WASH Part 3 - VFF

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 16:35
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Friday, July 11, 2008 4:27 PM


Who knew we'd make it to a third thread? Heard #2 was gettin' too long and clunky, so here's our next page.

Keep up the good work, crew.

First thread:
Second thread:

Xie xie.


Friday, July 11, 2008 5:02 PM


Maybe, maybe not, but I think we really should be watching them. My vote goes to Spine getting information out of Jagger. I got some myself, which means the guy is a whimp. Cut him a bit and he'll spill everything. I suppose I could watch the other prisoners, but I have doubts that they'll be a real threat. Jagger is the one I'm worried about.

Spinebite: I like the part where I torture him. Now can we get back the cargo hold thing?

Yeah, yes, sorry I interrupted. Continue, please.


Friday, July 11, 2008 7:17 PM


Tillie: Well, as far as the sub-floor goes, o' course I ain't done a real clean since we got back, but I did do a quick sweep up; just the usual huī tǔ and a mess o' rubber bullets *grins at Spinebite*. Wasn't lookin' real close, but it didn't seem no different from the last time I been down there. Just the shells and bullets, nothin' special.

Upperson: Sub-floor?

Tillie: Floor of the cargo hold's got both solid plates and grating. You walk on the grating it's like a boot-scraper, all the dirt and mud and such falls beneath. Gotta get under it and clean it out every so often so the dust don't get sucked into the atmo filters. They're a helluva lot harder to clean than a floor, dong ma -- I mean, do you understand?

Upperson: Yes, thanks.

Tillie: Plus, ain't good t' have stuff rattlin' around loose. Anything ain't stowed away is liable to cause trouble if the grav shuts off.

Spinebite: An' I stacked the containers and secured the nets before we started target practice. I didn't see nothing different neither. Same crates as always, didn't weigh any different or nothin'.

huī tǔ = dust, mud

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Saturday, July 12, 2008 2:13 AM


Well, what happens now?

Zero: Well, I think Ian gets some private time with Jagger while the doc has a look in on the rest of our guests. Tillie, I think you're on to something with the sub-floor. It tends to get less attention, and the cargobay would be the most accesible to someone sneaking on to the ship. Ian, soon as you have an idea what we may be looking for, let Tillie know. Tater, check the bridge, is anybody else out there? And if so how close.

BRG: Am I asking any questions?

Zero: See what you can find out. Perhaps someone else knows what the cargo is.

The crew starts splitting up to do their assigned tasks.

Upperson *looking at zero* what about me?

Zero: Lets have a little talk. Who are you?

Upper: I swear captain, I told you what I know is the truth! If I'm not who I say I am, then I don't know it.

Zero *looks away, and then back at upper*: I hope for your sake that is true. But if you are a danger to my ship, my crew, I will not hesitate to do what is necessary.

*upper nods and turns away*

Spine *over the com* Captain, I got something, you might want to hear this.

*Zero hurries down to the guest quarters where spine is interrogating Jagger*


Sunday, July 13, 2008 1:05 PM



The crew starts splitting up to do their assigned tasks.

*Spinebite grabs Jagger by the wounded arm and drags him to the guest quarters and takes out his knife* Now, you and I are going to have a little conversation. What were you looking for aboard this ship.

Jagger:I told you, biotoxins and your friend from the past.

Spine:Wrong answer.*stabs Jagger in the thigh* Now, I'm gonna ask again. What were you looking for?

Jagger:*face goes white with pain* Okay! There were no biotoxins.

Spinebite:There, was that so hard?*twists knife* What did you want us to look for?

Jagger:Nothing! It was all about Upperson!

Spine:Wrong again.*Cuts Jagger's right ear off*

Jagger:*screams*Okay, okay, fine! We wanted you all in the cargo hold!


Jagger:So we could jump you all at once.

Spine:Now, see, I know that ain't true.*cuts Jagger's right hand off*What did you want us to look for?

Jagger:*screams and clutches the bleeding stump* Canisters of genetic material! The same accident that transported Upper onto your ship transported canisters of genetic material as well. Genetic material that Blue Sun needs for its experiments.

Spine *over the com* Captain, I got something, you might want to hear this.

*Zero hurries down to the guest quarters where spine is interrogating Jagger*


Spine:Alright, you rat. Tell her what you told me.

Jagger:*explains the whole thing*

Spine:Very good.*kicks Jagger in the head, knocking him unconscious*

Zero:Have Tillie start searching the sub-floor and get the doc to drag this thing*gestures at Jagger* to the medbay.

"Pain is scary."


Sunday, July 13, 2008 1:05 PM



The crew starts splitting up to do their assigned tasks.

*Spinebite grabs Jagger by the wounded arm and drags him to the guest quarters and takes out his knife* Now, you and I are going to have a little conversation. What were you looking for aboard this ship.

Jagger:I told you, biotoxins and your friend from the past.

Spine:Wrong answer.*stabs Jagger in the thigh* Now, I'm gonna ask again. What were you looking for?

Jagger:*face goes white with pain* Okay! There were no biotoxins.

Spinebite:There, was that so hard?*twists knife* What did you want us to look for?

Jagger:Nothing! It was all about Upperson!

Spine:Wrong again.*Cuts Jagger's right ear off*

Jagger:*screams*Okay, okay, fine! We wanted you all in the cargo hold!


Jagger:So we could jump you all at once.

Spine:Now, see, I know that ain't true.*cuts Jagger's right hand off*What did you want us to look for?

Jagger:*screams and clutches the bleeding stump* Canisters of genetic material! The same accident that transported Upper onto your ship transported canisters of genetic material as well. Genetic material that Blue Sun needs for its experiments.

Spine *over the com* Captain, I got something, you might want to hear this.

*Zero hurries down to the guest quarters where spine is interrogating Jagger*


Spine:Alright, you rat. Tell her what you told me.

Jagger:*explains the whole thing*

Spine:Very good.*kicks Jagger in the head, knocking him unconscious*

Zero:Have Tillie start searching the sub-floor and get the doc to drag this thing*gestures at Jagger* to the medbay.

"Pain is scary."


Sunday, July 13, 2008 1:05 PM



The crew starts splitting up to do their assigned tasks.

*Spinebite grabs Jagger by the wounded arm and drags him to the guest quarters and takes out his knife* Now, you and I are going to have a little conversation. What were you looking for aboard this ship.

Jagger:I told you, biotoxins and your friend from the past.

Spine:Wrong answer.*stabs Jagger in the thigh* Now, I'm gonna ask again. What were you looking for?

Jagger:*face goes white with pain* Okay! There were no biotoxins.

Spinebite:There, was that so hard?*twists knife* What did you want us to look for?

Jagger:Nothing! It was all about Upperson!

Spine:Wrong again.*Cuts Jagger's right ear off*

Jagger:*screams*Okay, okay, fine! We wanted you all in the cargo hold!


Jagger:So we could jump you all at once.

Spine:Now, see, I know that ain't true.*cuts Jagger's right hand off*What did you want us to look for?

Jagger:*screams and clutches the bleeding stump* Canisters of genetic material! The same accident that transported Upper onto your ship transported canisters of genetic material as well. Genetic material that Blue Sun needs for its experiments.

Spine *over the com* Captain, I got something, you might want to hear this.

*Zero hurries down to the guest quarters where spine is interrogating Jagger*


Spine:Alright, you rat. Tell her what you told me.

