Belief Beyond Reason (or Bear with me, I’m hooked!)

UPDATED: Thursday, January 5, 2006 11:25
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Thursday, January 5, 2006 12:27 AM


Belief Beyond Reason (or Bear with me, I’m hooked!)

What a grand and glorious series! Its doom was far too premature. I am truly sorry that I encountered it far too late. The FOX killed it. Firefly was outside of the realm that FOX created. FOX is cutting edge humor – not scifi. Hence, the Simpsons. I do not want to see the demise of the Simpsons, but the Reynolds is far from the Simpsons. If someone wants to cite FOX series to prove me otherwise, great; but, ask me why I am watching ABC, CBS, and SciFi to get my ‘far out, dude’ fix. Ultimately, they do not care. They do have ratings and are making massive amounts of money. But, now, FOX has sold itself out to quick high-ratings. They apparently have no patience to wait for an audience anymore. Maybe they never did. Profits are what keep the American economy cruising, after all. Now that they have become mainstream cable, FOX has to fight for ratings much more swiftly to beat the zillions of other cable channels out there. Something like Firefly could not, did not, take long to accumulate a cemented fan base, but not a massive fan base. And I am sure that cemented fan base grew quickly with SciFi taking on the series just before the theatre presentation. That is how I was hooked, after all, three years late. For FOX, though, it just was not quite fast enough. Extremely unfortunate for all concerned.
The series can stand on its own, though, as it stands now. Much like Star Wars is its own entity. The characters can stand on their own, and leave much more to the imagination. Even with Serenity partly concluding some of the story lines. There are still some unanswered questions: What, exactly, is River’s role in the scheming of the Alliance? Will the Reavers expand their ‘territory’ now that the Alliance has been thrust into the light of truth? Will Kaylee become a Tam? Can the brigand and the companion form a more-than-business relationship? And then there is the ‘Sheppard’, as he so calls himself.
The glorious thing about this series is that it did end a little prematurely. It leaves so much, or too much, open for discussion. “Buffy” went overboard; “Angel” teetered along the edge. Some things can be overdone (if you are still reading this, you can see what I mean). Some things can be left wanting. I want more from Firefly/Serenity, as many do. However, it is the artists who are in control. Since it was canceled, and Serenity pulled in a mere 25 million((ish) something most of us will never see but in news and business articles), will the artists (writers, directors, players) want to continue? Possibly, probably, not. EVERYBODY works to make a living; not necessarily for the benefit of the fans (customers).
I, for one, as a fan (customer), would like to see more of this story (product). The characters, the ship, the ‘Verse, hit me. I have never out and bought a series before. I almost looked for Andromeda; the last season destroyed that. Even the last season was not too bad. But the end of it was an incredible fizzle. I don’t know any other word to describe it. Firefly, if handled carefully, could have gone farther than it did.
‘Shining bright and steady.’ Tolkien created great heroes; Whedon created(s) great anti-heroes. Firefly shines its own. Though just a few of us care, ‘Serenity’ will continue to fly.


Thursday, January 5, 2006 5:05 AM


America loves a winner!

What endeared me to Firefly was how it attracted the classic sci fi 'geek' fan as well as some others who might not have considered themsleves devoted fans of that genre. Having met some fans in a few different settings, it's clear that we're not all cut from the same cloth, as it were. Yet we have one thing in common.... a love for a t.v. show that was unlike any other.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, January 5, 2006 10:06 AM


Well, first and foremost, welcome aboard our boat. Hope you take your hat off and enjoy your stay amongst the Browncoat ranks and end up calling this home!

In reading through your post, I got to thinking more about FOX (or Faux as I love to call it) some more. The corporation itself angers me quite a bit, and not only because of their trend to make absolutely abhorrent television with the exception of a small few shows, but because their one evil corporation period. There's more to that place than meets the eye, and many people do not even know what they have done, so I shall give one example.

Recently there was a special (I believe on PBS) on corporations, and it revealed the horrors that these people do to society. Nike paying their South American workers .08 cents per day to make shoes that we end up paying $150 for. Merck and Pfizer Pharmaceuticles not properly recording adverse events in test subjects that were taking their medications in a medical research study just so their drugs could pass FDA approval (hence why Vioxx et al were pulled from the shelves). And Fox, yes, our favorite-est of all the networks, quieted a story that two whistle-blowers were about to uncover and inform the public. These two were award winning news reporters for Fox, and had uncovered a story about a bovine growth horomone called BGH secretly being injected into cows to increase milk production in cows in America. This horomone has been banned in Canada, and in Europe because the horomone has been successfully linked to cancer. When these two were getting their information together and about to let the public know, the horomone maker, Monsanto I believe it's called, put heavy pressure on FOX network to keep it quiet. What talks went on between them and the network I don't know, but the result was Fox putting pressure on the reporters to keep it under wraps. Fox offered these two hefty sums of money, which they turned down for they believed that the public should know the truth about what they are buying and ingesting!! Fox asked them to change the information in the report so that they say the horomone is not harmful and then Fox still tried to up the ante and offered them even more cash if they did this, and they again refused. So what does this network do??? FIRED THE REPORTERS!!!

The reporters filed a suit against Faux for wrongful termination and for violating FCC rules by trying to force them to report false information. At first they won their suit against Faux and were awarded almost $500,000 in damages. Faux in turn appealed the ruling, and FREAKING WON! The two reporters had tried to appeal that decision on more than one occassion (5 or 6 times), but it kept getting denied for one BS reason after another. Gee, it just makes you love this network even more don't it!!


"Ten percent of nuthin' is...let me do the math here...nuthin' into nuthin'...carry the nuthin'"


Thursday, January 5, 2006 11:25 AM


Well, you see, as long as you have enough money to pay the top bullsh*t lawyers (cough Johnny Cochrane cough) then you'll never be convicted of any crime. It's called justice.

Boy, I'm sure glad I live in Canada and I'm not drinking cancerous milk. I'll have to let my friend in Texas know though. Not that we don't have our own problems here, believe you me.

Stupid Fox. Or Faux as everyone now calls you. Once you were a great network that put out great shows. Now you're the network of smutty reality TV that cancels any show that might possibly have some quality to it. How the mighty have fallen.

Oh, and just to jump on the bandwagon, you, Faux!!!

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Sucker! Competitive violence, that's why you're here!"

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