The 'You're Gonna Come With Us' BDM campaign

UPDATED: Saturday, October 8, 2005 15:45
VIEWED: 4357
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Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:28 AM


I haven't seen this posted over here, but even multiple threads for something this shiny is perfectly appropriate!

From some VERY creative Browncoats on the OB:


Next week when you are waiting in line to buy your ticket(s) to Serenity, how about doing a bit of FF reenactment with some strangers? Find some people who are clearly choosing to attend a different movie or who are clearly undecided. Then offer to pay their admission if they will attend Serenity!

We can surely increase sales, as well as new Browncoats in this way.


Browncoat: You're gonna come with us.

Non-Brown: Excuse me?

Browncoat: You like movies. What you care about is movies, and mine's the nicest.

Non-Browncoat: She don't look like much.

Browncoat: Well, she'll fool ya'.


Thanks Rhoby & JenskiJen for this sweet little idea!

And this works, folks. Some GREAT stories:


From Rhobyneish & the "You're Gonna Come with Us" Campaign/ thread:

This so totally worked!! First I bought four tickets for myself, my daughter and two friends. Well one of those was Michael and he's already a fan but the other two were complete newbies. We went to the 7:45 show and they loooooooooved it!! They are both going again with their boy/girlfriends so my two tickets for them will become at least four more!

Best of all when I was in line buying me and Michael tickets for the 10:30 show there were two guys trying to decide between Flightplan and something else not Serenity. I let them mull it over for a bit and then said "I think you should see Serenity." The guy closest to me said "Oh yeah? It's really good?" Of course I assured him that it was in fact the best and that I was in line to buy tickets for my second show of the night. He was hooked but the guy with him (who was his nephew but not a child) was not. I could see he was less than thrilled and the guy behind me went over to him and they were kinda whispering. Finally it was my turn to pay and my guy had still not convinced his nephew so I said "Would it help if I bought your ticket?" My guy laughed and said "That convinced me! C'mon man this is the movie we gotta see." Their turn to pay was next and he said "Two tickets for Serenity." The nephew was not happy. When the girl said the price I swooped in and gave her my money and told them they could use their money for popcorn. My guy was so overwhelmed he gave me a hug and said "This is an Oprah moment! Where's Oprah?" The nephew was more enthusiastic by now and smiling. I told them I'd see 'em in the theater and not to take too long as it'd be crowded. They came they saw they were conquered!!! The credits rolled and I wanted to get down to them to get some feedback but no worries as they sat until the very end. I mean the Firefly theme was rolling! When they saw me approaching they both jumped out of their seats and shook my hand and thanked me and we talked about the series and what a hero Chris Buchanan is and such. They are probably watching the Firefly dvds at this very moment. My guy said he is in charge of a program working with 150 college students and he's going to email every one of them and urge them to see this powerful movie!!!




Had more Kaylee Campaign success!! Bought my ticket and one for my friend who I've never been able to talk into watching Firefly. She wanted to get seats right away but I explained that I had to buy at least one more ticket. So I stalked my prey.... A coupla young girls were trying to decide but after a brief conversation with them I realized that Serenity was a bit over their heads. A few minutes later I saw the perfect couple. Young but not too young and trendy but not cutting edge. Very mainstream. I could see they were undecided and Serenity was not among their choices. I asked if they had heard of it and the guy said yes he had but the girl was clueless. I gave a brief synopsis and the guy (Chad) said "It's funny because I actually have Buffy and Angel on dvd but I never saw Firefly."!! I said "This is sooooooooo the movie for you!!" I told them that as part of a street marketing campaign named after one of the characters that various members of our group were buying tickets for folks just like them and that it'd be my privelege to have the honors if they would consider seeing Serenity. They said "Why not?". At the end of the movie they stuck around and asked me about the series and how long it was on and etc. I KNOW this guy will buy the dvds. They both loved the movie. They stayed 'til the last credits rolled and were hoping for a bit of a blooper reel or a little treat like some movies have for the diehards who stay for the credits but I said the only thing at the end was the original Firefly theme and so they stayed for that. They promised to tell all their friends how great the flick is and they were truly thankful that I turned them on to it.

This campaign works.

This is a perfect example of WORD OF MOUTH, folks...and this is what we need. Not a bad idea, eh? So what's everyone think? Sounds like it's worth a shot, and I plan to try it out this weekend!

ETA: could someone please take this over to whedonesque? I don't have an account there, and would like to see the word spread to them as need it told. Thx!

Some people juggle geese!- Wash


Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:40 AM


Whenever you go to the theater, there's always people standing back trying to decide what to see - a recommendation is often all it will take to tip the balance.

Besides, all the people who saw Flightplan last weekend have to go see something else now right?


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:03 AM


I'm not too sure I want to accost people into seeing it.

We shall rule over this land, and we shall call it... This Land.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:07 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

You know, I am liking this idea, and kind of kicking myself for not having come up w/ it myself sooner.

I am going to try this out this weekend & see what I can do to fill some seats.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:38 AM


I'm already paying for some seats and can't afford to pay for others, but I'll definitely suggest to people in line that they go and see Serenity ... and make sure I speak loud enough in line to the people I do know about how good the movie is. :)

"You're either in or you're out, and I'm playing to the in."—Greg Dulli. Get with the 'in' and check out his new album Amber Headlights available now.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 7:42 AM



Originally posted by KingMattress:
I'm not too sure I want to accost people into seeing it.

No no, no accosting! No threatening, either, please! (Unless you meet resistance...)

This is more of a "suggestive selling" idea, directed at people who seem like they are not quite sure of which movie they want to see. Think about often do you go to a theatre and see folks standing back, reading the marquees, clearly contemplating their options? Those types of people are easy targets!

A good ice-breaker would be something like "excuse me, but have you seen Serenity yet?" If they have, shiny. If they haven't, then you can recommend it to them. "It's a huge sleeper hit, and a heck of a ride, I highly recommend it!" sorta suggestion. Nothing scary.

Some people juggle geese!- Wash


Thursday, October 6, 2005 3:55 PM


Evening *bump*

Some people juggle geese!- Wash


Thursday, October 6, 2005 5:10 PM


Oh, I get the whole suggestion thing. Done it plenty already. I meant the whole "you're coming with us." Some places, that's a good sign you're getting kidnapped.

We shall rule over this land, and we shall call it... This Land.


Friday, October 7, 2005 1:49 AM


This is a fantastic idea. I'd love to try out first chance I get. Unfortunately I live in a backasswards town that still isn't playing the movie.


Friday, October 7, 2005 5:36 AM



Originally posted by KingMattress:
Oh, I get the whole suggestion thing. Done it plenty already. I meant the whole "you're coming with us." Some places, that's a good sign you're getting kidnapped.

*giggles* Yeah, I don't recommend actually using the phrase "You're gonna come with us!" That seems to have a scary, "stick 'em up!" feel to it, and may get you maced right quick.

Cute concept, though, yes? (the name of the campaign, I mean...not getting maced...)

Some people juggle geese!- Wash


Saturday, October 8, 2005 3:45 PM


Just a weekend *bump*

Some people juggle geese!- Wash






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