Help, please. Need Flanvention tips, or friends.

UPDATED: Thursday, December 7, 2006 15:37
VIEWED: 13768
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Monday, October 23, 2006 4:24 PM


This is how it is.
I'm a "Simon".
A New England "proper" physician.
The only conventions I have attended have been, well, medical.
Lecturing to hundreds of medical colleagues does not bother me, nor does performing medical procedures many people would cringe at.
However, I'm nervous about attending a fan convention.
I humbly admit I'll be out of my element, like Simon out on the Border planets of the Rim. Mal might say, I would look "like a sheep walking on hind legs."

I have a true desire to make the most of the experience. And for that I need tips, a guide, or friends. Otherwise I'll shyly be more of an observer than a participant.
It's just my way.



Monday, October 23, 2006 6:14 PM


How intriguing.
Wish I were going to be there.
May be able to scrounge up some
help for you, however.
Hope it doesn't have to be male
assistance -- somebody else will
have to deal with that one -- heh.

bun, loving the Simon type
~Bastards singed my turtle~


Monday, October 23, 2006 6:50 PM


This will be my first con as well (other than a game show con I attended a little of with my hubby earlier this year, and some business conventions). I'm pretty sure I'll be one of the older fans there, too. So I can't really offer tips from one who's been there, but...I can be a Flan Friend

The 3 rules of aging:
1. Never bypass a bathroom
2. Never waste an erection
3. Never trust a fart


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 3:19 AM


History, have no fear. I was in your very situation last year. I went to Flan-I without knowing a soul who'd be there. And I'm not the most gregarious of souls, to put it mildly.

Within the first half hour I'd met and made a half-dozen new Browncoat friends, all of whom were as nice and friendly as you please. (I'm still in touch with several of them and am looking forward to seeing them again in December.) In short, I had as much companionship as I cared for throughout the weekend, but could always retreat to my room when fatigue set in. (While I was retreating, I wrote up con reports and posted them here, as some may recall.)

The Browncoat community is every bit as open and inclusive "in person" as it is here on So not to fret, everything's shiny.

And I'll be there again this year. You're welcome to hang out with me if there's nobody more interesting around.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:09 AM


Thank you all for your moral support and advice.

Dear Floral Bunny, I have no aversion to lady Browncoat friends, and perhaps a predeliction--though, being out of my normal controlled environment, I'll likely be as awkward and stupid as Simon with Kaylee.

Dear Shiny Trinket, I'm in my 40's, so I'm no spring gosling either. I welcome and appreciate any prospective Flan friends, thank you. [Your signature is definitely not from the Central planets , and reminds me of the words of Lazarus Long in Heinlein's "Time Enough For Love." Close?]

Dear DonCoat, thank you for sharing your experience from last year. It was very encouraging. I would welcome the company, I'll be the one looking like his pants are too tight (though they will not be).

I may be the only Browncoat from Maine attending It is a bit of a trek (pardon the choice of words), but I fear there may not be a Flan III, so I cleared my schedule and got call coverage, and booked everything yesterday. Unfortunately, I did not make this commitment last Spring, so no Banquet for me. Though I'll be going from the plane to the cocktail reception--briefly, I suspect I'll wish to rest up.

How do internet friends/acquaintances find each other at a convention? Or is the Flan intimate enough (no more than 500), that this is not a problem?

Thank you all again for your replies.
The stick up my pigo is loosening.


P.S. I just discovered Ms. Morena Baccarin will be a guest at a "Megafest" convention in Framingham, MA November 18 and 19th [ ]. I see she will not be at Flan II. I may go down and back on one day, meet her (or at least get an autograph). I suspect the event will be such a shock [based on the promotional web page], that Flan II will be like coming home.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 8:38 AM


Hell History.. you will love it! MANY of the fans are older...(who else has the $$$) and all are friendly.

You can be your shy self and just sit at the Q&As and LAUGH yourself silly.. or you can come in costume and still feel right at home. The spectrum of involvement is like the rainbow.

You have nothing to worry about.. nothing at all. The coats are all good folks.

