UPDATED: Monday, December 8, 2008 04:27
VIEWED: 116876
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Friday, June 20, 2008 2:08 PM


SUMMER, [DISTANTLY]: "PAX... means 'peace'... in latin."

STORM: "QUIETUS means 'quiet'. don't let them know more than you have to SUMMER."

SUMMER [DISTANT]: "don't breathe. no air."

STORM: "the air is fine SUMMER."

SUMMER: "not here, there."


xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, June 20, 2008 2:26 PM


"PATHFINDER, i've heard you mention of an 'out of the way' planet in this quadrant.
get those coordinates to O2.
lets get there and lay low... maybe make a little coin while we're there.
what's it called, by the way?"

T.O.B.I. alerts the crew
* readings show an unregistered ship on the edge of scanner range.* - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, June 20, 2008 9:12 PM



- - - In the infirmary - - -
PathFinder stops abruptly wringing his hands, "fatiged".
ShineyFrye looks up from Oreo in concern, as they continue the slow process.

PathFinder Reaches over into a comtainer box labeled CAUTION : -Cryo- :
and says:
OK.-. we are about to the final stage. ShineyFrye clip this Com. pad to you.
And whatch this Blue Line
See the rythm. Soon you will have to monitor that for me.
We will be administering strong sedative that will stop any pain
and put Oreo into a deep sleep. Just not the permenant Kind.

DocKat would you please take the twins to the bridge till we are done.
Maybe EL you can tell them a story to keep their minds busy,
Dong Ma?: Busy minds

PathFinder reaches to Com the Captain and hears his boot just outside
the infirmary. Perhaps against a step.
PathFinder calls out: CaptN we will need your assistance in a moment.
As T.O.B.I. alerts the crew
* readings show an unregistered ship on the edge of scanner range.*

Captain responds: Sure, "PATHFINDER,
i've heard you mention of an 'out of the way' planet in this quadrant.
get those coordinates to O2. lets get there and lay low...
maybe make a little coin while we're there. what's it called, by the way?"
What can I do to help thing along.

PathFinder: Ever hear of the (NoNG)? See if O2 can plot a course,
that might also help keep the twins occupied.
If he can find it in the present celestial Navigation chart, we would be safer
to choose another place. If not, take a heading for Stoketown Station and
I will come up with the coordinates as soon as we are done with Oreo.
As soon as we complete the next step in annealing Oreo's Armor coat,
we need to take him into the cargo Bay to finish the process.

PathFinder: Removes a panel from the crate placeing it at Oreo's heals.
Tilting the table so Oreo's weight rest partially on the Plate. PathFinder
Hands a helmet from the crate to ShineyFrye they coat the rim
with Sealant Gel. ShineyFrye holds it in Place while the coating forms
a seal and PathFinder pulls a small silver cylinder from the crate,

PathFinder asks ShineyFrye:

Please step on the otherside of the hatch and close it & watch the Com. pad.
For this part you are to young and pretty. No protest

PathFinder puts up a hand motioning ShineyFrye to safety.
As the Captain returns from asking O2 about TQ's new course,
ShineyFrye looks in earnest as PathFinder realeases a small blast
from the cylinder annealing the area around the helmet.
As the Gel around the Helmet changes color,
the infirmary windows fog over and frost solid. ...............
After four minutes of watching the Com. pad.
the hatch creaks, Ping ping. . . a metal on metal sound comes from the door.
With a look shared by Shiney & Shadow, they pry the hatch open.
Pathfinder is leaning against them perfectly still.
The Captain reaches down and Pathfinder gasps.

How long, coughing and gulping air.?? how much time

ShineyFrye reads from the scanner. The Line reads five,.. now six minutes!!!
Steady rythm.

PathFinder replies: thats fine; close enough to any records I'll
have a need for soon Now... cough... Captain help me dolly Oreo into
the Cargo Bay while ShineyFrye monitors the scanner.

Entering the Cargo Bay
Captain Shadow asks PathFinder: How did you have time to erect this caged Dolly around Oreo?
What do we do next?

PathFinder replies: I wasn't napping the whole time the infirmary was defrosting ... cough...
It had to be done last .
Next we need cold to anneal Gel. and we have plenty of that here in the airlock.
We not spacing him Captain help me dolly Oreo into the airlock
while ShineyFrye monitors the scanner. It is the only way to flash freeze the Gel and
and release the armor coat from Oreo and stop it from compressing him to death.
See how his musles are already buldging a pattern.
The hatch doors shut and PathFinder releases the air causing the airlock to flash freeze.

ShineyFrye exclaims! The Line went Flat!!!

PathFinder replies: thats fine & normal for this just watch the line & tell me if it stops.

PathFinder recompresses the airlock.

ShineyFrye gasps: The wave is back and gaining rythm!!!

PathFinder looks at the Scanner to see Oreo's tempis coming down from his feverish high and returning
to a normal place for him.

PathFinder : Alright all we need to do now is get him back to the infirmary.
Where my scanner can record a base line over night.
His syrum won't have any real affect untill morning when he awakes.
Might be the first peacful nights sleep he has had, at least in a while.
We will be able to lean him up anywhere he wants after that
and begin to refine the syrum. I wish we had a 3d scanner.
It would make take this process from possible to probable.
If he is carefull Oreo should be able to get around in short order.

After I give O2 the coordinates, I will check Oreo on the way to my bunk.
I will relieve the morning shift.

PathFinder leaves the infirmary for the bridge.
Passing through the Galley.
PathFinder's Com unit vibrates in a dull Buzz.. buzzz.. buz .. bz.........
Sliding down the Bulkhead of the hatch forward of the Galley,
too tired for a better seat. Clearing the last intercepted message
to TranQuility from Irish.

****incoming transmission****
Source¦ lat 67 long 568...planet silas 3

Message received....Treker O'connor a.k.a -Irish..... . ... message . reached ..Tranquility. ..... .
What he carries in his blood is.......dangerous, to the alliance .... .
I .. stay ..silas 3 with "cure" ....more intel ...... . I will keep incontact. . ........ .
****end of transmission*****
....PathFinder: remembers the thoughts this message brought the first time
when attention was focused else where
At least the signal is strong, so leaving the drop site wasn't a problem for Irish .
~Santiago was right~. = - = Live long enough and history really does repeat itself.
The cycle repeates over & over again. At least untill someone remembers the past.

PathFinder reads the Com display. No intercept code.
Not a signal T.O.B.I. recognized. Just static over
a carrier wave reserved for navigational purposes.
Tired but recognizing the code all too well.
PathFinder enters the bridge as O2 is looking at the CeLestiaL Navigation

Bridge Display Screen -

PathFinder says to O2:
On days like this I realize that I may be too old for this lifestyle in a hundred years or so.
I will make you a deal, I will enter the coordinates through to stoketown and out.
if you find us something to eat & drink.
The change of pace might do as much good for both of us as the change of place.

O2 grins obligingly, either out of respect or sheer bordom.

Having a seat and connecting the data pad and com together the download
of coordinates begins
PathFinder takes the opportunity to check on the ship O2 has been avoiding
pulling up the Proximity Scan Bridge Display Screen .

.O2 has done a good job keeping them out of sensor range.
Determining their course seems to have been a challenge,
as many times as they changed they seem to have been just lulling about aimlessly.
PathFinder ties the data pad and com into the navigational system and replays
the encoded message back again ....... Opening the Cortex files and uploading
the reply to the message . Now nowing the general area and probable course,
PathFinder extends the Navigational sensor range in a tight beem to prevent any
unintentional reception, letting the flight controls drift the Tranquility into range
and as expected a small blip reads as a much smaller ship than PathFinder knows
all to well is there. As expected the ship's course drifts in a looping arc rolling at it's
apex turning the navigational sensor array extending it sweep and reception and
to produce even gravity throughout the ship so no one realizes the constantly
changing course unless they are used to watching the stars roll by for hours
at a time. Most passengers are imune to even the thought anymore.
PathFinder transmits the encoded reply through the Navigational array,
in a small burst transmission no one would ever notice.
At least no one but the few that it would intended.
After compensating for the drift and returning the controls
to their original settings. PathFinder confirms the coordinates
to take them to StokeTown and through into the asteriod belt.

