The Virtual Series Project (2)

UPDATED: Thursday, January 30, 2003 05:49
VIEWED: 17261
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Wednesday, January 22, 2003 7:21 AM


The other thread had become a bit long so I thought I would start a new one.

I took the liberty of revising and formatting the excellent work of LostAngel and Sarahetc. I hope you enjoy and that this stays true to what they were trying to accomplish. As always feedback is welcome. Take this and run with it please.

FireFly The Virtual Series Project
Episode One Objects in Motion

Fade In:

Int. Serenity-Galley

The entire crew is seated around the table eating dinner. Book has turned their protein bars, carbohydrate paste and a few odds and ends into a relatively decent meal. As the camera moves around the table you see Simon trying to eat, but he seems a bit distracted. He looks at River who is sitting at her place at the table just staring at her plate. Jayne looks around, and leans over and snags a lump of something off her plate. River doesn’t move, just starts to make a smiley face in her mashed potatoes.

SIMON: Hey! Give that back.

JAYNE: Why? She ain’t eatin’ and it’ll go to waste.

BOOK: Put it back son, there’s plenty on the table.

Jayne sees the look on Kaylee’s face, like she watched him kick a puppy, and he huffs, but puts it back on the plate. River doesn’t move.

KAYLEE: River? Honey? Why don’t you try to eat somethin’?

SIMON: Mei-mei, here, have this.

He picks up a piece of a vegetable and puts it in her mouth. She opens her mouth and accepts the food but doesn’t chew. She calmly takes the food out of her mouth and uses it to decorate her picture. Simon, visibly upset by all this gives up and leads her back to her room. Some of the crew are upset, Book especially so.

BOOK: She has been like that for days. I’m starting to get worried.

JAYNE: I’m startin’ to enjoy it. She’s not that bad when she’s a statue.

KAYLEE: I’m worried. I wonder if she’s getting better or worse?

SIMON: (re-entering the galley) It means that she’s getting worse. (turns to Mal) Captain, I need medicine to try to help her.

MAL: We have medicine son lots of it. Remember you helped steal it.

SIMON: I Know but that stuff doesn’t seem to be working. I’m in need of something new.

MAL: That ain’t my problem.

Simon gets mad and throws his napkin on the table.

SIMON: It is because you don’t pay me. I’m dependent on you for the food we eat and the clothes we wear. You know the only reason why I’m here is because I need to help her.

MAL: You’re here because you’re a fugitive from the law, and I’m lettin’ you hide her here. Fas as I’m concerned you are a part of this ship like a generator or a light bulb. I take care of you and your sister, who has no function on this ship at all, if’n you want a cut of the take, you gotta be there. Fair’s fair, an’ that’s the rules. Case closed.

Simon gets up and leaves. Kaylee and Inara look at Mal and starts to tag team him with nagging, pleading and just plain female noise.

INARA: Mal, that was very crude of you. How could you call our ship’s doctor a lightbulb?

KAYLEE: Come on Cap’n. It’s not right Simon can’t help his sister.

KAYLEE and INARA continue, simultaneously.

BOOK: Ladies, please. Now the good Captain is responsible for everyone on the ship, and sometimes he has hard decisions to make (gives a dissappointed look to Mal) If he feels that there is a good reason to treat part of his crew as less like a part of the crew, and more like a part of the cargo, I’m sure that he has his reasons.

JAYNE: Sides, they’re not lyin’ in some ruttin’ Alliance prison. AND, that’d be less for everyone else.

KAYLEE: Well, I don’t mind getting less.

MAL: (Standing) Well I’ll think about that.

Everyone left looks uncomfortable, but tries to finish their meal.

Cut to:
Int. Serenity-Wash and Zoes bunk

They are lying in their bed talking, and Wash is playing with Zoe’s hair and comments on Simon’s plight.

WASH: Isn’t it a shame that Simon can’t do more to help River?

ZOE: (putting a pieces of fruit in her mouth) Mmmm. Yes, it is, but what can he do? He’s not a fighter, and it would take too long to make him one. If we could make him one.

WASH: But what if he did something simple but pivotal? You know, like actually help and all.

ZOE: It’s a thought; just don’t think that it’ll happen any time soon.

Zoe then closes her eyes and goes to sleep. Wash stares out into the dark, obviously contemplating something much deeper.

Fade Out:
End Teaser


Wednesday, January 22, 2003 7:23 AM


Fade In
Act One

Cut to:
Int. Serenity-Med Lab

Wash in the infirmary getting a check-up from Simon. Wash’s shirt is open and Simon is listening to his lungs, etc.

WASH: Doc, why do I need these check-ups? I’m fine.

SIMON: You are required to undergo regular physicals to maintain your pilot’s licence. I’d like at least one document on this ship to be valid. Besides, you came to me, your physical isn’t due for another six months.

Wash looks around, as if someone else might be in the infirmary. He gets off the examining table and pokes his head out in the hallway, making sure no one is around. He closes the door and almost whispers.

WASH: I been thinking about last night at dinner….

SIMON: (whispering) Why are you whispering?

WASH: (whispering) I don’t know, seemed like the thing to do

SIMON: (whispering) Oh.

WASH: (whispering) Anyway, last night at dinner (sees the look on Simon’s face) Oh (clears throat) Uh, about last night at dinner, I was wondering, um, I might be able to help you. See, I have a buddy that might be able to help us out, and it looks like we would need someone of your…, ah, someone with your…, well, we might be able to use you.

