Local TV stations

UPDATED: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 08:54
VIEWED: 4003
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Monday, June 12, 2006 2:03 PM


So I wasn't the only one to ask this but I haven't seen anyone talking about it or pressing the issue. I can't find the thread I brought it up in so I'll start a new one.

Has anyone in the area with the screenings tried contacting their local affiliates (not Fux of course) to do a little coverage on the show? Most stations love doing quirky stories to offset the reality of news and having them showing up at a screening seeing all the fans enjoying the wonder of the show and the enthusiam (not to mention letting them see how generous Browncoats are for giving the money to Joss's charity) would be a good thing. Star Trek stayed relevant because fans went out of their way to let the world know about the show (mind you many went a little too far and were officially branded treekie geeks) but depsite that the world knew, the world paid attention, and the world wanted to know what the show was about and as a result a fandom and franchise was born. The suits didn't know how to market Star Trek either, it was fan's word of mouth and their passion that got the word out and now, here we are umpteen years later, 4 spin off shows, movies, comics, books and whatnot (even though Enterprise made it's popularity wane) it hasn't flagged. And to think they did this before the advent of the internet.

So I'm thinking if they can do such a good job getting the word out then, we can do just as well now. The internet's big but we're trying to get to people who in most cases wouldn't know how to find this site or this wonderful show. I say take a page from Trek and SW fans (of which I am one) and get to the local stations and let them know what we're doing, why we're doing it, and how these screenings will benefit the show as well as a good cause. Not only will Serenity get the needed publicity but Equality Now will get a good plug too, and Joss of course. And hey, if a reporter does show up at a screening (and if one pesters them enough that they agree, can't be weak willed here) then maybe someone will be generous and give him/her a ticket to see the movie (though make sure they don't think it's a bribe) and then give (hopefully) a more glowing report of the show and occasion. It would be most interesting for a reporter/writer to see the differences between fandoms. Not meaning anything negative about ST or SW fans but they can get overly obsessive. We do too, but we're much more eloquent.

And those with costumes be sure to wear them, maybe we will be seen as geeks and nerds, but eloquent well speaking geeks and nerds with very fine hats and coats that are of a brownish color.

Papers too would be a good way to get the word out. All it takes are some calls and drop offs to get the media's attention. The media loves underdogs (no, not the cartoon) And to do a story about the Little Show That Could, to The Little Movie That Could, to The Sequel That Could. I just think it would get their interest.

I don't see a negative here. If there is one please point it out. But this has been done by ST, SW, and other fandoms, I don't see why we can't do it. And we have a more determined reason then the other fans out there. And we all know Browncoats are known for fighting impossible wars.

If people are of a mind they can get together in their area and take out an advertising page in the paper (this was done by the Vets in the Save the Firefly campaign) And an ad written by fans of the movie will be able to better explain what the movie is then the studios.

You know, since the first showing of the (second) pilot it's been the fans who have promoted and marketed this thing. When the BDM came out it was obvious promotion was to be on our shoulders, now once again it's up to us. It's frustrating that the suits don't see this for the jewel it is. Even Universal who greenlighted the film and gave it a chance to be made seemed to get cold feet at the last second and that's just wrong. So dig in, get those weapons cocked, and lets show the world that we won't fade away, that the Browncoats will rise again and that we believe enough in this Little Movie That Could to hold until Joss comes back. Get to those stations people and tell them to help us spread the word.

Btw, while I'm here (God is she never going to stop talking?) Anyone getting married anytime soon? I have one thing to say. Firefly Themed Wedding. Groom as Mal in his fancy tightpants. Bride as Inarah in her shimmering gold wedding gown. Bridemaids in Kaylees layerd cake (ok, maybe too much) and the finest Shindig to be had in the Verse. Ooh, now that's a wedding I'd kill to go to.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Monday, June 12, 2006 2:26 PM


You can always try. All the local stations have e-mail addresses you can send to or numbers you can call and talk to an assignment editor. But if you do contact them then you might want to contact them again a few days before the screenings to remind them. Also it would be nice if you created a press release that pretty much says when, where, at what time, and what for the event is being held and send these to the stations.

The only thing is that this would be considered a fluff story so chances are that it'll only make air if it is a slow news day (which is always very nice) or a weekend or a holiday which they really only air fluff stories since they think no one watches on the those days.

