Conf call with Joss on Sunday

UPDATED: Friday, October 22, 2004 06:06
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Friday, October 22, 2004 5:51 AM


Joss will be on a conf call this Sunday for Whedonverse Kerry/Edwards Supporters. It is a fundraiser and will be available in many cities throughout the country. The one in Boston is Firefly themed. Find your local conf call/party location at


Friday, October 22, 2004 6:06 AM


VIPs Converge On Sunday's Buh-Bye Bushie_Bash!!!!
Whedon, Fred,
Gunn & More!!

I am – Hercules!!

“High Stakes” L.A. is suddenly and officially a much bigger deal than last year’s “Buffy Bash.”

Joss Whedon is coming.

The mastermind behind “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “Angel” and “Firefly” is himself making a non-telephonic appearance at the Los Angeles “High Stakes” event. He will make “the conference call” to all the other “High Stakes” parties around the nation from the L.A. party at 2 p.m. PT/5 p.m. ET.

It gets better.

Minutes ago we got word that “Angel” stars Amy Acker and J. August Richards are coming to “High Stakes” L.A. A minute later we heard that a couple other really really amazingly beautiful, sweet and insanely talented Buffiverse actresses were tentatively on board. Not Sarah Michelle (at least not yet), but the very next best thing!! Details as they develop!!

Some background:

“High Stakes,” for those who missed our post last Sunday, is a nationwide network of Joss Whedon fans hosting and participating in Kerry-Edwards fundraisers on Sunday afternoon.

At 2 p.m. (PT), all the parties will be linked by Joss’ mighty voice on a conference call. He says he will definitely discuss “X3.” A few lucky partygoers – one perhaps from each shindig - will get to annoy Joss with an intrusive question.

WHEN? The L.A. version of “High Stakes” runs from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

WHERE? A very pretty venue in Hollywood has been earmarked for the event. The contracts are expected to be signed FRiday morning, at which time its location will be announced. (It’s actually a venue we very nearly used for the “Buh-Bye Buffy Bash” last year!)

CAN I COME? Yes. Kindly click here for the constantly updated list of all the parties, which range in size from dozens to a hundred (and several hundred in the case of the L.A. event).

WHAT’S THIS GONNA COST ME? Donations are $50 to $2000 for “High Stakes” L.A. Contributions vary elsewhere, but I believe the minimum everywhere is supposed to be $35.

I CAN’T GET TO L.A. ON SUNDAY!! HOW DO I GET INTO ONE OF THE CONFERENCE-CALL PARTIES?? At this writing, there are already nearly 30 parties in place across the nation, with new ones popping up by the minute. (One hears “High Stakes Silicon Valley” will be a particularly slamming affair, and at the moment there's still room for a couple dozen more.) Find the constantly-updated list here.

But the “High Stakes” organizers want more. There are sad, orphan-y “Buffy” and “Firefly” fans who do not yet have a party in their city. Quoth the “High Stakes” site:

“We're particularly looking for hosts in the following locations: Albuquerque, Philadelphia, Minneapolis (our party there is full and we need another one), Raleigh, Phoenix, Fairfield, Iowa, anywhere in Nevada, Louisiana, Nebraska & New Jersey.”

Anyone can host a party anywhere (most are situated in residences, and the “High Stakes” organizers want a lot more parties organized. Learn, like Herc, how to have your very own by clicking here.

At this moment we have 29 "High Stakes" parties!! Let's see if we can bump it up to 50 by Friday night!!!

-Soul Rebel-

a love supreme dreaming...

updated: 7/30/04!






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