Miracles and Veritas

UPDATED: Saturday, February 8, 2003 05:31
VIEWED: 13539
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Tuesday, January 28, 2003 6:03 AM


Having watched Miracles and ABC other new show Veritas last night just to give them a shot I must say that I could not find Miracles one redeeming quality in the end the innocent little boy died to save the priest who by all accounts should be dead. The arch bishop of Boston turned away the miracle and the priest joins the brotherhood which has to be the evil organization in all this if the church represents the good. Plus the God is Nowhere thing on the napkin just left a nasty taste in my mouth.

On the upside the special effects where excellent but seemed to be for more flash and shock value than story telling. Oh and the story was not the best it was decent but defiantly not Joss quality. All in all out of five stars miracles gets one.

Veritas the quest while a bit corny and with awful special effect you know the kind you see on the Saturday afternoon syndicated shows was actually fairly good. The only problem with that show is none of the actors are that good. They are all ok or average but not one of them gave that great performance I was waiting for.

Out of five stars Veritas gets three stars and as the actors get better the show will to.

What did you think if you watched either one of these shows?


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 6:15 AM


I agree. Veritas could get better, it needs to find its sea legs. I recognize the mysterious good guy as the head bad guy in the Mummy movies, and the kid wired on caffeine as a minor part in 24. In my opinion, the son took away from the plot. The dialogue wasn't anything to write home about. For someone so smart, when his dad asked him why he didn't stay in his room, he didn't say, "The bad guys were there, I didn't want to get taken, held prisoner, etc." Instead he just whines. Too bad it looks like he's there for the long haul, probably for the teeny-boppers. Truthfully, if I heard that tutor saying "Nico" one more time I would have thrown something. I think it was targeted for someone with a little less years and a little more hormones than myself. (and I have a lot of hormones, thank you)

Miracles was X-Files vatican style. One of the oldest theories in the modern era is that the Church isn't good, it's just a beuocrasy (sp?) intent on protecting its turf, just like any government or big corporation, which the Vatican is (government and big corporation).

Overall, I'd watch, but I'm not hopping on any fansites any time soon.

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 6:45 AM


I didn't catch Miracles, but watched Veritas.

I agree with the comments about lame SFX (that car chase in the begining was just aweful), sub-par acting (that kid pretty muched stank it up), going insane if i hear the name Nico one more time, aweful diaglog writing in general, and that the show has some (if not much) potential to grow.

Given TVs current state of instant blockbuster ratings or bust, I give this show just this half season before it gets axed.

All-in-all, it reminds me of a really poorly done Young Indiana Jones, which I thougth were pretty good.

WTF do execs give shows liek this the go ahead when they could air a higher quality, already developed program ala Firefly. Heck they could have aired a new installment on the Young Indiana Jones series and it would have been better...

Oh well. Back to watching my 11 FF eps.


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 8:27 AM


I think the great thing about Miracles and Millennium is that it takes a story that is so dark and goes deeper into that side of it. So that it leaves the audience waiting for a resolution or fantastical ending all the while keeping anticipation active.

The scene with "God Is Now Here" versus "God Is Nowhere" set up the controversy present in society today about faith. It also set up that other guy sitting opposite Skeet Ulrich as a primary villain.

Miracles has a lot of potential simply because in the first episode...he quit. So he is no longer a Vatican lackey, but working for an organization whose purpose it is to debunk Miracles for its own agenda.

The main character is all alone and matched against overwhelming odds and very creepy visions of the future.


As for Veritas...

God what a corny show. I wish the son would stop whining, bi+ching and crying. The father is a workaholic jerk who I really didn't see carry the show much less a conversation without me thinking...God you can't act!

Oh, and what was that guy who played the role of the Mummy doing there? Where are you, Brendan Fraser, when we need you.

For a show as corny as Veritas...they need to lighten it up with some laughs. It's just too pathetic to be taken seriously.


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 8:44 AM


These two shows just don't do it for me! Sorry, but Veritas just needs a dog named Bandit and a Hindu sidekick!
Miracles? As was said earkier, X-files Vatican style!
Firefly's approach to SciFi is so radically different and well written that you immediatley feel the bond between the characters and the believability of the stories. Neither of these had even the slightest spark!


