After Serenity (a personal soliloquy)

UPDATED: Friday, September 22, 2006 07:07
VIEWED: 2766
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Monday, September 18, 2006 4:42 PM


Sorry, but have to emote.

Because of family commitments (my mother-in-law's 80th birthday celebration), I had to forego the HDTV premiere of "Serenity" on HBO Friday evening.
If I had not known there would be other HBO HDTV showings...well, better not go there (my wife is not a Browncoat and would not have taken kindly to my running to the Black).

Anyway, I made it clear I "aimed to misbehave" this evening for the 6-8pm showing on HBO HDTV. And my missus assured I was not disturbed nor complained when I drowned myself and the house in SurroundSound in my home theater. [I even traded my night call to assure I would be undisturbed--I'm a physician].

"Serenity" is a great movie; the cast is top-notch; and Joss Whedon a genius.
But you know that already.

Also missed placing a competitive bid on Adam Baldwin's signed script of "Jaynestown" on e-bay which ended while I was away. I'm becoming easy prey for spending loads of money on anything related to Serenity and Firefly--so perhaps that was for the best. Then again, "Trash" is still available....

Interestingly, a much younger cousin (just a senior in High school) at the birthday celebration was "blown away" that I am a diehard Firefly/Serenity fan. It seems he was a counselor at a summer camp and someone turned them all on to Firefly. They were downloading episodes on to their I-Pods and they would watch them day and night. His father also has become hooked. I've just mailed them the DVD collection, the movie, and the graphic novel bridging the two.

I converted my sister-in-law last summer whose only comment was how much she hated me--because I made her a Firefly junkie and there are no more episodes available. She was also at the birthday celebration. I guess it almost turned into a shindig.

We are all motivated to attend a convention--something none of us have done. I am awaiting my December Call Schedule and will fly cross-country to L.A. for the Flanvention if I can. Though, based on my experience with medical convetions, I admit I have some reservations of being an outsider among the "established" Browncoat community and being lost in the crowd. Ah, but even as a "fire"fly on the wall, I suspect I will enjoy seeing so many sharing the same passion for the 'verse, its characters, cast, and creators.

"Serenity" the movie ties up the major plotlines in "Firefly." Yes, I wish to know more about Book's past and if Inara and Mal will ever get-together like (thankfully) Simon and Kaylee, and more about the Blue Sun Corporation. And, as the Operative suggests, some in the Parliment may not be forgiving and in their own good time seek revenge on Mal and the crew. However, I am doubtful any other plot-line will rise to the intensity of the River/Reaver mystery--but I do not wish to sell Joss short (no pun intended).

So what's "After Serenity"? I look forward to Stephen Brust's novel either in publication or on-line, though this reportedly takes place pre-Serenity. I'll skim through the various Fan fiction (and particularly those I find other Browncoats can recommend). I've even briefly visited Serenity/Washburne in Second Life, the on-line virtual community.
I wonder if there was ever a Mrs. Book in pre-Shepard days; if Saffron will become a willing agent for a Parliment seeking revenge against Mal and crew; if Zoe happens to find her pregnant with Wash's child?

I wonder mostly how Joss can keep himself from writing more about this ship, these characters, this 'Verse, knowing the passion he has for it?

MAL: You know what the first rule of flying is? Well, I suppose you do, since you already know what I'm about to say>

RIVER: I do. But I like to hear you say it.

MAL: Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she ought to fall down, tells you she's hurting 'fore she keens. Makes her a home.

RIVER: Storm's getting worse.

MAL: We'll pass through it soon enough.

As I hope shall we.



Monday, September 18, 2006 6:20 PM


Hello History... ***waves**

you were my FAVORITE course at university...

but I digress...

Flan.. EVEN if you were a fly on the wall, and did not speak to another living soul/browncoat.. (something I really really doubt) just sitting there listening to the Q&As and laughing yourself silly at the Nathan and Alan show... you will believe you made the right choice in attending...

it is a great 'verse.. we all love it. And I have enjoyed reading your soliloquy



Monday, September 18, 2006 6:34 PM


I love my captain

So, Just what kind of History are you? Ancient? World? Local? Or just a genereal kind of History?

Chindi's comment made me think this. Sorry.

Anyway, I liked your post. I like hijacking my aunt's home theater system now and then to watch movies so I understand that. Surround sound and a HUGE hi-def tv make for a nice experience don't they. Must talk them into going on a vacation so I can house sit and do a marathon.

Anyway, I've never been to a Con and I don't know what it would be like to go alone. Maybe you could track down someone else whose going (on this site perhaps) a group of someones even, and make plans to meet up. Or you could try and talk one of your Browncoat buddies into going with you. Share the experience.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:06 AM


Thank you both for your replies and kind comments.

