Firefly is most like.....

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Thursday, July 23, 2009 8:21 PM


Comments in another thread made me wonder this.
What other shows, films, stories does Firefly remind you of?

Specific characters?

Because Firefly is the base material, and Serenity is the derivative, please specify if you are relating to Serenity BDM.

Others said Gunsmoke with Star Wars.

I have not seen Space Cases, but have heard there is similarity.

I don't see Angel or Buffy in it. Perhaps some Aeon Flux or Resident Evil. BJ and the Bear. The Fugutive (series) or Incredible Hulk. I have not solidified a frame of reference here. A touch of Star Trek: Voyager. I never saw much of the original Buck Rogers, but Lost in Space may have had similar feel.
I wonder if the series is framed on the Clint Eastwood anthology - each episode loosely based on a different film.

What say you?


Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:50 PM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

Firefly is like nothing else but Firefly, JMHO. If it was like something else I wouldn't like it, its different than any other science fiction.

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:59 PM



Originally posted by fillygirl:
Firefly is like nothing else but Firefly, JMHO. If it was like something else I wouldn't like it, its different than any other science fiction.

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal

It is very unique, I agree and love that. But does it not remind you of anything? No sense of similarity?


Thursday, July 23, 2009 11:17 PM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

No, not really, what have you got in mind?

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Friday, July 24, 2009 4:41 AM


Firefly is what Star Wars grows up to be. "Here's how it might have been..."


Friday, July 24, 2009 5:02 AM


Firefly is unique and that's what makes it so special.


Friday, July 24, 2009 5:06 AM


Someone once told me that Firefly is like Cowboy Bebop. I haven't seen it yet, but Cowboy Bebop is sitting on my tv stand waiting for me. We'll see if that comparison holds after I watch it.


Serenifly Costumes


Friday, July 24, 2009 7:18 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Comments in another thread made me wonder this.
What other shows, films, stories does Firefly remind you of?

Specific characters?

Because Firefly is the base material, and Serenity is the derivative, please specify if you are relating to Serenity BDM.

Others said Gunsmoke with Star Wars.

I have not seen Space Cases, but have heard there is similarity.

I don't see Angel or Buffy in it. Perhaps some Aeon Flux or Resident Evil. BJ and the Bear. The Fugutive (series) or Incredible Hulk. I have not solidified a frame of reference here. A touch of Star Trek: Voyager. I never saw much of the original Buck Rogers, but Lost in Space may have had similar feel.
I wonder if the series is framed on the Clint Eastwood anthology - each episode loosely based on a different film.

What say you?

Have to agree with everyone else here, I like Firefly because it is unique.

There is no other show that comes close.

It's the interaction between the characters, there each different yet the mix is just wondeful. The choice of actors is just uncanny, how many people watch other shows just because one of the BDH's is in the cast.

I have shown Firefly to many people and all apart from one( my dad although he is comming round )liked it. Even my better half watched it, she saw it before I did and told me that I would like it. She hates Science fiction, but will honestly sit and watch it when I have a Firefly moment, OK weekend.

My son took a boxset to the gulf when he was there a couple of years ago, he says they wore the discs out during the eight month period. I asked him if it was the sand, he says sand don't go in a DVD player ;-)

It's just brilliant.

Why have they taken the sky from ME


Friday, July 24, 2009 7:28 AM


Firefly is indeed unique in the history of television. Whether it was the dialogue and/or strong character development, or even the terrific stories, it will always be exceptionally special to me.

That said, there was once a show in my life that had many of the qualities and attributes that Firefly had......

It had characters that I could relate to, people I cared about. Over the years after many viewings, they even started to feel like family to me 'cause I knew them all so well.

It had a central theme of survival. Most of the action was about continuing their life, and even trying to find some fun occasionally despite the serious situation they were in to survive.

In their travels they had to meet and work with other people, some honest, and some deadly unscrupulous.

It had some of the best-looking females of the day, perhaps ever on a tv show.

It was a show that had drama and comedy. It had some great episodic stories to tell.

