Firefly fan questions

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 08:27
VIEWED: 4014
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Monday, November 17, 2014 3:01 AM


I am doing an anthropology project on the Firefly subculture and it would be awesome if anyone would be willing to answer some questions about the Browncoat subculture.

The questions are:
1. What does it mean, to you, to be a Browncoat?
2. Why did you become one?
3. What do you find unique about the Firefly community compared to many other fan communities out there?
4. Has your life been impacted in a positive way since becoming a Browncoat?
5. What drew you to the show and what do you think draws others?
6. Why do you think the following for Firefly is so strong and why do you think this is?
7. Would you view the community as a "family" and do you think this is different in other subcultures?
8. What is something unique in this community you won't find anywhere else?

Thanks a lot!


Monday, November 17, 2014 7:13 PM



Originally posted by GOLDBADGER65:
I am doing an anthropology project on the Firefly subculture and it would be awesome if anyone would be willing to answer some questions about the Browncoat subculture.

The questions are:
1. What does it mean, to you, to be a Browncoat?
2. Why did you become one?
3. What do you find unique about the Firefly community compared to many other fan communities out there?
4. Has your life been impacted in a positive way since becoming a Browncoat?
5. What drew you to the show and what do you think draws others?
6. Why do you think the following for Firefly is so strong and why do you think this is?
7. Would you view the community as a "family" and do you think this is different in other subcultures?
8. What is something unique in this community you won't find anywhere else?

Thanks a lot!

1. To be on the right side of right/wrong, believe in freedom, decry subjugation.
2. Heartwarming yet complex characters, script, championing the underdog's struggle. That spoke to me.
3. Don't know about many other fan communities. My favorite music performer was Western, so fairly laid back, other than Garth Brooks being his number 1 fan. FireflyFans have a more enduring online presence than most, thanks to HAKEN.
4. I smile more. Maybe tear more, at times. Learned to really enjoy Craig Ferguson.
5. Drawn by Jewel Staite in the cast listing. After first viewing of the second half of "Ariel" I needed to learn more. The heartening yet unorthodox script and characters are a draw, but others also are drawn by Joss Whedon, Adam Baldwin, and the best of sci-fi in general. Some might be drawn to see the Emmy Award Winner for Special Effects(Pilot Serenity).
6. It had everything (meaning every component and facet of entertainment - humor, excitement, drama, adventure, sexual tension, full suspension of disbelief), was sabotaged from the start on all fronts except the fans, fought valiantly, perished too early, yet rose from the funeral Fire for Serenity.
7. Yes. More so than in other subcultures, but not the only one. I would more likely defend a fellow Browncoat or Galaxy Quest fan than any other fanbot of Sci-Fi.
8. Sci-Fi fans who actually think, consider possibilities, enjoy storytelling over flashy gimmicks or latex.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014 7:27 PM


1 response.


Saturday, November 22, 2014 4:08 PM


Does noboby want to answer at least one of the questions?


Sunday, November 23, 2014 5:51 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by GOLDBADGER65:
1. What does it mean, to you, to be a Browncoat?

I dont consider myself to be worthy uv the title. I'm just a fan.

2. Why did you become one?
Just kuz the show iz excellent on every level.

3. What do you find unique about the Firefly community compared to many other fan communities out there?
The level uv dedication.

4. Has your life been impacted in a positive way since becoming a Browncoat?
Yes. Anything that inspirez me iz pozitive.

5. What drew you to the show and what do you think draws others?
Persistens. I missed its orijinal airing and the movie. But I kept hearing about it over the yirz and finally got around to renting the DVD.
It made a mark on our culture way out uv proportion with its 'size'. Star Warz, for example haz a huje prezens, but it alwayz had serious promotional backing. Lesser showz, even if they stay on the air for many seazonz, fade away soon after they are canseled.

6. Why do you think the following for Firefly is so strong and why do you think this is?

I think peepl identify with the feeling uv being on their own - that the system iz not on their side. You will find a ruffly even mix uv so called 'conservativez' and 'liberalz' here; az foolish az this manufactured division iz, peepl on both sidez are feeling desperate to sum degree due mainly to the financial system working only for the rich. We hav ample evidens that the goverment and big bizness iz our enemy. The zietgiest or milieu or wutevr you call it iz the same in the Firefly universe.

7. Would you view the community as a "family" and do you think this is different in other subcultures?

Yes. I think its more intens than in other fan basez.

8. What is something unique in this community you won't find anywhere else?

Aside frum the show itself, I think you can find the same elements in other fan basez, so nothing besidez the level uv dedication. Plenty uv rabid trekkyz, Jediz, etc.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, November 25, 2014 1:06 AM


Thanks for the responses guys, I really appreciate it! I finished up my project with your input, so again thanks for the help.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014 8:27 AM


rezident owtsidr

youre welkum

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early






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