As for how to meet up.. it is intimate (about 500). You can just meet ppl as you go, or set up a predetermined time to hook up with ppl you know. there is a nice bar at the Daily Grill (restaurant attached to the hotel) or just in the lobby... you will find your way (happily)



Tuesday, October 24, 2006 8:41 AM


Watch History come home from Flan II married or something.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 8:46 AM


Most of the Firefly fans I've met are really open and friendly.

I'm going to the Cocktail party but not the Banquet. Friends and I have a suite for Sat night and are having a room party. Step in and have some food, booze and fun!


"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 12:57 PM


Hey, History! Another Doc!
I think I know exactly what you're going through; I occasionally admit to being a medical practitioner, and I went to my first convention about a month ago. I was a bit... hesitant at first... but I went, met some wonderful people and got to see 3 of our BDHs up close. I confess that I made an idiot of myself when I met Sean Maher - I won't tell you what I said, except that it wasn't as bad as the sentence I managed to catch before it left my mouth, which was: "Hey, I stitch faster than you!"
Being an introspective Simon-type, I ended up with severe post-convention depression - of the Jaynestown-only-a-hamster selfish type as well as the saying-goodbye type.
I'm very very glad I went, I don't know if I'd go again... but that could be because I actually live in Australia and only got to Serenity 3 because of visiting friends in the UK.



Tuesday, October 24, 2006 4:19 PM


Here's a tip: Put me in a suitcase and TAKE ME WITH YOU!!! Ahem, other than that just remember that they're all Browncoats just like you, and that's the one thing that binds everybody together. Whatever happens, just keep that in mind, because it'll make all the difference in you getting embarrased and all that.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 4:49 PM



Dear Shiny Trinket, I'm in my 40's, so I'm no spring gosling either. I welcome and appreciate any prospective Flan friends, thank you. [Your signature is definitely not from the Central planets , and reminds me of the words of Lazarus Long in Heinlein's "Time Enough For Love." Close?]

I'm a "fortysomething" as well, who only recently started embracing my inner geek! Flan will be sticks up the pigu allowed!

In reference to my's something I heard Martin Mull say on Hollywood Squares once, and it cracked me up!

We do all need to find a way to identify each other at Flan. Maybe we could start a Folks Going To Flan thread a week or so before and all post pictures or something...?? I'll have to put my beady little brain to work figuring something out, because I've been communicating with other people I want to meet up with, too.

The 3 rules of aging:
1. Never bypass a bathroom
2. Never waste an erection
3. Never trust a fart


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:07 AM


Just a gal out on the rim writing tales.

Hi, History,

Welcome aboard! I think other folks have got it right when they've commented that, as much as anything you may have ever done, FLAN offers instant community. While we may have come from many different locations and walks of life, we're drawn together by a common passion for Firefly and what it represents.

You took a big (and brave) first step by posting this and reaching out. I've never known a more welcoming community. Since we ain't The Alliance, you don't have to worry about so gorram many rules. T'aint much you can do wrong.

Think about what you do to help set your patients at ease and just smile and ask questions! Many of us are naturally shy or introverted sorts, so I've found it helps to have some "get acquainted" lines in mind to help bridge any social awkwardness.

Everyone loves to talk about how they became a Browncoat, their favorite BDH, or episode or scene. Folks in costume will happily share with you how they came up with their outfits. Find someone interesting and ask to tag along. You'll be adopted if you just let your desire be known!

This is a first con for my husband bigbadman and myself. We're forty/fiftysomethings ourselves and coming all the way from North Carolina. Talk about fish out of water. But we decided to look at it as a sort of family reunion. We're looking forward to meeting all these kinfolk we never knew before. You're one of 'em. Puts it in a different sort of light, doesn't it?

See ya at FLAN!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 11:34 AM


Thank you all.

Dear Chindi, come "in costume"? I had not given thought about proper attire [most of the conventions I attend are jacket and tie if not suits]. I am surmising things will be different at Flan II and I'd look like I was "in costume" if I arrived in cocktail attire for Friday's "Cocktail Party". I'm thinking slacks or chinos or, being California, are we talking blue jeans and hawaiian shirts? A "costume"....hmm, that would really be going Flan native.

