Do we still have hope?

UPDATED: Saturday, January 3, 2004 00:16
VIEWED: 5115
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Tuesday, December 30, 2003 6:28 PM


So I've been telling whoever I can about firefly since I discovered it about a week ago (I really am a newbie here) but I went to sign the petition on and I couldn't because in their words "the battle is over." Is it really? Is there no hope for the return of firefly the way it was? Are we even fighting for anything anymore? Wow, this is really upsetting...and I've only been a fan for a week. All of you that have stuck with it for this long are my heros and I love you.


"Ninjas are totally sweet. What with the blazing guitar solos and the totally chopping people's heads off." ~Jade Puget

"I love the sound of the pitter patter of little feet in big combat boots...SHUT UP!!" ~Capt. Mal


Tuesday, December 30, 2003 6:39 PM


don't give up hope. when one person whispers, no one hears. but when millions of people shout, everyone notices. keep buying the dvd sets, loaning dvd's to friends, relatives, etc. we only need one network to pick up this great show! the cast and crew are committed to firefly, and so are the fans! also, don't forget to write to networks and local affiliates about your interest in firefly.

a loyal browncoat!


Tuesday, December 30, 2003 7:02 PM


Feel dishearted? Quote for you: "Ten persons who speak make more noise than ten thusand who are silent."-Napoleon Bonaparte. What I'm trying to say is, there is hope, we just need a voice. Or get a voice. Whatever. Speak out! Well, I have to go to bed.

Keep flyin'!

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Tuesday, December 30, 2003 8:12 PM


ZOE They still have the advantage over us.
MAL Everyone always does. That's what makes us special.

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 7:02 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Don't give up hope Emopirate05; we sure aren't giving up!

Joss and the cast are dedicated to the show, and Joss just finished writing a script for a Firefly movie.

The best thing we can do at this point is spread the word on Firefly. Buy the DVDs, share the DVDs w/ friends and family to get them interested, talk to your local rental chains and retail locations to see if they are carrying the DVD set. If they aren't, ask them to carry it. Point people to the Firefly sites to learn more about the show and share their interest with us.

The more people that become aware of Firefly and become interested in it, the more voices we add to the call for Firefly to fly again.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 8:36 AM


Thanks guys. This really is the best group of people on the Internet. I have to go, my cat's laying on the keyboard...not cool. Thanks for everything guys.


PS...Happy New Year! Let's make it the year of firefly.

"Ninjas are totally sweet. What with the blazing guitar solos and the totally chopping people's heads off." ~Jade Puget

"I love the sound of the pitter patter of little feet in big combat boots...SHUT UP!!" ~Capt. Mal


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 10:10 AM


Okay, not trying to be mean in any way, but, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?!


Sorry, just had to let the crazy air out.

No, seriously, hope, hope, hopedy hope, tons and tons of hope.

It's not you alone that I'm reacting to, but my roommate (a browncoat himself, can you believe it?, but also a fellow who can go conversationally from Good morning to the end of all life on Earth in three sentences flat) has been singing doom just to bug me for some weeks now.

Why am I so hopeful? Is it something I can share with you? I hope so. (Sorry, snigger, snigger, couldn't stop myself.)

Let's begin with Star Trek. I know it took frellin' YEARS, but in the end fan power prevailed, movies were made, television series happened, and all the while fan fiction, fan art, conventions,etc. sustained the faithful. No, no, I don't want to wait for years either, nor do I want some stupid Firefly Next Gen sop, but remember, Trek was the first. I truly believe this makes it easier to demonstrate the FINANCIAL potential of the Firefly property to prospective investors. Here the selling point is not the excellence of the product, but the tremendous fandom response to the Firefly 'verse.
The response which says "If you make it, we will BUY it. Bring us your Firefly models, your Blue Sun t-shirts, your Pinyin to English handbooks, your protein bars, your leather necklaces, your Hawaiian shirts, your dinosaur models (just like Wash's!), Serenity coffee cups, calendars, brown leather dusters (please, please, please), BRING IT ON, WE WILL BUY IT!

Second, the need for networks to have airable product. More product all the time. More networks, too, hence even more product. I acknowledge Firefly to be an expensive product, but the potential to market to an established fan base (Firefly fans) and an auxilliary fan base (Whedon-Buffy-Angel fans) must not be dismissed as an irrelevant factor.