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 9:25 AM


Hello all a lot of the newer people here might not remember me but I've kicked around this board for awhile now and I can usually manage to express myself in a somewhat of an intelligent manner. First Miracles:


Legal Begal wrote:

them a shot I must say that I could not find Miracles one redeeming quality in the end the innocent little boy died to save the priest who by all accounts should be dead. The arch bishop of Boston turned away the miracle and the priest joins the brotherhood which has to be the evil organization in all this if the church represents the good. Plus the God is Nowhere thing on the napkin just left a nasty taste in my mouth.

I thought it took a lot of courage to have a genuinely unhappy ending (out of the genre television I've seen, only Stargate SG-1, with their second episode, had a genuinely downer ending this early). Also, why is it that the church must represent the good? Why does either organiztion have to be "evil"? It is possible for 2 opposing groups to be in conflict and for neither to be truly bad (and, in the case of some corporate clashes, for both to be equally evil ). Also, the "God is Nowhere" was not stated as an absolute, rather as an oppose theme to the "Go is Now Here" upcoming tenre of the apocalypse feel.


On the upside the special effects where excellent but seemed to be for more flash and shock value than story telling. Oh and the story was not the best it was decent but defiantly not Joss quality.

Well the effects I'm not going to say wheter that was for shock value or not because, in biblical based things there are often signs and portents of upcoming things, which some of the effects could very well have been used for (and in a couple of cases sort of were already). I think the storytelling was similar to Joss in that the more supernatural theme is not completely what the storytelling was about, but rather as the basis to examine a subject (in this case faith and its loss thereof). Is it the best story ever? No, but it is better than most every non-Whedon produced TV fantasy that I've seen (yes, I do feel that its better than Xena and Brimstone, at least judging by the first episode so that analysis could change).

Honestly, given the Firefly fan's reactions to Miracles a large part of me suspects that it comes from the same place that the Dark Angel fans criticisms of Firefly came from, but I'm not going to go in depth to spare everyone's feelings.

Now on to Veritas:


Veritas the quest while a bit corny and with awful special effect you know the kind you see on the Saturday afternoon syndicated shows was actually fairly good.

No, sorry but absolutely not. Aside from Vosloo's character the entire thing was cliche planted upon cliche and none of the characters struck true. They also didn't have the budget to do truly effective actions sequences (as the temple scene's editing especially seemed obviously done because they didn't have the budget to pull of what they were attempting). This is not significantly better than the syndicated Adventure Inc., and they have a much larger budget than Adventure Inc.

Out of Five Stars:

Miracles: 3.75 out fo 5 stars (and I saw enough to indicate that it has a good shot at improving)

Veritas: 2 out of 5 stars (with absolutely nothing standing out what so ever)

"It looks like a great adventure...That's what it is; that's what it feels like. When I saw the pilot, it was really engaging. It was exciting. It was unusual. It threw me off every now and then. I think people will be grabbed by it." - Ron Glass, on the pilot, during an interview with the Indianapolis Star


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 9:55 AM


I didn't want to sound like a firefly zombie that refuses to see the merit in anything that was not of my favorite show, but I have to admit that the shows fell flat.

Miracles has potential, but can go either way. Veritas, I strangely find myself hoping that it will improve, I guess mainly because I like action and stuff, but it has farther to go. The acting was bad, and I think they focused too much on the son and the son did too much whining for someone of the intelligence level he was supposed to have. Of course I remember having the same type of reservations about Charmed, and now watch that show when I can.

To stick up for my peeps though, I have heard people say that the shows could go somewhere if they improved, which is better than saying they stunk. Of course you have to realize that after you've had filet mignon, meatloaf is a bit hard to swallow.

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 10:15 AM


I liked Miracles a lot, although it could certainly be accused of being a copy of second-season Millennium. Since I enjoyed that show, I enjoyed this one as well.

Veritas was unimpressive. Hopefully it will improve, but I tend to agree that the cast was lackluster, especially the father and son who are presumably the center of the show.


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 10:48 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Originally posted by sabreblade:
The scene with "God Is Now Here" versus "God Is Nowhere" set up the controversy present in society today about faith. It also set up that other guy sitting opposite Skeet Ulrich as a primary villain.

