For your consideration, ANIMATED FIREFLY

UPDATED: Saturday, September 5, 2009 21:20
VIEWED: 12828
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009 2:15 AM


Their is a Facebook group dedicated to getting together browncoats and giving an example of how many of us there are who would like to see an animated version of Firefly.

Animated Firefly Facebook Group;

We are not showing support for a kids version of Firefly, but instead a mature, witty and well scripted animated version of the show.

We have attracted some interest including that from an animation company that has also already in the past expressed interest in making this idea into a reality.

Facebook is a great way to approach this as it has millions of users, is very public, the word can spread easily through people inviting their friends as well as other means and it is also easy for users to join and support this cause(if they are so inclined).

Unlike our wishes to see another live action movie or show there are many good reasons to suggest that all we need is numbers and this could happen and be made well.

We just reached 500 members and we are growing daily.

The more we as individuals make an effort to get this cause out there the quicker we could see something come of this so we could really use your help.

I can understand that some fans might not like animation which is understandable but I and many others would hope that you would be able to at least keep an open mind and just see what comes of this.

If you feel the need to express why you don't like this idea I would like to direct you to a thread I started before I myself even fully realised the potential this idea had. My own thoughts on this evolved through discussing this with others so I would ask that you read mine and others later posts before setteling on a decision;

This thread you are in now is going to be kept active by myself only to make new members here aware of this cause and also keep current members updated on any noteworthy activity within the group.

Hope to see you all there.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 12:36 AM


We are looking to see if any fans with artistic talent would like to post any of their Firefly artwork on the group. Its a great way to show support for this medium.

If we can get a few pictures too we are going to have some votes on some favorites and make that picture the new group cover picture. Feel free to send us any of your work. There is a section in the group where you can upload pictures.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 7:07 AM


I joined the Facebook group. It's an interesting concept. I read part of the previous thread, but it was long and seemed to be well paraphrased on the Facebook page.

People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 9:25 AM


Is there any way to get involved with this that doesn't involve making a facebook account? <_<

I'm paranoid, see, and facebook is a big scary warning sign with sirens and guys wandering around in black coats and sunglasses.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 10:09 AM


It depends on the quality. If it's done with Joss' involvement, good writing, the original cast and quality animation,then "HELL YES!"

If it's like the animated Star Trek, where the animation was lame, and the actors literally "phoned in" their performances, "NO THANKS!"

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Sunday, April 26, 2009 7:54 PM



Our main goal is to just show as many numbers as we can in one place to make this appealing to the powers that be but its understandable that not everyone wants a facebook account.

Just showing your support for this wherever and whenever it comes up by whoever brings it up is still a good contribution though so just keep your eyes peeled I guess :)

Also, if you don't really want your private information on the web you could just create an account with sparse details about yourself(maybe a different name too) and then join the group and then leave it be. You would still need to use your email to create an acount though so it's up to you.

Also, thanks Dewrastler and Macbaker for your consideration. Time will tell where this might go so we are all just keeping our fingers and toes crossed that we can get some serious numbers and that this can hopefully take off.

3)Animation..........hopefully third time lucky :)


Sunday, April 26, 2009 10:46 PM


Hi guys,

All for anything FF/Serenity related but, and I hate to be the cloud in the silver lining, Fox still owns the TV rights (until 2012 I believe) so we'll still run into that fly in the ointment.

Of course, everything being equal, I would love to see a quality animated version, approved by Joss of course. Were this to happen we may get a revisit to our fav 'verse in live-action form.




Monday, April 27, 2009 4:52 AM


For sure, animated would have less production losses than a revamped live action television series or a movie. More likely to get picked up then.


Monday, April 27, 2009 4:52 AM


I tend to think that an animated version of Serenity would be easier than Firefly, but the tactics would be about the same. Show our support, and someone will find a way to make it happen.

Personally I think this is an awesome idea. Joss and crew are already familiar with animation. Joss was nominated for an Oscar for his Toy Story script, and Titan AE and Disney's Atlantis were definitely pretty good as well. Nathan Fillion definitely knows how to do voice acting - just watch the new Wonder Woman cartoon or play Halo (which actually had a few other Firefly cast members as well).

I say bring the animation on!

"It’s frickin’ great." - Nathan Fillion on Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 10:53 PM


Another movie, although animated would still be great. A series would be better but I agree a movie would be easier and it would still be a good outcome. It also leaves it open for more movies too and/or a continuation back into a series if it did well enough.

Current members, 646.


Thursday, May 7, 2009 4:14 AM


What about... Do these people have an e-mail address to contact them with?


Friday, May 15, 2009 6:12 PM




Tuesday, May 19, 2009 9:43 AM


An animated version of the Those Left Behind comic would be glorious - it's characterful, funny and action-packed.

