What more can we do?

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Monday, August 18, 2008 1:24 PM



Originally posted by Staples:
Wow...Gone a week, and all this is up and ready to go. You folks truly are amazing. The gloves idea is great - and if not gloves, postcards. Wonderful idea, we can re-light the Qmx wavecard campaign at the same time if gloves are inaccessible. has a shiny set of wavecards you can buy for, like, 20 bucks or so. They're officially licensed, so the money would go to Universal Studios.

This brings up my next point...I think we should be sending these to Universal, not Fox. I realize that Joss has a new show coming up on Fox, so relations must be going well between them, but he only went to Fox because Eliza Dushku has a binding contract with them... I also think that the cast would be much more likely to do a film rather than a series again. It would allow them to get back on Serenity for a while, and still keep their schedules open for other projects - Summer on Sarah Connor, Jewel on Battlestar, Nathan, Alan, and Morena all have pilots coming up - I just think that some of them may be too busy to commit to an entire series. Universal saved us once, why don't we go to them again?

I want our show back as much as anyone, a film would be great too, hell, I would even settle for some lackluster comic books - so what do you guys think? Am I out voted on the Universal subject, or is this something we should discuss?

I've been away from the site for a few days, and Oh, my dear and fluffy lord! You guys have been busy, busy, busy! Site looks great, and I'll be heading over to register straight away.

As for some of the debated issues, including those in the post I actually quoted, I wholeheartedly support waiting until November. My big worry from the start has been in moving too fast and humping it up. I definitely think individual items should be sent as opposed to bulk. The vast quantity of individual mailins is what shows are numbers, and also I don't think many medical places would take gloves that have been zipping through the mail to TV studio headquarters anyway, unopened or not. Finally, as for the Universal/Fox question, I do think we need to have discussion on the new website and decide. Until now I'd been assuming FOX, just because of the Dollhouse and the fact that they have the TV rights, but I didn't realize how full the cast's schedules were. Looks like there are some factors we need to have a meeting of the minds about. Again, if that means delays, I'm not against that (within reason), as long as we all make sure to speak clearly, loudly, and with a single voice once the decision is made.

Let's keep flying! I'm getter powerful excited about all this.

"When you can't do somethin' smart, do somethin' right!" -Jayne Cobb quotes Shepherd Book


Wednesday, August 20, 2008 5:56 AM


I'm going to post with my group. Count me in.

When there are no heroes where will we turn?


Thursday, August 21, 2008 6:00 AM


You make some valid points about the actors schedules. I'm of the mind to contact both Universal and Fox, with specific campaigns for both. I think the actors, networks, movie studios and Joss's schedules will be worked out if enough demand is there for - a movie, series or mini-series. I may be biting off more than I can chew but I'm hopeful the latest numbers in the TV Poll and the Blu-Ray sales will have an impact.
I'm thinking that a mini-series would be the best bet because of what you rightly described about people's schedules. Also I did not know that little tidbit about Eliza Dushku's contract. That explains a lot.

I say bring this up for discussion at the site and see what develops.


Originally posted by Staples:
Wow...Gone a week, and all this is up and ready to go. You folks truly are amazing. The gloves idea is great - and if not gloves, postcards. Wonderful idea, we can re-light the Qmx wavecard campaign at the same time if gloves are inaccessible. has a shiny set of wavecards you can buy for, like, 20 bucks or so. They're officially licensed, so the money would go to Universal Studios.

This brings up my next point...I think we should be sending these to Universal, not Fox. I realize that Joss has a new show coming up on Fox, so relations must be going well between them, but he only went to Fox because Eliza Dushku has a binding contract with them... I also think that the cast would be much more likely to do a film rather than a series again. It would allow them to get back on Serenity for a while, and still keep their schedules open for other projects - Summer on Sarah Connor, Jewel on Battlestar, Nathan, Alan, and Morena all have pilots coming up - I just think that some of them may be too busy to commit to an entire series. Universal saved us once, why don't we go to them again?

I want our show back as much as anyone, a film would be great too, hell, I would even settle for some lackluster comic books - so what do you guys think? Am I out voted on the Universal subject, or is this something we should discuss?

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Thursday, August 21, 2008 11:05 AM


What happened to the save firefly web site?


Thursday, August 21, 2008 1:10 PM


It seems to be there Rallem- it was just now for me.


Thursday, August 21, 2008 1:15 PM



Thursday, August 21, 2008 1:16 PM


Nope. I get there and then redirected to a page for its service.


Thursday, August 21, 2008 1:19 PM


Are you going to the new site or the old one? The old one does that, but the new one is


Thursday, August 21, 2008 1:24 PM



Originally posted by rallem:
Nope. I get there and then redirected to a page for its service.

