Wash or Book?

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 4, 2006 17:01
VIEWED: 8281
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Monday, January 2, 2006 6:49 AM


If you could have one of these characters come back to life who would it be and why? Wash or Book?


Monday, January 2, 2006 6:53 AM


Wash. -hands down- I cannot stand to see Zoe without him. They were my Han and Leia were for 70's folk.
But that sure as hell was a reminder of what life is like sometimes....

people could always come looking for book and we can get his backstory that way.


Monday, January 2, 2006 7:11 AM


He really killed them off and left pretty much zero chance of any miraculous resurrections ..

Book was left abandoned on a dead moon and Wash impaled by what had to be a nastier "rusty spike" than even the most reddest necked human could have dreamt up. I can't see any way of bringing either back ...

I doubt Zoe gets a child, but instead becomes colder and more Jayne-esque. Maybe Jayne finally gets a better offer and is replaced as the "killing machine" type character by a newer, more-violent Zoe. It does open the possibility for her and Mal to eventually get together later. That relationship does seem to have some potential and it'd just put an official label on the team they already have formed.


Monday, January 2, 2006 7:29 AM


This one is actually very hard since they were my two favorite characters (WHY JOSS WHY!?) I remember watching the movie and *spolier* when Wash randomly got impailed with a huge spike all I could think was wow...I liked him a lot it figures the guys I like die...son of a- Anyway if pressed I think I'd want Wash back just 'cause I don't think another actor could pull off the Joss comedy with such timing like Alan Tudyk could. It wasn't just what Wash said that was funny it was the perfect delivery that he had, and this I don't think will be replicated with such perfection.


Ain't that just shiny?


Monday, January 2, 2006 7:33 AM


BELIEVE ME...Joss could figure out how to bring them back. Keep in mind that they were all buried together. One comes back, chances are all three will...would be a great trap for the remaining crew (three including Mr. Universe).

NO LOSS OF JAYNE! That would pretty much do the show in for me. :( And NO relationship between Mal and Zoe. This has already been established as absurdity in the series. We need to see resolution to the Mal/Inara relationship before we see anything else.

I do agree that Zoe will become darker...but I think the deaths were chocked up to several reasons:

1.) Ron Glass probably didn't want to do the show anymore...OR Book is coming back. Why? Too many unanswered questions. We do NOT have resolution. Hopefully we won't be robbed of knowing more of Book's past.

2.) Wash died so that River could take the wheel. Simple as that. Though I am disappointed that it had to break up one of the most realistic TV marriages of all time!

3.) It was the Big Damned Movie. If no one dies there is no threat to the crew. Makes it that much more real. Makes it larger than the regular series. I mean these guys went into a full scale war with the Reavers and the Alliance. You don't do that without loss.

Anyway, my two cents. What I do want to stress is that we don't lay ultimatums on Joss...not that he's the type to listen to them anyway. It's HIS story that we loved and we need to just stay along for the ride wherever it leads...unless he gets old and crusty like Lucas and incapable of telling a decent story anymore...then F HIM!

No offense.



Monday, January 2, 2006 7:36 AM


I was verrrrry upset with losing Wash. But I am more interested in Books backstory. We are more inclined to hear that story if he's dead. So, I'll go Wash, because I think Zoe needs him. In a major way. I agree, she should not be preggers, it leads to uncreative wackiness and thats not the show we love. Mal or Jayne changing diapers? Funny, but not likley. We like random, unpredictable original wackiness.

Some people juggle geese!- Hoban Washburn


Monday, January 2, 2006 7:41 AM


Book, hands down. Probably my favorite character.

And he is pretty much the only one they "could" have brought back as he was left on the moon, assumed to be dead.

Who knows, maybe he had that ID-card in his pocket and the alliance just happend to check around what happend to their ship :)

On a more serious note; They are dead. Guess we just have to live with it.

Jayne: All those years of preacher training, getting knocked out by one bounty hunter
Book: Oh, dont get me wrong. I gave him a hell of a fight
Jayne: Epic i'm guessing


Monday, January 2, 2006 8:54 AM


I agree with Girlaskew; I am more attached to Wash (and his humor, and his relationship w/Zoe) but I long to learn Book's backstory.

However I'm 100% sure that when a sequel is made we will have all 9 actors in the movie; probably Wash will only be in dream sequences, and Book in flashbacks...
but I am strongly hoping and wishing and praying for androids or clones (this IS sci-fi after all)

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse


Monday, January 2, 2006 10:00 AM


Oh, God. I would hate them coming back as androids/clones. I do hate that they died but they're gone and IMO nothing can bring them back. I think Wash's death was pointless and poorly timed. Book's death was heroic and had purpose as it had a big positive effect on Mal.

So, in short, I wish Wash didn't die but I don't want him comin' back.

Mal would kick Han Solo's ass.


Monday, January 2, 2006 10:03 AM


Gotta go with Wash. Books a cool character but wash brings tons of more stuff to the table.


Monday, January 2, 2006 10:07 AM


I think that we all realize that neither one of them are coming back. The question is hypothetical. What if...ya know?


