UPDATED: Sunday, June 1, 2008 03:08
VIEWED: 21972
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Thursday, May 29, 2008 10:23 AM


---Its now thursday, the crew has been enjoying some much needed rest and relaxtion and A new job has been aquired. Irish, walks along the lake, muttering to himself about the recent events that have transpired, trying to piece things together---

Irish- I wonder what relation this oreo person has to Skye? Oreo was a crew member of tranquilty, but skye has been missing ever since we were kids and now all of a sudden, I recieve letters from him. And the recorder. And know, i'm on the same boat as his mother. this doesnt make any sense. Still, I'd better lay low as to not arouse any suspious tendencies among the capt'n and the others.
Still yet, Tranquility, the crew, Skye, Oreo, Badger, His mother, Silas 5 and 3...all pieces of a puzzle that i will figure out. Maybe, I should go talk to the Captian, see what he can tell me what he knows about Oreo. Maybe he can recall the events on Silas 5.

--- irish finishes his walk around the lake and proceedes to search for the captian.---

I will find him among you and though you don't see him........


Thursday, May 29, 2008 5:13 PM


(It is a lovely thursday morning when Elbarto walks into his old training Dojo. He walks unassisted thanks to some herbs they found in Oreo's old bunk.)

El: Ah it feels refreshing to be walking among these halls again.

(Elbarto walks into the martial arts training courtyard and sees several students going thru various forms of combat)

(Elbarto watches the students and remembers his own days training here)


Sensei: Your skill in the martial arts continues to grow my son, but your pride is still your weakness.

El: Pride is a hard thing to turn off master. My abilities continue to grow. I will bring great honor to this Dojo someday.

Sensei: You may bring great honor us, but you must get rid of your pride. if you fight, you must fight for other people, not for yourself. Winning isn't everything my son. Some of life's greatest lessons come from loss.

El:(salutes with his fist to his chest) I understand master.


(Elbarto to himself): But I didn't understand did I? I never really understood until i was fighting that second Reaver. I was fighting for Kat then, not for myself. I was able to defeat him because I was fighting for her. I understand master. I will never be able to get rid of my pride, but i can keep it under the surface in times of need.

(Elbarto continues on, more memories coming back to him as he continues his trek through the halls.)

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Thursday, May 29, 2008 10:52 PM


@ The Shindig............

PathFinder : Talks with the bartender, who is through with her shift,
for tonight as tomorrow should be a big day getting ready for the weekend.
PathFinder finds the path leading up from the more formal area of the Shindig
to a more secluded Pavillion.
After the obligatory review of the surroundings, 6 ways out,
high ground, good cover & privacy for a few to converse in peace.
Sliding a sachel under the bench
arranging a comfortable seat with a view over Looking the Lake,
PathFinder works on another set of specialty trade tools.,200&cvt

This Chakan Oil should work well, think I'll refer to you as, Winona.

Flipping open the mobile cortex server, PathFinder, attatches it to a Coms unit
and pulls up more info on the Oreo project, mumbling codes to open Long forgotten files,
PathFinder : says we'll they should be forgotton files from before the UniFication cover,
but seems most of them haven't been, my codes are still intact, but this makes .................
perfect sense. Of course why would they stop? That would be the smart thing to do.
Find something that works pervert it. If it doesn't work twist it more,
untill it is more dangerous than can be stopped. Then turn tail and leave the surprise for the next victim.
Well at least the information from DocKat's toy will serve well.

ShinyFry and the CaptN arrive with more of the crew,
as PathFinder is going over the crew roster officially listed for Tranquility.

Captain : Shadow

1st Mate: JUBALISEARLY ----->
_______-Acting 1st mate, : DOCKAT

Engineer: ShinyFry

Co- pilot: PALMER

Public Relations : Elbarto
Not so Public Relations :OxRxExOxIxSxFxIxRxExFxLxYx ~ edited.

Doctor: AVENGINGWATCHER [injured]
Stowaway\Prodigy\Fugitive: LEOPARDFLAN [now aboard INDEPENDENCE]
Shepherd: PIRATECAT [now on Aquila]
Operative\Double agent: OPERATIVEJAI [now on Alliance cruiser Dortmunder]
Shuttle pilot: 13 [at large]
Ships computer analyst: WHATAWOMAN

Mascot: Admiral the Cat: WORLDOFHIGLET

Cargo Contractor : PathFinder: Keeper of the Faith. Consultant / Shipper - Logistics - Handy when time comes around.

PathFinder: is tired and hopes this all works out better later,
Looks at a pic of a friend from not so long ago, as the glow of the pic on the coms screen settles sleep into grasp.


Thursday, May 29, 2008 10:52 PM


@ The Shindig............

PathFinder : Talks with the bartender, who is through with her shift,
for tonight as tomorrow should be a big day getting ready for the weekend.
PathFinder finds the path leading up from the more formal area of the Shindig
to a more secluded Pavillion.
After the obligatory review of the surroundings, 6 ways out,
high ground, good cover & privacy for a few to converse in peace.
Sliding a sachel under the bench
arranging a comfortable seat with a view over Looking the Lake,
PathFinder works on another set of specialty trade tools.,200&cvt

This Chakan Oil should work well, think I'll refer to you as, Winona.