SIMON: What are you talking about?

WASH: Well Hui contacted me a while ago, asking if we could partner up on a little project of his, thing is, we need a real life gentleman to pull off the negotiations. His contact was for the Alliance, and looks at most of the transport captains as back-born low lifes. We need someone that can talk the talk.

Cut to:
Int. Serenity-Galley

Mal, Simon, Wash, Zoe, Inara and Jayne are sitting at the table.

MAL: I can talk that Gorram talk. I can be high born.

Jayne smirks and shakes his head. Zoe goes really blank in the face. Mal looks around and gets annoyed.

MAL: Let’s not forget the wanted felon on board here. How will he do negotiations with an Alliance Patriot and not get recognized? Let’s not forget the good Doctor’s acting skills the last time we used him.

WASH: Cap’, Inara has enough stuff in her shuttle to disguise anybody. Besides, this will be a good haul. Hui says that the parts are premium, state of the art Alliance monitoring equipment. You know how much those cost on the black market.

Inara: Captain while you are on Isis I need to make a run to Osiris to pick up a young girl for transport to the academy. She’ll be staying on the shuttle with me for a while the Academy wants me to be her liege.

Mal: Ok.

Cut to
Ext. Serenity

Serenity sits still against a large dead planet as two small green moons circle the planet. We watch for a second as Inara shuttle heads toward the smaller of the two moons and the ship descends toward the larger moon.


Wednesday, January 22, 2003 7:24 AM


Cut to
Int. Serenity-Cargo Bay

JAYNE and BOOK are working out. JAYNE is spotting BOOK for bench presses.

JAYNE: Can't agree with you preacher. Brain pan's slimy. No good no more.

BOOK: There is more to that girl than we'll probably ever know, Jayne.

JAYNE: So? Already know more'n I want to about her. Know she got way with a knife. Know's she can't tell a gun from a stick even though she can kill with her eyes closed.

BOOK finished his set. He sits up and towels off a little. JAYNE reaches for the push-up straps. RIVER enters from the catwalk above.

RIVER: (to BOOK) Know what you think about at night, your secrets. Know that your brains are full.

BOOK is mellow but JAYNE moves a little to keep his distance.

RIVER: (con't.) Know that your hands have a memory that your heart doesn't want. They itch and stay dirty. Serenity's a name not a place.

Cut to JAYNE looking sidelong at the two of them. BOOK is his Yoda self.

JAYNE: You was sayin', Preacher?

BOOK: What makes you say those things, River?

RIVER turns and heads toward the cargo bay doors

RIVER: Outside there's air and words. Do penance, get absolved. Buy more ammunition.

BOOK goes to follow her, motioning for JAYNE to come with him. RIVER exits and BOOK and JAYNE hurry to follow her.

Cut to
Int. Isis-Docks

Isis is nothing like the other worlds we have seen it is very bright and has a very Asian feel to it. The docks are filled with a number of ships and small shops as well as a number of street performers including men in kabuki mask and a troop of Asian stick fighters.

Kaylee is sitting just outside the boat when a young Asian boy approaches her.

Lu: Pretty Pretty(showing her a number of thin gold chains and braclets.)

Kaylee: Very she says putting her book down and handing the little boy a small bill.

Cut to
Int. Isi- Saloon

Wash, Hui, Mal and Simon are seated in the back of a small saloon.

Hui is a burned out surfer-dude looking guy with Wash’s taste in Hawaiin shirts and sunburned face, his hair is pulled into a pony-tail and he is wearing plastic Ray-Ban type sunglasses on a cord around his neck. He seems out of place on Isis as do Wash and Mal. The salon is pretty empty but most of the white people we have seen thus far seemed to be dressed like Simon giving the feel that Isis seems to be a resort of some sort for the Alliance and the affluent.

HUI: We have Fancy Pants here pose as the buyer of the cargo, tell the authorized transporter that he wants to drop off the merchandise at Ambrosia, instead of Persephone. We have them transport the material onto your boat, then we get the hell outta dodge before anyone realizes that the real buyer is locked away at some retreat for the week.

MAL: Dodge?

SIMON: (absently) An expression from Earth-that-was. It means get the (chinese for hell) out of there.

HUI: (Looks at Simon with a whole new respect) Dude, an aficionado for the old ways. (Holds up his hand in a Hang-10 sign and gives a wink) Sweet.

MAL: Whatever. What’s our cut?

HUI: Well, the standard. You take the cargo to little hideaway, and then you get 10 percent of the cut.

MAL: 30 percent.

HUI: Dude, It’s my heist, you’re just the transport .

MAL: It’s our ship on the line. And our Doctor doing the acting. 25 percent.

HUI: It’s my contact. 18 percent.

MAL: And my crew on the line. 20 percent.

SIMON: and an additional 5 percent off the top for me. Separate from what you give the rest of the crew.

Hui, Mal, Wash: What?

SIMON: (swallows nerviously, but plunges on before he has a chance to stop himself) The way I understand this little plan of yours, you can’t fool anyone without me. You need me to how did you say it? “Talk the talk?” How’s your Mandarin? How’s your etiquitte?

HUI: Dude let’s take a step back here. I’m starting to feel some bad vibes flowing from you. Why don’t we chill, take our time, and think this over. Wine?

He offers a leather flask to everyone. Wash’s face lights up, but Simon’s face shows a touch of disgust and Mal calmly refuses anything from a container that he can’t see the bottom of.

