"Serenity" pilot thoughts

UPDATED: Friday, December 27, 2002 15:01
VIEWED: 4194
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Friday, December 20, 2002 8:22 PM


Mmmmmkay, great stuff. This is more of what I'd like to see...a good mix of action, high tech, low tech, and space. The Reavers (though we didn't even see them) came across as convincingly chilly.

It's completely inconceivable that Fox didn't air this as the first episode. Idiots. I like this show more and more with each episode. I hope UPN (or someone) picks it up.


Friday, December 20, 2002 8:26 PM


I agree. This episode was great, perhaps the best. And it had so much action -- what else could Fox have asked for? I do remember watching the first episode of FASTLANE (the only episode I watched by the way), and it was so full of senseless action and violence and totally without a story. Obviously, that is what Fox wanted.


Friday, December 20, 2002 8:54 PM


We got screwed when they decided we were too brain-dead to handle this pilot. So much was lost since we knew what was to come. Like Mal telling Simon that Kaylee was dead. Joss is willing to kill people off right away so we could have been fooled. What about 'The Ambassador' references towards Inara? We already knew it was smartaleckyish. We could've guessed that Book had strawberries because that's Kaylee's thing.
The Chicago viewing party was great (Thanks again Jen!) and that helps to make up for being ticked at the numbskull who decided not to air this until now.

Long live Firefly!


Friday, December 20, 2002 9:13 PM


definitly one of the best nights of t.v. in a long time. kind of sad too, since, I knew that was pretty much it. however, I still hold out some hope that the show will continue on in some place and form... gorram fox.

till then Keep Flying.


Friday, December 20, 2002 9:56 PM


"Serenity" ruled! Even with the adjustments from the original edit.

The special effects seemed enhanced particularly the big scene with the Reaver ship at the end.

The opening scene depicting the Battle of Serenity's final moments seemed greatly expanded from what I remember seeing on the download version that was floating around awhile back. This is probably why the "Zoe explains the name of the ship to Dr. Tam" scene was cut. The info Zoe conveyed was demonstrated in the intro rather than explained later.

I'm sure the cut material will show up in the DVD release when that gets released (knock on wood).

Any word on tonight's ratings?



Friday, December 20, 2002 10:31 PM


Kaylee eating strawberries, Jayne getting pleasingly violent, Mal defending his people, Wash and his dinosaurs, people getting shot (even though it was Kaylee-- hey it made me freak out like I didn't already know she's in the whole rest of the dang eps), high-speed chases in air... this is why I own a tv. Just about the best two hours of television I've ever seen.

Watch, now that this ep went over well, Fox is gonna bounce back and go, "Oh, let's order more episodes-- yeah we stood behind this show since the beginning."



Saturday, December 21, 2002 12:03 AM


I sure woundn't want to run into Malcolm Reynolds in a dark alley... He must have the same wallet as Sam Jackson did in Pulp Fiction. I've always known he was dangerous, but tonight he was down right spooky. "I'm going to put this as delicately as I can: how do I know you won't kill me in my sleep?"

And hey all you Book conspiracy theorists, what do you make of his tearful scene with Inara? And don't give me any "he was faking" crap. If he was faking, Inara would have picked up on it immediately. Personally, I've never bought the whole Book's a mole theory and this clinches it for me. Sure, he may be an ex-spook, but that scene showd me that whatever he used to be he don't ever want to go back.


Saturday, December 21, 2002 2:34 AM


Hey HKcavalier,

I agree with you about Book and Inara's scene at the end. I'd spent all fall developing my theories about Book, then in one scene everything changed. I also loved the scene at the end where Mal asks Jayne why he didn't sell him out and Jayne says the money wasn't good enough. I'm not sure if this was part of the original pilot or one of the scenes added later, but it was a nice touch.


Saturday, December 21, 2002 4:23 AM



Originally posted by Doug:
Hey HKcavalier,

I also loved the scene at the end where Mal asks Jayne why he didn't sell him out and Jayne says the money wasn't good enough. I'm not sure if this was part of the original pilot or one of the scenes added later, but it was a nice touch.

It was part of the original. Nice bit of foreshadowing...



Saturday, December 21, 2002 5:58 AM



Sure, he may be an ex-spook, but that scene showd me that whatever he used to be he don't ever want to go back.

OK; here's another riddle to toss into the conspiracy-or-not debate. Book opens the Alliance lawman's door, saying, "Lawman -- I think you're in more trouble than..." *konk*

Was he just warning the lawman out of shepherdly goodness? Was he going to spring him had he not been knocked out? If we was a plant, he'd obviously be higher on the food chain than this lowly guy, which is why the lawman assumed he was 'with the crew.' *eyebrow raised*

Yeah -- I don't know if I buy it either. But it is interesting to think about...


Saturday, December 21, 2002 6:21 AM


I think Book used to be like the Fed, and some residual identification made him want to save the man's life so that he could live to see the error of his ways, as Book has. Book is someone who was obviously a killer who enjoyed violence in his former life, has gone into the abbey to kick the habit, and is terrified to be out in the world of temptations again, afraid that he will fall into his old ways too easily. And what did everyone make of his twice deflecting the "grandpa" comments with, "I never married." That's foregrounded too obviously just to be a throw-away joke.



Saturday, December 21, 2002 6:58 AM


After seeing Serenity I can now say with conviction that the decision by Fox to not air the pilot first was extremely stupid.

I had thought there was no action in the pilot, but there was just enough action. It had more suspense than most of the other episodes. Suspense can suck you into a series was well as action. However it takes a little more brain power to appreciate suspense than it does to like action. I suppose Fox wasn't hoping to capture that audience that had that little bit of extra brain power. Maybe they didn't think there are enough of us.

TV is so stupid.



Saturday, December 21, 2002 9:58 AM


i absolutely loved the pilot. and i had a great time watching it with other fans at the chicago shindig. thanks to jen for hosting it! i hope we can all get back together soon.

i still can't believe that fox thought this was too calm or whatever.

this really establishes so many things and shows how much the charachters developed throughout the season.

the "argument" that wash and zoe have in the pilot clears up the comment wash makes in his argument with zoe about there needing to be one less husband. he was defitely talking about mal.

i am so hopefull that upn or someone will pick up firefly.

i will send out more postcards and continue to help fight for firefly!


Sunday, December 22, 2002 6:29 PM


Serinity was just amazing and my "vote" would be that it should have been shown first as intended.

Hopefully, someone will pick up Firefly and it will become a long running series...

Hopefully, we'll get the series on DVD too...

Hopefully, Joss will be able to re-edit and re-order this season as it was meant to be for that DVD.

To quote Hans Gruber:

It's Christmas, Theo... the time for miracles!


Eat 'em up, chomp, chomp.


Friday, December 27, 2002 3:01 PM


i love the episode, as well. in how many languages can we say, "duh!"

but i don't like the changes that were made. watching the version that we downloaded, i was in awe of how every line of dialog was full of character and action, there was not a wasted second. but they put beats back in that there was an obvious reason that they took it out in the first place. i really don't like the reshoot of the scene between book and inara. the only reshoot that was good and i think needed was the interregation scene with the "lawman"

i sincerely hope that we do get a dvd and that when that comes around, joss will put a few more finishing touches on it, because this latest pilot didn't flow as effortlessly as the other version :(. i can't point to it and say, "see! see! joss is genius! see!" like i used to.

- emily






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