Jagger:*explains the whole thing*

Spine:Very good.*kicks Jagger in the head, knocking him unconscious*

Zero:Have Tillie start searching the sub-floor and get the doc to drag this thing*gestures at Jagger* to the medbay.

"Pain is scary."


Sunday, July 13, 2008 1:05 PM



The crew starts splitting up to do their assigned tasks.

*Spinebite grabs Jagger by the wounded arm and drags him to the guest quarters and takes out his knife* Now, you and I are going to have a little conversation. What were you looking for aboard this ship.

Jagger:I told you, biotoxins and your friend from the past.

Spine:Wrong answer.*stabs Jagger in the thigh* Now, I'm gonna ask again. What were you looking for?

Jagger:*face goes white with pain* Okay! There were no biotoxins.

Spinebite:There, was that so hard?*twists knife* What did you want us to look for?

Jagger:Nothing! It was all about Upperson!

Spine:Wrong again.*Cuts Jagger's right ear off*

Jagger:*screams*Okay, okay, fine! We wanted you all in the cargo hold!


Jagger:So we could jump you all at once.

Spine:Now, see, I know that ain't true.*cuts Jagger's right hand off*What did you want us to look for?

Jagger:*screams and clutches the bleeding stump* Canisters of genetic material! The same accident that transported Upper onto your ship transported canisters of genetic material as well. Genetic material that Blue Sun needs for its experiments.

Spine *over the com* Captain, I got something, you might want to hear this.

*Zero hurries down to the guest quarters where spine is interrogating Jagger*


Spine:Alright, you rat. Tell her what you told me.

Jagger:*explains the whole thing*

Spine:Very good.*kicks Jagger in the head, knocking him unconscious*

Zero:Have Tillie start searching the sub-floor and get the doc to drag this thing*gestures at Jagger* to the medbay.

"Pain is scary."


Sunday, July 13, 2008 1:05 PM



The crew starts splitting up to do their assigned tasks.

*Spinebite grabs Jagger by the wounded arm and drags him to the guest quarters and takes out his knife* Now, you and I are going to have a little conversation. What were you looking for aboard this ship.

Jagger:I told you, biotoxins and your friend from the past.

Spine:Wrong answer.*stabs Jagger in the thigh* Now, I'm gonna ask again. What were you looking for?

Jagger:*face goes white with pain* Okay! There were no biotoxins.

Spinebite:There, was that so hard?*twists knife* What did you want us to look for?

Jagger:Nothing! It was all about Upperson!

Spine:Wrong again.*Cuts Jagger's right ear off*

Jagger:*screams*Okay, okay, fine! We wanted you all in the cargo hold!


Jagger:So we could jump you all at once.

Spine:Now, see, I know that ain't true.*cuts Jagger's right hand off*What did you want us to look for?

Jagger:*screams and clutches the bleeding stump* Canisters of genetic material! The same accident that transported Upper onto your ship transported canisters of genetic material as well. Genetic material that Blue Sun needs for its experiments.

Spine *over the com* Captain, I got something, you might want to hear this.

*Zero hurries down to the guest quarters where spine is interrogating Jagger*


Spine:Alright, you rat. Tell her what you told me.

Jagger:*explains the whole thing*

Spine:Very good.*kicks Jagger in the head, knocking him unconscious*

Zero:Have Tillie start searching the sub-floor and get the doc to drag this thing*gestures at Jagger* to the medbay.

"Pain is scary."


Sunday, July 13, 2008 1:05 PM



The crew starts splitting up to do their assigned tasks.

*Spinebite grabs Jagger by the wounded arm and drags him to the guest quarters and takes out his knife* Now, you and I are going to have a little conversation. What were you looking for aboard this ship.

Jagger:I told you, biotoxins and your friend from the past.

Spine:Wrong answer.*stabs Jagger in the thigh* Now, I'm gonna ask again. What were you looking for?

Jagger:*face goes white with pain* Okay! There were no biotoxins.

Spinebite:There, was that so hard?*twists knife* What did you want us to look for?

Jagger:Nothing! It was all about Upperson!

Spine:Wrong again.*Cuts Jagger's right ear off*

Jagger:*screams*Okay, okay, fine! We wanted you all in the cargo hold!


Jagger:So we could jump you all at once.

Spine:Now, see, I know that ain't true.*cuts Jagger's right hand off*What did you want us to look for?

Jagger:*screams and clutches the bleeding stump* Canisters of genetic material! The same accident that transported Upper onto your ship transported canisters of genetic material as well. Genetic material that Blue Sun needs for its experiments.

Spine *over the com* Captain, I got something, you might want to hear this.

*Zero hurries down to the guest quarters where spine is interrogating Jagger*


Spine:Alright, you rat. Tell her what you told me.

Jagger:*explains the whole thing*

Spine:Very good.*kicks Jagger in the head, knocking him unconscious*

Zero:Have Tillie start searching the sub-floor and get the doc to drag this thing*gestures at Jagger* to the medbay.

"Pain is scary."


Sunday, July 13, 2008 2:48 PM


*tater who is on her way to the bridge bumps into Spine walking out of the guest quarters*

Spine: Oh sorry Tot didn't see you there, your too tiny.

*tater glares up at spine* No your just a big ape....*spine laughs*

*BRG comes out next dragging along an unconscious Jagger, tater notices he is bleeding at the thigh, he's ear was cut off, and worse yet....his right hand was gone*

*tater lets out a huge gasp and puts her hand to her mouth*

What the hell?! Spine isn't that a little too much....

Spine: Nope. It was just enough.

But you cut off his ear....and-and his hand!

Spine: C'mon he deserved it...why are you so upset? He hit you.

I-I know but....

Spine: *snorts* Just go fly the ship, and play with your Potato dolls and forget all this ever happened, dong ma? This don't consern you anyhow...

*tater nods, as Spine follows BRG to the infirmary*

*tater continues on her way to the bridge, when she gets to the controls she looks out into the black... What is wrong with these people? Is this how its always going to be?...maybe I don't belong here.... A few stray tears escape from her eyes but she wipes them away quickly.
She takes out her Mr.Potatohead dolls, and without thinking she removes the ear on one of them. Like anyone could forget seeing something like that...*


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, July 13, 2008 5:06 PM


*puts Jagger onto the table* Well, it looks like he may bleed to death. Not that I really care...

Spinebite: Well we got what we needed, didnt we?

I suppose so, the guy is a disgusting little puke. *starts gathering bandages* I saw worse in the war. Much worse, many of those survived... I really hope that this guy doesnt. And I honestly dont feel wrong to think that.

Spinebite: Aww, now that just aint nice doc.

Sarcasm works. Wont put Jagger's hand back on, but it fixes the emotion... and now I'm making no sense.

Spinebite: Doc, you just fix him up real nice so that I have a chance to stab him again.

Suppose that wont be a problem....


Thursday, July 17, 2008 4:46 PM


Tillie: *on her hands and knees under the cargo hold grating* Can't believe she's still falling for the same old lā jī from that jiān xiǎn shuō huǎng zhē. Ian's even worse, though. If he's really the one who bit Jagger's back, he should know better than to think physical harm is the answer. Then again, don't think he knows any other way, poor thing. *sneezes* Ow, ruttin' stitches, can't even breathe deep without bustin' one or two.

lā jī = trash
jiān xiǎn = crafty and dangerous
shuō huǎng zhē = liar

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Thursday, July 17, 2008 5:00 PM


*squats on the floor and looks at the bloody mess* That's for Aura, you pig.