WEASH: Is that hooch? Man I haven’t had any hooch for ages!

Simon smells the flask as its passed by him and shakes his head to clear the fumes.

SIMON: I can understand why. (getting back to business) They’ll see me on the Cortex, they’ll see how I move and other body language. They’ll hear the inflections of my voice. It’s more than what you say, it’s how you say it. If they are expecting a high born, they’ll know an imposter by the little things.

There is a stalemate as Hui and Simon stare at each other, neither blinking. Simons jaws are clenching he’s so nervous, then he realizes that Hui has dozed off with his eyes open. Wash notices when he hears a small snore and nudges his friend to wake him up.

HUI: Huh? Well, you drive a hard bargain… but I think we can spare a little off the top

SIMON: What is the cargo?

HUI: Does it matter? It’s cargo.

SIMON: How am I supposed to talk an Alliance Guild Transport into handing over my cargo if I don’t know what it is?

HUI: Fine. It’s components to pick up Alliance waves on planets that don’t have a Cortex.

SIMON: My share is to be part of the cargo.

MAL: Son, you mind?

SIMON: I’m firm. Those are the terms. Agree, or we are gone, and you’re out a set of Fancy Pants.

HUI: OK but I can only give you one

SIMON: (Eying Hui the Mal) Deal

Cut to
Int. Isis Docks

BOOK and JAYNE are following RIVER through the docks. They are about 5 steps behind her. Letting her walk as the talk.

BOOK: Let's let her wander a little more. Don't seem to be any feds around.

JAYNE: That's the thing about feds, preacher. The ones you gotta really worry about you can't never see.

RIVER stumbles, falling to her knees. BOOK and JAYNE catch up with her and BOOK bends to help her up, while JAYNE looks around.

RIVER: Simon's asking them right now and they're looking at Simon and they're seeing me and they see you too but you'll never see them.

JAYNE: See! Feds! We gotta get back right now.

BOOK: Simon is okay, River. He's with the captain.

A flash in the sky draws their attention. Shuttle #1 is going down.

JAYNE: Gorramit! Come on!

JAYNE breaks into a run as BOOK pulls RIVER to her feet and drags her with him, after JAYNE.
As they return to the landing site Jayne’s jaw drops as he realizes that Serenity is gone. On his face we…

Fade Out
End Act One


Wednesday, January 22, 2003 7:26 AM


Hope that you all enjoy and that i didnt ruin your vision of the opening of the episode. LA and Sara if you need any help with the rest of the episode let me know i would love to help.


Wednesday, January 22, 2003 8:25 AM


Looks rockin' good. And you gave Inara something to do. Hadn't even thought about that.

Having a helluva day here.

Somebody say something about where the story goes next so I have something pleasant to think about.



Wednesday, January 22, 2003 10:50 AM


Can I bring up a very (very) small point? I don't think anyone but Mal calls Serenity a boat. They all say ship. I sort of took as a term of affection from him. I haven't gone back and verified this but it just sounded (looked) wrong to me to hear (read) someone else say it. Otherwise I'm looking forward to more of the story.



Wednesday, January 22, 2003 5:15 PM


Very cool--I love what you have so far, and am looking greatly forward to reading the rest!


Wednesday, January 22, 2003 6:10 PM


Something that might take place after JAYNE notices Serenity is gone.

Who exactly is Lu? Someone selling stuff who walks up to the ship?

Lu could have taken KAYLEE and Serenity hostage.

This would lengthen the episode, something to set back WASH, MAL and SIMON.

RIVER knows something that she is not telling BOOK and JAYNE. Possibly some of BOOK's past, what is going to happen to SIMON, or where Serenity is at?

If she is referring to what will happen to SIMON, this will displaying some early signs of prophecy (something that can lead into a later episode).



Wednesday, January 22, 2003 6:47 PM


I think that all these idea's that you all have had so far, though it has some major flaws. The steam of these flaws is routed deep in the understanding of River's character. This storyline for the mean time is what strings everything together.

First off you have to think of River's character, as the classic tourtured genius, though with here it has been taken to a new level. Also look at the times where river has been the sainest, those are the times when she has felt she has a purpose. The times when it isn't being pointed out that she is "ill". So her condition is very much dependent on here surroundings.

The other thing is that you have Mal's perception of the rest of the crew, wrong. First all after "objects in space", even though that situation was because river was on the ship. She very much saved the day, and in turn saved Serenity, this put her close to Mal's heart. And i think that after that, he is starting to realize that alot more use than previously thought. So Mal, is now starting to think of her as a member of the crew.

I will post more latter, but i wanted to get this out there.

Though, I am an Idiot.


Thursday, January 23, 2003 4:22 AM


I'm sick for one day and now I have to play catch up! Oh boy, do I have some reading to do. LB, I'm glad you started a new thread because I was about to.

Feel free to add ideas and stuff, this is a group project thingy, I'm just takin' notes.

Everyone else, thanks for your comments and corrections and such. As my copy of the eps are in the mail to me, I can't check the facts that easily. More comments and help are always appreciated.

Luv yas all!

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Thursday, January 23, 2003 7:37 AM



I think the bit at the ending of Act 1 should be shifted to the end of Act 2. We have enough ideas that we can fill out a second Act before we have the accident. Also, by doing this here, we also loose the bits with Hui and Early ( which we may want to stick in one of Niska's goons instead and save Early for a later episode, or at least until we find out whether Early or Saffron appears in Trash, there seems to be some debate on that ). It would also help lengthen the episode.