O2 returns and the two eat and enjoy the view, taking turns noting
the oncoming increase in what lies ahead.
Finishing PathFinder says:
Thanks for the company and the meal,
And I'll be here to keep you sharp on the morning's first shift,
when we enter the space near Stoketown Station. Asteroids aren't the only hazards
so an extra set of eyes can always be handy.

Stopping In the infirmary to check on Oreo, PathFinder reads the scans
and discusses Oreo's treatment with ShinyFrye. So they will both be able
to assist Oreo in keeping his R.eaver E.cho under control.
Before leaving PathFinder returns the ID chip to Oreo's com link
and attatches it convieniently tothe inside wrist of the Armor Coat
so it will be easily accessable when he wakes and protected from,
any accidental out-bursts.



Friday, June 20, 2008 9:12 PM



- - - In the infirmary - - -
PathFinder stops abruptly wringing his hands, "fatiged".
ShineyFrye looks up from Oreo in concern, as they continue the slow process.

PathFinder Reaches over into a comtainer box labeled CAUTION : -Cryo- :
and says:
OK.-. we are about to the final stage. ShineyFrye clip this Com. pad to you.
And whatch this Blue Line
See the rythm. Soon you will have to monitor that for me.
We will be administering strong sedative that will stop any pain
and put Oreo into a deep sleep. Just not the permenant Kind.

DocKat would you please take the twins to the bridge till we are done.
Maybe EL you can tell them a story to keep their minds busy,
Dong Ma?: Busy minds

PathFinder reaches to Com the Captain and hears his boot just outside
the infirmary. Perhaps against a step.
PathFinder calls out: CaptN we will need your assistance in a moment.
As T.O.B.I. alerts the crew
* readings show an unregistered ship on the edge of scanner range.*

Captain responds: Sure, "PATHFINDER,
i've heard you mention of an 'out of the way' planet in this quadrant.
get those coordinates to O2. lets get there and lay low...
maybe make a little coin while we're there. what's it called, by the way?"
What can I do to help thing along.

PathFinder: Ever hear of the (NoNG)? See if O2 can plot a course,
that might also help keep the twins occupied.
If he can find it in the present celestial Navigation chart, we would be safer
to choose another place. If not, take a heading for Stoketown Station and
I will come up with the coordinates as soon as we are done with Oreo.
As soon as we complete the next step in annealing Oreo's Armor coat,
we need to take him into the cargo Bay to finish the process.

PathFinder: Removes a panel from the crate placeing it at Oreo's heals.
Tilting the table so Oreo's weight rest partially on the Plate. PathFinder
Hands a helmet from the crate to ShineyFrye they coat the rim
with Sealant Gel. ShineyFrye holds it in Place while the coating forms
a seal and PathFinder pulls a small silver cylinder from the crate,

PathFinder asks ShineyFrye:

Please step on the otherside of the hatch and close it & watch the Com. pad.
For this part you are to young and pretty. No protest

PathFinder puts up a hand motioning ShineyFrye to safety.
As the Captain returns from asking O2 about TQ's new course,
ShineyFrye looks in earnest as PathFinder realeases a small blast
from the cylinder annealing the area around the helmet.
As the Gel around the Helmet changes color,
the infirmary windows fog over and frost solid. ...............
After four minutes of watching the Com. pad.
the hatch creaks, Ping ping. . . a metal on metal sound comes from the door.
With a look shared by Shiney & Shadow, they pry the hatch open.
Pathfinder is leaning against them perfectly still.
The Captain reaches down and Pathfinder gasps.

How long, coughing and gulping air.?? how much time

ShineyFrye reads from the scanner. The Line reads five,.. now six minutes!!!
Steady rythm.

PathFinder replies: thats fine; close enough to any records I'll
have a need for soon Now... cough... Captain help me dolly Oreo into
the Cargo Bay while ShineyFrye monitors the scanner.

Entering the Cargo Bay
Captain Shadow asks PathFinder: How did you have time to erect this caged Dolly around Oreo?
What do we do next?

PathFinder replies: I wasn't napping the whole time the infirmary was defrosting ... cough...
It had to be done last .
Next we need cold to anneal Gel. and we have plenty of that here in the airlock.
We not spacing him Captain help me dolly Oreo into the airlock
while ShineyFrye monitors the scanner. It is the only way to flash freeze the Gel and
and release the armor coat from Oreo and stop it from compressing him to death.
See how his musles are already buldging a pattern.
The hatch doors shut and PathFinder releases the air causing the airlock to flash freeze.

ShineyFrye exclaims! The Line went Flat!!!

PathFinder replies: thats fine & normal for this just watch the line & tell me if it stops.

PathFinder recompresses the airlock.

ShineyFrye gasps: The wave is back and gaining rythm!!!

PathFinder looks at the Scanner to see Oreo's tempis coming down from his feverish high and returning
to a normal place for him.

PathFinder : Alright all we need to do now is get him back to the infirmary.
Where my scanner can record a base line over night.
His syrum won't have any real affect untill morning when he awakes.
Might be the first peacful nights sleep he has had, at least in a while.
We will be able to lean him up anywhere he wants after that
and begin to refine the syrum. I wish we had a 3d scanner.
It would make take this process from possible to probable.
If he is carefull Oreo should be able to get around in short order.

After I give O2 the coordinates, I will check Oreo on the way to my bunk.
I will relieve the morning shift.

PathFinder leaves the infirmary for the bridge.
Passing through the Galley.
PathFinder's Com unit vibrates in a dull Buzz.. buzzz.. buz .. bz.........
Sliding down the Bulkhead of the hatch forward of the Galley,
too tired for a better seat. Clearing the last intercepted message
to TranQuility from Irish.

****incoming transmission****
Source¦ lat 67 long 568...planet silas 3

Message received....Treker O'connor a.k.a -Irish..... . ... message . reached ..Tranquility. ..... .
What he carries in his blood is.......dangerous, to the alliance .... .
I .. stay ..silas 3 with "cure" ....more intel ...... . I will keep incontact. . ........ .
****end of transmission*****
....PathFinder: remembers the thoughts this message brought the first time
when attention was focused else where
At least the signal is strong, so leaving the drop site wasn't a problem for Irish .
~Santiago was right~. = - = Live long enough and history really does repeat itself.
The cycle repeates over & over again. At least untill someone remembers the past.

PathFinder reads the Com display. No intercept code.
Not a signal T.O.B.I. recognized. Just static over
a carrier wave reserved for navigational purposes.
Tired but recognizing the code all too well.
PathFinder enters the bridge as O2 is looking at the CeLestiaL Navigation

Bridge Display Screen -

PathFinder says to O2:
On days like this I realize that I may be too old for this lifestyle in a hundred years or so.
I will make you a deal, I will enter the coordinates through to stoketown and out.
if you find us something to eat & drink.
The change of pace might do as much good for both of us as the change of place.

O2 grins obligingly, either out of respect or sheer bordom.

Having a seat and connecting the data pad and com together the download
of coordinates begins
PathFinder takes the opportunity to check on the ship O2 has been avoiding
pulling up the Proximity Scan Bridge Display Screen .

.O2 has done a good job keeping them out of sensor range.
Determining their course seems to have been a challenge,
as many times as they changed they seem to have been just lulling about aimlessly.
PathFinder ties the data pad and com into the navigational system and replays
the encoded message back again ....... Opening the Cortex files and uploading
the reply to the message . Now nowing the general area and probable course,
PathFinder extends the Navigational sensor range in a tight beem to prevent any
unintentional reception, letting the flight controls drift the Tranquility into range
and as expected a small blip reads as a much smaller ship than PathFinder knows
all to well is there. As expected the ship's course drifts in a looping arc rolling at it's
apex turning the navigational sensor array extending it sweep and reception and
to produce even gravity throughout the ship so no one realizes the constantly
changing course unless they are used to watching the stars roll by for hours
at a time. Most passengers are imune to even the thought anymore.
PathFinder transmits the encoded reply through the Navigational array,
in a small burst transmission no one would ever notice.
At least no one but the few that it would intended.
After compensating for the drift and returning the controls
to their original settings. PathFinder confirms the coordinates
to take them to StokeTown and through into the asteriod belt.

O2 returns and the two eat and enjoy the view, taking turns noting
the oncoming increase in what lies ahead.
Finishing PathFinder says:
Thanks for the company and the meal,
And I'll be here to keep you sharp on the morning's first shift,
when we enter the space near Stoketown Station. Asteroids aren't the only hazards
so an extra set of eyes can always be handy.

Stopping In the infirmary to check on Oreo, PathFinder reads the scans
and discusses Oreo's treatment with ShinyFrye. So they will both be able
to assist Oreo in keeping his R.eaver E.cho under control.
Before leaving PathFinder returns the ID chip to Oreo's com link
and attatches it convieniently tothe inside wrist of the Armor Coat
so it will be easily accessable when he wakes and protected from,
any accidental out-bursts.



Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:24 AM


"O2, plot a course for Stoketown Station.
SHINY, ELBARTO and KAT, don't let the twins out of your site when we are on the planet." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:25 AM




Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:14 PM


Shiny not wanting to be around the twins says..

Captain, I think it would be best if I stayed with Oreo, I have been with him so far, Plus i know how to give him his pain medicine.
Kat and El are great with the twins anyway.

Captain gives her the look,

Shiny: capt those two freak me out, I think they have it in for me or something.

Captain: shiny they are just kids, they dont have it in for you. I want you to help,

Shiny: OK i will stay with Oroe but i wiil try to look after the twins also.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, June 21, 2008 4:44 PM


(Its another long night and pathfinder and shiny are making final checks on oreo armor cast. Shiny notices oreo opening his eyes.)

Welcome back big guy. I was begining to think you weren't ever going to wake up. Paths almost done. How do you feels.

(Oreo try to speak, but a very dry throat henders him from doing so)

(With a raspy voice)

I still can't move.......

(Shiny smiles)

Yeah, the inhibitor won't come off till paths completely done.

(Oreo's eyes wonder around. )

I can't wait to get out of this gorramn infirmary.

(Path speaks out from his work station)

"This gorramn imfirmary" has been your savior.

(Oreo chuckles)

Savior, more like a medical jail cell.

(Shiny flicks oreo in the cheek)

Be nice.

(Oreo squints his eyes at shiny and shiny sticks her tongue out at back at him. Kat walks in with storm and summer close in tow)

How's it going in here?

(Shiny nods towards oreo)

He's awake now.

(Kat walks up tp oreo)

Hey there little brother. Sorry I haven't been down to visit. Captians been running a pretty tight ship.

(Oreo smirks at her)

Its ok, you are a little into your job. Our mother, did she......?

(Kats lifts her head as if snapping to attention)

Yes, she did. Not to much longer after you were caught in the explosion back on silas.

(Oreo looks up to kat)

Kat, I will make the alliance pay for what they did and anyone who has ties with them. They all will pay.

(Shiny suddenly leaves the room. Kat follows after her and catches up to her in the stairway)

Hey, what is up with you?

(Shiny, angry, frustrated and alittle scared, waves off kat and disappears. Kats watches in confusion)

She's been acting weird since the twins have been around. Hmmm.... I wonder.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Saturday, June 21, 2008 8:42 PM


HI, I'm David Grotivo for Planet News. This late breaking story has just come in. Reports of a verse wide man hunt is underway for the capture of an alleged fugitive known as Skye L Jordsons ,alias Oreo.Skye was a willing volunteer of an Alliance Military Weapons Program call "Operation reaver Echo One". A Proto-type one failure of a series of three.The fugitive escaped from the facility that was based on Silas 5. Details of his escape are still unclear at this time.

The fugitives whereabouts are unknown at this time as well, but Witnesses of the Silas 5 explosion, that happened a few months back have described a man matching the fugitives description, placing him at the scene during what the Alliance is calling, A "tragedy". Witnesses also say, that working in conjunction with the Fugitive, was a small group of individuals that sources say are responsible for placing more then sixty-two deadly explosive devices throughout the Alliance complex.They too, are also wanted by Alliance Authorities.

Alliance officials had this to say on Tuesday; "After a month of excavation and recovery, we have yet to find any remains or a body of the Fugitive Skye L Jordsons a.k.a Oreo. This leave us to believe that he is still very much at larger. Please use extreme caution. He should be considered very dangerous and unstable." Also, a search for the thieves who HI-jacked precious Alliance cargo from a cruise ship is now in full swing. check points are being set at all ends of the verse, in hope the crooks will soon be caught. I'm David Grotivo for Planet News.


Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:32 AM


TRANQUILITY sets down just outside STOKETOWN STATION in a large field reserved for ships to land and 'dock' while on planet.
it's a perfect place to dock a ship if you want to 'fly under the radar' because there are so many other ships docked there. you are just another tree in the forest.

SHADOW: "that news report is gonna make our lives more interesting."

he checks in on the wounded - OREO and ELBARTO.
from ELBARTOS window, you can see huge billows of smoke and dust from the mining stations that are scattered around this huge 'rock'.

"you guys need anything from the city?"

just then PATHFINDER walks in.

"ok PATH, tell us a little about this place." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Monday, June 23, 2008 12:40 AM


The main thing for us to know is this is a good place to be lost.
Not a good place to get lost.
Wasn't expecting to be so long working on Oreo.
He should begin getting around a little as we are ready to leave.
I have some contacts here and on some of the mining astroids in the belt.
It may take a little time to contact them,
and concidering the recent news report, wisdom says to wait out the night
and see what the morning brings. Some of the less than savory charcters about
may prove usefull, but most are just that unsavory and not worth their risk.

- - - Early the next morning, before anyone awakes - - -

PathFinder : Sets in the cargo bay doors; looking over a data pad, -_-_-_- at the sunrise.
Returning to the infirmary; and placing the datapad under ShineyFrye's hand. As she sleeps

Here is our next destination:
but I need to make a stop first for information and a few essentials.
Oreo should be waking soon, you know the dosage and schedule,
we will see how well he takes to it and how coherant,
My skiff won't be noticed here so won't be long.

PathFinder departs quickly.

PathFinder Coms Tranquility: *
This won't be the safest job you have ever been on.
Pick me up just outside of town. Have O2 plot a course for
for a loose orbit looping just planetside of the Stoketown Asteroid Station
........ # 098751084375084315018754 ........ transmitt exacting course with pickup.
We've got eyes on so fly um casual, slow and lazy but not drunken.

Nearing Stoketown Asteroid Station PathFinder disengages the Cargo SkiFF
from Tranquility and picks up a container from the station, redocking with
Tranquility as she reaches the other side.
PathFinder coms: *
O2 take us out From the coordinateslisted under _D_ 8 _9_ . . . .

Leaving Stoketown Station
Clearance verification and destination coodinates authorized
by Sean Patrick Kennedy Flight coms controler 3rd shift.

PathFinder: Fills the CaptN in on the intended direction of the job ahead.
.And how some Rutting fool jammed up the local comunication repeaters.
My job was made alot easier and faster by their comunication Fei hua.
They are going to be looking hard for some one. ?
Passing DocKat and Elbarto outside the infirmary babysitting the twins
PathFinder wonders of it doesn't appear more like the twins are doing the sitting.
PathFinder: Enters the infirmary & asks ShineyFrye how Oreo is doing?

ShineyFrye : He Looks better,
In a lower voice: ( gave some pain medicine) .

PathFinder: Walks over to check the scanner, With an awfull look.
returns to Oreo's side. and checks the Com link attatched to Oreo's wrist.
.PathFinder: Well CaptN I just found the Rutt'N fool
everyone planet side will be looking for.
Would you mind asking O2 to alter course around the last big rock
before we leave the belt soft like using its gravity to put us on the course
under _D_ 9 _2_ . . . . .

Bless your heart Oreo your hand woke up before the rest of you.
He has been coding a message all morning, Thankfully very well.
I was really doing fine on my own.

Oreo looks down confused,
never realising conciously that he had been carring on a conversaion of sorts.

You didn't have to make things so easy for me. But boosting this com
through the local repeaters was effective. If I didn't already have a real good
idea where the signal was directed I would be very concerned about now.
You should't have to worry, let us lean you up in the corner here
and remove this Dolly cage. As soon as your body starts to respond your brain
will have more than enough to occupy itself without any extra "Fong luh" feats.

PathFinder secures the Dolly Plate to the deck plating holding Oreo and Hands Shiny
the Release. And removes the rest of the cage.


Monday, June 23, 2008 12:40 AM


The main thing for us to know is this is a good place to be lost.
Not a good place to get lost.
Wasn't expecting to be so long working on Oreo.
He should begin getting around a little as we are ready to leave.
I have some contacts here and on some of the mining astroids in the belt.
It may take a little time to contact them,
and concidering the recent news report, wisdom says to wait out the night
and see what the morning brings. Some of the less than savory charcters about
may prove usefull, but most are just that unsavory and not worth their risk.

- - - Early the next morning, before anyone awakes - - -

PathFinder : Sets in the cargo bay doors; looking over a data pad, -_-_-_- at the sunrise.
Returning to the infirmary; and placing the datapad under ShineyFrye's hand. As she sleeps

Here is our next destination:
but I need to make a stop first for information and a few essentials.
Oreo should be waking soon, you know the dosage and schedule,
we will see how well he takes to it and how coherant,
My skiff won't be noticed here so won't be long.

PathFinder departs quickly.

PathFinder Coms Tranquility: *
This won't be the safest job you have ever been on.
Pick me up just outside of town. Have O2 plot a course for
for a loose orbit looping just planetside of the Stoketown Asteroid Station
........ # 098751084375084315018754 ........ transmitt exacting course with pickup.
We've got eyes on so fly um casual, slow and lazy but not drunken.

Nearing Stoketown Asteroid Station PathFinder disengages the Cargo SkiFF
from Tranquility and picks up a container from the station, redocking with
Tranquility as she reaches the other side.
PathFinder coms: *
O2 take us out From the coordinateslisted under _D_ 8 _9_ . . . .

Leaving Stoketown Station
Clearance verification and destination coodinates authorized
by Sean Patrick Kennedy Flight coms controler 3rd shift.

PathFinder: Fills the CaptN in on the intended direction of the job ahead.
.And how some Rutting fool jammed up the local comunication repeaters.
My job was made alot easier and faster by their comunication Fei hua.
They are going to be looking hard for some one. ?
Passing DocKat and Elbarto outside the infirmary babysitting the twins
PathFinder wonders of it doesn't appear more like the twins are doing the sitting.
PathFinder: Enters the infirmary & asks ShineyFrye how Oreo is doing?

ShineyFrye : He Looks better,
In a lower voice: ( gave some pain medicine) .

PathFinder: Walks over to check the scanner, With an awfull look.
returns to Oreo's side. and checks the Com link attatched to Oreo's wrist.
.PathFinder: Well CaptN I just found the Rutt'N fool
everyone planet side will be looking for.
Would you mind asking O2 to alter course around the last big rock
before we leave the belt soft like using its gravity to put us on the course
under _D_ 9 _2_ . . . . .

Bless your heart Oreo your hand woke up before the rest of you.
He has been coding a message all morning, Thankfully very well.
I was really doing fine on my own.

Oreo looks down confused,
never realising conciously that he had been carring on a conversaion of sorts.

You didn't have to make things so easy for me. But boosting this com
through the local repeaters was effective. If I didn't already have a real good
idea where the signal was directed I would be very concerned about now.
You should't have to worry, let us lean you up in the corner here
and remove this Dolly cage. As soon as your body starts to respond your brain
will have more than enough to occupy itself without any extra "Fong luh" feats.

PathFinder secures the Dolly Plate to the deck plating holding Oreo and Hands Shiny
the Release. And removes the rest of the cage.


Monday, June 23, 2008 3:35 PM


Shiny takes the release from path, she looks at the device, then at oreo.

Shiny: Oreo I think I will give you a little more time before I release you, I just want to make sure the medicine got in your system but not to groggie. Shiny exchanges glances with Path.

storm pokes his head in the room and says...
Don't let him go. He will kill you.

Shiny spins around and says: Kill who? who will kill who? Storm weres your sister? just then Shiny hears Kat's voice.

Kat: Ok storm their you are, your a fast little bugger arent you, come on now lets go play with summer. Storm looks at Shiny before he leaves and says, Please shiny listen to what I tell you, I dont want you to die.

Shiny watches storm leave then looks at the release, and decides to leave herself. Not looking at Oreo she says. I'll be back to check on you later i have some work with the engine to do.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 7:01 AM


After shiny finishes her work with the engine, she decides to check on Oreo.

Shiny: Oreo how you feeling?

Oreo: when can i get out of this gorram thing?

Shiny laughing says: It's nice to see your almost back to your old self, (Shiny using the release device, releases Oreo).

Shiny: ok big guy you can walk around now but you still need to be careful. Shiny smiles at Oreo knowing this is the moment he's waited for.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 9:50 AM



Originally posted by PathFinder:

PathFinder Coms Tranquility: *
...Have O2 plot a course for
for a loose orbit looping just planetside of the Stoketown Asteroid Station
........ # 098751084375084315018754 ........ transmitt exacting course with pickup.
We've got eyes on so fly um casual, slow and lazy but not drunken.

O2 take us out From the coordinateslisted under _D_ 8 _9_ . . . .
Clearance verification and destination coordinates authorized
by Sean Patrick Kennedy Flight coms controler 3rd shift.
..Would you mind asking O2 to alter course around the last big rock
before we leave the belt soft like using its gravity to put us on the course
under _D_ 9 _2_ . . . . .

Thanks Treybor , for the Shiny picture of our ship...

We should be in the clear , and on course outbound real soon now...


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 3:41 PM


SHADOW walks through the ship and encourages each crew member as he waits to hear from PATHFINDER.
then he sits with the twins and tries to learn more about them. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 5:38 PM


(Oreo, takes a few steps, and stretches out his arms and legs. He's turns to shiny)

You never know how much you miss something like walking, until you've been hanging from a ceiling or taken care of path.

(Shiny trying not to show her joy of seeing oreo finally up and about just stares and watches)

Hey shiny, lets go

(Oreo starts to walk towards the stairs, shiny suddenly jumps up to block oreo)

And where are you going? You need to take it easy there. I let you out so you could work your limbs out a bit, not to take off and brake something again.

(Oreo rolls his eyes and suddenly pushes shiny out of the way and grabs storm)

You little brat, what is it with you two little creepy snoops sneaking around all the gorramn time?

(Storm looked as if was to cry right then and right there, but with a blank expression on his face he turns his head towards shiny)

She has something to tell you and if she won't then I must tell it to you.

(Oreo turns his head to shiny)

What is this crazy little bastard talking about?Why does he keep saying you have something to tell me?

(Storm grabs oreo head with his hands and suddenly images begin to play in his head)

This what she's been hiding from you.

(Oreos head jerks from the bombardment of images filling his head)

She scared of what you will think, what you will do, what you will say.

(Shiny steps in between oreo and storm and pushes both of the away. Storm drops to the floor and oreo slams against a wall. Oreo, slowly and calmly stands him self upright)

Shiny. Wha......what is going on? The pictures in my head, are they true or is all this a trick from this kid magician. Tell everything........NOW!

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 11:29 PM


Sorry to break your story line, but I thought this image was appropriate

It seems others have noticed the realtion with Tranquility and Serenity

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.

Stan: So it was like a car hitting a cow then a wall.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 1:16 AM


very mad she looks at oreo and says, I will tell you everything, but dont you dare speak to me in that tone again or touch any of the twins its not their fault, like you, they had no choice.

she looks oreo right in the eyes and says:
what i'm going to tell you i'm not proud of but you should know. MY family funds the alliance they think the alliance way of life is the only way, they are very involved, well mostly my father, my mother dosent know better. I was engaged to marry a LT Jaykens but I didnt I joined Tranquility and has never talked to them again.(shiny can see oreo getting more and more angry as speaks).

Shiny contuines to talk: I had know idea that when my father gave money to the "training Facilitys" it was really going to the slave camps. I'm sure there is alot more my family is involved with as far as the alliance is concerned, probably more than I'll ever know.
But please believe me when I say I really knew nothing of this, I wasnt aware of how bad the alliance is until(shiny Pause's then speaks real low, looking down at the floor) I met you and then saw your mother and what they had done to both you and her.

So, Yes it's true when the twins say i carry alot of guilt because I do, and Yes I was afraid to tell you, I wasnt sure how you would take it But you deserve the truth. the only thing i ask is that you will see I did not know any of this, but i am truly sorry for everything that has happened to you and your family. Shiny looks up at Oreo with tears in her eyes.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 1:32 AM


PATHFINDERS' square shaped skiff with the TRANQUILITY name and logo sets down among the buildings [above] for a secret meeting.

TRANQUILITY remains in a lazy orbit... waiting for PATHFINDER - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 3:27 AM


(Oreos eyes wonder all over, he begins to skae his head with disapproval. Shiny cautiously advances towards oreo, a mistake. Once in arms reach, Oreo, grabs shiny by the throat, swings her around and slams her into a wall about three feet off the ground. By this time, storm has taken off. Oreo, is staring deep into shinys eyes.)

How could you do this to me, keep these secrets from. Other than my sister, you were the only person I gave full and complete trust to, and you betrayed it.

(Shiny gasping for air, out of deperation kicks oreo in the crotch, but fails, before shiny foot can make contact oreo catches her leg.)

Please, oreo, I can't breathe.........

(Oreo grins at shiny)

That's the point, you alliance trash in sheeps clothing.

(Oreo lets go of shiny foot, balls his and swings, but a last minute decsion forces him to devert his swing about 6 inches. His fist connects with the wall just next to her ear. Tears begin to fall from his eyes.)

Shiny, you stay out of my way from now on, or I will kill you. Do you understand me.

(Shiny struggle to nod yes, but not to oreo satifaction, oreos asks again)


(Shiny manages a more pleasing nod, oreo lets go and watch as shiny drops to the floor. Only seconds after, captn comes running up, gun in hand and storm in tow.)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 4:21 AM


capt with gun pointed at Oreo says: Shiny are you ok?

Shiny nods in shock at what just happened and how fast it happened, She begins to realise what oreo did to her. She stands up and walks over to Oreo (by now capt has his hands chained) and says.

Shiny: And to think I risked my life to save yours and wasted time and energy helping you get better all I tried to do was be honest with you.
Dont worry about me getting in your way or ever talking to you again, I wont as far as I'm concerned your dead to me.
Shiny walks away.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 5:33 AM


(Oreo stares at the captian)

Did you know too?

(Captian looks back at oreo)

Yeah, I knew. She cared a lot about you and you pull this. I have a right mind to throw you off this ship.

(Oreo jiggles the chains)

You should, cause the trust among this crew just went out the airlock. I was better off with the reavers. All this time, I ride on a boat with an alliance friendly, after all that me mother and been through, I've been through and kat.

(Captian somewhat sympathizes with oreo, but still can't forgive oreo for what he did to shiny or to storm.)

Oreo, I'm gonna put you in lock up. Any trouble out of you and I'm sorry, ill finish what the reavers and alliance started. Dong ma?

(Oreo nods back)

You tell shiny this, I can't ever forgive her from keeping that from me, but a part of me still cares for her.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 5:49 AM


capt walks to the engine room.

Capt: shiny are you really all right?

Shiny: I'm fine capt, really I am, Everyone was right about him I never should of allowed myself to fall.. well never mind It dont matter anyway.

Capt: Oreo wanted me to tell you..

Shiny interupts capt, I don't want to hear It, I dont ever want to hear anything about him.

Capt: I respect that shiny, just so you know Oreo is locked up he wont be able to hurt you again.

Shiny: Capt he hurt me more than anyone will ever know. But never again.Capt would you please give me sometime to myself now, I just want to be alone.

Capt looks at shiny nods his head and leaves

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:43 AM


*****incoming transmission****

broadcast on all channels

Captian shadow of the firefly Tranquility, you and your crew have made a grave mistake by taking that, which does not belong to you. And we will find you, its only a matter of time. No matter where you go or how far you try to run, it will never be far enough. To anyone listening to this wave, a reward will be given to anyone, with information leading to the down fall and arrest and capture of the crew of Tranquility. Your luck, has just run out captian Shadow.

****end transmission****


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 3:35 PM


(Shiny, shiny,shiny, oreo repeats her name over and over in his head)

What have I done? that wasn't me. Couldn't have been me.

(Suddenly, a voice replys back to oreo)

You're right, it wasn't was me. The reaver in you. You're to soft, you're to....human to have done anything to poor sweet Shinyfrye. She betrayed you, kapt things from you, she's the reason you and I are now ONE.......

(Oreo tries to grab his head, but his wrist chains are anchored to the floor.)

No, no,NO......she isn't the reason. The alliance is the reason!

(The voice answers back)

Ah, but what about her rich alliance family. Funding the programs that turn humans like you into freaks of nature, ones that one can ever love or care about.

(Oreo growls and speaks through gritted teeth.)

She is not her family, she's different.......

(The voice laughs)

Is that why you slammed her into a wall? You hurt her and now she fears you, now she hates you. Could care less if you died.

(Oreo tries pulling at his chains and begins yelling.)


(The voice replies sarcastically)

But we are one in the same, it was your hands that did the evil deed, it was you alone who broke her heart.

(Breathing hard, oreo stops, and starts talking to himself)

Your right, its my body, it was my hands that ..........

(Just outside the door shiny is standing listening to the ruckus going on on the other side of the door. Talking to herself)

What is going on with you? I thought you cared? You were fine, almost happy, until.......STORM! I don't know what's going on, but I'm going to find out. That wasn't oreo back there, that was someone else. Oreo, is a lot of things, but I know he wouldn't have hurt me. Least I hope. Please let me be right.

(Shiny takes off to find storm and summer)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:36 PM


(The Captain and Elbarto are talking in Elbarto's bunk.)

Cap: Well, Oreo's under lock and key again. i want you to keep an eye on him. He is a danger to us now.

El: Cap, Oreo always was a danger to us. He can't control the reaver inside of him. It's not safe to keep him on this ship.

Cap: I know, but what other choice do i have?

El: None really, that's what makes this so frustrating.

Cap: I need to know, if push comes to shove can you handle him?

El: If it comes to that, yes I will take him down.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Thursday, June 26, 2008 3:29 AM


Shiny takes off to find storm, She see's El in his bunk she pokes her head in.

Shiny: Hi El

El: Hey shiny, dont worry That won't happen again
(as El is polishing his sword)

Shiny: I know, I only wished you guys got there sooner, a part of me dosen't want to belive he's capable of that, but my back tells me diffrently it still hurts. She smiles at El and says, I'm glad your on our ship. Have you seen the twins?

El: Yeah in the cargobay

Shiny: I will go and make sure thier ok.

Shiny walks into the cargo bay and see's storm and summer sitting next to each other, summer has her arm around storms shoulder, storm is crying.

Shiny: "can I sit with you guys?", summer nods her head yes, shiny sits next to storm.

Shiny: storm its ok, everything is fine he wont hurt us anymore,

Storm: Shiny I'm sorry, I dont want you to get hurt, Why did I tell Oreo? I knew he would hurt you?

Shiny: Storm its not your fault, Theres alot of bad people in the verse and they do bad things.
You both are with us now,We won't let anyone hurt you anymore.

Storm hugs shiny and says "He still cares about you"

Shiny: hugs storm back, then looks him smiles and says "well he has a funny way of showing it"

Summer laughs which makes shiny and storm also.

Shiny: Lets not talk about Oreo or anything bad.
you guys go look for Kat, Maybe she will give you a fruity oaty bar. The twins take off.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, June 26, 2008 11:06 AM


(OCC: I read your thread, it seems that your tranquilty sign isn't "Forum Friendly", so I did the honours.)


Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:00 PM


Shiny continues to sit for awhile and think.

(thinking) It just dosent seem like the Oreo I thought I knew, How could someone look at me with such fondness Then want to try and kill me.
She remembers looking down at him helping him to get better, then she remembers looking down at him when he had her up against the wall choking her, feeling the breeze of his fist flying next to her face just missing it.
She thinks, Why didnt he hit me or kill me, cause I feel like I died on the inside anyway.

She decides to get up and walk, she finds her self walking towards where Oreo is, she stands outside the room, being careful not to make a noise she sits on the floor leaning up against the wall next to the closed door. She askes...

Shiny: Oreo why? Why would you do this to me? shiny getting angry gets up and leaves before Oreo can answer.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, June 26, 2008 3:45 PM


(Oreo sits and battles with the voice in his head)

Hey,pssst, why don't you slip these chains and you and I cut open up a few arteries. Huh, come on, you know you want to, its in your blood to kill. To hurt people, badly.

(Oreos expression on his face speaks for its self)

Shut up......

(The voice in oreos head laughs and speaks sarcastically)

Ahhhhhhh,shut up, ha ha, is that all you have to say. Shut up? I'm in your head you bastard, a part of your sub conscience. I think what you think, feel what you feel and HATE.....what you hate. I've got to admit, you've held me back for long then I thought you would, but thanks to that bratty ass little mind reader, he helped you lose control long enough for me to at least take over half your mind. Face it, you are losing control. Just give in and lets kill everyone on this both, starting with that cute girl, oh what's her name......shiny.

(Oreo suddenly raises his head)

Don't you even think.......

(The voices interupts)

Oh, I already have, (laughing), and just when you thought you couldn't be tortured anymore, I come along. Whew! You are a lucky one.

(Oreo tries blocking the voice out best he can, and startes working at the cuffs around his wrist. He grabs his right thumb and dislocates its, allowing him to remove the cuff from his wrist and same with the other.oreo talking to him self)

Well, least capt'n was nice enough to only chain my wrist. Now, how am I going to get outta here, without running into anyone. Can't walk out, pretty sure the vents will be the first place they'd look. I need to get to those kids.

(Oreo suddenly here's something from the other side of the door. Almost a sound of someone speaking to him.)

Hello?! Who's there's?!

(No one answers)

Must have been one of the crew doing a check on me.

(But unknowing, it was shiny posted outside door. Talking to herself, trying to keep oreo from knowing she was on the otherside)

(The voice in oreos head has finally stopped, oreo is running scenarios in his head, trying to come up with the best possibly plan of escape)

Just need to find somewhere to hide, a place that even the capt'n doesn't even know about. Just long enough, till we land or I can get to those kids.

(Suddenly, oreo spys a way out, a perfect plan, that no one in their right mind would think of. Lucky oreo wasn't in his right mind. It takes so fabricating and musles to use the metal chair and chains, being the only things of use in the room, but oreos manages to make it work, and silently slips away)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Thursday, June 26, 2008 3:46 PM


(Oreo sits and battles with the voice in his head)

Hey,pssst, why don't you slip these chains and you and I cut open up a few arteries. Huh, come on, you know you want to, its in your blood to kill. To hurt people, badly.

(Oreos expression on his face speaks for its self)

Shut up......

(The voice in oreos head laughs and speaks sarcastically)

Ahhhhhhh,shut up, ha ha, is that all you have to say. Shut up? I'm in your head you bastard, a part of your sub conscience. I think what you think, feel what you feel and HATE.....what you hate. I've got to admit, you've held me back for long then I thought you would, but thanks to that bratty ass little mind reader, he helped you lose control long enough for me to at least take over half your mind. Face it, you are losing control. Just give in and lets kill everyone on this both, starting with that cute girl, oh what's her name......shiny.

(Oreo suddenly raises his head)

Don't you even think.......

(The voices interupts)

Oh, I already have, (laughing), and just when you thought you couldn't be tortured anymore, I come along. Whew! You are a lucky one.

(Oreo tries blocking the voice out best he can, and startes working at the cuffs around his wrist. He grabs his right thumb and dislocates its, allowing him to remove the cuff from his wrist and same with the other.oreo talking to him self)

Well, least capt'n was nice enough to only chain my wrist. Now, how am I going to get outta here, without running into anyone. Can't walk out, pretty sure the vents will be the first place they'd look. I need to get to those kids.

(Oreo suddenly here's something from the other side of the door. Almost a sound of someone speaking to him.)

Hello?! Who's there's?!

(No one answers)

Must have been one of the crew doing a check on me.

(But unknowing, it was shiny posted outside door. Talking to herself, trying to keep oreo from knowing she was on the otherside)

(The voice in oreos head has finally stopped, oreo is running scenarios in his head, trying to come up with the best possibly plan of escape)

Just need to find somewhere to hide, a place that even the capt'n doesn't even know about. Just long enough, till we land or I can get to those kids.

(Suddenly, oreo spys a way out, a perfect plan, that no one in their right mind would think of. Lucky oreo wasn't in his right mind. It takes so fabricating and musles to use the metal chair and chains, being the only things of use in the room, but oreos manages to make it work, and silently slips away)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Friday, June 27, 2008 9:41 AM


Shiny walking back to the engine room Thinking
(that no good son of a )

She see's kat running towards her.

Kat: Shiny Oreo is loose we don't know where he is.

Shiny confused: He's loose?

KAt running past shiny heading towards the bridge.

Kat: yes he's Loose shiny, Be carefull We dont know what he's planning.

Shiny :The Twins!

She takes off to the cargobay to find summer and storm.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, June 27, 2008 4:14 PM


SHADOW goes to KAT and ELBARTO to ask them something.

"KAT, EL, lets take THE TWINS in a shuttle to the bazaar near the docks while we wait for PATHFINDER. we could all use a break and some real food. plus, with OREO the way he is, i think THE TWINS are safer there."

"O2, SHINY, watch the ship and OREO while we're gone. and use the new tranquilizer darts on him."

the 3 go and get the twins and then fly off to the STOKETOWN bazaar. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, June 27, 2008 7:07 PM


(Unnoticed, oreo hears the captian as he's talking to EL and Kat. Talking to himself)

Kat, I gotta get to kat, she'll help me....I hope. But she'll be with El. Gotta get her away from him. Gorramnit, the hell am I thinking bout that for right, I need to get on that shuttle first. I know that damn thing has to have a cargo hatch or compartment storage.

(Silently oreo makes his way to the shuttle, after some careful surveying he notices what he's looking for. Oreo emerges from his hiding place and slips into an compartment that leads to the middle of the underside of the shuttle. Its a tight squeeze but oreo manages to snake his way in. Faint voices and footsteps can be heard as the crew board the shuttle. Within mins the shuttle detaches and makes it way to stoketown)

Unfortunatly, o2 and shiny are probably gonna be spending most their time tearing the ship up looking fer me, but I guess that's what they're gonna have to do. I need those kids to fix me. I know they can. Plus, there was something else. When storm grabbed me, all those different images flashed in my mind. I saw someone, he had killed the crew and those kids. If those two little brats can really read minds and see things before they even happen, then we are all bout to be in a world of hurt. And I gotta let them know, without revealing myself, they's likely to pop a bullet in me at first sight.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Saturday, June 28, 2008 2:31 AM


Shiny still looking for the twins. See's the Capt. he tells her the plan.

Shiny: O..K capt, confused as to why he's leaving her and o2 on board with Oreo on the loose, but thinks to herself,"he's the captain"

Shiny says goodbye to the twins. and Decides to go to the bridge to hang out with 02 for awhile.

She's sure where ever Oreo is he will stay there,Well she hopes.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, June 28, 2008 4:10 PM


SHADOW, After finding out OREO is on the loose,
takes the TWINS with KAT and EL on the shuttle and heads to STOKETOWN bazaar for thier safety

STORM: "(whispers to Summer) I think Oreo is on the shuttle."

SUMMER: "I thought that too, Do you think we should tell the Captain?"

STORM: "Let's wait till we land".

SHADOW: "What are you kids talking about back there?"

SUMMER & STORM:(in chorus) "Nothing".

Shadow coms TRANQUILITY: " SHINY give me an update on OREO? - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, June 29, 2008 1:41 AM


Shiny coms Back Captain;

Shiny: Capt we can't find him anywhere, i will keep looking,But I running out of places fast.

Shiny ends com

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, June 29, 2008 5:02 PM


(The shuttle comes in for a landing, about a mile out from stoketown. Oreo has braced himself best he could. Inside the shuttle the twins are still talking among each other)

Do you think we should tell them now summer?

(Summer giggles under her breathe)

No, let oreo get off the shuttle first. I can feel, that's his plan anyways.

(Storm, snickers back)

This is going to be fun. Kinda like a game of hide and seek.

(Oreo, underneath gets hit with every bump and tuberulance as the shuttle lands.)

Gorramnit! Who's flyin this crate? A blind man? Any harder and my teeth might fall out of my head.

(The shuttle finally lands, the sound of the engine shutting down echo inside the cargo compartment)

Ok, well this is where I make my exit

(Before the engines cut out completely oreo opens the compartment door, using the engine nosie to cover the sound of it opening and closing. Oreo ducks to the other side of the shuttle knowing the crew will exit from the same side the ompartment is on.)

Ill wait till there about a half mile to town and then trail behind them

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Monday, June 30, 2008 2:37 AM


SHADOW, KAT, EL, and THE TWINS leave the shuttle and head into the busy bazaar.

THE twins keep looking at each other and smiling. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Monday, June 30, 2008 5:54 PM


as the 5 walk past the giant TERRAFORMER that gave 'life' to this giant asteroid, they notice that they are being followed by a group of men.
they hurry towards the giant dome where the bazaar is to 'hide' in the crowd.

a woman notices that they are trying to escape from someone and calls them into an alleyway. the men take a shortcut and intercept the 5 in the alley. before the 5 can react, KAT and EL are grabbed and gagged.

SHADOW grabs THE TWINS and in one motion draws his weapon and points it at the leader.
his name is NATE, the leader of the A.B.A. [the Anti Browncoat Alliance].

NATE: "give me THE TWINS or your friends here eat some lead, dong ma?"

SHADOW thinking: * "i wish i brought more backup." * - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Monday, June 30, 2008 7:24 PM


PathFinder: returns to Tranquility as if having never left.
Bringing the Skiff into close orbit of the Bazaar, Near Tranquility PathFinder completes a full scan
and confirms O2's readings of the crew's locations.

PathFinder: asks, with some sarcasm, of Shiny and O2- ok which of you two is acting captain.
And going to give permission to come aboard?
Timing their meeting at the Bazaar with the local celebrations stands to reason
the crew should have plenty to keep them busy.
Did everyone decide to take shore leave for some R&R at the Bazaar festivities?

Dawn at the Space Bazaar


Monday, June 30, 2008 7:24 PM


PathFinder: returns to Tranquility as if having never left.
Bringing the Skiff into close orbit of the Bazaar, Near Tranquility PathFinder completes a full scan
and confirms O2's readings of the crew's locations.

PathFinder: asks, with some sarcasm, of Shiny and O2- ok which of you two is acting captain.
And going to give permission to come aboard?
Timing their meeting at the Bazaar with the local celebrations stands to reason
the crew should have plenty to keep them busy.
Did everyone decide to take shore leave for some R&R at the Bazaar festivities?

Dawn at the Space Bazaar


Tuesday, July 1, 2008 2:09 AM


Shiny smiles at path and says..

Shiny: Welcome aboard path.

Shiny speaking to path: Oreo is on the loose, we cant find him. So be carefull.

Shiny: I'm taking the 2nd shuttle to meet up with the crew.

Shiny looking at 02's and paths readings is feeling confident of the crews whereabouts.

Shiny says goodbye and flys off with the shuttle,
she lands the shuttle near the location of the crew she thinks she see's Oreo.

Shiny thinking; Oreo what is he? how did he get here?

Shiny gets out of the shuttle to find capt, as she approaches the bazaar she senses someone following her she turns and looks but doesent recognize anyone. as she continues to walk she looks down an alley way and see's capt pointing his gun at someone and kat and el are being restained. Shiny turns around fast as she does she thinks she see's Oreo again.

Shiny Yelling: Oreo if thats you? now is not the time to hide, Please I need your help, shiny grabs her gun and walks toward the crew....

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008 4:30 AM


(Oreo had lost the crew in the bazaar crowd)

Just great, I lost'em, must be gettin old.
Theys got to be round here somewheres.

(Suddenly oreo looks back, after thinking he hears someone call his name. He stands and eyes everyone in the crowd but doesn't recognize anyone. Suddenly, he see what's looks like shiny hairs disappear around an alley corners. )

If her hair is flowing like that behind her, that means she's running. I hope she running to somewhere and not from someone.

(Oreo scales a nearby building and sets off after shiny by way of roof top)

(After a few jumps at neighboring rooftops, oreo perches himself on the corner of the roof and is looking down at the crew, shiny and some strange men who have the crew captive)

What the hell is going on down there? Is that another one of the captians plans gone south again? They should be able to handle those goons. If I jump down there and help, afterwards, its good night for me, curtesy of the crew of tranquility.

(Things get pretty heated between the mystery men and the crew, oreo startes to pace back and forth)

Do I go? Or don't I?

(Suddenly, storm removes the gag and manges to shout)


(The captian stands stunned)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008 4:51 AM


Shiny standing there with her gun pointed at the Leader, Hears Storm shout OROE, at that moment shiny shoots Nate in the chest, Kat elbows the guy holding her captive in the ribs, El flips his guy over his back and disarms him and capt is protecting the twins. IN all the comotion someone walks up behind shiny and puts a gag and blind fold on her and before she knows whats going on, she's carried away and put on a ship.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008 8:28 AM


(Oreo scales down the building to join the others. Instantly he notices shiny is gone. He checks to make sure everyone is ok. He turns to kat who has her hand on her gun still in its holster.)

Oreo, what are you doing here or am I looking at a reaver.

(Oreo, not really phased by the question replies)

Its me kat.

(Kats grip lightens alittle but still keeps her hand on her gun. The captian grabs oreo by the arm and pulls him in close)

You wanna tell me what in the hell is going on? You pull some magic trick on the ship and all of a sudden you're here. Shiny is gone.........

(Elbarto pulls out a blade and hold it to oreos neck)

Beside, you ain't right. Captian, I think we should just bleed this freak and then go find shiny

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008 6:20 PM


Cap: El, put the blade away we don't have time for this right now!

(Elbarto gives Shadow a long hard look but finally complies.)

Cap: Now for you Oreo. You better behave, I'm in no mood to have to deal with you right now!

(Oreo and Elbarto stare at Shadow, shocked at his resolve. Oreo and Elbarto look at each other and nod once, an unspoken agreement among them. They must work together to find Shiny.)

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Thursday, July 3, 2008 6:05 AM


"lets get to the shuttle and back to the ship. TRANQUILITY will be able to track SHINY."


"O2, meet us in the air. we'll need PATHFINDER to help track any ships leaving STOKETOWN in a hurry."

the crew scrambles to the shuttle. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Thursday, July 3, 2008 10:24 AM


(The crew boards the ship, Oreo is walking through the cargo bay with Elbarto right in front of him)

Are we on the same page?

(Oreo glares at El)

You focus on the mission, i'll do what i need to do.

(El and Oreo reaches the stair that lead to the galley and Bunk area. Oreo, ducks under the stair way and pull out his pack. El quickly reaches for a gun and aims it a Oreo)

What are you doing?

(Oreo gvies El an agry look)

I prepping.

(El grabs Oreo Pack)

NO.....We can't trust you as it is, we sure as hell aint gonna let you trapes about with a pack full of things that you could use to kill us with.

(El holsters his gun and and takes off with Oreos pack. Oreo watches as El disappears outsight)

Your day is coming El......

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Thursday, July 3, 2008 8:22 PM


Its a cold dark room, from the echo, not much in it, possibly empty. Shiny begins to stir in your chair. Her hand and feet are tired to the legs and back of the chair. A blind fold over her eyes keeps her from seeing where she is. She knows its pointless to scream. Anyone willing to use meds to knock a person out, would probaly not hestiate to move their captive.

Shiny strains are she attempts to slip the chains over her wrist, but without success. Moments, later, sounds of foots are heard approaching. Two, maybe three people. The door opens and the figures, from the sound of their footsteps are standing one on either side of shiny and one in front.

Shiny- who are you?! What do you want?!

Shiny, listens as a pair of foot steps move closer to her.

Agent- who I am, should be the least of your concerns. But what do I want? Ah, now that's the million dollar question. A question you already know the answer to. So, the next question you should be asking yourself is, "why are you here?". Well that very simple Miss. You are the bait. I know your crew will come looking for you, I expect that, epecially with the trail of bread crumbs I left from your friends to follow. You, see, it has taken us far to long to obtain what is ours, so now we have a new plan. Why, continue to chase the rabbit, when we can just as easily have the rabbit chase us.

Shiny hangs her head down.

Shiny- so you've always know where we were and those guys at the market set us up. Oh, yes, you see, some people aren't who they always claim to be, isn't that right........Shinyfrye? But, it is not you I speak of, no, I speak on behalf of one Mr. IrishAngel. If it wasn't for his services, we'd still be scouring the galaxy looking for the infamous crew of tranquility. But not anymore, you all will meet your demise. Your crew, those kids, your precious Oreo and

Shiny bucks towards the agent in a ferious jolt. The agent flinches and quickly grabs shiny by the hair and snaps her head back as his positions himself behind her.

Shiny- such a waste of energy. What would mommy and daddy say if they knew their sweet little girl was working for the wrong side?

The agent snaps her head back one last time.

Agent- listen and you listen good. It is easy to be tough when you body knows its been beatin, but make no mistake about, you will not get free. Your end is coming, just as I said, along with you crew. There will be no rescue, no going home, no hero for you. Not this time. So I suggest you play nice with me and I promise......I'll kill you last.

The agent lets go of shiny's hair. He turns around and leaves. Shiny hears the other footstep fading away as well. Before the door closes, the agent turns around)

Agent- oh, expect a visit from an old friend of your very soon. I know he's dying to get re-aquainted with you.

The door shuts and shiny is again, alone in the cold, dark, empty room


Friday, July 4, 2008 11:13 AM


The door close's and shiny lets out a sigh not of relief but of fear. She feels pain in her stomach she starts to shake and feeling the tears start to form in her eyes, Then something inside her wont let her give in "NO" shiny says out loud She knows she must fight, If not physiccaly then mentally, she knows these people can hurt her even kill her, She will not give in.

"shiny thinking" You Can't take my will, You might hurt me, you might kill me, But I will fight, I Will die fighting.

She thinks about what the man said about Irishangle, the crew her being bait she can't believe this is happening but she's not surprised she learned a long time ago to trust no one. The words of the man echo in her head "no hero for you" it almost makes her laugh sarcastically She never believed in hero's anyway.

Shiny again hears footsteps aproaching the room she hears the door open then close, Nothing is said a few seconds pass(to shiny it feels like forever) then a familiar voice...

LT Jaykin: Well what do we have here? my soon to be wife? Lt Jaykins takes the blind fold off shiny.

Shiny squinting because of the bright light looks at Lt Jaykins and says nothing.

LT Jaykins: So I hear you are with the crew of Tranquility, running around with criminals, LT Jaykins shouting: Shiny you look at me when I talk to you.

Shiny closes her eyes, just then LT Jaykin backhands shiny across the face. Shiny falls to the floor still chained to the chair she feels her check stinging and can taste blood at the corner of her mouth , LT Jaykins stands over her laughing at her Says..

Lt Jaykins, Look at you shiny, what have you come too, you used to be so pretty, LT Jaykins bends down and rubs shinys cheek "You still could be "
LT Jaykins picks up shiny and puts the chair upright He bends down so he can look shiny in the eyes, Shiny you belong to me, I can take care of you, give you the life you want, what do you say shiny? Marry me and we can forget all this happened, Really what other option do you have?

Shiny stares right back at LT Jaykins and say's: Not if you where the last man in verse. You dont own me, what do you know about what I want, NOTHING! I would rather die than to marry you.

LT Jaykins (Taunting): Is their someone else shiny? someone who goes by the name Oreo maybe?
I know all about him, more than you, thats for sure. Shiny he dont care about you he dosent know how too, He'll end up killing you, thats what he's trained to do.

Shiny sits there with her head held high, not saying a word, remenbers Oreo's last words to her, (Oreo)" you stay out of my way from now on, or I will kill you. Do you understand me".

Shiny thinking LT Jaykins is right looks down at the floor, then thinking about the crew, she looks back at LT Jaykins and says,

Shiny: I don't care what you think, you can say whatever you want, It wont change the fact that I dont love you or ever will.

LT Jaykins: Have it your way Shiny, It's just sad to see you die, your crewmates cant save you. What a shame really. Your poor parents what will they think, Knowing their daughter was killed trying to break in and alliance facillity with the intention of robbing it. You see Shiny we can say whatever we want and people believe it. There will be no honor in your death.

LT Jaykins: walks to the door and leaves.

Shiny can't do anything but think.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, July 4, 2008 12:34 PM


(Oreo watches as el disappears out of sight, then reaches back around the stair case and pulls out a blue pack. Laughing)

El, I'm not as stupid as you think me to be.
(Oreo holes himself in his bunk, pulling out weapon after weapon from his pack. His com starts beeping, indicating a private transmission. Oreo stares at his com for a few seconds before picking it up and responding.)

Who is this?

Jaykin- ah, the infamous and ever dangerous Oreo I take it. I must say, you have proven to be worth the money that the alliance has put into you. You're a hard person to catch.

Yeah well, I guess that was the point right? What do you want?

Jaykin- well, I have a deal for you. And that deal bring yourself and the children to the coordinates I'm going to send you and ill spare the lives of your crew mates and of your little precious, sweet, beautiful shinyfrye.

(Oreo grips the com tightly in his hands)

You have her?

Jaykins- indeed I do. Oh, and please don't worry, she is being well taken care of. But, if you refuse, she will be taken care of, with the exception of the alliance hospitality that she has been recieveing.

(Oreo ponders jaykins words)

Alright, ill do it. Send me the coordinates.

(Jaykins laughs)

My god, the rumors are true. You lost your nerve, your fighters sprite. I mean, no threats, no fuss, you just aagree just like that. Well, thank you for making my life easy. Still yet, be fore warned Echo one, any funny business, and shiny will die, along with the rest of you friends.

(Oreo grtis his teeth)

Just send the damn numbers and ill be there.

Jaykins- you shall receive them shortly. Ill set up a nice little welcome party for you. See you soon.

(Jaykins ends the transmission. Oreo throws his weapons back into his bag and leaves his bunk. Shortly after exsiting his bunk, oreo makes his way to one of the shuttles where he is met by the twins.)

Summer- you can't go by yourself. The deal was, that the three of us have to go.

(Oreo pushes the children aside as he enters the shuttle)

You ain't coming, you're just slow me down. Sides, they will most likely kill you.

(Storm replys)

They will kill you and shiny if we aren't with you.

(Angry, oreo whips around)


(Summer and storm stare at Oreo)

Both children- you are finally starting to find you heart. The darkness in you is turning into light. We want to go with you, please. We can help. We won't get in your way, but we can help you see things before they happen.

(Oreo slams his fist in the hull of the shuttle and turns his back towards the children.)

Get.....get on the damn shuttle and strap in.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.






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