UPDATED: Wednesday, July 2, 2008 20:03
VIEWED: 20858
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Friday, May 16, 2008 3:23 PM


Welcome to part 5.
We are 2 months old today, 5\16\08.
Here's what we've accomplished so far:

1. We have 5 Virtual Fireflies with about 40 crew members total [active and inactive].

2. We finished 2nd place in the UniversalHD contest 'Show Us Your Browncoatedness'.
Announcement thread:

3. We've been given our own forum [Vitual Firefly] at by Haken.

4. We have our own ID's [thanks LT and BSG roleplay].

5. We have a weekly newsletter called
'Virtual Intelligence' [our version of the Eavesdown Runner-thanks LT].

6. We have chat rooms for crewmembers to get to know each other and discuss plotlines: - TRANQUILITY [secure channel] - TRANQUILITY - BOOK - Independence

Here's our story from the beginning:

TRANQUILITYS journey Part 1
Be part of my virtual firefly crew

TRANQUILITYS journey Part 2
'The Intruder'

'A Change In Command'

平静 TRANQUILITY 平静 Part 4
'Shadow In Space'

The story continues... - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, May 16, 2008 4:32 PM


[OOC: A bunch of new style Id's are in the VFF Tag 2 thread.]

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.

Abbey: Words have gender in German, Italian, Spanish, etc.
Mobbex: : Yeah
Abbey: English is unisex
Stan: English is bi-sexual.


Friday, May 16, 2008 5:04 PM


* SHADOW and SHINY enter the holding room where PATHFINDER is being held *

"ok PATHFINDER, tell us what you're doing here." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, May 16, 2008 8:50 PM


PathFinder: A little item from the past here should ease tensions a bit.
~Slides the small case from another.To the CaptN-

PathFinder: Don't see one of those, much any more,
one of many lost arts from before what most call the War
Guess I'm getN bit jaded these days.
Tis why I Put up for passage, Things like this need a purpose.
Ya it is a bit tatered and faded brown now.
From what I am told, you'll recognize it, and appreciate is uses.
Time I got a fresh prespective.
Not many know anyone that remembers the old tactics,
or the tools that were used to keep safe.
So Figure what I've got that is old ought to be comN full circle now,
to be new, at least to the young ones ya got,
~Motions over to SHINYFRYE
PathFinder: says "Dockat : "Reckognise such a Cloak" ?
Looker over close then let the captN show ya what I mean.

Don't call me ~ Q ~ .
Read N the Book beats writN one.


Friday, May 16, 2008 8:50 PM


PathFinder: A little item from the past here should ease tensions a bit.
~Slides the small case from another.To the CaptN-

PathFinder: Don't see one of those, much any more,
one of many lost arts from before what most call the War
Guess I'm getN bit jaded these days.
Tis why I Put up for passage, Things like this need a purpose.
Ya it is a bit tatered and faded brown now.
From what I am told, you'll recognize it, and appreciate is uses.
Time I got a fresh prespective.
Not many know anyone that remembers the old tactics,
or the tools that were used to keep safe.
So Figure what I've got that is old ought to be comN full circle now,
to be new, at least to the young ones ya got,
~Motions over to SHINYFRYE
PathFinder: says "Dockat : "Reckognise such a Cloak" ?
Looker over close then let the captN show ya what I mean.

Don't call me ~ Q ~ .
Read N the Book beats writN one.


Saturday, May 17, 2008 2:53 AM


capt,where would he find something like this?

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, May 17, 2008 3:20 AM




Saturday, May 17, 2008 4:11 AM


* thinking *.

i think PATHFINDER is going to provide us with more than we thought * - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, May 17, 2008 8:39 AM


**Kat, Oreo and Elbarto are on the way to the cell area where Oreo's (and Kat's) mother is being held. Oreo is getting more restless the further into the prison they get, and Kat is getting worried. So far they have not seen any guards, but Intruder annoucements continue from the main Comm system. They haven't heard any more blasts or gunfire**

Kat: Time to jam their Comms now we're far enough away from the Comms section. You ready?

**Kat switches on the new jammer. The Intruder announcements stop**

Oreo: They gonna know we did something

Kat: yea, but they won't know whether it's from here or outside. It'll take 'em a while to sort things out, and in the confusion we should be able to get close enough to the holding area.

Elbarto: Enough talking, we need to get there. The longer we're here the more likely it is we're gonna be seen. You don't have any uniforms in that pack do u Kat? Or would that be too helpful?

Kat: Er, no. Guess that would have been a good idea...know where the guards keep the uniforms, Oreo? There's always a stores room on these places..

You are beholden to no man


Saturday, May 17, 2008 4:52 PM


(Oreo pauses a moment to try and think)

Up ahead should be a room where they store a bunch of stuff. Not really sure what's in it though. Remember see'in folks comin outta there with bags and carts. Might try there first.

(El steps up in front of kat and oreo)

Well, ain't gonna get nothin done just sittin around here wonderin. Lets go.

(Kat and oreo follow behind el was he leds the way up the hall)

(With every step beads of sweat drip down oreo's face. Faint memories often flash in his mind of what happened during those long years in this hell hole)

(Oreo talking to himself, but kats can hear his every word)

So, much....death, blood. Folks done died. The screamin and......

(El interjects)

Gorramnit oreo, you a being to damage my calm.....

(Kat quickly cuts el off)

Shut up el! You have no clue what he's been through. Just back off.

(Kat turns to oreo and in a sweat voice)

Oreo, listen to me. I could never understand what happened to you here. Can't even imagine, but you can't lose it now, we need you, our mother needs you. And whether el wants to admit it or not, he needs you to. You're the only one who knows the layout out of this madhouse. Please, keep it together and I promise you, when this is all done, we will find a way to make you normal. I promise.

(Oreo looks up at kat and nobs)

Ok, straight up ahead, should be too much further.

(The three set off again down the hall, el still wondered if oreo is gonna be able to keep his mind together, and even though kat doesn't want to admit it, she's wondering the thing)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Saturday, May 17, 2008 5:16 PM



Originally posted by SHADOWcaptain:
...everyone is entitled to use and share all the 'graphics' we use at VFF.
it looks like he just used my new one also [TRANQILITY with the cool chinese symbol]. but i got that from somewhere else and everyone can use that.
we're all in the same sand box, lets not pee in it.

please take this in the spirit that it was intended. :]

CrrrKKKKstatic########...****INCOMING WAVE************

Ni howdy , Cap'n...

Not meanin' to intrude on any conversation , y'all , but I've had a hard time getting a dedicated source-box
to reliably access the CorTex...

...Some things it'll do , some things , it doesn't quite...