Perhaps Niska actually captures the three who've been stranded on Isis. And that means we could, at least, expand it to two episodes entitled, as has been hypothesised as Object in Motion and Objects at Rest.

But Niska won't kill River/Book/Jayne because he wants revenge on Mal and Serenity. He wants to lure Mal to him.

Perhaps, though we've had Simon admit his feelings for Kaylee whilst they're stuck in the escape pod, he puts her safety aside for River and she realises that he can't love her until River is better.

At the end of the episode, she appears to be getting 'closer' to Jayne as well.

This would fit in with the 'we can't spring a relationship this early' crowd and the 'simon would never be able to put kaylee before river' crowd. whilst still significantly progressing with both of their relationships ?


JAYNE: Anybody remember her comin' at me with a butcher's knife?

WASH: Wacky fun.

JAYNE: (annoyed) You wanna go, little man?

WASH: (flippantly) Only if it's someplace with candlelight.

One of my favourite Wash/Jayne segments.


Thursday, January 23, 2003 7:54 AM


Hate to be a spoil sport, but I see several big hole.

Mal doesn't see hi screw as part of his ship, rather the other way around; he sees his ship as part of his crew. There's a huge difference. I don't see where he'd be deliberately demeaning to any of them save Inara, and that seems to be exclusive treatment. Tone him down quite a bit and instead make it a question of profit or convenience. If there's no money in it, they have to do something that makes enough money to afford the expense.

Jayne isn't a complete wretch, he's just a jerk. I don't think he cares if River talks or not as long as she isn't cuttin' him. Jayne is simple excruciatingly self centered, but I think getting shut in the air-lock and having a little reflective moment would have cured him of some of that. The bit about him swiping River's food is great, but I can't envision him and Book benchpressing together or him bing directly mean to anyone. Both of those latter actions are just too much in the extreme for Jayne. He'd sooner disappear into his cabin and pout. Think 12 year old bully.

Simon badgers Mal for a cut so he can afford medicine, which they have, but not the right kind, although Simon doesn't even know what kind the right kind would be. However, he convinces Mal at some effort because it's the only thing that will save his sister, and then he promptly threatens to back out of the deal with Hui unless he gets a higher cut. Does any of this make sense to anyone really?

I think a far greater bargaining chip for Simon is that he still needs info or some kind of data to compile and test what he already knows. River's case is strange and he knows there has been neurological testing, but Serenity is ill equipped to do medical research. If anything, he'd need an upgrade to the infirmary, not drugs. Mal works for a living and he could see that as a benefit to the whole crew and go for it in a second though.

So what conflict would work better? Simon realizes that their supply of stolen drugs will run out and he will need more. Mal realizes that they can't go robbing Alliance hospitals all that frequently. So Simon's solution is to get a cut of the take on the next crime, which Mal doesn't want because it would require Simon to participate more directly and Mal doesn't want his doctor getting hurt or worse; just logical. So Simon says he will participate if that's what it takes, Mal says "no" and Simon pulls his ace: He'll leave with River and take his chances; if there's no way to help her here then he'll leave and take his chances.

Now that's a threat.

The only problem I have with that is I never saw Simon as being confrontational at all.

Not sure who the Lu kid is or what he's doing, but if it's not related to the plot, he doesn't need to be there.

Now everyone can smack me with wet rope...(lol)

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Thursday, January 23, 2003 9:09 AM


Where's our forum! I want our own forum! *throws a temper tantrum*

I don't think that Mal calling Simon a lightbulb was mean, he just got his hackles up because Simon was questioning his rules in front of other people and it came out harsher than he meant it to. (bosses don't like to be questioned in front of their subordinates. It breaks the whole respect your superiors flow) Any way, I was thinking that Simon's show of independence could be fueled by his desparation. He showed the crew that he wouldn't back down when Kaylee was shot in the pilot. It wracked him with guilt afterwards, but in a pinch he'll do it.

We could have Book and Jayne in the galley with Book cooking and Jayne hanging out there because there's nothing else to do.

I think that Simon asking for his cut to be parts to monitor the Alliance would be good because then he could try to hack into the Alliance hospital network database or something to see if there is any information on what was done to his sister. He wouldn't need an entire doo-hicky, just enough to add onto the ship to modify what they already have. Mal could agree because anything to keep one step ahead of the alliance is a good thing to Mal.

I also agree with you on the Lu kid. We could save him for another episode that involves kidnapping Kaylee, but there's too much going on in this one.

I don't like the idea of Inara taking on an apprentice. This could get too messy, and the apprentice would just be window dressing unless she had something to do as well, and with 9 main characters, one more would be too much.

Otherwise, I like it, if I do say so myself. More to come!

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Thursday, January 23, 2003 9:18 AM


The hell?

Hmmmm...., Guailo, do you need copies of Serenity, Objects in Space or Safe? (I can get those for you)
Because there's lots of confrontational Simon there. Funny, snarky, angry, nearly ruthless Simon.


Thursday, January 23, 2003 9:31 AM


I didn't say Simon isn't confrontational, I said I didn't see him as all that confrontational, or at least that's what I meant. And SImon isn't all that confrontational so much as petulant and he got over that as the show progressed.

Jayne = confrontational.
Simon = moody.

Sides, I've got copies of nothing and no real way to play a VCD back at the home. I've been scrounging for old fashioned VHS but noone seems to deal in such archaic technology anymore (lol).

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Thursday, January 23, 2003 9:54 AM


Petulant. Hmm, I like that. As much as I lust over Simon, and admire his noble qualities (can't go into detail here, this is a family show) I like the whole "feet of clay" aspect here. So far we have seen good and bad sides to these people, but not so much from Simon, except for that scene where he stomps all over little Kaylee's heart in that general store over that plate.

If you go to, I think they have a thread there called tape tree where they still deal with VHS.

But, we could have Simon want to be "like the guys" where, like Wash but for different reasons, he wants to prove his manhood (OK, down girl ) by showing he can handle himself in a fight. Might make for a nice time filler.

Forgive my outbursts, I'm in a WEIRD mood today!
Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Thursday, January 23, 2003 10:13 AM



I changed my mind. We could dumb down the show long enough to see Jayne all sweaty with no shirt on. (that was the bad Lost Angel talking by the way)

I have to disagree with your opinion of Mal's opinion of River. While almost everyone on board has sympathy towards River, I don't think she is considered a valuable crew member yet. Mal has to be practical, we've already seen where he puts aside his feelings for the good of the ship/crew/situation. While River did save the day, she has no everyday chores, can't be trusted with a gun, and disrupts the routine of the ship. While we have seen River be useful (killing people with math) we have not seen enough of her other skills, and right now can't assume that Mal has either.


Let's make it one of Niska's goons. Call me squeemish, but Niska just likes to hurt too much, and if they were being held waiting for him, it might be scary without someone else being horribly mutilated.

Just my opinion, but Niska is like someone that you should bring out a little at a time.

Or am I being a big baby? =p

And another thing, let's make a rule that we can't call ourselves idiots and other silly names like this. I haven't heard anyone getting offended by differing opinions, and anyone hurt has had the good manners to cry later. (lol) We are all an intelligent, creative bunch (I should know, I have high standards for the people I associate with ) that is just doing our best until the Big Man (Joss) gets back in town. Keep the ideas flowing and no putting ourselves down. Let's save all that negativity for Joe Millionaire! (yes, I'm a bad person, I have my own hell, I'll be lucky to end up with the people that talk in movie theatres)

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Thursday, January 23, 2003 11:18 AM


How about this to deal with Simon's apparent greed, and Mal's being ok with it. He doesn't get paid in dollars, he gets paid in something that goes back to the ship which if you think about it, is not getting paid at all:

HUI: Huh? Well, you drive a hard bargain… I guess…

SIMON: What is the cargo?

HUI: Does it matter? It’s cargo.

SIMON: How am I supposed to talk an Alliance Guild Transport into handing over my cargo if I don’t know what it is?

HUI: Fine. It’s components to pick up Alliance waves on planets that don’t have a Cortex.

SIMON: My share is to be part of the cargo.

MAL: Son, you mind?

SIMON: I’m firm. Those are the terms. Agree, or I refuse, and you’re (to Hui) out a set of Fancy Pants and you (to Mal) are out a job.

MAL: Uh, Hui? Do you mind if me an’ the good doctor speak private like? We’ll just be a minute.

Simon and Mal get up and walk away a little. Wash and Hui are carrying on a spirited discussion of ships, jobs, and the past in general. Somewhere in the background the roar of beasts and the click of plastic dinosaurs battling can be heard.

MAL: What are you doin’?

Simon: Mal, this is the only way that I can figure out how to help River. The medicine isn’t working, and she’s getting worse. If I have that equipment, maybe I can find a way to access the Alliance database and see if there’s something I’ve missed. Besides, think of the value of being able to monitor the Alliance.

MAL cocks his head: You aren't really intersted in the money, are you?

SIMON: Of course not.

MAL: So why'd you say all that before, ?

SIMON: Because it's the only thing you people understand and I'd starve to death if it meant helping heal my sister.
(MAL hesitates, staring SIMON in the eye)

MAL: Good point.

SIMON: Which one?

MAL: Pick one. Looks like you got yourself a deal, Dr. Fancy Pants.

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Thursday, January 23, 2003 11:43 AM


Lookin' good, if a little melodramatic what with the starving. :)

I should go on with my subplot, huh? Or not. Somebody vaguely organizing this let me know whether I should continue that.




Thursday, January 23, 2003 11:44 AM


I kinda would rather see Hui not getting double crossed by the gang. I mean Simon might have that idea and Mal could pull him asside like you have written, vut end it like this:

MAL: Good point.

SIMON: Which one?

MAL: Pick one.

(Simon smiles and MAL grins back, and SIMON turns to walk back to finish the deal with WASH and HUI. Mal grabs his shirt sleeve and stops him.)

SIMON: What?

MAL: One point you forgot to make.


MAL: Your plan has us double crossin' the friend of a friend who, up until your plan, and I dare say after it, will hate us like hot poker in the eye. (continues to smile knowingly)


MAL: Right. So we do it my way.

SIMON: ...yeah.

MAL: Good. Nice try too. Very devious and wretchid of ya.

SIMON: Thanks. (smiles. they return to HUI's shop)

That sort of exchange will allow Simon's character to continue to evolve into the "scoundrel" type, doing crime to save his sister, but it also shows that Mal is better at it, and altough it might be a good idea to double cross someone eventually, now isn't the best time. It safely keeps Hui a "good guy" and makes it clear that Mal knows that Hui is just driving a hard bargain, wheras Simon thinks he's being a hard-case and tries to one-up Hui by pushing the issue of his cut.

