Things you DIDN'T notice the 1st time you watched FF

UPDATED: Friday, August 13, 2004 00:00
VIEWED: 31670
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Monday, April 5, 2004 9:28 PM


Gah! I can't believe I forgot that! Lol. Oh well, he still looks funny in War Stories running with Vera where he only fires with the pistol in his other hand the whole time.


Tuesday, April 6, 2004 5:38 AM



Originally posted by Zoriah:
Gah! I can't believe I forgot that! Lol. Oh well, he still looks funny in War Stories running with Vera where he only fires with the pistol in his other hand the whole time.

He may well fire it out of our sight. It would appear to be a specialized weapon.

However, Jayne does seem to be particular about which gun he uses for which job. Take for instance 'The Message', Jayne sneaks up on Tracey with a pistol, when Mal signals Jayne to distract Tracey, He pumps a big shotgun (cause it makes a scarier noise presumably), then as he moves in he is again using the pistol.


Tuesday, April 6, 2004 9:43 PM


I actually watched War Stories again just to confirm this. (Thanks for giving me an excuse to :)

Actually Jayne DOES shoot Vera in WS, although I can't be absolutely sure. After they send the mule out first, Jayne is the first person walking out of Serenity. He shoots at the guy behind the window. You can't see it clearly, even with frame advance, but it looks like the bullet flash comes from the weapon in his right hand, which is Vera.


Originally posted by Zoriah:
I didn't notice the first time around that despite Jayne equipping Vera in War Stories and running around with it in the gun battle, he NEVER fires it. In fact I don't think he ever used it. Most likely the gun was just a stage prop and not particularly functional.


Tuesday, April 6, 2004 10:06 PM


Thanks Soundhack I'll have to check my DVD's, I would love for him to have used 'her' in that fight.


Tuesday, April 6, 2004 11:02 PM


I believe River steals the bread at the end of Safe.


Tuesday, April 6, 2004 11:05 PM


I believe Jane fires Vera in Our Mrs Reynolds, at the grappler device on the slavage station trying to capture Serenity. Other than that, he may fire it off-camera in War Stories.


Wednesday, April 7, 2004 7:04 AM


"Now I don't think these are really pot plants, but they are sure designed to look close enough."

It's SpPot. *wink* Looks a little different.

Was there a bit in the deleted scenes for the battle of Serenity Valley where Mal asks what side God's on?

During River's brain scan, I did notice the sudden huge activity at the end (and the fact that it was caught on disk!), but I had no clue what set it off. Great analysis!

The knowledge that Early has ....

Joss is pretty clear in the commentary that Early knows the entire crew, inside-out, from listening to them, and watching them. He has a preternatural understanding of human nature, and knows exactly how to interact with each person before he encounters him or her.

This, by the way, is exactly what River does to Early ... observes him (what's on his ship), and uses her understanding of human nature to interact with him in a way that will control him. It's not about fooling him into thinking she's Serenity; it's about him thinking he's back in control when he figures it out, and then dropping his guard. She basically learns from Early how to control people, and then she does it ... better than he can. It gives me shivers. She's like a "Pretender" (the series with Jared), but with some precognitive abilities to give her even more information. Given time to interact with people, she could learn not just anything, but everything ... and do it all better than the people she learned it from.


Thursday, April 8, 2004 9:38 AM


I was watching Bushwacked last night and noticed for the first time how colour is used to add to the tension. As Mal and Zoe enter the settlers ship everything is coloured brown and green. Then you suddenly see a brightly coloured bike. As the camera follows them through the ship other brightly coloured toys can be seen. It makes the horror of what the settlers suffered all the more real.


Thursday, April 8, 2004 10:58 AM


The next time you watch War Stories you might enjoy this. At the end of the exchange between Wash and Mal (torture) you will hear Mal say "I'm gunna get me some of that" refering to.... Take a VERY close look at the next graphic on the screen. I think it is more than just suggestive, and I am very glad it got by the Blue Sun Censorship board. Let me know your thoughts,



Friday, April 9, 2004 2:55 PM


If you look closely at right above the stampeding horses in the opening credits, you can see the top spoiler(?) of a car that is actually scaring the horses.

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Saturday, May 8, 2004 2:11 PM


Thanks for this thread and for giving me an excuse to go and watch the DVDs again. I missed a lot of those things mentioned above.

This is an oldish thread but I'm kinda new to Firefly and this site so I'm rummaging a bit. Anyhow, thanks for this guide to easy-to-miss-little-but-significant details about Firefly.

And my personal contribution to things missed 1st time around: I actually needed three viewings to catch the smooth papernote slipping between the waitress and Mal at the beginning of TTJ.