I don't think so. Father Alva Keel is not the villain, he's on the same side as Paul Callan, albeit, he acts more as a counterpoint to what Callan sees and expriences. For example, Callan sees 'God Is Now Here', Keel sees 'God Is Nowhere'. Not unlike the complementary opposites of Maulder and Scully where both chracters work as a check and balance for eachother. As Keel said, he and Callan are on parallel paths.

If there is a hint of a villian here, it's the institutionalized church with its secrecy with its puzzling treatment of Callan and his discovery of a potentially real miracle, while at the same time The Church is all too accepting of false ones.

One has to ask, what does The Church want? Or maybe more fittingly, what does it not want?

Between Veritas and Miracles, I'll have to say that Miracles is the better show of the two.


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 10:50 AM


You're right. Miracles got very Millenium near the end.

I didn't get a chance to see Veritas because of a botched blood donation thingy.

But Miracles, I think, may have potential. Ulrich was very subtle. I think, and for no reason, that they could have done with a lot less exposition because Ulrich was so expressive.

I, personally thought the "now here" "nowhere" thing was really pretty cool. But I will go to great lenghts to suspend my own disbelief. Could be too, cos I was concentrating on Angus Macfayden really hard going "where have I seen you before." Then, my husband and I got it at the same time, "Braveheart!" and maybe that sapped the moment a little.

Soundtrack was groovy in some spots, overbearing in others.

I'll watch again. I've been trying to tell myself for a long time now that something will come along to replace Firefly. To make me forget about Firefly. But it won't. So I lay down arms and light candles. I can't do more at this point. I will do more when I can; I won't do more when I shouldn't.

We have something, all of us, now inside us. We hold that secret chord (to steal shamelessly from Bonibaru and Mr. Wainwright, but only out of respect). Obviously we want to fill the void. Nature abhors a vacuum. But for me and maybe for y'all, it will keep being a little empty spot forever. But at least it will be meaningfully empty.

And now I'm being melodramatic. There's no emoticon for "wistful." Or nostaligc. Or grieving. Really melodramatic. I gotta shut up.

Oh, and that chick, at the end? Not half as pretty as Gina Torres.



Tuesday, January 28, 2003 10:51 AM


I agree with the critisisms of Veritas but if the son would stop acting babyish and they got a decent company to do the special effects it could be good.


Originally posted by millernate:

Also, why is it that the church must represent the good? Why does either organiztion have to be "evil"? It is possible for 2 opposing groups to be in conflict and for neither to be truly bad (and, in the case of some corporate clashes, for both to be equally evil ). Also, the "God is Nowhere" was not stated as an absolute, rather as an oppose theme to the "Go is Now Here" upcoming tenre of the apocalypse feel.

The church does not have to represeent the good guy and on most shows I would't expect it to but here with the nature of the show and the way the billed it I came in with the idea that the church was good. That is why it left a bad feel in my mouth.

I think that they can build on this but I dont seethem doing it, and I dont think they did the napkin thing to illustarte a future apocayptic storyline I think it was just one more shot at the Catholic church like using the Arch Diasis of Boston who has been under fire lately.

Just for clarification Im not Catholic so that is not why i didn't care for the show. There is the possibility that it will get better and I will give it a second chance and totally change my opinion then again I may not, change my opinion that is.


Tuesday, January 28, 2003 11:10 AM


I don't think they used the napkin to take a shot at the church. When Paul asked why God would let a little boy die in order to save other people, the other guy said,"what makes you think it's God?" or something like that.

I got out of it that the whole God is Nowhere is being done by someone/thing other than the Big Guy, and now God is stepping up to the plate with the God is now here.

Funny, and I said I wouldn't go onto any fansites. (I know, it's only a thread, but still...)

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Wednesday, January 29, 2003 12:58 PM


Miracles is a damn good show. It has all the elements of Angel, Firefly, and Buffy. Firefly WAS a supernatural western, as Miracles IS a supernatural religous show. Your dumbassity to see any of this proves your opinion does not count and is worthless.

