Why do you love Firefly?

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 19:15
VIEWED: 6863
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Friday, June 16, 2006 8:12 AM


I ask this question because there are over thousands and thousands of members here who come from all walks of life but truly have only one thing in common... our admiration and love for a show that hasn't been on for 3 years. Firefly only aired for 11 episodes and in that time created a spark between viewers that will probably last forever. You the fans generated tremendous buzz to get another studio to make an entire movie! I'd like to see the fans of Miss Match try that.
So I ask you... Why did you fall in love with Firefly? When did you realize that you were not just an ordinary fan but a Super Fan? One that joins fansites, signs petitions, buys everything Firefly/Serenity related, makes FanVids on YouTube. I want to know what was it that made you love them so much that you wanted to be a part of their world.
As for me, I find it a bit hilarious that I would be such a crazed fan. I don't care for westerns(such a dirty era) or sci-fi, it took my husband six years to explain to me why Star wars was so great. I would laugh at people who went to conventions, I just thought they had too much time on their hands. But now look at me... I buy tshirts, sign petitions, I read fanfic, I wanna talk to everyone and anyone about it, I sing "The Hero of Canton" in the shower and I wanna go to Flanvention II!!!!
I have to blame or thank my mother-in-law for this sudden change of character. This past Xmas when Serenity came out on DVD, she wanted to share it with us but she wanted us to watch the show first. I thought "'s a chance to take a nap." But as the pilot progressed I found my self laughing hysterically, starting to care about the characters. Then I wanted more and more and more. Of course, when you see Serenity you dont want it to be over, you then start buying the books,comics,soundtracks. I'm just dying for the Firefly Companion to come out.
Then my husband asked why I love this show so much. At first I said because it was such a cool show but then I realized theres much more to that. I loved the characters, how much they truly cared for each other, including Jayne. My fave scene in the pilot is when he's looking in on Kaylee when she's hurt. I loved how much charisma everyone had and that they would say and do things like regular people and it wasnt the same robotic sc-fi banter. It was funny and you can definitely watch the episodes over and over again without getting sick of them. The comflict within each character was intriguing, its a shame that we'll never truly know who Shepard used to be. You could tell that they were having fun and that they genuinely loved being together. Not to mention just about everyone is HOT in their own way. We would all love for them to come back and and share more stories. But we will just have to keep hoping that someone will take notice over the next few Serenity Days. You never know...the fans could do the impossible again. So now that I've gone on and on. Your turn.

Sincerely, Tai

P.S. Does anyone know where to buy that documentary about the fans doing the impossible. i found the site months ago but i have since lost it.


Friday, June 16, 2006 8:39 AM


I love it for it's humor, it's dignity, it's three dimensional characters including strong women who can accept help and fight equally. I love that Firefly/Serenity shows us that impossible circumstances canbring out the best and the worst in each person. I love that there's always something new to learn about each character. I love how much passion and pride the actors and crew have for their show. Most of all I just love that Firefly/Serenity can make me laugh, cry, fell pain, joy, sadness, and hope!

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Friday, June 16, 2006 8:46 AM


When my husband was first told about this show by a buddy of his, I thought, "no biggee, just some show." We NetFlixed it and while he was watching the pilot I was kind of in and out of the room for maybe the first 15 - 20 minutes. When I finally sat and watched it, I too laughed and became a bit more intrigued. I too love the scene where Jayne is sitting outside the infirmary looking in on Kaylee. After the pilot I thought, "Hmm, that was pretty good. Let's watch the next episode." When we watched the next episode, I was even more hooked and before I knew what happened, I was a Browncoat. I love the way the charachters seem like regular people just tryin' to get by. I love that each of them has flaws. I think these flaws are what makes them such great charachters and makes them so intriguing to watch. I love that Wash and Zoe's marriage has its ups and downs like a normal marriage. I love how Mal is so protective of his crew. You cannot watch an episode and not get hooked.
Recenlty my mom was visiting and we showed the episodes to her. I am happy to say that she really enjoyed the show and was saddended by the fact that she can't see more.
What other show in history has made such an impression after such a short run and continues to add more fans to its already swelling ranks? Not to mention going on to making a great movie? None.
I pray the powers that be will take a second look at the wonderful verse we have all come to know and love and choose to continue it in any way possible.