"And then I fell. My head got hurt like Wash."


Saturday, May 8, 2004 3:49 PM


Ljosalf said:
In Serenity, Simon wears a pair of blue latex gloves in the surgery scene when he is working on Kaylee. They are common, everyday medical gloves in the Firefly 'verse. Adds to River's aversion to the Infirmary.

Hmmm ... well, actually, blue gloves are used *now* as everyday medical gloves ... they are blue/dark purple to indicate that they are *latex free*.

Great thread ... wish I'd found it earlier.



Sunday, May 9, 2004 10:35 AM


In 'Trash' during the shuttle landing sequence you can see an SR-71 flying in the background. That's pretty cool. Also in 'Ariel' when Wash and Kaylee are in the salvage yard looking for parts, Wash picks something up and throws it at the vehicle they end up getting. I think the thing he threw was the broken part in 'Out of gas'.

"Curse your sudden, but inevitable, betrayal" -dinosaur


Sunday, May 9, 2004 11:38 AM



Originally posted by Shiny:
If you look closely at right above the stampeding horses in the opening credits, you can see the top spoiler(?) of a car that is actually scaring the horses.

I think that is the cross piece above the gate the horses came out of.

"I ain't crazy and I've got papers to prove it"


Sunday, May 9, 2004 11:47 AM



Originally posted by Saint Jayne:
I still haven't seen River steal bread off of Jayne's plate, and I've seen the series 5 times.

Really? that, i definately remember from the first time round.

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Sunday, May 9, 2004 11:49 AM



Originally posted by Okkay:

The word "shiny". I swear I never heard them say that word until after I got the DVDs.

I didn't notice Shiny until i came on this board and everybody was saying i hear it everywhere on there.

"Here's to Jayne, the box dropping man-ape-gone-wrong-thing"


Sunday, May 16, 2004 6:25 AM


Actually, I think it's just the top of a gate in a wooden fence. The camera moves a bit, that's why stuff in the background seem to be moving.

"Damn it Mal... I forgot my line!"


Sunday, May 16, 2004 6:54 AM


One of the most remarkable things about re-viewing the episodes was how much subtle foreshadowing went on in the early episodes. Take for example, Wash's goofy little bit with the dinosaurs:

"Curse your sudden, but inevitable, betrayal!"

Beyond the obvious hinting that Jayne might betray Mal, this little bit basically tells us its inevitable.

"Oh no god.."
"Dear god in heaven."

The religious paths of Mal and Book mirroring each other. Mal being a pious man who lost his faith due to traumatic loss and Book, according to my pet theory, being a worldly man who turned to faith from, perhaps, and equally traumatic experience.

Later, when Inara is with her 'client', he's asking her about Sihnon and says "I can't imagine ever leaving". There's a funky cut and we see, more or less out of sequence with the literal action, Inara looking forlornly aside as if regretting something. Of course we still don't know exactly WHAT that was foreshadowing...

Uh oh, I slipped into "Damn fox all to hell" mode. hmmm no resisting it I guess.

Damn fox all to hell!!!!


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Sunday, May 16, 2004 7:54 AM


OK, this is getting a bit nit-picky, but I remember from the commentaries that Adam Baldwin asked to have Jayne eat with his fork held in his fist, using it like a shovel. In Serenity, when they are all at the dinner table (time marker 32:57) just before Kaylee asks Simon "You're a doctor, right?" you can see Jayne's hand come out from behind the light in the center of the table, and he's holding his fork normally.

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Sunday, May 16, 2004 9:36 AM


I don't remember which episode, but there is a conversation with Inara and she says, "we're all running from something." Yet another background left unexplored.

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Sunday, May 16, 2004 12:52 PM


I noticed this the second or third time I watched Serenity: When they land on Persephone, looking for boarders, Kaylee mentions that she really needs a new compression coil. When Mal denies her request, she lets him know that Serenity will be dead in the water if it busts. She never ends up getting a new one, and this is the part which breaks in OoG.

I caught the bread thing and the Blue Sun references pretty early on, but didn't notice Jayne's habit of touching everything until I watched the commentaries. I love it when characters have those subtle attributes. That attention to detail is one of the things which made Firefly so great!

"Once in flight school, I was laconic..." -Wash


Sunday, May 16, 2004 4:22 PM



Originally posted by Shiny:

Originally posted by LindyCat:
The "knowing Book isn't a Shepherd" thing is still problematical though. Maybe there was some subtle physical quirk that Early picked up on.

I think Early knew book was not a shepard because Book is actually a retired bounty hunter.