The stations I work for have something called a Community Calender that they air at every half an hour. I mainly work for Capital News 9 in Albany and News 10 Now in Syracuse and on a lesser basis for NY1 in New York City and R News in Rochester. All four stations run a Community Calender and you can submit items to the calender via their websites. I know there is a screening in Albany and I believe there will probably be one in New York City. So your best bet would be to contact NY1 and Capital News 9. If you say it's for charity they'll be more likely to pick it up. ;)

As for the regular networks (those being Fox, NBC, CBS, and ABC) I think it really depends on the station and I think you're less likely to see them take a fluff story than the 24 hour local news stations that I work for that I mentioned above but it's always worth trying.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Monday, June 12, 2006 2:56 PM


Ok, I must disagree that this would be a fluff story. If it were just about a bunch of fans going crazy about a cancelled tv show then yes, but as this is also about supporting a charity (and one that tackles issues that the news covers at times) I would say it has a better chance of getting some screen times.

And lets not be so negative here (I've seen so many down threads lately it's getting depressing) Of course we should try, we should all try. I mean if we don't we can't be considered Browncoats. And it seems to me you'd have a better chance at succeding since you work for some stations, but we can all do our part. We can't just rely on the net anymore. How many people really saw The Tam Sessions? Joss did that as a last minute attempt to market the movie and when people come on here they get confused because they'd never heard of it. And E-Mailing these people aren't enough. How many E-Mails do they get a day about stories? I'm sorry but the way to get the word out has got to be mainstream, and not letter writing campaigns but going down to the station and asking for a meeting with one of the staff (if that's possible) and letting them know what this is about and asking them (nicely) if they would cover it. Maybe I'm making it out to be simpler than it is, but I just can't sit idly anymore.

There are no screenings in my area (In the middle of Canada that hasn't gotten enough fans to put a shindig together) but I'll let my local station know whats going on around the world. It might help. I mean think about it, world wide fans putting their own screenings together. World Wide! How can that not be an interesting story?

Maybe all the talk of letting the show go and forgetting to fight has raised my hackles. I didn't even care that much about the movie but I still want more of The Verse. Even if it's dirty lymerics (something with Jayne or Mal would be ideal) So instead of saying I can always try lets start saying WE will DO. What does Yoda say?

"No, do, or do not. There is no try."

Whadya say? Do we Try and fail, or do we do?

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Monday, June 12, 2006 10:23 PM


So, no-one else thinks this is plausible.....

Is this our Serenity Valley then?

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Monday, June 12, 2006 11:17 PM


Well for my lousy two credits worth it's very plausible. I plan on contacting local media outlets, any small amount of press we might receive would make me happy, it has the potential of leading people to discovering the 'verse, in addition to supporting a worthy cause. There have been press releases done up by others that are floating around on the web, these could help provide talking points or if someone just wants to distribute them to a variety of outlets.

I'm with you Misstressahara.

You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, June 12, 2006 11:59 PM


Thank God, I thought this post would be buried. With everyone saying we should do something it gets me low when there's a viable thing like this and no-one seems it to be plausible. I think enough times passed since the movie that everyones getting the blues. It happened after the show was cancelled, then the excitement of the movie built up and everyone was up again. Hope this means an up moment is upon us.

I see there's going to possibly be a screening here in Winnipeg, that would be very shiny and I'll be looking into contacting the station about this (CKY loves doing pieces like this)

Now imagine if only one station in half the cities covered this, just imagine the publicity, even if its only a 3 minute piece. Think about it everyone. Browncoats spreading the signal everywhere.

Holding the line and getting the media on my side.

Your a sweetie onthedrift

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 2:20 AM



Finally a Browncoat not singing the blues and being forthright about it! Huzzah! ( Old Civil War cheer!)

It's a very viable idea and one which we've been talking about as one of our plans for the Summer of Serenity, but it's very applicable for this too. Perhaps more so-- these are CHARITY screenings! There has been some actual press about the charity screenings, on MTV and TV Guide, so those are good, but you know you are right about this needing to be mainstream. This needs to come at folks not from the side but right from out front, the way everything else does, so that it enters pop culture as ST and SW did. The internet is fine, but we need humans talking about this.

The suggestion to go to your local affiliates is a good one. As well as bigger stations. Also throwing my 2 cents in.. what about your local radio stations too.. the ones we all listen to on the way to work? Even small rural areas have those local guys that put on a morning show with news, a community calendar and some human interest things. If you don't succeed with the tv outlets.. try the radio stations too. Or do both.