Veritas was executed badly. When pitched to ABC, the show had all the innerworkings to make it a fantastic show, well-written and all. The actors sucked it all up though, and the pilot script got too mangled with edgy producers.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Thursday, January 30, 2003 5:04 AM


Fury Fire:


Your dumbassity to see any of this proves your opinion does not count and is worthless.

Now why do have to be rude and all? If you want to be a troll, go over to one of the other fansites, we're respectable, civilized folks here. Besides you only shoot yourself in the foot by making up your own words like dumassity.

Otherwise, Firefly is not a supernatural western. It is a futuristic western. There is a difference, but thank you for demonstrating just what dumbassity is. Your leading by example is very commendable.

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Thursday, January 30, 2003 1:08 PM


Yeah so in the future we'll all be psychic.

I'm not a troll, I'm a rebel, and you're just an idiot.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Thursday, January 30, 2003 2:40 PM


Being psychic is a toss up when it comes to being either supernatural or superscience. It's more a question of the origins of the power. If, for instance, someone is granted the power from a relic or (like Buffy in Earshot) a supernatural source, then yes, that is supernatural.

Since much of River's subplot and character are derived from the medical experiments that the Men with Hands of Blue performed on her, it appears that River's particular brand of telepathy is scientific in nature, not supernatural. Indeed, some scientists swear up and down that the human brain has the capacity to be telepathic, but since we only use 10% or so off our minds, we are unable to currently do it. It may be possible in the distant future though.

I understand you like Miracles and Veritas. Once again, good for you. I wish you and the shows long lives. But please stop posting here. This is a Firefly board. All you ever do is come in here and rant about how great Miracles is, and then call everyone who disagrees with you a dumbass. We have our own opinions about the shows, most of which go completely against yours. Sorry but it's true.

Start a Miracles board. You'll find many like minded people I'm sure. Just leave our board alone.


Thursday, January 30, 2003 6:11 PM



Indeed, some scientists swear up and down that the human brain has the capacity to be telepathic, but since we only use 10% or so off our minds, we are unable to currently do it. It may be possible in the distant future though.

Actually, based off what I've heard, this is incorrect. While we only use 10% of our brains at any given time we do use 100% of it overall (just not all at once). So far telepathy is considered scientifically improbable (because you can't really prove a negative), which is why most "hard science fiction" does not use it.


I understand you like Miracles and Veritas. Once again, good for you. I wish you and the shows long lives. But please stop posting here. This is a Firefly board

Not to get too y but he can talk about it if he wants too. We do have boards up to "talk story" (talk about anything) and for "other science fiction series". If he talks about it at those boards then there is no reason to complain about him discussing these shows (you can complain about how he discusses those shows, but not that he discusses them).

"It looks like a great adventure...That's what it is; that's what it feels like. When I saw the pilot, it was really engaging. It was exciting. It was unusual. It threw me off every now and then. I think people will be grabbed by it." - Ron Glass, on the pilot, during an interview with the Indianapolis Star


Thursday, January 30, 2003 8:03 PM


It's a fictional show to begin with. And yes, many scientists believe that telepathy is possible and may be probable in the future. Also, Many do not share that veiw. And you might want to check your 100% theory out a little further. You may have referred to using all areas of the brain, but not all the tissue that encompasses those areas.

The only reason I'm telling him to go to another board is that he obviously doesn't want to be here. Yes we have threads for other show discussion, but on those threads, the people who like Buffy or Farscape, don't call the Firefly fans who don't watch the shows, dumbasses. I'm sorry, but I don't like being called a dumbass simply because I don't want to watch a show that Mr. Fury Fire thinks is on par with the second coming of Christ.

I wouldn't object if he just kept his posts limited to what he liked about the show, or what he thought of a particular episode, instead of calling everyone who dislikes Miracles a dumbass.

I also think he should look toward college instead of the internet posting boards, to help his screenwriting career (assuming he hasn't gone yet).


Friday, January 31, 2003 12:21 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Miracles is a damn good show. Your dumbassity to see any of this proves your opinion does not count and is worthless.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.

Hey there. I see we're using the "Dumbass" word again. It's like a Dinner Bell to my ears.

"Veritas" was a fun, interesting show. I'm glad I grabbed it to the HD. It will be exciting to see how many episodes they air before cancelling it, despite the fact they aired 20 minutes of show before any commercials. Bravo.