Dear Grizwald, I'd rather just be "on the crew."
Haven't you learned the lessons from "Our Mrs. Reynolds"? [Then again, I did sign up for a photo op with Ms Christina Hendricks. ]

Dear Leiasky/Tammy, I look forward to meeting you and your friends at the Cocktail Party, and I am touched by the invitation to drop by Saturday evening. After we meet, you can decide if the invitation is still open.

Dear Minime, you gave me a chuckle and fair warning to not let my fan excitement make me look more the fool (though I've heard the BDH's are very patient, forgiving, and kind in response to fan-ADHD. ). By the time I had made my decision to attend a convention, Starfury III had just ended. Maybe next year. (It would actually be a shorter and more direct flight for me from Maine). I have made internet friends in the UK and Australia--both countries I plan to visit someday.

Dear Terri, unfortunately I plan just to take carry-on. If Browncoats are all "just like (me)", we've got a problem. We need someone who knows the drill. Anyway, I understand your meaning and find it echoed by the other wonderful Browncoats who have also posted me here.

Dear Shiny Trinket, please let me know what you devise for how to identify friends and friends-to-be for "Folks going to Flan".

Dear HisGoodGirl, thank you for the excellent summation. We all share the common passion for Firefly, and I've learned from the posts these last few days that have been compassionate, welcoming, supportive, and inclusive of invitations, et. al. that FLAN does offer "instant community". I am reminded of the end of "Safe" where Simon asks Mal why he'd come back for them:
MAL: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?
Thank you very much for your excellent "how to get acquainted lines." Very helpful indeed.
It also seems we have a lot of mid-life (to put it optimistically) Browncoats. That helps, too. You've put the cap on all the wonderful previous posts, and I've gone from trepidation and hesitancy to anticipation and excitement. I very much look forward to seeing you and all the FLAN family at the "reunion." [How great to use that term for friends I've never met].



Wednesday, October 25, 2006 1:26 PM


Hey there!

I'm coming to the Flan II all the way from the now dreary and rainy UK.

Roll on december and meeting losts of lovely browncoats, and of course the BDH's!

It's my first big con, so you won't be alone.

There a whole lot of Browncoats coming from the UK, and a know a few coming from Australia. So we're communing from all over the globe.

I'm Humbug here, and Jayneswoman over at livejournal.

See you at the flan! Squeeeeeee! I'm getting excited about going. ;)

(BTW don't be nervous. I'm sure the other borwncoats won't bite - & I KNOW I won't!)


"You know what the first rule of flying is?... Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurting 'fore she keens. Makes her a home." Mal, BDM


Sunday, October 29, 2006 12:06 AM


Enjoy! You are correct, our BDHs are very patient and forgiving with what you correctly diagnose as fan-ADHD. I speak from experience! Mr Maher was very gracious about my idiocy.
Enjoy! I look forward to reading about your experiences.


P.S. I reiterate my warning about post-con depression... but it's still worth it!


Monday, October 30, 2006 10:47 AM


Thank you for your posts.

Dear Humbug,
And I thought I would be one of those coming the farthest, but your England beats my New England.
And then there's your friends coming from Australia!
I'm humbled.
[But at least I won't be the only one with an accent. ]

Dear minime,
I will, of course, share my con experience, since you ask, but as a "virgin" sf con attendee, I have nothing with which to compare, and I may bore you. And if I do experience PCD (Post-Con Depression), my report may be delayed a week until after a prudent course of tapered Firefly/Serenity withdrawal: I'll watch the first 5 Firefly episodes one night, the next 4 the second, then the next 3, then 2, then the Serenity BDM].

Btw, in another discussion thread, the issue of appropriate convention attire came up. What was your experience? And recommendations? I take it that my usual jacket and tie would be the equivalent of Kaylee's pink puffy dress in Shindig. Blue Jeans and T-shirt (even a Blue Sun or Serenity T-shirt] almost seems disrespectful, but what do I know? Slacks and button shirt is truly geeky (though if the shoe fits...). I'm not sure I'm ready for "costume", but a "Simon"-like shirt, slacks, and vest may actually work best--not that I have them. Suggestions?

