Omigod! It's Sean! It's Sean!! It's SEAN!!!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 18:15
VIEWED: 7241
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Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:56 PM


Not sure where this topic goes, x-posting it from the OB thread

So, me and Po1s just went to see Living till the End at the Hampton International Film Festival, Sean Maher's indy movie. Excellent movie. Hi-sterical, moving, painful, with a couple of killer blows at the end, awesome. And of course, Sean was excellent in it, as should be expected. And so was Jaime, very fine actress.

Not as fine as . . .

anyhoo, we got to East Hampton VERY early and wandered up and down every street with pretty twinkly lights and expensive shops, found a park where I realized that adults should only use the flat swings, not the rubber flexible ones, since they squish the azz. Ouch.

Done with wandering, an hour to go, we sat on a bench right outside the theatre. And then I thought I saw someone. I smacked Po1s' hand and silently motioned as I sqeaked out almost inaudibly "Sean?". Was it him? We didn't know. He was already down the block and across the street, leaving us to wonder, and me to realize that although my t-shirt says "I am *not* a fangirl", this is most certainly not true. My heart had most unquestionable skipped a beat. But that might have been the chai latte...

So we pondered, and questioned, and I stared incessantly down the dark and twinkly street, waiting for a certain someone to walk back this way, as surely he must for his movie, if it was in fact *him*.

Then came our turn to stand outside in the cold and wait to be ushered in, with much more staring and distraction. Second guessing myself that maybe he'd come round the other way. And getting grumpy that my nose was getting red with the cold, but the gods (and staff) took pity and let us wait inside.

No Sean. Wah.

So first off we went to the bathroom, sure that as we did so, Sean would come and we had just missed him. But at least we would miss him together.

But what an excellent opportunity! Now inside the warmth of the theatre, I took off my vest and sweater to reveal my newly crafted t-shirt, just in case he showed up. I got four or five very snooty snickering looks. But why deny the fact that I am at a film festival at all? I'm here to see a movie because of an actor I like. Nyah :P

So we wait, and wait. I see the director, Amanda, I'm sure it's her, not sure why. Maybe there was a pic of her at the movies website.

And then, holy of all holy's, is that-- could it be-- maybe no-- Omigod--


Damn, he's so cute with that befuddled look on his face 'should I know you?'. Hopefully Po1s' recollection is clearer than mine. I think I introduced myself by name and us as Firefly fans, and Po1s might have introduced herself. I sure as hell didn't (get back b!tch, he's mine!!). He was wicked pleased to hear that we were fans of Firefly and then I was being handed a fabric marker and I asked him if he could give me an autograph. Unfortunately (*snaps fingers in regret very unconvincingly*) I had nothing to sign but my "not a fangirl" t-shirt (which screams the title of this thread on the back). So I tugged on the sleeve and suggested that, but he manuevered around to the back (and laughed when he saw what was written there) and asked how to spell my name (I think Cyby had a moment like this where it was Nathan or Adam waiting for her to say her name. This was me, expecting him to remember my name as he got ready to sign my t-shirt. Po1s had to prompt me :P)

So he begins signing, and signing, and he's writing the Declaration of Independence, and I realize that he's getting rather low on my back, he's at my waist, he's actually almost on his knees behind me, and he's tugging on my shirt to make it straighten out so that he can pretty much sign my backside.

It was wonderful.

He thought I was getting ticklish what with all the wrigglings of fabric marker and steadying fingers at my waist.

I was just having an Herbal Essence moment.

There was an 'O' face.

*blisses out*


Oh, yeah. And then he signs Po1s Blue Sun t-shirt but that's not interesting ;) except that it reminds me that when we introduced ourselves as FF fans, he mentioned that he thought he was seeing things when he saw the logo.

So Po1s asked what he wrote on her shirt, it was the Bill of Rights, I think. I told her it said "Dude".

Then the director yelled at Sean to get a move on, and I think we might have been introduced to her, and in the confusion of trying to decipher his writing on Po1s' back, he was gone inside the theatre. We might have been introduced to his co-star Jaime Somebody-or-Other, but I'm not sure :P

We finally got to go in as well, Sean was sitting in the back left row with the director Amanda and Jaime. I didn't stare, nope. And I resisted that big cheesy wave. I was cool.

And then we watched a movie in the same theatre as Sean!!!!!!!!

Excellent excellent movie. I had one beef with it, but it was minor, since Amanda explained the missing information, and if you're observant you can piece it together yourself.

There was time after the movie for questions to all three of them.

When it was finally my turn, I said "I have two questions for Sean, one is from a friend who couldn't be here, because, well, she lives in Canada [chuckles all around] What Shakespearean character would you play if you could?" Sean answered that he wasn't sure, Hamlet came to mind first, but he'd have to think about it, and that it was a good question. When he approached us after, he said that he'd like to do Richard III, but he'd have to wait many many years first :P

My second question came out more stalkerish than intended, it was my attempt to prompt him to pimp his *other* movie, but that brief look of discomfort and panic was kinda funny: "Where will you be April 2005"

Sean: Smile, "uh" ("how the hell do I politely tell her it's none of her business?") "I'm . . . not sure". To which Jaime smartly prompted
"I think she means Serenity". Amanda piped in at one point, before during or after, giving Sean permission and encouragement to take the opportunity to pimp his other work (she did the same for Jaime). So Sean hesitantly began explaining that Serenity was a movie he had just finished making, and Jaime cutely popped back in saying that it was from Josh ("Joss" Sean corrected) Whedon, the creator of Buffy and Angel and Firefly (to which a viewer later remarked that they had no idea who this Joss fellow was).

