Rakarr's Review of "Serenity"

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 4, 2005 01:38
VIEWED: 1539
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Friday, September 30, 2005 8:51 PM


OK I'll tell you up front I have no experience in reviewing movies. Although I've reviewed plenty of video games. Also to let you know I am a Firefly Fanboy aka a "Browncoat". Dispite that I'm going to try to give the best review of the movie I can and try to not be bias at all.

Like I said I've never reviewed a movie (or TV show) ever so bare with me.

First off I must compliment Joss for such great dialog. Stayin' true to the Firefly series keeping it funny and "shiny". Honestly Firefly wouldn't be the same with different dialog even if that different dialog was still great. Thankfully the dialog in Serenity really keeps that Firefly feel. Just really funny and witty as always. Oh plus a ton of new quotes wich us fans love to use.

The story line is really great. Only a couple parts that were really predictable. Overall this movie had some nice surprises. Couple not so big, but couple that has changed the series forever. Such as Book and sadly Wash now dead and the secret of the Alliance wich has started the down fall of the Alliance. Ofcourse if you have seen the movie then you know that secret is that the Reavers were created (unintentionally) by the Alliance.

Those are the main things that have changed the Firefly 'Verse forever. Also other not as big things will have changed the 'Verse forever.

Let's talk about the death of Wash. Many are dissapointed that he died. Me being one of them. Although his death is great story telling. And I can see one of the main characters dieing being a good thing for the franchise in the future (besides for Book since he was never that important). Bottom line with the death of Wash, it's simply great story telling. Atleast he had his moment.

What I mean by he had his moment is that he had a huge hero like moment before his shocking death. He flew the ship of Serenity through a battle of the Alliance and Reavers after the Serenity crew lead the Reavers there to catch the Alliance guys off guard. That scene was just awsome as I was in awe!

Really every one had their kind of "hero" moment (besides Book perhaps). Best thing of the movie I think is it kept true to us huge fans.

Now one thing I wasn't sure about was weither or not this movie would attract non-scifi fans or not? Well I think it has! When I went and saw it I saw kids 12 years old and younger there to teens like 16, 17, 18 years old, to adults. Every age group seems to have been attracted to this movie. Also my friends want to see it (haven't yet though). Not cause they are big scifi fans, wich they're not, nor cause they liked Firefly wich I highly doubt any of them have seen Firefly before. It's because this is an action movie. This movie has enough action to really attract a lot of people. I mean who doesn't like action movies? Besides old ladies I don't know who wouldn't enjoy this movie.

Scenes I really think were great was the big Alliance vs. Reavers battle. Awsome special effects. Also when the crew is having to fight off the Reavers from getting to them, in my opinion I got to see some really really great details of what the Reavers do to themselves. Really all the scenes are pretty good. Maybe a little to much talk in a couple parts for some people, but I was fine.

As for the actual acting... Perfect! Well I think it was atleast. Ok one little part perhaps. When Zoe called in Wash when they were being chased by Reavers, and then Wash tells Kaylee, how she reacted was... eh...

Now for the only dissapointments.

1. Only 2 hours long. Should of been 3 hours long atleast. LOL

2. I'm sure non Firefly fans didn't notice, but I sure as hell did. No Hands of Blue guys. Where are they? I wanted to find out what's up with them. Really surprised not to have seen them at all or even mentioned.

Overall this is an excellent top notch movie attracting Scifi and Non-Scifi fans and people of all ages with great special effects, story telling, dialog, and acting. Plus keeping true to the Firefly fans.

I give this movie ***** out of 5!

"I am a leaf in the wind."


Monday, October 3, 2005 5:03 PM


Blue hand guys are in the comics....
have you read the comics?

and hopefully in the sequel
(hopefully we'll get the sequel)


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 12:25 AM


No I haven't read the comics. My Birthday in less than a week though and I plan on getting the 3 issues of comics with the money I get. Still... Wouldn't Joss even think that the big Firefly fans haven't even read the comics? I'm positive there is other Firefly fans who haven't read the comics nor even post on forums. Like the everyday mom who liked the show back in 2002 who is too busy to chat on forums. I bet she was wondering where the Blue Hands were. lol.

"I am a leaf in the wind."
Big Damn Fansite - Where the Browncoats gather.


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 1:38 AM


There's another thing missing you didn't mention.


Joss deemphasized the Western-genre aspects a bit (deliberately or not). I can live with that, but I hope the nags get their due in the sequels.






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