Click on this Rallem:


Thursday, August 21, 2008 1:59 PM



Friday, August 22, 2008 9:46 AM


I apologize mates. While I am still very interested in participating in this I simply do not have the time I thought I would have to help head it up. What with the new baby and all I am sooo busy.
However, if helpful here is some info.
Many medical and mechanic grade gloves come in blue, however unless you know someone in this field it is almost impossible to buy just one pair. A box typically runs for between $5-15$ and can be purchased through many different medical based websites.
Please keep me informed as to when this is going to go down and I am in.
Also I do have a limited supply of gloves so if anyone needs a pair then get in touch.




Sunday, August 24, 2008 8:37 AM


If you send me your snail mail address I will try to send you a set of blue gloves very much like those worn in Firefly.


Friday, October 3, 2008 9:52 PM


I'm in. When do we start?

Zoë: Sir, we don't want to deal with Patience again.
Mal: Why not?
Zoë: She shot you.
Mal: Well, yeah, she did a bit.


Monday, October 13, 2008 9:51 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Now is the time to start producing our own theatrical productions of Firefly, using the great fanfic scripts.

Then videotape the screenplays for broadcast on cable access, youtube, google video. etc. Star Wars fans have been doing this for years, including homebrew 3D CGI SFX.

If any Browncoats in East TN want to do this, I'll videotape for broadcast on my weekly TV show.

I'm very good at shaky camera FX, out of focus shots, lens flare, as required by the Joss Whedon School of Filmmaking.

"You can't stop the signal. You can never stop the signal."
-Mr Universe, Pirate TV

FIREFLY VERSE: Cedric of Bedlam Bards - Hush Little Citizen
Video by FireFlyGirl, remix by PirateNews

Firefly Music Video: Tangerine dream - Confrontation, Thief soundtrack


Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:52 AM



Originally posted by MontysSoupCatcher:
I like many many more of you here on this board and across other sites still know that Firefly is the single greatest tv show that we have had the privalage of watching. Firefly deserves to be put back on our screens where it belongs...Any other ideas anyone?

Vote Republican.

I've never seen a single Firefly tv episode or movie broadcast under a Democratic administration. Can't say that about any of the other great SciFi shows Stargate, Galactica, Star Trek, etc (which were all bipartisan efforts).

Perhaps someone...maybe Josh the Producer...can ask the tough question. Where do Obama and McCain stand on the Firefly question? Barrack simply does not strike me as the SciFi type. McCain, on the other hand, being a genuine hero of a lost cause and a maverick and all would probably identify with what Serenity stands for.



Tuesday, November 11, 2008 1:35 PM


Hi everyone, first time posting here (hope I don't break any rules... please be merciful with the noob...).

I saw this thread and it struck a chord with me, because for the first time in my career I am actually connected to the capability to do something to help Firefly - and really, the best thing we can do to support the series--to "keep her in the air when she oughtta fall down" as it were-- is to grow the fanbase.

There's a thread on here somewhere that cites that Fox and Universal are at odds with rights to the property, which is essentially true. So obviously there's nothing we can do as far as a large PR media push. As such, my company has taken on the task of getting out word about the Firefly Blu-Ray (which I'm sure you've all heard comes out today) with Social Media instead of traditional media. We are hoping that in order to circumvent the need for passing things through endless legal that the fans themselves will help us create a campaign. And that's how I ended up in this forum.

Though we are officially sanctioned to promote the series by giving away some copies of the Blu-Ray if people join and help out with the campaign ( have, for instance), the most useful asset for us are the fans.

If you'd like to write to me about the Blu-Ray campaign I'm helping to run, I'd love to hear from you - especially if you're a well-seasoned fanfic writer. (There's a good reason for that, I swear)

We can use all the help we can get!


Monday, November 24, 2008 10:08 AM


I really love all these ideas flowing out. Awesome.

Recently, a couple of St. Louis Browncoats and I got together and came up with a new kind of "off the radar" guerrilla marketing idea.
All three of us have extensive backgrounds, professionally, in the entertainment business. We wanted to use those skills,knowledge, and contacts in the industry to start a new campaign and have a good time doing it.
We decided to form a band revolving around the show. We named the band "The Browncoats". Instead of directly linking ourselves (by names) to Firefly and Serenity - we decided to create as many references in the music and the "ideas" to the show.
Our first endeavour was to re-create "The Hero of Canton" in a Rock and Roll version, (which was actually what sparked the idea to create the band in such a fashion)
Our goal as of now is to send out the MP3 of our "The Hero of Canton" version and try to make it spread like a virus, referencing our MySpace page. We're also doing things like calling all our fans "Mudders" and planning to name "Mudders Milks of the Month".

We've started with targeting mailing lists of fans of the bands we used to be in, and the St. Louis Browncoats have band helping spread the word for the last week. The response has been pretty good so far.
We plan on continuing this campaign into a music video for "The Hero of Canton" featuring the St. Louis Browncoats, shot in St. Louis. And we'll eventually start playing shows when the following gets big enough - calling each show a "Shindig" of course. We want to attempt to have a local brewery host each "Shindig" and call one of their beers the Mudders Milk of the Night.

So let me know what you guys think and if you would like to help out.
E-mail me at if you want an MP3 copy of the song to send out. And you can see what we've done so far at the site

Take care all..