Also, what about "camera etiquette"? Are cameras (still/camcorder) verboten or merely tacky? Or are they permissable?



Monday, October 30, 2006 12:00 PM


Hey History!

It's my first con too, and I'll be flying out from New England as well. Small 'verse, eh?

I'll be at the room party with Leiasky, and I hope to see all you folks there! We'll need nametags with our FFF names so we can "recognize" eachother LOL!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Monday, October 30, 2006 12:36 PM


Just a gal out on the rim writing tales.

Perhaps someone has a gizmo for making buttons from scratch. It's a rig that looks like a beer bottle capper and you later a clear plastic disc, a paper disc (upon which you can print or write), a metal piece and then the metal backpiece (which includes the pin.) You pull down on the handle and the layers are crimped into a roughly 2" button.

It would be a simple matter for anyone who can do calligraphy or even just print neatly to letter folks' "handles" on the paper circles before crimping the button together. I seem to recall the supplies to make a button cost about $ .50 per button.

Definitely cooler than those awful "Hi! I'm Whomever" badges. Anybody with a button maker out there?


Monday, October 30, 2006 3:21 PM


Hi History,

re the inevitably difficult issue of clothing... I was backpacking through the UK when I went to the con, so I had no costumes. I dressed in jeans mostly (I had one skirt which was helpful for the photos, but I'd have coped with jeans for that as well). Not everyone did the costume thing; my guess would be (as a non-expert graduate of 1 convention!) that you could go as way out or not as you liked and still be within normal limits...

Cameras - see caveat on above paragraph - we were able to take photos of the 1st 5 minutes of each of the guest talks, then we turned off the flash. Tacky? Probably, but I plead guilty and was DEFINITELY not alone! Not sure about the policy on camcorders... since I don't own one.

Re: post-con depression, I highly recommend that you attempt to NOT catch this disease in the first place... but if you are unfortunate enough to succumb, i suggest strongly that you don't deal with it alone...


P.S. What kind of doc are you?


Monday, October 30, 2006 3:43 PM


At Flan 1 Cameras allowed all during the Q&A but flash ONLY at the beginning.. (it gets too annoying for the panel)

Cameras were allowed at Banquet and Cocktail but no POSED pics and no flash..

You should check with Booster web site right before you come away, incase these "rules" change...

Attire.. again.. comfy... casual.



Wednesday, November 1, 2006 5:41 AM


Thank you for your posts.

Dear MAL4PREZ, It is good to know other New Englanders will be attending. I'll be the one with the Maine accent. How 'bout you? If that is not enough to give me away, I'll make a discrete Username label and attach it to a convention pass, if we receive one, or on a "Serenity" pin (which I got off E-bay a year ago). It seems like Leiasky's/Tammy's party is the place to be Saturday evening.

Dear HISGOODGIRL, let me know if you find a way to make "FlanII" button I.D.'s for posters. I'll purchase one.

Dear MINIME, I'll bring my cameras, then. As for costume...I'll think about it. I do not know how much I can "go native"--comfortably (my stupid "proper" upbringing). However, I just found a brown suede coat I wore in the early 70's. Don't think I'll bring it, but it does have pockets that will accomoate my mini-camcorder and pocket camera....Hmm.
I'm a Radiologist, btw (or "Imaging Specialist").

Dear Chindi, "comfy...casual" attire. That's open to interpretation. Inara and Simon may understand this differently then, say, Kaylee and Wash. Thank you for the information of camera etiquette. Unfortuantely, I was unable to get tickets for the banquet. I'll be at the cocktail party--if my plane is not delayed (). No direct flights from Maine to Burbank; I'll have to change flights twice.

Looking forward to meeting everyone and seeing our BDH's next month.



