Favorite non-verbal character moments

UPDATED: Saturday, October 9, 2004 06:06
VIEWED: 33982
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004 1:18 PM


Every second of every episode, with people talking or not.That's what makes the Firefly a classic

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 11:36 PM


no one seems to have mentioned the bit in the train job where jayne falls over after being doped up and wash just puts his foot on him and continues to talk. made me giggle anyway :)


Wednesday, June 16, 2004 11:38 PM


Ha! I'd forgotten about that! It's classic!

"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than." -Shindig.
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud." -Safe.


Thursday, June 17, 2004 4:36 PM


I think when it comes to Simon, he will do anything and stand up to anyone if River is in danger. Like if Stitch was threatening River, Simon could have handled him.

I'm gonna go over all these and capture some stills from my DVD. Anyway, here's a couple of my favorites that HAVE been mentioned, and some more that haven't...

-Serenity: at the beginning, when Mal stares out at the sky, watching all the Alliance ships raining down fire, knowing that the war is over and he has lost it all.
-Bushwacked: Simon and River hide outside the ship from the feds. Simon can't bear to look at the endless nothingness, but River has a look of joy on her face, like she can see heaven from here.
-Ariel: At the beginning, when Simon samples the bad rice and grimaces. Also look at River's face, looking up at her silly brother and his silly rice. "Told ya."
-Jaynestown: When the crew is introduced to the statue of Jayne. My favorite is Kaylee, that fascinated look on her face as she says "Everywhere I go his eyes keep following me."

And some of my own favorites not mentioned yet:
-The Train Job: The first one I thought of, I nice Inara/Mal moment. After Mal and Zoe get back, Inara offers her shuttle to take the medicine back. Mal declines, noting "I ain't looking to get hit again." The look on Inara's face is great. She kind of looks down and bits her lip, almost proud that Mal felt that slap so well.
-Bushwacked: The whole practical joke Jayne plays on Simon with the suit. I love how Kaylee is so nice and walks over to help him get the helmet off.
-A couple for guest-star Commander Harkin. As Wash says “It was the legs. You can put that down,” Harkin looks down as if about to do just that. Also, when Kaylee is giving Harkin a lecture about G-lines and such, Harkin looks seriously intimidated.
-Our Mrs. Reynolds: Inara: During the whole "I only fell" debacle (love that word), Inara looks like a teenager praying she doesn’t get caught.
-Out of Gas: Inara: As Simon prepares to hit Zoe with a shot of adrenaline, Inara gasps and turns away.
-Jayne: When Mal slams Wash against the wall, Jayne takes a step back.
-Mal: As Mal is giving everyone the "What we got" speech, he touches a large pipe affectionately.
-Jayne: In flashback, as Mal is trying to offer tough-guy Jayne a better deal, the well-armed thug cannot hold back his interest. ("You got your own room? No? You share a bunk?!")
-Ariel: Zoe: As Jayne is racking his tiny brain to memorize the script, Zoe has her hands worriedly pressed together as Jayne says "I’ll get it."
-Mal: Knowing that Jayne is the traitor, Mal knocks him out with a wrench and looks down in disdain.
-Trash: As Saffron is discussing the plan, Wash looks horrendously confused, but Kaylee is nothing but interested.
-At the end, You gotta love the look on Mal’s face as he is standing there, nekkid, and he just puts his hands over his head and smiles. “Good day.” Puts me on the floor laughing every time.

Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small, concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.


Thursday, June 17, 2004 5:22 PM


I like the look of pure disgust on Book's face during Jayne's awful "gynecologist" remarks in Serenity.


Thursday, June 17, 2004 6:29 PM


Here's a classic, and I don't think it's been mentioned: River biting at her Ice planet in The Message.

Jayne, when the fed tells him his hat looks stupid.

Jayne, when he's mostly immobilized during The Train Job, because "he's heavy" and they couldn't get him to the infirmary.

End of Ariel, when Mal hugs Kaylee.