*angrily hits the comm button* Tillie, tell me what you got.

Tillie: *sneezes* Nothin' yet, Cap'n. Still lookin'.

Hwoon dahn!


Friday, July 18, 2008 4:14 PM


Tillie: *still under the grating* Gettin' real itchy down here; must not've scrubbed as well as I thought. *patting the floor on either side of her* C'mon girl, if there's somethin' to find show it to me. Give up yer secrets so I can go tell Zero an' get a nice cup of tea. *lies down flat on the floor* Gotta rest just a minute, catch my breath. Ruttin' sutures. *while she's lying there quietly, she hears noises overhead: a low groan and some rustling of fabric*

Female voice: Gorram useless... Come in, come in, gorramit! *crackle of a hand-com* Psyche, it's Kate - you read? *crackle* We're about humped, gorram Jag-- *crackle* Naw, they're out. *crackle* Hypos, I think. *crackle* Hell, I was in the gorram bay, how'm I supposed to know? *crackle* Must've been the doc and the mech, they were the only ones in the med-- *crackle* Six, just like you saw yourself in the scan. *crackle* I'm telling you: Zero, crew of four, and Upperson. *crackle* Yeah, four! Pilot, mechanic, doctor, and the gunhand. Turns out he's -- *crackle* You should! I heard Jagger screaming. Might be dead already, for all I -- *crackle* Well, hurry, will ya? I'm tied to these two --*crackle* Psyche! Psyche? Gorramit!

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Friday, July 18, 2008 6:22 PM


*Zero is leaving the guest quarters to go get a mop to clean up the mess, when she hears a moaning sound coming from the cargo bay, followed by whispering.*
*Thinking to herself:* Sounds like someone's coming around.

*She walks quietly over to listen, and hears Kate talking into a hand-comm. She waits silently until Kate stops talking.*

Got anything you want to say to me?

Kate: Ta ma de.

Yeah, you're humped. You feel like talking to me, or should I hand you over to Spinebite?

Kate: Look, lady, I only signed on for an easy job, a quick snatch and grab. We were supposed to hornswoggle you all into congregating in the bay, then bushwhack you.

What exactly were you going to snatch and grab?

Kate: Not what, who. We were going to grab our-your passenger, and Jagger was going to have a heart-to-heart with you.

What do you want our passenger for?

Kate: I didn't ask, that's why I got hired. It's a job, just the same as your job snatching that doctor off Beaumonde. I'll wager you didn't ask that Jenkins fellow the reason why, either.

And how do you know about that?

Kate: Apparently Jagger keeps an eye on all your waves. He follows all your exploits on the Cortex. You're a person of interest to him. Keeps a file and everything.

So you don't know what he wants with the passenger, but you know all about my jobs? Complete with names and places?

Kate: You he talks about. All the time.

Really? And what exactly does he say?

Kate: You were the best partner he ever had, and he never had one since as good with a gun or --
*She doesn't get to finish her sentence because Zero smacks her hard across the mouth.*


Friday, July 18, 2008 8:12 PM


*finishes up with Jagger* Alright, he's stable, probably wont be able to hear out of his right ear ever again, couldn't get that back on quite right, damaged as it was. His hand also... All I could do was patch that up. Also, if he moves too much, stitches and basically everything else in him will tear, he'll bleed out in about two minutes.

Spinebite: Don't need to worry much bout him movin.

I hope so... *opens the infirmary door* I'm going to go talk to Zero, see if maybe she'll allow me to have one of the weapons that our guests brought on. Mind watching him for me? Preferrably without killing him?

Spinebite: Can't promise anything, doc. And most of the guns were snatched from us...

You let them take your gun? *is surprised* Alright then. *walks down to the cargo bay guessing that Zero would probably be there and stops beside the door when he hears Zero and Kate talking, then goes into the cargo bay when they're done* Captain, I was wondering, did Jagger's crew bring any weapons of their own when they boarded?

Zero: Only one, doctor. Fellow over there had one taped to his stomach. I left it up on the bridge.

Would you mind if I took that since I lack a weapon to call my own until we reach a planet where I could buy one?

Zero: Go ahead. Be careful though, don't want any of them taking it from you.

I will. *goes to the bridge and immediatly sees the pistol and takes it, securing it in his front pocket*


Saturday, July 19, 2008 3:07 PM


Tillie: *coming up out of the subfloor, brushing dust from the seat of her coveralls* What'd you do with the gun Zero gave you before?

*Zero and BlueRedGreen look at her, startled, as she lowers and secures the grating*

BRG: What?

Tillie: Zero gave you one of her guns when we took off for Jiangyin, plus you also mentioned you had an old one in pieces in your bag. Figured you might've given it to Spinebite to fix up, if you wanted another one so bad.

Zero: What gun?

Tillie: Wasn't on the bridge so I didn't see it, but you gave the doc a gun out of your holster. Spine could tell you exactly which one.

BRG: And how do you know this?

Tillie: Well, Ian wasn't exactly thrilled with the captain doin' you such a kindness, right when he just become first mate and all. It's a yán miàn thing, you made him lose face.

Zero: *groans* Oh, great.

yán miàn = "face" as honor

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Saturday, July 19, 2008 3:08 PM


*Jagger begins to stir*

Spinebite:Hello there.

Jagger:*eyes widen* Tzao gao!

Spine:Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. For a while.

Jagger:*tries to scoot away*

Spine:Wouldn't try that. Doc said you'd bleed out.

Jagger:I can't feel my right hand.

Spine:Look at it.

Jagger:*screams*You son of a bitch! you took my hand!

Spine:And your ear. And most of your blood. I get to take the rest later.

Jagger:*Screams again, then tries to scramble away and falls off the table.*

Spine:*Notices a pool of blood forming beneath Jagger*Your more trouble than your worth.*hits the comm* Doc, take a good look around the medbay next time you go in.*turns to jagger*I'm gonna get something to drink. If you have any last words, comms right there.*walks to the galley*

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, July 19, 2008 3:08 PM


*Jagger begins to stir*

Spinebite:Hello there.

Jagger:*eyes widen* Tzao gao!

Spine:Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. For a while.

Jagger:*tries to scoot away*

Spine:Wouldn't try that. Doc said you'd bleed out.

Jagger:I can't feel my right hand.

Spine:Look at it.

Jagger:*screams*You son of a bitch! you took my hand!

Spine:And your ear. And most of your blood. I get to take the rest later.

Jagger:*Screams again, then tries to scramble away and falls off the table.*

Spine:*Notices a pool of blood forming beneath Jagger*Your more trouble than your worth.*hits the comm* Doc, take a good look around the medbay next time you go in.*turns to jagger*I'm gonna get something to drink. If you have any last words, comms right there.*walks to the galley*

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, July 19, 2008 3:08 PM


*Jagger begins to stir*

Spinebite:Hello there.

Jagger:*eyes widen* Tzao gao!

Spine:Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. For a while.

Jagger:*tries to scoot away*

Spine:Wouldn't try that. Doc said you'd bleed out.

Jagger:I can't feel my right hand.

Spine:Look at it.

Jagger:*screams*You son of a bitch! you took my hand!

Spine:And your ear. And most of your blood. I get to take the rest later.