Flipping open the mobile cortex server, PathFinder, attatches it to a Coms unit
and pulls up more info on the Oreo project, mumbling codes to open Long forgotten files,
PathFinder : says we'll they should be forgotton files from before the UniFication cover,
but seems most of them haven't been, my codes are still intact, but this makes .................
perfect sense. Of course why would they stop? That would be the smart thing to do.
Find something that works pervert it. If it doesn't work twist it more,
untill it is more dangerous than can be stopped. Then turn tail and leave the surprise for the next victim.
Well at least the information from DocKat's toy will serve well.

ShinyFry and the CaptN arrive with more of the crew,
as PathFinder is going over the crew roster officially listed for Tranquility.

Captain : Shadow

1st Mate: JUBALISEARLY ----->
_______-Acting 1st mate, : DOCKAT

Engineer: ShinyFry

Co- pilot: PALMER

Public Relations : Elbarto
Not so Public Relations :OxRxExOxIxSxFxIxRxExFxLxYx ~ edited.

Doctor: AVENGINGWATCHER [injured]
Stowaway\Prodigy\Fugitive: LEOPARDFLAN [now aboard INDEPENDENCE]
Shepherd: PIRATECAT [now on Aquila]
Operative\Double agent: OPERATIVEJAI [now on Alliance cruiser Dortmunder]
Shuttle pilot: 13 [at large]
Ships computer analyst: WHATAWOMAN

Mascot: Admiral the Cat: WORLDOFHIGLET

Cargo Contractor : PathFinder: Keeper of the Faith. Consultant / Shipper - Logistics - Handy when time comes around.

PathFinder: is tired and hopes this all works out better later,
Looks at a pic of a friend from not so long ago, as the glow of the pic on the coms screen settles sleep into grasp.


Friday, May 30, 2008 7:30 AM


**Kat has been working on the Comms Shadow gave her and the other Comms from Silas 5. PathFinder has done a good job with clearing the coding but things do not add up. She has also received a new warrant warning which meant more work needed to be done..**

**Kat Comms Shiny**
Shiny? You at the Shindig? I could us a little help back on Tranquility for a bit - can't seem to get this stuff to do what I want it to! A little assistance would be good...and have you seen PathFinder? I think he has something that would help. Thanks

**Shiny Comms Kat**
Ok, Kat, I'll head over there shortly. The Cap'n is working on some figures here so maybes we'll get paid after the next job! That'd be fun, huh! I got the other supplies we needed, too, so I'll bring them over.

**Kat carries on with her assignment. Things were about to get very hot**

You are beholden to no man


Friday, May 30, 2008 2:38 PM


SENSEI OJIN prays in the rising sun cathedral....