--the co-pilot


Monday, December 1, 2008 11:13 AM



Originally posted by persephonetravel:
Hi everyone, first time posting here (hope I don't break any rules... please be merciful with the noob...).

I saw this thread and it struck a chord with me, because for the first time in my career I am actually connected to the capability to do something to help Firefly - and really, the best thing we can do to support the series--to "keep her in the air when she oughtta fall down" as it were-- is to grow the fanbase.

...We can use all the help we can get!

WELCOME to the boat !

Happy to see all the fine folk and their SHINY Love for the 'Verse !

Y'all bring us all the best stuff , and Keep Us Flyin' , too !

Make yourselves ta home !


Sunday, February 15, 2009 8:42 AM


I think the cast would love to doit again, however most of them have steady work now--more likely to have the time off to do the movie--the time in between Firefly and Serenity--that way we have Alan and Book as well. WE just need to get the money!

Moggielover disquised as dudielover


Sunday, February 15, 2009 8:46 AM


I have bought DVD complete serie and Serenity 2 disc.
I want to buy both comics and merchandising.

We need a sequel.


Sunday, February 15, 2009 10:36 AM


There's lots of shiny stuff out there, I have tees, licence place covers, mousepads, all the posters (my office wall is really all Firefly wallpapered and a Serenity Chinese symbol on my door) all the comics, an RPG and just bought same
Serenity Chinese symbol clock. Getting a vanity plate for my car as well as a vinyl graphic for the top of my car, as well.

The important thing is the dvds, if they keep selling well, the likelier Universal might be interested in doing another movie. I keep buying them and using them as presents. The bottom line is money and the more fans there are, the better chance!

dudielover (aka moggielover)


Sunday, February 15, 2009 10:46 PM


I've bought 2 or 3 sets of Firefly DVDs, 2 or 3 copies of Serenity CE DVDs, plus a bluray copy of each, all companions, most books and graphic books, Done The Impossible, the soundtrack CDs, Map of the Verse, and likely more I cannot recall. And loaned out my DVDs to create more borwncoats (successfully).

What more can we do?
here is an idea already proposed in the CSTS thread. Let's quit hiding our enthusiasm, let it out there.
An idea suggested is to obtain posters/flyers for the CSTS 2009, and post them in your car windows, and perhaps they will have a sunshade for your windshield with a shiny Serenity image filling it!! Either way, fill in the local screen times and dates of your nearest CSTS, and if not already included, your favortie websites like
If these are in windows for a few months before the CSTS screening, and are sitting in parking lots of malls and cinemas where folk might see them, this might spread the word more than hanging things in our cubicles or bedrooms.
Just a thought.


Sunday, February 15, 2009 11:01 PM


I forgot about the companion books, have those too, and went to Serenity Revisited con, 10/07 and have a fifteen foor banner through the action for Equality now--have no idea what to do it, I don't have fifteen foot ceiling.



Sunday, February 15, 2009 11:14 PM



Originally posted by dudielover:
I forgot about the companion books, have those too, and went to Serenity Revisited con, 10/07 and have a fifteen foor banner through the action for Equality now--have no idea what to do it, I don't have fifteen foot ceiling.


Suspend from ceiling by 4 corners - you can view it when kicking back in recliner or laying on bed. If still too long, can roll up ends on a tube to fit.


Monday, February 16, 2009 10:35 AM


Great idea, especially since it's signed by most of the cast and has sat on my recliner , Fireflysince 11/07. Maybe I should put it on the ceiling of my bedroom! I am still hoping I can manage to get back to Burbank when Gina, Ron and Adam are there those are the missing. I've got Nathan and Jewel as friends on myspace, which is fun. Anyway I am hoping that if Doll house is a success, that someone will let him make the movie! I'm dying here, Firefly was the best show ever on tv. Fox is demented.



Wednesday, March 11, 2009 6:51 AM


I'm new.

I have a question, and then I'm going to go into a long post, in which I will probably talk your ears off to the point that you want to stop reading. Hopefully you can't/won't, but for the person who reads to the end and has some pull: please contact me as soon as possible via PM through this community. Thanks.

What exactly is CSTS?

I came here, because I am a Firefly Fan. I was not fortunate enough to have been watching Firefly while it was a network TV show. I've discussed things before, with different people, regarding why Fox would have canceled such an eye-catching, witty-yet-endearing show with all the right moves and shakes for building a huge, dedicated fan base. It was a poor business decision, and I want to know what other basis they might have used to judge it. Not that it's important, really, but I'd like to know what Fox is really all about. I still can't figure it out.

Firefly is freaking viral, really. The show's been off for how long? And yet still I see the show's stars appearing in different places even today, referenced mostly by their association with Firefly rather than their new work. I love the show, because it grew on me. At first it was cheesy. Then the way in which it took itself seriously started coming forward in my mind. The outstanding CGI, scattered bits of just the right humor, and the way the show "felt" turned the cheesiness to what endeared me to it the most: the way it made me feel like an adventurer.