Monday, January 2, 2006 10:30 AM


As much as it pains me to say it.....neither. Believe me I was very upset when wash died inparticuler. I even added cursin and the hurling about of things to my repetoire. However both deaths bring about needed changes. Mal begins to believe again and becomes more like himself. (he was getting very angry). Zoe said herself she would fly true at the end of the movie but she will take over the brooding that was reserved for Mal. As far as Book's past, thats easy. Members of the Abby could shed some light or any number of previously unmention ex-cohorts of his can reveal themselves. Kaylee and Simon will replace the marriage (him being so proper and all and Kaylee being...well.... not) and should be fun. Mal and Inara may get together but it is doomed before it starts, what with Mal keeping her of the job and


Monday, January 2, 2006 7:09 PM


Depending on who Book is and how important he is there are probably folks out there who would like to see him alive again...and he WAS buried with Mr. Universe and Wash (not left and presumed dead). Would make an interesting backstory if certain of Book's associates came a calling.


Monday, January 2, 2006 7:16 PM


Wash. He just seemed to have more spark to me, not sure why. That and, honestly, Ron Glass can keep coming back though all manner of holorecordings, messages, etc. for the crew. Tell me you can't picture him leaving an "In case I die" recording for Mal. Wash simply wasn't leading an exciting life before he signed up to fly Serenity, and his past isn't as ripe. Bottom line, if Wash were to return, we could get Alan and Ron back for a Big Damn Sequel.

That said, I both hope and doubt they will ever be back. Joss generally doesn't work like that, thankfully. Wouldn't it just bite to have the 'verse turn into Marvel Comics, with a revolving door on the afterlife? I prefer deaths having a real emotional impact, not just signallling an annoying time where we don't have a particular character and have to impatiently wait for his/her return.

(I'm looking at YOU, Jean Grey.)

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Monday, January 2, 2006 7:25 PM


I spoke with my freinds about this after we saw the movie (we went to the midnight opening ) and we decided that the deaths of wash and book were the strongest bits of evidence for another series.

while it has been pretty well established that there isn't another series in the works, the evidence still remains:

what if, hypothetically speaking, the characters (THOSE characters) were killed because those actors would be unable to return for another season?

joss wanted to raise the stakes by killing a character, which he could have easily done to any other character, even in that very scene. (ie: kaylee in the engine room trying to power up during the freefall gets blown to peices in the crash, any of them getting hit by shrapnel or anything, much less random than the reaver spike)

so why did he choose wash? alan not being able to return is the safest bet.

book's death (or write-off) also supports this: book, as a character, was hardly in the movie at all. that supports the evidence that they were otherwise occupied, and could not return for another series.

but alas, our conjecture proved false: there is no word of another series (which there would have been by now), and the argument I presented olny works if that had been known when the script was in production.


Monday, January 2, 2006 7:51 PM


If you guys have listened to the commentary track (apparently not all have) Joss explains he had to kill off somebody to make the threat real.
Posted elsewhere, I've seen that Ron was very upset about being killed off too.
I had a feeling that an inter-racial marriage wasn't playing well with Last Century Fox's cracker core. (You guys may be too young to remember that someone like Uhuru was still controversial in 1970.)
And then Book, a Shepherd hanging with 'immoral wimmen'; what would Mel Gibsonites think?

Considering all that, tho, I still think Joss killed them off for one dramatically sound reason: people you care about actually die in wars.


Monday, January 2, 2006 8:34 PM


wash. zoe's reaction when he died made me cry -- and that was before i had watched any firefly.
i love book, but zoe and wash... it just seems wrong.
you won't remember anyway


Monday, January 2, 2006 8:39 PM



Originally posted by TheSentinel:
BELIEVE ME...Joss could figure out how to bring them back.

It's HIS story that we loved and we need to just stay along for the ride wherever it leads...unless he gets old and crusty like Lucas and incapable of telling a decent story anymore...then

...then South Park would do a parody of Joss, instead of the parody of all of us lunatics, which they're probably already writing.
I call Kenny!

Anybody who doesn't think Joss could bring back Wash...well, come on, it's Joss

Shiny Trees! Yavanna made Shiny Trees!


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:24 PM


Not so much that I doubt Joss could bring him back, just that he wouldn't. I don't think Joss would want to undo something like that, if for no other reason than just because it's kind of cheap to kill a character for a shock and then bring him back the next film/episode/etc.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox!


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:37 PM


wash. No matter how much i love Joss (which is a lot, of course) i will ALWAYS be mad at a him for killing off wash...he could quite possibly be my favorite character, i LOVE him...he brings more life to the ship and more importantly brings life to zoe.....i cried my eyes out when he died..i think i almost fainted it was so sudden and zoe's reaction was just.. <--that was me.i cannot bear to see her without him, and he's the best damn pilot there is, i dont care how good river is..he's the leaf on the wind. watch how he soars.

Zoe: The trick is....not to let them know where you are--
Mal: HERE I AM *shooting wildly* HERE I AM!!!


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:01 PM


I would HAVE to bring back Wash.

Book is a great character...but it's soo sad that Zoe lost something (or someone, in this case) that monumently huge twice. Breaks the heart. They had such a cute relationship!

Plus, Wash has that really sarcastic pacifist attitude that is irreplacable. Not that Firefly is anything like Buffy: but I always thought he had a real Xander quality. And I always find these types of characters to be a riot!

...And then there's Zoe! Ahh!

Drunks are so cute.






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