...and has a vision:

~~~~~~~ 2 teenage twins floating on a raft in the ocean.
a giant eagle appears in the sky.
he swoops down and picks the twins up with his claws flying them towards freedom.
suddenly a giant vulturelike bird screeches and pulls the twins out of the eagles claws.
the vulture flies to the edge of the sky when 2 angels decend and remove the twins from the vultures claws and return them to the eagle... ~~~~~~~

OJIN, worried that this is a warning for his friends on TRANQUILITY prays for them.

主の祈り/The Lord's Prayer

(Shu no inori)

(Ten-ni mashimasu warera-no chichi-yo.)
Our Father, who art in heaven,

(Negawaku-wa mina-wo agame-sase-tamae.)
Hallowed be thy Name.

(Mikuni-wo kitarase-tamae.)
Thy kingdom come.

(Mikokoro-no ten-ni naru-gotoku, Chi-nimo nasase-tamae.)
Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.

(Warera-no nichiyou-no kate-wo, Kyou-mo atae-tamae.)
Give us this day our daily bread.

(Warera-ni Tsumi-wo okasu-mono-wo warera-ga yurusu-gotoku, Warera-no tsumi-womo yurushi-tamae.)
And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us.
(Warera-wo kokoromi-ni awasezu,)
And lead us not into temptation,

(Aku-yori sukui dashi-tamae.)
But deliver us from evil.

(Kuni-to chikara-to sakae-towa, Kagirinaku nan-ji-no mono-nareba-nari.)
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory,
for ever and ever.
(Amen.) Amen.


Friday, May 30, 2008 3:09 PM


Shiny and kat are working on the project and capt walks in.

Ok You two we will be heading out soon, So i'll be at the shindig for one last drink with the crew and that includes both of you.

Kat: Ok capt we will meet you there we just need to finish up a few things But have our drinks waiting.

Captian is sitting at the bar with Path, Irish and El, Shiny and Kat enter carrying a cake and starts singing, Capt turns ands looks, as everyone joins the singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.....


...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, May 30, 2008 3:40 PM


"thank you very much, i have the best crew in the 'verse."

SHADOW leaves the shindig to check on TRANQUILITY.
as he arrives at the ship he sees BADGERS men wheeling a crate towards TRANQUILITY.

'must be the empty decoy cryobox' he thinks.

SHADOW helps the men load the box on board.

one of badgers men briefs SHADOW on the mission and mentions that the cryobox has a time release lock, meaning it will only unlock at a predetermined time - once it has reached its destination.

he also mentions that the cago ship is leaving 1 day later than expected.

"i guess we have 1 more day to shindig".

SHADOW returns to his party and tells the crew about staying on aquila 1 extra day. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, May 30, 2008 5:49 PM


*** important ***

someone has been 'chatting' with the name

i know who it is by their address.

they know who it is.

if they do it 1 more time they are relieved of... you know.

this may be the last straw. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, May 30, 2008 6:55 PM


--- its, Friday as Irish quickly makes his way to the stone building, that he was at just a few days ago---

---Irish walks in and greets the gentleman who is hounding down what appears to be fish----

Irish(half way disgusted)- Um, hi, sorry to interrupt your meal, but i was here a few days back.

Gentleman- Yeah, i remember you and i have your message. Dont be to impressed with what you read. who ever sent it didn't know what they were doing. Just a butch of words, that dont amount to anything

Irish- that fine, I'm pretty sure ill get the jist of it. May i have it.

---the gentleman chuckles, using his tongue to remove a piece of fish from his teeth---

Gentleman- My friend, we made a deal, no message till i receive whats mine.

Irish- A business to the through and through....

---Irish reaches under his jacket and pulls out a black velvet bag and throws it to the gentleman. The gentleman quickly drops his food to catch it. without hesitation the gentleman opens it, eyes buggered open and a greedy grin appears over his face---

Gentleman- Now, i can finally get my mom that operation

Irish- I bet...the message

---The gentle reaches down into his desk and pulls open a drawer, after rifling through unkept papers and trash, he pulls out a manila folder and hands it to Irish---

Gentleman- you keep your end of the deal, now ill keep mine, Nobody will ever hear of this or of you ever being here.

Irish- Well i appreciate that

Gentleman- just remember if you ever need anything else, just come see me.

---Irish turns and exits back out into the streets---

Irish- now lets the next piece of the puzzle...

----Irish pulls out the paper inside the folder and begins to read---


























****ens of letter****

---Irish stands in confusion, not comprehending anything he just read.---

Irish- What?! this makes absolutely no sense at all....its just a bunch of words. Wait, wait just a second...maybe its a code within a code. i might have to put these words in correct of and fill in some blanks.

---Irish tucks the paper back into its folder and folds, placing into his jacket pocket---

Irish- i ll working it out on the ship, speaking of which, i best be heading back.

---Irish, walks off, heading back to tranquility, mouthing the words to himself, trying to put them in some sort of sequence....if there really is one---

I will find him among you and though you don't see him........


Friday, May 30, 2008 6:59 PM


--- Its, Friday as Irish quickly makes his way to the stone building, that he was at just a few days ago---

---Irish walks in and greets the gentleman who is hounding down what appears to be fish----

Irish(half way disgusted)- Um, hi, sorry to interrupt your meal, but i was here a few days back.