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Thursday, January 23, 2003 2:55 PM


When you've finished a whole ep. (Working out everything) You should make a site for the VS of Firefly.

Something's going down tonight! Something with the man!

Two by two. Hand of blue.


Thursday, January 23, 2003 5:24 PM


Good points all around I will try to stretch the material so far in two or perhaps three acts. In a perfect story it wound be the full five with all realizing the ship is gone to end objects in motion and start objects in rest. I dont think I can do that though with your help it is possible.

Also Young Lu is in their for a real purpose. How many of you pay much attention to the young street kid trying to sell you something. Not many but guess what he knows every that is going on in and around the docks.



Friday, January 24, 2003 6:54 AM


LA or LegalBegal or whomever is connecting these write a "from." I like the idea of ending "Objects in Motion" (season 2, ep 1, right? This is starting to get confusing) with everybody discovering that Serenity is gone. This could be part of the teaser for "Objects at Rest" (or vice versa if I've completely screwed things up).

Or I don't know. I'm confused.


Cut to:
Ext. Isis Docks

BOOK, JANYE, and RIVER are standing where Serenity's loading dock should be.

JAYNE: Where'd the gorram ship go?

BOOK: Got a comm on you?

JAYNE: No, I don't got a comm on me? We was lifting. Why'd I need a comm for that?

BOOK: I didn't see the ship take off before we saw the shuttle.

JAYNE: Course you didn't. We wasn't look but after her.

Cut to RIVER, standing still, her head down. Her hair obscures most of her face.

JANYE: You know what's goin' on, girl? If you got an idea, you should tell us.

RIVER: Simon is working now. Gravity well. Three is the number of the divine. Three plus one is four, the number of man. Man plus God equals lucky number seven.

Cut to JAYNE looking confused and BOOK looking tired.

Cut to RIVER playing with her fingers, couting over and over.

Cut to BOOK, looking from RIVER to JAYNE to the sky and back.

BOOK: I say we head the direction the shuttle went down. Somebody's bound to be on it.

JAYNE: Wait just a second. What if Serenity comes back? What then?

RIVER: Serenity comes after clarity but before enlightenment.

JAYNE: Preacher?

BOOK: You stay here with her then, and I'll go. I'll come back to get you if I need you.

BOOK turns and begins to jog off toward where he thinks the shuttle headed.

Cut to RIVER squatting down and drawing in the dirt.

Cut to JAYNE, squinting. Fade out.

Too random? Bad to further split them up? Just didn't want these three to get left out of any continuing action. Let me know.



Friday, January 24, 2003 8:18 AM



Originally posted by LegalBegal:
Good points all around I will try to stretch the material so far in two or perhaps three acts. In a perfect story it wound be the full five with all realizing the ship is gone to end objects in motion and start objects in rest. I dont think I can do that though with your help it is possible.

Also Young Lu is in their for a real purpose. How many of you pay much attention to the young street kid trying to sell you something. Not many but guess what he knows every that is going on in and around the docks.


So keep Lu in, but don't bring him on the ship.

The difference betwwen sports fans and sci-fi fans is that sci-fi fans have never trashed a train, booed Canada, or torn a man apart limb from limb.


Friday, January 24, 2003 10:26 AM


I think the idea of Serenity being gone is not a good one. Did I miss that in the above? I probably did, but I can't believe that I did. The shi is the one thing holding the crew together and I feel it's Mal's life....not just a ship. What's Han Solo without the Milenium Falcon? Mal is less without Serenity.

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Friday, January 24, 2003 11:04 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

If you all finish an episode (teaser and four/five acts), I'll post the whole thing as a feature on this website. That's if it's okay with you all.


Friday, January 24, 2003 12:58 PM


That sounds like a much better plan because it seems that we're all trying to get ideas in but they are starting to get stacked one on top of the other and the whole thing is losing coherency.

How about this as a breakdown, 'cause from what I'm reading, these are the main plots that seem to have been developed:

A) Crew gets a new, reliable, consistant, "good guy" contact for jobs (I think we all sort of like Hui)

B) Jubal Early makes a reappearance and it is discovered that he's not as evil as everyone thinks (I love the idea that he'd been hired by Simon and River's father via Alliance directive).

C) Some sort of story with Wash and Zoe in the forefront. Doesn't need to be all "high adventure", but somethin'.

D) A story providing the tiniest bit of further insight into the world of Companions featuring Inara (obviously) as the focus.

E) Something happens leaving the crew without access to Serenity, either in that it gets stolen or is impounded or something.

F) The addition of a temporary crew member or recurring character like the Lu kid or someone similar. Not sure where the bit with Lu was headed, so I could suggest where to take him.

G) The return of the Reavers.

I think that about covers all of the various plots that have been discussed. I actually have one in mind to address why there are no robots or artificial intelligence around in the Verse since that is a highly researched and funded endeavor presently. So I'll take that and you good folks take the rest and let's see if we can keep this bird flyin'...

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Friday, January 24, 2003 1:31 PM


Ok here is the deal if you want to write an episode pick now.

Episode One: Objects in Motion
Inara goes to pick up a future companion
The crew get a job from Hui.