Anyways , wanted to make contact with y'all , hope I'm not interruptin''re y'all managing to fly that bucket
without me ?

I'm still limping , but hope to be doin' better real soon now...

Save me a spot at the galley table , and keep my flight-deck warm , will ya ?

Say , captain , does Tranquility have a rentable Shuttle these days ? Miss Oshiba wants to know...CrrrrKKKKK******static########Out2theBlack , OUT...............................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Saturday, May 17, 2008 5:36 PM


* com *

"yes, on the shuttle. just reply here.
we'll be headin' back to aquila to pick you up just after we finish this rescue mission.
real nice hearin' your voice again.

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, May 17, 2008 7:09 PM


PathFinder: says
Pardon Lass, nice to make your aquaintence.
We have not been formally introduced.
I have only briefly messaged the CaptN here.

If my memory for names was as good as for parts and pieces,
my foot would probably never enter my mouth.
Despite my best and honest intentions, I guess I've gotten used to the taste,
since leaving my home.
Pardon any such misteps, will do my best.

There never were enough people back home
to use names.
So it was an insult to even try,
guess I've never gotten used to using names
and the proper ediquit / manners with them.

I guess I make up for it in other ways.
Folks usually seem to enjoy tolerating me.
Givin enough time.

I'm sure you have questions,
Hopefully this case
will answer most of them to your satisfaction
better than my jabber-N like a JayBird.
PathFinder: Points to the small case he had handed them.
Look closely at the CaptN 's Cloak.
See the weave?
Examine the worn area,
Captn knows a phosporus grenade's effects,
and I hope you'll excuse the wear CaptN,
PathFinder: sighs saying -
Hard to come by item these days,
and in new condition means a special trip,
For the few of us left that know where to go.

PathFinder: gets up to stir his bones and says:
How Can I be of service,
Plamer mentioned you were working on a diversion
for your side trip?


Saturday, May 17, 2008 7:09 PM


PathFinder: says
Pardon Lass, nice to make your aquaintence.
We have not been formally introduced.
I have only briefly messaged the CaptN here.

If my memory for names was as good as for parts and pieces,
my foot would probably never enter my mouth.
Despite my best and honest intentions, I guess I've gotten used to the taste,
since leaving my home.
Pardon any such misteps, will do my best.

There never were enough people back home
to use names.
So it was an insult to even try,
guess I've never gotten used to using names
and the proper ediquit / manners with them.

I guess I make up for it in other ways.
Folks usually seem to enjoy tolerating me.
Givin enough time.

I'm sure you have questions,
Hopefully this case
will answer most of them to your satisfaction
better than my jabber-N like a JayBird.
PathFinder: Points to the small case he had handed them.
Look closely at the CaptN 's Cloak.
See the weave?
Examine the worn area,
Captn knows a phosporus grenade's effects,
and I hope you'll excuse the wear CaptN,
PathFinder: sighs saying -
Hard to come by item these days,
and in new condition means a special trip,
For the few of us left that know where to go.

PathFinder: gets up to stir his bones and says:
How Can I be of service,
Plamer mentioned you were working on a diversion
for your side trip?


Sunday, May 18, 2008 3:03 AM


Shiny smiles at Pathfinder, (Thinking something about him is odd and strange but also very endearing).

Shiny says: it's ok Path we will all be "friendly like" soon enough.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 3:57 AM


* thinking *

'beware of greeks bearing gifts'.

shadow recalls the ancient story of the trojan horse.

* thinks *
well, at least in THIS story, there's only 1 man comming out of a crate and not a whole army comming out of a 'giant wooden horse'.

"xie-xie PATHFINDER. a cloak like this could save a mans life some day."

* captain turns to SHINYFRYE *

"SHINYFRYE, see this cloak? it's made from a special material. a kind of descendant of the old bulletproof material 'kevlar'."
"some say that it has other properties also.

"PATHFINDER, you want to tell SHINY about some more of the hidden secrets or any of your other surprises?"
... and about the diversion: you may 'com' KAT to see if she needs any more help down on silas 5 after i check in on the teams progress."

* captain 'coms' KAT: *

"KAT, progress report please. then speak to PATHFINDER about any info or diversions you may need." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 7:39 AM


**Kat Comms Tranquility**

All going to plan, of sorts, here. We've deployed the new router so you should be receiving some data soon from their Comms. Also, the Jammer from PathFinder seems to be working. I need someone to check that we're receiving data from the new router.

We should be getting to the targets soon...there's been some, er, slight delays, but we should be ok. We might need some more help outside if we run into some resistance, to keep them off our trail. Will Comm for help.

**Kat ends Comm**

Kat turns to Elbarto and Oreo:
Are we ready now? We must be close. Are we going to detour for uniforms or just go ahead? Oreo?

**Oreo has his eyes closed, a look of pain on his face.**

Oreo growls: Am fine. Lets just do this..we need to go..

You are beholden to no man


Sunday, May 18, 2008 8:16 AM


(Oreo turns to kat)

Forget the uniforms, we need to find our mother now. Its gettin hard to "turning". This,place, its wreeking havoc on my mind. We need to make a straight run.

(Kat stands next to oreo and places her hand on his shoulder.)

Okay, we make a striaght push on through. This place is startin to get to me too. El, you have point, I'm gonna walk with oreo and try and help him. El, if it moves, you kill.

(El nobs with a giant smile. He takes off down the hall, the stealth was over, now its was a fulll out siege. Didn't have the time anymore for stealth, they still had a mission and oreo was getting worse)

(Voices enter into Oreo's mind)

Oreo,my son, you have finally come back to us. You're're safe and you're mother is waiting for.

(Kat is holding up oreo the best she can)

Come on oreo, aint that strong to be carrying your big ass, you got help me out some here.

(Kat shouts up to el)

El!!!!!! We're loosen him, we need to get there and quick.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 11:10 AM


Hi O2,
There will always be a place for you at the galley table, We look forward to your return.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 4:21 PM


* the captain tries on the cloak *

"fits perfectly. thanks PATH.
can't wait to see what else is in your bag of tricks." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 4:27 PM


"xie-xie KAT.
we're ready to help when you com us."

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, May 18, 2008 5:22 PM


**Comms Cap'n**

Good to know. We're going straight to targets now. Things are...well, we need to move fast. I'll Comm you when we need assistance. And if Shiny or even you can check if the Alliance Comms are being picked up by the router that would be good. Stand by.