Gentleman- Yeah, i remember you and i have your message. Don't be to impressed with what you read. who ever sent it, didn't know what they were doing. Just silly words, that don't amount to anything. [chuckles lightly]...just a bunch of rubbish if you ask me. in fact, i think some found an old morse code machine, hooked it up just to see if it worked and you wound up getting his message. a prank, thats all it is friend.

Irish- Well, for what i just paid for, i hope not. May i have the letter now, please?

---the gentleman chuckles, using his tongue to remove a piece of fish from his teeth---

Gentleman- My friend, we made a deal, no message till i receive my coin.

Irish- A business man through and through....

Gentleman- its the only way to do business.

---Irish reaches under his jacket and pulls out a black velvet bag and throws it to the gentleman. The gentleman quickly drops his food to catch it. without hesitation the gentleman opens it, eyes buggered open and a greedy grin appears over his face---

Gentleman- The gods above, you some kind of a fancy chap friend? I mean, what kinda of person pays this much coin for a worthless piece of paper?

Irish- Like the old saying goes "what might be a mans garage, might just be another mans treasure."

---The gentle smiles points agreeably, then reaches down into his desk and pulls open a drawer, after rifling through a slue of unkept papers and trash, he pulls out a manila folder and hands it to Irish---

Gentleman- you kept your end of the deal,hell, i can retire now. [The gentleman lets out a loud bursting laugh]...So my friend ill keep mine, Nobody will ever hear of this or of you ever being here.

Irish- This could turn out to be alliance affiliated, could be trouble involved.

Gentleman- Ha! the alliance does not scare me. Filthy sons of pigs, ALL OF THEM! My friend, your secret will go to the grave with me. But, just remember, if you ever need anything, anything at all, you come see me yeah.

Irish- Ah, thank you, I'll remember that

---Irish turns and exits back out into the streets---

Irish- now lets see the next piece of this puzzle...

----Irish pulls out the paper inside the folder and begins to read---
































****ens of letter****

---Irish stands in confusion, not comprehending anything he just read.---

Irish(talking to himself)- What?! this makes absolutely no sense at all....its just a bunch of words. Random, idiotic words. This insane.

---Irish pauses for a second and rubs his temples with his fingers and closes his eyes. After a long sigh, Irish pops his eyes open and grips the paper as if it were being stolen from his hands---

Wait, wait just a second...maybe its a code within a code. Skye, you clever bastard you, you can never just make things easy can you? Even when we were kids you had to make everything as challenging as possible.

[Irish positions the paper in his hands so his focus is square on the list of words.]

Irish- lets see, In different cultures, back on earth that was, words held different meanings,double meanings as it were, hell sometimes triple if not more. Just like symbols or animals that were used in hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt...yes, yes that has to be it.

---Irish tucks the paper back into its folder and folds, placing into his jacket pocket---

Irish- I'll work it out on the ship. [Irish realizes its late] speaking of which, i best be heading back.

---Irish, walks off, heading back to tranquility, mouthing the words to himself, trying to put them in some sort of sequence....if there really is one---

I will find him among you, even though you don't see him........


Friday, May 30, 2008 11:22 PM



.............. Early in the evening

PathFinder: * Coms Dockat* * * * * * *** *
* * * * * * *** * Should be back by Tranquility soon.... .. ...* * * * * * *** *
* * * * * * *** * Have some preparations to finish before the Shindig tonight. .. ...* * * * * * *** *
* * * * * * *** * Research has led to something usefull. I believe you can utilize. ... ...* * * * * * *** *
Encounters ShinyFry along the path Near the LiL Green Irish Cathedral right at the bottom on the path to Tranquility.

* * * * * * *** * * Coms Dockat .. ...* * * * * * *** *
* * * Found ShinyFry, send us a link of any party favors you might need for the Shindig .. ...* * * * * * *** *
* * * * * * *** * We are Stopping by for a word with (SENSEI) DAISUKE OJIN on our way. . .. ...* * * * * * *** *

Later @ The Shindig............

"Captian is sitting at the bar with Path, Irish and El, Shiny and Kat enter carrying a cake and starts singing, Capt turns ands looks, as everyone joins the singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....."

PathFinder: raises the Table cloth and removes the side of the crate that the crew has been using near the bar holding their drinks and dinner,
Quickly Flipping the panel to reveal an aparent side panel of a cryo-Box.
Upon (SENSEI) DAISUKE OJIN 's suggestion, I decided to upgrade the armor on my Cryo-Units
and thought these CamoFlauge panels could come in handy, CaptN, now I can camoflauge any cryo-box,
as well as the reverse. We can create several Cryo-Units out of thin crates.

CaptN Shadow : What is in under the table there behind the Camo panel?
PathFinder: a gift from the crew captN, call her Winona for now.
Perhaps we can show of her more prominent traits in the morning. Found a good secluded spot to give her a work out.

PathFinder: tilts the Camo Panel as a shelf to display the many parts that make Winona the wonder of another time,
Not exactly a refit but a whole new frame ready to be refitted as needed, with its own surprise or two,
Draped across the panel a remarkably familular brown fabric with a place for every part.
CaptN Shadow : says, Looks like that panel will fit making another poket right here.
and tucks the entire bundle into his coat out of sight as a few visitors pass by to the oposite end of the bar.