Except that Joss explains why in the commentary to Objects in Space -- something along the lines of "it's not anything he read in a file or anything like that, it was just from watching him, and knowing he was a man of action that needed to be taken out quickly"

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Yeah, plus Joss also explains in th commentary that Jubal is not psychic, but he is so intuitive that he is near psychic. So he listens in on the crews conversations from "above" = outside the ship while River listens from below on the catwalk and with his intuition he suss' out who's who and what the relationships are. Kaylee's door is open, so it can't lock, so he knows she isn't inside and knows who she is when she finds her from his innate deductive/intuitive abilities.

Still eery, though.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Sunday, May 16, 2004 4:45 PM


Thank you for this very informative thread. I missed so many little things, and caught a few up-front that others didn't.

I definitely missed, then caught Kaylee's reference to the compression thingy...but never got that Wash threw a good one at the transport they refurbish in Ariel.

I didn't catch the significance of all the out of time frames that come in Serenity the first time through -- especially with Inara.

Great thread!!

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Sunday, May 16, 2004 5:53 PM


This was an awesome thread! Thanks, everyone! I learned a lot. I have to admit that I'm one of those people who never saw the series when it was actually on TV -- it was only after it went to DVD that my sister-in-law said I *had* to see it. Sigh. I even remember the commericials for this show, but they didn't do a very good job explaining what the show was all about, and I didn't think it looked interesting. Then I see the DVDs and I'm hooked by the end of the first episode!!! ARGH!!!! Stupid Fox!!!! They did a horrible job on marketing this show. I'm sure all of you who were fans from the beginning probably hate people like me who only discovered the show after it was too late, but I still would like to blame Fox for that. ;-)

But enough bitterness... Just to throw in my $.02, here are things I noticed on my second viewing:
- In "Serenity", Book is able to easily disarm the agent that shoots Kaylee. In fact, with two seemingly easy moves, he takes the guy down completely.

- Kaylee complains about the compression coil twice -- in "Serenity" and "The Train Job". I only noticed this because I saw "Out of Gas" before seeing the earlier episodes a second time and because I had a bad day at work that day and identified with someone trying to alert uncaring management of a potential blow-out.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:14 PM


There are at least two times that Zoe is seen not wearing her cord necklace: in Shindig and most all the episode Objects in Space. And we all know that she supposedly NEVER takes it off....

I'll be in my bunk...


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:19 PM


The main thiing for me would be Jubal Early saying "That ain't no Shephard" about Book in "Objects in Space." First couple of times I just laughed there, but then third time around I actually thought... wait a minute... OH MY GOD! REALLY? Ya think?


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:41 PM


i'm not sure this has been mentioned before. but i'll type it out anyway.

in Safe when Mal is telling Simon to keep River's voice down, River mutters something about a person's blood being drained in 8 point something seconds.

later, in Ariel...we see the men with blue gloves using a tool to drain blood out of people, and killing them in a matter of seconds.

is there some sort of connection? how does River know that little piece of information? i think that she has seen the men with blue gloves drain blood out of another human, right infront of her eyes.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 6:43 PM


Most of things I didn't notice have been mentioned already, plus some stuff I had no idea I hadn't noticed. ;)
This is totally cheating, but there are two things that have not been mentioned (though might be common knowledge on
My second time watching 'Bushwhacked', I heard Kaylee say to Mal, "But did you hear what that purple belly called Serenity?" and I thought, oh, so *that's* where Purplebelly got his name! Made me laugh out loud.
Ditto for my second time watching 'Safe', when the Alliance officer asked Mal, "And this is your ship, Captain...Harbatkin?" Hence, CaptainHarbatkin, and CapnHarbatkin.



Tuesday, August 10, 2004 7:56 PM


Believe it or not, I never heard Wash whisper "Run, run!" to Zoe when she shows up in War Stories. Wow, that was powerful once I'd noticed it!

-Mrs. Embassy


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 9:35 PM


The look on Jayne's face in the last scenes of "The Message" (when he takes his hat off) and "Jaynestown" (when he's talking to Mal and looks away).

In the aforementioned "Jaynestown" scene, I didn't notice that the last bit of music was a reprise of "The Hero of Canton" until my roommate mentioned it; I backed up the DVD, listened carefully, and started to bawl.

Also, possibly my favourite little touch of the entire series: in the pilot, Dobson wears a wedding band.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 10:00 PM


I've noticed when anyone is hurt Jayne is always there..looking mighty worried he did it with Zoey when she was hurt and Kaylee and River

I think I really realized what a big softie Jayne was was when he was wearing the hat his mom made for him


Tuesday, August 10, 2004 10:07 PM



Originally posted by ShinyDude:
There are at least two times that Zoe is seen not wearing her cord necklace: in Shindig and most all the episode Objects in Space. And we all know that she supposedly NEVER takes it off....