I remember fantasizing about travelling through space in my own spaceship, in the form of my house. I'd look outside and see stars. I'd see other ships, aliens, truck stops (lol). Anyway, I "live" sci-fi/fantasy in my mind, and I enjoy it quite a bit. Suspension of disbelief is about a trained, dedicated imagination, and I'm that kind of person. I've written one feature-length screenplay to date, and while it's unrelated to Firefly it's still sci-fi and complete. So I've jumped that hurdle and kept my feet.

Why am I telling you all this, as if you're interested? I don't know enough people here, and I want to talk to the "right" people. I think I know how Firefly could continue/restart. I actually have several strategies, and more details come to me all the time. Dedicating myself to a single project is hard, but carrying out a project to its required conclusion, given a team with whom to work, is easy.

Some people here come to discuss their fanhood and what they loved about the show. I want to provide more material to help with that. Others come to see what the general buzz in the community is. I'd like to talk to the second variety. It's nothing personal, really, but I'm trying to get somewhere with this and "make" something.

Thanks in advance.

Nandy's Hero


Wednesday, March 11, 2009 12:54 PM


CSTS = Can't Stop The Serenity

I think I know how Firefly could continue/restart.

There is exactly one way that this will happen. First you have to prove to the execs that a new FF/S movie/tv series/whatever will produce at least a guaranteed 10% profit. Otherwise the risk is just too great. Once that is done, then you have to convince them to actually do it.

I say this because countless times people come in with plans that are equivalent to, "If we show them just how good the show is and how much we love it, they'll be sure to do another movie/tv series/whatever." That just isn't the case. The bottom line is money, not how good something is and whatnot. The movie/tv industry is a business. If you don't address it like it is a business, then anything you do will be doomed to fail.

If you're looking for a project, then here's one:

It's a game mod of the EV Nova engine. Don't worry if you aren't a techie, there's tonnes of stuff that is non-programming/etc related. I don't know what they need done right now. So, if you're interested, drop them a line.

And here's another:

Don't know there current status. But, there's forums seem to be getting posts from time to time.

It's projects like these that are the life blood of a fan community. They prove that the community is still around and active while at the same time serving the community. Because, if the execs aren't going to green light any new content for us in whatever form it might take, we have to do it ourselves. That, btw, also shows that there is an unfulfilled need that they aren't cashing in on, which is a very good thing.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 8:19 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
CSTS = Can't Stop The Serenity

This is a really good one that everyone should be made aware of. I can't believe how often I found Browncoats that haven't been to one of these events or even heard of them.


Monday, May 11, 2009 4:49 AM


I'd like to say I'm a huge fan of Virtual Firefly. I adore their scripts and hell if Firefly was to ever get back on its feet then well, theres a legion of would-be script writters right there!

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before...

But I felt it needed saying again if it did...wuh duh ma that sounded really awful when I red it back...


Tuesday, May 12, 2009 8:52 AM


So out of curiosity, is any of this still going on? I skimmed a lot, but I read some really great ideas, any of which I would be honored to play a part in.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009 5:13 AM


I gorramn hope so!

Mine is an EVIL laugh!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009 1:04 PM


I didn't see this when it was first posted, only caught it today, in fact.

As much as I would love to see Firefly back on the air, I can't see it happening. I'm not being a naysayer here, either, so just hear, uh, read, me out.

Three of the principal characters are currently in new show, and all will likely be renewed for next season, (though I understand that Chuck, with Adam Baldwin is still up in the air,)

I really don't see those three giving up good gigs on the off chance that FOX, who still owns the rights I think, will let the series develop.

To me, without those three reprising their roles, the show wouldn't be the same. The others may well be available, I really don't know what they're doing at present.

And Book and Wash were killed in the BDM.

That being said, if Firefly were to make it back to TV, even with entirely new characters, I would definitely give it a chance.

I think we're more likely to be successful in getting another movie than seeing the series return. Again, I'm not against the idea, just posting my thoughts on it.


Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009 1:09 PM


IMO, FOX was more concerned with 'BOnes' and with '24' than anything else at the time. Firefly was aired out of order, and seemingly at a different time each week, and on a different day more often than not.

I was surprised that FOX didn't give it more attention, considering Joss Whedon's accomplishments on the small screen up to that point. I don't know why they didn't, but I haven't ruled out mass drug usage, or some sort of mental defect,

Great and Exalted Grand Pooba, International Brotherhood of Moonshiners, Rednecks, and Good Old Boys.


Thursday, May 21, 2009 11:07 AM


On the flip side there always is another movie. Take the Star Trek Franchise they were canceled and then then brought back like ten years later. With movies and a new series. To keep a TV show going might not yield enough profits also. Where as a movie they invest and then a year or two later make the money back plus more. Plus TV shows are on going and movies are more definate.