El : says, Looks like this Shindig is going to get started after all.
May be more than a game of Tall cards to round out the night.
El looks for a suitable wheeling partner.

Later PathFinder: Announces to all the crew,
Be warned of the ID scanner now that Winona has been linked with CaptN through his BC,
tis more than show and tell, I might be getting fond of ya, not a mess I want to clean up tommorrow morning or anytime.

Early in the Morning CaptN Shadow wakes to find a com pad swinging in the hall from a rail Simply signed
- - - - meet here
and a map down the path from Tranquility Turning off near the LiL Green Irish Cathedral.

After to morning routine with Admiral relinquishing the comand of the night watch,
the crew on board gathers to the Galley to find a basket on the table labeled
"el fresco, join me for brunch." PathFinder~.

CaptN Shadow : asks DocKat where Irish is this Morning?

DocKat replies : Already went into the settlement early for something.
Is ELbarto still with Daisuke Ojin?

CaptN Shadow : replies, " yes, but getting better,
provided he recovers from the fun last night, Thanks for your part.
we might as well catch up to ShinyFry, she 's already on the Cargo ramp waving
her new unbrella."

As the crew leaves the cargo bay with Out2TheBlack and Co- pilot: Palmer dragging the rear of the group,
they notice that PathFinders Cargo Skiff looks different, smaller some how.

ShinyFry says: PathFinder - Did that last night, didn't want to wake anyone
~"PathFinder: Said a night under the stars was needed after so many amongst them. "~
CaptN, how long was PathFinder waiting for us orbiting that tiny Moon any way?

CaptN Shadow : says, Guess we can ask when one of you reads this pad.

CaptN hands the pad to ShinyFry , who hands it to DocKat who turns to see
Out2TheBlack and Palmer are no longer dragging the rear but
have suddenly taken a lead down the path to they know not where,
but they certainly aren't here.

DocKat: says, guess I'm navagator. To the blip down the trail.

Turning off near the LiL Green Irish Cathedral, the crew smells a delighfull aroma.
Nearing a small glen overlooking a secluded fork in a sage green river,
a cargo lift fork crosses to meet them, from across the water under a
PaiTosma = a shelfed Plateau in between the forks of a river
that merge on the other side with sheer bluff walls.
DocKat: says, the blip is over there and the

is blinking in time with the one on the lift. As the crew steps aboard,

A voice Greets them from the console.
Welcome, Please keep all apendiges~ ic..terp. in boards
while embarking and dic ... ip.. embarking.
The lift scoots swiftly across the water
leaving a wake of ripples across the water , abruptly ascending a bit close to the
rock face, for the pilots who are clearly not comfortable without their controls.
Topping over the first shelf creates butterflies as a bit of weightlessness ensues,
only to be tipped back by another rise in the shelf and a bigger period of less than 1nG.
Cresting the ridge in the Plateau, the aroma of sweet water and roasting Lugumes
strenghtens as the lift skidders to a stop near a boulder bumping it with a TaA'nN'gGG'..ed..

EL : announces, they're here.

PathFinder: replies, heard Fork bump the hull. That is one of the reasons it's plated
with poorus metonite, he's always doing that. And needs the traction in Vac.

EL : says, Daisuke Ojin pointed that thing out to me this morning.
He never stops teaching does he? At least I know my balance is returning.

the pad beeps rud..Ly. DocKat: says, I guess this is yours
PathFinder: replies, plug it into that slot, ---> there.
Wanted to test the Chakan Oil to be certain I still had the touch refining it
so there is a start of grub at the table here.
Comp_ Wiz#*# get the credit as Prep chef for us, abducted his talents from the Shindig.
He don't hear without his implants so just use the com on the end of the bar.

PathFinder: begins AS the crew dishes a bite to eat.
Oreo left a not so encoded message for the crew,
I'll leave it with you hear * *** '''''''Top ~2~ ....bottom... <---Left is |||-Right *** *
He also left his gear with a request,
Master the use of what he left, and never waste a moment taking it for granted.
Since he left a fairly ample supply of Chakan Oil between the bulk struts
in his cabin aboard Tranquility, I figure you should have the benifit of knowing that
it is good for more than just making sweet water.
Although I will always hold that as its best use.
I'm probably the only one old enough to remember the time
when it was discovered to have any other use.
You have all tasted enough surplus protein packs, Chakan Oil was intended as a supliment.
to sweeten and make it cheaper. I had just arrived in the eastern valley i believe it was called
of "Hera", I was younger with other things 2to2 mind at the time so names may escape me.
That is when we found what CaptN gets to show you now with Winona.,200&cvt

If you'll pick a target close CaptN, yup stun. __sszzift---
Hot potato eeee oooww here EL, serv it up.

CaptN says, your right Path she 's quiet up close N short form.,130&c

And will rapid fire , ..... three3 turnups and another potato to the brunch bar.
as many as 500 shot on stun in short stealthy spy form.

The plasma exchange cooks well doesn't it Shiny?
and it is less than noisy and normally not fatal, without a projectile.

If you will come over here Shiny these cabagges are for you, Path hands her a small lips stick sized

Shiny: says, Thats, a bolt torch isn't it Path.

Path. replied yes with a twist, and one cabagge cooks while the other is kentucky fried cole slaw.
Be carefull with this it is just that easy to go from stun to not stuned shavings, just like any other bolt torch.

Shiny: says, more than any other bolt torchi've seen, this will be handy for so many stuborn things.