It too was cancelled in less than one season, just as it was really hitting its' stride.

I loved that show & still do.

That show was Battlestar Galactica, 1978-1979.

I had the great fortune of meeting most of the cast this year at Orlando's Megacon. I was like a kid all over again.


Friday, July 24, 2009 12:09 PM


Firefly is like a wreath of pretty flowers...that smell cancelled.


Still...what would Rorschach do?


Friday, July 24, 2009 1:54 PM


You cut us deep there, you cut us real deep.

*sort of joking*


Friday, July 24, 2009 2:27 PM


i'd say that firefly, while not exactly like it, is most similar to Blake's 7.


Friday, July 24, 2009 2:39 PM


I still remember watching my first-ever episode of firefly (The Train Job), thinking, this doesn't bode well, the Captain appears to be Caleb...then Harris from Barney Miller showed up and started telling the Captain (ok, not Caleb) all the good things he'd done, and my heart leaped! I had found Casablanca in space! Cowboy Casablanca in Space! The scene between Mal and Book on the stairs, when Book praises Mal for sheltering the Tams, is so like the several supporting (expository) characters in Casablanca, going up to Rick Blaine and telling him "You fought on the Loyalist side in Spain. You ran guns to Ethiopia," and so on. I love the noir-ness of it, how Mal (like Rick) can never go home, how he "sticks his neck out for nobody," except when he does. Rick - the cynical former idealist drawn back into the fight against people who thought they knew, for all humanity, better. The outrageously beautiful woman, it's a secret why she's here, who makes eyes at our hero...That's Mal.

Not to mention Han Solo :)


Friday, July 24, 2009 2:54 PM



Originally posted by violyns:
Someone once told me that Firefly is like Cowboy Bebop. I haven't seen it yet, but Cowboy Bebop is sitting on my tv stand waiting for me. We'll see if that comparison holds after I watch it.


Serenifly Costumes

Cowboy Bebop is okay, but it sure as the hell aint Firefly by any stretch of the imagination. Although Fay kind of makes me think of Our Mrs Reynolds...

Good music by the Seatbelts in Cowboy Bebop though, is worth hearing....

Day late an'a dollar short...Story of my ruttin' life!


Friday, July 24, 2009 3:12 PM


I see some similarity in Farscape. Both crews are going against authority. I also notice that Mal's and John's plans often go amiss. Take the instance where Mal is tied up in Liska's space station and compare it to John drooling on the floor of a secret Peacekeeper Base prison cell. Also note they were not locked up alone. Mal was with Wash. "Shut up", was Mal's choice of words for Wash. John was locked up with Stark. If you have watched Farscape you will know that was not much comfort, especially after sitting in the brain sucking chair. Did I mention they were both tortured in these episodes.

Both shows had humor. Rygel farting helium and Jayne opening his mouth. Fans of both these shows have asked why these two characters weren't flushed out the airlock. There may be a good argument for it, but both actually became important at times. Rygel was a good diplomat "conman" and Jayne could shoot a bad guy even when drugged and also lift heavy objects.


Friday, July 24, 2009 9:17 PM


In thinking about the BDM, and the series overall, I do get the impression that the great Casablanca may have inspired Joss in both style and execution.
Most specifically in the BDM. So good call, G-Rose, good call.

As I was sitting here trying to think of what the series reminded me of in my short time on this earth, I'm compelled to think of what someone else posted earlier regarding Star Wars (especially episodes 4,5,6) that Firefly was what amounts to a very grown-up and sophisticated (much more complex version of the Star Wars saga). I truly believe that Mal could have been Han Solo's son. Clint Eastwood in the Outlaw Josie Wales comes to mind as well.

But back to the BDM and Casablanca (one of my all-time favs). All the elements are there: characters, plot, story, humor, love, beautiful women, lost love, betrayal, Alliance, patriotism, smuggling, Strausser, Operative, secrets, resistance, heroism, some table-turning, and new friendships. Here's looking at you, kid!