"Miracles", on the other hand, was much more than I expected. In other posts, I've likened it to "Seventh Heaven" based on the title--this comparison (while initially tongue-in-cheek) is wholly inaccurate. It's not a crappy X-Files clone either. It's an exceptional X-Files clone.

I am tremendously worried that "Miracles" will get cancelled, too. SPOILERS AHEAD: All the trappings for complex fiction have been put in place. Angus McFayden (Robert the Bruce, dammit!) is in a perfect Devil's Advocate roll, if indeed he's not the actual Devil. I thought it was brilliant the way Skeet's faith, and our own, was given new, powerful life by the "God is now here" message. And then how Angus casually popped in a seed of doubt. You know he's gotta be lying, because we saw the message, too. But that doubt is in my head now... and it ain't going anywhere. Bravo.

Now, "Miracles" does indeed look like a combination of "X-Files", "Brimstone" and "Millennium". But those are all great, interesting shows. So it's cool to enjoy it... I guess.

However, on behalf of dumbasses everywhere, I'd like to say that anyone who uses the word "dumbassity" has proven that anything else they have to say is worthless, and their opinions no longer count.

So the rest of you will have to take MY word for it, that "Miracles" is a pretty good show. Worth investing some magnetic tape in. Or HD space (as the case may be).

And did you see "The Practice" with the crazy lady arc? Man, that's shiny. I'm pumped!

~newbs (lifeofwily)

no power in the 'verse can stop me

The above post does not reflect the opinions of all dumbasses every-which-where. Only THIS dumbass.


Friday, January 31, 2003 3:54 AM



I'm not a troll, I'm a rebel, and you're just an idiot.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck....

Yup, you're a troll.

Please refrain from posting if you are going to insult other people. Differing opinions are welcome if they are posted politely. Giving facts to go with your views also helps go your credibility. Insulting people only accentuates your childishness and insecurity.

I'm not mad, I feel sorry for you.

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Friday, January 31, 2003 5:23 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Furyfire wrote:


Your dumbassity to see any of this proves your opinion does not count and is worthless.

Wow. Name calling is totally uncool. Sure not everyone is going to agree on certain things, and many of us are passionate about the things we enjoy, but it should never lead to name calling. That does not show our passion for the subject being discussed, it shows a lack of self control and ability to articulate our feelings.

If you like Miracles, that is great. I am sure it is a good show, but obviously not all of us share that opinion. Honestly I am not interested in another show at this point.

I see the point that this is a Firefly forum, but we should respect others enough to allow them to post what they want about shows, so long as it does not get out of hand.

Just trying to keep the peace. Let's all play nice.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Saturday, February 1, 2003 5:01 PM


Shut up. How dare you call me a troll, I'm just a well-informed spiritual master as you are simply a jackass. Do us a favour and leave us alone/ Stop the personal attacks.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Saturday, February 1, 2003 7:14 PM


Strange parallels...


Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Shut up. How dare you call me a troll, I'm just a well-informed spiritual master as you are simply a jackass. Do us a favour and leave us alone/ Stop the personal attacks.

Nasty, tricksy hobbitses. No, not master... he's our friend. You don't have any friends! We don't need you, Master looks after us now. Arrrrgh!! Go away and never come back!

no power in the 'verse can stop me... and the precious...


Saturday, February 1, 2003 8:26 PM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Shut up. How dare you call me a troll, I'm just a well-informed spiritual master as you are simply a jackass. Do us a favour and leave us alone/ Stop the personal attacks..

Well, if it wasn't obvious before, it is now pretty probable that you're just a crank who likes it when people disagree with him, so he can get in stupid board fights. Atta boy.


Saturday, February 1, 2003 9:02 PM


"Walk away from the table. Now!"


Monday, February 3, 2003 11:24 AM


Since FuryFire obviously enjoys fighting. I do not believe he will go away. He likes being recognized. I say we rise above it and stop responding to any troll comments.

If Furyfire posts anything polite then recognition is ok. But we should not indulge him.

May Serenity keep flying.


Monday, February 3, 2003 11:44 AM


Book was slicing some kind of fruit or veggie when he made his 1/2 a hump comment. Creepy.