Slipping a cartrige into Winona, Bamm ! CaptN cuts a stalk off some thing half way across the Plateau.
PathFinder: Looks puzzle and says, no idea what that was just ask Daisuke Ojin for groc, did't ask what they were.
CaptN Slips Winona into her Long dress and warms up what appears to be six bumpy cucumber like squashes.
Only one slightly chared, not bad CaptN, says, PathFinder: tighten the sight a hair.,130&cv

As shiny makes all sorts of neat designs with DocKat in all maner of what looked like fruit and vegies into pastries,

CaptN Slids a long shiney shell into the lower magzune and cycles the breech with a zziiingg ---- wwhinnnn

ZZZZZZZzwwwWwoooom bbffF..-.--------............ bwWOOoMM.............
an echo startles all as the CaptN trys to rub the ring from his ears.
A cloud of smoke drifts up in a pillar from across the length of the Plateau.

(LF) direct hit, puncture of armor plating Allied Armored weapons Transport plating.

PathFinder: says
LeopardFlan . (LF)
put this spotting system together for me in my SkiFF
so it is her voice I believe you will hear tracking and spotting for you to your target.
the more stun hits the more brunch we have.

The crew takes turns getting used to the target model PathFinder Supplied to "kooK" Brunch
as PathFinder helps each as needed.
It is Modular, with Pistol and add-on rifle barrel / forearm and adjustable stock.
It assembles and breaks down with no tools. Just push pins and parts slide together,200&cvt

PathFinder to EL no it doesn't fire forever, the better you take of her the better she will take of you.
Right Shiny?

(LF) up 2 i @ 38 ds.
(LF) port 2 i @ 8 ds
(LF) down 11 i @ 13 ds

(LF) reports 183 misses,
187 kills
and 378 Stun
cooked veggies, 12 beyond repair according to Comp_ Wiz#*#
Brunch is served, Fill up before we leave. Might be awhile before we get to cook this way.


Friday, May 30, 2008 11:22 PM



.............. Early in the evening

PathFinder: * Coms Dockat* * * * * * *** *
* * * * * * *** * Should be back by Tranquility soon.... .. ...* * * * * * *** *
* * * * * * *** * Have some preparations to finish before the Shindig tonight. .. ...* * * * * * *** *
* * * * * * *** * Research has led to something usefull. I believe you can utilize. ... ...* * * * * * *** *
Encounters ShinyFry along the path Near the LiL Green Irish Cathedral right at the bottom on the path to Tranquility.

* * * * * * *** * * Coms Dockat .. ...* * * * * * *** *
* * * Found ShinyFry, send us a link of any party favors you might need for the Shindig .. ...* * * * * * *** *
* * * * * * *** * We are Stopping by for a word with (SENSEI) DAISUKE OJIN on our way. . .. ...* * * * * * *** *

Later @ The Shindig............

"Captian is sitting at the bar with Path, Irish and El, Shiny and Kat enter carrying a cake and starts singing, Capt turns ands looks, as everyone joins the singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....."

PathFinder: raises the Table cloth and removes the side of the crate that the crew has been using near the bar holding their drinks and dinner,
Quickly Flipping the panel to reveal an aparent side panel of a cryo-Box.
Upon (SENSEI) DAISUKE OJIN 's suggestion, I decided to upgrade the armor on my Cryo-Units
and thought these CamoFlauge panels could come in handy, CaptN, now I can camoflauge any cryo-box,
as well as the reverse. We can create several Cryo-Units out of thin crates.

CaptN Shadow : What is in under the table there behind the Camo panel?
PathFinder: a gift from the crew captN, call her Winona for now.
Perhaps we can show of her more prominent traits in the morning. Found a good secluded spot to give her a work out.

PathFinder: tilts the Camo Panel as a shelf to display the many parts that make Winona the wonder of another time,
Not exactly a refit but a whole new frame ready to be refitted as needed, with its own surprise or two,
Draped across the panel a remarkably familular brown fabric with a place for every part.
CaptN Shadow : says, Looks like that panel will fit making another poket right here.
and tucks the entire bundle into his coat out of sight as a few visitors pass by to the oposite end of the bar.
El : says, Looks like this Shindig is going to get started after all.
May be more than a game of Tall cards to round out the night.
El looks for a suitable wheeling partner.

Later PathFinder: Announces to all the crew,
Be warned of the ID scanner now that Winona has been linked with CaptN through his BC,
tis more than show and tell, I might be getting fond of ya, not a mess I want to clean up tommorrow morning or anytime.

Early in the Morning CaptN Shadow wakes to find a com pad swinging in the hall from a rail Simply signed
- - - - meet here
and a map down the path from Tranquility Turning off near the LiL Green Irish Cathedral.

After to morning routine with Admiral relinquishing the comand of the night watch,
the crew on board gathers to the Galley to find a basket on the table labeled
"el fresco, join me for brunch." PathFinder~.

CaptN Shadow : asks DocKat where Irish is this Morning?

DocKat replies : Already went into the settlement early for something.
Is ELbarto still with Daisuke Ojin?

CaptN Shadow : replies, " yes, but getting better,
provided he recovers from the fun last night, Thanks for your part.
we might as well catch up to ShinyFry, she 's already on the Cargo ramp waving
her new unbrella."

As the crew leaves the cargo bay with Out2TheBlack and Co- pilot: Palmer dragging the rear of the group,
they notice that PathFinders Cargo Skiff looks different, smaller some how.

ShinyFry says: PathFinder - Did that last night, didn't want to wake anyone
~"PathFinder: Said a night under the stars was needed after so many amongst them. "~
CaptN, how long was PathFinder waiting for us orbiting that tiny Moon any way?

CaptN Shadow : says, Guess we can ask when one of you reads this pad.

CaptN hands the pad to ShinyFry , who hands it to DocKat who turns to see
