they do it. And what's wrong with that, dammit?!

2) "If you take sexual advantage of her, you will burn in a very special level of hell. The kind they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater."
Origin: Book, Our Mrs. Reynolds
The guys around me are looking at me like i'm insane, i'm chuckling as I write this! This quote is so funny, if you're not laughing your head off the first time you hear this you have the sense of humor of a dead Reaver."

1) "From here on out no more runnin', I aim to misbehave."
Origin: Mal, Big Damn Movie
This is it. Mal is finished. The Alliance killed millions on a planet and created the Reavers?! No more playin', here comes the Serenity! (It's just Serenity). I just love this so much...*bursts into tears*

Well, *sniff*, there you have it. My top 20 Firefly quotes, from the best TV show eva! Cancelled by the biggest bastards running TV eva! I wouldn't've thought I coulda done this, but I have...I have done the impossible, and this makes me mighty. How about you? What're your favorite Firefly quotes?

Honorable Mentions (No order):
01) "Shiny!" (Lotta chars, lotta eps)
02) "You can't stop the signal, Mal." (Mr. Universe, Big Damn Movie)
03) "Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion." "Because i'm pretty?" "Because you're pretty." (Wash & Kaylee, Heart of Gold)
04) "Somebody cover my wife!" "Every time you ain't lookin'." "He's dampening my team spirit!" (Wash & Jayne, Bushwhacked: original script)
05) "Not as deceivin' as a low-down, dirty...deciever." "Well said, wasn't that well said, Zoe?" "Had a kinda poetry to it, sir." (Jayne, Mal, and Zoe, Out of Gas)
06) "Do you know why God won't let us die? Because we're so very pretty." (Mal, Serenity)
07) "Just gonna check you ain't got guns hidin' anywhere...else." "You missed a spot." "Can't miss somewhere you never been." (Mal & Saffron, Trash)
08) "May I...wash your feet?" *dry look: walks off* (Saffron & Mal, Our Mrs. Reynolds)
09) "What'd y'all order a dead guy for?" (Jayne, The Message)
10) "What're we gonna do, clone him?" (Jayne, War Stories)
11) "Wait, she's a witch?" "Yes, Jayne. She's in congress with the beast." "She's in congress?!" "How did your brain even learn human speech?" (Jayne & Wash, Objects in Space)
12) "Man walks down the street wearin' that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything." "Damn straight." (Wash & Jayne, The Message)
13) *Piece of Serenity falls off as it leaves atmo* "What the hell was that?!" (Mal, Big Damn Movie)
14) "If anyone gets noisy...y'know, shoot 'em." "Shoot 'em?" "Politely." (Mal & Zoe, Serenity)
15) "We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a response from either patient." (Jayne, Ariel)
16) "Everyone go back inside or we will blow a new crater in this little moon." (Wash, The Train Job)
17) "Take me sir, take me hard." "Now somethin' about that's just downright unsettling." (Zoe & Jayne, War Stories)
18) "Shoot me if they take me!" *Mal pulls out gun and points it at Jayne* "Wha...? Don't shoot me first!" (Jayne & Mal, Big Damn Movie)
19) "Yep, that went well." (Naked Mal, Trash)
20) "Well, my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood." (Simon, Objects in Space)

Top Five Outtake Quotes (No order):
Points for anyone who recognizes these out of the blue:
01) "We have to...shit!" "There's a bathroom down the hall." (Gina & Nathan, Serenity Gag Reel)
02) "Yes I don't wear underwear...Uh, I mean..." *pulls dramatic face* (Nathan, Firefly Gag Reel)
03) "Dammit, Mal....I forgot mah line." (Adam, Firefly Gag Reel)
04) "Kaylee, find that kid's takin' a dirt nap with baby Jesus, we need a hood ornament. Jayne, try not to take too much of their shit!" (Nathan, Serenity Gag Reel)
05) "You wanna fly? F*ckin' fly!" *Nathan grabs the controls and pretends to fly whilst still standing up* (Alan & Nathan, Serenity Gag Reel)

As you can see, I have a hard time not listing all of them. There're 'bout a few hundred more I could list, but...



Wednesday, July 23, 2014 9:50 AM


"I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."

