UPDATED: Monday, December 8, 2008 04:27
VIEWED: 116832
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Sunday, June 1, 2008 3:05 AM


i hope you all know how thankful i am for all of your creativity, passion, and support for VFF.
you are rare birds [some more rare than others].

ok, time for a fresh start.
there have been some changes in the 'verse but change brings strength, and these changes are for the best. some of you may see the changes gradually, or maybe not at all.

VFF will be here for a long long time because of you.

to read our story from the beginning go here:

TRANQUILITYS journey Part 1
Be part of my virtual firefly crew

TRANQUILITYS journey Part 2
'The Intruder'

'A Change In Command'

平静 TRANQUILITY 平静 Part 4
'Shadow In Space'



that said, here's part 7 - the gemini project... - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, June 1, 2008 5:08 AM


* crew all meetin the galley *

ok all, you've all been 'waved' and the dust has settled some.

i suspect you may have questions and comments, some you can say here and some you can put in a wave, either way's fine.

we'll be on bellerophon soon but we still got time for talkin', so... floor's open. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, June 1, 2008 6:00 AM


Shiny stands up and says,

Capt I stand behind you 100%, What has happened at the shindig was wrong and it seems no one is willing to say that.
We are The flag ship and like you say capt TRANQUILITY IS LIFE ,CREW IS BLOOD.
we are being sifted like wheat,the bad seeds comes to the surface and true colors are shown.
WE can't make peace at the expence of truth.
We are shown who's loyal and true browncoats
That which can't divide us, Makes us Stronger.

Shiny sit's down

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, June 1, 2008 2:09 PM


"PATHFINDER, make sure the decoy cryobox is prepped and functioning. there should be a device inside it that will make the instuments imitate human vital signs so it will not look suspicious.
you wont be able to open the cryobox because it has a time lock. so check the readout, if it shows normal human vitals then we are good.

O2 land us in the ocean at the uploaded coordinates. we will 'go dark' and float there at night until the SS TOLKIEN approaches.

we will use a scarab as a raft to come up alongside the cargo ship and board her near the aft.

i will need PATHFINDER [cryo expert], IRISH for heavy lifting and SHINY with me. may be some mechanical issues to deal with over there.

* hands IRISH and PATH each a weapon *

KAT, you stay with TRANQUILITY and take care of ELBARTO. if we get caught, you take the ship and hit atmo'.

O2, set us down gently in the water."

* thinks 'i hate landing in water' * - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, June 1, 2008 3:42 PM


---Irish, is prepping for the mission, but with the letter he has received still playing at his mind.--

---Irish stows the gun underneath his shirt and jacket, ready as he'll ever be. Still not quite sure what this job entails, a sudden sinking feeling churns within his stomach. Something just didn't feel right.---

--- still thinking about the letter that he'd gotten back on Aquila, Oreo ventures off to the bunks and find himself rifling through Oreo's things.---

Irish(Irish talking to himself)- I need to find out more about this fellow. Theres a connection between him and Skye, but what?

---suddenly, a noise stirs from behind him. Irish whips around to find shiny staring at him in bewilderment---

Shiny- what are you doing with Oreo's stuff

---shocked, stunned and unable to say anything, Oreo quickly slips a picture into his back pocket---

Shiny- I asked you a question...What are you doing in here?

Irish- Well, I, all honesty, I'm trying to find out more about the fellow that occupied this bunk. You see, i have in my possession, a letter that way be the answer to a great mystery.

Shiny- what mystery?

Irish- The mystery of whether Skye and Oreo are both one in the same. And, also, i feel, that your dead crew mate...isn't real dead.

---perturbed, Shiny replies---

Shiny- well if he isn't dead, then where is he?
Who are you and why are doing this? We all grieved over the lose of him and now, you, some stranger we pick up off some god forsaken heap, is bring all this up....

---Anger at what Irish has told her, shiny jumps on the com and calls for the captain---

I will find him among you and though you don't see him........


Sunday, June 1, 2008 7:50 PM


N the galley

As ........... Shiny sit's down,
PathFinder puts a hand on the back of her chair in "support".

CaptN lays out what needs to be done & how,
* hands IRISH and PATH each a weapon *

PathFinder : recognizes an, H K & Caspian, ....
and says, I'm flatered, I Have Just the right Rig handy,
even remembered the Gold DOTS......point taken..............

Just outside the Galley,

PathFinder: Asks Shiny if she'll help take a look at the Cryo-Unit later.

as Irish Passes by the two.

In the Cargo Bay

PathFinder : Tries to recall where the CARGO SHIP S.S. TOLKIEN fits into memory.
Giving the Cryo- Unit a quick look as,
Shiny calls over the Coms , "Captain"!

PathFinder : Starts towards the crew quarters to see what has transpired.
Still rolling the name S.S. TOLKIEN....CARGO SHIP.... around mentally
Will have to find out what auxillary system they have for the cryo-unit
back up power and sensor read outs. And do a thurough scan on this Unit.


Sunday, June 1, 2008 7:50 PM


N the galley

As ........... Shiny sit's down,
PathFinder puts a hand on the back of her chair in "support".

CaptN lays out what needs to be done & how,
* hands IRISH and PATH each a weapon *

PathFinder : recognizes an, H K & Caspian, ....
and says, I'm flatered, I Have Just the right Rig handy,
even remembered the Gold DOTS......point taken..............

Just outside the Galley,

PathFinder: Asks Shiny if she'll help take a look at the Cryo-Unit later.

as Irish Passes by the two.

In the Cargo Bay

PathFinder : Tries to recall where the CARGO SHIP S.S. TOLKIEN fits into memory.
Giving the Cryo- Unit a quick look as,
Shiny calls over the Coms , "Captain"!

PathFinder : Starts towards the crew quarters to see what has transpired.
Still rolling the name S.S. TOLKIEN....CARGO SHIP.... around mentally
Will have to find out what auxillary system they have for the cryo-unit
back up power and sensor read outs. And do a thurough scan on this Unit.


Monday, June 2, 2008 7:15 AM



Originally posted by SHADOWcaptain:

...O2 land us in the ocean at the uploaded coordinates. we will 'go dark' and float there at night until the SS TOLKIEN approaches.

we will use a scarab as a raft to come up alongside the cargo ship and board her near the aft.

O2, set us down gently in the water."

* thinks 'i hate landing in water' *

OOoohh , I hate it , too...

Okay , Cap'n , we are down in the drink...Swimming with the fishes...

Hope everything goes according to plan...Heck , I'm hoping there was a plan...


Monday, June 2, 2008 7:18 AM


(Elbarto in his bunk)

El:(to himself) I can't stand being wounded! Being more of a liability than an asset. Most of my strength and balance have returned.

(Elbarto looks at his two new swords)

El: At least I was able to make two new swords in Sensei's forge.

(Elbarto picks up his swords and starts going through some sword forms. At least the forms that he is able to do in the confines of his bunk. He starts off slow, then gets faster and faster as his healing body allows him to move more freely. He continues until the pain in is stomach grows.)

El:(shakes his head) I'm still not myself.

EL: Ohh well, My body will be fully healed soon enough. At least i got time to sharpen all my blades now.

(Elbarto goes around his bunk gathering all his knives and swords. He grabs a whet stone and starts sharpening them.)