Out2TheBlack and Palmer are no longer dragging the rear but
have suddenly taken a lead down the path to they know not where,
but they certainly aren't here.

DocKat: says, guess I'm navagator. To the blip down the trail.

Turning off near the LiL Green Irish Cathedral, the crew smells a delighfull aroma.
Nearing a small glen overlooking a secluded fork in a sage green river,
a cargo lift fork crosses to meet them, from across the water under a
PaiTosma = a shelfed Plateau in between the forks of a river
that merge on the other side with sheer bluff walls.
DocKat: says, the blip is over there and the

is blinking in time with the one on the lift. As the crew steps aboard,

A voice Greets them from the console.
Welcome, Please keep all apendiges~ ic..terp. in boards
while embarking and dic ... ip.. embarking.
The lift scoots swiftly across the water
leaving a wake of ripples across the water , abruptly ascending a bit close to the
rock face, for the pilots who are clearly not comfortable without their controls.
Topping over the first shelf creates butterflies as a bit of weightlessness ensues,
only to be tipped back by another rise in the shelf and a bigger period of less than 1nG.
Cresting the ridge in the Plateau, the aroma of sweet water and roasting Lugumes
strenghtens as the lift skidders to a stop near a boulder bumping it with a TaA'nN'gGG'..ed..

EL : announces, they're here.

PathFinder: replies, heard Fork bump the hull. That is one of the reasons it's plated
with poorus metonite, he's always doing that. And needs the traction in Vac.

EL : says, Daisuke Ojin pointed that thing out to me this morning.
He never stops teaching does he? At least I know my balance is returning.

the pad beeps rud..Ly. DocKat: says, I guess this is yours
PathFinder: replies, plug it into that slot, ---> there.
Wanted to test the Chakan Oil to be certain I still had the touch refining it
so there is a start of grub at the table here.
Comp_ Wiz#*# get the credit as Prep chef for us, abducted his talents from the Shindig.
He don't hear without his implants so just use the com on the end of the bar.

PathFinder: begins AS the crew dishes a bite to eat.
Oreo left a not so encoded message for the crew,
I'll leave it with you hear * *** '''''''Top ~2~ ....bottom... <---Left is |||-Right *** *
He also left his gear with a request,
Master the use of what he left, and never waste a moment taking it for granted.
Since he left a fairly ample supply of Chakan Oil between the bulk struts
in his cabin aboard Tranquility, I figure you should have the benifit of knowing that
it is good for more than just making sweet water.
Although I will always hold that as its best use.
I'm probably the only one old enough to remember the time
when it was discovered to have any other use.
You have all tasted enough surplus protein packs, Chakan Oil was intended as a supliment.
to sweeten and make it cheaper. I had just arrived in the eastern valley i believe it was called
of "Hera", I was younger with other things 2to2 mind at the time so names may escape me.
That is when we found what CaptN gets to show you now with Winona.,200&cvt

If you'll pick a target close CaptN, yup stun. __sszzift---
Hot potato eeee oooww here EL, serv it up.

CaptN says, your right Path she 's quiet up close N short form.,130&c

And will rapid fire , ..... three3 turnups and another potato to the brunch bar.
as many as 500 shot on stun in short stealthy spy form.

The plasma exchange cooks well doesn't it Shiny?
and it is less than noisy and normally not fatal, without a projectile.

If you will come over here Shiny these cabagges are for you, Path hands her a small lips stick sized

Shiny: says, Thats, a bolt torch isn't it Path.

Path. replied yes with a twist, and one cabagge cooks while the other is kentucky fried cole slaw.
Be carefull with this it is just that easy to go from stun to not stuned shavings, just like any other bolt torch.

Shiny: says, more than any other bolt torchi've seen, this will be handy for so many stuborn things.

Slipping a cartrige into Winona, Bamm ! CaptN cuts a stalk off some thing half way across the Plateau.
PathFinder: Looks puzzle and says, no idea what that was just ask Daisuke Ojin for groc, did't ask what they were.
CaptN Slips Winona into her Long dress and warms up what appears to be six bumpy cucumber like squashes.
Only one slightly chared, not bad CaptN, says, PathFinder: tighten the sight a hair.,130&cv

As shiny makes all sorts of neat designs with DocKat in all maner of what looked like fruit and vegies into pastries,

CaptN Slids a long shiney shell into the lower magzune and cycles the breech with a zziiingg ---- wwhinnnn

ZZZZZZZzwwwWwoooom bbffF..-.--------............ bwWOOoMM.............
an echo startles all as the CaptN trys to rub the ring from his ears.
A cloud of smoke drifts up in a pillar from across the length of the Plateau.

(LF) direct hit, puncture of armor plating Allied Armored weapons Transport plating.

PathFinder: says
LeopardFlan . (LF)
put this spotting system together for me in my SkiFF
so it is her voice I believe you will hear tracking and spotting for you to your target.
the more stun hits the more brunch we have.

The crew takes turns getting used to the target model PathFinder Supplied to "kooK" Brunch
as PathFinder helps each as needed.
It is Modular, with Pistol and add-on rifle barrel / forearm and adjustable stock.
It assembles and breaks down with no tools. Just push pins and parts slide together,200&cvt

PathFinder to EL no it doesn't fire forever, the better you take of her the better she will take of you.
Right Shiny?

(LF) up 2 i @ 38 ds.
(LF) port 2 i @ 8 ds
(LF) down 11 i @ 13 ds

(LF) reports 183 misses,
187 kills
and 378 Stun
cooked veggies, 12 beyond repair according to Comp_ Wiz#*#
Brunch is served, Fill up before we leave. Might be awhile before we get to cook this way.