**Ends Comm**

You are beholden to no man


Sunday, May 18, 2008 5:43 PM


What do you think SHINYFRYE ?
'Shiny smiles at Pathfinder, ~~~~~~~~~
(Thinking something about him is odd and strange but also very endearing).
Shiny says: it's ok Path we will all be "friendly like" soon enough.~~~~~~~~~'
PathFinder: Realizes what the look in SHINYFRYE eyes could mean,
. After all it has been many moons since he was young enough for a frye of her
. . youth to look romantically at such an ugly old cus, this was a familular look of a
. . . see-R to the Sage. And the Cloak ~ ~ ~ ~ Could she be?
. . . . It was rare. . . . . . & is even LessLikely now.

Perhaps SHINYFRYE can catch me up, as you try it on CaptN
. since your familular with the steathier uses of the cloak already,
I am curious to find out, about your crew on the Coms, by the way

Haven't had to ~towt~ the selling points of a BC myself in a while;
. I almost feel out of practice.
. . As my intro orator would say the Laundry list of Benefits,
. . .is far longer than the cost or DrawBacks, ~Ding-Ba~ can't get a better deal
. . . . than a gift Honorablly presented N Hand.
SHADOW Captain says, '~"fits perfectly. thanks PATH.
can't wait to see what else is in your bag of tricks."~'
Glad to see you like the fit, CaptN.
. as you say CaptN, "some say that it has other properties also"
. .- it does, ha ha,
. . .should also prevent some major sin-ch-g -~sChe che~- marks, if needed.




Sunday, May 18, 2008 5:43 PM


What do you think SHINYFRYE ?
'Shiny smiles at Pathfinder, ~~~~~~~~~
(Thinking something about him is odd and strange but also very endearing).
Shiny says: it's ok Path we will all be "friendly like" soon enough.~~~~~~~~~'
PathFinder: Realizes what the look in SHINYFRYE eyes could mean,
. After all it has been many moons since he was young enough for a frye of her
. . youth to look romantically at such an ugly old cus, this was a familular look of a
. . . see-R to the Sage. And the Cloak ~ ~ ~ ~ Could she be?
. . . . It was rare. . . . . . & is even LessLikely now.

Perhaps SHINYFRYE can catch me up, as you try it on CaptN
. since your familular with the steathier uses of the cloak already,
I am curious to find out, about your crew on the Coms, by the way

Haven't had to ~towt~ the selling points of a BC myself in a while;
. I almost feel out of practice.
. . As my intro orator would say the Laundry list of Benefits,
. . .is far longer than the cost or DrawBacks, ~Ding-Ba~ can't get a better deal
. . . . than a gift Honorablly presented N Hand.
SHADOW Captain says, '~"fits perfectly. thanks PATH.
can't wait to see what else is in your bag of tricks."~'
Glad to see you like the fit, CaptN.
. as you say CaptN, "some say that it has other properties also"
. .- it does, ha ha,
. . .should also prevent some major sin-ch-g -~sChe che~- marks, if needed.




Sunday, May 18, 2008 8:22 PM


(Elbarto takes point as they continue to oreo's and kat's mother)

Kat, you two have to keep up with me I cant slow down.

Kat: i'm trying. This boy is heavy.

(They continue down through corridors and rooms without finding much resistance)

Oreo: Wait!! Stop! Down that hall....The big door with the two guards.....

Elbarto: K, Kat keep him here and keep him quiet ill signal you when i want you to come down the hall.

Kat: ok, be careful

(Elbarto gets a smile on his face that Kat knows all too well)

Elbarto: Hey, its me!

(Without another word Elbarto turns and starts walking down the hallway as if he owns the place.)

Kat: What is he doing?! He is completely in the open!!

Oreo: (Grunts) he knows what he's doing.

(As Elbarto walks further down the hallway, one of the guards turns to look at him. As he goes to raise his weapon Elbarto throws a knife straight into his throat. As the other guard turns around and starts to raise his gun Elbarto throws another knife. This knife buries itself deep into the guard's forearm. The guard drops his gun in pain and clutches his forearm.

By this time Elbarto reaches the second guard and slams him against the wall. He rips the knife out of the guards forearm and puts it to his throat)

Elbarto: Open the door!!

Guard: I can't they'll kill me

(Elbarto applies some pressure to the knife and it breaks the guards skin)

Elbarto: What do you think I'm gonna do to you? Now open the door before I stop being nice.

Guard: Ok ok

(The guard moves to the keypad and inputs a nine digit code. Elbarto looks over his shoulder and memorizes the code)

Elbarto: Thanks for your cooperation.

(Elbarto slits his throat. As his body falls to the ground he motions Kat and Oreo over. They come down the hallway with Kat looking very troubled)

Kat: Why did you have to kill him?! He did what you asked.

Elbarto: He was a liability. We couldn't spare anybody to watch him, and he couldn't be trusted on his own. Therefore, it was the quickest solution.

Kat: Don't you care about peoples lives at all?

Elbarto: Not if they wear Alliance suits.

(Kat looks like she is about to say something when Oreo breaks free from her grip and walks into the room. Elbarto and Kat quickly follow him.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Monday, May 19, 2008 5:35 AM


(Oreo enters the room and quickly drops to hos knees. Tears start falling down his cheeks at the site of kats and oreo mother. Sitting limp in a chair in the corner)

(Oreo, with rage in his eyes and anger in his heart, leys out a ferious growl. If the alliance didn't know they were there, they do know)

(Oreo stands up to his feet, screeching, growling, clawing at the air. The site of his mother has driven him over the edge, he has finally, given all the way in to the reaver syndrome, kat walks over to their mother, shocked at first and angered)

My god, mother.....what have they.....oreo was telling the truth. Mother.....please, wake up (tears roll down kats face as she attempts to revive her mother. Kat quickly goes into c.p.r, not even a couple mintues into it their mother degins to breathe)

(Kats turns to oreo shouting)

(Oreo, who is now conmpletly silent is staring out the door)

(Kats repaets her self, but oreo is frozen at the sound that is slowly making its way up the dark corridor)

we have to get her outta here,

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Monday, May 19, 2008 7:58 AM


**Kat is still for a moment, eyes shut. Removing the emotion, thinking, planning how they can all get out alive**

Kat: El, I need to know what's coming down that corridor and whether we have a clear route the other way. Oreo, OREO! Listen to me!

**Kat clasps Oreo's arm and tries to connect with him, but his whole body is tense and he does not notice. Kat is suddenly afraid of what he might do, even to them. She backs off and prepares to lift their mother. She weighs so little the burden is light**

El: There's trouble coming. Big trouble.

Kat: I guessed as much. We need to go. Try to get Oreo to move, we need to be out of here.

**Kat Comms Tranquility**

Cap'n, we got the target and also picked up some heavy interest from the locals. Stand by, we will need assistance very soon and possibly some diversions. Out.