Jagger:*Screams again, then tries to scramble away and falls off the table.*

Spine:*Notices a pool of blood forming beneath Jagger*Your more trouble than your worth.*hits the comm* Doc, take a good look around the medbay next time you go in.*turns to jagger*I'm gonna get something to drink. If you have any last words, comms right there.*walks to the galley*

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, July 19, 2008 3:08 PM


*Jagger begins to stir*

Spinebite:Hello there.

Jagger:*eyes widen* Tzao gao!

Spine:Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. For a while.

Jagger:*tries to scoot away*

Spine:Wouldn't try that. Doc said you'd bleed out.

Jagger:I can't feel my right hand.

Spine:Look at it.

Jagger:*screams*You son of a bitch! you took my hand!

Spine:And your ear. And most of your blood. I get to take the rest later.

Jagger:*Screams again, then tries to scramble away and falls off the table.*

Spine:*Notices a pool of blood forming beneath Jagger*Your more trouble than your worth.*hits the comm* Doc, take a good look around the medbay next time you go in.*turns to jagger*I'm gonna get something to drink. If you have any last words, comms right there.*walks to the galley*

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, July 19, 2008 3:08 PM


*Jagger begins to stir*

Spinebite:Hello there.

Jagger:*eyes widen* Tzao gao!

Spine:Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. For a while.

Jagger:*tries to scoot away*

Spine:Wouldn't try that. Doc said you'd bleed out.

Jagger:I can't feel my right hand.

Spine:Look at it.

Jagger:*screams*You son of a bitch! you took my hand!

Spine:And your ear. And most of your blood. I get to take the rest later.

Jagger:*Screams again, then tries to scramble away and falls off the table.*

Spine:*Notices a pool of blood forming beneath Jagger*Your more trouble than your worth.*hits the comm* Doc, take a good look around the medbay next time you go in.*turns to jagger*I'm gonna get something to drink. If you have any last words, comms right there.*walks to the galley*

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, July 19, 2008 3:08 PM


*Jagger begins to stir*

Spinebite:Hello there.

Jagger:*eyes widen* Tzao gao!

Spine:Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. For a while.

Jagger:*tries to scoot away*

Spine:Wouldn't try that. Doc said you'd bleed out.

Jagger:I can't feel my right hand.

Spine:Look at it.

Jagger:*screams*You son of a bitch! you took my hand!

Spine:And your ear. And most of your blood. I get to take the rest later.

Jagger:*Screams again, then tries to scramble away and falls off the table.*

Spine:*Notices a pool of blood forming beneath Jagger*Your more trouble than your worth.*hits the comm* Doc, take a good look around the medbay next time you go in.*turns to jagger*I'm gonna get something to drink. If you have any last words, comms right there.*walks to the galley*

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, July 19, 2008 4:27 PM


*Captain Zero's expression changes as she processes all this new information* Hey, what about the gun in the bag?

BRG: It's old, and it's broken.

Tillie: One o' your sharpshooters from the war? Lin said you spoke of it fondly, said it saved yer life.

BRG: What do you do, listen at doors?

Tillie: Naw, it ain't like that. Folks talk to me, is all.

Did you happen to overhear what happened to my gun?

Tillie: Naw, nothin' since you gave it to 'im. Just think it's funny how much the Doc whinges on about not havin' a gun, when all the time he's got two - well, three now. *Tillie points to the gun in BRG's pocket.*

*They hear Spinebite's snarl into the comm, and all turn toward the medbay*

Now what? Let's go see what he's done to Jagger this time.

*She holds out her hand to BRG.* Doc, I think I better hold onto that until you can return my gun to me. And we're going to talk about this later. First I want you to see to our patient.

*He hands the gun to her as he enters the medbay.*


Saturday, July 19, 2008 9:13 PM


*sees Jagger on the ground bleeding massively* What the hell? *slowly moves him back up* You need to stop moving, just hold still, breath deep, average speed.. *starts gathering materials again* Hwoo dahn is going to bleed out... *starts working on the wound, but notices Jagger isnt making any kind of signs of life* Oh Nee ta ma duh, Tyen-shia suo-yo duh run doh gai si, he's dead... *walks out of the medbay* Captain, Jagger is dead.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008 7:12 PM


Tillie: *putting her arm around Zero* Well, that's the end of his lying, anyway.

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Wednesday, July 23, 2008 7:46 PM


You've got a point, Tillie. *a light dawns* A very good point. Doctor Alex, I'd like you to conduct an autopsy. Tillie will assist -- I know you don't usually require an assistant, but I need corroboration at every step.

BRG: What am I looking for?

Anything and everything. I want to know what he ate for dinner, how many times he's broken his right wrist, what exactly happened to his backbone, and every chemical in his bloodstream.

BRG: And by right wrist you mean...

Just that, along with the other hundred and ninety-eight bones, yes Doctor. I mean everything.

Tillie: I'm impressed!

You don't have to be impressed, you just have to get me some answers. First things first, I'm getting some answers of my own. Mind if I work over here?

*Zero strips Jagger's body, and examines the clothes on a tray under a strong light while Tillie and Alex move the body onto the examining table.*

I'm also going to need a list of all the scars and marks on his skin, before you open him up.

*Tillie groans*
Too bad. I need to know where he's been and what's been done to him.

*Zero picks something out of his clothes with tweezers and rinses the blood off it.*
Like maybe he paid a visit to Badger recently. Doctor Alex, check for methanol in his system. If he did have a sit-down with Badger maybe he enjoyed a cup of tea while he was there.


Friday, July 25, 2008 4:03 AM


Upper wanders up to the bridge, finding tater playing with Mr. potatohead minus one ear.

Upper: Anyone out there?

Tater *gloomily*: no one but us and our guests.

Upper: you allright?

Tater: not really. I mean I never expected things to be so violent out here. I was just looking for some adventure, and now... now it seems like things could get really bad. Look at what happened to Jagger and his crew. They were just doing a job, and so are we. What happened to them, could happen to us, y'know? And spine and the doc, look at what they did to jagger, and i don't even think they're sorry!

Upper *is quiet for a moment, looking out at the black*: The thing is, tater, partially I think spine was a little pissed at the way that jagger treated you. That is a good thing...

Tater: How exactly is that a good thing?

Upper: Well if i'm getting what you're thinking of, its a good thing because the crew look out for each other. And they are good people, generally!

Tater: you sure? even spine?

Upper: yeah, deep down *grins* very deep down!

Tater *a little more cheerfully*: Maybe we've just been out here too long. We will be arriving at our job-destination tomorrow. Maybe we will get a chance to see some...normal people, even if its only for a little while.

Upper: Really? We'll be there tomorrow? This will be the first other world I have far as I know anyways.

Tater: What do you mean?

Upper: I don't know, but I believe what I told you, but what if someone has been meddling with my memories or something, and I'm not who I think I am?

Tater: No, you don't think that! Do you think that?

Upper: I don't know.

*There is an uncomfortable silence*

Tater: I'd better get on the com and remind the cap'n that we are coming up on our job soon. With everything going on here, it's no wonder that its gone out of all our heads.

Upper: Sure, you do that. See you later *Wanders off the bridge in the direction of the infirmary*

Tater *over the com*: cap'n soon's you have a minute please come to the bridge.


