Newbie in love with this show

UPDATED: Sunday, January 4, 2009 12:05
VIEWED: 21749
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Thursday, December 18, 2008 1:07 PM


Howdy Cole,I'm a realatively new recruit here meself. I'd seen Serenity a coupla years ago, but just discovered Firefly in the last few months. I'm only just now beginning to look at the fanfics, podcasts, and other shiny stuff out here.

A (lot of)word(s) regarding withdrawal: The show ended, as most good cancelled shows do, with me thinking "great, but what happens next?" The movie helps, but not enough. So in the last few weeks I've been rewatching the shows in pretty much random order. I discovered a few days ago that the episode that brought the most closure (I guess you could call it) for me was Out of Gas. It's the one episode where a shared threat brings the whole crew together, more or less. This time, it's Wash rather than Zoe who must balance duty to captain and duty to spouse. Mal and Inara are closer than they've ever been, and I think Simon goes the whole episode without saying something supremely awkward to Kaylee. The flashbacks show more of Serenity's history than any other episode, and they bring to light every crewmembers motivation for being on board.

But it's the ending that does it for me. The scene in the infirmary, with Mal asking if everyone will still be there, brings me a great sense of hope. That scene, together with the final flashback of Mal's introduction to Serenity, always leaves me with a very good feeling, that the characters didn't end just because the show did; they're all Still Flying. We just can't look in on them like we used to.

Anyway, that was my impression.

Mercy is the mark of a great man.
Guess I'm just a good man.
Well, I'm alright.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 2:43 PM


Wow,great post.i think I'll go watch Out of Gas again.


Friday, December 19, 2008 8:01 PM


Ni Hao again , Cole23 !

Here's a little treat for you ; it's classic , and the price is right...

It's a song by Michelle Dockrey , known as 'Vixy' on the boards , and it's been set to a background collage of scenes from Firefly...

It's " Mal's Song " :

There are various vids of it , plus an mp3 that can also be found...But it's also on the DoneTheImpossible Soundtrack...


Saturday, December 20, 2008 6:59 AM


That is awesome!Thanks.Great voice.


Saturday, December 20, 2008 7:07 AM


Hey yall I'm a newb to Firefly as well... I kinda feel a little bit bad cause I wasnt around when it started heh... But hey better late than never I suppose. I'm just trying to meet some fellow browncoats out there... and maybe get a little bit of family to talk to me. anyways... I'm just glad to be here and glad people have my same obssesion/passion with this series and the movie.

"I think we'll rise again!" Malcome Reynolds


Saturday, December 20, 2008 7:21 AM


What's up!So how'd you find Firefly?


Saturday, December 20, 2008 8:49 AM


Ni Hao , then ! Hey Mirroden...

Happy to see all the new folk getting aboard !

Make yourself to home , tell us your interesting story , and bring us a little Love to keep 'er in the air...


Saturday, December 20, 2008 1:46 PM


Well to be honest I saw Serenity first around my birthday last year... fell in love with Mal, Wash and Jayne. Then I watched it over and over and over... Found out about the Comic and started reading... then just a few months ago I found out about the Firefly episodes. Watched them all back to back... then again.... and again... and just today I finished again lol. My story goes pretty much like that allthough last month I stumbled accrosed a region in my game, Second Life..., where I happened to find a serenity RP... I when totally ballistic and joined up immediately. I currently serve aboard a smaller firefly called the Sun Dog.

The RP is awesome and they allready have several edicated regions for it. Second Life is pretty much a place where you can do anything you want. Im currently apart of a Final Fantasy 7 RP there as well, was formerly apart of a Vampire RP but that didnt work for me. But if you can dream it in 1st life... you can DO it in your 2nd. Wich is why I'd be more than happy if some of yall made your way over to take a look at it and see what you think.

The current regions they have are: Hale's Moon, Weishorn, Weishorn's "Washburn" AKA Washtown, Blackurn, Presidio, and about 4 others I've yet to visit. They sell ships there: Alliance, Independant, Reaver, and civillian. Weapons as well...

My screen name on SL is Mirroden Zessinthal if any of you are interested look me up and talk to me! Or if you dont want to talk to me you can always search for Firefly RP in the SL clients search bar. I hope to see some of you there!