Mal settling down to die in Out of Gas


Thursday, June 17, 2004 9:17 PM


I enjoy the moment in Serenity when Kaylee says, "I love my captain" and kisses him. The look on Mal's face. He gets half a smile. To me, that says, "The pretty girl kissed me. Shiny."

It's such a little thing, but I like it.


Sunday, June 20, 2004 1:42 PM


As I was capturing stills, here's a few more non-verbal moments I discovered:

-Simon & River: After Dobson has been killed, Simon goes to River. River recoils, and Simon notices that the gun is still in his hand.

Out of Gas:
-Mal: In Kaylee's flashback, watch Mal tilt his head back and forth between Bester and Kaylee.
-When Mal offers Kaylee the job, Bester kind of taps her on the shoulder proudly, and then seems to realize “Hey, that’s my job!”
-The doors open to let the other crew in, and a gust of wind blows over Mal, equalizing the pressure.

-While Simon, Mal, Zoe, and Jayne are going over the script, Jayne attempts to work on what looks like a cheat sheet. Simon snatches it away. As Jayne keeps trying to memorize his lines, Simon crumples up the cheat sheet and glares at him.

War Stories:
-When Zoe starts to tell her story, Wash has this look on his face like “Oh, here we go again,” that he’s trying to hold back.
-Niska tries to corner Zoe by making her choose between Wash and Mal. She immediately chooses Wash, and Niska doesn’t know what to say.
-As Zoe is carrying Wash away, Wash calls back to Mal. Mal just shakes his head. “Just go. Don’t worry about me.”
-Ever the hard-hearted soldier, Zoe slowly accepts Mal’s severed ear without even a twitch on her face.

Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small, concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.


Monday, June 21, 2004 2:44 AM



-While Simon, Mal, Zoe, and Jayne are going over the script, Jayne attempts to work on what looks like a cheat sheet. Simon snatches it away. As Jayne keeps trying to memorize his lines, Simon crumples up the cheat sheet and glares at him.

I never thought it was a cheat sheet, i always assumed he was just doodiling (probably something naughty ) and he look Simon shot him was more of a 'pay attention, this is serious' look.


Monday, June 21, 2004 3:00 AM


Prob'ly already been said, but...
In The Message, when they're all staring flabbergasted ("Never has my flabber been so gasted!" -Frankie Howard.) at Tracey's 'corpse' for the first time. Then Jayne sticks his head in and frowns.
JAYNE: "What'd you all order a dead guy for?"

MAL:Well, look at this! Appears them boys at Fox have decided to cancel us. What does that make them?
ZOE:Big damn idiots, sir.
MAL:Ain't they just.
Writing at: [url] [/url]


Monday, June 21, 2004 3:17 AM



Originally posted by Nuisance:
I enjoy the moment in Serenity when Kaylee says, "I love my captain" and kisses him. The look on Mal's face. He gets half a smile. To me, that says,

Jenny kissed me when we met,
Jumping from the chair she sat in.
Time, you thief, who love to get
Sweets in your list, put that in.
Say I'm weary. Say I'm sad.
Say that health and wealth have missed me.
Say I'm growing old, but add
Jenny kissed me.


Monday, June 21, 2004 7:35 AM


When Mal walks onto the ship in 'Serenity' and shoots the fed in the face. You can almost see him thinking "I seriously do not have time to deal with this." It shows that he is completely focused on keeping his ship flying, no matter what he has to do.


Monday, June 21, 2004 9:08 AM



Originally posted by goramshiny:
I never thought it was a cheat sheet, i always assumed he was just doodiling (probably something naughty ) and he look Simon shot him was more of a 'pay attention, this is serious' look.

That's probably what it was.

Hey, ya know what would be great? If we could post images on here.

Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small, concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.


Monday, June 21, 2004 9:31 AM


I dunno if anyone's mentioned it yet, but there's a scene in Out of Gas where they're all seated around the dinner table and Jayne asks Inara to tell some stories about being a companion. Inara says's she doesn't kiss and tell....the camera pans to Mal and the smile on his face after he says "Oh, so there is kissing?" is perfect.