Re: "So, Just what kind of History are you? Ancient? World? Local? Or just a genereal kind of History? "

"History" is just a Username I've had for, well....ages.
Well, at least since 9-11 when I became motivated to post on international Forums to discuss Current Events and Religion & Ethics. Although a practicing physician, in my "college days" I loved and studied History (with a particular penchant for the 'Old World' Europe and the Near East), Humanities, and English literature (which was my major). I read a lot more science fiction and fantasy back then as well. Ah, youth!
Anyway, it is my handle on all the Forums I visit (I'm too likely to forget them if I create a new one for each Forum).

I also find the history of the 'verse fascinating, as scanty as it is. And see potential storylines everywhere. For example, in the opening scene of Serenity (the BDM), we're told that: "Earth-That-Was could no longer sustain our numbers, We were so many."
This suggests that some left to the new 'verse we know and love....and others did not.
What a social, and likely political and economic, upheaval!
What was the manner of parting, amicable or hostile?
Could there be an Earth-That-Was and Alliance conflict in the future--and what would that mean for our BDheroes and the ragtag remnants of the Independents (Browncoats)!
Past History, Future History.
I'm easily enthralled by such speculations.

Re: Conventions
I concur that Browncoats have the reputation for being readily approachable and welcoming. I believe this based on reports from Browncoats who have attended Cons and shared their experience, nicely captured by posters on this Forum and captured on the Fan DVD "Done the Impossible". There may be an "in" crowd of early generation Browncoats, but I perceive they are mostly welcoming to newbies. And perhaps this also is a reflection of the approachability, and the sincere warmth and affection of the Firefly/Serenity cast members themselves to the fans (particularly the shy/nervous/awe-struck ones) that has also been shared by Con attendees and others who have met them. And the good humor among all, cast and fans, is certainly enticing to those of us on the "outer rim" as it were.
It is a long schlep from Maine to L.A.
I wish there was an East Coast con of similar splendor.

Also, I admit to a personal failing of desiring the full possible experience and not just an experience. Thus I note that at Flanvention II, there are no longer tickets for the banquet, lunch, or the perks of a Big Damn Pass. But then again, for my first convention, perhaps it is better this way. Though part of me fears that cast interest in Con attendence may dwindle in successive years without a new movie or mini-series to ignite them and feed them new material for Q&A sessions, Panels, etc.. Could there be a point where our passion for Firefly/Serenity will lead to a reply like that made in the infamous sketch from SNL where William Shatner says to adoring Trekkies, "Get a life!"
Is there a shortening time window in which these Cons can flourish and be self-enriching?
Then again, I find the Browncoats in general a more complicated and thoughtful and insightful crowd, but this is just my humble opinion.
And the fan base continues to grow.

There are also hints of more stories to come, such as another Dark Horse coic book series by Joss; and Steven Brust's Firefly novel, as I shared.

And my question still remains: How can Joss keep himself from writing further about these characters, or others, in this enthralling 'verse?
Hollywood professionalism?



Tuesday, September 19, 2006 4:24 AM


According to Jewel at S3, he's got the next movie mapped out in his head. I'd hate to think that's where it has to stay for the rest of time.

*goes off to find a cranial drill*


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 7:21 AM


Thank you, SimonWHo,
What did she say exactly?
And is there confirmation from anyone else?



Tuesday, September 19, 2006 8:24 AM


Sorry, no time now, more details on other threads and my blog:


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:05 AM


Thank you, SimonWho.
I hope you will permit me to quote you from your blog:

However, I think Jewel's brain must have entered catatonic shock at this point as she then divulged a bit about what Joss has said to her about Serenity 2. The plan is to start it off with a very shocking first five minutes and then the rest of the movie is a flashback to show how we reached that point. Now this seems a nifty idea, particularly as it means we can spend some quality time with both Book and Wash without this being being the standard sappy blurry memory shots that such scenes normally are.

Serenity 1 began with a flashback within a flashback leading to the present moment of time where we are introduced to our antagonist [the Operator] and our protaganist [Serenity and our BDH].
For Serenity 2 to begin with the (or "a") pivotal climactic present followed by the long-flashback story is, I suppose, balanced. However, it is a rather common storyteller's artifice, and not my personal favorite--though it has been done well: Orson Welle's Citizen Kane being the quintessential example.
Thank you for sharing.

Last evening I read an early draft of Serenity 1 in my possession (the version where Book and Wash don't die ), and although the final screen version is better, there are a few great passages, including one that carries on the loose thread I referenced from Heart of Gold:

INT. BRIDGE: [Leaving the dead world Miranda] Wash is piloting, Zoe beside him. They look out into the sea of [Reaver] ships, tense and quiet. After a while...