You cant take the sky from me!


Sunday, December 21, 2008 3:18 AM


There is an even better version of Mal's Song on Vixy and Tony's new album Thirteen. (Google them)

We played it on ep 21 of S4 of The Signal recently and if you think the solo version was good, you 'aint heard nothing yet!

(The original version of Mals Song appeared in ep 7 I think of Season 1 of The Signal back in 2005)

This also appears on the *free* Firefilk Album, Songs From The Black available here:

This includes links to hi res versions of all 18 songs and CD artwork which works really well and is worth the bother of making up a hard copy. Use photographic paper and it looks great.

We originally released this as the Christmas bonus episode at the end of Season 2 of The Signal in 2006.

We try to include some Firefly related music in every show. This has on occassion included previously unreleased stuff by Firefly composer Greg Edmondson and by Serenity composer David Newman who both kindly gave us permission.

And yes, plans are afoot for a SFTB II at some point.

There is a large amount of great Firefly filk music (hence Firefilk) out there. Check out the Firefilk Yahoo group for example.

Plus you may get a different sounding surprise by listening to the Signal's feed in the next week or so :-)



Sunday, December 21, 2008 4:36 AM


Thanks for this thread, Cole23. I've enjoyed reading your posts. It brings back all my memories of when I first watched Firefly. Welcome to Now that you've watched everything you can explore the site.

Mirroden, welcome to you, too.


Sunday, December 21, 2008 9:24 AM



Originally posted by Lemming:
There is an even better version of Mal's Song on Vixy and Tony's new album Thirteen. (Google them)

We played it on ep 21 of S4 of The Signal recently and if you think the solo version was good, you 'aint heard nothing yet!

(The original version of Mals Song appeared in ep 7 I think of Season 1 of The Signal back in 2005)

This also appears on the *free* Firefilk Album, Songs From The Black available here:

This includes links to hi res versions of all 18 songs and CD artwork which works really well and is worth the bother of making up a hard copy. Use photographic paper and it looks great.

We originally released this as the Christmas bonus episode at the end of Season 2 of The Signal in 2006.

We try to include some Firefly related music in every show. This has on occassion included previously unreleased stuff by Firefly composer Greg Edmondson and by Serenity composer David Newman who both kindly gave us permission.

And yes, plans are afoot for a SFTB II at some point.

There is a large amount of great Firefly filk music (hence Firefilk) out there. Check out the Firefilk Yahoo group for example.

Plus you may get a different sounding surprise by listening to the Signal's feed in the next week or so :-)


Xie-Xie , Nick !

All good information...Thanks for keeping the fire burning , the Signal going , and keeping us in the air !


Sunday, December 21, 2008 11:36 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Cole23:
Yeah man,it's been fun for me.Now I get home from work and it hits me,I have no more Firefly/Serenity to watch.Yeah,I guess the withdrawal starts now.I'll just watch everything again.

I humbly suggest Buffy- it made my withdrawal so much easier, it's not Firefly, but some of the same great wit, drama & character depth can be found in it.

What say you, fellow Browncoats, am I right?

I like Buffy better than Firefly, but that's just me.
Cole23, I think you have plenty of Whedon greatness ahead of you. Enjoy.


Sunday, December 21, 2008 12:38 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:

I like Buffy better than Firefly, but that's just me.

Hey- it's all Joss.

The Whedonesque Chrisisall


Sunday, December 21, 2008 5:11 PM



Originally posted by VerseExplorer:
Thanks for this thread, Cole23. I've enjoyed reading your posts. It brings back all my memories of when I first watched Firefly. Welcome to Now that you've watched everything you can explore the site.

Mirroden, welcome to you, too.

Thanks.That's a cool thing for you to say.I hope to relive my experience through oher people when I get them to watch Firefly.


Monday, December 22, 2008 5:31 AM



Originally posted by Cole23:

Originally posted by VerseExplorer:
Thanks for this thread, Cole23. I've enjoyed reading your posts. It brings back all my memories of when I first watched Firefly. Welcome to Now that you've watched everything you can explore the site.

Thanks.That's a cool thing for you to say.I hope to relive my experience through oher people when I get them to watch Firefly.