Wednesday, November 1, 2006 5:58 AM


I think I'm the oldest here (50's)
but I've been to a couple of Buffy conventions so I know the drill!
It is VERY easy to meet people, it is actually a lot like a working convention: too much drinking and all the talk is on the same topic,
but of course having the topic be Firefly, Serenity and our BDHs makes a big difference!

Costumes can mean anything, At the Browncoats Ball in San Francisco I found that the men went all out just like the ladies: beautiful vests and long coats, are very elegant, but there were a lot of men in Wash's flightsuits and Hawaiian shirts.
Jayne's Army fatigues always work too.
I have a nice Chinese jacket that I'll be wearing a lot all weekend.

Personally I would love to do a little 'meet up' at the beginning:
Thursday night dinner on Dec 7th
or Friday morning breakfast on Dec 8th
before the convention is really busy,
if anyone else is going to be arriving early ... ?

Oh and cameras are usually allowed everywhere if you do it without the is hard for the guests to do autographes with flash bulbs popping (if the convention isn't allowing them then they will always announce it 500 times, it won't be a secret).


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 6:55 AM


Hey all,
This will be my first convention of any kind. This is my very expensive 21st b-day present to myself. I'm going alone from Wisconsin. I get pretty nervous sometimes thinking about it all, but then remember how friendly everyone is and know I'll have a great time.

I have a button maker. I'll offer my services to make some. I would just need to know what to make, and how to distribute them at flan.



Wednesday, November 1, 2006 8:25 AM


>It seems like Leiasky's/Tammy's party is the place to be Saturday evening.

Oh, I'm sure there will be other parties that evening. Ours will just be one of many - I have no doubt.


"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 9:54 AM



Originally posted by pinkishbrowncoat:
Hey all,

I have a button maker. I'll offer my services to make some. I would just need to know what to make, and how to distribute them at flan.


Awesome! You can count on me to order one. Can I do my own graphics? If so, what size should it be?

I have an idea about distribution. Why not mention this to the con organizers, and see if they would let you ship them in advance and distribute them at the registration table? It wouldn't have to take up much of their time or effort, just a box that we could dig through and find our own button.

If that sounds like a good idea, you could start a thread on the BoosterEvents Flan-II forum. It's and under Community/Forums. If you don't want to do this yourself, I can do it. The worst they can do is say no!

I'm pointin' right at it!


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 11:18 AM


I posted a message at the booster forums. If it would be too much hassle for the registration people, I'll be flying in Thursday, so I could hang out at the registration tables on Friday to get them out.

DonCoat: if you'd like to, you could design the main graphic to use on all of them. Unless you wanted yours to be unique. It still could be. I have the stuff to make 2 1/4" buttons so the graphic needs to be about 2".

I think I would sell them for either $.75 or $1.00 because of parts, labor, and getting them there(either shipping or suitcase space). I hope that's not too much for people.

If you want one you can e-mail me at
Once I get a design for the buttons I can post it here so people could know what it looks like.



Wednesday, November 1, 2006 1:06 PM


PBC, I'll have a go at a 2" graphic. Of course I can provide it to others if they want to use it (I'll make an area in the center where the "handle" can go).

What format should I deliver it in? JPEG, BMP, or maybe hard copy?

I was thinking maybe putting something like " Brigade" around the outside, with maybe the Serenity chinese characters behind the nick...

Other ideas welcome, but remember it's pretty small.

A buck sounds like it's a bit on the too-cheap side. Make sure you cover your costs! Whatever you do, make it an even $ amount -- that would fit neatly into an envelope.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 1:46 PM


Browncoat ingenuity yet again.
I like the idea of "small" buttons that bring people closer to read them and say "hi!"
If it will help, I'll make a donation to support the button project.



Wednesday, November 1, 2006 1:58 PM



Personally I would love to do a little 'meet up' at the beginning:
Thursday night dinner on Dec 7th
or Friday morning breakfast on Dec 8th
before the convention is really busy,
if anyone else is going to be arriving early ... ?

Hi Embers--

I'll be flying in on Wednesday and staying at a friend's house close to the Hilton. I'd love to have a 'meet up' early. I expect my husband, who is traveling to Burbank with me but not attending Flan, would also like to meet some of the people I'll be hangin' with all weekend.

