BOYCOTT FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UPDATED: Friday, December 20, 2002 23:53
VIEWED: 5366
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Sunday, December 15, 2002 12:06 AM


MORONS! EFFING MORONS! Im so pissed. I cant believe that FOX was inept enough to cancel Firefly. There is so much potential here. But there is enough of us to stand against it. NO MORE! Rally with me! Boycott that accursed station they call FOX. A POX ON IT! We must all become activists. Actively aiding Firefly in every way possible. Write letters, send postcards, download episodes, hook others on Firefly, send death-threats, whatever is takes. I will not stand for this. Rally with me! FOX is nothing! We have the power: for we are the viewers!

Check me out on WinMX, I have all the episodes in SVCD format. Any Firefly fans get free starts, just msg me.


Sunday, December 15, 2002 4:06 AM


Don’t take this the wrong way but I don't believe that boycotting FOX will achieve anything. The answer to saving Firefly is to convince another network like UPN to pick it up. Joss Weddon and the website have now refocused there energies on this task and all the fans of the show like you and I should do the same. Firefly was always going to struggle to find an audience and being on FOX made the struggle even harder, I think we just have to realise that FOX was the wrong network for Firefly and leave it at that.


Sunday, December 15, 2002 8:23 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

I'll have to agree with OUTLANDER. Take me, for instance, I boycotted Steven Spielberg's Taken (it's not like I missed much from what I read) because the SCI-FI Network cancelled Farscape.

And what happens? The Taken premiere made the SCI-FI Network the #1 basic cable network in prime time.

The ironic thing is while Taken made SCI-FI #1 for a brief period, it'll probably disappear in the long run. Farscape on the other hand, will likely live on for a long time continually earning profit for the financially strapped--and now creatively deficient--network.


Sunday, December 15, 2002 9:16 AM


i agree with the two above me i don't think boycotting them would do much of anything...we have to focus on other networks and persuading them to pick up the show
Just another Firefly fan


Monday, December 16, 2002 6:11 AM


LOL! That won't be hard, since Firefly was literally the only thing I watched on Fox.

I think that legislation should be passed prohibiting Fox from being allowed to develop science fiction series. Between Space: Above and Beyond and now Firefly, I'd like to place a curse on all Fox executives.

May they be locked in a room and forced to view reruns of American Idol for the rest of their days.


Thursday, December 19, 2002 3:14 PM


I understand your sentiment but boycotts and growling isn't the way to go. You want to make FOX stand up and notice? Organize, Plan, Follow Thru on some rabid fan smorgasborg that make people say "Hey. All these people are celebrating a show we just cancelled; maybe we shouldn't have cancelled it"

I'm broke and under severe depression right now, so I'm not working at 100% (you never see me posting), but the community at large needs something organized, some magical event... a CON if you will.. Maybe find a nice respectably-sized city conveinantly located in the US and start a Firefly episode festival, design costumes, write songs... SOMETHING. overwhelm FOX with your obsessive fandom.
It's the only way we'll win I think...



Thursday, December 19, 2002 10:54 PM


First, death threats are illegal (at least in the USA and probably most other places).

Second, boycotting FOX is a complete waste of time. It doesn't do any good to stage a boycott if the only people who are aware of the boycott are the boycotters themselves. The only people who count in the the eyes of the networks and the sponsors are the people with Nielsen Meters on their TVs. If you could get enough Nielsen metered TV families to boycott FOX, then maybe FOX would take notice of your boycott. But by the same token if we had that many Nielsen families on our side, Firefly wouldn't have been cancelled in the first place.

Third, as I stated in another thread, badgering FOX may actually hurt Firefly's chances of being picked up by another network. Since FOX owns the rights to the show, they are well within their rights to deny the show from being picked up by another network. Right now, it appears that they have given Joss the ok to shop the show around. However, they could still change their minds. While in the short term it makes sense for FOX to sell the show, if FOX were to get wind that Firefly might become a phenominal success on another network it would probably be in FOX's best interest to bury the show as Firefly's success would likely mean that FOX's Nielsen ratings for whatever show was competing with it would drop. Since the price for advertising during a particular show is set by it's Nielsen rating, FOX would actually stand to make less money.

If you want to help:
1) Go to F:IA ( . Download the official post card. Mail several to UPN urging them to pick up the show.
2) Get the word out to your friends, family, co-workers, fellow alumni, etc. to send in post cards to UPN.
3) Go to the sponsors page on F:IA. Write post cards to all the sponsors of Firefly while it was on FOX thanking them for their support of this innovative show and urging them to continue supporting Firefly when it finds a new home.
4) Check out the forum on F:IA if you are in need of additional ideas to help save Firefly.

Remember to be positive and professional in all of your communications. Nobody wants to listen to a whiner. Also include demographical information. It is important to show UPN and the sponsors that Firefly already has a large classy audience with lots of disposable income (to spend buying their sponsor's products) whom are eager to make the move from FOX to UPN.

If you can be tactful, write a letter to FOX expressing your disappointment in Firefly's cancellation and urging them to make it's transition to another network as smooth as possible. Since FOX owns the show, it is well within their rights to destroy all of the sets and props which would make the show more expensive to pick up by another network if they had to rebuild everything from scratch.

If you are still not satisfied, wait a couple of years for Firefly to become popular on another network and then send a photocopy of your ass to FOX with the caption "Kiss this".


Friday, December 20, 2002 2:21 PM


You do know that restaurants are serving decaf now, right?

Chill out, dude. It's just a TV show and chances are it'll probably be picked up by a network like UPN or WB.

Besides, I can't boycott FOX, they air football, baseball, The Simpsons and 24.

Me? I'd rather have people try to boycott the RIAA instead. Do we really need to pay $15-20 a CD? But that's a whole other thread entirely.

"How will this end?"
"In fire."
--Babylon 5, 'The Coming of Shadows'


Friday, December 20, 2002 9:14 PM


if only they didn't have 24 on their network.

Keep Flying.


Friday, December 20, 2002 11:53 PM



I pretty much am already boycotting FOX. I watch Boston Public, but shhh, no one's supposed to know that.

This is the first I've heard of Firefly getting cancelled anyway. I thought they were just on hiatus. Nice when people tell me things sometimes. Hope UPN picks it up, though. They're good for sci-fi.

Later, Kelly.

Attention; Hell has officially frozen over, seek shelter immediately and be on the look out for flying pigs.






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