It is fun to watch it again with someone who has not seen it. I always tell friends that they will like it if they see it alone, but they will LOVE it if they see it with me.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:54 AM



Originally posted by VerseExplorer:

Originally posted by Cole23:

Originally posted by VerseExplorer:
Thanks for this thread, Cole23. I've enjoyed reading your posts. It brings back all my memories of when I first watched Firefly. Welcome to Now that you've watched everything you can explore the site.

Thanks.That's a cool thing for you to say.I hope to relive my experience through oher people when I get them to watch Firefly.

It is fun to watch it again with someone who has not seen it. I always tell friends that they will like it if they see it alone, but they will LOVE it if they see it with me.

Lol yeah... I keep telling people that same thing acctually. We need as many borwn coats out there as we can get. Pretty soon imstead of being a family... we'll be like a dynasty movement! Viva La Independants!!!


Wednesday, December 24, 2008 8:56 AM


It's not often I register for this sort of thing; in fact I never have but I had a bad experience today. The wife and I had been watching this amazing DVD called Firefly, totally brilliant. The storeys, the characters, the humour is the best I have seen for decades, and it's American (the wit is very 'sarcastic' and cleaver which is possibly why it did not appeal to mass America!). But I could not believe my wife when she told me that 'this is it'. They made 11 out of 14 shows then binned it. I was mortified. It was like Lorenzo's Oil. Finding the best series on telly since....well ever only to find out it had been scrapped. It actually made me quite angry. The hours and hours of mindless drivel that comes out of the US and this genius, this class, this sheer pleasure in entertainment is scrapped; unbelievable!

And with so many un-answered questions. What did happen to the bounty hunter, what was the Sheppard’s secret, what did they do to the young girl etc etc etc.

With six years down the line now I doubt it will ever be resurrected but what a complete travesty. If I were Obama the first thing I would be doing is making 2009 a better year for everybody by getting series one finished and series two done and out. So all you Americans, campaign your senators (or whoever) to put pressure on your new president. There is not much he can do to make 2009 better but seeing that the brilliance of Firefly becomes a phoenix is one thing he can do.

Tonight I will have no Firefly to watch; my life is empty and cold on Christmas Eve. Not right.

A new and disappointed fan from the UK


Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:10 AM


I wore my Boston CSTS t-shirt to work the the other day.

To my surprise I found out that two of my co-workers are fans. When they saw the words Can't Stop The Serenity, they asked me if that meant Firefly/Serenity.

We had quite a nice conversation about various episodes over lunch.



Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:14 AM



Originally posted by steve62384:

Tonight I will have no Firefly to watch; my life is empty and cold on Christmas Eve. Not right.

You DID see the movie (Serenity), I take it...?

The inquiring Chrisisall


Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:15 AM



Originally posted by steve62384:
And with so many un-answered questions. What did happen to the bounty hunter, what was the Sheppard’s secret, what did they do to the young girl etc etc etc.

Tonight I will have no Firefly to watch; my life is empty and cold on Christmas Eve. Not right.

A new and disappointed fan from the UK

It is sad when you finish the episodes. You didn't mention the movie. Thanks to Joss Whedon's persistant with help from the fans, there was a movie, Serenity, that came out in 2005. It helps to answer some questions about "the young girl," River. It would be a GREAT Christmas present. There have been some comics that have come out, and there is more to come. The next one is suppose to give us Shepherd Book's back story. We are constantly hoping for more.


Thursday, December 25, 2008 10:41 PM


Aaaaaawwwwwwww been there. The only thing to help you get over the pain is to watch it again.

The only thing better than watching Firefly for the first time is rewatching it for the 20th time.

There is the movie, Serenity, same cast, written and directed, by Joss.

More story is told in comic book form by Joss. Those Left Behind bridges the gap from show to movie. Better Days is set in the Firefly world.

Serenity is good but not Firefly its a movie so its not the same.


It will get better. I recommend the fan documentary Done The Impossible. Also meeting other browncoats is a wonderful experience, attend a Con or a Shindig.

Keep Flying,

original browncoat
fan since 9/20/02.