Friday, July 25, 2008 11:08 AM


*tater put the ear back on the Mr.Potatohead doll, then she lets out a little sigh while putting them away*

*zero walks onto the bridge

Zero: What is it Tot?

Just wanted to let you know we should be reaching our destination tomorrow.

Zero: Oh, that's right the job...I almost forgot about that....

*tater giggles* Seems everyone has, they're all to busy torturing Jagger.

Zero: About that...Jagger's dead.

Huh-wha? Really?

Zero: Yep, bleed right out. Alex warned him not to move so much. He didn't listen, so he reopened all his wounds...

*tater winces* What a way to go....

Zero: Are you upset Tot?

For Jagger, no. Just worried something bad may happen because we killed him...

Zero: Don't worry. It may be a good thing he's dead. I'm having Tillie and the doc to a little looking around inside his body...

What are you trying to find?



Friday, July 25, 2008 3:07 PM


I'm looking for evidence of where he was before he came here. I think he may have been to see Badger. If they had a palaver about our job, I want to know why.

Tatertot: Is there any way I can help?

Yes you can, Tot. Tap into the logs of Jagger's ship and find out where they've been. I've got to try and find some more information on the Cortex.

*They sit together in silence, the only sound the tapping of the keys.*

Tatertot: Cap'n Zero, looks like you're right.

Show me.

Tatertot: *pointing to the screen* This line here shows the coordinates for Persephone. And down here, these are the coordinates for Jiangyin. Still looking up the coordinates for here, *points* here, and here.

Good work. So Jagger not only met with Badger, he met with Jenkins too.

Tatertot: Look at this! This one's for Beaumonde, almost the same coordinates as ours!

What's different? Did they land on a moon? Oh, that would be bad...

Tatertot: No, it's close, and I mean really close. Same city but different port, maybe.

Can you check that?

Tatertot: Of course. *typing* We're scheduled to dock at Bayonne, and their coordinates are for a place called the Harbor Port.

That's one big city, then. Those ports are hours apart. But look at the difference in size: Harbor Port where Jagger docked is a huge commercial port with a heavy Alliance presence, while Bayonne is small and quiet.

*Tot is still typing*

So Jagger talked to Badger about the job. Then he met with Jenkins. Then he went to Beaumonde... Did he make the grab himself, or not? And what did he do when he left Beaumonde?

Tatertot: Got it! These last two are Santo and Paquin.

You've got to be kidding me.

Tatertot: What is it?

You did great work Tot, thank you. But now I have more questions. I made a list on the other console; skim the Cortex for me and find what you can. I'll be down in the cargo bay, but first I'm going to check in with Tillie and Doctor Alex, see if they've come up with anything new.

*Zero runs down to the cargo bay, boots clanging on the metal stairs. She strides over to Kate and smacks her across the face again.*

Easy job, was it? A simple snatch and grab? Exactly how many folks have you taken? Tell me!


Saturday, July 26, 2008 5:28 AM


*points at Jagger's left knee* Cant believe I didnt notice this before. Someone took a high caliber pistol, put it to the back of his knee, and fired. Kneecapping. It blew his kneecap off, should've blown his leg off, but didnt. He has something there, something fake, I dont know what it is...
*cuts open Jagger's kneecap* Huh, it's not his leg entirely... *moves up to where his leg starts* All the way down to right below the knee is his... directly below the knee isn't his leg, it's a prosthetic.

Tillie: So that aint all his real leg, huh?

No, and the captain was right about the methanol, it's very possible that he could have visited Badger. Can you hand me that scalpel over there? *Tille holds it out and he takes it* Thanks. *begins cutting open Jagger's chest* His lungs have some tar on them, I can see that already.. may have smoked at one point because it's pretty old.
*he reaches into Jagger's chest and gently moves the lungs so that he can see Jagger's heart better* No problems with his heart.

Tille: Wow, he aint got much blood.

Most of it was on the floor until you mopped it up.


Saturday, July 26, 2008 9:08 AM


*BlueRedGreen pulls a microchip out of Jagger's shoulder and places it in a metal bowl. Tillie squeezes water onto it and examines it under the light. She's about to call CaptainZero on the com when she hears Zero's boots on the stairs.*

Tillie: Hey Zero, looks like we got an ident ch-- *Zero runs over to the prisoners and slaps the woman's face.*

Zero: Easy job was it? A simple snatch and grab?

Tillie: *stepping back into the infirmary, shaking her head at BRG's questioning look* She's busy in the cargo bay. Might as well keep lookin', she'll poke her head in when she's done.

BRG: Here's another one for you. *the microchip clinks into the bowl* And another. *clink* This man's just full of surprises.

Tillie: *smiles* This man's just full of all kinds of stuff; prosthetics, little metal bits, tar...

Zero: *to Kate* Exactly how many folks have you taken? Tell me! *grabbing hold of Kate's shoulders and shaking her* Answer me!

Kate: I told you, this is the job, and it's botched.

Zero: No, before this. Who did you snatch on Paquin?

Kate: Didn't snatch nobody off Paquin, snatched 'em off Santo an' dropped 'em on Paquin.

Zero: So who'd you grab?

Kate: Just a doxy and her brat. Don't see as how they could be worth much coin, 'specially with the baby sick and all, but that's the job. I get paid regardless.

Zero: And from Beaumonde?

Kate: Yeah, we picked up your doc and some other folks, but the plan was after your heart-to-heart with Jagger we'd all go back to Paquin, the doc would do his thing, and then you'd get to take him to Jiangyin, finish your part of the job, get your pay from Jenkins and bring Badger his cut, everything all right and proper.

Zero: So you do know the plan. How does Upperson fit in to it?

Kate: She's gonna help the sick folks get well. The doc needs her.

*Zero abruptly strides to the infirmary and glares at Tillie and BRG*

Zero: Give me some news.

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Saturday, July 26, 2008 9:12 AM



Originally posted by TillieSong:

*Zero abruptly strides to the infirmary and glares at Tillie and BRG*

Zero: Give me some news.

BRG: This man had several imbedded chips. *indicating Tillie* She's looking them up now.

Tillie: *pointing with the forceps* This here's a credit chip, for those nights when your pants are too tight to wear a wallet. Another cred-account chip, an employee ident chip, and this one looks to be a med-account.

Any other clues?

BRG: He got shot in the knee and has a prosthetic leg, and there's some tar in his lungs. Did he smoke?

No, never.

Tillie: But he worked or lived on an industrial planet like Regina?

How do you know that? He was on Regina while we were scoping the Ezra job, and then there was that job on Haven, and of course Beaumonde.

Tillie: Yep. If it ain't Bowden's Malady it's something like. Ain't black lung 'cause Doc Alex told me his heart's still good, an' besides, it's tar in the lungs, not coal dust. Bunch o' folks on Beaumonde get sick from the bad air, and they pass it on to their kids. Bet the medchip will have his history and whatever drugs he took for it.

Did you say they pass it on to their kids? Keep looking. I'll be right back.

*Zero takes a scalpel from the table as she returns to the cargo bay.*

Okay Kate, now we're gonna have a real talk, about the real job. Tell me about the kid.

Kate: Already told you all I know.

Jagger's lying in pieces on the doc's table right now. *brandishing the scalpel* You don't want the same end you'll talk to me. Now.