Thursday, May 21, 2009 11:47 AM


On one of the Facebook fan pages someone mentioned that they work at a studio where JW was doing some project and he asked about a sequel. JW said something like if someone gave him a few million to finance it he'd be all for it. In an interview (don't know how old it was) Adam Baldwin was asked about it and he said it would have to be soon 'cause he didn't want to be 60 playing Jayne, or something to that effect.....which is a good point, I want Firefly, not geriatric, that's not true (I just wanted to say 'geriatric Firefly' 'cause that's what I thought when he said that, lol). I want something FF as long as it's up to the original standards.
Since so many of the actors ARE working on other shows right now, I doubt a second season would be possible right now. Maybe a sequel or a multiple made for TV movies.

"He was mostly brave.....MOSTLY??!?!...he was brave..."


Thursday, May 21, 2009 12:08 PM


I am trying to come up with my own science fiction television story right now, and am planning the episodes right now so I don't have any continuity issues. I am trying to keep my story in the spirit of Firefly.


Thursday, May 21, 2009 8:26 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

What cha'all talkin bout? FF is alive and well.

No human can possibly keep up with all the fanfic in the Virtual Verse.

What's lacking is a FF RPG videogame, that can be used for fanfic. A soundboard can be used to add actual voices from the original actors, saying whatever the new script requires.

Joss has already optioned such a videogame. Anybody know the current status? Seems to be MIA.


Joss Whedon's Firefly Hitting Video Game Consoles

The Multiverse Network, Inc., a company building the world's leading network of Massively Multiplayer Online Games and 3D virtual worlds, today announced it optioned the rights from Twentieth Century Fox Licensing & Merchandising to develop an MMOG based on Firefly, the science fiction television series created by Joss Whedon that has enjoyed a hugely popular and loyal following since its premier in 2002.

"Fox's Firefly series is set in an incredibly rich and exciting universe. It's going to make a very compelling and unique online experience filled with adventure, humor, and mystery," said Corey Bridges, Multiverse co-founder and Executive Producer. "It's our hope that Firefly's passionate and dedicated community of fans will enjoy the chance to become part of the story as they develop and explore the worlds of Firefly."

Fox Licensing & Merchandising selected Multiverse to lead the evolution of Firefly into an MMOG because of the technical strength and advantages of the Multiverse Platform and the vision both companies share for the future of online entertainment.

"One of the first meetings I had when I joined Fox was with Multiverse," said Adam Kline, Vice President of New Media Enterprises at 20th Century Fox Licensing & Merchandising Division. "We see virtual worlds as an extraordinarily promising new entertainment medium. This is a great opportunity for 20th Century Fox and for the fans of Firefly because Multiverse will deliver an experience that will remain true to the original series, while enabling a whole new level of personal involvement for fans."

Under the terms of the agreement, Multiverse will select and lead an independent production team to develop the project. Fox and Multiverse expect the offering to be available to the public through The Multiverse Network in 2008.

Bill Turpin, co-founder and CEO of The Multiverse Network, Inc., believes that the Firefly MMOG will create significant opportunities for other developers building games and worlds with Multiverse tools and technology.

"In addition to our world-class technology, developers choose Multiverse for our network, which lets them launch their games into a built-in market of consumers who are just one click away from any game on that network," Turpin said. "Firefly will bring in even more consumers, making the network that much more attractive to developers of other worlds."

Multiverse explains the Buffy MMO, Firefly's delay

Yesterday we brought you word that the folks at Multiverse (the developers of the MMO middleware) are in development on an MMO based on Buffy the Vampire slayer. At the same time, news came out the Firefly MMO will now be delayed considerably while they focus their efforts that other IP from writing dynamo Joss Whedon. Yesterday evening we had the chance to speak with Mr. Corey Bridges, Co-founder, Executive Producer and Marketing Director for the company. Mr. Bridges took some time out of his busy schedule at the Virtual Worlds Expo to explain a bit more about the Buffy/Firefly MMO hoopla.

Most interesting, it sounds as though (despite the lack of any announcements about it) there has actually been some forward movement on the Firefly MMO! Mr. Bridges could say almost nothing about it because of contractual obligations with Fox (the owners of the Firefly IP), but what he could say left us with the tantalizing impression we may actually see that Firefly game someday. Read on for all of that discussion, plus tidbits on why they're working on a Buffy title, a bit on what the game will be like, and the interactions between the 2D and 3D game spaces.

You folks put out a number of interesting announcements this week, but the one many people were most drawn to was the news of new titles. You announced that you were pushing off the Firefly IP MMO, and it sounds like you are already in development on an MMO set in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer IP. Is that accurate?

Corey Bridges: That is accurate. We are already in development with Buffy. That's obviously different than when we announced the Firely arrangement. There, we hadn't begun work on it. Annoying as heck that we had to delay the Firefly game.

Can you talk at all about what happened with the Firefly IP?

CB: I'm actually contractually bound from saying much about that at this time. I can say that it's not an issue of someone being at fault. Neither Multiverse or Fox, or anyone in specific made an error in this. There are just some issues that need to be worked through. Hopefully things will get back on track before too long.