Monday, December 29, 2008 1:49 AM


Thanks for all your comments. I did actually watch the film last night and totally agree in that is was very good but not the same. Still had me in stitches a couple of times though "If you want to take of the ship just say so" Jayne:"I want to take over the ship"..."Well you cant" Just brilliant :) so different and so real.

I have bought the DVD into the office today as I intend to enlighten the whole office in the phenonomen which is Firefly and perhaps have the first Corporate Browncoat?

I dont know if Mr Weedon ever looks at these sites but in case he does....Joss, even with the demise of the Shephard and Wash you owe it to those who appreciate pure entertainment to deliver more. There is not much to look forward to in 2009 but series two of Firefly could lift the spirits of the nation, nee the world:)

Thanks again all who replied to my original post and Joss, we are all counting on you :)


Monday, December 29, 2008 4:35 AM


whenever i hear of a new browncoat being added to the "verse" it reminds me of watching my kids on christmas when they opened their card and saw a picture of me holding playstion 3 ...their reaction was whenever i learn of a "newbie" as you say,excited to learn of firefly and serenity,i get happy too ! so welcome to the "real world" the verse...


Monday, December 29, 2008 6:13 AM


Just a thought, but why don’t 'they' put info regarding browncoats and other pressure groups actually in the DVD sets?


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 3:30 AM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

That would be advancing the enemy, and since you haven't been around here long, we DO NOT mention the network(F*X, this is the only way) we DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING NICE to say about said network, and THEY KNOW IT!!!!

Welcome, join your local group, go to Yahoo and search on groups, "Firefly".

Note: Joss has said several times, he has NO control or say as to whats on the DVD's, nor can he say anything about the covers, we didn't care for the first release of FF/S.----(FF/S is Firefly/Serenity, our code for the show and movie is BDS-big damn show and BDM--big damn movie.)

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 2:39 PM


Hello all from Dallas, TX

Add me to the "newbie" list that thinks this show is a rare jem. I'm primarily a TV/DVD collector of shows spanning from the late 50's thru mid-90's. Most of my collection falls in the 60's-80's decades. I first heard about Firefly on another forum..."Home Theater Forum" on the TV/DVD board. I initially passed on the Firefly thread since I knew that the show was of a more recent vintage than I normally view/collect but I noticed that the thread was compiling posts at a "full-burn" rate. So I asked my nephew about this show and he said "You gotta check it out. Here's my DVD set". Well, I have to tell you all, I was amazed that a 21st-century show was this good . I really enjoyed the unusually-original soundtrack and storylines and blew through this show like there were Reavers on my tail That's something that I rarely do when viewing a TV/DVD set.

I watched the movie (Serenity) last year on my Satt TV Provider and have since bought the recent Collector's Ed DVD. I was fortuante to have first watched the series before the film. I thought that the film did a good job of closing some storylines.

I recently bought my own copy of the series and started watching it for the 2nd time last night. Get this: I went through Disc 1 before turning out the lights last night I never do that. Interesting

Now, the question I have is....what's the average age here? I gotta be the "Grandpa" of this Bd

I'll close this post with a test of my memory from Serenity. You guys have to check me on this quote from "Mal". It was one of my favorites from the film:

"When I start a war I guarantee you you'll see something new!".

How did I do?

Later, Browncoats Scoop / Dallas, TX


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 4:09 PM


glad to have you aboard "grampa" jk ! i'm 0ver 40...not by much though!

MAN #2
You going on a trip, grandpa? Need
safe passage? We're cheap. We're
cheap. We're clean.
The BRUTUS, the best ship in the 'verse.
What's your des, grandpa? We're hitting
the outer rings.
I never married.

MAN #2

I'm not a grandpa.


Well, I'm Kaylee. This is Serenity, and
she's the smoothest ride from here to
Boros for anyone who can pay.
(beat, worried)
Can you pay, or... ?

Well, I've got a little cash,
and, uh...

He picks up a small wooden box from his luggage. Shows her the contents. She goes a little bit wide-eyed, eyeing the contents lustfully.

Ooh, grampa...
I never married.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 7:05 PM


Haha,that was cool.Welcome sir!


Sunday, January 4, 2009 12:05 PM


Be sure to get the fan documentary Done The Impossible. It's a must have for any Browncoat.

Welcome Aboard Scoop!






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