I love my captain


Friday, June 16, 2006 8:46 AM


When my husband was first told about this show by a buddy of his, I thought, "no biggee, just some show." We NetFlixed it and while he was watching the pilot I was kind of in and out of the room for maybe the first 15 - 20 minutes. When I finally sat and watched it, I too laughed and became a bit more intrigued. I too love the scene where Jayne is sitting outside the infirmary looking in on Kaylee. After the pilot I thought, "Hmm, that was pretty good. Let's watch the next episode." When we watched the next episode, I was even more hooked and before I knew what happened, I was a Browncoat. I love the way the charachters seem like regular people just tryin' to get by. I love that each of them has flaws. I think these flaws are what makes them such great charachters and makes them so intriguing to watch. I love that Wash and Zoe's marriage has its ups and downs like a normal marriage. I love how Mal is so protective of his crew. You cannot watch an episode and not get hooked.
Recenlty my mom was visiting and we showed the episodes to her. I am happy to say that she really enjoyed the show and was saddended by the fact that she can't see more.
What other show in history has made such an impression after such a short run and continues to add more fans to its already swelling ranks? Not to mention going on to making a great movie? None.
I pray the powers that be will take a second look at the wonderful verse we have all come to know and love and choose to continue it in any way possible.

I love my captain

edit:oops, sorry for posting twice...gorram computer


Saturday, June 17, 2006 6:11 AM


I wish I could get my mom to watch it, whenever I mention it she just says..."yeah sounds great." just to humor me. i swear if she lived in the same state as me, she would've been a browncoat by now. hehehe


Saturday, June 17, 2006 9:36 AM


I was getting all prepared to write one of my essay posts when I realized that the answer is something someone said to me a while ago:

"Reality is just a state of mind, something that isn't real may still actually exist. Not physically but in the heart and the mind."

That is why I love Firefly, because the characters are real, they exist in a way just as real as any feeling or relationship. You can’t reach out and touch them, and you can’t point to where they live, but the same holds true for friendship. They exist in the heart and mind, and that makes them as real as love.

That's why I can love them, and who they are is why I do love them. I love the show because it's where I can find them, and the ship, I love the ship too because it feels like home, all else is secondary.


Saturday, June 17, 2006 10:25 AM


as to answer my own question as to were I can buy the documentary. i went searching and I FOUND IT!! its called "Done the Impossible: A Fan's tale of the rise and fall and rise of Firefly". I thought I would share the link to anyone interested.

I can't wait till this one comes out!

Stay Shiny people!


Sunday, June 18, 2006 4:48 AM



Originally posted by dqbaby76:
So I ask you... Why did you fall in love with Firefly? When did you realize that you were not just an ordinary fan but a Super Fan? ... I want to know what was it that made you love them so much that you wanted to be a part of their world.

I wish I had an easy answer to this, but there are so many reasons why I love it...

I think part of the reason is just because it seems so FAMILIAR. Which is an odd thing to say, I guess, about a show with people on a spaceship. But, seriously, the characters are so much like people I've known, and the planets where they land remind me so much of my life growing up in the Mojave desert. Mal kinda reminds me of my dad, Jayne reminds me of my first husband, Wash reminds me of my friend Mikey, Kaylee reminds me of myself when I was younger...

Then there's the fact that it's just such a great show. Have you ever noticed how, even though there's only 14 episodes (and a movie) there's a line you can quote for any occasion? To make a blasphemous observation: It's kinda like the bible that way.

And no matter how many times you watch it, there's something you didn't notice before. There are so many layers and different relationships and details. And the characters range in age from 17-50, and come from different backgrounds, so there's a variety of people to relate to. It's amazing.

My "Firefly" moment - the moment when I realized that I loved this show - was when I watched the DVD of the series and got to Train Job. When Mal kicked Crow through the engine, I said, "I LOVE THIS SHOW." That was the moment. I'd watched a few episodes on FOX with my husband, but didn't really get it. Then we bought the DVD and I watched the pilot... thinking, yeah, ok, this is pretty good... but then by the end of Train Job, I was hooked.

