New fan, have a question

UPDATED: Thursday, October 13, 2005 08:26
VIEWED: 1798
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005 6:10 PM


Okay so, I saw Serenity and loved it (I actually watched the first couple of Firefly episodes on Fox but gave up trying to find it after the pre-emptions), so if all the critcs are loving it (and they loved the TV show too) why isn't it getting an audience? It seems very odd that even though the TV show was praised (like Buffy) it didn't get the great big audience (like Buffy got). And even though the movie has gotten some of the absolute best reviews of any movie in the last few years, box office numbers aren't so great (unlike the critically panned Star Wars Episodes 1 and 2 that made tons of money) and Wallace and Gromit manages to find a bigger audience than one of the best reviewed films this year (no offense to W and G fans). Is it because of lack of advertising? I didn't see many ads for the movie or anything....and why would a TV network and a movie studio spend all that money to make a show and later a movie, and then not advertise for it? I don't get it....


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 6:38 PM


Patience, and the advertising, i know i only saw like one or two trailers as well, even though i knew long before that there was a movie coming out, but there are some people posting that they see them like every hour???? Do i not watch enough TV, cause i watch alot.....But as i said, i think its up to us to get the word further out, do our part to get new fans, and be PATIENT!

The Pyro


Thursday, October 13, 2005 1:15 AM


I fear that people who don't know probably think it's another Hollywood Sci-Fi Blockbuster.

And stay at home. Because they really don't want to be disappointed yet again by what they imagine will be a CGI-heavy, alien infested, scripted in a manner virtually bereft (Sorry. Gratuitous Reivers reference...) of wit or skill, rerun of Hollywood Scriptwriters Standard Plots A, B etc (a sequence that extends all the way to er... E.)

So I guess it's up to us to spread the Word. And I see people take their responsibilities seriously here.

It's all about doing the right thing. Both by the series / film and by the criminally deprived victims. Maybe that last word (sic) should be "soon-to-be rabid fans."

As Book said, there are "heathens a-plenty."


"Double cartridge thru-gages like plenty of extra oxygen, if something absolutely, totally needs to be destroyed thoroughly. It's a well-known fact."


Thursday, October 13, 2005 7:17 AM



Hollywood Scriptwriters Standard Plots A, B etc (a sequence that extends all the way to er... E.)

Let me see. Are there 5 of them?

1. The Earth is under attack by the nogoodniks. Can farmbred iowa boys in dungarees save us in time? ("Of course they can!" and the rare vairant, "Nope, sorry folks")

2. The Earth is coming to an end via a seemingly natural disaster that was actually caused by human failings. Particularly, the icarus like hubris of a group of scientists, being led by one is particular who is mad for fame power and just plain mad and didn't listen to his more attractive assistance, (typically one male, one female)

3. Out on the edge of space everyone has gone mad. Old experiments are derived from ancient alien technology, but we shouldn't oughtta have monkeyed with it. Will the two cutest people survive? Probably.

4. It's a critter. A nasty critter. We picked it up, and now it's going to kill us all. This is actually a variation of a knife in the water, but more interesting than the unvaried version I like to call a knife in the wormhole, where we pick up a hitchhiker in space who turns out to be a psycho.

Okay, I'm only up to four. I feel like I might be missing one.

I'm going to kill them all. That oughtta distract 'em.


Thursday, October 13, 2005 8:16 AM


5. Killer robots. Out of man's own arrogance he has created a super intellegent/ powerful race of nuke happy killbots. These bots either kill everyone all at once or enslave the human race as batteries in a delicious bit of irony.

"Some people juggle geese"


Thursday, October 13, 2005 8:25 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Couple of factors seem to have hampered box office #s, so here goes:

- No big name actors to draw an audience

- It came out in a month notorious for low box office #s

- 'Versal went w/ a viral marketing strategy which targeted & relied on fans to get the word out about the movie. A risky strategy & one that did not pay off.

- It's sci fi. Mainstream audiences steer clear of sci fi unless it is a big name franchise like Star Wars or Star Trek.

- The movie was only released in 2188 theatres.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, October 13, 2005 8:26 AM


I thought Firefly did better ratings wise than Buffy or Angel. Fox is just a bigger channel, so the ratings weren't as good comparatively as they were on UPN/WB.

And remember a movie takes a LOT more people than a TV show.






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