After the questions were over, Amanda, on walking back up the center aisle, stopped and asked if DietCoke was able to make it. Hear that Josie?!!! The director was asking for you!!

Then Sean stopped by, asked us where we were from, he recognized my town, apparently his mum lives nearby, and some other family. We talked a bit about the movie. He is very quiet and a little shy and sweet and I am so totally in love :P He was dressed so very very GQ that night. And he's so *tiny*! I'm 5'4, he musta been 5'8. But I suck at heights, so nevermind me. We talked some more, made fun of the guy that interrupted to say that he didn't get what happened at the end.

Then I said that I had to hit the road for a two hour drive back and a 6am wakeup call (It was 11pm). I shook his beautiful hand once more and said goodnight. We said goodnight to Jaime on our way out, and now I will be awake alllllllll night, shellacking my hand.

Cuz that Jaime is just so hot :P

It's funny, the first moment that I thought I saw Sean on the bench outside the theatre, and when I was getting my questions straight in my head before asking them, I got that red-faced panic-attack that I get before public speeches. Holy cow I was flustered! I have to get Po1s to confirm whether I was beat red talking to him that first time inside the theatre (which quickly went away once he started writing all over me).

Bad news: I didn't think to sneak my camera in, so I have no pictures of him. But I do have pics of our t-shirts with the sigs, so I'll go upload those.

Okay news: I do have pics of our t-shirts with the sigs, so I'll go upload those.

Great news: He, Jaime and Amanda will be there tomorrow night, for those who will be attending the 4:30 Friday show.

But first...



Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:06 PM


That's really neat there! :D I mean who wouldn't love an opportunity to hang out with Sean?

Also celebrity encounters are pretty cool, at least for me, because they teach me that celebrities are really just ordinary humans like the rest of us. That feeling is what attracted me to Firefly in the first place. Or maybe that was just Joss' filming techniques... O_o


Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:08 PM


Thanks for the shiny report!


Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:29 PM


*sounds of muffled sobbing*

*sniff* I'm okay, really. *sniff*


Friday, October 22, 2004 10:07 AM


ah shit, now it's too late, but I never asked if you could have made it to the one going on in a half hour . . .

here's me hoping that you are waiting in a line as I type this getting ready to go into the theatre . . .

Who else was going? Anybody?


Friday, October 22, 2004 10:36 AM


I'm curious as to why you left for the theater without your chloroform?


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Friday, October 22, 2004 10:36 AM


*Gasp !* Soooo jealous, that's amazing !!! HooOoray for you !!! :) :) :)

River: Is it time to go to sleep again?
Simon: No, mei-mei, it's time to wake up.


Friday, October 22, 2004 11:31 AM


Great report! So, what did he write on the backs of your two T-shirts anyway?

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Friday, October 22, 2004 3:05 PM


Oh, jealous, jealous, jealous, more jealous, wait..., nope, still jealous!

But very happy for you and thank you so much for that excellent, excellent report. It felt like I was right there with you!

Well, I can wish, can't I?


Friday, October 22, 2004 9:13 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:
I'm curious as to why you left for the theater without your chloroform?

I *knew* I forgot something (besides my black fabric marker and camera in the car)


Friday, October 22, 2004 9:20 PM



Originally posted by Shiny:
Great report! So, what did he write on the backs of your two T-shirts anyway?B]

If you follow the link at the top of the thread, it takes you to the thread at the OB, which has more of a report from Po1s who oh so helpfully filled in the blanks that have been caused by the adrenaline high I was on. There is a link there and here of the signed shirts.

As for what he wrote: "Thanks for all your support! All the best Sean Maher" on mine, and on Po1s' he wrote "What a wonderful surprise... Thanks for your support. Best Wishes Sean Maher"


Saturday, October 23, 2004 4:13 AM


WOW!!! That is just the best story!!! I wish so much I could have come with you guys but I had friends in town. Can't wait to see the tee-shirt and hear all about it!

Wear tee-shirt and bring stories if you're coming tonight!



Saturday, October 23, 2004 4:49 AM


Like I said, Amanda the director was looking out for you and a little disappointed you weren't coming.

In fact, *was* there anyone else supposed to go? I'm gonna feel really bad that I didn't risk stalker-girl image and exhaustion to go again on Friday if no other Browncoats showed up!

And sorry, can't go to the meet-up tonight (besides the fact that I was clueless on the matter), have lots of yardwork to do that I've been putting off the last three weeks.

Have fun!


Sunday, October 24, 2004 7:32 AM



Sami asked me to relay a message to you and RobnotRick. Something like, "Whichever one of them can promise me introductions to the actors in Firefly? That's who can adopt me."