Tuesday, June 22, 2004 12:57 AM


It's certainly a dark moment, but I was stunned to not see it on the list. From the scene in OiS where Jubal has Kaylee cornered in the engine room, the moment he tells her to turn around - the look of abject helplessness and horror on her face is one of the absolute greatest acting moments I've ever seen on television - I was completely sold that she was feeling every bit of that terror, as close to the edge of breaking down as she'd ever been.

Certainly not a happy moment, but one that's always stuck in my head as a very solid reminder that while Jewel is indeed one of the main beauties on the show, she's not just there because she's pretty. As Joss clearly has a tendancy of doing, each and every BDH is one hell of an actor.

Oh, and hey I'm new.


Tuesday, June 22, 2004 1:21 AM


Oh come on guys. THE STRAWBERRY!

"It's only legal in two states. This ain't one of 'em." - John Candy


Tuesday, June 22, 2004 4:45 AM



Originally posted by Tallcarddealer:
Hey, ya know what would be great? If we could post images on here.

you can.. in the Blue sun room (that what it's for. so yes with the it being possible... but as for the how... i don't know.. but ask in the taglog -- someone will be sure to give a response.


Tuesday, June 22, 2004 5:21 AM


a moment that just busts me up was in War stories, just after Wash Drags Zoe away to their bunk, Jayne Smacks Mal in the chest when he sees the free soup. Mal's whole reaction to that, lasts about 30 seconds and is pretty priceless. Especially with Jayne ignoring his pain, until he looks at him, as if to say "What's your problem?"

"I told you to scare him"

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, June 22, 2004 1:03 PM


A couple more, not yet mentioned (I believe)...

Serenity - When Badger mentions how every molecule of the cargo is marked, I love the look Zoe shoots at Mal, and Mal's own reaction.

Out of Gas - Mal's final approach to the red button...and he just drops. No goofy "Oh, I'm about to faint" expression - he's just done.


Tuesday, October 5, 2004 1:09 AM


Just recently realised how cool this one is...
Serenity- when Book brings Inara her dinner/supper/tea/whatever you want to call it.
INARA: "Why are you so fascinated by {Mal}?"
BOOK: "Because he's something of a mystery." (beat) "Why are you?"

The look on Inara's face for a split second is along the lines of 'how the hell did he figure it out?' and 'can I try and fool him into thinking he got it wrong?'.

Zoë Warren: "At last, we can retire and give up this life of crime." (after breaking into a practically empty bank safe, from the Serenity trailer.)


Tuesday, October 5, 2004 2:04 AM


I can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet!

Jaynestown - when we see, for just a few precious seconds, Kaylee innocently sleeping on an equally innocent and oblivious Simon. They just looked so sweet together.

Then, further on in that scene, after the "Not with Kaylee!" moment, the look on Kaylee's face before she walks off is priceless. As is Mal's "Haha, you did it again, see you later" face before he follows Kaylee out of the bar thing. And Simon's left there scratching his head confusedly like "Uhh... what the hell just happened?"


Tuesday, October 5, 2004 9:52 AM


In HOG, when Inara tells Mal he'll be paid for helping Nandi because she wants to keep their relationship strictly professional. She keeps her head turned away and looks steadfastly at the dressing table mirror. Mal looks stricken.

In The Message, the stalking of Tracy by Jayne and Zoe when he has a gun to Kaylee's head. Completely professional and done wordlessly, with Jayne taking out Tracy instantly when Mal distracts him, no signal needed.

Early licking the metal. A great "WTF!?! This guy's nuts!" moment for the audience.



Tuesday, October 5, 2004 12:34 PM


Every single time Simon looks at River... His devotion burns deep within his soul---it's so very powerful; definately karmically linked through many, many reincarnations, i say. His hope is so gentle yet unwaivering, simmering beneath all his fears and regrets; All of which he puts aside for her... Gives me chills to feel that bond without a word being said. I've always been a fan of "us against the world" what can i say, i'm a sap.

River: Is it time to go to sleep again?
Simon: No, mei-mei, it's time to wake up.