**Comm ends**

You are beholden to no man


Monday, May 19, 2008 9:18 AM


(El steps out infront of oreo and grabs him by the shoulders and tries to shake him back to a normal state)

Oreo, gorramnit. Git your head straight. Now ain't the time to be going all psycho reaver on us. We got sum'in big comin at us and we need to get your mother outta here. Damn it, do you........

(El stops and notices oreo expression on his face and before he can react, oreo whips el around, In an instant oreo is picered with a razor sharp object through his side. El stands in shock,blood running down his face. oreo just grins back and is suddenly lifted and quickly taken down the dark corridor and disappears in the shadows.)

(Kat shrieks at what just happened)

What just happened! Where did he go! El! Noooooo!

(El snaps back his focus)

Okay, kat, listen to me, we need to get outta here.......

(Kat disagrees)

No, no el, we can't leave him, I can't leave him.......not again, his my brother el, we gotta find him. He's bleeding, he's hurt, he needs me el......

(El kneels in silence for a moment)

Okay, first we get your mother to the ship, she needs med attention, then we both come come back and find oreo, together.

(El picks up kats and oreos mother from the right side, while kat gets her left.)

(El turns to kat)

Ok, no matter what, don't stop for anything. Kill anything and everything. Keep a clear path ahead at all times.

(Kat nods and pulls out a fresh clip for her repeater, normally, she would use tranq, but this isn't one of those normal times)

(With one final check, kat and el take off in the corridor, shooting, dodging, ducking, making their way through the maze of the asylum, with kats mother in tow between them.)


*****kat, el come in*******

(El and kat stop inside an abandoned storage room. Kat pulls out her com)

***kat coms capt'n****

Capt'n, its kat, we have the target and are making our way back to the ship, could use a little help. we got something..big...moving around this place. It already got Oreo. Just El, the target and myself.

****ends com****

***captn coms****

Ok, ill have palmer do a sweep, be out in front in as soon as possible, we'll provide some cover fire for ya.

****ends com****

(The two with the almost lifeless body, set back out into the corridors, desperatly looking for the way out.)

(El stops in what appears to be an operation room)

Do you hear that?

(A tray is knocked over spilling its contents onto the floor. Kat and El quickly train their weapons in the direction of the disturbance.)

(El turns to kat)

Take your mother and get outta here.

(Kat tries to protest....)

This is no time to be heroic, we need to keep moving...[El cuts her off]....

You think i'm trying to be....listen...something is after us, it's been following us ever since we started out in the corridors and we're leading right to the exit, towards the ship. You take your mother and get outta here, i'm gonna double back and see if i can....

(In an instance, a body is flung in the direction of Kat and her mother, knocking the pair down.)

(Kat tries to scramble back to her feet, but not without noticing the body is that of her brothers. She quickly checks his vitals.)

He's still breathing.

(Kat stands up to her feet only take a blown to the head by a blunt object, knocking her down to the ground)

(El tries to rush to her aid, but is quickly cut off by a huge man, but he ain't a man. His face is dismembered, open wounds throughout his whole body and.... huge. This was not a man, it was a reaver, a reaver that carried an awry of sharp stabbing weapons, and he was aiming to use them. )

What in the hell....what are you? You not like Oreo. It doesn't matter, you just another reaver in my eyes, and i aim to collect for the damage you've done to my crew.

(El pulls out to long blades and stares the reaver in his black cold dead eyes)

Lets dance, you and I

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Monday, May 19, 2008 12:46 PM


* com *

"ok crew, we are going in.
PALMER, bring us down to scoop up the extraction team."
"they will be being followed in 'mule' so we're gonna' do a barn swallow."

"KAT, we're comming at you"

TRANQUILITY fires her engines and plunges toward the meeting point. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Monday, May 19, 2008 4:41 PM


(Kat watches as the two are staring at each other, ready to kill one another. It all seemed like like some sort of dream....a gorramn nightmare. Kat slowly maks her way over to her mother.)

Mother, come on we need to get outta here.

(Kat grunts from pain as she lifts her)

I wish you were conscience, would make things a bit easier.

( she turns to make her exit out into the front of the asylum, an easy slip seeing as how that thing was fixed on El)

(She stops to look one last time before leaving at el practically staring death in the face and her brother lying almost lifelessly on the ground bloody and dying.)

(Kat pulls out her com)

****coms Capt'n****

Capt'n need a sweep now, no time for the mule, just me and the target now.

****ends com****

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Monday, May 19, 2008 4:59 PM


PathFinder: Asks - SHINYFRYE .
Did the Captn Just Com. Palmer for a ... "Barn Swallow."?|
What do you think SHINYFRYE ?
Is he up to that, or more importantly is the Mule?
Maybe we can help,
My Cargo Skiff Can extend the effects of TRANQUILITYS Grav- boot.
Thats what I built it to do.
If we work together, we should be able to extend the cushion
and scoop the Loaded Mule and everyone,
allowing Palmer to concentrate on more important matters;
Like the things that shoot back.
............................... . .

They hear Kat's Com, ***********************
Capt'n need a sweep now, no time for the mule, just me and the target now.
PathFinder: And - SHINYFRYE Say simultainously, LETS GO ! ! ! ! ! !

PathFinder: Says - I'll get the grav- buffer up and the grav-couplers aligned

SHINYFRYE Sings Back Be in the Engine room Talking sweetly to the Grav-Boot.
Wouldn't want to hear you Grinding away beneath TRANQUILITY .

PathFinder: Coms .**** Palmer * - Just keep TRANQUILITY in the Dust * * * * * *
We'll do the Dirty, W...o..r.k.....-krt * * * * *** ** ** * **


Monday, May 19, 2008 4:59 PM


PathFinder: Asks - SHINYFRYE .
Did the Captn Just Com. Palmer for a ... "Barn Swallow."?|
What do you think SHINYFRYE ?
Is he up to that, or more importantly is the Mule?
Maybe we can help,
My Cargo Skiff Can extend the effects of TRANQUILITYS Grav- boot.
Thats what I built it to do.
If we work together, we should be able to extend the cushion
and scoop the Loaded Mule and everyone,
allowing Palmer to concentrate on more important matters;
Like the things that shoot back.
............................... . .

They hear Kat's Com, ***********************
Capt'n need a sweep now, no time for the mule, just me and the target now.
PathFinder: And - SHINYFRYE Say simultainously, LETS GO ! ! ! ! ! !

PathFinder: Says - I'll get the grav- buffer up and the grav-couplers aligned

SHINYFRYE Sings Back Be in the Engine room Talking sweetly to the Grav-Boot.
Wouldn't want to hear you Grinding away beneath TRANQUILITY .