Hahahaha. Kids these days.
You give 'em life; they're ready to run
off with whoever can introduce them to Sean...

I told her, shut up and go make a sock-monkey.
Ungrateful liddle guttersnipe. ;o)

Isn't Bush a Sort of Canned Beans?


Sunday, October 24, 2004 9:24 AM



If she thinks this jealous fangrrrrrrrl is going to introduce her to Sean, she is sorely mistaken! Go tell Rob that he'd better get on the in with Sean if he wants to adopt himself a cute highschooler :P

hee, hee, "go play with your sock monkey". It's kinda like "go play with your rain stick"

Poor Sami.


Sunday, October 24, 2004 11:18 AM



Originally posted by Tzegha:
Go tell Rob that he'd better get on the in with Sean if he wants to adopt himself a cute highschooler :P

Wow. Hero worship to adoption? That's a big leap! Not sure I'd be ready for a teenage daughter in 16 years from now, let alone now! (Sorry Sami!)

Howsoever, my plan to make *you* worship me through becoming Sean's new best friend is well underway!

Mine is an evil laugh!!!

(This message probably looks a little weird to those who don't also read the OB!)


Sunday, October 24, 2004 12:07 PM


>>(This message probably looks a little weird to those who don't also read the OB!)<<

we're just cross-posting fiends!


Monday, October 25, 2004 4:12 AM


Don't worry Rob. Noone gets this kid but me.
When she starts talkin' crazy like that, I tell her, go make a sock monkey. Go crochet a hat.

Which is not to say I wouldn't let you and your wife offer Samantha free room and board while she goes to college. Your wife says it's ok, yes? Hell, you can pitch in toward tuition!

(mind in overdrive again...)
Can I convince PA-Shindig alumns to establish PA Shindig Scholarhip fund for our college browncoats?
We could pool our monies! We could sponsor MoH and AnotherFireflyFan and Priscilla and Samantha... who else we got in college/ heading for college? I'm missing some...

Take me out to the black, I have had enough Iraq...


Monday, October 25, 2004 4:52 AM


Well, I'm in school right now. Donations gratefully accepted!


Monday, October 25, 2004 5:09 AM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:
Don't worry Rob. Noone gets this kid but me.
When she starts talkin' crazy like that, I tell her, go make a sock monkey. Go crochet a hat.

What? You don't encourage underwear crocheting?


(mind in overdrive again...)
Can I convince PA-Shindig alumns to establish PA Shindig Scholarhip fund for our college browncoats?
We could pool our monies! We could sponsor MoH and AnotherFireflyFan and Priscilla and Samantha... who else we got in college/ heading for college? I'm missing some...

That would have to be quite a DVD auction. (checks pockets and donates a paperclip, some lint and a empty gum wraper)


Monday, October 25, 2004 7:03 AM


On the topic of underwear crocheting...

True story: Samantha did crochet a pair of underwear at camp. I don't think she has ever worn them, however the cat thinks they are wonderful and he keeps taking them from the laundry and leaving them on the basement stair.

That's one more pair of crocheted pants
than a cat really needs. Ergo, no more crocheted pants in this house.


Monday, October 25, 2004 9:59 AM


*burbles incoherently*

You lucky, lucky wench.


Monday, October 25, 2004 4:48 PM


Priscellie, I think my husband might be a man-ape gone wrong after all. I read your post to him and he actually said,

"Wait. Isn't she his SISTER? She can't
have those kind of thoughts."

Hmm. I do believe that ol' Bob's been stringing his bonnet too tight. So, I patiently explained to him that you aren't REALLY River, and Sean isn't REALLY Simon..but dammit, Tzenga REALLY IS a lucky, lucky wench!! GROWLLLLL.

I also think I'll inform Bob that I'm putting Sean on the Marital Fidelity Exception List
(David Duchovny's being bumped -- he missed his chance )


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 5:39 AM


Hummmm....Marital Fidelity Exception List....hadn't thought of that before....evil woman, you are giving me wrong ideas!!!


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 5:50 AM


**puzzled expression**

Huh! I thought every husband and wife had a "special" list of Snowball-Chance-in-Hell people they're allowed to cheat with if they ever got the chance.

Like, Bob saw Salma Hayak (sp?) on TV last night and added her to HIS list. (Displacing Bob's boyhood crush, Raquel Welch - about damn time!)

What??? It's as American as Apple Pie!

P.S. I lied about taking David Duchovny off the list. I'll never take Duchovny off the list.
Sean Connery, though..well, I've talked to him, so he's real and can't be on my list anymore.
More of a revered, sexy grandpa to me now. Sigh.

Blue Sun: A Subsidiary of Halliburton?


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 5:59 AM


Fireflyfloozysuzie, this just opens up a whole new world for if Peirce Brosnan and I's okay?


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:54 AM


Of course, darling.
It's Brosnan, for cryin' out loud!!!


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 4:23 PM



Originally posted by RobNotRick:
Well, I'm in school right now. Donations gratefully accepted!

Sorry...can't. You have to suffer for your art like any other self respecting actor.


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:15 PM



add me to the jealous list.

omg, omg, omg.

you are some lucky girls!






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