Tuesday, October 5, 2004 12:40 PM


Also, the scene in The Message when they have taken Tracy to his family---seeing JAYNE of all people be torn with deep anguish just gets me everytime... feeling him relate his own homesickness (?) or at least love for him Mommie via the funeral, i love the way it breaks through his macho, gun totin' exterior in such a genuine waver of emotion that you can see wash over him. Excellent shot of the Captain looking to the camera with the snow falling, as well.

River: Is it time to go to sleep again?
Simon: No, mei-mei, it's time to wake up.


Tuesday, October 5, 2004 3:59 PM


Okay, got a couple.

That little smile Kaylee gives Simon in Serenity after Mal says "Is that all we got?"

The look on Inara's face in Heart of Gold when she's telling Mal that she's leaving. She's trying not to break down, and even all her companion training is failing her. Oh, wow. And the look Mal has after she finished, like he's just lost everything.

(I can't belive nobody did this one yet!) When Mals walks into the bar on Canton in Jaynestown and we see Kaylee and Simon laying together on a bench. And then they jump up. He he he. I love that one.

The look that Simon has on his face in The Message when Kaylee has her head tilted and she's studying the cow fetus. He just thinks she's the cutest thing. And the fact that more often than not, he's looking at her and not the 'alien.'

Jayne's whimpery face in Jaynestown when he rips off the tape.

Okay, stopping now.


Tuesday, October 5, 2004 6:23 PM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

WOW! This is a looong thread! I'll have to go back and read it all!

Now these probably have been stated earlier but here are my favorite moments sans voice:

A) When Mal shoots the Fed mole in Serenity (I mean WOW! he was so pissed at all the crap it was just as if "BANG! like I need any more 'le se' today...especially from your sorry ass" That sold me on the show right then and there!)

B) (my all time favorite in any movie/show ever) In JAynestown, when Wash hears the people in the bar in Canton strike up the chorus, he looks like a dog that just heard the strangest sound...ever. PRICELESS! I laugh out loud every time!

C) And for the special side of me, a 2 for 1. The scene where Inara and Mal are kneeling over Nandi's dead body. Inara looks at Mal and all it says is "somebody needs to make that SOB pay for killing my friend and I can't do it so I *need* you" and Mal's look in return says "Because I love you I will do it and because it pains me to see you suffer you will have justice" There is no scene where more is said between two characters without a single word of dialogue.

And sure there's a dozen dozens more, but hell, these are damn fine actors, every one of them. Even the guest stars and bit parts were amazing!

Now then, just 198 days until the best day on Earth-that-was! It is my son's birthday! And it just so happens he'll get to see the coolest movie ever that least. :)


Not yet an OFFICIAL BROWNCOAT? Well join up and swell the ranks 'cuz I am thinkin' we will rise again!
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004 9:57 PM


A couple of Badger moments:

In "Shindig" when Mal and Jayne are having tea with Badger, the expression on Mal's face when Jayne supplies the word "pretentious" that Badger is looking for. You can see that Mal can't believe that Jayne knows that word exists, much less knows what it means and supplied it to Badger in exactly the correct context.

Also, the expression on Badger's face as River is disassembling him in front of his henchmen and the crew of Serenity.

I was sorry to see that Badger was not a part of the movie and am sure he would have contributed greatly in future episodes.


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 3:39 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Just thought of another one, no two no...*sigh* here they are!

It's verbal, only because there is screaming, but the way Wash reacts the first time he sees Tracey (not dead) on the bridge. Oh do I laugh everytime! And there is the underlying way everyone else is like, "What, he's not dead...geesh.", except Tracey who is wondering what just happened.

Oh, and that moment in HoG when Kaylee asks Wash to tell her she is pretty, and Wash almost has a look of "I hope my warrior wife can't hear this" combined with a "It's so inappropriate for me to be in a whorehouse telling the kid-mechanic I'd do her in a heartbeat!"

The WTF? look Agent McGinnis gives the sonic-wand when the Hands of Blue agent deploys it. He tries to act as if he didn't notice but almost wants to laugh at the odd device.