We have to get moving folks.. we have to begin.
I'm with Misstressahara ---I've seen a lot of whingin' lately and we need to be fightin' for our beloved show, not feelin' the blues. It ain't over until Joss says it's over and he hasn't said that yet! Be bold folks, this is a more than worthy cause.. our BDH's and charity!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 10:58 AM


Radio stations are a great way to go. Most local DJs have active email accounts for requests etc. Send them an email buttering them up a little first and then ask them to mention the charity screenings. Give them the info, convince them it's a good human interest piece. It does make a good story, you just have to sell it. Another benefit of radio stations is that we might be more likely to draw people to the event itself, as the radio coverage could happen in the days preceeding June 23. TV stations often like to have the cute video footage to run with the story, so a lot of that coverage could occur after the screenings. (Getting to video "geeks" wearing costumes to a movie has got to seem funny to some TV station.) Compared to the crap that my local stations call human interest stories it would be a huge improvement. I'll be pursuing this just in the hope of seeing something decent on the news for once.
And thanks Misstressahara, it's not every day someone says something nice about me.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 1:57 PM


Your very welcome onthedrift, and Followmal always a pleasure to hear from you. I'm not on as much as I used to be, stopped handing out the Mudders Milk and I'm sorry for that but never once did I give up the cause.

Yes Radio is a very good way to go since every station now has an online site, and many of them have threads of events covering the city. Maybe if I can find a way to capture a Firefly image and get the info on the screenings and plans of Serenityday I can email to one of the stations (I'm thinking of one in particular but who says I can't send it to all of them) And radio stations are more up to covering this then some tv stations, though as I said the station CKY do cover stories like this, and again it's for charity so it's all good.

Yeah Followmal, this is exactly the way it was after a few years passed and it looked like we weren't going to get a movie. Everyone was on the final stage of mourning (acceptance) So it was a surprise and delight when this beautiful bird was ressurected and flew again. Now here we are and we've gone through all the mourning stages again only this time it looks like a final burial. But the thing of it is I see noobies coming on here and screaming "We have to do something." and the regulars said well this is what you can do to insure a sequel, but the thing of it is there's so much more than that.

When someone goes into a coffee house or smallish resturant are there little fliers sitting on the counter for people to read, with ammusing facts and riddles, what would it hurt to ask to put some fliers there?

How about fliers on peopls cars? Some might throw them away but most will look at it however briefly to see what it is. Especially if the cover has all of our BDH on it.

As ideal as a Billboard would be it's too damn expensive. But printing out a movie poster and asking your local rental agency to hang it up in the window and maybe one by the cashier, that's doable. Especially a well FAN made poster. Ask to put one in bookstores, corner Mom $ Pop stores, people in school can put fliers on a community board or leaflets in the office or better yet if they've a mind they can get to their classrooms early and put a leaflet or flier on everyone's desk (including the teachers)
Hell, if your school has a local broadcsat then arrange to have the screenings announced via the intercom.

I'm just saying this isn't over yet. We've only tapped into what we can do to spread the word. The Internet isn't enough anymore. It's been proven. Hell I didn't know this site existed until the show went off the air and I came here to find out why. I didn't know it had been struggling to stay on the air. I didn't even know Fux's reputation for killing potential intellegent shows. (and true ignorance) I didn't even know who this Joss Whedon was or that he was behind BTVS and Angel (which I never got into) All I knew was my very favorite show that I had fallen in love with was gone and I was shocked and angry and.... well I went through the grieving process, but we were too soon to bury it because hazzaa, a movie came (and went) and now we're right back where we started. Only we're in fact in better shape. Back then there was NO garauntee Fux would loan out the rights to do a movie (can you say spite? I knew that you could) But here we are, a movie and comics and books and merchandise, things we never had before (not as much as there should be, but there's no surprise there. Seems no-one knows how to market this thing) Except for us, the fans, who's numbers are growing and who's passion won't quit. Only time I felt an inkling of this kind of fandom was when the original SW movie came out (BIG girlish crush on Luke, and a Darth Vader that made kids and adults cringe in fear) and my very long term crush on Chris Reeve. *sigh* May he RIP. Yet I never did feel anything like I have with FF. It touched me in a way I can't explain, and there are those out there more eloquent in explaining why.

I guesse the moaning and sighing has made me more determined instead of accepting. Already went through the mourning phaze when the show ended, been there done that. People have gone out of their way to make these screenings and events possible. Only thing I see wrong is WE know it's Serenity day, the rest of the world won't. No matter what we do, buy more copies, try to hope for people to hear about it through the grape vine in the end the only people this day will be special for are the fans and we need to get into the mainstream and make it accesable to everyone. People are into herd mentality? Fine, lets use that to our advantage and get that herd over to us. We keep saying let's DO something, well people LET'S DO! Even if they turn you down at least you can say I'm doing. I'm fighting, I'm holding that line. Mal would do no less.

