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Firefly Gaming Survey
Wednesday, July 9, 2003 8:04 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2003 8:26 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2003 3:02 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SergeantX: I'll go first 1. What element of Firefly would you most like to see represented in a game? 2. What kinds of games have you played that might be well suited to representing the above? 3. If you don't play games much, (or even if you do) is there any other kind of interactive format that you think would be worth a Firefly treatment? 4. Without any regard for what you think is possible, what would the perfect Firefly game be like? SergeantX
Wednesday, July 9, 2003 3:09 PM
Wednesday, July 9, 2003 3:42 PM
Wednesday, July 9, 2003 4:28 PM
Wednesday, July 9, 2003 5:32 PM
Quote:Originally posted by StockTheMick: Johhny Reb. The game you're thinking of is Shadowrun. It was based on a pencil and paper game with similar rules to Dungeons and Dragons also called Shadowrun. Ha ha ha. Mine is an evil laugh.
Wednesday, July 9, 2003 5:36 PM
Wednesday, July 9, 2003 9:41 PM
Quote:The way Firefly was presented it was almost like a home. The characters your family, the ship was a place you could picture yourself. That would be it, if it could be done, which I don’t think it can. A game where the environment was so immersive that you cared about what happened to the fictional character next to you, and you would feel sad if you had to leave Serenity.
Quote:1. I like the element of the team effort also the constant motion in looking for a job.
Thursday, July 10, 2003 1:43 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2003 2:57 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2003 6:50 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2003 7:00 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2003 11:52 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2003 1:29 PM
Thursday, July 10, 2003 5:45 PM
Thursday, July 10, 2003 6:37 PM
Friday, July 11, 2003 4:05 PM
Thursday, April 1, 2004 5:26 AM
Thursday, April 1, 2004 7:31 AM
Thursday, April 1, 2004 7:43 AM
Thursday, April 1, 2004 7:47 AM
Thursday, April 1, 2004 11:40 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SergeantX: There have been numerous threads discussing various ways to represent the Firefly experience in some kind of interactive "game" format. Early on someone on the official site was doing an Unreal Tournament mod, several people on the new Star Wars MMORPG are doing Firefly type stuff, Jubilee is working on a Neverwinter Nights mod, and there've been numerous threads discussing playing old style pencil and paper RPG's set in the Firefly universe. We've even been discussing an online chat-style RPG on the IRC channel. I'd like this thread to be something of a survey of everyone's opinions and priorities when it comes to gaming and Firefly. A few important questions come to mind: 1. What element of Firefly would you most like to see represented in a game? Anything you can think of that made Firefly fun that you'd really like to see in a game. 2. What kinds of games have you played that might be well suited to representing the above? These don't have to be computer related, or even science fiction games. 3. If you don't play games much, (or even if you do) is there any other kind of interactive format that you think would be worth a Firefly treatment? Choose-your-own adventure stories, Firefly action figures... anything you can think of. 4. Without any regard for what you think is possible, what would the perfect Firefly game be like? (I'll be in my bunk?) SergeantX "..and here's to all the dreamers, may our open hearts find rest." -- Nanci Griffith
Thursday, April 1, 2004 11:49 AM
Quote:Originally posted by chronicthehedgehog: Slightly OT, but nevermind. Does anyone else play freelancer? It's so very similar to firefly (except it's only you, not a whole crew). The earth got into a war between the alliance and another group, the alliance lost but it's core worlds (England, America, Germany... and one I can't remember) set off and found a new galaxy. You get to be a pirate or a trader or a fighter, taking jobs as they come and trying to keep enough money to run your ship. I've had it for 2 days and I'm already hooked.