Third, the technology existant today may soon lead to entirely new financing and distribution models for artistic creations. What are the numbers? I heard it cost about a million per ep for Firefly. Can anyone confirm or correct this for me? Can we get a million viewers to subscribe for direct to DVD subscriptions? Let's find out!

Anyway, I've got to get back to work for now. GORAMMIT BE HOPEFUL! Why are we still talking about what's been decided?

lunatikat- all for one and one for dinner


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 10:15 AM


I think if Fox did make merchendise-y stuff, we would buy it.


Why are we still talking about what's been decided?

I agree. (No offense) MAL: Why are we still discussing this?
Okay, the answer is reassurance, and I can live with that.

Keep flyin'!

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 10:23 AM


There's one flaw with the "loan out the DVD" approach: It's invisible. The Powers that Make Movies can be shown sales figures. They can be shown exponential growth in fan sites. They cannot be reliably shown that you got a dozen people to watch.

But I'm not advocating that you all start buyin' crateloads of the DVD and giving them away. Unless you've got that manner of disposable income. But there needs to be a new petition, or a fan registry. That way, when I give my DVD to a friend and he likes the show, he can go sign something that proves that Firefly fandom is growing. It should spotlight numbers and countries, since the sense of a healthy foreign market for a film can help overcome any attitude of "it got cancelled in the States, so a film would probably flop here, too."

The end result would be another something Joss would have in his bag when the moneyfolk say, "Who wants to see a gorram space western, anyway?"

Just a thought for someone conversant with Web Things to ponder.



Wednesday, December 31, 2003 11:03 AM



Originally posted by Lunatikat:
Bring us your Firefly models, your Blue Sun t-shirts, your Pinyin to English handbooks, your protein bars, your leather necklaces, your Hawaiian shirts, your dinosaur models (just like Wash's!), Serenity coffee cups, calendars, brown leather dusters (please, please, please), BRING IT ON, WE WILL BUY IT!

Very well said. I don't think I've read it quite that way before. Give us your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free and wear really nice jackets.

I don't know if I think the same way that anybody else does, but I know that I get really disheartened with some of the "I just saw Firefly! How can we bring it back!?" It's wonderful, perfect, natural sentiment--just a year late. And certainly, better late than never. Maybe someday we'll be able to say that it was best late, that the release and the new blood really revived something that had waned just from slogging through the muck for so long.

But disheartening, nonetheless. It's a very bittersweet feeling and reminds me of all the things I should have done. I should have watched "Out of Gas" instead of Trek Uncut (bring the tomatoes, I deserve them); I should have sent ten postcards a day instead of five; I should have been in the thick of things from the beginning instead of lurking for so long.

Life's too short for ifs and maybes though and good Browncoats have taught me that there's very little that the Firefly perspective can't help with. That's my hope. When I'm down or feel awful or something doesn't go right, I look at this poor, short-lived, magnificent show and remember its wisdom and try to use that.

So I should get over being disheartened and revel in all the new names and faces and levels of enthusiasm and remember that while the losing side ain't necessarily the wrong one, sometimes how you get there is the worthier part.

Thanks, Lunatikat. And we live to fight another day. Tons and tons of hope.

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 11:46 AM


You know when I went to write this response you know what the random quote was at the top of this page?

"I poured my heart and soul into that show. I believed in it with every fibre of my being." - Joss Whedon on Firefly

What better way to sum it up? We have a choice. We can believe in all the people responsible for the creation of this show we love. Joss, Tim, Nathan, Gina, Adam, Jewel, Sean, Summer, Ron and the dozens if not hundreds of people laboring at the engines of creation. Or we can lay down arms and give it up. Let Serenity fly into the black for good.

That's our choice.

Gorram it! I sure as hell am not ready to lay down arms!

We don't have to fight. We just have to keep the flame alive. All we have to do is hold this ground and make sure Joss and company know we believe and let Universal know they have a product we want to shell out good money to see.

We have got to hold this ground at all costs! We lose this, we lose everything. You hold, hear me? YOU HOLD!

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 5:10 PM



There's one flaw with the "loan out the DVD" approach: It's invisible.

See, hopefully they love it so much, they will buy their own copies. And lend them out to their friends, their friends buy it, and so and so forth. There is a math problem, but I don't remember it, and it's a holiday-ish thing.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 6:24 PM



Originally posted by Sarahetc:

Very well said. I don't think I've read it quite that way before. Give us your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free and wear really nice jackets.

Yeah, jackets! But seriously . . .