PathFinder: Coms .**** Palmer * - Just keep TRANQUILITY in the Dust * * * * * *
We'll do the Dirty, W...o..r.k.....-krt * * * * *** ** ** * **


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 12:35 AM


SHINYFRYE Sings Back Be in the Engine room Talking sweetly to the Grav-Boot.
Wouldn't want to hear you Grinding away beneath TRANQUILITY .

Path, I wuold live to hear how you got all these nifty toys for us.

shiny smiles hoping she's not showing the worry that she feels for the crew.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 6:15 AM


* coms the team *

"KAT, try to get to 'mule' anyway. PATHFINDER and SHINY are making some modifications on the ship to help the rescue with 'mule'. plus we can track 'mule' easier.
"we're just about there now. tell us when you are ready." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 9:30 AM


(Kat makes her way out the front of the asylum, now carrying her mother on her should hoping to gain alittle bit of momentum.)

(Out of breathe kat makes the run to the mule only to be stop by five welled alliance guards)

Commander- stop where you are. You are to lay down arms and the captive or we will not fail to open fire.

(With nothing more to do, kat drops her mother and then her weapon. She falls down to her knees. The guard quickly steps in front of her and lifts her haed by the chin)

Commander- do you realize the kind of trouble you are in Ms? I will personally see to it that you and anyone else assoicated with you receive the ultimate penalty.

( the commander turns to two his companions)

Pack them up and get them back inside...NOW!!!!!!!!

(The two guards don't move, stunned at the lack of movement from his guards the main commander shouts once again, giving the order to have kat and her mother moved, but nothing. As the commander moves forward, both the bodies slowly slip down to the ground revealing a bloody, battered man, and not just a man, the one that walks between worlds)

(Oreo pulls the two pieces of scrape metal he used out from the two bodies and glares at the commander)

Kat, you ok?

(Kat, happy at the site of her brother responds)

Everything is shiny.

(Oreo grins)

Goods, I think now would be as good as any to make your exit.

(Kats doesn't hesitate, she scope's her mother up and continues on to the mule)

(The alliance commander circles oreo, impressed to see him still functional)

You don't remember me do you? {Laugh} I bet you don't even remember your name.

(Confused and growing even more livid by the second, oreo quickly responds to the outlandish questions)

My name is oreo and......

(Before oreo could finish the commander cuts him off)

Oreo! Hah! That's is not your name.....least not your true name.....Skye.

(As if a trigger, te word suddenly unleashes a sea of memories and flashbacks. A lot is now clear to oreo, things of his past.)

(The commander walks up to oreo and place both his hands on his shoulders)

Is it clear now? You belong here. We sheltered you. Gave you a power and the will to live. You are one of us. You owe us.

(Oreo whences and quickly plunges one of the pieces os scrape metal into the sternum of the commander.)

I owe you nothing. I will never be one of you. You think you've given me power.....this ain't nuthin but a gorram curse.

(Oreo plunges the metal piece deeper into the commander)

Skye died along time ago....MY NAME IS OREO!!!!!!!

(The commander yells out in pain, the rest of the guards drop their weapons as oreo begins to "turn". The guards scatter in fear in the the dark night.)

(Oreo drops the commanders body onto the ground. almost falling over himself, but manages to keep himself from doing so)

alliance, only good still there's trouble.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 9:46 AM


**Kat hurries to the mule, trying to ignore the sounds from behind and wanting to do the drop as quickly as possible so that she can get back. Oreo and El were not with her - that was not the way it was supposed to be. Never leave anyone behind**

**Kat Comms Tranquility**

Cap'n I'm at the mule now with the target. Things have gone... as usual - El and Oreo are not with me. Will need to make the rendezvous and return to recover them. Quicker would be better, its...they...we'll be in the open in one minute for pickup.

**Comm Ends**

**Kat fires up the mule, her mother still on the floor, and heads out to meet Tranquility**

You are beholden to no man


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 10:04 AM


(Oreo drops the body of the commander to the ground and pulls his com out of his pocket)

****coms kat****

Gonna go back for El, and set some extra charges, be ready for pick up in 20.

****ends com****

***kat coms back****

Copy that, ill let the capt'n know. Be there in 20, and oreo......both of you come out alive.

****ends com****

(Oreo places the com back into his pocket and makes his way back inside talking to himself.)

Yeah, sure kat, Someone will make it out alive...but it won't be me.

( inside, a war has erupted between El and the reaver)

(Oreo thinking to himself)

El is holding his own against that thing, good for me. Aint in no shape to be fightin sum'in like that. 20 mins, I hope he can keep it busy long enough to set these charges.

(Oreo pulls off his pack and the rest of his charges and sets out back into the corridors, bleeding, barely able to stay conscience)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 6:02 PM


PathFinder: * Coms * - SHINYFRYE * * * * * * *** *
To answer your question,
partly; ~" Path, I wuold live to hear how you got all these nifty toys for us. "~
Now that I'm all snug down here in my Cargo SkiFF:

& We've got ready to scoop the Mule, and any straglers in need
(-Long as they got all their parts where there supposed to be-)

Been Wander N the verse For the Last few years,
Aww w w w 25 or 30 now if memory serves,
as a Cargo Consultant / Shipper moving whats wanted and making whats needed
Mostly of an espcially needed nature. ~ . . . . . . . . .. ... ... .. . .. ........... ~
Sort of an all refferal system from a time back, That 's Another story.

Now a question, to you.
--------- How do you plan on stopping the Crew -?-?-?-?-?-?- - - - - -----
. . . . . I can't reach the cargo nets.
and I can only slow them down so much before the cargo door becomes Ramp
or a grader door if N they're of a mind to try surf N


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 6:02 PM


PathFinder: * Coms * - SHINYFRYE * * * * * * *** *
To answer your question,
partly; ~" Path, I wuold live to hear how you got all these nifty toys for us. "~
Now that I'm all snug down here in my Cargo SkiFF:

& We've got ready to scoop the Mule, and any straglers in need
(-Long as they got all their parts where there supposed to be-)

Been Wander N the verse For the Last few years,
Aww w w w 25 or 30 now if memory serves,
as a Cargo Consultant / Shipper moving whats wanted and making whats needed
Mostly of an espcially needed nature. ~ . . . . . . . . .. ... ... .. . .. ........... ~
Sort of an all refferal system from a time back, That 's Another story.

Now a question, to you.
--------- How do you plan on stopping the Crew -?-?-?-?-?-?- - - - - -----
. . . . . I can't reach the cargo nets.
and I can only slow them down so much before the cargo door becomes Ramp
or a grader door if N they're of a mind to try surf N


Tuesday, May 20, 2008 6:21 PM


"we're at the meeting point. just waitin' on you.
i hope we have 20 minutes. move your pee goos."