Episode Two: Objects at Rest
The crew find serinity missing

Episode Three:
Inara begomes ill before a big event on a cruise liner and Kaylee must pose as a companion to pull off a hiest. Jayne must pose as her client

Episode Four: Testimony
This is what im working on The crew pick up passengers who are on a pilgramigage. Reveres are in this one.

Episode Five: Flashback
When Wash is injuresd the crew rember some of their more intresting times with the ecentric pilot.


Friday, January 24, 2003 1:42 PM


LB, you MUST be a lawyer...(lol)

Look, none of those appart from LBs Pilgrims vs. Reavers idea and "Flashback" sound really Firely-esque to me, and I prefer "OIM" and "OAR" to be more about "the crew experiences chaos" and "the crew experiences calm" respectively as I originally put forth.

But hey, you folks all roll withyours and I'll take the robot idea I'm playing around with and we'll see what goes where.

One favor: I'd like to do the story introducing Hui. I came up with a less "Big Lebowski" concept that I'd like to establish before I hand him over to the cosmos. Is that cool?

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Friday, January 24, 2003 4:16 PM


Ok that works why dont you take the first two episodes, incorporate you story and some of the stuff thats been passed around here. Some one else is on the kaylee ep and on flash back. With me doing Testimony that will give us the first set of episodes for the season.


Friday, January 24, 2003 4:43 PM


this virtual ep has turned made me stop just lurking. I found some info that might be handy.
The unaired Heart of Gold, is about a companion who quite to have her own brothel on one of the border worlds. She asks Inara for help with some locals. The whole c crew opt to lend a hand.

Also, the unaired ep "trash" stars the actress Christiana Hendricks (SAFRON), and just to add a thought I haven't seen mentions, this ep also has a charecter named "Monty Reynolds".... maybe Mal has a brother, uncle, dad(i doubt, considering he mentioned in "our mrs reynolds he was raised by his mom and ranch hands), but it is something that might fit with the virtual eps.

This tread has kept hope alive, and made a die hard lurker come in the open.

They can't take the sky away from me.


Friday, January 24, 2003 5:16 PM


Yo. Dibs on "Flashback." I love me some Wash. And I've been thinking that we never see Zoe vulnerable. This, I think, would be a good chance to explore that.

If anybody has any "wacky fun" ideas, I'd like to hear them. I'll give full credit.

Email me if you like:

Begal, you got due dates on these or are you just taking them as they come?

Also, what format do you want them in? Teleplay or story?



Friday, January 24, 2003 5:26 PM


These are cool--I'd love to play ... can we contribute bits? I'm really intrigued by either three or five, but I thought these were more collaborations--are people now choosing to just write complete eps (did I miss something)? Not sure I'm brave enough to try that, but again, I'I'm certainly willing to help, write, brainstorm ... :-)



Friday, January 24, 2003 8:09 PM


I just wanted to let all of you know that you are ALL doing a fantastic job on this! I love the energy around here, it is really keeping Firefly glowing. All you guys need now is a website with some awesome graphics for each of the episodes and everything will be set!



Saturday, January 25, 2003 8:17 AM


Hey Phil! You and me writing episode 5! It's going to rule! It's going to be Wash-alicious!

If, you know, you want to. :)


Edited cos sometimes I'm a little too enthusiastic.


Saturday, January 25, 2003 11:13 AM


Hey, Sarah,

No such thing as being too enthusiastic! And I'd love to.

Whee! This is fun. I'm a little worried by how much fun this is... but yeah, bring it on!

For continuity, the eps must be written in order, I'm assuming, so either we can't start writing the later eps before the earlier, or the earlier ep people need to let us know major plot points, and we can revise before posting, yes?

Phil. (who believes laundry is an evil Alliance conspiracy. Betcha Blue Sun makes detergent).


Saturday, January 25, 2003 3:18 PM


Th eps are open for contributors but we need some one to take on the effort of helming each. I think we are writing these in script form. If we get a web site I can post them for download. I know a little bit about webs and mantainace but not enough to build it.


Sunday, January 26, 2003 6:23 AM


I would very much like to be apart of this and I have done it with Angel and Buffy before. I think getting a website would be a good idea and then we could advertise the site and build an audience and then post an episode up every so often. We just need to plan the season and then send out episode overviews to the writer of each episode so they have a mild guideline of what the episode should contain. I would very much like to be a part of this and I think we could come up with some good stuff.


Sunday, January 26, 2003 8:24 AM


I can help with getting the audience for the website. I have firefly fans in several states. And a large group in Chicago.



Sunday, January 26, 2003 11:31 AM



Originally posted by Guailo:

Jayne isn't a complete wretch, he's just a jerk. I don't think he cares if River talks or not as long as she isn't cuttin' him. Jayne is simple excruciatingly self centered, but I think getting shut in the air-lock and having a little reflective moment would have cured him of some of that. The bit about him swiping River's food is great, but I can't envision him and Book benchpressing together or him bing directly mean to anyone. Both of those latter actions are just too much in the extreme for Jayne. He'd sooner disappear into his cabin and pout. Think 12 year old bully.


We've already seen Jayne and Book working out together. In War Stories when Inara's female client leaves the ship Jayne gets distracted and leaves Book hanging with the barbell up in the air.


Sunday, January 26, 2003 4:04 PM



Right now we are in the process of doing some stuff and would love for you to contribute in one form or another. I also agree that we need to plan out the seasons major archs, if any, and go ahead and break up the stories. We have already started to do a little bit of this but untill we get a site and know exactly who is going to be writting eps and who just wants to contribute and who wants to beta read we can't do much.