Fox and Multiverse had long talks about this, but we felt that it was appropriate - even though it would open us up to people venting their frustrations – to be candid and transparent about this. Fox especially wanted to do a release to let fans know that plans are released for right now. We really look forward to picking this back up as soon as possible. We are really happy to be working with them, and they're really happy to be working with us.

Our understanding has always been that you had the license, and that you didn't plan to develop it, but instead you were searching for a developer for the game. Is that correct?

CB: That is accurate.

Would it be a huge leap to say that you haven't found the right group to work with on that front?

CB: That I would not say.

Has there been any pre-production or work done on the project at all?

CB: Yes. Wrapped up in this is unfortunately the reality that we can't talk about this project. I'm dying to say more, it's one of the great frustrations in my life that we can't talk about it. We were moving and grooving, and now we have to put the breaks on. Hopefully things will change.

All that said, the Buffy announcement is very positive. We have to ask, how is it that you folks are able to get ahold of these great intellectual properties? What kind of relationship do you have with Fox and Joss Whedon to get in touch with these worlds?

CB: Well, we're big fans of "where there's a will there's a way". We are not announcing any relationship with Joss, but I would love to work on these games with him. We're definitely seeing what we can do on that front. I and the rest of the team, unsurprisingly, are huge Joss Whedon fans. He does a fantastic job creating worlds. Firefly was an easy setting to understand how that could be a fully realized world, but even Buffy – which takes place primarily in our world – has a lot of mythology to it. Sometimes literal mythology.

CB: That's exactly what we're planning for. We're showing it a little bit at this show, we'll be able to show you some of it in Austin at AGDC. We really want to make sure to show this game to people. One thing that I worry about is backlash from Firefly. We announced that so long ago, and people are going "crap, guys, where is it?" It was really important to us that we not announce Buffy before we were already working on it. Once bitten, twice shy.

Believe me, nobody could beat us up that we beat ourselves up about this. We're not at fault, but there are a lot of dashed hopes here. I wanted us to be in a public beta of Firefly here by now!

click for the rest of the story

How to play Firefly MMORPG

Can't Wait for MMOG: Browncoats play with RPGs

(weird -- when I post a normal URL link to youtube it shows embed code instead)


Monday, June 22, 2009 11:50 AM


Remember you can use latex gloves for cleaning with chemicals, handling photos you don't want to fingerprint up...and a few more personal uses we probably shouldn't discuss here. (I'll be in my bunk...)

So it's worth $5 to grab a box of them if you do any cleaning or industrial work.

I can put the word out on Baen's Bar, Arthur's Hall of Viking Manliness, Zombie Squad, my blogs, The High Road,, IWOE, and a few others.

You want signal? I'll see what I can do.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Monday, June 22, 2009 12:04 PM


Okay, I'm definitely in.

I need an address for Universal. I'll bring a crate of blue gloves to DragonCon, and to the other cons I'm doing. And envelopes. I can't promise an address stamp, but if someone else can bring one, that would speed things up. Or we can hand write the lot.

I'll see about some flyers, too.

Recent novels by Michael Z. Williamson
CONTACT WITH CHAOS, Apr 09 from Baen Books
BETTER TO BEG FORGIVENESS..., Nov 07 from Baen Books


Monday, June 22, 2009 2:12 PM


Hi, I'm new here.

First I have a question, who owns syndication rights to Firefly? I don't remember ever seeing it on Sci-fi, but then again, I don't watch much on that channel (and checking their site, they have a webpage on Firefly, so I assume they must show reruns every now and then).

I think we should try to get the Sci-fi channel to play the reruns more often as it wouldn't cost them too much and it would bring in a whole fandom of viewers. If they got good numbers just from showing reruns, then the chance of them, or another channel picking up the show for another season would be better.

Another thing we could do is a continued letter campaign. I'm not sure how effective that is, but it must be something.

Also, most websites have a feedback button or an e-mail address for fans to contact. I remember when I was trying to "Save Teen Titans" from cancellation, I sent them a few messages on Cartoon Network's website's feedback page.

But the main thing, I think is to just urge friends to watch the series. It's easier to do that now than ever thanks to Hulu, and if we get a high number of viewers on Hulu, then it will also make broadcasting networks give a second glance. I found Firefly thanks to a friend who sent me a link to the show on Hulu, and it became my favorite show. I plan on buying the DVD for both the show and movie sometime soon.

Also, buying the comics would be good.


Saturday, June 27, 2009 1:04 PM



Originally posted by LooneyLad:
Hi, I'm new here.

First off, welcome to the 'Verse.


First I have a question, who owns syndication rights to Firefly? I don't remember ever seeing it on Sci-fi, but then again, I don't watch much on that channel (and checking their site, they have a webpage on Firefly, so I assume they must show reruns every now and then).

NBC/Univeral must own the syndication rights, or have "leased" them for awhile because SyFy ( they're rebranding themselves this in July, I may as well get used to it )does show the odd occasional marathon of Firefly. They used to show it more often, I've checked the schedule and it's not on in July.