I love the way Joss put the scene with Wash and Zoe first, where River "feels" the emotion flowing between them, and we hear it as a huge ocean, so that when we see Mal and Inara we know that the same powerful emotions are flowing through them as well, they just can't act on it because, well... poor Mal has hang-ups.

River's reaction to those feelings are probably significant as well. With W&Z, she was overcome and kind of staggered away, whereas with M&I, she looked kind of disturbed and ran away.... what could that mean? I could be as simple as with W&Z there was a good, comfortable feeling whereas with M&I she felt chaos and anger? hmmm...


Monday, February 3, 2003 12:14 PM


Actually, it's nice to have our own pet troll. Every once in a while I have this need to poke someone, and everyone else here is way too nice.

I may be too Kaylee-ish to believe that he is this immature and ignorant. I think he is doing this to see what we would do and is being a troll on purpose. I haven't seen anyone this immature after they graduated kindergarten, so I choose to believe that this is his misguided way of trying to draw attention to himself. Lord knows that no one here takes him seriously, too bad, I know that people in the industry regularly visit these sites (Adam Baldwin visits the site at least 1-2 times a week and personally answers as many posts as he can). This wouldn't be a good way to help out his screen writing career. Who wants to put up with a rookie smart-a$$?

But I'm sure tomorrow he will have plenty of tripe to throw at us and the hilarity will ensue.

Fury Fire, let me know if you need any of the above words explained. You should also consider an afternoon nap with some milk and cookies. It might make you nicer and a bit more mature - but we'll settle for one out of two.

PS: I'm sorry people, I tried to take the high road, but I guess I'm not great or good, just alright.
Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Monday, February 3, 2003 2:23 PM



Originally posted by Sabi:
Book was slicing some kind of fruit or veggie when he made his 1/2 a hump comment. Creepy.

I love the way Joss put the scene with Wash and Zoe first, where River "feels" the emotion flowing between them, and we hear it as a huge ocean, so that when we see Mal and Inara we know that the same powerful emotions are flowing through them as well, they just can't act on it because, well... poor Mal has hang-ups.

River's reaction to those feelings are probably significant as well. With W&Z, she was overcome and kind of staggered away, whereas with M&I, she looked kind of disturbed and ran away.... what could that mean? I could be as simple as with W&Z there was a good, comfortable feeling whereas with M&I she felt chaos and anger? hmmm...

Dude! Where've you been?! I started a whole other thread on this very question. Which strong feeling, precisely, do you think it symbolizes? And reply over there so Furyfire the Wonder Dork doesn't call us dumbasses for hijacking the thread.



Monday, February 3, 2003 2:37 PM


I'm not some bloody troll. Stop saying that, your hurting my feelings. I just want you to stop attacking me. I already am known on this board, you must be a nobody if you don't know that already. Why can't you people ever stay on topic? Either stay on topic or leave the board.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Monday, February 3, 2003 3:18 PM


It just gets funnier the more he posts. After all, he is "known on this board." Bwhahahahahaha


Monday, February 3, 2003 3:43 PM


Dumbassity... I like it!


Monday, February 3, 2003 6:51 PM


I thought that, too. Known for what? Having the dumbest tagline this side of Londinium? For self-advertising as a screenwriter? For *poorly* self advertising as a screenwriter? Then I thought, yes: for having coined the term "dumbassity." It's funny cos it's meta! Self-referential!


Tuesday, February 4, 2003 5:14 AM



I'm not some bloody troll. Stop saying that, your hurting my feelings. I just want you to stop attacking me.


This man who called me an idiot and a jackass, as well as commenting on my dumbassity wants me to stop attacking him, because I'm hurting his feelings!

Damn, I needed that laugh today, thanks.

See, what'd I tell ya, let stay and the hilarity will ensue!

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Tuesday, February 4, 2003 3:15 PM


Both of these shows suck compared to Firefly, they are not in the same league at all.

I took the time to watch them both. Nothing bad to say about them, really, but compared to Firefly they SUCK!


Wednesday, February 5, 2003 12:39 PM


U suck men. U havent even seen either show obviously because yu can't even offer any type of opinion. Firefly wasn't made for losers, so stop watching. Ur such a troll, flamer.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Wednesday, February 5, 2003 4:27 PM


How's that screenwriting career going? They dig it when you write "u"?