We could meet at the Daily Grille (restaurant at the Hilton) for a meal, or there are some nice restaurants I know of in "beautiful downtown Burbank" where we could gather. Either way, an early icebreaker would be a good thing!

By the way, I'm probably the second oldest going (mid-40's). It'll be good to meet some other people close to my age!

The 3 rules of aging:
1. Never bypass a bathroom
2. Never waste an erection
3. Never trust a fart


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 3:43 PM


DonCoat: Send it as a jpeg.

When I get all the designs done, I'll post so people can pick. I'll probably hand them out myself Friday during registration. I forgot to add in the ink costs for printing so I'm gonna set the price at $2 to make it nice and even.



Thursday, November 2, 2006 4:12 AM


Just a gal out on the rim writing tales.

At 41 and 53, BigBadMan and I are among the mature Browncoats. Remember, we've just had longer to get cunning.

We'll be flying in from NC early Thursday afternoon and are game for some sort of pre-event meet-up. Please keep us in the loop.


Thursday, November 2, 2006 4:18 PM


Maybe we should have a Browncoat "Geezer" battallion patch made (I'm 48).

Just put a cane or wheelchair where the five-pointed star should be.



Thursday, November 2, 2006 9:27 PM



Originally posted by ShinyTrinket:

We could meet at the Daily Grille (restaurant at the Hilton) for a meal, or there are some nice restaurants I know of in "beautiful downtown Burbank" where we could gather. Either way, an early icebreaker would be a good thing!

that would be great,
I would love that...
and I can even dress up and act like an adult so that your husband is ah...convinced that you have dignified friends
(I'll be wearing costumes most of the weekend)

Oh I love that Browncoat patch design! That would make a totally cool button!


Friday, November 3, 2006 3:30 AM



and I can even dress up and act like an adult so that your husband is ah...convinced that you have dignified friends
(I'll be wearing costumes most of the weekend)

Oh I love that Browncoat patch design! That would make a totally cool button!

No need to make my husband think I have dignified friends...we're both 46 going on 12, and that's on a good day, when we've had to be grownups at work, or something!

But the idea of an "old farts" meetup is a good thing. I also like the patch design.

The 3 rules of aging:
1. Never bypass a bathroom
2. Never waste an erection
3. Never trust a fart


Saturday, November 4, 2006 4:21 AM


FYI: For my fellow "a la carte" attendees, the Flanvention Memory Book is available for pre-order only:

It's "16 pages" for 20 dollars, but what price can we put on memory (especially us older folkes ).



Saturday, November 4, 2006 8:48 AM


My friend and I are going to Flan, as well. I've been to a couple of local sci-fi cons in the past year or so, but this is my first Firefly-related one, and my first US con, to boot! I'm a little nervous, but way excited, too.

I've met a few local Browncoats at shindigs, and I have to say they are some of the nicest, most welcoming people I've ever encountered. Usually you have to be a part of the clique to really fit in, but with Browncoats, the general concensus seems to be the more, the merrier! You can literally walk into a room not knowing a soul, and walk out with something akin to family. That's a rare gift that Browncoats seem to possess the world over, from what I've read on various boards!

Now, I just have to find a way to meet some LGBT Browncoats, and I'll be all set!

To History and all the rest, see you in December, hopefully! :)


Saturday, November 18, 2006 12:19 PM


Preparing for Flan 2: Missing Morena

Flan 2 is just a few weeks away, and thanks to Leiasky/Tammy, DonCoat, PinkishBrownCoat, Shiny Trinket, HisGoodGirl, et al I'm feeling more anticipation than hesitation. Thank you all for the welcome and sage advice and shared stories of past cons. I now feel this will be more like a renuion than a conference--albeit a reunion with fellow Browncoats I have not yet had the pleasure to meet.