I think we should try to get the Sci-fi channel to play the reruns more often as it wouldn't cost them too much and it would bring in a whole fandom of viewers. If they got good numbers just from showing reruns, then the chance of them, or another channel picking up the show for another season would be better.

We've written, thanked, pleaded, sent in suggestions, etc. for SyFy to do something more with Firefly. The window for that opportunity is long gone. You're right though, every time they show it, folks fall in love with it. Just not enough folks to make a difference.


Another thing we could do is a continued letter campaign. I'm not sure how effective that is, but it must be something.

We've tried a bunch of these. Just like signing a petition they don't have much impact. If they ever did, the time for them to is again long past.


Also, most websites have a feedback button or an e-mail address for fans to contact. I remember when I was trying to "Save Teen Titans" from cancellation, I sent them a few messages on Cartoon Network's website's feedback page.

This never hurts, although I'm not sure it does much good.


But the main thing, I think is to just urge friends to watch the series. It's easier to do that now than ever thanks to Hulu, and if we get a high number of viewers on Hulu, then it will also make broadcasting networks give a second glance. I found Firefly thanks to a friend who sent me a link to the show on Hulu, and it became my favorite show. I plan on buying the DVD for both the show and movie sometime soon.

Also, buying the comics would be good.

Now this is what you can do! Sharing the
Verse with others ( particularly on Hulu to start with ) is a fabulous idea. Enjoying it and the community is a good idea. Being involved in the CSTS ( ) screenings and being involved in the charities is good. I am involved with Nathan Fillion's charity Kids Need to Read ( ) and it's very fulfilling.

There's also this site for the coolest stuff to guerrilla market Firefly/Serenity.

Share the 'Verse with others, enjoy the 'Verse with others and one of these days if we're lucky, we'll get more Firefly/Serenity. In some form. Joss is a genius, it'll be good when it happens.


Saturday, July 4, 2009 1:37 PM


Been really busy selling tons of Joss Whedon comics and related materials in my downtown Toronto comic and game shop for years. I've only just watched Firefly (I hate North American TV) since a friend put on the pilot a few weeks ago while I visited.
I've since roped my manager into watching them with me (we watched Our Mrs. Reynolds last night, which I couldn't wait to get to - it's probably my favorite except for there really being no River in it)

WOW! This is truly the best TV I've ever seen.

I'm behind the curve here in being really flipping upset about the cancellation. Everyone here already knows what I'm finding out years later, so I won't go on about that anymore.

I do know business; it's supply and demand, baby. The demand exists, the supply can be created. Heck, it's screaming to be reincarnated!

Since it seems that the entire crew feels the same way (been reading the Titan companion books) and I see you guys posting here to this day, basically, I can't believe there isn't a bigger ball rolling!

One of my customers just told me that Joss is no longer interested in fighting for his baby. Is this true, or only a partial perspective of the real situation?

It seems to me that a new venture could easily raise the startup investment capital to produce another season, especially if the set and props are still intact and needn't be rebuilt.

I don't know a lot about TV/movies, but I do understand business well enough.

Where could I find more nuts and bolts type info about actual costs for the original season, and the Serenity movie?

I think I've found a new hobby.

There are a lot of similarities between the crew of Serenity and the crew of my shop (ship).
We're definately "browncoats" at heart.
The HairyT is our real life SereniT!

Faith moves mountains. I believe.

Anyone have an idea where the beating heart of the Firefly revival lives these days?

Closest to my heart, River's story needs to be told more fully, for starters. Book telling River that she can't fix faith - "It fixes you"! My God, Joss, how much of this stuff do you know about and how much more could be told!? And that's only one thread of this incredible tapestry that is Firefly.

Gotta stop rambling in so many directions and go sell some more Buffy comics and board games.


Just because you don't believe in Santa Clause doesn't mean people aren't going to exchange gifts at Christmas time.
- H. P. Lovecraft


Saturday, July 4, 2009 3:58 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by HairyT:
One of my customers just told me that Joss is no longer interested in fighting for his baby. Is this true, or only a partial perspective of the real situation?

Joss has never said that he is not interested, in fact he has made it clear he has many more stories to tell and that Firefly is his favorite creation (so far). He has said that nothing is happening at this time. He does not hold the television or movie rights, those are with FOX and NBC/Universal, and he cannot afford to produce anything on his own. He is just waiting for someone to step up and offer financial backing.

Welcome aboard, Hairy. We need all the crew we can get. Hope you enjoy the place.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, July 4, 2009 4:40 PM


So presumably, should a bundle of cash fall from the sky (*ahem*), FOX/NBC would be willing to allow Joss & the crew to pay for the resulting project in exchange for a percentage of the windfall?

Seems to me that money can't be the biggest problem, can it? I'd love to know what the costs were for the whole Firefly season, and the Serenity movie. All I know is that millions are what we're talking, and that shouldn't be such an obstacle considering the sheer magnitude of love for this "property".

Seems to me that logistics is the real stickler, in that all the players need to be available for a set amount of time together to accomplish anything, and from what I (think I) understand, that time would need to be months at least.