Plus it's a nice little prequel that, if no other series ever happened, could be bunged on Serenity as an extra.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009 12:13 PM


You know, that's a good idea to try to float to the broader (more reluctant) fanbase to show what could be done with this medium.

From what I recall, the people who didn't like Those Left Behind wasn't because of the writing, which I thought had excellent series worthy dialogue and writing, but because of imperfections in the art style. It tried to retain the realistic look of Firefly/Serenity, but also went kind of too comic book super hero, and the characters didn't look like their actors at times. To be fair, I think the artists were in the process of getting the hang of it, because in Better Days the the fidelity of the character designs improve quite a bit.

There will always be some people who won't accept anything less than live action with the original actors. I think the effort will stick in their craw less if the characters are still identifiable, but perhaps significantly stylized. Just like the example of Those Left Behind, faithful renditions of real life people in comic books and cartoons can be mixed results, so I suggest side stepping that quagmire completely.

And hey, I've been saying for about nine months now that there's hints that some new live action stuff may not be impossible. Maybe if they had that, animated Firefly wouldn't seem like a step down to them?


Thursday, May 28, 2009 2:56 AM


Not getting live action is always going to be a bummer. And watching animation would rub salt in that wound for sure. And at the same time, its perfectly acceptable that some fans wouldn't want to give animation a chance. A part of me sort of feels the same way.

But then I think that since it wouldn't need as many viewers, its not really neccesary for all the fans to be open to it so its not really that big a deal(although it sure would help).

Thats a good point too about how hopes for a live action continuation might stop people settling for animation. But I think its important for fans to think about it in terms of all of us just showing support for this as an 'option'. I highly doubt supporting animation is going to actualy hinder any chances of getting live action. I would think if anything it might possibly help it. But what it would do for sure is just give the 'verse one more possibly way in which to survive.

I'l try a Dollhouse metaphor too. Firefly is my ultimate favorite doll but an evil agent, lets call him Fox, steals the body. I want to hire Firefly out again(fourteen times is not enough!) but I can't wait till Ballard saves the body. So I just get the personality imprinted onto a pretty but not as beautiful doll. And if he can't save my favorite at least I still have half the perfect partner. Which nowadays is still much better than anything else I am going to get.


Sunday, May 31, 2009 5:20 AM


While I think the comics are great, it's a shame that "Those Left Behind" didn't end up as an animated direct to video movie like originally intended. I can't help but wonder why Universal didn't go through with it, or at least revisit the idea. Getting the original actors in a studio for a few hours to record their lines couldn't be too hard or expensive (they could come in when their schedules allow, it wouldn't have to be all at once). It's too bad they, or even Dark Horse, haven't taken the idea and run with it.


Saturday, June 13, 2009 7:26 PM


On June 13--

ADS-- Nice Dollhouse metaphor.

I could have sworn that I saw the last few seconds of an animated Firefly on USA a month or so ago. I'm sure it was Alan Tudyk's voice. Haven't been able to find anything about it. Was I experiencing some sort of incredibly realistic TV hallucination?

Also, everyone is adamant that it would suck if Joss didn't write it. It WOULD suck if Joss wasn't involved, but remember, Joss didn't write all of the episodes of the original, and that guy who wrote the freeshare online novel with the Firefly characters did a pretty damn good job.


Sunday, June 14, 2009 4:01 AM


Man. I want whatever drugs your taking. Cept I will take ten times as much so I get to watch a full episode :)

Yeah it would be killer to have Joss on board and he wouldn't even really have to write any of it(although that would be preferable). Even him just giving the writers some guidance could produce a killer show.

And the groups over 700 now. We are working on convincing one of the other facebook Firefly group admins to send a message to her group members which I am 90% certain she can do. If she does we will get over twenty thousand Firefly fans aware of this cause. Pretty much our biggest challenge is making fans aware of this and giving them the chance to make a decision. Unfortunatly I cant afford to pay Facebook to advertise us. Although I am in a 40 million dollar lotto draw next week so we will see what happens :)

If even half of the 'regular' style Firefly fans support animation we are really in business. Because those ten thousand fans can and likely will send an invite to all their friends and if they can just bring one person each on board the pattern will continue and support would grow by the thousand instead of by the hundreds.

I sent her a message the other night and we have our fingers crossed she isn't a Firefly purist.....

Will keep you guys updated.


Sunday, June 14, 2009 8:53 PM


My apologies for not joining, but I just can't do the Facebook thing. It's like a Unibomber style paranoia with me, which is weird cuz I'm nearly as far from being a revolutionary as it is possible to get. But I don't even use store discount club cards because I hate the idea of being in another database somewhere where they're tracking my purchases and building a "consumer profile" of me.

Not that I would mind if a few data mining cos. had it that I was a Firefly fan--maybe that would help our cause.


Saturday, September 5, 2009 9:20 PM


Nothing significant happening recently. Numbers are still growing though.






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