On the (relatively) spur of the moment, I decided to attend the SuperMegafest in Framingham, MA today. I learned through the New England Browncoats website that Morena Baccarin was scheduled to attend. Since she is not scheduled to appear at Flanvention 2, I thought it would be nice to see her here, relatively close to home--and also experieince the culture shock of what my friends would call a "geekshow" . I put on my Blue Sun tee, jeans, and my black leather jacket, picked up my rawhide leather satchel (I've created my own Firefly/Serenity autograph book), and drove the 2.5 hrs to the event (listening to the recen "The Signal" podcasts I've recorded and am cathcing up on).

I arrived only to discover that Morena had to cancel due to a work commitment. >sigh< But I am pleased whenever our BDH's continue to create and show their talent.

I had hoped to see members of the New England Browncoats there and introduce myself (and find out if any were attending Flan 2), but I overheard some dealers stating they saw them "storm out" in not being courteously informed regarding Morena's change of plans. It was unethical for SuperMegafest not to update their website to state she had canceled, I agree, but I was there so....on with the show.

It was a "geekshow" [and great fun, though impersonal], with Star Wars costumes prevalent, long lines for photo session with everyone from stars from Billie Dee Williams from "Star Wars" to Mark Goddard from"Lost in Space" to Elvira and pro-wrestling stars.

There was a fair amount of Serenity merchandise, from the Inkworks trading cards, cast photos, T-shirts, resin models of Serenity weapons, posters, etc. I picked up a couple pins (Browncoat insignia, Serenity logo), and three laminated Serenity crew nametag/Boarding passes, and a T-shirt" (Browncoat: "I may have been on the losing side, but I'm not convinced it was the wrong one.") There were also signed photos by Morena (one as Inara, and another as her Stargate character). I picked one up (you can guess which).

Overall, with so many different fandoms represented, I was mostly a fly on the wall. I was unable to find anyone I could readily recognize as a fellow Browncoat. I bought some items, talked with a new publisher [] and his artists who are reissuing and illustrating the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs and H.P. Lovecraft [I bought their first offerings which the artists signed and kindly drew beautiful pictures on the Title Pages

I stayed just a few hours, but enjoyed myself, all things considered. I can only anticipate how much better the Flan will be, surrounded by 500 fellow Firefly/Serenity fans, and being able to see and listen and actually meet members of the cast--though I did decide to purchase photo ops with the cast and I do not think I will know how to talk to them without sounding fan-silly (as Minime has shared)--and I'm sure I'll be completely non-plussed when posing with Ms Jewel Staite and Ms Christina Hendricks (what was I thinking!) ]. lol

20 days to Flan 2!



Sunday, November 19, 2006 5:08 AM


Sorry you didn't get to see Morena, but it sounds like it was a fun time overall. I think there will be a lot more interaction with the celebs at Flan than at the average con, and it should be more personal with only 500 attendees. Not to mention the fact that it's all Firefly/Serenity, and we won't have to wade through a lot of stuff that might not interest us as much! I'm countin' the days!

The 3 rules of aging:
1. Never bypass a bathroom
2. Never waste an erection
3. Never trust a fart


Sunday, November 19, 2006 8:20 AM


Hi, ShinyTrinket.
Thanks for your post.
I suspect I will be shy around any celebs (the closest I have gotten is reading a shoulder MRI of a famous Hollywood lead man shooting a film in Maine a few years back). I'm completely out of my element on this.

Well, except for some authors. I spoke briefly with Robert Bloch a year before he passed on, and have met and shared a few words with Stephen King (a fellow Maine-iac), and Harlan Ellison and I shared some memorable words over the phone once (he was unhappy with me concerning his script for "I, Robot", but that is another story ).

Checked your "MySpace". I should be able to recognize you at the Flan, now. I see you have Nathan as a "Friend" (hmm...and on further review I see he has graciously accepted 3577 Friends to date! This further affirms his reputation as an unpretentious all around "good guy." How wonderful. I look forward to seeing him at Flan 2, even if I can't manage to stutter out a "Hi!" ).
Oh, and since you are an animal lover, I will share I have a great cat named Ezra (we got him at the Pound). So he is either Ezra Pound or, based on my ethnicity, Ezra Katz.

19 days to Flan!