The more I think of it, and the more I watch the BDM, the more I'm convinced that Firefly/Serenity was Joss' masterstroke, Buffy notwithstanding. We know Inara was looking to leave, from OiS, and we find Mal viewing a recording of her in his bunk. Later she returns, after the crew watches their awkward 'wave' - you almost half expect him to say "Of all the spaceships in all the Verse, in all the worlds, she walks into to mine."

I could see it, GillianRose, I could see it.




Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:14 PM


I want to say that Firefly in some regards reminds me a bit of “Ice Pirates” (imho) . Just along the lines of not taking itself too serious sometimes. I know Robert U. had no where near Mal’s charisma, but I thought the show was cute and funny and opened new ground. It just treated the idea of living in space as a mundane thing. You didn’t have to belong to any big Starship group of folk or rebel army out to defeat the evil robot clans. The people of Ice Pirates, as I remember were there just trying to hobble along and scratch out a living in the verse.



Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:52 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
You cut us deep there, you cut us real deep.

*sort of joking*

I appreciate that, ByteMite. I was totally joking, but that's not abundantly clear from my post...which is a paraphrase (and a sloppy paraphrase, at that) of a line delivered by Spock in the delightful Star Trek: TOS ep, "I, Mudd."

Spock: Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers...that smell bad.

I was trying to cash in on the simile/metaphor aspect of the thing.

On a more responsive note, Firefly doesn't really remind me of much of anything in particular. There are sundry small details that put me in mind of this and that, but as several here have already said, taken as a whole it's pretty darn special.

A veritable Peter Pumpkinhead of a TV show...


Still...what would Rorschach do?


Saturday, July 25, 2009 2:20 PM


Oh, it's just the pain of there not being any more (right now). I'll get over it. :) I know you were joking.


Saturday, July 25, 2009 4:34 PM



Originally posted by WASHnwear:

Originally posted by Bytemite:
You cut us deep there, you cut us real deep.

*sort of joking*

I appreciate that, ByteMite. I was totally joking, but that's not abundantly clear from my post...which is a paraphrase (and a sloppy paraphrase, at that) of a line delivered by Spock in the delightful Star Trek: TOS ep, "I, Mudd."

Spock: Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers...that smell bad.

I was trying to cash in on the simile/metaphor aspect of the thing.

A pat on the back for me-- I got that one, right off; said to myself, "Self, somebody here is an Old Star Trek fan..."

Beyond that, GillianRose is onto something. In everything I've read or seen, I've never caught anybody comparing Firefly to Casablanca, or Mal to Rick Blaine. And yet , that is a pretty good comparison. "I stick my neck out for nobody," is exactly something Mal would say, even while he was doing it, as Rick did. And, "May have been the losing side, still ain't sure it was the wrong side," is exactly what Rick Blaine would have said about supporting Spain and Ethiopia.

Excellent call, girl...


Saturday, July 25, 2009 7:54 PM


I think what makes Firefly so unique apart from the charecterisation, stories etc is the genuine attachment everyone who worked on it had to each other. How many work places do you see where everyone connects and gets along at such a wonderful level? a true community. so rare and so crave worthy and it worked well with the show's premise.


Sunday, July 26, 2009 2:07 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Comments in another thread made me wonder this.
What other shows, films, stories does Firefly remind you of?

Someone has already mentioned Blake's 7 - allow me to bump it. Blake's 7 really is the original "Robin Hood in Space/Anti-Star Trek" show to which Farscape, Andromeda, Babylon 5 etc. all owe homage.

OK, so British low-budget 80s SF is a bit like marmite (you have to grow up with it to be able to stomach it) but...

We have:

Small band of misfits vs. Big Bad Government: although B7 had a full-blown Evil Empire(tm) whereas one of the interesting aspects of Firefly was that the Alliance was really no worse than certain real-world democratic governments (so, pretty bad then!)

Our heroes are criminals: OK, so Blake was innocent, and ISTR that Jenna's "crime" was declining to have sex with her commanding officer, but the rest of the gang were bone-fide bad guys.

Shoot the puppy: Avon, the real "hero" of the piece was a complete bastard. Plus, that ending...