Saturday, May 31, 2008 3:56 AM



xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, May 31, 2008 5:26 AM



xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, May 31, 2008 8:03 AM


i have negotiated a deal with the INDEPENDENCE.
details soon. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, May 31, 2008 11:26 AM


Ni hao , Captain !

Out2theBlack here...I'm for 'drumming out' anyone exhibiting conduct unbecoming a Browncoat...

I'm going to look in on the 'Ariel' HD shindig via the 'Versal channel on the CoreTex...

Standing by for further orders...Tranquility checks 'clear for upthrust'...All conditions green and Shiny , Captain...



Saturday, May 31, 2008 11:46 AM


"thanks O2. lift us off tonite for BELLEROPHON before you go to your bunk, coordinates have been uploaded to TOBI earlier."

"the rest of you, wrap up your buisness here and get aboard TRANQUILITY, the shindig is over, like you haven't noticed already.
i'm tired, i'm angry and i'm armed.
i'll discuss the 'other issue' with you later, in flight." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, May 31, 2008 3:53 PM



Originally posted by SHADOWcaptain:
"thanks O2. lift us off tonite for BELLEROPHON before you go to your bunk, coordinates have been uploaded to TOBI earlier."

"the rest of you, wrap up your buisness here and get aboard TRANQUILITY, the shindig is over, like you haven't noticed already.
i'm tired, i'm angry and i'm armed.
i'll discuss the 'other issue' with you later, in flight."

++++++++++++++++++InterCom Link from o2++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Okay , Cap'n.....T.O.B.I. reports reading everyone's ident tags...Gang's ALL HERE , Looks like...

Coordinates and data are loaded...All conditions still GREEN , Tranquility's 'go' for gettin' us out of the world...

Ignition sequence start...Kicking the fires !

Out-of-Atmo , in a tick over 5 minutes , load is fairly light , engine performance available is now 108 percent of 'nominal'...

We'll be breaking orbit in 8 minutes plus 20 seconds , outbound for Bellerophon...

The Captain has authorized the illumination of the 'FASTEN SEAT BELTS' sign...

In the event y'all don't belt in , moving about the cabin may ensue...


Saturday, May 31, 2008 4:12 PM


"take us to BELLEROPHON and welcome back to TRANQUILITY O2"

* com *

"ok crew, we got lots to talk about with the fleet.
but tonite get some rest. tomorrow i'll brief you all on the devlopements and the new mission." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, May 31, 2008 5:47 PM



Originally posted by SHADOWcaptain:
"take us to bellerophon and welcome back to TRANQUILITY O2"

* com *

Ta wubba who ?...Izzat you bellowin' to the phone again , Cap'n ?

Woke me under my woolies up here on the flight deck , Cap'n...Everythings Shiny Still , A-OK...

Who's FLYIN' this thing ? Oh , right ! That would be Otto D. Pilot and Mister Newton...

...Back to sleep !

TOBI , let us know if anything comes up on our scanners...

Oh yeah , Captain , TOBI and I saw a fast-burn rocket shuttle make its historical trajectory to orbit a while earlier...
Was carrying a Japanese crew-member ,(Akihiko Hoshide), with a payload module called 'Kibo' (KEE-Bo) ,
which means 'Hope' in Japanese...

Good burns and nominal ascents , Y'all ! Tranquility's ridin' with ya !


Saturday, May 31, 2008 7:13 PM


PathFinder: hears
- - - Rutt'n coms signals ... *** * .. * * *. . . - - - ... * * jumbling my nav locks,
requesting manual assist - - -. From ~ autoo...pile-alot.~|

Nestles the Cargo Skiff Pods into their Cradles beneath Tranquility's cargo hold.
Rotate attitude,.... interject grav couplers, increase lift 3% ---> 5% --> 7%.
Late liftoff =equals= docking just in the nick of time. 3 ---> 2 --> 1 -> couplers engaged.
Slapping the Coms unit against an elbow, trying to correct the lack of cortex signal
or at least trying to eak a little satisfaction out of the effort. Airlock pressurized.

PathFinder: scans the cargo to be sure all is secure, Passivly as not to disturb anyone.
due to the long day enjoying the Shindig and the Late departure.
Would be just like badgers crew to prop cargo against a Strut unsecured
or crush a conduit and forget to mention it.
It would probably be a good idea to do a more thurough check in the moring,
at least it won't be trouble tonight.

SKiFF Systems Equalized, Tranquility on Board Computer recognized. * * *...

Hope is fine in any Language


Saturday, May 31, 2008 7:13 PM


PathFinder: hears
- - - Rutt'n coms signals ... *** * .. * * *. . . - - - ... * * jumbling my nav locks,
requesting manual assist - - -. From ~ autoo...pile-alot.~|

Nestles the Cargo Skiff Pods into their Cradles beneath Tranquility's cargo hold.
Rotate attitude,.... interject grav couplers, increase lift 3% ---> 5% --> 7%.
Late liftoff =equals= docking just in the nick of time. 3 ---> 2 --> 1 -> couplers engaged.
Slapping the Coms unit against an elbow, trying to correct the lack of cortex signal
or at least trying to eak a little satisfaction out of the effort. Airlock pressurized.

PathFinder: scans the cargo to be sure all is secure, Passivly as not to disturb anyone.
due to the long day enjoying the Shindig and the Late departure.
Would be just like badgers crew to prop cargo against a Strut unsecured
or crush a conduit and forget to mention it.
It would probably be a good idea to do a more thurough check in the moring,
at least it won't be trouble tonight.

SKiFF Systems Equalized, Tranquility on Board Computer recognized. * * *...

Hope is fine in any Language


Sunday, June 1, 2008 3:08 AM


thanks O2, would like to meet Akihiko Hoshide soon.

i'll be sendin' you all a wave shortly about changes in the 'verse.

'til then here's our NEW thread. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.






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