Kate: It's his, okay? His kid is sick, and the doc Jenkins hired you to grab is the top guy for the kind of sickness he's got. Jagger made a deal with Badger to borrow the doc to work on his kid first, and then he'd hand 'im back to you to drop off on Jiangyin. There's other sick folks, and they're paying massive credits for getting appointments with the doc, but the real job is Jagger's kid.

And this kid is the one you snatched from Santo?

Kate: Yeah, I swear it!

Where do you have the doctor now?

Kate: We got him set up just outside of New Dunsmuir. Nice clean place --

What's the nearest port? What's closer, Harbor Port or Bayonne?

Kate: Frontage is even better, Frontage Port. We even got a docking code from one of the patients. Jagger was gonna give it to you if everything worked out. It's here *she gestures with her chin* in my pocket.

*Zero gets the paper out of Kate's pocket, then runs over to the comm and hits it with the side of her fist.*

Tot! Change course for Frontage Port on Beaumonde NOW! I'm on my way up with the docking info!


Saturday, July 26, 2008 10:53 AM


*tater was still typing away, then she jumped when she heard:


Originally posted by CaptainZero:
Tot! Change course for Frontage Port on Beaumonde NOW! I'm on my way up with the docking info!

Eep! *she hits the comm* Aye aye Captain!

*tater sets the coordinates for Beaumonde*

*mumbles* I guess the job is off...

*zero runs in right then, handing tater the docking info*

Shiny, Captain. *takes the paper* So... why are we going to Beaumonde now?

*zero explains the situation*

Sheesh...this all too much for one day...I just wanted to get some sleep when I got back...but I guess nothing is ever going to be that simple, huh?

Zero:*smiles* No I'm 'fraid not.



Sunday, July 27, 2008 1:50 AM


Sorry 'bout this one, but hopefully the worst is over. No more bad stuff like what went on downstairs.

Tatertot: Really?

This job has changed. Now it's about healing people, fixing them, giving them a chance.


Monday, July 28, 2008 7:35 AM


*takes off his gloves and stretches* Well, I can say we've done most everything that we can do involving tests on this guy.

Tillie: Bout time to.

Agreed. I can effectively say that I know more about this man's body then he probably did. 7 bones have been broken over the course of his life, he's been shot at least 12 times, and he's gotten stitches in his chin some time within the last two years.

Tillie: I'm sure he has more surprises for us.

Most likely. Could you tell Zero that I'm pretty sure we're done here? I need to just run a few more tests, maybe analyze his blood some more, uh.. simulate lung movement so that I can tell if the tar created any breathing problems, just wrap-ups.


Monday, July 28, 2008 5:08 PM


Tillie: *looking at BRG skeptically* Sure, if that's your idea of wrapping up. *hits the com* Cap'n Zero, Doc Alex tells me we're about done here, but he still wants to run a couple more tests.

Zero: *over the com* Thanks, you two. Tillie, any info on the medchip?

Tillie: *turning towards the wall* Still working on it, haven't been able to get a hit from a hospital or medacad yet.

Zero: Hmmm, keep at it. Doc, what can you tell me about Jagger's spinal injury?

Tillie: *looks at BRG, and at the body, and then back at the com* Yeah, about that. Maybe you might want to come back down here.

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Monday, July 28, 2008 11:07 PM


*Upper wanders past the infirmary, and hears that tillie and brg are done with jagger. Bored, she heads to the kitchen to see if there is anything to eat. Spine is busy eating something as she enters*

Upper: Anything interesting to eat, spine?

Spine *with his mouth full*: Just finished the last of tillie's last cooking. But there is something that smells like crotch in the fridge.

Upper *pulling a face*: That sounds appetising.

Spine: What are you doing here anyways

Upper: Nothing. Just bored.

Spine: What, not enough excitement for you in the last couple of days? Must be a rush where you come from.

Upper: Well, it's not like I've actually been doing much myself, y'know.

Spine *grinning*: Want to get shot at some more?

Upper *touching her stomach*: Well, the last bruises seem to have faded, so maybe that's not such a bad idea. Might also get my mind off things.

Spine *getting up*: What things? Who you're going to annoy next?

Upper: Yeah. Something like that. You coming?

Spine: You sure are eager to get yourself hurt again!

Upper: Maybe this time will be different.

Spine: Or not.

*Spine fetches the guns and the training rounds from his bunk, while upper goes to the cargo bay. As she walks there she runs into tillie looking out of the infirmary*

Tillie: You seen Zero?

Upper: No, but I'm sure she'll be right down. You find anyting interesting?

Tillie: You bet! this guy was one interesting huan dan!

*Zero arrives from the bridge*

Tilie: Cap'n get in here! We have something interesting to show you.

*seeing that spine has not arrived yet, upper follows tillie and zero into the infirmary.*


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 10:52 AM


*Zero turns to Upperson, puts her arms on her shoulders, firmly turns her around and walks her out of the infirmary.*

Sorry Lin, but this is not something for your eyes.

*She closes the door behind Upperson and opaques the glass.*

So what am I looking at?

Tillie: Yer looking at no broken vertebrae, Cap'n, an' no big scars on the back neither.

BRG: He's been shot twice in the back, but with small-caliber ammunition without much propulsive force so the damage wasn't extensive. There is also a series of shallow cuts across the right shoulder onto the back --

Yeah, yeah, I did that. Threw something at him and it broke. *Zero half-closes her eyes, remembering the moment.* Stupid hwoon dahn.

*Zero looks at Tillie, who shrugs. She turns to BRG.*
Doctor Alex, look for any signs of reconstructive surgery, dermal mending, anything.

BRG: I'll see what I can find for you.

Tillie, I really need answers off that medchip.

Tillie: You got it, Cap'n.

*She opens the infirmary door, to find Upperson waiting just outside. She walks with her toward the passenger dorms.*
So Lin, why do you think someone wants you for a health-related purpose? Do you have some medical know-how, or are you just a science experiment?

Upperson: But Zero, I'm supposed to be training with Spinebite in the cargo bay!

Not just now. You have an answer for me?

Upperson: Of course not. Why should I know what they want with me?

Well, why don't you just rest here a while and think it over then. Best you keep safe and sound in the meantime, don't want to get all shot up for no reason.

*Zero deposits Upperson in the dorm room, closes the door and locks it from the master lock control. She goes up to Spinebite's bunk, where he's sitting on the bed with a gun in one hand and a box of training rounds in the other.*

Tell me why Jagger shot you in the back and took your mule, and why you bit him. Spinebite. Ian!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 6:35 PM


Tillie: I got it! *hits com* Zero, I got something, an' -- wait, I'll come find you!

*Tillie runs up the stairs, and forward towards the bridge. Halfway there she sees Spinebite's door open, and Zero standing in front of his bunk.*

Tillie: Hey, can I come in?

Zero: Maybe you better.

*Tillie climbs down into the room.*

Tillie: D'ja get my --

Zero: Ssssshhhh. Look at Ian.

Tillie: He breathin'?

Zero: Dunno, just got here myself.

*Tillie puts her hand in front of Spinebite's face, and puts her fingers on his neck.*

Tillie: *somewhat relieved* Never figured Ian to be one for meditatin'...

Zero: Tillie?

Tillie: Sorry, Zero. It's like he's in a trance state; he's alive, but everything is slowed down. His breathing and pulse are slower, and I bet his blood pressure's way down. *she puts a blanket around him* He's cold, which --

Zero: I get it. C'mon, let's leave him be. Don't think he's in any danger at the moment.