Also, sounds like your emotions are pouring. Maybe you need a time out to go get some paper towels or something.

Take your time. We'll wait.


Thursday, February 6, 2003 3:19 AM


Ah, the pitter-patter of little feet in combat boots.

This is replacing my daily Dilbert comic strip for my morning laugh.

I have to say I'm dissapointed though. Regressing into grammar and spelling that 2nd grader would be ashamed of is so expected and cliche.

Buddy, you're starting to give trolls a bad name.

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Thursday, February 6, 2003 12:50 PM


Leave me alone and stop harassing me. I come here to talk about Firefly & whedon related material, not to be pestered, talk about the show or leave. I AM known around here, as I appear on the board for only periods at a time, maybe newbies like you didn't know that.

I am in fact a good screenwriter, I just dont give a fuck what i write on these boards. I ahve a life, so using "U' just lets me write quicker here.



Thursday, February 6, 2003 12:55 PM


How is Miracles either Firefly or Joss related? I may have signed up after you, but I can guarantee you that I spend more time on the boards than you, and I say things in a more mature, constructive way when I state my opinions.

But really, coming here and poking you is fun. Don't leave.

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Thursday, February 6, 2003 1:02 PM


Exactly what I wanted to know, LA. How is Miracles related?

Hope he got those towels.



Thursday, February 6, 2003 3:29 PM


Miracles is exactly like the scene in 24 when the Beverly Hills mountain lion threatens Kim.


Thursday, February 6, 2003 3:49 PM


Was it a mountain lion? We had a small debate. Cougar? Puma?

Glad I'm not the only one who thought that that was a stretch and a half.



Thursday, February 6, 2003 4:49 PM


Cougar, Mountain Lion, and Puma are the same thing as Bison / Buffalo and Chryler Plymouth / Dodge Charger.

Different...but the same......

By the way, the Dodge Charger is the the General Lee in Dukes of Hazard.

Yeeeeeee Hawwwwwwwwwww!


Thursday, February 6, 2003 4:50 PM




Thursday, February 6, 2003 4:57 PM


Hey man! Go with yourself. The General Lee was a damn fine machine. Should be in the Smithsonian.

Are you in the south like me?


Thursday, February 6, 2003 6:50 PM


Please don't get me wrong about Miracles and Veritas.

Although they don't compare to Firefly, they are 100 times better than the reality crap on Fox these days.

And no, I'm not from the south, Sarahetc. And by the way, what state was Hazard County in, anyways?


Friday, February 7, 2003 3:49 AM


I agree, the General Lee should be in the Smithsonian. I still want a dog like Velvet Ears! He was so cute.

It seems that reality TV isn't the only thing sucking eggs recently. I saw a commercial for a sitcom called "My Big Fat Greek Life". I loved the movie, wouldn't mind watching it over again, but I can't believe that they're making a TV show out if it.

Actually I can believe they're making a show out of it, I just can't believe that it would be any good. Canned laughter takes something away from a good joke and emphasizes when a bad joke was told.

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Friday, February 7, 2003 6:39 AM


Well, I missed the pilots to Veritas and Miricles becuase it was pre-empted to show the Tampa Bay Buccaneer's plane land and the team get on a bus. (I shit you not) But having seen the second episode of each, I think Veritas is just unbeleivably corny. The acting is terible and the storyboard is ludicrous and it has every cliche I can think of. I can kind of believe that a huge machine (exact size of the pyrimid in Giza)on the magnetic southpole would generate huge amounts of energy and heat, but that it will also cure people? That's asking a bit much. They are better off showing "The New Adventures of Johnny Quest" because the cartoon was better than Veritas.

Miracles I liked in a large part due to the acting, it is nice to know that someone can still tell a decent story without relying on special effects.

"Societies are supported by human activity, therefore they are constantly threatened by the human facts of self-intrest and stupidity." --Peter Berger


Friday, February 7, 2003 3:09 PM


Just a note for the 'Miracles' fans:

you can chat with Marisa Ramirez who plays Evelyn Santos on Wednesday Feb. 19 at 9pm et, 6pm pt.

go to:

hope to see you there!







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