I can see a startup selling shares to investors, and also pre-selling some sort of fan package for about $100 or so, which would raise a pile of capital. The package could be a certificate of promise for a limited edition copy of the final product, with bonus material never to be available again elsewhere, say, and maybe also an invite to some giant release party / showing in a stadium or something.
There could easily be several levels of those - like a $250 and a $500 - each one with a little more bling, like some signed material or artefacts from the set that are no longer necessary - or a tour of the set, say?

If this many people love the show as much as I do, it's really a matter of a "get-out-and-push-committee" forming, and pushing.
There is too much love and creativity so evidently on display for this to be really stalling much longer.

I'm no millionaire, but I'm a pretty savvy businessman if I do say so, and I'll bet there's a way because there's plenty of will, right!?

Lots of people have millions of dollars and no clue what to do with them. (For real - we all just gotta find one who won't try and tell Joss how to play everything because it's her money)

Hey - another idea - last one for this post - how about we stage a train robbery...?



Saturday, July 4, 2009 5:51 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I doubt if you'll be able to get truly accurate figures for the production of Firefly, but different reports over the years put the cost of the pilot at $10-12 million and an average of around $2 mil for the other episodes. The Serenity movie cost around $39 mil, but I'm not sure if that is just the filming budget or if it includes the cost of producing the prints and advertising.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009 10:26 PM


Hi people! I'm new to the 'Verse here. I would agree with ECGORDON's comment - Joss Whedon is still interested. I just met him on a few days ago on Saturday, July 4th. He was attending a party (of another writer) which I was photographing. I told him I was a big Firefly/Serenity fan, and would LOVE for it to continue. A big smile spread on his face and he said,"I would love to, but no studio will back it up." I did not ask him any further. I was just thrilled to meet him and needed to get back to my job! =) So based on his simple, short answer, its a matter of money. And as it has been mentioned here, it is fairly expensive to produce. But I optimistically believe that things could still change in the future..



Wednesday, July 8, 2009 7:02 AM



Originally posted by BellaBrook:
Hi people! I'm new to the 'Verse here. I would agree with ECGORDON's comment - Joss Whedon is still interested. I just met him on a few days ago on Saturday, July 4th. He was attending a party (of another writer) which I was photographing. I told him I was a big Firefly/Serenity fan, and would LOVE for it to continue. A big smile spread on his face and he said,"I would love to, but no studio will back it up." I did not ask him any further. I was just thrilled to meet him and needed to get back to my job! =) So based on his simple, short answer, its a matter of money. And as it has been mentioned here, it is fairly expensive to produce. But I optimistically believe that things could still change in the future..


Hi BellaBrook. Welcome to the site.

What a very cool thing that you got to meet Joss. As with many other stories I've heard of him, he's always sweet to fans. YAY for Joss!

I agree,things can always change in the future.
If DollHouse is a huge hit for Fox or Cabin in the Woods is a hit at the box office, perhaps studios will be more willing to fund whatever Joss is interested in doing.


Thursday, July 9, 2009 5:22 AM



Originally posted by BellaBrook:
Hi people! I'm new to the 'Verse here. I would agree with ECGORDON's comment - Joss Whedon is still interested. I just met him on a few days ago on Saturday, July 4th. He was attending a party (of another writer) which I was photographing. I told him I was a big Firefly/Serenity fan, and would LOVE for it to continue. A big smile spread on his face and he said,"I would love to, but no studio will back it up." I did not ask him any further. I was just thrilled to meet him and needed to get back to my job! =) So based on his simple, short answer, its a matter of money. And as it has been mentioned here, it is fairly expensive to produce. But I optimistically believe that things could still change in the future..


Cool, nice to meet you.

You're lucky that you get to do cool things like that! It sounds like a great job.

Anyway, I can't believe that no studio will back another Firefly project. I mean, come on, it already has a dedicated fanbase that continues to grow even today. It doesn't even seem like a risk...


Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:21 PM


Hello FollowMal & LooneyLad!

Nice to meet you both. Yes, I was super stoked-oh that doesn't sound right here-um, Shiny? Yah, I was pretty excited. I got a picture with Joss that evening and told him my dreams were fulfilled. I'm such a a goof! He thought it was funny and said some our dreams can't be fulfilled because they're illegal. Anyhow, FollowMal, I have not yet seen Dollhouse. I think I need to soon..

LooneyLad, thank you. Being a photographer is a fun job.

Question-will there be a big turnout at the Firefly/Serenity Convention? Anyone ever been to one?


Thursday, July 23, 2009 9:56 PM


When Firefly first got cancelled our company partnered with another and they raised capital to finance an animated series. We took straw polls on all the Firefly blogs (this was even before Serenity). The overwhelming responses was live action or nothing.

We are so nostalgic for Firefly that when both Jewel Staite and Gina Torres submitted to be in our animated film we could hardly say no, but if we cast them in our film I feel like it might end the chance for an animated Firefly.

What are your thoughts?

BTW Gina sent some tracks of her jazz singing and she is awesome.







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