*They climb out of his room, and Zero closes his door and locks it from the keypad on the wall.*

Zero: I've read that even in a trance a person can be receptive and focused, so I figured you might want to tell me your news out here.

Tillie: The chip's from a hospital on Beaumonde. Jagger had Durant's Disease, very similar to Bowden's. Can't tell from the chip if he was born with it or got it as an adult. He was real healthy, but the signs were there in his lungs and in his joint replacements. He didn't take meds, just a shot once or twice a year.

Zero: And the job?

Tillie: The doc is a Durant's specialist, has some new-fangled treatment s'posed to cure it outright or clear it up practically good as new. 'Specially children. That reminds me: the medchip has an "information to be used in the treatment of patient's children" data pack.

Zero: Kate told me the deep reason for the job is to fix his kid.

Tillie: Zero, *puts her arm on Zero's arm* the boy's name is Leon. Thought you should know.

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:08 AM


*sitting on his bunk meditating, wakes up* Didn't know I could drift off like that. Maybe I should've only had one shot of scotch...*grabs the rest of the training rounds and tries to head out the door but finds it locked, tries locking pad, but it still won't open* What the hell? *loads real magazine into clip, and, never being one for finesse, shoots the door open and climbs out*

Tillie:*staring in disbelief*

Zero:Ian! What the hell do you think you're doing!

Spine:The door was locked.

Zero:I know! I'm the one that locked it!

Spine:Why'd you do that?

Zero:*shakes head*Nevermind, I've got something to ask you. *looks at Tillie* Go check on the doc, see if hes found anything else. *looks back at Spine* Why'd Jagger shoot you in the back and take your mule? And why'd you bite him?

Spine:Thats actually two questions.


Spine:If you so vehemently insist. Jagger and I were working a job together. We were supposed to break into the house of one of the members of parliament and snag 2 million credits and assassinate the official. The job went off without a hitch, then when we got to the mule, he shot me in the back. I didn't have enough leverage to throw a decent punch, so I used my weight to pull him down and tried to rip his spine out. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm on my way to the cargo hold.

Zero:I locked your door. That means stay here. I don't need you killing anyone else. *walks away*

Spine:*After 10 minutes of pacing and swearing, walks down to the galley for some scotch*

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:08 AM


*sitting on his bunk meditating, wakes up* Didn't know I could drift off like that. Maybe I should've only had one shot of scotch...*grabs the rest of the training rounds and tries to head out the door but finds it locked, tries locking pad, but it still won't open* What the hell? *loads real magazine into clip, and, never being one for finesse, shoots the door open and climbs out*

Tillie:*staring in disbelief*

Zero:Ian! What the hell do you think you're doing!

Spine:The door was locked.

Zero:I know! I'm the one that locked it!

Spine:Why'd you do that?

Zero:*shakes head*Nevermind, I've got something to ask you. *looks at Tillie* Go check on the doc, see if hes found anything else. *looks back at Spine* Why'd Jagger shoot you in the back and take your mule? And why'd you bite him?

Spine:Thats actually two questions.


Spine:If you so vehemently insist. Jagger and I were working a job together. We were supposed to break into the house of one of the members of parliament and snag 2 million credits and assassinate the official. The job went off without a hitch, then when we got to the mule, he shot me in the back. I didn't have enough leverage to throw a decent punch, so I used my weight to pull him down and tried to rip his spine out. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm on my way to the cargo hold.

Zero:I locked your door. That means stay here. I don't need you killing anyone else. *walks away*

Spine:*After 10 minutes of pacing and swearing, walks down to the galley for some scotch*

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:08 AM


*sitting on his bunk meditating, wakes up* Didn't know I could drift off like that. Maybe I should've only had one shot of scotch...*grabs the rest of the training rounds and tries to head out the door but finds it locked, tries locking pad, but it still won't open* What the hell? *loads real magazine into clip, and, never being one for finesse, shoots the door open and climbs out*

Tillie:*staring in disbelief*

Zero:Ian! What the hell do you think you're doing!

Spine:The door was locked.

Zero:I know! I'm the one that locked it!

Spine:Why'd you do that?

Zero:*shakes head*Nevermind, I've got something to ask you. *looks at Tillie* Go check on the doc, see if hes found anything else. *looks back at Spine* Why'd Jagger shoot you in the back and take your mule? And why'd you bite him?

Spine:Thats actually two questions.


Spine:If you so vehemently insist. Jagger and I were working a job together. We were supposed to break into the house of one of the members of parliament and snag 2 million credits and assassinate the official. The job went off without a hitch, then when we got to the mule, he shot me in the back. I didn't have enough leverage to throw a decent punch, so I used my weight to pull him down and tried to rip his spine out. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm on my way to the cargo hold.

Zero:I locked your door. That means stay here. I don't need you killing anyone else. *walks away*

Spine:*After 10 minutes of pacing and swearing, walks down to the galley for some scotch*

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:08 AM


*sitting on his bunk meditating, wakes up* Didn't know I could drift off like that. Maybe I should've only had one shot of scotch...*grabs the rest of the training rounds and tries to head out the door but finds it locked, tries locking pad, but it still won't open* What the hell? *loads real magazine into clip, and, never being one for finesse, shoots the door open and climbs out*

Tillie:*staring in disbelief*

Zero:Ian! What the hell do you think you're doing!

Spine:The door was locked.

Zero:I know! I'm the one that locked it!

Spine:Why'd you do that?

Zero:*shakes head*Nevermind, I've got something to ask you. *looks at Tillie* Go check on the doc, see if hes found anything else. *looks back at Spine* Why'd Jagger shoot you in the back and take your mule? And why'd you bite him?

Spine:Thats actually two questions.


Spine:If you so vehemently insist. Jagger and I were working a job together. We were supposed to break into the house of one of the members of parliament and snag 2 million credits and assassinate the official. The job went off without a hitch, then when we got to the mule, he shot me in the back. I didn't have enough leverage to throw a decent punch, so I used my weight to pull him down and tried to rip his spine out. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm on my way to the cargo hold.

Zero:I locked your door. That means stay here. I don't need you killing anyone else. *walks away*

Spine:*After 10 minutes of pacing and swearing, walks down to the galley for some scotch*

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:08 AM


*sitting on his bunk meditating, wakes up* Didn't know I could drift off like that. Maybe I should've only had one shot of scotch...*grabs the rest of the training rounds and tries to head out the door but finds it locked, tries locking pad, but it still won't open* What the hell? *loads real magazine into clip, and, never being one for finesse, shoots the door open and climbs out*

Tillie:*staring in disbelief*

Zero:Ian! What the hell do you think you're doing!

Spine:The door was locked.

Zero:I know! I'm the one that locked it!

Spine:Why'd you do that?

Zero:*shakes head*Nevermind, I've got something to ask you. *looks at Tillie* Go check on the doc, see if hes found anything else. *looks back at Spine* Why'd Jagger shoot you in the back and take your mule? And why'd you bite him?

Spine:Thats actually two questions.


Spine:If you so vehemently insist. Jagger and I were working a job together. We were supposed to break into the house of one of the members of parliament and snag 2 million credits and assassinate the official. The job went off without a hitch, then when we got to the mule, he shot me in the back. I didn't have enough leverage to throw a decent punch, so I used my weight to pull him down and tried to rip his spine out. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm on my way to the cargo hold.