"PATH, we'll put some empty barrels and such in the bay. whatever we can to slow'em down." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 9:31 AM


(Kat kicks the mule into high gear and sets out towards a vast clearing outside the camp.)

(Kat battles with thoughts in her head about oreo, her mother, el and the plan)

This whole thing is to much, I have a brother, I don't remember having a brother,but its all true .

(Suddenly shcocks hits her, she remebers the wound he had received from that ....that thing back in the asylum)

Oh my god, he's gonna die, if he isn't already. And El, oreo couldn't even stand up to that thing. El who I feel so comfortable with and oreo, long lost brother.....I'm gonna lose them both.

(In a rage kat screams out)

No! I won't let that happen.....I can't.
and my mother, here in this awful place, reduced to a crazy person. She was so beautiful......

(Within minutes kat comes to a clearing just outside the camp and tranquilty is coming about in the horizon behind her.)

****kat coms****

Ok, I see the ship, I'm about 500 yards in front of you. When ever you're ready.

****ends com****

(Back in the asylum oreo's vision is getting blurry and blood is pouring from wounds. He reaches down to cover it with his hand)

There, final charge is set

(Looks down at his blood soaked hand that covering his wound)

Great, don't look to good. Surprised I haven't kicked yet. {Sighs} least kat got out with mother. Least I hope. Alliance finally killed me.....bastards.......

(Oreo collaspes onto the floor, the pain finally taking over.oreo close his eyes and lays there muttering)


(Suddenly, a gut wrenching scream echos through corridors. Oreo's eyes snap open)


(Oreo, attempts to get to his feet before finally, giving up for a few. Drained of energy and will oreo lays, gasping for air and whinces from the pain. He throws up blood. A sign that there is major damage to his insides as well. Another scream echos through the corridors. Oreo grunt and graspes and musters what little energy he can, and manages to get to his feet. Slowly, he makes his way back towards El. His vision fades in and out, along with the occasional vomiting. At the pace he's going he'll never make to El in time. he's tries hard to make his body move faster, but it won't. His body had taken a major beating, he should be so fortunate the it was allowing him to stand, let alone even move. A slow process, just to probably end up finding the dead body of his crew mate, but he still wasnt gonna stop, least not till his heart stopped beating, and could be any sec)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 6:32 PM


(Elbarto and the super reaver stare at 1 another. Elbarto waiting, letting his opponent make the first move.

Suddenly the reaver lunges at Kat who is crawling towards her mother. El reacts with blinding speed, putting himself between Kat and the reaver. )

El: Your fight is with me you sonovabitch!!!

(Elbarto strikes with his right blade aiming for his throat. The Reaver parries his swing with great speed. Elbarto's eyes widen in surprise.)

(thinking) How can he be that fast?!

(The Reaver starts swinging left and right with his blades. Elbarto parries each, but doesn't have enough time to counterattack. He is constantly losing ground to the behemoth. Their colliding blades echo down the long hallways.

Suddenly, Elbarto loses his grip on his left sword. It goes flying against a wall. The Reaver's attacks seem to grow even more furious as Elbarto now defends against 2 swords with just 1.)

(thinking) i cant keep this up much longer. He doesn't seem to have any weaknesses. I have to find a way to beat him. I have to protect th---

(The Reaver feigns with his left sword lunges with his right. Elbarto parries the right, but is too slow to parry the left again. The blade goes into Elbarto's right thigh. Elbarto screams in pain. Elbarto leaps backwards, the sword becoming free from his thigh. In the pain, Elbarto drops his other sword.)

(Elbarto now stands in front of the reaver swordless, but no where near defeated. Elbarto looks at his forearm armor)

El: Looks like im gonna see if these things really work.

(Elbarto beckons the reaver, whom had relented on his attacks, to continue the fight.)

El: You haven't beat me yet.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7:13 PM


(the super reaver lunges at Elbarto. Elbarto blocks is attacks with his forearm armor. Elbarto, having always been a better hand to hand combat fighter than a swordsman, starts to gain ground on the creature. Elbarto's hands move as fast the the eye can see, blocking attack after attack. Elbarto starts to add kicks into the foray, aiming for the reaver's solar plexus.)

(The Reaver is startled, what seemed like easy prey was now starting to turn the tables on it. However, Elbarto is starting to slow down, all the blood loss from his injuries starting to take their toll.)

(Suddenly, an opening presents it self to Elbarto. Elbarto roundhouse kicks a sword out of the Reaver's hand. Then he uppercuts the reaver knocking it back. Elbarto kicks again, and the Reaver loses his other sword.)

El: Your time has come.

Reaver:(In a gravely voice) Did you really think it would be that easy.

(Elbarto pulls a knife out of an ankle sheath and stabs the reaver right in the jugular.)

(Elbarto weary and bleeding starts heading back down the hallway to fetch his swords. He turns around just in time to see a second Super Reaver throw a knife into El's left shoulder. Elbarto is thrown back a few paces. Elbarto regains his balance and pulls the knife out of his shoulder with a painful wince. He then sets himself to fight another battle. The second Reaver comes on with more fury than the first. After only a minute Elbarto is bleeding in more places than he can count. The Reaver kicks Elbarto straight in the stomach, and Elbarto hits the ground hard.

(Thinking): I cant beat him. My injuries are to many. I doubt i could have beaten this one at my best anyhow. (Looks around him and sees that somehow he had made it back to one of his swords) I have to beat him. i've run out of techniques wait....There is one technique I haven't tried. (Shakes his head) I'm sorry Kat I wanted us to have a future together....but now i see that the best gift i can give you now is to make sure that you have a future.

(Elbarto grabs the sword and painfully stands up on shaky legs.)

Reaver: You know you cant beat me, why do you still fight?

(Elbarto smiles)

El: I win

(Elbarto swings his sword at the reaver. The Reaver however is faster. He stabs Elbarto through the stomach to the hilt. Elbarto's smile only widens as he feels the sword enter his flesh. Elbarto twists his body violently, the reaver loses his grip on his sword, still embedded in Elbarto. At the same time, Elbarto swings his sword. The sword swings true and goes straight through the reaver's neck, decapitating him.)

(Elbarto, seeing his opponent defeated drops to his knees.)

El: Live well Kat.

(Elbarto drops onto his side, darkness engulfing his senses.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 9:28 PM


PathFinder: * Coms * - SHINYFRYE * * * * * * *** *
How does TRANQUILITY feel to you SHINYFRYE ?
Are we balanced between the two grav-Systems?
All reads here, but she is your baby and you would know better than gauges.