The broad range of expressions when the crew see Jayne's statue in Canton for the first time.
Mal-This is funny!
Simon-Holy crap, the man-ape is a god?!?
Kaylee-This is shiny, I am consumed by its awe-inspiring presence.
Wash-This ain't possible, but here it is. What does it all mean?
Jayne- F*** me. I need to get out of town, now!

Egads...this thread will go on forever! I love it!


Show your Browncoat pride! I have original (meaning: designed by me!)
T-shirts and posters for sale


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 3:56 AM



Originally posted by TenthCrewMember:
... Oh, and that moment in HoG when Kaylee asks Wash to tell her she is pretty, and Wash almost has a look of "I hope my warrior wife can't hear this" combined with a "It's so inappropriate for me to be in a whorehouse telling the kid-mechanic I'd do her in a heartbeat!" ...

And later, when Kaylee throws him out of the way of the gunfire and lands on top of him.
The look on his face was priceless.

Zoë Warren: "At last, we can retire and give up this life of crime." (after breaking into a practically empty bank safe, from the Serenity trailer.)


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 4:09 AM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by PurpleBelly:
The moment in Serenity when Jayne puts a single round in his gun and you know that one's for him

Actually, I didn't (know that). Food for thought.


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 4:20 AM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by est120:
jayne is not afraid of any human but he sure is afraid of the reavers. it is kind of like that native american guy in predator. remember that line?
"you aint afraid of no man."
"somethings after us, and it aint no man."

Character's name is Billy, played by Sonny Landham. The director said the insurance company ordered them to hire a bodyguard for Sonny. Not to protect Sonny, but to protect other people from Sonny.

Keep the Shiny Side Up


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 4:25 AM


One of my favs, although certainly unintentional, is the first meeting with Nikoli (sp?) in The Train Job.

As detailed in the DVD commentary, this was the first scene filmed for the show. I expect it was even filmed before Serenity.

Looking at Jayne, who is much more clean cut than he apears in any other scene, EVER, you can see a sort of crazed look in Adam's eyes.

It's as if he is screaming, "Okay, I was told to stand on this mark. But why am I here? Who am I? Dude, I hevn't even been given a script yet!"

"I'll be in my bunk..."


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 4:38 AM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by PurpleBelly:

Jenny kissed me.

Please tell me who wrote that. Where is it published?

Keep the Shiny Side Up


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 5:05 AM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same

Wow, 130 replies, and nobody has mentioned my favorite.
Jayne's parting from Mal, in Out of Gas: the look & the timing are perfect.

But yah, this show has a lot of good non-verbal acting and, as the examples given here illustrate, some of them are not the focus of the scene (so you know it's the actor's).

Keep the Shiny Side Up


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 9:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I know this is a repeat, but...

Ariel: River's face when Simon is injecting her. Trusting Simon is the only thing that overmatches the terror. The look of fear on her face, the stillness of her body, the tear sliding down her temple... I just want to pour comfort into her.

OoG: when Mal is putting the catalyst back into place, his cheeks are shaking. I like it when actors can stop looking pretty long enough to play an unpretty moment.


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 4:48 PM



Originally posted by YT:

Originally posted by PurpleBelly:
The moment in Serenity when Jayne puts a single round in his gun and you know that one's for him

Actually, I didn't (know that). Food for thought.

Look again. We only see Jayne load one round but there is already a round in the other barrel. Doesn't mean he's not contemplating beating the Reavers to the punch, so to speak. Could be he's choosing who matters most to him in the crew and then making sure he has for himself as well. Or could be he has ample reason to be afraid of Reavers in particular.

In the Train Job, by the way, one of the things Jayne says to justify quickly closing the deal with Niska is that Niska and associates are stone killers, "not cuddly like me." and "I ain't walkin' into that." (Keep in mind that, at this point in the series, a wounded Jayne is the only obvious defense the ship has--Book's and Inara's fighting skills have not been revealed and the others are not really fighters.) Jayne is clearly unnerved, though. Jayne's whole reaction during this sequence made me wonder if he hadn't been abandonned to his fate sometime in the past in circumstances similar to Mal and Zoe's and barely survived through pure pragmatic self-interest.