ZOE (quietly): We make it out of this, you and me are going to make a baby.

Wash thinks about it.

WASH: Let's make a lot.

Amidst all the death in Serenity 1, and the hints from Nathan (and others) that he would like to see Mal also killed off at the end of the series run, I personally would prefer to see the affirmation of Independent "Life" in the 'verse (particularly our BDH's lives).
Just my personal preference, of course.

Btw, in this earlier draft, there is a wonderful insight regarding MAL shared by ZOE.
On Haven as the crew, under Zoe, is begrudgingly strapping the corpses of their friends onto Serenity's prow...

ZOE: They'll mostly burn in atmo, be a kind of pyre for 'em.

BOOK: Mounted like's beyond sacrilege. How could the Captain care so little for these people?

ZOE: They're useful.

SIMON: That's a tired refrain.

BOOK: This isn't mere practicality. It's madness.

ZOE: Little bit, yes. But I've been through a war with Mal and seen what it done.

SIMON: You were in that same war. But you live almost like a person might; you have an actual relationship -- a marriage. You didn't turn into some ... Gorgon ...

ZOE: I'm career Army, my whole family is. I was already in when the war started. Mal volunteered. He joined the fight because he believed. He believed his planet should be left alone. Believed we would win if we gave our hearts to it, that his generals wouldn't lay down arms while his men were still dying around him ... that God would help us in our darkest place ...

She cinches a knot tight, moves to the next body.

ZOE (continued): See, that's the difference between Mal and me. All I ever lost was a war.

The three are quiet, and continue to work.[/QUOTE}


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 5:08 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by History:
Last evening I read an early draft of Serenity 1 in my possession (the version where Book and Wash don't die ), and

gack! - spits coffee - hmmm a version of Serenity where Wash and Book don't die that includes those great quotes (thx for sharing - those were great, especially between Zoe and Book about Mal)... might that be online somewhere where one might have a read through?

BTW - if you are still interested in consuming virtual Firefly, there's a pretty cool and very well done version of "what might have been" going on over at: - tv script format, eps starting from where the series sadly left off. They get a lot of things right imho, remain true to canon, and take very few liberties with character which is often the bane of fanfic.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 3:30 PM


Thank you for your post.

gack! - spits coffee - hmmm a version of Serenity where Wash and Book don't die that includes those great quotes (thx for sharing - those were great, especially between Zoe and Book about Mal)... might that be online somewhere where one might have a read through?

I do not know if this is on-line anywhere.
Overall, as I shared, I believe the later screen version is superior.
The "Zoe about Mal" quote is, I agree, superb and I'm not sure why it did not make it into the final draft.
There is some cute Inara-Mal and Simon-Kaylee banter that was cut, but nothing of similar quality. And Book's character adds nothing to the storyline as originally written, imho--his scenes are much improved in the screen version.
Oh, also in this early draft the Operative is given a name ("Jude"); there is a Mal-Reaver battle on top of Serenity after he firs the canon and destroys a Reaver ship, there are a few non-speaking "hands of blue" men about, a brief Fanty and Mingo torture scene, Jane and not Zoe's back gets sliced by Reaver's in the final battle, etc.

BTW - if you are still interested in consuming virtual Firefly, there's a pretty cool and very well done version of "what might have been" going on over at: - tv script format,

Thank you for reminding me. I have everythin up through the second episode of their Season 2. Time to pay them another visit.

Keep flyin'



Wednesday, September 20, 2006 4:04 PM



Originally posted by Kayna:
Anyway, I've never been to a Con and I don't know what it would be like to go alone.

I have both been there and done that many years ago when my addiction was Doctor Who.

I went to my first con, was kinda quiet, as I seemed to be the only one who didn't know anyone else. Well, someone came over and started talking to me, and then she introduced me to more folks and later got invited to a local get together the next weekend.
I'm still friends with a majority of these folks today -- one of them works in the same office cubicle with me.

That con was 22 years ago.

Folks, if ya get the opportunity to go to a FF/Serenity con, GO. You already got one thing in common with everyone else. Once you start talking about it, the rest is easy.



Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:26 AM


Dear RMMC,
Thank you for your post.
I'm just waiting for my Call Schedule, and if I'm free, Flanvention II will be my first Con (even if I'm greying middle-aged guy in the way back).

Btw, I can't be the only one with a copy of an early draft of "Serenity" [see discussion and examples above]. Anyone else have a copy of this?



Friday, September 22, 2006 7:07 AM


From what I've heard, there will be no Flan 3, so if you hope to go, now's the time.

Ain't. We. Just.






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