Thing is, though, I didn't become a really RABID fan until I saw SERENITY the movie. Finally knowing River's secret, and seeing the Reavers, and having it all come together, something just clicked. Seeing the movie, for some reason, is also when I totally fell in love with Jayne's character. Seeing his whole story arc from crappy bad guy to hero was just cool. I went back and watched the TV show again (about 5 times) and now... I make prop replicas, bought a prop from the movie, and am the coordinator of the Raleigh SERENITY NOW/EQUALITY NOW event!!

I have liked sci-fi and westerns before. "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" is one of my favorite movies and I love "Deadwood" on HBO. I saw Star Wars when it first came out - I was 6 and it was my dad's favorite movie. I grew up surrounded by Star Wars, Star Trek, Robert Heinlein.

But I have never been as "into" anything as I've been into FIREFLY. Not since I was a teenager and I was really into DRAGONLANCE. That was the last time I had an obsession. Which is kinda odd, because Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman wrote DRAGONLANCE, and now they are involved in the SERENITY RPG.

I think you said it well - we really care about the characters, and we want to be part of their world. I want to find a group of 8 other people, people who value independence and non-conformity, who will hang together with me against this crazy 'verse, in spite of all our differences, and love this boat we're all in.

We all got on this boat for different reasons, but we all are come to the same place. I don't hold to the belief that we can make people better... I've already found the best right here among the Browncoats!

~ Flame ~

SERENITY on the big screen in Raleigh, NC, June 22, 2006!!


Sunday, June 18, 2006 10:18 AM


i completely agree with you. I've never been "into" anything like this before. I see all the trekkies and the star wars fans just love their shows, I just never understood their passion until Firefly came along. Whenever something new thats Firefly/serenity related comes up and I get all excited, my husband checks my forehead to see if I have a fever! He cant even look at my Myspace page anymore without laughing at me! What can I say... I'm obsessed. hehe


Sunday, June 18, 2006 8:08 PM


DQBABY76 - I'm trying to respond to the message you sent me, but seems to be having some technical difficulties. If you can go to my website and email me directly, I'll be able to get your email and respond to the message you sent me offlist.

Keep flyin'!

~ Flame ~

SERENITY on the big screen in Raleigh, NC, June 22, 2006!!


Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:13 PM


it was cool emailing Flame. hope we can chat again! thanks for posting. stay shiny!


Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:39 PM



Originally posted by Flame:
I wish I had an easy answer to this, but there are so many reasons why I love it...

I think part of the reason is just because it seems so FAMILIAR. Which is an odd thing to say, I guess, about a show with people on a spaceship. But, seriously, the characters are so much like people I've known, and the planets where they land remind me so much of my life growing up in the Mojave desert. Mal kinda reminds me of my dad, Jayne reminds me of my first husband, Wash reminds me of my friend Mikey, Kaylee reminds me of myself when I was younger...

Then there's the fact that it's just such a great show. Have you ever noticed how, even though there's only 14 episodes (and a movie) there's a line you can quote for any occasion? To make a blasphemous observation: It's kinda like the bible that way.

And no matter how many times you watch it, there's something you didn't notice before. There are so many layers and different relationships and details. And the characters range in age from 17-50, and come from different backgrounds, so there's a variety of people to relate to. It's amazing.

~ Flame ~

Exactly Flame! I've described that same thing before - the show just felt familiar, it felt like home for lack of a better description. And being able to relate to the characters is what makes a show great IMO. And I will readily admit to quoting Firefly and Serenity WAY more than I should. I love this verse because there is something OF everyone. I can't think of another show that has characters that are so disparate in age, background, personalities, etc. ( A shepard, a hooker, and a paranoid schizophrenic walk into a bar... ok just joking) Fourteen episodes made nearly four years ago, you KNOW it's something special when it's inspiring so many people today. And the people who call themselves fans are themselves disparate, we come from all walks of life, different personalities, and beliefs, all united by our love of the great creation that is the Firefly verse. I'll go now before I get all misty-eyed.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:50 PM


ONTHEDRIFT- couldnt have said it better myself! I know that whenever I'm having a bad day I can pop in an episode and immediately feel calm and in some way its Home.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:56 PM


Yes, watching a few eps and some Ben & Jerry's are my bad day cure-alls. Works better than anything else!


Tuesday, June 20, 2006 7:15 PM


I gotta try that sometime, thanks for the tip.






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