The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)


Thursday, October 7, 2004 7:07 AM



Jayne removing his hat as the message is being played...a silent tribute to a fallen soldier.

Jayne, normally thought of as one who has little feeling for anyone but himself, removes his hat twice in that episode (The Message). I sometimes think that the writers introduced the hat just to show that hidden side of Jayne.



Friday, October 8, 2004 5:49 AM


I like the look on Mal's face just before he kicks that 'Crow' guy through the engine on The Train Job.


Friday, October 8, 2004 6:11 AM


Jayne, normally thought of as one who has little feeling for anyone but himself, removes his hat twice in that episode (The Message). I sometimes think that the writers introduced the hat just to show that hidden side of Jayne.


It's amazing how one little inanimate object can effect a whole episode, from Jayne's joy in receiving the hat from his mommy to where he takes it off in the snow.....


Friday, October 8, 2004 1:30 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by Alternity:

Jayne removing his hat as the message is being played...a silent tribute to a fallen soldier.

Jayne, normally thought of as one who has little feeling for anyone but himself, removes his hat twice in that episode (The Message). I sometimes think that the writers introduced the hat just to show that hidden side of Jayne.

Hidden sides. The hat also facilitates showing something of Jayne's relationship with his family. ("Man walks down the street wearing that hat, you know he isn't afraid of anything", while largely true, is hardly a secret.)

Although Jayne removes the hat in essentially the same way (different hands?) in the two scenes, I interpreted them slightly differently. The first, I agree, is a tribute to a fallen soldier (which prompted another thought, which I'll describe later*). In the second, he appears sadder. Part of it, I'm sure, is that this was the last scene shot, & Adam Baldwin (the actor, and all the actors & crew) knew that this was the end of a wonderful chapter in their lives. But I think it was sadder for Jayne. After seeing what kind of man Tracy was, I believe Jayne could recognize a kindred spirit. Maybe he realized that there, but for the grace of Book's god, goes Jayne.

* the tribute to a fallen soldier made me wonder if Jayne had been in the war. Either on the side of the Alliance, but sent to prison by a court martial, & escaped, or for independence, but deserted. In either case, he would have fled far & wide, perhaps having a close brush with Reavers before giving some thought to moving off the edge.

Keep the Shiny Side Up

Wutzon: Atlanta Rhythm Section, "So Into You", from "Champaign Jam"


Friday, October 8, 2004 5:14 PM



Originally posted by PurpleBelly:
The moment in Serenity when Jayne puts a single round in his gun and you know that one's for him

Oh, I don't think that was his intention at all. You see, that wasn't a gun he was loading. It was a 40mm M-79 Grenade Launcher. (Arnold used one in Terminator 2.)

You can go to this site to learn more about the M-79:

"If the snow on the roof is too heavy then the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Saturday, October 9, 2004 5:46 AM


Holy Cow!

IF the rounds for that weapon in Firefly are equivalent to current real world then it's no wonder Jayne was shaking thinking about using it:
"The M-406 40mm HE grenades fired from the M79 traveled at a muzzle velocity of 75 meters per second, and contained enough explosive within a steel casing that upon impact with the target would produce over 300 fragments at 1,524 meters per second within a lethal radius of up to 5 meters." The site doesn't mention the wound radius. You could easily kill yourself firing that off in an enclosed area like a small spacecraft--even in the cargo hold.

My favorite non-verbal moment is River walking through dead leaves in the cargo hold and picking up a stick. Even the people around her are reduced to leaves for a moment....


The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)


Saturday, October 9, 2004 5:57 AM


I also love that after Mal plugs in the catalyzer in OoG, he pats it affectionately. Says a lot about that relationship.

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Saturday, October 9, 2004 6:06 AM


D'oh! I forgot to include my favorite non-verbal moments. My three favorites are by Wash. In Serenity; the thumbs up at Zoe's "sir." In Trash as he notices Mal's tissue-stuffed nose. And in Trash again as he's trying not to look at Mal's nudity. They all make me titter.

"If the snow on the roof is too heavy then the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."






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