I'll be in my bunk...

can someone explain this what has zoey's chord necklace has to do with anything why does she never take it off


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 4:08 AM


- Zoe's expressions, especially in War Stories. At fisrt watching I was concentrating on Wash and Mal, but on the second or third time you see Zoe's face and you like - OK, here's where the real plot is...
- The crazy talk scene in Trash - I swear, I saw it only like on the fourth time watched it. and now it's one of my favorite scenes. How come I missed it? No idea.
- The little things about Kaylee, like the teddy bear and the sign on her door.

There's more, but I haven't read even half of the thread and already I want to go and chack some of the things I read about and never noticed
So that's all for now.

You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 5:38 AM


I just recently noticed something in Objects in Space. When Early and Simon are entering the cargo bay, the camera is on a closeup of a space suit helmet and you can see that the suit locker is open. In retrospect, this was a clue about what River did.


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 5:45 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:

Originally posted by ShinyDude:
There are at least two times that Zoe is seen not wearing her cord necklace: in Shindig and most all the episode Objects in Space. And we all know that she supposedly NEVER takes it off....

I'll be in my bunk...

can someone explain this what has zoey's chord necklace has to do with anything why does she never take it off

I'm going on memory here, so please forgive me if I get something wrong; In the commentary for Shindig, the costume designer, Shawna Torpic (?), mentions that her (Zoe's) cord necklace was to symbolize her marriage. Like a wedding band of sorts, and like a wedding band, she 'supposedly' NEVER took it off.

I'll be in my bunk...


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 6:03 AM


Just remembered - on Bushwacked, when the feds are searching the ship and their commander questions the crew you can see that the rooms match to the person questioned. And in the part the commander questions Wash you can see a fed looking through a box in Wash and Zoe's room, his flash-light pointed into the box revealing one of the dinasours from Serenity. The fed stares at it for a moment, then tosses it aside. I found this extremely funny when I discovered this.

You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 7:21 AM


Joss's commentary mentions that Mal has "lost his faith" in everything (especially God) because of what happened when the troops were all abandoned and forced to surrender at the battle of Serenity. The war must have left him with the belief that he could never trust or depend upon anyone but himself and his close "peers" (e.g., Zoe).

"I figure you're here 'cause you need some whacko who's willing to stick his finger in the fan. So who are we helping?" - Keith Szarabajka


Wednesday, August 11, 2004 8:35 AM


Just watched Ariel again last night. I was quite taken aback by the way Simon rather professionally smothered one of the guards (for all he could tell at the time)to death with his knee, although it later becomes apparent that the guy is just out cold. Given the situation it is understandable but it did still shock me coming from the good Doctor, especially as he struggled to pull his trigger on the Fed in Serenity and expresses remorse about "shooting" people in WS. In that context its a powerful moment which just goes to show how far he is willing to go to protect River. Guess the first time round I was occupied watching Jayne having a rather more prolonged and difficult fight with his guard.

"Good ..... Bible"


Thursday, August 12, 2004 4:15 PM


I just noticed this a couple of days ago: in The Train Job, when Jayne "goes crazy and falls asleep" there's a camera angle looking up from the floor past Jayne's face to the rest of the group talking about what to do.

Wash's boot comes out and casually rests on Jayne's butt while everyone's talking. Hi-larious!

The woods are the only place where I can see a clear path.


Thursday, August 12, 2004 7:26 PM


Only after repeated viewings, freeze frames and zooms did I see the image of a rescue ship in Early's faceplate at the end of OiS.


Thursday, August 12, 2004 7:35 PM


Serenity: Jayne laughing to himself as he putss Mal in the sights of the sniper rifle. Gotta love the sense of humor!


Friday, August 13, 2004 12:00 AM



Friday, August 13, 2004 12:00 AM


Okay.. This 'Zoe's marriage necklace thing that she never takes off..' The only thing I've ever seen around her neck is that leather cord thingy. Which she is wearing is 'Out of Gas' when she first meets Wash (and his Terrible Mustache) and as it's her first meeting w/ her future husband.. once would assume that she wouldn't be wearing her 'wedding necklace'...
Great thread btw. Never noticed 1/2 the things on here.. gonna have to go home now and watch the end of OiS for the resuce ship.. and HoG for the SpPot plants.. and listen to the commentary of 'Serenity' again - as I seem to have blanked out half of what Joss said (don't worry. I shall punish myself for ignoring the Great Joss) which can probobly be blamed on Nathan Fillions backside...
ho hum...

.. well there's Death, there's Glory and theres Sod all else.. William the Bloody.






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