PathFinder: * Coms Ship-wide* * * * * * * *** *
Locked onto the mule two passengers seems we've got stragggglers.

Mule online... sensors ... rating ...weight . -. passengers = 2

Palmer - * * * * * * *** *
do you have a visual of the mule yet? * * * * * * *** *
Check your gauges. * * * * * * *** *
* * * * * * *** * Just sent the fix through * * * * * * *** *
* * * * * TRANQUILITY's onBoard computer * * * *** *

PathFinder: * Coms Dockat* * * * * * *** *
* * * * * * *** * Should be Seeing us soon ... .. ...* * * * * * *** *


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 9:28 PM


PathFinder: * Coms * - SHINYFRYE * * * * * * *** *
How does TRANQUILITY feel to you SHINYFRYE ?
Are we balanced between the two grav-Systems?
All reads here, but she is your baby and you would know better than gauges.

PathFinder: * Coms Ship-wide* * * * * * * *** *
Locked onto the mule two passengers seems we've got stragggglers.

Mule online... sensors ... rating ...weight . -. passengers = 2

Palmer - * * * * * * *** *
do you have a visual of the mule yet? * * * * * * *** *
Check your gauges. * * * * * * *** *
* * * * * * *** * Just sent the fix through * * * * * * *** *
* * * * * TRANQUILITY's onBoard computer * * * *** *

PathFinder: * Coms Dockat* * * * * * *** *
* * * * * * *** * Should be Seeing us soon ... .. ...* * * * * * *** *


Thursday, May 22, 2008 2:53 AM


(Comms Path)..

Everythings shiny path,
where definitely balanced between the two grav-Systems. She is running smoothly, Don't worry Path, She won't let us down.

(Ends comm)

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, May 22, 2008 6:53 AM


**Kat gets the mule to Tranquility. Her mother has not moved at all, and time is ticking away for Elbarto and Oreo**

Kat: Shiny! Cap'n! Here, we need to get her inside as quickly as possible...

**They take the Kat's mother into the sick bay. She looks so very ill**

Kat: Wishing we had a medic on board, dunno what's going to help her now

**Shiny and the Cap'n look at each other**

Shiny: We'll get her fixed up as best we can...let's see what we can do.

**Kat stands by the bed and holds her mother's hand. It feels rough and cold and Kat knows there is nothing anyone can do. She kisses the hand and lets go**

Kat: Cap'n, we got to go back now. El is in real danger and Oreo...well, he wasn't looking too great either. Whole thing's been...well, we need to finish it. No-one left behind.

**Kat turns and leaves the sick bay. Nothing left to do there now, and everything needed to help El and Oreo**

You are beholden to no man


Thursday, May 22, 2008 10:52 AM


As shiny helps capt and kat take kat and Oreos mother to sick bay, she can't help but notice what bad shape she's in, but also how beautiful she is.

(shiny Thinking) *Kat looks just like her mother.
Kat must get her strength from her also anyone in her condition would have already died.*

I don't know about you capt, but i'm thinking we need to take her to aquila's med lab.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, May 22, 2008 10:56 AM


(Such a grim feeling, knowing that you're so close to gods door step. Oreo still slowly makes his way back towards El, hoping that he's alive)

(Oreo grunts and groans with pain)

The fight sounds as if its over, El, must've of won. {Chuckles to himself}....who knew that arrogant pup could actually win.

(Oreo finally collaspes inside that doors where El and th reaver fought. The place is in shambles. Light fixtures hang from their wires as they dangle from the ceilings, tables are turned over and the body of a reaver lays dead on the floor and not to far from it, El, bloody and barely conscience.)

(Oreo crawls over to El)

Hey, El, aint no time to be sleepin, you need to get outta here.

(El coughs up a little blood)

I got'em oreo.....its dead.....

(Oreo picks El up by the arm)

Yeah, yeah, yeah.....gorramn hero. Brag about it later when we're outta here.,come on. Time to go.

(Oreo balances himself and begins walking towards the exit doors of the asylum, the weight of El putting more pressure on Oreos wound causing it to bleed out more. El, delierious from his injuries and loss of blood, begins singing a victory song. The doors are within arms reach, when bright lights flash through the picture windows of the doors. Oreo stop in his tracks, covering his eyes the doors swing open. A familar voice sings out.)

El? Oreo? You guys okay?

(Kat kills the lights on the mule. Oreo and El fall to the ground. It was all over. Time to get off this rock and never look back.)

(Kat rushes over, looking over the war stricken pair. )

Come on we need to get you two to the infirmary.

(Kat bends down to try and pick up both El and Oreo, but oreo waves her off)

Kat, get El to the infirmary first. Com me when you get them, let me know things are situated, ill wait here.

(Kat, confused ,picks up El and leads him out into the mule. Oreo crawls out and posts himself up onto the entrance steps. Kats motions to oreo that she'll be back and take off for tranquilty.)

(Oreo pulls off his pack and reaches in inside. He pulls out a cigarette and two small,black remotes. One of which controls the charges that we're planted and the other, an over ride control module, set for tranquilty.)

(Oreo lights his cig and waits for kats com)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Thursday, May 22, 2008 11:58 AM


Capt, Comms shiny and Pathfinder,

Palmers getting strange readings from his instruments find the source.

Shiny turns to Path and says "We need to do a sweep of the ship with one of your "toys" before the crew gets back.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, May 22, 2008 3:20 PM


* KAT coms CAPTAIN: *

"cap, i have EL. he's badly wounded but OREO told me to come back for him."

CAPTAIN: "KAT, if EL is hurt badly, bring him to the infirmary and i'll go get OREO on a horse.
there's a farm nearby. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Thursday, May 22, 2008 4:45 PM


**Kat Comms Tranq**

Can you repeat last Comm - seem to be picking up static? On way with El - he looks real bad. Be there in 5**

**Kat pushes the mule to the limit. El looks really bad and she hasn't been able to stop the bleeding. She gets back to Tranquility where Cap'n and Shiny are waiting. They haul El and take him up the sickbay.. **

Kat: He needs proper help but we need to stop this bleeding or he's not going to make it anywhere. Cap'n, we got any plasma transfusions or saline or anything?

Cap'n: Here, Shiny can you set this up? Never was much good with needles....

Shiny: Where's Oreo?

Kat: He, I couldn't...I had to get El back but we need to get him now...

**Kat's hand is starting to tremble, the stress finally starting to show. She quickly puts her hands in her pockets and breathes deeply. El is laid out looking pale and drawn, and who know's where Oreo is...**

**Kat and Cap'n go back down to the mule, where PathFnder is checking it out**

Pathfinder: All is ok, but after this trip we need to give it a good checking...