Crazy psychic woman: River, meet Cally.

Mutual depreciation society: no Voyager-style group hugs and affirmation here. Avon would have had a field day with Jayne.

Just hope Firefly wasn't heading for the same ending as B7


I don't see Angel or Buffy in it.

Not in the plot, maybe, but I see a lot of similarity in the dark humour and dry, witty dialogue. You'd think they were written by the same people


A touch of Star Trek: Voyager.

Only in some freakish parallel universe where the Voyager writers didn't suddenly forget that half the crew were meant to be terrorists.


Sunday, July 26, 2009 10:51 PM


Ah yes, Ice Pirates. That has a familiar feel to it.

Also looks like I should review Casablanca as well.
I usually enjoy his Maltese Falcon more.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009 7:24 AM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:
A pat on the back for me-- I got that one, right off; said to myself, "Self, somebody here is an Old Star Trek fan..."

"Waiter - more pats for my friend, Self, here...!" It's nice to be got. When you want to be got, that is.

I need to see Casablanca again. Saw it a couple of times under semi-duress, and have since had the nagging feeling that I need to see it again. From what I can remember of Rick's character, he and Mal do seem to have been cut from some of the same cloth.


Still...what would Rorschach do?


Tuesday, July 28, 2009 8:05 AM


I'd be so interested to hear what you think after rewatching Casablanca. It's not a perfect fit, but there is a lot there that resonates for me. Rick's use of humor and deflection to mess with his adversaries "Nationality?" "I'm a drunkard," and the bit about coming to Casablanca for the waters (he was misinformed)...anyway, please post (JSF too please!) and let me know your thoughts!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009 8:28 AM


Firefly is like a sampler box of chocolates that you get as a gift. Some of the chocolates are delicious some are just good. When you get to the end you really wish you had more but to get more you have to go out and buy some. Then, when you crack open the new box it's the same chocolates as last time but they taste just as good. Of course, the polite thing to do would be to share your chocolate with anyone who would like some.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009 9:11 AM



Originally posted by GillianRose:
I'd be so interested to hear what you think after rewatching Casablanca. It's not a perfect fit, but there is a lot there that resonates for me. Rick's use of humor and deflection to mess with his adversaries "Nationality?" "I'm a drunkard," and the bit about coming to Casablanca for the waters (he was misinformed)...anyway, please post (JSF too please!) and let me know your thoughts!

Today's payday, so in the next 24-72 hours I'll be looking to acquire a copy of Watchmen. I'll see if they got any Casablanca on the shelves while I'm at it.

Thinking about Rick (and Bogie), the recent Dos Equis commercials with their "Most Interesting Man in the World" came to mind...

Malcolm Reynolds: Most Psychotic Man in the 'Verse He once told an attending physician that his patient had died...just to watch him freak.


Still...what would Rorschach do?


Tuesday, July 28, 2009 9:22 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:

What other shows, films, stories does Firefly remind you of?

This is a bit backwards from your question - this is a show that reminds me of Firefly. But anyway...

Star Hunter

"Starhunter has sometimes been compared with Joss Whedon’s Firefly and there are some similarities. Both series are set in a future where humans have colonized other planets and society is governed by an untrustworthy government. Moreover, in each universe the government is involved in secret experiments on human beings. Unlike the principal characters in Firefly, though, those in Starhunter work within the law.

Nevertheless, like Malcolm Reynold’s crew, they sometimes find that their interests are in conflict with the authorities. Further complicating the lives of the Tulip’s crew are the Raiders, Starhunter’s equivalent of Firefly’s ravenous Reavers. Fortunately, perhaps, the Raiders are just interplanetary pirates and have no cannibalistic tendencies. Another difference between the shows is that there is evidence of extraterrestrials in Starhunter, something absent from Firefly."

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - Now available on your iPhone


Tuesday, October 7, 2014 5:28 PM


I've been watching the series Continuum, on 2nd season. I am reminded of Firefly often in the feel , fabric of the scriopts.






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