Would have put it in the top 5 or so.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 2:04 PM


Wow ... one whole day on FFF and already an expert. Amazing!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 2:50 PM


No matter who it is, you can't stop the signal. Not even with a sword.


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Wow ... one whole day on FFF and already an expert. Amazing!

Well, i've been a Firefly fan for a lot, lot longer...Thanks!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:59 PM


#3 of the OP.
"Well now, that has an effect on the landscape" Mal, BDP Serenity.
"My Turn" River, BDM Serenity. I don't think I ever would have fully understood this no matter how many times I saw the film, until I saw Firefly for the background.
"Didn't she shoot you?" Everybody, BDP Serenity
"Wasn't no choice to make" Mal, to Sheriff, The Train Job.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 5:57 PM


No matter who it is, you can't stop the signal. Not even with a sword.

"Hoban Washburne Memorial Fund: Coins and Dinosaur toys accepted."
"Hoban Washburne Memorial Fund: Don't stay on the ground. Be a leaf on the wind."
"Hoban Washburne Memorial Fund: We'll always love him, no matter how corpsified and gross."
"Hoban Washburne Memorial Fund: If you don't donate, you are a jackass."


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 6:22 PM



Originally posted by LEAVESONTHEWINDMUSIC:
Perfect timing on these quotes! We'll be busking our Firefly songs down outside Comic Con this weekend and I was hoping to make up a couple of protest-type signs with fun Firefly quotes or references on them.
These will give me a great starting point, thanks for sharing!

If anyone has more suggestions, I'd definitely love to hear them! (Also looking for clever phrases for the tip jar - I'm thinking of "Hoban Washburne Memorial Fund" but it's just a little too depressing!)

"You could just pray for him, and not tell him. I always do" Inara, to Book, The Train Job
"Yep, definitely my sister" Simon, to River.
"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?" Wash, on Jayne, The Train Job.
"Mal. Don't tell them what I done." Jayne, Ariel
"I was hoping to get an ear" Jayne, BDP Serenity.
"Those doctors are killing him" River, to Simon, Ariel.
"OH, Grandpa..." Kaylee, seeing a strawberry, BDP Serenity. (Could have an image of a strawberry, unbelievably red)
"Always a fuss" Mal, BDP Serenity, regarding being shot by Patience.
"Lessee. Nothing, times nothing, equals..." Jayne, BDP Serenity.
"At least somebody's making an honest living" Mal, fades to Inara... BDP Serenity.
"What?" Jayne, suited up as superspacecowboy, War Stories.
"Oh, Hey. Wife soup." Jayne, War Stories.
"Oh, yeah, we should check on them. Somebody might need help." Jayne, Bushwhacked.
"I bunk with that one." Jayne, Out of Gas.
"She is a witch" The Patron, Safe.
"It's the engine, makes her hot." Bester, Out of Gas.
"See? It's right where I'm pointing." Kaylee, to Bester and Mal, Out of Gas.
"Every time, right in the middle of a heist, gotta call my name" Mal, on Lilac in BDM Serenity.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 6:43 PM


Yeah that was good. Not sure what my favorite is but you didem justice.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:07 PM


No matter who it is, you can't stop the signal. Not even with a sword.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by LEAVESONTHEWINDMUSIC:
Perfect timing on these quotes! We'll be busking our Firefly songs down outside Comic Con this weekend and I was hoping to make up a couple of protest-type signs with fun Firefly quotes or references on them.
These will give me a great starting point, thanks for sharing!

If anyone has more suggestions, I'd definitely love to hear them! (Also looking for clever phrases for the tip jar - I'm thinking of "Hoban Washburne Memorial Fund" but it's just a little too depressing!)

"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?" Wash, on Jayne, The Train Job.
"Mal. Don't tell them what I done." Jayne, Ariel
"OH, Grandpa..." Kaylee, seeing a strawberry, BDP Serenity. (Could have an image of a strawberry, unbelievably red)
"Lessee. Nothing, times nothing, equals..." Jayne, BDP Serenity.
"Every time, right in the middle of a heist, gotta call my name" Mal, on Lilac in BDM Serenity.

These are some great ones!


Thursday, July 24, 2014 7:02 AM


America loves a winner!

" Ain't no way they're gonna find that compartment "
" Why not ? "

" 'cause ? "






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