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Monday, June 2, 2008 3:29 PM


~~~~~~~~~ secure wave to captain shadow ~~~~~~~~

greetings captain.
captain, it has come to the attention of one of the members of the guild that there is an underground group called the
Anti Browncoat Alliance. [A.B.A.]
little is known yet about them but they have spys in place and there are rumors that they are trying to take over fireflys.
warn your crew to use caution in their waves.

gods hand on you all, sensei daisuke ojin


Monday, June 2, 2008 5:17 PM


"recieved sensei, thank you."

* coms SHINY *
"i'll be right there SHINY."

* walks by ELBARTOS room *
"EL, save your strength. you may need it if things go south with this mission." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Monday, June 2, 2008 5:30 PM


**************** PROXIMITY ALERT ****************


Mid-bulk Transport Standard Radion Accelerator core. 03-K64-FFF-00
ONLINE Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 19:50


Tuesday, June 3, 2008 2:30 AM


PathFinder : Coms O2
* * * * * can you & Palmer or anyone get me a reading on the S.S. TOLKIEN? * * * * *
* * * * * Or perhaps a Ship characteristics and ownership tag * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * or * * * * ** * * * *
* * * * * Declaration of standard cargo space file from the Cortex waved to my coms. * * * * *
while leaving the Cargo Bay.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008 2:30 AM


PathFinder : Coms O2
* * * * * can you & Palmer or anyone get me a reading on the S.S. TOLKIEN? * * * * *
* * * * * Or perhaps a Ship characteristics and ownership tag * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * or * * * * ** * * * *
* * * * * Declaration of standard cargo space file from the Cortex waved to my coms. * * * * *
while leaving the Cargo Bay.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008 5:33 AM


Capt enters Oreos room,

Capt: whats the problem?

Shiny: It's Irish, He's been going thru Oreo's stuff and said something about Oreo being alive,
Irish tell the capt what you mean by all this.

I need to go help path with the cryo unit.
and find Kat we might need her help.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008 5:33 AM


...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008 4:18 PM


PathFinder & Shiny meet in the hall , where Irish and CaptN shadow are about Oreo's Bunk:

PathFinder : Says to CaptN Shadow
My scans are getting 'dual' readings
from the instruments that are monitoring the contents of the Cryo-Unit.
I would like to do a more thurough scan , with your permission.

Not that Badger isn't trust worthy,
but from the activity of Badger's men Daisuke Ojin & I noticed on our stroll along the upper Plateau on Aquila
during your meeting, I'm hardly convienced Badger's motives have our best interest at heart.

PathFinder asks Shiny : Is everything all right?


Tuesday, June 3, 2008 4:18 PM


PathFinder & Shiny meet in the hall , where Irish and CaptN shadow are about Oreo's Bunk:

PathFinder : Says to CaptN Shadow
My scans are getting 'dual' readings
from the instruments that are monitoring the contents of the Cryo-Unit.
I would like to do a more thurough scan , with your permission.

Not that Badger isn't trust worthy,
but from the activity of Badger's men Daisuke Ojin & I noticed on our stroll along the upper Plateau on Aquila
during your meeting, I'm hardly convienced Badger's motives have our best interest at heart.

PathFinder asks Shiny : Is everything all right?


Tuesday, June 3, 2008 5:21 PM


**Kat passes Elbarto's room on the way down to the cargo hold ans decides to go in to say howdy. They have not seen much of each other since rebaording Tranquility, and Kat has almost missed seeing him..**

Kat (sitting down on his bunk, watching El): How's it going there, El? See you're up to playing with your new toys, at least.

El: Yeah, well. Gettin bored with lying down. Unless...

Kat (quickly jumps up from El's bunk): Yes, just keep playing with your knives, it's much safer all round when you do, I assure you. (As she heads out of the door)...I think I preferred it when you were in the wheelchair...

You are beholden to no man


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 1:30 AM


* coms crew *

"ok crew, get ready. we leave soon. SHINY, PATH and, IRISH, meet me in shuttle 1.

O2, make sure our radar jammer is still killing our radar bounce.

lets load the decoy cryo unit." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 9:45 AM


---- as shiny, path, irish and the captian board the shuttle, shiny turns around and whispers to the captian---

Shiny- so what did Irish say to you back in the bunks?

Captian- well ill tell you shiny, we do know how to pick'em. Seems our passenger had some ties and was a childhood friend of this skye character who he believes is oreo. He also, thinks that oreo is alive, which to me is a stretch, cause we all saw what happend.

Shiny- so, you think its true.?

Captian- reckon, I don't know yet. Had some compelling evidence though.

Shiny- what if it is true? Oreo not being dead and all. Why would he fake that. I thought he liked being here.

Captian- shiny, if what he says is true, then I'm pretty sure it wasn't bout leaving this boat for Oreo....when a man has been pushed to the edge of insanity, well, I figure aint much left for that man to do but leave. Sometimes it safer for them and the folks around them. He was harboring a lot hate for what the alliance did to him. Positive that in oreo's mind, lot of folks left to pay for what they did to him and all those other folks, before he can ever begin to try and find himself again.

Shiny- I.....I miss him sometimes captian.

Captian- yeah, he was quite a surprise at times wasn't he.

---captian throws in arm around shiny---

Captian- come on, we got us a job to do, and we......

---shiny finshes his sentence----

Shiny- and we always make good on our jobs, I know, I know.

---- with everyone strapped in and the shuttle prepped for take off, captian coms kat----

Captian- ok kat, we're off, you and el hold down the fort. If anything goes wrong, you and el take the shuttle and come and you get us.

---kats coms back---

Kat- What, and miss the chance of having my very own ship, surely captian you kid.


Captian- I'm serious, you better come get us.

--- the shuttle detaches from tranquility and begins it short journey to the SS. Tolkien. On board the captian is giving a few last mintue intructions---

Captian- ok, this job, although slighty complicated is total cake walk. In and out. We just swap the boxes and then we're on our merry. Dong ma?

---everyone agrees with argument---

Path- what if we happen to run into some folks who are, how should I say, less then agreeable as to us leaveing with property in which does not belong us.

--- irish, shiny and captian look at path and in unison respond----

All three- WHAT?!

---path eyes float back and forth between his three fellow crewmates---

Path- am I not speaking english

---path rubs the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger and sighs---

Path- what should we do, In case we run into folks who might not agree with us taking their property?

Captian- oh, well, you have a know....shoot'em

Path- shoot'em....

Captian- nicely

---shiny smiles. She's knows the captian is joking. She looks over at irish who is staring at piece of paper in ful concentration. She thinks to her self---

Shiny- yeah, we do seem to pick up the interesting ones, don't we.......Oreo.

I will find him among you and though you don't see him........


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 12:00 PM



Originally posted by SHADOWcaptain:
* coms crew *

"ok crew, get ready. we leave soon. SHINY, PATH and, IRISH, meet me in shuttle 1.

O2, make sure our radar jammer is still killing our radar bounce.

lets load the decoy cryo unit."

Not to worry , Captain...We be jammin'...


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 5:48 PM


"PATHFINDER, whether or not your dual vital sign readings are correct, this is how BADGER set it up so we just do the job, then we get paid."

the night is black.
the shuttle approaches the freighter quietly in the water. the crew attach a line to the stern of the ship and climb aboard.

"IRISH and PATH, cover me and SHINY while we use the pulley to get the decoy on deck."

the two go give cover while SHINY and SHADOW lift the decoy cryobox on to the deck.

"ok lets wheel it to the hold, where the 'target' is and make the switch"

they find the target cryobox in the hold where BADGER said it would be.

"ok, lets get it out of here."

as the team wheels the target onto the deck, they hear 2 sets of footsteps................. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 6:49 PM


--- irish fumbles to get weapon out from under his jacket.---

Irish- captian, I think it would be in our best interest to speed things up, just alittle bit.

---holding steady with his weopon trained toward the direction of the on coming footsteps. Irish's hand shakes from nervousness, the foot step grow loud and with seconds irish fires a shoot in the chest of a security guard.

I will find him among you and though you don't see him........


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 7:05 PM


At the sound -:-
PathFinder : Flips a Menace Marble around the corner
and then looks over to see one gaurd Sliding Silently down the rail in a Slump
and laying stone Still at the bottom.

Then PathFinder Looks to the opposite side for Irish. ............................ and Motions: Shall we go..
Tien Shan

Quiet Menace Marbles = Small spheres that release self propeled dart missles, of gas or anti-co-agulants. -:- or some such handy projectile. . . . think super tiny EBOLi missles


Wednesday, June 4, 2008 7:05 PM


At the sound -:-
PathFinder : Flips a Menace Marble around the corner
and then looks over to see one gaurd Sliding Silently down the rail in a Slump
and laying stone Still at the bottom.

Then PathFinder Looks to the opposite side for Irish. ............................ and Motions: Shall we go..
Tien Shan

Quiet Menace Marbles = Small spheres that release self propeled dart missles, of gas or anti-co-agulants. -:- or some such handy projectile. . . . think super tiny EBOLi missles


Thursday, June 5, 2008 2:43 AM


as they are pushing the cryobox shiny hears the footsteps and looks at captian,as irish draws his gun and shoots, then path Flips a Menace Marble around the corner.

shiny thinking: that badger better not of set us up.

shiny pulls out her weapon and captian looks in surprise, shiny gives him a half smile and says capt dont worry i know how to use it.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, June 5, 2008 10:32 AM


---Irish, almost happy at the sight of seeing Shiny taking up arms, still ponders at the back of his mind---

Irish (talking loudy to himself)- how in the verse did they get here so quick. All their scanners are jammed right? They couldn't have possibly seen us. Could they?

---Shiny answers knowing that irish is talking to himself---

Shiny- only one way they could know. Someone had to have let them know bout the plan. I'm bettin it was Badger again....

---Suddenly alarms sound through out the titanic Ship---

Irish- oooooh, i know that can't be good

Captian- Never is....we need to move fast, gonna have security all over us in a matter of minutes. Once, jus once, i wouldn't mind if things went accordding to plan.

Irish- So i take it that this sort of thing happens more often then not Captian...

Captian- Hey! you wanna tow the chit-chat and help with this gorram cryobox. ok we still have a few more turns and doors before we're on deck. Shiny you cover the rear, path out front. Irish help me puch this thing.

---Path leads out in front clearing every side hallway and door as they pass. Shiny, continuosly looking over her shoulder to make sure nobody is coming from behind as the Captian and Irish push the cryobox towards the top deck of the ship---

I will find him among you and though you don't see him........


Thursday, June 5, 2008 1:09 PM


Shiny coms 02,
02 things didn't go as planned,I'm not sure the radar jammer is killing our radar bounce.have TQ ready for Full Burn.

As shiny ends com she hears running from behind she turns around as they pass thru a open hydraulic security door, still covering the rear of the cryobox she aims and shoots the locking mechanism to the door Irish turns to look as the door shuts.

Shiny: that should buy us a little more time.

Capt: shiny when where back on the ship you need to explain to me where you learned to shoot like that.

Shiny looks at path and says how we doing path? where following your lead.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, June 5, 2008 3:58 PM


= high encryption wave to TRANQUILITY from TQ crewmember [double agent] OPERATIVE JAI aboard alliance cruiser DORTMUNDER =

TRANQUILITY, the alliance cruiser DORTMUNDER is approaching bellerophone
to apprehend whoever is in posession of the stolen cryobox with the code name: GEMINI PROJECT.
sensors show an unidentified firefly in close proximity to the cargo ship SS TOLKIEN which is suspected to be smuggling the stolen GEMINI PROJECT. the cryobox and its contents where stolen from a facility on ariel and are being smuggled by black market mercenaries to a buyer on a bellerophone 'floating estate'.
gunships will be deployed immediately.

Mid-bulk Transport Standard Radion Accelerator core. 03-K64-FFF-00
ONLINE Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 19:50


Thursday, June 5, 2008 4:18 PM


the team lowers the cryobox onto the shuttle below, and then lower themselves down to it and pull it inside. SHADOW fires the engines and coms O2.

"O2, start her up, we're on our way over to you.
i think we're gonna have company."

the shuttle, not needing to be descreet anymore, takes to the air to dock with TRANQUILITY, which is now powered up.
the shuttle docks with TRANQUILITY and they begin their escape. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Thursday, June 5, 2008 5:47 PM


Quiet: all thats left now is to Fly away. Fly Free into the Tien Shan (Chinese for "Sky")


Thursday, June 5, 2008 5:47 PM


Quiet: all thats left now is to Fly away. Fly Free into the Tien Shan (Chinese for "Sky")


Friday, June 6, 2008 12:41 AM




Mid-bulk Transport Standard Radion Accelerator core. 03-K64-FFF-00
ONLINE Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 19:50


Friday, June 6, 2008 12:54 AM


"we have no choice, we can't outrun 2 gunships.
O2, follow the escort."

* coms gunship #1 *

"acknowledged, after you."

turns com off.
"ok, PATHFINDER, now would be a good time for you to use that 'cryo-camoflauge' thing you have.
disguise the cryobox as an ordinary crate." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, June 6, 2008 2:24 PM


TRANQUILITY is escorted to the alliance cruiser DORTMUNDER and is immediatley boarded.

the crew is all standing at the open bay door as the alliance soldiers enter. they begin to search TRANQUILITY for a cryobox.

SHADOW thinks:
* i hope PATHFINDER camoflauged that box." *

the crew is taken to a holding area and are questioned, one by one.

captain SHADOW is the 1st to be questioned.

alliance officer KORG:
"captain, what where you doing near that cargo ship?"

SHADOW: "we're just moving cargo."

KORG: "don't get smart, captain."
"did you have anything to do with the destruction of a facility on silas 5?"

SHADOW: "how could a firefly crew destroy a heavilly guarded alliance facility? that would make the alliance look ridiculous."

KORG: "did you steal a cryobox from the SS TOLKIEN?"

SHADOW: "have you checked the TOLKIEN? if you search the TOLKIEN i'm sure you will find the cryobox."

KORG: "if it's not on your ship captain, then we WILL search the TOLKIEN."

the interrogation continues as the other crewmembers are questioned in other rooms....... - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, June 6, 2008 7:30 PM


PathFinder : Heads to the Cargo Bay.

Assembles the Camoflauge Panels hiding the Cryo-Unit and
Secures the Cryo-Unit to the Grave Plating, by 62 tons,
as labeled by the Layden ticket on the side of the ORE Bin of the Camoflauge Panel.
Then sprinkles Soduim Slufur Ore dust beside the Bin;
which the odor brings a found memory

& PathFinder decides; this would be a good time to be in his Cargo Skiff out of sight
and Safe from Scans as just more ORE .

Perhaps of better use to TRANQUILITY's crew if needed.

TRANQUILITY is escorted to the alliance cruiser DORTMUNDER

The Crew Peers out the window as the alliance cruiser Docks.

....... ....... . . . . . ;. ........ .......

The alliance purple bellies begin their search around the camoflauged Cryo-Unit
Overturning crates and skattering their contents with out descreation.
Taking small items they fancy for themselves.

"Tung ... shu... way..."

One alliance officer decides to scoop up some Soduim Slufur Ore dust beside the Bin
as well as his new found booty. Upon a whiff of the Ore's odor he glances at the lable on the bin
and decides to have none of either the now smelly pretty~s or a look in the bin.
With a kick of his JackBoot he limps away to search elsewhere.

Several Hours later the purple bellied alliance officers assemble in the cargo bay
and leave TRANQUILITY in disappointment.


Friday, June 6, 2008 7:30 PM


PathFinder : Heads to the Cargo Bay.

Assembles the Camoflauge Panels hiding the Cryo-Unit and
Secures the Cryo-Unit to the Grave Plating, by 62 tons,
as labeled by the Layden ticket on the side of the ORE Bin of the Camoflauge Panel.
Then sprinkles Soduim Slufur Ore dust beside the Bin;
which the odor brings a found memory

& PathFinder decides; this would be a good time to be in his Cargo Skiff out of sight
and Safe from Scans as just more ORE .

Perhaps of better use to TRANQUILITY's crew if needed.

TRANQUILITY is escorted to the alliance cruiser DORTMUNDER

The Crew Peers out the window as the alliance cruiser Docks.

....... ....... . . . . . ;. ........ .......

The alliance purple bellies begin their search around the camoflauged Cryo-Unit
Overturning crates and skattering their contents with out descreation.
Taking small items they fancy for themselves.

"Tung ... shu... way..."

One alliance officer decides to scoop up some Soduim Slufur Ore dust beside the Bin
as well as his new found booty. Upon a whiff of the Ore's odor he glances at the lable on the bin
and decides to have none of either the now smelly pretty~s or a look in the bin.
With a kick of his JackBoot he limps away to search elsewhere.

Several Hours later the purple bellied alliance officers assemble in the cargo bay
and leave TRANQUILITY in disappointment.


Saturday, June 7, 2008 7:38 AM


---irish is sitting in an interregation room with Korg who is going over Irish's file---

Korg- there seems to be quite alot missing from your file. Looks to be Classified. Do you have any reason as to why, that information might be classifed?

Irish- maybe because it was meant to be a secret...hence the term "Classifed"

Korg- Don't get smart with me.

---Korg reaches down and pulls out another piece of paper---

Korg- lucky for you, nothing stays classified for very long. Lets see...

Name: Traker O'conner

Alias: Irish

Age: 32

weight: 245

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: Black

Height: 6'1

Birthplace: Persephone also says here, you been arrested quite a few times for the destruction of Alliance property, illegal entry of alliance building and Aiding known fugitives on: Persephone, your home planet, Lengium, Pr'toss, and Silas 4, Silas 3 and Silas 5.

Irish- that is correct. I did my time.But all that is in the past. Now I travel the verse, in search of new learnings from those who are willing to teach.

Korg- (chuckles) well the alliance is always willing to teach....

Irish- well, I guess, when the smart kid finally gets desperate to except help from the kid who sits in the back of the class and sleeps, then i'll come to you, but until then, i'll manage on my own.

Korg- that's...thats very I take it you're going to tell me another joke, like you weren't anywhere near slias 5 when it was reduced to rubble. A bunch of innocent people lost their lives in that explosion!

Irish- I'm sorry, by innocent people, you mean the people that were held as slaves on that plaent.

Korg- I mean the alliance staff that was post there to do their job. No cares about a bunch of drifters and planet hoppers! Anyways, answer my question....

Irish- No, i was nowhere near silas 5, I will admit I was in the silas region....

Korg- where about?

Irish- silas 2

Korg- now why would a fellow such as yourself be doing on a dead planet like silas 2.

Irish- its where I do my research.

Korg- what type of research?

Irish- ...weapons mostly, few high explovises. Oh, and some mission work.

Korg- you're a preacher cause it say here that you're a Contact for an underground group called "Cure". A Group formed to help stop the alliance from performing "rumored" experiments on humans.

---irish closes his eyes at the comment and prepares himself for the next round of questions---

Korg- so you're on silas 2, annnd just all of a sudden you decide to leave, end up hitching a ride on the next passing vessel that happened to be passing by, that just so happened to be a our rogue class firefly vessel we've been looking for, for months now.

Irish- correct, except at the time, I did not know there the alliance had any particuluar interest in this ship or the crew.

---Korg jots downs a few notes onto a pad of paper and continues with interragtion---, I'm lead to believe that some property, a cryobox to be more specific, was taken from the SS. Tolkien. I think, we may find it on the ship, the same ship you're. You know what that means if we do find the box on the ship. (Grins) that will make you an assessory to a crime, but hell, I will personally make sure you a tried for more then a mere acessory charge......

Irish- that's "if" you find this so called box on board the ship

Korg- yes of course....when I find the box on the ship.

---korg motions to two guards to take Irish out of the room--

Korg- one more thing, have you ever seen this man before.

---irish is given the picture by one of the alliance guards. Even though irish doesn't display the pure shock of his face, deep inside, his mind begins to race, his stomach tightens and questions start to suddenly answer themselves. Irish looks up towards Korg--

Irish- He looks dangerous, but no, I have never seen this man in my life. May I ask, Strictly outta curiousity mind you, the name of this fellow and possibly why you are inquiring about this...boy.

Korg- not that it's any your business......but this, boy, is a believed to be former crew member of that ship you're on. His name, is Skye L. Jordsons a.k.a.......Oreo. He is, was a soldier of the alliance military, went A.W.O.L and we just want him back so he can stand trial. Happy.

---Irish, not buying anything that Korg said , nods his head in agreement---

---korg motions for the guards to take Irish out and requests that the next tranquility crewmember be brought in----

I will find him among you and though you don't see him........


Saturday, June 7, 2008 10:18 AM


The door opens and out comes Irish with a strange look on his face, the guard looks at shiny and says "lets go your next".

Shiny sits across from Korg as he looks over her file and whispers to the other guard.

Korg: This file says your Shinyfrye from harvest,
is that true?

Shiny: Yes thats where my family is from.

korg: so your father is Barronfrye? the owner of Frye estates?

Shiny: yes thats all true

Korg; well its says here you are engaged to be married to LT Jaykins, He is one of the greatest LT's the alliance has seen in awhile, He is so young to be moving up in the ranks so quick.
It also say's here that your family holds fundraisers for the alliance and also donates from their private funds.
But I am a little confused Shiny as to why your family would allow you to travel with this crew,They do know your here don't they?

Shiny: Yes it is true that my family funds the alliance, They believe that the alliance is doing good work at thier training facilities.(Shiny thinking to herself in Disgust: real good work like silas 5).

Shiny: so it even says in the file about my engagement, The alliance does real good work with getting info. (Shiny thinking: of course Jaykins is too proud to tell anyone the truth).

Shiny: with all due respect Korg do you really think my family does not know my where abouts? lets just say, I'm traveling the verse to see the good the alliance has done. After all my family would like to know their money is being used to the fullest.

Korg: Yes...I see ok Shiny we are through with you, But if we find the stolen cryobox on this ship we wil contact LT Jaykins so he could escort you home, no charges will be brought on you We understand your innocence in this. You may leave.

Shiny gets up smiles at Korg and says thank you,But inside she feels sick to her stomach,(thinking) If Jaykins gets word of this.....

Korg: Shiny one more thing it says here that you are the mechanic, how did that happen?

Shiny: Well I took up the hobbie of mechanics as a small child, The engines have all those workings and stuff its like they talk to me, and i just know what to do.

Korg looking slighly confused motions for the guard to escort shiny out and call for the next crew member.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, June 8, 2008 12:06 PM


during the interrogation, a guard enters and says:

"commander KORG, the [decoy] cryobox has been found intact on the cargo ship."

KORG: "ok. captain, you and your crew are free to go."

SHADOW coms crew: "everyone get back on TRANQUILITY at once. O2 get the engines warm."

the crew assemble back on TRANQUILITY and they hit the black.
SHADOW and PATHFINDER go back to the cargo hold to check the [real] cryobox. with the rest of the crew gathered around, they find that the time-lock has unlocked and the contents of the box can now be seen.

SHADOW: "lets see what what we almost got ourselves killed over."

SHADOW unlatches the cover and pushes the top of the box off. a smokey gas from the inside of the cryobox pours out slowly...............................

the crew all gasp at what they see inside. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, June 8, 2008 8:17 PM


---Irish,stunned at whats in the cryobox looks around at everyone and with a slight hesitation in his voice says---

Irish- I...think...that...ummmmmm...captain, what is this that we are looking?

I will find him among you,even though you don't see him........


Monday, June 9, 2008 5:02 AM


Shiny can't believe what she see's.

(thinking) That gorram Badger!

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, June 9, 2008 9:18 AM


---irish, stunned at the sight---

Irish- it maybe just me, but I think we are all in a peck of trouble here. This...this is highy usual,even for the alliance.

---turns to captian---

Irish- you realize the kinda trouble we're in. I mean, we were lucky with path's cloaking sheet, but when they reach port and realize there was a switch, they're gonna come looking for this ship and her crew.

I will find him among you,even though you don't see him........


Monday, June 9, 2008 11:44 AM


Shiny listening to what Irish is saying,

Capt I never told you the whole truth about why I joined TQ.( shiny proceeds to tell captian about her family and LT Jaykins)

Shiny: you know capt, when LT Jaykins gets word of this He will look for me, I got away with this once but I don't think I will be lucky next time.

Shiny looks at Irish and wishes he was Oreo at that moment, She knows Oreo would never let anything bad happen to her.

Capt: Shiny you leave the worrying to me.

Shiny nods her head, and looks at the cryobox in

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, June 9, 2008 12:53 PM

SHADOWCAPTAIN the gassy smoke clears, the contents of the box become visible.
2 figures appear, lying down, twins.
they slowly wake up... and then scream with fear and shock.
the crew starts to try to calm them down.
just then, SHADOW notices a disk attached to the inside of the lid of the box.

"KAT, take care of these two while i go see what's on this disk."

SHADOW brings the disk to the bridge and put the disk into the ships computer - T.O.B.I.

the computer display shows that the twins where part of an alliance experiment breeding 'readers' and the multiplied effect that twins would be able to provide.

the display then shows the black market transaction that put the twins in the cryobox and on the black market cargo ship bound for bellerophone floating estates, for unknown reasons.

"so BADGER had us steal from 1 black market dealer on bellerophone, to give these twins to another black market dealer - HIM. but why?
slaves! he's done that before."

SHADOW returns to the crew who have now sedated the twins for their own safety and put them in the infirmary.

SHADOW calls everyone to the galley and tells them what he has just learned.

"ok, we have a moral dilemna. we can take the twins to BADGER on persephone and get paid or we can try to get the twins to safety, say Aquila, or some other safe house. i'm open for suggestions..." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Monday, June 9, 2008 2:16 PM



Monday, June 9, 2008 4:43 PM


---irish steps in front of the captn---

Irish- captain, it is probably not my place to say, but I think we need to explore another option.

---captian looks at irish with a slight interest---

---irish hands him a piece of paper which contains the deciphered code of the letter he received back on aquila---

Captian- so, what does all this mean?

Irish- your "dead" crew mate and the man that I'm trying find are both one in the same. I boarded this in hopes to find my friend skye, but I also found out , that oreo is alive as well. they are.... He is there captian, on the planet of silas 3. We are in a situation, we are going to need him.

Shiny- but, he's dead. The explosion.....we all saw it!

Irish- I'll explain later in detail, how everything turned out the way it did. I feel I at least owe you that much
I will find him among you,even though you don't see him........


Monday, June 9, 2008 5:36 PM


**Kat looks hard at Irish, still not really sure of him or his intentions. Things have been getting out of hand, and now....slave twins? And Shiny? She had no wonder Shiny never wanted to get near the Alliance. Jaykins had a rep alright**

Kat: Cap'n, whatever Irish is saying there's no way we can give these two to Badger - they're human kids! Ain't no way we're going to be caught up in smuggling people....No wonder the Alliance were all over us! We were all types of lucky thanks to PathFinder, but...

**Kat pauses and looks at Irish again, then carries on**

If there is a chance he is alive, we need to know. We all owe him that much. I just don't want to be too hopeful. Hasn't helped us much in the past to be too hopeful...

You are beholden to no man


Monday, June 9, 2008 7:42 PM


---Irish, repositions himself so the whole crew can see him, a serious look on his face and he begins from the begining---

Irish- my real name is traker O'conner, I grew up with skye when we were kids. For years it was here and I, thick as thieves the both of us.

Captain- you know oreo had a sister right?

Irish- didn't know to much about his family, he never talked about them much. Anyways, we were friends till we were about 14 years old . We lost track of each other after the alliance came through our city, kidnapping folks, stealing.......they took skye and I never heard from them again. A few days after the attack, men with blue hands came thru, and were using this weird machines to......brain wash people........

---the captian looks over a kat and then back to irish---

Irish- to make a long story short, I was on silas 2 as you know, do surveliance on the slaver camp on silas 5 when it was attacked, I guess by you folks. Shorty after, the destruction, my satelite picked up a short wave transmission that was sent out by an alliance com. I intercepted it.

Captian- so why were you looking to get picked up off that rock.

Irish- I wasn't sure at the time, but I had a nunch that this ship and the crew was invokved some how, I sent out a wave to you......and you know the rest.

Captian- yeah, I do. So, this letter......

Irish- it was part of the transmission, but it came second and not through a com. It was morse code. I had it decoded back when we were on aquila.

---captian pulls the paper back out and looks at it again---

Captian- how can you be sure that oreo sent this, anybody could have sent this, sending you on a wild goose chance cross the verse.

Irish- becuase captian, skye used the same type of codeing he used when we were kids. A bunch a non sense word that have no relavence what so anything. But if you take the first letter of each word, you break the code. Its childish, but effective. It took we awhile to recognize it, its been so long.

---shiny jumps into the conversation---

Shiny- captian, please tell me we're going to go get him, or aleast go see if there is any truth to all this.........

Irish- well, before anyone makes any rash decisions, I do need to tell you, that, the space that occupies itself around silas 3 is reaver territory. Isn't gonna be easy getting past them either.

I will find him among you,even though you don't see him........


Monday, June 9, 2008 8:11 PM


PathFinder : Calls to CaptN Shadow.
Not sure just how you're intend'N on handling this situation CaptN.
A warning should be noted though:
there is a reason these Units rarely have double occupancy.
From the time stamps on this units readouts, these two have been under for some while,
Relatively speaking.
We will have to take special care now that we know what we have.
Were there any special instructions, on the disks .?. .

CaptN Shadow: Do you mean about reviving them?

PathFinder : I am not advocating returning them to the cryo-unit, but yes about reviving them.
We may already have our decision made for us, but just in case there are still options,
I will pull up the available info stored in the Cryo-Unit if there is any of use I will let you know.
Perhaps with DocKat's help will Speed things a bit.

DocKat & PathFinder scour the Cryo-Units memory core for its history & clues to help the twins.

DocKat Asks PathFinder : What did you mean when you said to the CaptN,
"there is a reason these Units rarely have double occupancy"?

PathFinder : You understand the basics of how these units work
and that they are meant to revive the systems gently.
Despite the technical issues of mutipling the systems and complicating the "sta'sus cycle",
there is little truely known of what goes on during the time between the cycles
and my own experience tells me that you are sharing more then space in a Unit.
I wouldn't recomend doubling in a CryoBox with someone you just met!

The crew continues their diliberations as Irish, repositions himself and begins to add to the story.

As PathFinder : Listens to the story this seems to be a good time to make certain the Cryo-Unit,
is recamoflauged. And Just in case, A Declaration of nonstandard cargo space slip on the control pad
should do nicely as a tune up for whatever might arise.


Monday, June 9, 2008 8:11 PM


PathFinder : Calls to CaptN Shadow.
Not sure just how you're intend'N on handling this situation CaptN.
A warning should be noted though:
there is a reason these Units rarely have double occupancy.
From the time stamps on this units readouts, these two have been under for some while,
Relatively speaking.
We will have to take special care now that we know what we have.
Were there any special instructions, on the disks .?. .

CaptN Shadow: Do you mean about reviving them?

PathFinder : I am not advocating returning them to the cryo-unit, but yes about reviving them.
We may already have our decision made for us, but just in case there are still options,
I will pull up the available info stored in the Cryo-Unit if there is any of use I will let you know.
Perhaps with DocKat's help will Speed things a bit.

DocKat & PathFinder scour the Cryo-Units memory core for its history & clues to help the twins.

DocKat Asks PathFinder : What did you mean when you said to the CaptN,
"there is a reason these Units rarely have double occupancy"?

PathFinder : You understand the basics of how these units work
and that they are meant to revive the systems gently.
Despite the technical issues of mutipling the systems and complicating the "sta'sus cycle",
there is little truely known of what goes on during the time between the cycles
and my own experience tells me that you are sharing more then space in a Unit.
I wouldn't recomend doubling in a CryoBox with someone you just met!

The crew continues their diliberations as Irish, repositions himself and begins to add to the story.

As PathFinder : Listens to the story this seems to be a good time to make certain the Cryo-Unit,
is recamoflauged. And Just in case, A Declaration of nonstandard cargo space slip on the control pad
should do nicely as a tune up for whatever might arise.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 3:37 AM


Shiny listens to Irishangel and say's:

captian, please tell me we're going to go get him, or aleast go see if there is any truth to all this......... Then she hears Path telling Kat about the cryounit

PathFinder : You understand the basics of how these units work
and that they are meant to revive the systems gently.
Despite the technical issues of mutipling the systems and complicating the "sta'sus cycle",
there is little truely known of what goes on during the time between the cycles
and my own experience tells me that you are sharing more then space in a Unit.
I wouldn't recomend doubling in a CryoBox with someone you just met!

Shiny: Capt as much as we need to find out if Oreo is alive WE need to protect these children,
I say we take care of this Issue first then see about Oreo. (Shiny turns to Irish and say's) You need to prove to us that Oreo is alive and If I find out your lying to us...Well let's just say, That won't be your good day. Shiny looks at Kat and Kat nods her head in agreement.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 8:23 AM


"glad to hear that my crew has good morals and that you won't be too angry with me for turnin' down a big payday.
we'll get to the silas system as soon as we get the twins to a safe house that's equipt to handle them and what they need."

"O2, take us to my home planet-SHADOW. i know a safe house there and it's not too out of the way from silas."

TRANQUILITY reaches the planet SHADOW and finds a large alliance presence there.

"it's too risky to leave the twins here now, O2 take us to silas. PATHFIDER, you are a cryo expert. we are well enough equipt here to take care of the twins temporarilly."

"lets go find OREO." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:36 AM


---Irish stands on the bridge knowing that all eyes are on him, he thinks to himself.---

Irish- i hope for both our sakes, you're there on silas 3.

---Irish turns to the captian---

Irish- i was thinking, it might be easy for us to get there if only i went in.

Captian- Oreo, is part of my crew. We go in together and bring him out, Dong Ma?

Irish- captian, this ship is not going to make through those reavers without being torn apart. we'll never make it.

---The captian glares out the bridge window and then at Irish---

Captian- So, what were you thinking then?

Irish- Klaystone Moon, there is a group called "Cure", an underground resistance group. they have a few ships that are fast and can make the run from Klaystone to silas 3.

Captian- what kinda ships.

Irish- modified short range Kt-45 shuttles.

Irish- they can get me on the planet, but moving about might pose a challenge.seeing as how we don't know the layout of the planet, but. that might not be as bad as i figure.Only a couple of places the reavers tend to live around and there all located in the same general area. that i know for sure. And then theres the problem of getting back off the planet. the whole planet is infested with reavers as well.

Kat- Reavers? why would reavers have Oreo.

Captain- Well, the way i figure, is oreo didn't die in the explosion, possibly wounded. After the smoked cleared, the reavers came in, did what they do best, salvage and killing anyone still still breathing.

Shiny- why didn't they kill Oreo?

captian- Because, he's a reaver too, not a hundred percent, but enough for him to get claimed as one of them.

---The captain ponders a bit at the idea of Irish going in alone---

Captian- Ok Irish, we'll do it, but seeing as how i don't fully trust you, Shiny, you're going to go with him.

---Kat, alitle surprised at the decision of Shiny going instead of her speaks out---

Kat- but captian, I don't thin......

---Captain quickly turns to Kat and raises his voice alittle---

Captian- Shiny, will be going, end of story, the rest of will hold back and work on a plan to get them out. Plus, Kat, figure maybe you can work with path at helping to take care of the twins. Got a feeling we're gonna need that computer genius brain of yours.

---captian tells o2 to plot a course to Klaystone moon and sends everyones else out to prep---

I will find him among you,even though you don't see him........


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 1:35 PM


Shiny very upset with what just happened say's

Shiny: capt I don't think anyone of us should have to go, Irish should go himself. Plus I never heard of this underground resistance group "cure",(shiny's voice raises) and REAVERS all we need now is to throw in the alliance and call it a day.

Capt: Shiny there is no need to yell.

Shiny: I will go but I'm taken my weapon and I will not hesitate to use it, You hear me Irish If i think for one minute that you don't have the best of intentions.....

Irish:(Irish surprised at Shinys temper).
Shiny calm down my intentions are good, we all want to save Oreo.

Shiny walks out of the room to check on the engine {thinking} after all, I wanna make sure "the girl" will hold up while I'm gone.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 2:08 PM


**Kat doesn't know whether to follow Shiny or talk with the Cap'n, but decides to let Shiny have a bit of time to herself**

Kat: Cap'n, I can't say that I agree with any of this...

Cap'n: That's ok, I'm not asking you to agree, just to do it.

Kat (getting annoyed now): Shiny may be able to handle herself - but against Reavers? And to go with him? (shrugs towards Irish) No offence, but can we trust him? Are you willing to trust Shiny to him?

**Shadow looks at Kat, giving nothing away**

Cap'n: We have a plan. We're going to follow it.

**Cap'n walks off, leaving Kat rolling her eyes and feeling the need to hit something. She turns to where Irish is standing.**

Kat: Don't think this is about you. It ain't. But believe me - if anything happens to Shiny or if Oreo doesn't come back, you'll regret ever hailing this boat.

**She leaves in a hurry, wondering if Elbarto is up for some sparring. Punching would be good**

You are beholden to no man






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