Wow, I guesse I still have my passion for this Verse. Well then I'll use that passion by getting others hooked. And when this storm passes and the sequels being made you can sit back and look back at all this craziness and say "I survived the mourning, now I can relax and wait for my BDS to get to the theatres." Only hopefully this time Uni will LISTEN and do a better job of marketing.

End of line......

Edit: Just thought of one other thing, not so much screenings for charity. Those fans who go to school and colledge, don't they normally show movies in class that have relevancy in society? Has anyone thought to approach their teachers and professors and ask to screen the show and or movie? Hell there are messages galore for students of economy and social studies and the like to sink their teeth into. And have a shiny time while doing it.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:54 AM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Ok, I must disagree that this would be a fluff story. If it were just about a bunch of fans going crazy about a cancelled tv show then yes, but as this is also about supporting a charity (and one that tackles issues that the news covers at times) I would say it has a better chance of getting some screen times.

And lets not be so negative here (I've seen so many down threads lately it's getting depressing) Of course we should try, we should all try. I mean if we don't we can't be considered Browncoats. And it seems to me you'd have a better chance at succeding since you work for some stations, but we can all do our part. We can't just rely on the net anymore. How many people really saw The Tam Sessions? Joss did that as a last minute attempt to market the movie and when people come on here they get confused because they'd never heard of it. And E-Mailing these people aren't enough. How many E-Mails do they get a day about stories? I'm sorry but the way to get the word out has got to be mainstream, and not letter writing campaigns but going down to the station and asking for a meeting with one of the staff (if that's possible) and letting them know what this is about and asking them (nicely) if they would cover it. Maybe I'm making it out to be simpler than it is, but I just can't sit idly anymore.

There are no screenings in my area (In the middle of Canada that hasn't gotten enough fans to put a shindig together) but I'll let my local station know whats going on around the world. It might help. I mean think about it, world wide fans putting their own screenings together. World Wide! How can that not be an interesting story?

Maybe all the talk of letting the show go and forgetting to fight has raised my hackles. I didn't even care that much about the movie but I still want more of The Verse. Even if it's dirty lymerics (something with Jayne or Mal would be ideal) So instead of saying I can always try lets start saying WE will DO. What does Yoda say?

"No, do, or do not. There is no try."

Whadya say? Do we Try and fail, or do we do?

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting

I don't think you understand what a fluff story is. A fluff story is anything that isn't hard news that is used to fill whatever time is left in the show between hard news, weather, commercials, and franchises (essentially sponsered fluff stories). Fluff just means that it isn't hard news like a shooting or political canditate dropping out of a race and has a feel good story and something uniquely different from other stories.

And I'm not saying that this isn't a good idea because it is. I'm just saying that don't be surprised if it isn't picked up. It all depends on what is happening as far as hard news that day, the producer is charge of the program, and whether or not they remember the event is going on.

So here are some tips in helping you get the local news to pick up on it;

1. Call them now. Every news organization has a number that you can call and be put through to an assignment editor or producer (or someone with a different title but same responsibility). Tell them what the event is, what it is for, and who is benefiting from it.

2. Make a press release. Simply the same thing you just told the station when calling but on paper. You might also want to put some history on the Firefly/Serenity franchise. I've seen many stories thrown away because the producer didn't have enough information to write a 20 or 30 second story.

3. Call a day or two before the event happens to remind the station that it is still going on.

4. If you have a camera and know the basics of shooting especially for news then shoot the event yourself including gathering SOTs (sound on tape or interview for those that don't know) and see if any of the local stations will take it. Some might even pay for it. ;). A lot of times local stations have a limited resource of photogs and reporters and if bigger news or better news is occurring they have to drop certain events. It is all simply logistics in most cases as to why certain events aren't picked up and others are. Also a few pointers when shooting considering I'm a video editor; No shaky shots, either use tripod or if handheld zoom out and get close. Shoot a shot for about 10 seconds or longer; nothing kills an editor more when the shot isn't long enough or doesn't have enough pad to put in a transition. And sequences, sequences, sequences; Sequence your shots, please, and make sure you keep to the 30/30 rule and don't cross the points of axis. It might be fine for Reuters to have jumps cuts and flash frames but there are still some editors that take pride in their work.

Anyways, I hope this helps.

Oh, and play Cantr II at






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