Sunday, January 26, 2003 6:25 PM


Yeah, I understand. Hopefully we can get a site up soon and start planning soem stuff. My e-mail is, if you want to converse through e-mail.


Monday, January 27, 2003 5:05 AM


>Episode One: Objects in Motion
>Inara goes to pick up a future companion
>The crew get a job from Hui.

>Episode Two: Objects at Rest
>The crew find serinity missing

I think that everyone is pretty much agreed on these two episodes and we've all enjoyed what has been written so far and posted on the boards. I look forward to seeing the rest of these eppys.

>Episode Three:
>Inara begomes ill before a big event on a cruise >liner and Kaylee must pose as a companion to >pull off a hiest. Jayne must pose as her client

A comedy episode, though it might feature Atherton Wing. I think this would work and could be a real FF episode.

Oh, and the liner in question might just have a bit more in common with the Lusitania than y'all might expect.

I'd welcome any and all help with this.

I'd also recommend that we shift this episode to a later slot as we need to dispose of the trainee companion if we want Kaylee to take a role on the liner. Or do we abandon the trainee companion storyline entirely ? Perhaps slip it in later ? We can always explain Inara's absence as she was 'seeing' a client ?

>Episode Four: Testimony
>This is what im working on The crew pick up >passengers who are on a pilgramigage. Reveres >are in this one.

>Episode Five: Flashback
>When Wash is injuresd the crew rember some of >their more intresting times with the ecentric >pilot.

I like these two and would like to offer my help with Testimony and some of the Reavers scenes.


JAYNE: Anybody remember her comin' at me with a butcher's knife?

WASH: Wacky fun.

JAYNE: (annoyed) You wanna go, little man?

WASH: (flippantly) Only if it's someplace with candlelight.

One of my favourite Wash/Jayne segments.


Monday, January 27, 2003 6:33 AM



thanks for the repost. I dont know if we are abandoningthe trainee or not. I think we are. So for now lets say that she is our with a client. We can change that latter if needed.

We can slip your episode into a latter slot if you want. Phil and some one. Im sorry I dont remember the name are working on Flashback Ive got testimony but welcome any help and you are doing the kaylee story arent you. I dont know who is helming the first too but I think that every one is going to help out on this episode.


Monday, January 27, 2003 7:24 AM


Hey Begal,

Phil and I were wanting to work on #5 about Wash.

Who's outlining the first ones so that those of us at the end know what's going on?

Also, is it time for a Virtual Thread 3?



Monday, January 27, 2003 8:25 AM


Thanks Sara.

Question 1. Do we have a volunteer to helm the first two eps.

Question 2. Can someone post a brief outline of these episodes in scrip format ie

The crew talk about the need for a job. Wash mentions that a friend on Isis may need their help. Inara has a client planet side that she wants to see.

Act One
Inara leaves. Some members of the crew meet Hui.

Act Two
Simon meets Hui and learns the plan while Book and Jayne entratain River.

Act Three
what ever

Act Four
The crew return to the landing site to find the ship gone.

Teaser Ep Two
Recounts the high points from the first ep. Shuttle one crashes.

Act One
We learn that Badger or some one else a minon of Niskas perhaps has hijacked the ship for reason X.

Act Two
find the shuttle and repair it while talking to Hui.

Act Three
The crew decide to use one of Huis ships to get Serenity back.

Act Four
Serenity now under controll of the ship they deliver Huis goods.

The end

This is just an example and by no means the order that needs to be followed. The more we know though the easier it will be for some one to script these out.


Monday, January 27, 2003 9:33 AM


I really have no preference for what I am doing. I am just eager to do as much work as possible. If you want, I could do the first two episodes. I will need to talk to you though about the exact plot and a bit more detail summary of the episodes. Once we establish that, I could start the second episode as soon as late tonight. In the past whe nI have doen scripts for stuff liek this, it was done so it would approximately actually take up 44 minutes of television (It was like approximately 45 pages long in Microsoft Word). Would you liek ot do it like this because frankly it makes sense to have them as long as they would have been. The one that was posted so far, I think is shorter so what do you want? You have my e-mail, so if you want just send me a more in-depth summary for these episodes, just explaining what really goes on in each act, and we can discuss where all of this is heading and such and I can get to work. The first episode is already done though, right? So this is really episode 2 and 3...


Monday, January 27, 2003 10:09 AM



What has been posted so far is just a beginning for the first episode and I dont know exactly how it will work out. So far people have just been posting ideas in script form. I would love for these to be fairly close to actual script length but if not thats ok so long as we have a teaser and four acts.

Ill write you again tommorrow with a more detailed summary if you would like.


Monday, January 27, 2003 1:38 PM


Yeah, I can do the first two episodes then and have them close to actual script length. I will look at the info that has already been done on the boards but I will more than likely re-script it, of course with the same plot and everything. It may take a little tiem i will really try to do them as quickly as possible though, two 45 page scripts though take some time. Thanks for keeping me posted on all of this.


Monday, January 27, 2003 4:43 PM



Are we doing these on the boards, then, or are there plans to move these to a separate site? My only thought is it may be a good idea to have a thread per ep, for the writing of it, and a thread separately for general planning, is all, although I realize this takes up a lot of space. Just a suggestion, cuz I'm often easily confused ...

Phil. (only slightly confused at this point )






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