**Kat Comms Oreo**

Oreo? You there? We're coming back for you now - stand by, and be careful!

**Ends Comm**

You are beholden to no man


Thursday, May 22, 2008 5:39 PM


***Oreo coms Kat***

Dont bother girl, you guys just need to get outta here....and get El some help.

***ends com***

(the capt"n takes the com from kat)

***Capt"n coms Oreo***

Oreo, just what in the hell are you talking about? nobody gets left thats part of my crew. Hang tight, we're coming to get you.

***ends com***

***Oreo Coms***

Not today Capt'n

***ends com***

***Oreo coms***

Kat, i'm sorry for puttin you through all this,but you had to know.....there is one more thing you need to know, our mother isn't gonna make it, no matter what you give her or where you take her. Her life is almost at its end. I just wanted you to be able to see her one last time, to realize the truth.

***Oreo ends com***

(Oreo turns off his com)

(KAts attempts to com back but gets only static.)

(Oreo slams the com against the ground and breaks it.)

(He groans, still in much pain,lets out a long sigh and picks up the over ride module controller and pushes a button that controls the ship cargo bay doors and activates the ships launch sequence)

(Back on the ship the capt'n and kat jump back into the mule prepping to leave, when the cargo door begins to close.)

Capt'n: what the hell....Path open that gorram door back up!

(path runs over to the control box and pushes the switch, but nothing happens. Path throws his hands up and turns back to the capt'n)

Path: it isn't working

(The capt'n jumps down from the mule and scrambles over to path.)

Capt'n: what do you mean it not working?

Path: Its not responding, it doesn't work...

***palmer coms***

ah,capt'n, we have a situation

***ends com***

***capt'n coms***

What? whats going on? Have i lost control of my gorram ship?

***palmer coms***

fraid so cap. Tranquilty is prepping for take off by herself. She entered a plotted course back to Aquila.

***ends com***

***capt coms***

well un-plot it

***ends com***

***palmer coms***

nothing doin cap. wont be able to set a new course till we reach aquila and the system resets.

***ends com***

(Baffled at the events happening, the crews stands in utter amazement till shiny runs out of the infirmary)

Shiny: Oreo? Oreo is still out there...we can"t just leave him....

(Kat who is standing on the mule, suddenly sinks back into her seat and begins crying)

thats why he wanted me to take El first

(all eyes are on kat)

he's the one controlling tranquilty. thats why he wanted me to com when i got back on the ship.

(shiny walks up to kat and throws her arms around her)

Shiny: kat, what are you talking about? Are you saying Oreo planned all this?

(kat looks up at shiny)

Kat: hes staying to make sure that this whole place is destroyed.

(Shiny jumps back in horror)

but that means he's gonna kill himself. theres enough charges out there to take out a ton of alliance fleets. oh god....

***palmer coms***

Capt'n, tranquilty will be taking off in two minutes.

***Ends com***

(Capt'n walks over to Kat)

Then, theres nothing more we can do. still we get to Aquila.

(Kat replys in anger)

Thats to late! He'll still be dead! [crying] he'll still be gone. We just found each other again. and now he's gone.

(Tranquilties engines fire up and the ship begins to take off)

(the whole crew rushes to the bridge for a final look)

(Oreo is watching the ship taking off in the distance and talking to himself)

Time to go guys....El, you Take of care my sister. [laughs to himself]...not that she needs it.

(Oreo snuff's out his cigarette, picks up the remote for the charges. He flicks three switches that activate three red lights, indicating all charges are ready. He lightly places his thumb on the forth.)

(Oreo looks up towards tranquilty one last time, grins and then flicks the fourth and last switch.)

(The camp disappears under a blanket of fire and explosions. The crew just as the camp is engulfed, nothing more they can do. Kat collaspes to the floor. Shiny tries to catch her, but goes down with her. The capt'n begins pacing back and fourth, ocassionally kicking a panel and throwing things about in the bridge. The mission was done. The target, Oreo and kats mother had been saved,a new friend was dicovered in Pathfinder,kat and el had made it back to the ship and because of the charges set by Shiny and the Capt'N, Silas 5 slaver camp now lay's in a firey ruin, but turned out to be a firey grave for one. The crew: Broken, bleeding, emotional exhausted , are going home now. alot of healing is gonna need be done. Alot of bad memories, but the crew is goodbye my friends...and goodbye mother and my sister...Kat)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Thursday, May 22, 2008 7:48 PM


incoming transmission

Hailing the captain of Tranquility. My name is Irish, I'm looking for passage to Persephone, caught a blip on my scanner, figured you'd be passing through, wondering if you might have room for a passenger. Got a few things of interest for trade.


Friday, May 23, 2008 1:09 AM


* coms IRISH *

"We'll pick you up soon. we're kind of in a rush.
please ignore any gunfire and explosions in our wake.
we always make a grand exit."

"CAPTAIN, our sweep of the ship revealed 2 hidden devices on the ship.
1 is a tracker, probably put there by BLACKSPYDER, its a bounty hunters tool.
the second is 'navigation override'. it's controlling the ship!
i have disconnected both. here they are. [shows CAPTAIN].
* captain hurries to bay door with PATHFINDER and the 2 devices. they put them in the airlock, seal it, then open the bay door slighly as TRANQUILITY leaves the planet.
the devices are sucked out into atmo.
"TRANQUILITY is back in our control"
* the crew watches the camp erupt into 1 last huge explosion.

CAPTAIN reaches into one of the many hidden pockets in his new brown coat that PATHFINDER just gave him and pulls out a patch.

then reaches into another pocket and pulls out something else. an ancient earth snack:

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, May 23, 2008 4:36 AM


shiny lets go of Kat and stands up to see all the explosions,She watches in awe. All she keeps thinking is poor Oreo, She feels a sadness she never felt before.

She turns to leave not saying a word, As she walks down the hall to her room she put her hand in her pocket and feels a piece of paper, She pulls it out and un folds it realizing it's what El handed her from Oreo before they took off on the mission.

She enters her room, shuts the door, sits on her bed and starts to read

Dear Shiny,

Don't think to much into this letter. I just happened to have wrote a poem and I figured if there was one person on this boat that would appriecate it, it'd be you. So Here it goes....

The Tears start streaming down her face as she reads, barely being able to see all the words thru her tears. she so sad and angry she never got to tell Oreo how she feels. (she thinks) i wont believe it, I refuse to believe it.
NO one would make it out alive no one BUT...O?
She knows, where ever she goes, no matter what planet she's on she will always look for his familar face in the crowd.

Shiny now lays down tired from the emotions of the day, closes her eyes and falls asleep.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.






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