Maybe someday we'll be able to say that it was best late, that the release and the new blood really revived something that had waned just from slogging through the muck for so long.
But disheartening, nonetheless. It's a very bittersweet feeling and reminds me of all the things I should have done. I should have watched "Out of Gas" instead of Trek Uncut (bring the tomatoes, I deserve them); I should have sent ten postcards a day instead of five; I should have been in the thick of things from the beginning instead of lurking for so long.
Life's too short for ifs and maybes though and good Browncoats have taught me that there's very little that the Firefly perspective can't help with. That's my hope. When I'm down or feel awful or something doesn't go right, I look at this poor, short-lived, magnificent show and remember its wisdom and try to use that.
So I should get over being disheartened and revel in all the new names and faces and levels of enthusiasm and remember that while the losing side ain't necessarily the wrong one, sometimes how you get there is the worthier part.

I tried to abbreviate your quote but found I couldn't because it was so well said. So it's all here again for anyone who missed it.

I will add this: it was such a short miserable life for Firefly, what with only four months on air, and not even straight through. So it took months for people to taste the show and then tell others until, dam-mit, here we are. "Maybe it's exactly where (we) should be."

(Edited 'cuz board doesn't take kindly to square brackets, which embraced "we")


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 6:59 PM


Every time I tried to tell someone to watch it, it wasn't on the next week when it was supposed to be, so the bootleg and now official DVDs are the way for me to get my friends in to it. I bought them for Christmas presents and I will buy them for birthday presents, spread out over the course of 2004. I will recruit new fans to our fold!

Keep flying and keep encouraging the 'new blood' to have hope. Revel in all the new names and faces and levels of enthusiasm.

"Is there any way I'm gonna get out of this with honor and dignity?"


Friday, January 2, 2004 5:38 PM


So had this big noisy new year's eve party in our apartment, the wife and I. And I'm talking, three or six drinks in, to a friend who has not embraced the Firefly, though he appreciates Buffy, some comics, and loads of SF stuff I can't even keep straight. And scads of DVDs. I told him, "I could loan you the DVD, but I won't. Go buy it. If you really don't like it, I'll tell you you're crazy, and buy it back from you."

That way, he gets Firefly at no risk, and I don't have to pay for it. Unless, bizarrely, he really does not like it. Then I do have to pay for it, but I then have an extra copy to give to yet someone else. And an opening to start auditions for a new friend.



Friday, January 2, 2004 6:59 PM


I have hope because of shows like B5 making a 5th year and Jeremiah and Dead zone getting seconds.

However, my hope is tempered because of shows like Andromeda, and Mutant X, and *gasp* the new Galactica getting airtime. What a heap of gosa!

Now take the cancellation of Odyssey and the amazing brainfart of butchering the end of Farscape as it did, and the hope is waning indeed.

TV scifi is mindless shoot-em ups with special effects galore and (wow, am I saying this?) too MUCH sex bs! The formulas are proven:

Rule 1) CGI + Spandex + Big Booms = Series Renewal

Rule 2) Plot or Character Depth or Realism = CANCEL

Feel free to throw a 'b' in place of the 'm' in the first rule above. That works too.

Hey, I do admire a fine women but come on! Andromeda had three hotties AND a plot in it's first year. Nowadays, the eye candy just isn't enough (and it's fine eye candy!)

Faith Manages. But Stupidity is the 500lb gorilla sitting down to tea. The average viewer and the average tv executive live and breath the above formulas. My poor hope....


Friday, January 2, 2004 7:40 PM


There is lots of hope the only reason we got DVD's is because people at websites like this made alot of noise. I seem to remember people here pushing it to the top of Kazza's most wanted but unavailable DVD list. In fact people were always getting it on any number of lists and Fox released one hell of a DVD package. Joss Wheadon has said that if there wasn't the fan response there has been he would have given up on Firefly. He hasn't given up in fact he has just announced at the L.A. comic book convention he has finished the script for the Firefly movie.

I for one think there is a damn good chance it's going to get made. After all Joss Wheadon is a powerful man in hollywood circles. Buffy,Angel, Toy Story, Tititan A.E. ect. And Joss has said if the movie is successful he'd love to bring it back to T.V.

And since the DVD's are selling well and Joss has got Universal to buy the rights to Firefly from Fox I see no reason to think Universal won't make a movie they did buy the thing after all. So in the interests of making long stories less long I see no reasons for gloom and doom and every reason for hope!!!


Saturday, January 3, 2004 12:16 AM


There's always hope, just keep flying.

I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image.
--Stephen Hawking






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