Sunday, November 19, 2006 1:45 PM


I'd like to meet and share a few words with Stephen King!

The 3 rules of aging:
1. Never bypass a bathroom
2. Never waste an erection
3. Never trust a fart


Sunday, November 26, 2006 11:43 AM


Nice gentleman.
We had a mutual friends, writer and university professor Tom Williams (to whom he dedicated Nightmares and Dreamscapes). Tom related an inspiring story about Stephen King I'll share with you at Flan 2 (though I believe, now as I look at what I've purchased, I've probably booked myself into standing in line the entire weekend for photo-ops and autographs! [I am such a neophyte at this fan convention thing ]) .

Anyway....12 days to Flan 2!



Monday, December 4, 2006 5:11 PM


Well, everyone.
4 days to Flan.
Getting packed.
My "button" is ordered.
And I look forward to meeting you.



Monday, December 4, 2006 5:50 PM


Dear History,

This is all very good advice. You will get as much as you want to get out of this. We are all family here, this is a reunion.

Expressing interest, asking questions and sharing your story is all you need to do.

I will be there and my name is Rosie, I am 35 and I love going to cons and shindigs.

See you there.


Monday, December 4, 2006 8:12 PM


Hi History! My favoriet student flew in from Tokepa, and we are flying down together from Spokane and we would love to chat you up. Just dont know how to identify ourselves to you. Perhaps there will be nametags? I have only been to a couple of general sf conventions over the years, mostly to meet specific authors, but we are way too excited about this one. Look for a "ShinyOlLady" nametag. Judith is a bit under 30, I am a bit under 50 and we both have longer blonde hair. Hope to see you!


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 2:36 AM


For those not aware, check out the thread:

Flanvention Forum Name Buttons

where you'll see an example of the buttons that some of us (including History) will be wearing to identify us at Flan 2.

Today (Tuesday 12/5) is the last day you can order one of those buttons, if you want one!

I'm pointin' right at it!


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 7:42 AM


History, honey I guarantee after Flan you will wonder how you could have ever been worried about attending the con. I think the small Flan is a great way to start. Then I will tell you about Dragon*Con You come into the dealer's room, come over to the Out to The Black table and I will personally have a big old Browncoat hug especially for you to welcome you.

By the way, hugs are free for the asking

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 4:00 PM


3 days to Flan.
Cleaning up the loose ends; my partners have got the practice covered, getting packed (picked up a simple vest coat if I decide to dress the "Simon" for either the Shindig--if I can stay awake--or the photo ops)

Thank you FireflyPassenger (Rosie), ShinyOldLady & Judith, DonCoat, and FireflyGal (btw, I have my eye on a Browncoat Messenger Bag).

Free hugs for the asking, FireflyGal? That's downright neighborly.

As DonCoat has shared, Jenz and he have kindly offered to create and make some ID buttons with our Usernames. I am looking forward to mine. The other way to identify me: I'll be the "young" late 40ish (everything is relative, correct?) greyhaired gentleman with the Maine accent walking around in a daze.

I wish safe and pleasant traveling to everyone.
See you there.



Tuesday, December 5, 2006 4:30 PM


Looking forward to Flan.

Just a bit of warning. Close proximity to our BDHs does make your brain go missing. So if you feel at a lost, you are perfectly normal. What I do, especially for the autograph line since I am not sure if I will remember to say what I want is to give them cards. I do say something but you just never know what you will say when your brian goes missing.

The best part really is meeting Browncoats. They are the best folks in the 'verse, always open and ready to help.

Most importantly just have fun.


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 2:42 AM


We Browncoats ARE a neighborly bunch. I'll have an unlimited supply of Browncoat huggies for folk BUT the Messenger Bag supply is very limited. You can always get 'em on the site but it's not quite the same as instant gratification. See you tomorrow, History!

I aim to misbehave!

Firefly items:
For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 4:41 PM


I wish I was coming tomorrow, FFGal.
Unfortunately, I still have patient care duties until tomorrow evening. And it will take me a day to fly coast to coast.
I will hope to see you and others Friday late afternoon/evening.
Safe trips, everyone.







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