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Veronica Mars (help from Joss fans?)
Tuesday, October 25, 2005 7:42 AM
Tuesday, October 25, 2005 8:14 AM
America loves a winner!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:34 PM
Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:56 PM
Wednesday, October 26, 2005 5:54 AM
Quote:But the best story of detection and redemption to hit the DVD shelves in recent weeks involves a high-schooler trying to clear her dad's soiled reputation and solve the murder of her best friend. Watching the six-disc Veronica Mars: The Complete First Season (Warner Bros.), it's hard to single out one defining quality that makes the Rob Thomas-created UPN series great. So here are a bunch: Joss-Whedon-sharp dialogue, beautifully realized relationships, a rare sense of class consciousness, an appealing cast, mysteries that keep their secrets, and Kristen Bell's lead performance as a smart, take-no-shit kid who's been kicked around by life and come out the wiser for it. Catch it, then jump into season two...
Wednesday, October 26, 2005 6:00 AM
Wednesday, October 26, 2005 9:45 AM
Quote:Originally posted by AURaptor: Buy season 1 of V.M? I might just have to do that. Much of what you said mirrrored my view of t.v. I didn't care for it much, at all. Hell, I went w/ out cable t.v. for 3 yrs, just because I was so fed up w/ it all. Then Firefly came on, and WOW! And then it went off FOX-TV!! Long story short, I started watchin' ANGEL, only to witness its cancellation as well.I became totally hooked, mainly because of the same things you mentioned..the characters. I even ordered the soundtrack CD from Angel. As for Buffy, I wasn't really all that into it when it was on, but now I plan on checking out all the seasons, eventually. So here's how it is. I truly miss Firefly, as well as a few other choice shows. I fell in love w/ Wonderfalls, and had to buy the DVD. I'm a bit reluctant to follow a show such as V.M., because I just know that as soon as I get hooked, it'll go the way of my other favorite shows. But it sure does seem to have a strong appeal, at least from those who have very good tatse in excellent t.v. p.s. I alternate from my NetFlix and Blockbuster memberships. Blockbuster lets me rent games for free, but I may end up back at NF. Either way, I'll give V.M. my attention. " They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "