UPDATED: Monday, December 8, 2008 04:27
VIEWED: 116879
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008 3:45 PM


TRANQUILITY sets down on klaystone moon.

"go find some allies.
IRISH, if SHINY doesn't come back, don't you either. we'll kill you after we chase you down." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 4:42 PM


---irish and shiny exit the ship, irish turns to shiny---

Irish- ok, its a good 4 and a half miles to the "cure" base. Dead center of the grekan mountians. Shouldn't run into any reavers, long as we stick to the north side. From there, we contact Braize and chisa, they will take us by shuttle to the bila'grausa plains.

Shiny- what's there?

Irish- hopefully, skye.....there's a town there. Reavers took it over years ago. This isn't gonna be easy you know.

Shiny- don't worry about me, you better be right bout oreo being here or by the time I get through with you, you gonna wish a reaver had done you in.

Irish- look, I understand your concern and lack of trust with all this, but you must understand, skye means a lot to me, same as you. So,please can we set aside the idle threats.

---shiny starts walking---

Shiny- lets just go.......

---the two begin they're long walk into the grekan mountians---

--- shiny, lags behind a bit. She's pulls out a com and calls the captain---

Shiny- captain, we'll be heading to the grekan mountians, on the north side.

---captain coms back---

Captain- okay, com back once arrived, keep me posted with anything and everything. I wanna know where you're at, at all times.

Shiny- xie-xie captn. Do you really think he's here?

Captain- look, shiny, if oreo really is here, he's probably changed, he's been around these reavers a good long while, most likely given in and become a full reaver himself, so, don't expect a warm welcome, just knock him if possible, but, worse case.......

Shiny- it won't come to that......I just know it won't....
I will find him among you,even though you don't see him........


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 8:25 AM


Saffron coms Caption Shadow on Tranquility:

Saffrons voice is heard thru the whole ship:Captian Shadow This is SaffronBC of the Browncoat, I have taken over the ship, It was a little easier than i thought since the pilot and mechanic are M.I.A The Cowboyfromhell took me by surprise but I handled It.

So as you probably know by now, this was a well thought out plan by me.
Captian you owe me a favor, Don't worry crew of Tranq i won't go into the juicy details. well now i'm cashing in. Don't worry we will play by your rules, Infact i will even give you your 13 percent. So I guess it's not hijacked after all.

I have a few mod that i want to make but i will stay true.
Also I don't want anyone contacting me for a space on my ship, I WILL CONTACT who i want on my ship.

Well I'm Off Captian But I promise I will see you in the black

You Play with fire, You will get burned.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 3:31 PM


----shiny and irish arrived at a flat in the grekan mountians.---

Irish- ok, we're here. It'll be dark soon, we better post up here for a spell.

---shiny protests---

I will find him among you,even though you don't see him........


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 3:31 PM



Wednesday, June 11, 2008 5:06 PM



Thursday, June 12, 2008 2:50 AM


---shiny protests---

What do you mean stay here? for the night? How do we know it's safe? WE Don't. Irish i know you say you want to save Oreo but we have to use our brains here. I think we should keep moving, It's better than being a sitting target, there are reavers here you know.

shiny:"i should just shoot him now"

Irishangle looks at shiny and say's what?

Shiny :Oh nothing just had a pleasent thought, thats all.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, June 12, 2008 10:18 AM


--- its been over an hour and Irish and shiny are sitting around a fire. they haven't said much to either, mostly insults and mumbling. Suddenly, a noise disturbs the silence around them---

Shiny- what was that?

---shiny pulls out her gun, aiming it in every direction, Irish sits back with his arms folded across his chest.---

Irish- you're late.....

---two figures appear from the darkness---

Chisa- not according to my watch.

--- chisa and irish shake hands, along with Braize.---

---Braize looks over at Shiny---

Brazie- who's your friend here....

Irish- not really a friend, she part of the crew of Tranquility she's....

Shiny- My name is ShinyFrye, Shiny for short. Who are you?

Chisa- My, what a firey little thing eh?

Irish- they are our contacts...

Chisa- well, come along, we haven't all day. we'll be back at base before first light.We have a shuttle already for you. Brazie is going to be taking you in and doing the drop off. i gotta say Irish, you have some nerve going into the bila'grausa plains. Hope you have a plan...

Irish- somewhat.

---they four continue they're walk down the side of the mountian---

---first light begins to break and just as chisa said, the "Cure" base was insight. heavy guarded by a wall that surrounded it, looked to be about 4 feet thick and guards post about 5-8 apart along the top of it. Once inside, chisa leads shiny and Irish to a shuttle bay, where a shuttle is already to go---

Chisa- Ok, she already to go. Brazie will fly you in and from there, you're on your own.

Irish- thank you Chisa, hopefully i'll get to see you again.

Chisa- God speed

---Shiny and irish board the ship and within mintues they were in the air---

I will find him among you,even though you don't see him........


Thursday, June 12, 2008 2:03 PM


Shiny and Irish are in the ship
Shiny looks at Irish and says: SOMEWHAT of a plan? You only have somewhat of a plan Irish is there something you should tell me because I thought you had a whole plan.
Shiny: look Irish I don't want ill feelings toward you ok, BUT Chisa saying "Irish, you have some nerve going into the bila'grausa plains" Dosent make me feel any better. Are you sure you know where Oreo is? And will he welcome us you know being reaver and all?

Shiny can see the doubt in Irishes eyes she decides to stop talking and think of a plan of her own, Just incase Irish turns on her.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, June 12, 2008 2:19 PM


Shiny coms Capt:

Capt where in a ship heading to bila'grausa plains, I don't know what to expect
when we get there but i dont think it will be good.
I will com you later when i have more info to give. Tell Path, Kat and El not to worry, They have thier hands full anyway.

Ends com.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, June 12, 2008 3:16 PM


---Irish turns to shiny---

irish- all this is just as unexpected to me as it is to you ok, all i know is,i ended catching a message from a childhood friend i havent seen in years. That needed help...and i was that help. What would you do? you know him and you're complaining. He's here, i know it. I'm sorry you're in the mix of this, i really am. I'm not the gung ho type of guy, i just want to help.

---Irish turns back around and looks out the window. 17 more miles, still they reach thier doom or thier success. While looking out the window, something suddenly hits Irish. hes turns back around to Shiny---

Irish- what did you mean, skye is a reaver? What aren't "you" telling me?

---shiny explains all she knew about oreo to irish---

Irish- I guess we should come up with some sort of plan then. I'm all ears if you got one.

---Brazie thinking to himself---

Brazie- they ain't gonna make it. Its sad almost. Nobody walks in their and makes it back alive or a reaver themself.

---brazie shouts back to irish and shiny---

Brazie- okay, we have bout one hour before we get there. The area is to hot to land, so we'll have to do an air drop.

Shiny- you're gonna drop in the middle of the town?

Brazie- negative, drop off will be four miles out. Atract less attention hopefully.
I will find him among you,even though you don't see him........


Thursday, June 12, 2008 3:40 PM


"acknowledged SHINY. 'com us when you need us."

SHADOW goes to check on the twins. they are now awake.

"ok, PATH, KAT, and EL, lets talk to the twins."

the crew sits around the infirmary and begin to talk to the twins.
the crew finds out that the disk says are 13 years old, though they look much younger.
they have been in cryo for 3 years, since they where 10 and haven't changed much since then.

a boy and a girl. blond both. and really 10 years old.

the boys name is STORM, the girls name is SUMMER.
but the two don't remember too much. the cryo and the sedatives still having an effect on them. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Thursday, June 12, 2008 4:47 PM


(In the infirmary)

(The twins are leaning against each other on the bed, while Kat is talking to them. Path and the Captain are standing a few feet back on either side of her. Elbarto is in the doorway leaning against the door frame. Every now and then the twins stare at El. They seem more curious then afraid.)

(Elbarto thinking) We certainly stepped into the briar patch with this one didn't we? I'm just glad we got off of that Alliance cruiser before they got a chance to realize who I am. I wonder what the Alliance have on me. It can't be much if I wasn't pinched in the short time we were on that crate.

(Elbarto glances at Kat, who is doing all the talking for the crew.) She really fits the whole caretaker role really well... It's nice to know that she is good with children.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Thursday, June 12, 2008 6:29 PM


**Kat is trying her hardest with the twins, but kids are hard work for her. She never gave much thought to children, not having had much of a childhood herself. They seemed to be much calmer, though, which was good.**

Kat: So, you feeling a little hungry, maybe? Or sick? Thirsty?

The twins look at each other and the girl says:

Yes. We're hungry. And thirsty. And tired.

Kat (smiling): Ok then! Food! Well we ain;t got a great selection but I'm sure we fix you up something nice. Pity we ain't got any cake left! You like anything particular?

Storm: We don't mind, we're just hungry. And water. lots of water - we are dehydrated a little.

Kat: (thinking, ok, so they understand about their situation a bit, which is good) Ok, well I think me and PathFinder here will go and see what we can rustle up for you in the galley. That big man over there, Elbarto, he'll keep you company and the Captain's the one to speak to if you have any questions.

**El stands up, about to protest, but Kat gives him a look he's starting to become familiar with...*

El: Er, yeah, well. So, you're twins, then?

**Kat and PathFinder make a quick exit to the galley, leaving El to entertain the twins**

Kat turns to Path as they get to the kitchen

Kat: Do you think they'll be ok with El and the Cap'n? El looked almost scared...

PathFinder: Well, I'm sure they'll manage. We need to decide what to do with them. That's the real question....

You are beholden to no man


Thursday, June 12, 2008 8:34 PM


Kat turns to Path as they get to the kitchen...... Do you think they'll be ok.....

PathFinder: Well, I'm sure they'll manage.
We need to decide what to do with them. That's the real question....

Not that I would advocate Boxing them back up and collecting a LiL Pay,
just because it might seem easy.
It wouldn't turn out that way. Never does in the end.
We are going to need a plan at any rate, to deal with youngsters aboard.
I'm still not sure what kind of effects their Cryo-Stay will have had on them.
Being as they are twins I can only guess their bond will have held them together.
The question is will they still be able to seperate each other from themself?

DocKat : asks what should we get them.

PathFinder: Replies,
Some carbs such as whey, should help ease their metaboilism of the solution
we found with the Cryo kit.
Could you hand me some Tabasques, while you getting the Carb Whey.

DocKat takes a whiff of the whey, and chokes.
DocKat : Won't be eating to much of that, unless they are part billy goat.
Stinks awfull.
Do you really think Tabasques will help the Flavor of that somehow?

PathFinder: No, the Tabasques is to test the Cryo kit solution.

Adding one drop at a time to a dish untill the two substances are equal in volume,
then tilting the dish to mix them,
The combination changes colors then shades,
PathFinder: Good.
We will be able to run a comparison scan, once this does its Job,
and we should know more about our new Passengers.
At least if they are recovered from the Cryo anyhow.

Out2TheBLack, walks in :
What ya making for dinner? That looks um.... not so good really.

PathFinder: Replies, not a dish for eating off of anymore, unless you can fly this boat from the "head".
Will recycle the ceramics, but thats all it's good for after that test.
Cheap price concidering the timetable.
Don't exactly have 6 hours for the scan, and would take 8 to configure a proper scanner.
The old Lithmus works just as well, if you have done it eough.

DocKat : Should we bring some PLum Flavoring for them to drink?

PathFinder: They will Probably apprecite it. They will be craving H2O.

Out2TheBLack: Sounds better than what PathFinder made.

DocKat : Here help yourself.

Out2TheBLack: Thanks,

DocKat & PathFinder Return to the Infirmary to find the Twins asleep.
Setting things on the implement tray as they enter,
PathFinder checks the Twins breathing and prepares the solution in a Hypo.
Dockat asks the Captain if they Said any more.

PathFinder Says we'll have to wait for them to come back around it'll be awhile.
And then who ever is here should be sure to give them the solution
in these hypos and keep them awake while they eat.

PathFinder puts things back where they belong and turns to the door.
DocKat looks from the CaptN to the twins to PathFinder and then to the door.

Elbarto : says, What you brought an extra dish. Even set it aside. You said they wouldn't be eating this right now anyway.
Ain't like they was going to eat much of this pì huà anyhow. Stinks.

Following DocKat out the Infirmary door to the cushy seats
PathFinder : says to her,
Guess the Carb Whey will be back before Shiney and Irish.
And speaking Back into the infirmary, Glad you enjoyed it Elbarto.
Toss me the dish when your done.

pì huà = sh'te / nonsense


Thursday, June 12, 2008 8:34 PM


Kat turns to Path as they get to the kitchen...... Do you think they'll be ok.....

PathFinder: Well, I'm sure they'll manage.
We need to decide what to do with them. That's the real question....

Not that I would advocate Boxing them back up and collecting a LiL Pay,
just because it might seem easy.
It wouldn't turn out that way. Never does in the end.
We are going to need a plan at any rate, to deal with youngsters aboard.
I'm still not sure what kind of effects their Cryo-Stay will have had on them.
Being as they are twins I can only guess their bond will have held them together.
The question is will they still be able to seperate each other from themself?

DocKat : asks what should we get them.

PathFinder: Replies,
Some carbs such as whey, should help ease their metaboilism of the solution
we found with the Cryo kit.
Could you hand me some Tabasques, while you getting the Carb Whey.

DocKat takes a whiff of the whey, and chokes.
DocKat : Won't be eating to much of that, unless they are part billy goat.
Stinks awfull.
Do you really think Tabasques will help the Flavor of that somehow?

PathFinder: No, the Tabasques is to test the Cryo kit solution.

Adding one drop at a time to a dish untill the two substances are equal in volume,
then tilting the dish to mix them,
The combination changes colors then shades,
PathFinder: Good.
We will be able to run a comparison scan, once this does its Job,
and we should know more about our new Passengers.
At least if they are recovered from the Cryo anyhow.

Out2TheBLack, walks in :
What ya making for dinner? That looks um.... not so good really.

PathFinder: Replies, not a dish for eating off of anymore, unless you can fly this boat from the "head".
Will recycle the ceramics, but thats all it's good for after that test.
Cheap price concidering the timetable.
Don't exactly have 6 hours for the scan, and would take 8 to configure a proper scanner.
The old Lithmus works just as well, if you have done it eough.

DocKat : Should we bring some PLum Flavoring for them to drink?

PathFinder: They will Probably apprecite it. They will be craving H2O.

Out2TheBLack: Sounds better than what PathFinder made.

DocKat : Here help yourself.

Out2TheBLack: Thanks,

DocKat & PathFinder Return to the Infirmary to find the Twins asleep.
Setting things on the implement tray as they enter,
PathFinder checks the Twins breathing and prepares the solution in a Hypo.
Dockat asks the Captain if they Said any more.

PathFinder Says we'll have to wait for them to come back around it'll be awhile.
And then who ever is here should be sure to give them the solution
in these hypos and keep them awake while they eat.

PathFinder puts things back where they belong and turns to the door.
DocKat looks from the CaptN to the twins to PathFinder and then to the door.

Elbarto : says, What you brought an extra dish. Even set it aside. You said they wouldn't be eating this right now anyway.
Ain't like they was going to eat much of this pì huà anyhow. Stinks.

Following DocKat out the Infirmary door to the cushy seats
PathFinder : says to her,
Guess the Carb Whey will be back before Shiney and Irish.
And speaking Back into the infirmary, Glad you enjoyed it Elbarto.
Toss me the dish when your done.

pì huà = sh'te / nonsense


Friday, June 13, 2008 6:35 AM


Shiny coms captian,
WE are about an hour away from our drop, we are being dropped about 4 miles from town.
Shiny ends com.

Shiny takes out her gun and checks to make sure it's loaded, she dosent notice Irish watching her.

she thens opens the small sac that pathfinder handed her before she left,trying to remember his instructions.

Shiny: Irish did you bring a weapon with you?

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, June 13, 2008 9:42 AM


**Kat waits for Elbarto to finish eating and then walks with him to the galley. The twins are sleeping peacefully and the Cap'n is watching them**

Kat: So, how did you get them to sleep - did you tell them one of your war stories? (Kat laughs at her own joke and punches El lightly on the arm)

El: (frowning) Yeah, real funny. Disappearing off like that leaving me and Shadow to babysit.

**El walks a little quicker so Kat has to hurry a bit to match his long stride**

Kat: Hey, don't sulk! Me and Path needed to talk about how the twins were likely to be and what would be best to help them recover. It ain't easy coming out of stasis like that and being in together - who knows if it compromised the cryo?

El: If you must know they asked about my face (El touches the fading scars) so I told them a little of my last battle - leaving out the super reavers and Oreo, of course.

They reach the Galley and El cleans the dishes.

El: They were real interested but still sleepy from the cryo so nodded off...

Kat: (still smiling) so Uncle El told them a bedtime story about swords, blood and killing and it sent them peacefully off to sleepyland? Yep, that's a gift you have there, El! If ever I can't sleep I'll remember that!

El: (moving nearer to Kat and smiling himself) well if ever you can't sleep I can always give..

Kat: (holding up her hands) Just stop right there, El! I know you're getting your, er, strength back but I can kick your butt anyday. Friends, remember.

El: well you can't blame a guy for trying. I was only going to say I could give you a massage but hey, your loss.

**El leaves the galley, head held high, and Kat watches him go. Someday, he'll go too far and Kat wonders just what will happen then. Not to worry, though, she could always really kick his butt. And if Irish doesn't come back soon with Shiny and Oreo, Kat will be only too happy to deal with him, too.....Kat makes herself a drink, humming a little song from her childhood. **

You are beholden to no man


Friday, June 13, 2008 11:11 AM


Shiny: Irish did you bring a weapon with you? No.

Here (shiny hands him a small gun she had taped to her leg).
I know you won't use it on me, We're in this together now We need each other if we have any chance of getting out of here alive.

In the coded letter did Oreo say what part of silas 3? Once we're dropped we should deciede how we will pull this off.
Ok Irish we need to work together, you and I covering each others backs. You agree?

Brazie: ok guys prepare for drop.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, June 13, 2008 5:12 PM


---irish and shiny drop from the ship and begins running towards a pile of giant boulders. The two watch as brazie turns the shuttle about and flys away---

Irish- okay, this is it, we are in the thick of it now.

Shiny- so what the plan or haven't you thought about?

Irish- maybe we need to get a little closer. Try and get a visual layout, before we make any kind of a move.

Shiny- well, we better get going....

---the two slowly make their way towards the town---

Shiny- you hear that?

Irish- what?

Shiny- that sounds like

---irish and shiny poke their head atop a boulder pile and peer and a horde of reavers.---

Irish- holy god......

Shiny- now what are we gonna do. There are so many.

Irish- nightfall, best bet would be nightfall

I will find him among you,even though you don't see him........


Saturday, June 14, 2008 3:19 AM



captain, where's my cargo?
don't keep me waiting.

I'm above You... better than.


Saturday, June 14, 2008 4:41 AM


"plans have 'changed' BADGER. you didn't tell me about the 2 little angels. that has an effect on the landscape. i'll let you know what we'll be doing." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, June 14, 2008 9:23 AM


---its nightfall and shiny and irish slowly make there way into town---

Irish- ugh! This place smells, I'm gonna need a long ass bath after this.

Shiny- tell me about it.

Irish- okay, I say we stick to the back of the buildings and alley ways. Don't seem the reavers really leave the main street.

Shiny- okay, lets go, we have a lot of buildings to check, luckly this is a fairly small town.

---the two begin to make their way from building to building, peering into windows with unsatified results. ---

Shiny- disgusting, there's blood everywhere in this one.

Irish- there was blood everywhere in the others as well.........

---shiny turns to irish and speaks with disappointment in her voice---
Shiny- what if he isn't here?

---irish considered what shiny says might be right but quickly snaps back to reality---
Irish- he has to be here, this is the only place on the planet next to the "cure" base that has life. Not that I consider reaver part of the living.

---they continue to search the building, each one more grotesque then the last, when shiny lays eye on a shocking image. hanging from his wrist from the rafters. Covered in blood and looked to be unconscience. It was oreo. ---

---shiny quickly grabs irish who is peeking in another near by building---

Irish- HEY! What's gotten into shiny?!

---shiny with almost tears of joy, throws irish up against the window--

Shiny- I found him, there he is.

----irish's eye widen at the sight---

Irish- skye.....

---a smile creeps onto irish's face only to disappear just a quick. Irish turns and grabs shiny and quickly ducks on of sight as a reaver peers through the windows, snorting and screeching. The reaver satified nothing was outside the window walks away. Irish and shiny slowly pull themselves up and peek through the window.---

---three reavers surround oreo, and begin taking turns swiping at oreo flesh with cat wire whips, animating oreo as he screams in pain and eventually begins to screech and growls---

---irish and shiny duck back out of sight, not wanting to watch what was happening to oreo---

---irish is shaking and nervous---

Irish- we have to do something....

Shiny- like what? You want to just walk in there and try and rescue him.

---shiny slaps irish in the face---

Shiny- get it together, this is the time we need a plan. Oreo is alive, but for how long, we don't know. There's only two of us and we have only so much ammo.

---irish rubs his face where shiny slapped him--

Irish- I guess we wait, they have to stop eventually. Ill follow your lead shiny.......
I will find him among you,even though you don't see him........


Saturday, June 14, 2008 10:10 AM


irish rubs his face where shiny slapped him, Shiny whispers: Sorry Irish, I had to do it.
Your right they have to stop sometime, We should com capt. We will need the ship to to help get Oreo and us out of here. We need to go to a safer place, make contact with capt and at the right time go get Oreo, In and out fast. I'm not sure if that will work.

If we do that we will need some sort of distraction, Get the reavers focused on something else while we do the rescue.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, June 14, 2008 2:23 PM


Suddenly shiny remembers the sac, still whispering to Irish she says: Path gave me this showing Irish a Chaken oil Mag for her gun.
It shoots a gas, It will nock anything out in the room that breaths it instantly Plus I can bite on the canister use it as a filter so I can breath. she looks in the bag to find the other one, Irish the small gun I gave you Put this in it, Keep the canister so you can breath. Plus she pulls out the reaver repellent we can spray this on us and the reavers wont touch us It wont last long but if we're quick it will work. Lets go com capt.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, June 14, 2008 5:29 PM


--- with the magazines loaded in their weapons, shiny and Irish prepare to make a one woman, one man assault, a unisex, to get Oreo back---

Shiny- ok, on the count of three, we fire through the window and knock out those reavers, with any luck they will be sawing logs even before they hit the ground. Also, Oreo will be out, make it easy to get him out without any fuss.

Irish- I get Skye down, you keep watch

---The pair stand a few feet back from the window and begin their count. Their hearts beating hard and sweat and falls down their face. 1....2....3...they fire into the window and in seconds the whole room is engulfed in smoke. they both bite down on the empty canisters. Shiny singles to Irish that she will go first. She jumps up to the window and clearing and broken glass before crawling through. Irish tails behind her---

--- the smoke quickly evacuates through the broken window and in seconds the room is clear again. three reavers, a knock out and laying on the floor. Shiny removes the canister from her mouth and whispers to Irish---

Shiny- Okay, get him down quick, im pretty sure the reavers heard us brake the window.

---irish nods and walks up to Oreo. he pulls over a chair to stand on and then pulls out a knnife to cut the rope that are bound around Oreo wrist.---

Shiny- come on, come on, what taking so long.

Irish- I'm going as quick as i can, reavers may be stupid, but they can tie one hell of a knot, it's even hard to cut through.

Shiny- Well hurry up, i don't want to be around when.....

---Suddenly Irish stops cutting, shiny looks out the broken window---

Shiny- Oh on,....they're out there, looking....

---The screeching and growls of reavers fill the night air, Irish quickly goes back to cutting the ropes.---

Irish- Shiny, if you have a com, i would suggest getting on it now and getting them ready for pick up.....

I will find him among you,even though you don't see him........


Saturday, June 14, 2008 5:43 PM


Shiny coms Captain,

Capt we need help, we Have Oreo there are reavers

Ends com:

Irish unties Oreo and throws him over his shoulder, Shiny takes out her reaver repelent and sprays them as irish passes her by onto the street shiny also sprays herself and follows.
The reavers moved way back and become paraliyzd from the stench of the spray giving Irish and shiny enough time to head for the mountian to meet up with TQ.

as they set foot on the mountain they see TQ she sets down and and The two of them board the ship, rushing Oreo to the infirmary.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, June 15, 2008 5:22 AM


SHADOW helps bring OREO back into the infirmary.
"welcome back friend."

then, leaving OREO to PATHFINDER and SHINY in the infirmary, SHADOW returns to the TWINS and KAT and ELBARTO.
O2 has left the bridge and also joins the 'questioning' of the TWINS in the galley.
SHADOW sees O2 and, trying to make the TWINS laugh, says jokingly...
[and in chorus, the TWINS say with SHADOW]
...who's flying this thing?"

the galley erupts with laughter with the sound of 3 people saying the same thing at the same time.
the STORM and SUMMER don't laugh as hard as the rest of the crew because they already 'knew' the punchline, but the situation is still humorous so they enjoy it looking at each other.

"ok, who told you that one?"
SHADOW says not 'getting it' at first.

"oh, ya, right, the mind reading thing. guess i can never tell a joke around you two, huh?", SHADOW says trying to make the TWINS laugh again.

this time it only makes SUMMER start to cry and STORM puts his head down.

"i'm sorry. i didn't mean to upset you... anyone jump in here before i really screw things up."

* SHADOW thinking *
i guess the alliance doctors put them through more than we can understand here.

trying 1 last time to lighten the mood SHADOW says...
"so, anyone want a... [TWINS in chorus with the captain]..."fruity oaty bar. we love them".

"good, i hope PATHFINDER has some. he has everything."

SUMMER says "PATHFINDER speaks in clear riddles."

STORM look sideways at SUMMER to caution her quietly without anyone seeing him do it.

SHADOW gets up and coms the infirmary.
"SHINY, where's IRISH? you were unclear about that during your escape." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, June 15, 2008 5:43 AM


Shinys cleaning Oreo's wound's when Captian coms her in the infirmary.

"SHINY, where's IRISH? you were unclear about that during your escape."

Shiny coms back: Capt I don't know at the last minute he said he wasn't coming, just take care of Oreo .
That he would com you when he was safe.
Capt I didn't like leaving him I had no choice.

Ends com:

Shiny goes back to cleaning oreos wounds on his face and for just a moment she thought she saw him open a eye and look at her.

Shiny Speaking softly: eveythings ok Oreo your home now, your safe.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, June 15, 2008 2:19 PM


**O2 has the twins settled again after the upset, so Kat takes the opportunity to see Oreo. She watches Shiny tending to his many wounds, and she can see the tenderness and care in everything Shiny does**

Kat:(quietly) How is he, Shiny?

Shiny: (not turning round) Hard to say for sure. It was...bad. Down there...

**Kat comes into the Infirmary fully and sees how tired and drained Shiny is**

Kat (concerned): Do you want me to help? Or get you a drink, some food....?

Shiny: (not looking up, not stopping) No, I just need to finish this then....then we can see...I'm not much company at the moment...

Kat: That's ok. I just came to see how you both were. I'll...let you get on and come back in a bit. Then you can rest and eat.

**Kat backs out of the Infirmary and goes to find the Cap'n. They need to make sure Shiny and Oreo are really ok....

You are beholden to no man


Sunday, June 15, 2008 3:41 PM


(Oreo opens his eyes again to find shiny still tending to his wounds. He thinks to himself)

She look tired, worn out. But why?

( he winces a bit at the pounding ache in his head. His thought process still a massive jumble in his head, pain surging through his body. A lot of things still unclear. Oreo musters up a little bit of energy and reaches up to shiny face and gently rubs her face)

Hey there know, a person does need to sleep eventually.

(Shiny stands and leans over oreo)

Hey you, welcome back. You've in and out for sometime, mostly out. How are you feeling?

(Oreo trys to keep from chuckling, due to the extreme pain as he responds)

Believe me when I tell you,I feel no better then I probably look.

What has happened? How did I get here?

(Shiny, hestitates a bit before answering)

You know what, why don't we save that for when you up abd about.

(Oreo smiles and begins to groan. The pain os finally starting to kick in full force)

Ahhhh, gorramnit!

(Shiny rushes over to a med cabinet and pulls of a syringe that contains morphine. Shiny ties off the lower half of oreo arm with a turnicate and injects that needs. Slowly the morphine kicks in as oreo's whole body begins to relax. Shiny sits back down next to oreo)

How's that?

(Oreo takes s few deep breathes)

Better, guess I'm busted up sum'in fierce.

( shiny stares oreo deep into his eyes)

At least you're alive.......

(Oreo only grins at shiny's comment. A few second later the affects of the med causes oreo to closes his eyes and sleep. shiny rubs his face and goes back to cleaning his wounds as she begins to talk to oreo even though his unconscience)

Why did you stay back on silas 5. This whole time ,I thought you were dead. A lot has happened since you've been gone. But,You're home again......

(Shiny gives out a deep sigh)

This time, we're leaving you......I'm not going to leave you....skye

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Sunday, June 15, 2008 8:55 PM


****incoming transmission****

Source¦ lat 67 long 568...planet silas 3

Message received....Treker O'connor a.k.a -Irish.....

Irish- hopefully this message has reached the ship Tranquility. First off, I hope all is well, with shiny and oreo, second I guess an explanation is in order for my adsense. it simple really, skye or oreo is safe now, and he needs to stay that way, the alliance will try and get him back. Tranquility, you are in danger by keep him onboard. But, I have seen things aboard that ship, the way you all care for each other. Take risks for each other.......They will never stop coming. What he carries in his blood is.......dangerous, to the alliance and they know it. They will try and destroy him and destroy him they will. I decided to stay here on silas 3 with "cure" in hopes to collect more intel on what the alliance may have planned. I will keep incontact. Oh and shiny.....take care of the big lug.

****end of transmission*****

I will find him among you,even though you don't see him........


Monday, June 16, 2008 7:13 AM


Shiny and Path stay with Oreo, once Oreo is asleep, shiny takes off to find Kat.

shiny walks into the gally to see capt and kat talking they notice shiny:

Capt: how you doing shiny, you ok?
Shiny: yes capt I'm fine.
Capt; ok well I'm off to check on the twins.

shiny looking thru the cupboards grabs the first bottle of hard liquor she can find and two glasses.She motions for kat to sit down while she pours them drinks.

Shiny: You know Kat I'm not much of a drinker but after what I saw (shiny takes a drink), Its not human, (shiny tells kat what she saw) and the smell, Kat I cant sleep,I cant close my eye's when i do, I see it all over again. I cant help but feel guilty when I see Oreo like this, My family helps the alliance do this to people. what will Oreo think. I dont know what to think.

Shiny pours herself another glass then stares at kat looking for an anwser that dosent exsist,or at least one that would make her feel better.

Shiny: well I should get back to Oreo, I dont want him to wake up and me not be there.

Kat watches shiny walkaway and her thought's of concern grow stonger.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, June 16, 2008 9:01 AM


(its a new nightmare, one oreo has never had before. Theres a room with nothing in it. No windows. No doors. Nothing but oreo and voice that enters into oreos mind, causeing him to grab at his head and drop to his knees. Images in his head begin to play, things he has never seen, places he had never been. The voice just keeps growing louder and louder. Oreo begins throwing himself into the walls and banging his head, shouting for it to stop. Louder and louder the voice grows and then.......silence. Oreo, once again drops to his knees, shaking as he takes his hands away from his head. His listens to see if the voice was truly gone for a moment, suddenly he is attacked from behind and blind folded.........)

(Oreo sit up suddenly in his bed, sweaty and breathing hard)

That's how the nightmare ends (sighs) just doesn't end.

(Oreo lays back down and stares off into space, again the pain starts, but his mind is only thinking about the nightmare.)

There's more.........i

(All of a suddenly he starts thinking about the crew)

They should have left me there.........they're coming

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Monday, June 16, 2008 9:38 AM


**When Shiny is gone Kat sits in the galley for a while, finishing her drink, lost in thought. The twins,Oreo and Shiny - they all need extra care at the moment. Irish seemed to want to disappear and Kat couldn't help but wonder how he was still alive, and how he had managed to send the Comm. Her concern is mainly for Shiny and Oreo, though.

Oreo has had a trial such as no person, human or otherwise, has survived. The physical trauma was bad enough but the mental pressure he had ensdured - would he ever really recover? And Shiny was obviously deeply upset by all she had done and seen and needed a break and some sleep. But it didn't look that she could face sleeping at all, so how could she ever begin to heal?

Kat swirled the last of the drink around then chugged it back. Time to check on Tranquility's status. With Badger and the Alliance taking extra interest it made sense to make sure all defenses and systems were set. Then it would be time to look at how to help the heart of the ship, the people.**

You are beholden to no man


Monday, June 16, 2008 4:59 PM


the twins walk away from the others and talk to each other as they explore the ship.

STORM: "don't let them know too much, we don't know them. we can't trust them."

SUMMER: "we can trust some of them... most of them. some are confused. there's blackness ahead."

the captain reads the cortex bulletin and thinks:

'it's all catching up to us now.'

"O2, find us a path away from the trade routes... somewhere to lay low for a spell... somewhere we can coalate the data.
we crossed BADGER, THE ALLIANCE, and the blackmarket dealers on that cargo ship. they all want us. we need to pull together." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Monday, June 16, 2008 8:13 PM


In the infirmary
PathFinder: Watches over ShinyFrye and Oreo as she tirelessly tends to him.
.Knowing the difficult Oreo faces, PathFinder prepares supplies for ShineyFrye
..Seeing to the external repairs that require immediate attention.

Oreo wakes and ShineyFrye puts morphine to a good use,
As TranQuility recieves a message from the planet,
. PathFinder's Com unit vibrates in a dull Buzz.. buzzz.. buz .. bz.........

..A glance down at the screen & a sigh in recognition of the coded carrier wave.
...At least the signal is strong, so leaving the drop site wasn't a problem for Irish.
....PathFinder: Thinks = - = Live long enough and history really does repeat itself.
.....This was really looking all too memorable. Different people. Caught in the same problem...
......The cycle repeates over & over again. At least untill someone remembers the past. ~Santiago was right~.

As the twins rested and ShinyFre worked away, Kat enters and checks on ShineyFrye and Oreo.
.quietly PathFinder sets up a small station in the seldom used corner of the infirmary,
...from odd looking bits and pieces. Preparing for the next step that Oreo will require.

ShineyFrye and PathFinder stay with Oreo as he falls asleep,
.ShineyFrye heads towards the galley, for a much needed moment of reflection after so long nonstop.
..Oreo tosses in a nightmare. The twins wake as
PathFinder speaks, to calm Oreo : Once you regain your strength we will address those nightmares;
.Sedatives will do for now. Rest & build your strength. You will need it soon enough, for now rest quietly.

..administering the contents of a small silver syringe; Oreo calms and sleeps again.

The twins wonder out of the infirmary past the CaptN as PathFinder returns.
. Meeting ShineyFrye at the infirmary hatch, PathFinder hands her a small silver foil pack .
PathFinder : The twins are headed towards the mid catwalk of the cargobay, just past the CaptN
I'm sure. Would you share this with them, please.
Might improve your spirits, I will need them fully recharged soon enough.

PathFinder returns to the station in the corner adding a shiney canister and scaning with one of the
little mechs.


Monday, June 16, 2008 8:13 PM


In the infirmary
PathFinder: Watches over ShinyFrye and Oreo as she tirelessly tends to him.
.Knowing the difficult Oreo faces, PathFinder prepares supplies for ShineyFrye
..Seeing to the external repairs that require immediate attention.

Oreo wakes and ShineyFrye puts morphine to a good use,
As TranQuility recieves a message from the planet,
. PathFinder's Com unit vibrates in a dull Buzz.. buzzz.. buz .. bz.........

..A glance down at the screen & a sigh in recognition of the coded carrier wave.
...At least the signal is strong, so leaving the drop site wasn't a problem for Irish.
....PathFinder: Thinks = - = Live long enough and history really does repeat itself.
.....This was really looking all too memorable. Different people. Caught in the same problem...
......The cycle repeates over & over again. At least untill someone remembers the past. ~Santiago was right~.

As the twins rested and ShinyFre worked away, Kat enters and checks on ShineyFrye and Oreo.
.quietly PathFinder sets up a small station in the seldom used corner of the infirmary,
...from odd looking bits and pieces. Preparing for the next step that Oreo will require.

ShineyFrye and PathFinder stay with Oreo as he falls asleep,
.ShineyFrye heads towards the galley, for a much needed moment of reflection after so long nonstop.
..Oreo tosses in a nightmare. The twins wake as
PathFinder speaks, to calm Oreo : Once you regain your strength we will address those nightmares;
.Sedatives will do for now. Rest & build your strength. You will need it soon enough, for now rest quietly.

..administering the contents of a small silver syringe; Oreo calms and sleeps again.

The twins wonder out of the infirmary past the CaptN as PathFinder returns.
. Meeting ShineyFrye at the infirmary hatch, PathFinder hands her a small silver foil pack .
PathFinder : The twins are headed towards the mid catwalk of the cargobay, just past the CaptN
I'm sure. Would you share this with them, please.
Might improve your spirits, I will need them fully recharged soon enough.

PathFinder returns to the station in the corner adding a shiney canister and scaning with one of the
little mechs.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008 6:12 AM


Path: Shiny would you mind giving this to twins?

Shiny: looking at the foil package confused,

Shiny: well Oreo looks like he'll be asleep for awhile, I guess so.

Shiny finds the twins near the catwalk of the cargobay.

Shiny: path wants....
Twins interrupt : your giving us Fruity Oat Bars.

Shiny; you guys have had this before?
twins: No silly how could we?
summer starts laughing, storm walks away. shiny follows storm

Shiny: storm i'm sorry i did'nt mean to upset you.

Storm: Shiny their coming,for you, for everyone, you have what they want. Summer starts to cry.
Shiny: storm stop it your scaring your sister.

Storm: Am i scaring summer or you? Storm leaves and summer follows.

shiny: stunned by what just happend walks back to the infirmary

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008 8:24 AM


(Elbarto is in the cargo bay practicing his Jeet Kun Do on a punching bag. He finally has full mobility again throughout his body. The twins walk into the cargo bay, wanting to see what's going on.)

(Elbarto, breathing hard and working hard, doesn't notice them at first. Elbarto, turns away from the punching bag for a drink of water when he sees the twins watching.)

Elbarto: Hey you two what are you doing here?

Storm: Just watching you practice Jeet Kun Do.

El: How did you know what form I am using?

Summer: It's all you think about when you are hitting the bag.

El: Ohh, that's because I'm focusing on my technique. There is always room for improvement.

Storm: Why do you do that?

El: Do what?

Summer & Storm: Devote your life to violence. To hurting people.

El: Can't you just read my mind and find out?

Summer: It doesn't work that way. We can't read everything. We have limits.

El: I see. Well to answer you, I don't see it as hurting people, I see it as protecting people. I devote my life to "violence" as you say, so people like you don't have to. So children like you can grow up and lead normal lives. Do you understand what I am saying.

(They both nod)

El: I know the Alliance well. I know that they will come looking for you. But don't worry. I promise that no one will hurt you as long as I still breathe.

(Elbarto sees that the worried looks on their faces have decreased somewhat.)

(Elbarto thinking): These kids had their childhood robbed from them. Things like this are the reason I never had any trouble killing anyone in the alliance command, why I completed every mission they sent me on. The Alliance will pay dearly for this one day.

(The twins look up at Elbarto, and get a little scared as they feel rage rising inside of him, but it quickly fades and Elbarto puts a smile on his face.)

El: Ok, who wants to have some fun.

Summer & Storm: We do! We do!

(Elbarto leads the twins to the punching bag. He shows the twins how to assume the fighting stance. )

El: Ok, now punch the bag.

(The twins start hitting the bag, with Elbarto watching over them. In the midst of punching and kicking, and having a good time, the twins are able to forget their troubles, at least for a little while.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008 1:25 PM


* the captain heads to see the twins after a session on the bridge with O2, decoding more of the disk that came with them. he meets them in the cargo bay area. *

"hi guys. everything ok?"

STORM: "yes sir."
SUMMER: * pouts *
STORM: "she's still mad at you."
SHADOW: SUMMER, i'm sorry, it was just a...
SUMMER: "...dumb joke, yes." *starting to smile*

* SHADOW smiles too *

"do you guys remember much about you parents?"

* SUMMER loses her smile. *

* SHADOW recalls the 1st meeting in the galley talking with the crew about the twins. *

the crew sits around the infirmary and begin to talk to the twins.
the crew finds out that the disk says are 13 years old, though they look much younger.
they have been in cryo for 3 years, since they where 10 and haven't changed much since then.

a boy and a girl. blond both. and really 10 years old. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008 5:18 PM


(The infirmary is empty as oreo wakes up. Pain still makes its way through out his body, but the sleep has helped him gain a little bit of energy back. Oreo sits up and turns slowly, hanging his feet over the side of the bed. He surveys the room, and stretches. Oreo turns his head and notices a couple of kids, like to be no older then 10 standing in the door staring at him)

Who are you? Didn't know the captain started a babysitting service.

(Summer and storm step a few feet in the room)

We can see that your mind is dark, filled with hate, anger.......demons. You're scared, cause you know they're coming for you and your crew. And her. You care so much for her, don't you? You don't want to see anything bad happen to her. Even if that means, killing, giving into....the other side. But something already has. She's seen things, done things. She's scared of you, yet she cares for you. Your sister fears for you as well. She worries. You feel you should run, hide, stay away, but.............

(Oreo glares at the children and grits his teeth and tightens his muscles)

Who the hell are you? What are you? Are you like me?

(storm smiles)

No, oreo, we are different from you. To certain people, we are important, but you are unique. Together, that makes us more then dangerous. That's why they want us and want to destroy. of the first of your kind. Operation Reaver Echo One. The nightmares will come more often you know, faster and seem more real then reality itself, the closer they get to us and to you.

(Oreo grabs his head with his hands)
You two are the reason for the nightmare's , you little bastards.

(Oreo tries to stand to make an advance toward the kids, but his legs, not ready for the sudden movement, give out from under him, and oreo falls to the floor,wide eyed and scared at oreo's actions the children begin to back up)

We can see want to hurt us, kill us. We see......the reaver inside trying to take over

(Oreo tries to crawl towards the kids but the pain is massive and with ever movement, oreos body force's itself to stop)

I'm gonna rip you two in half, who are you! WHO ARE YOU!
(The children now in tears turn and run away.. Oreo sits himself up against the infimary doors, stunned, confused and feeling very unsettled. Things in oreo had changed. More angry and unforgiving. With the look of a bloodthirsty killer and a strange grin)

Since you two seem to like reading minds, here is somethingfor you to think about, next time you ever try to read my mind, I will kill you, I will bury you on the most desserted planet in this verse. You will meet the other side of me.............

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008 7:49 PM


PathFinder turns to the sound of ..ScanTrk...... beeping away.
.Seeing the twins hurring out of the infirmary, Oreo sitting against the hatch.

PathFinder :
Oreo you could feel that your legs wouldn't carry you anywhere.
.Now. It is a good thing we're not charging you by the injury.
..You've already gathered a list most wouldn't survive, much less pay off.
...Now lets get those toes pointing forward again.

Oreo appears less than cooperative :-;;;;;;-:
PathFinder :
grasps Oreo by the base of the skull where the spine meets,lifting briskly
with a forward momentum. ..ScanTrk...... beeps & slides right under the Hulk of Oreo
as if on cue; like the little handy helper skiff ~'e is.
Placing Oreo back into the _ now operating _ table, again.
Tapping an imobilizer into Oreo's neck. He stills.

PathFinder :
Was hoping to allow those femurs to set on their own, but if you insist
.on Old school medics. Ablige we can & will.
..Be nice now and we will have you fixed up soon enough,
...for you to worry about more important matters.

PathFinder Begins the process of strapping Oreo in place
to reset the broken bones for the last time.
ShineyFrye hears an awfull crunch.... snap.. & steps into the infirmary to see
PathFinder straightening Oreo's leg with the other pointing,
very much the wrong direction.

PathFinder says to ShineyFrye without as much as a glance, All will be just fine.
Hard head only snapped three of your so well attended limbs.
You are a better attending Doctor than we realised.
I will need some Sealant Gel from the engine room.
The good clear stuff you used on the fuel cell casings.
It works well on hatch seals as well.
Don't worry if he hasn't lost his head by now then it must be attatched too well
for him to Loose it anytime soon. All your hard work has helped him very much.
And remind the twins to share their snacks when you bump into them.
Seeing you right now will do them good.

Now ,.snap..., Oreo that things are going back together,..crack...
how about some warm and fuzzy to go with the imobilizer.
You will sleep for now
and we will make those "dreams" better as soon as we rebuild you.
We can and we will. You will have control again. It will be better.
....I only wish the journey wasn't;......
well you know better than any of us can put into words.
.....Oreo, as long as you have the desire I'll keep you going.
......When desire fails you, . the crew . . . Will keep you going.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008 7:49 PM


PathFinder turns to the sound of ..ScanTrk...... beeping away.
.Seeing the twins hurring out of the infirmary, Oreo sitting against the hatch.

PathFinder :
Oreo you could feel that your legs wouldn't carry you anywhere.
.Now. It is a good thing we're not charging you by the injury.
..You've already gathered a list most wouldn't survive, much less pay off.
...Now lets get those toes pointing forward again.

Oreo appears less than cooperative :-;;;;;;-:
PathFinder :
grasps Oreo by the base of the skull where the spine meets,lifting briskly
with a forward momentum. ..ScanTrk...... beeps & slides right under the Hulk of Oreo
as if on cue; like the little handy helper skiff ~'e is.
Placing Oreo back into the _ now operating _ table, again.
Tapping an imobilizer into Oreo's neck. He stills.

PathFinder :
Was hoping to allow those femurs to set on their own, but if you insist
.on Old school medics. Ablige we can & will.
..Be nice now and we will have you fixed up soon enough,
...for you to worry about more important matters.

PathFinder Begins the process of strapping Oreo in place
to reset the broken bones for the last time.
ShineyFrye hears an awfull crunch.... snap.. & steps into the infirmary to see
PathFinder straightening Oreo's leg with the other pointing,
very much the wrong direction.

PathFinder says to ShineyFrye without as much as a glance, All will be just fine.
Hard head only snapped three of your so well attended limbs.
You are a better attending Doctor than we realised.
I will need some Sealant Gel from the engine room.
The good clear stuff you used on the fuel cell casings.
It works well on hatch seals as well.
Don't worry if he hasn't lost his head by now then it must be attatched too well
for him to Loose it anytime soon. All your hard work has helped him very much.
And remind the twins to share their snacks when you bump into them.
Seeing you right now will do them good.

Now ,.snap..., Oreo that things are going back together,..crack...
how about some warm and fuzzy to go with the imobilizer.
You will sleep for now
and we will make those "dreams" better as soon as we rebuild you.
We can and we will. You will have control again. It will be better.
....I only wish the journey wasn't;......
well you know better than any of us can put into words.
.....Oreo, as long as you have the desire I'll keep you going.
......When desire fails you, . the crew . . . Will keep you going.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008 8:37 AM


Shiny: ok path I know just where I put it.
Shiny enters the engine room to see summer swinging in her hammock. SHINY: Hi summer that looks like fun where's Storm? summer points. Shiny turn to look and storm is standing there with the sealent gel she needs for path.

Shiny: Thank you storm (as she takes the tube from his hand}. How did you guys like your fruity oat bars from path? Twins: we didn't save you any tell path where sorry.

Shiny: thats ok. you know what.. I have something for you guys, Shiny takes a small felt bag from the shelf. Here she hands them to storm. There jacks you guys can play with them.

Summer: How? how do we play?

Shiny very confused: You dont know how to play jacks? or how to play? shiny sees the look on their faces change to sadness.

Shiny: I will show you, ok guys lets sit in a circle, Shiny teaches them to play, then leaves them to go give path the gel for Oreo. On her way she see's Kat.

Kat: Hi shiny Hows Oreo doing?

Shiny: on the surface he seems to be healing better than we thought. But mentally I'm not sure
Before when i looked into his eyes i could see past the darkness and see light, now i dont know what i see... never mind kat i'm just tired, when Oreo wakes up we will com you, I know you want to see him. and I'm sure he wants to see you.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008 8:40 AM


(Oreo glances up at pathfinder, thinking to himself)

Who the hell is this guy? Hard Head. this guy doesn't seem to realize, who or what i am. Im already in a pissed off mood. If he's knows whats good for him, he'll quit before he gets himself dead.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1:37 PM


Shiny returns with the sealent gel.

Shiny: Here you go path, Hows He doing?
Shiny stands next to path looking down at Oreo.

Shiny: path his eye's are open but he's not saying anything, Oreo can you hear me?
Oreo looks at shiny and she see's he's not in a very good mood. Shiny decides to let him be, and go find capt. Before she leaves she rubs his cheeck and says "Path and I are only trying to help you, I'm sorry you have to go thru this".

Shiny leaves

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008 5:29 PM


SHADOW and PATH decode more of the disk.
PATH has already decoded the timeline of the when the twins were 1st put in cryo... 3 years ago, when they were 10.

now, SHADOW decodes the lineage algorhythm.
it seems that the twins were 'created' in an alliance lab from genetic experimentation.

* SHADOW thinking *

i will make sure these kids are always protected.

TRANQUILITY heads deeper into space, out of harms way... for now.

* thinking *

we can't do this forever. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:15 AM


(Oreo watches as shiny leaves. The anger in himself slips away as she disappears out of sight. he closes his eyes, its all he can do, due to the inhibtor path had placed on him to keep him from moving , oreo slips off into deep thought)

Shiny.....(oreo says as he laughs in his head), that's the first time anyone has ever said their sorry to me, but you have nothing to be sorry for. You weren't the cause of any of this. You nothing to be sorry for.

(Pathfinder notices oreo deep in thought)

You know, that young lady cares a lot about you. She's spent a lot of time tending to your wounds and staying by your side as you slept. Quite possibly Not my place to say, but maybe you should try and be a bit more.....positive around her. She went through quite the trial and fire to rescue you. Your friend Irish as well. But I guess there are still quite a bit of questions left unanswered about him. I don't know your history, but I can gather, it wasn't pleaseant to say the least, but you are back among your friends, no reason to hold a grudge, I think everyone is already on edge enough as is, pretty sure you don't want the folks on this ship wondering if you're going to merc them in their sleep.

(Path glances oreo straight in his eyes)

Its just a suggestion........

(Suddenly, confusion wipes across Oreo's face)

Shiny rescued.......Shiny rescued me!? That stupid girl. Going to a place like that. What's gotten in her head. She could have been hurt or worse. And irish! I don't know anyone named Irish. Never have. Lot has been going on, since I've been gone and a lot has happened.

(Suddenly a thought about kat enters his mind)

Kat, wonder if she's been down to see me. Probably not, she's so serious, good at her job.

(Oreo lays and continues to think. A lot of feeling running through him and one is has taken a definite notice of. Oreo looks over to path and manages to spue out a sentence)

How long am I gonna be on his gorram bed? Man can go crazy, just laying here.
Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:01 AM


Shiny walks into the galley to just be alone for a moment. She can't stop thinking about silas 3 and seeing Oreo hanging from the rafters and what the reavers where doing to him. Shiny starts to shake and the tears flood her eyes till she cant see.
In her head shiny hears her father saying "tears are a sign of weakness". Then she hears "shiny are you ok" shiny looks and Captain is standing next to her.

Shiny looks at him tears streaming down her face. she cant speak.
Captain puts his arm around her and says Shiny, You are brave, I dont know too many people who have seen what you saw and is still alive to deal with it. You will be ok, we will make sure of it.

Shiny: capt I just feel so guilty, I feel responsible for what has happened to Oreo, and the twins, I had no idea how bad the alliance really is.

Capt: shiny you are not responsible, No one blames you for this.

shiny looks at captain wanting to believe his words. and says "but my father helps funds the alliane so they can do this to people.

Capt: Shiny you are not them.

Shiny thinking: But what if oreo thinks I am?

Shiny: you do know that they will come for us.

Captain: I know, we will deal with it then. Shiny
get some rest. capt leaves.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, June 20, 2008 7:35 AM


After shiny gets Some much needed rest, she decides to go look for Kat.

Shiny walks into the cargo bay to find Kat and El Talking.

Shiny: Hi guys, If you want to see Oreo He should be up to it. It might do him some good anyway. I'm on the way myself.

Shiny walks in the infirmary and asks Path how oreo is doing. She hears giggles and see's that the twins are at the door watching and laughing at Oreo.

Shiny: Hey guys whats so funny?

Summer: He's not asleep, he looks at you when you don't see him. shiny looks at Oreo and he has a little smile on his face, She smiles back.

Storm: Shiny tell oreo why you carry so much guilt.

Summer: storm stop it, you know she's afraid to.

Shiny can't believe what the twins just said,

Shiny speaking Harshly: Ok you too I dont want you to come in the infirmary anymore. This is no place for children. The twins leave.

Shiny clearly upset asks Path: can i help you with anything?

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, June 20, 2008 8:48 AM



Originally posted by ShinyFrye:
After shiny gets Some much needed rest, she decides to go look for Kat.

Shiny walks into the cargo bay to find Kat and El Talking.

Shiny: Hi guys, If you want to see Oreo He should be up to it. It might do him some good anyway. I'm on the way myself.

Shiny walks in the infirmary and asks Path how oreo is doing. She hears giggles and see's that the twins are at the door watching and laughing at Oreo.

Shiny clearly upset asks Path: can i help you with anything?
...Also, I can kill you with my brain.

PathFinder says to ShineyFrye : Perfect timing.
We 're ready to Armor cast Oreo. I have the weave started.
If you could Hold this here while I start the Sealant Gel application.
The more hands for this process the better.
It is sort of like putting a scarecrow back together after a tornado.

ShineyFrye asks: What is this that I am holding any way,
it looks like a ventury injector from the mule.

PathFinder replies: Good eye ShineyFrye, it was a spare part
I had in storage. While it took a while to modify it will allow
me to adjust the treatment levels accurately enough to help Oreo recover.

Oreo can hear two voices talking and thinks.........
Then regaining composure he recognizes the voices.
What are they planing to do, just how much pain med.
are they planning on giving me? I can't move now.
I can't even see.

PathFinder and ShineyFrye continue casting Oreo.
Adding weave, gel, and a few spare parts as spars to keep everything in place.

Spying one of the twins peering in the infirmary,
PathFinder Leans Low to speak in Oreo's Ear:
Then Oreo Hears PathFinders Low voice say,
easy now listen to ShineyFrye. All will be better soon.

PathFinder says to ShineyFrye there is a part deep inside him
that respondes best to the femine voice of you and DocKat.




Friday, June 20, 2008 8:48 AM



Originally posted by ShinyFrye:
After shiny gets Some much needed rest, she decides to go look for Kat.

Shiny walks into the cargo bay to find Kat and El Talking.

Shiny: Hi guys, If you want to see Oreo He should be up to it. It might do him some good anyway. I'm on the way myself.

Shiny walks in the infirmary and asks Path how oreo is doing. She hears giggles and see's that the twins are at the door watching and laughing at Oreo.

Shiny clearly upset asks Path: can i help you with anything?
...Also, I can kill you with my brain.

PathFinder says to ShineyFrye : Perfect timing.
We 're ready to Armor cast Oreo. I have the weave started.
If you could Hold this here while I start the Sealant Gel application.
The more hands for this process the better.
It is sort of like putting a scarecrow back together after a tornado.

ShineyFrye asks: What is this that I am holding any way,
it looks like a ventury injector from the mule.

PathFinder replies: Good eye ShineyFrye, it was a spare part
I had in storage. While it took a while to modify it will allow
me to adjust the treatment levels accurately enough to help Oreo recover.

Oreo can hear two voices talking and thinks.........
Then regaining composure he recognizes the voices.
What are they planing to do, just how much pain med.
are they planning on giving me? I can't move now.
I can't even see.

PathFinder and ShineyFrye continue casting Oreo.
Adding weave, gel, and a few spare parts as spars to keep everything in place.

Spying one of the twins peering in the infirmary,
PathFinder Leans Low to speak in Oreo's Ear:
Then Oreo Hears PathFinders Low voice say,
easy now listen to ShineyFrye. All will be better soon.

PathFinder says to ShineyFrye there is a part deep inside him
that respondes best to the femine voice of you and DocKat.




Friday, June 20, 2008 9:18 AM


(Blind amd unable to move oreo lays and listens. The voices are distorted but recognizable. He can hear path, asking shiny to hold and hand him things. All the while shiny is talking to oreo as path sediated him to puts him to sleep)

Oreo, path is doing a great job. Should have you on your feet soon. He's gonna give you something to help with pain, it'll put you to sleep for awhile.

(Suddenly shiny deverts her attention to the infirmary door at storm)

Hey! Didn't I tell you to stay away from here. Go on, go play or something. not a place for kids.)

(Storm hides halfway behind the corner of the infirmary door, barely peeking around the corner at shiny)

He hates us......

(Shiny stares at storm and responds)


(Storm looks at oreo)

He does. He hates us. He has a lot of dark thoughts about us. his heart is evil.

(Shiny steps towards storm, aggrevated)

Listen, what could you possibly know about him. You're a kid........

(Storm cuts her off)

He's in love with you.....(pointing at oreo)

(Shiny, shocked at what storm has said grabs him by the arm, storm begins to ramble out of fear)

You are what keeps him from losing his way back! He thinks of you and remember days when he and his sister were kids!

(Shiny loosens her grip on storm. Pathfinder comes from behind and places his hand on her shoulder.)

Come on shiny, I need your help...

(Her thoughts are now in overtime. She lets go of storm, and turns and walks back to oreo. Placing her hands on the bed and hanging her head. Path joins her. storm gives one last glance and the fixes his sights over to shiny)

Your guilt involves him, he needs to know. You should tell him..... or we will.

(Storm turns and walks away)






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