Zero:I locked your door. That means stay here. I don't need you killing anyone else. *walks away*

Spine:*After 10 minutes of pacing and swearing, walks down to the galley for some scotch*

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:08 AM


*sitting on his bunk meditating, wakes up* Didn't know I could drift off like that. Maybe I should've only had one shot of scotch...*grabs the rest of the training rounds and tries to head out the door but finds it locked, tries locking pad, but it still won't open* What the hell? *loads real magazine into clip, and, never being one for finesse, shoots the door open and climbs out*

Tillie:*staring in disbelief*

Zero:Ian! What the hell do you think you're doing!

Spine:The door was locked.

Zero:I know! I'm the one that locked it!

Spine:Why'd you do that?

Zero:*shakes head*Nevermind, I've got something to ask you. *looks at Tillie* Go check on the doc, see if hes found anything else. *looks back at Spine* Why'd Jagger shoot you in the back and take your mule? And why'd you bite him?

Spine:Thats actually two questions.


Spine:If you so vehemently insist. Jagger and I were working a job together. We were supposed to break into the house of one of the members of parliament and snag 2 million credits and assassinate the official. The job went off without a hitch, then when we got to the mule, he shot me in the back. I didn't have enough leverage to throw a decent punch, so I used my weight to pull him down and tried to rip his spine out. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm on my way to the cargo hold.

Zero:I locked your door. That means stay here. I don't need you killing anyone else. *walks away*

Spine:*After 10 minutes of pacing and swearing, walks down to the galley for some scotch*

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 12:09 PM


*sits down and swings legs. whistles tunelessly. sings "black" by the rolling stones whith air guitar. follows that with "sweet emotion" and "crazy" by aerosmith.*

damnit. kinda thought spine would come and get me for some shootin'.

Starts miming the beatles for old time sake... "come together right now..."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 4:28 PM


*upon reaching the galley, drinks the last of the scotch, which only amounted to about 2 1/2 shots.upon finishing the scotch, decides to get upper for some target practice. reaches uppers room and knocks on her door* Upper? You in there?

Upper:Spine? Is that you?

Spine:Yeah. How 'bout some shooting? But it would mean disobeying the cap'n.

Upper:Then I don't know.

Spine:Don't worry. I'll cover for you.

Upper:Okay, I guess so...*walks over to door and tries to open it* It's locked!

Spine:I think I can open it, hold on. *Goes to work on the door panel, after about three minutes has it open* Let's go.

*Upper and Spine proceed to spine's bunk to grab practice ammo, upon seeing the blasted door Upper raises an eyebrow*

Spine:Don't ask.

*Upper and Spine proceed to cargo hold, where they load practice ammo in their guns*

Spine:Today is a good day for this.

Upper:Why is that?

Spine:Because we have moving targets. *points gun at one of the prisoners* You there. Get up and run back and forth.

Prisoner:Screw you.

Spine:*caps prisoner in the chest, prisoner becomes more compliant*

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 4:28 PM


*upon reaching the galley, drinks the last of the scotch, which only amounted to about 2 1/2 shots.upon finishing the scotch, decides to get upper for some target practice. reaches uppers room and knocks on her door* Upper? You in there?

Upper:Spine? Is that you?

Spine:Yeah. How 'bout some shooting? But it would mean disobeying the cap'n.

Upper:Then I don't know.

Spine:Don't worry. I'll cover for you.

Upper:Okay, I guess so...*walks over to door and tries to open it* It's locked!

Spine:I think I can open it, hold on. *Goes to work on the door panel, after about three minutes has it open* Let's go.

*Upper and Spine proceed to spine's bunk to grab practice ammo, upon seeing the blasted door Upper raises an eyebrow*

Spine:Don't ask.

*Upper and Spine proceed to cargo hold, where they load practice ammo in their guns*

Spine:Today is a good day for this.

Upper:Why is that?

Spine:Because we have moving targets. *points gun at one of the prisoners* You there. Get up and run back and forth.

Prisoner:Screw you.

Spine:*caps prisoner in the chest, prisoner becomes more compliant*

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 4:28 PM


*upon reaching the galley, drinks the last of the scotch, which only amounted to about 2 1/2 shots.upon finishing the scotch, decides to get upper for some target practice. reaches uppers room and knocks on her door* Upper? You in there?

Upper:Spine? Is that you?

Spine:Yeah. How 'bout some shooting? But it would mean disobeying the cap'n.

Upper:Then I don't know.

Spine:Don't worry. I'll cover for you.

Upper:Okay, I guess so...*walks over to door and tries to open it* It's locked!

Spine:I think I can open it, hold on. *Goes to work on the door panel, after about three minutes has it open* Let's go.

*Upper and Spine proceed to spine's bunk to grab practice ammo, upon seeing the blasted door Upper raises an eyebrow*

Spine:Don't ask.

*Upper and Spine proceed to cargo hold, where they load practice ammo in their guns*

Spine:Today is a good day for this.

Upper:Why is that?

Spine:Because we have moving targets. *points gun at one of the prisoners* You there. Get up and run back and forth.

Prisoner:Screw you.

Spine:*caps prisoner in the chest, prisoner becomes more compliant*

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 4:28 PM


*upon reaching the galley, drinks the last of the scotch, which only amounted to about 2 1/2 shots.upon finishing the scotch, decides to get upper for some target practice. reaches uppers room and knocks on her door* Upper? You in there?

Upper:Spine? Is that you?

Spine:Yeah. How 'bout some shooting? But it would mean disobeying the cap'n.

Upper:Then I don't know.

Spine:Don't worry. I'll cover for you.

Upper:Okay, I guess so...*walks over to door and tries to open it* It's locked!

Spine:I think I can open it, hold on. *Goes to work on the door panel, after about three minutes has it open* Let's go.

*Upper and Spine proceed to spine's bunk to grab practice ammo, upon seeing the blasted door Upper raises an eyebrow*

Spine:Don't ask.

*Upper and Spine proceed to cargo hold, where they load practice ammo in their guns*

Spine:Today is a good day for this.

Upper:Why is that?

Spine:Because we have moving targets. *points gun at one of the prisoners* You there. Get up and run back and forth.

Prisoner:Screw you.

Spine:*caps prisoner in the chest, prisoner becomes more compliant*

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 4:28 PM


*upon reaching the galley, drinks the last of the scotch, which only amounted to about 2 1/2 shots.upon finishing the scotch, decides to get upper for some target practice. reaches uppers room and knocks on her door* Upper? You in there?

Upper:Spine? Is that you?

Spine:Yeah. How 'bout some shooting? But it would mean disobeying the cap'n.

Upper:Then I don't know.

Spine:Don't worry. I'll cover for you.

Upper:Okay, I guess so...*walks over to door and tries to open it* It's locked!

Spine:I think I can open it, hold on. *Goes to work on the door panel, after about three minutes has it open* Let's go.

*Upper and Spine proceed to spine's bunk to grab practice ammo, upon seeing the blasted door Upper raises an eyebrow*

Spine:Don't ask.

*Upper and Spine proceed to cargo hold, where they load practice ammo in their guns*

Spine:Today is a good day for this.

Upper:Why is that?

Spine:Because we have moving targets. *points gun at one of the prisoners* You there. Get up and run back and forth.

Prisoner:Screw you.

Spine:*caps prisoner in the chest, prisoner becomes more compliant*

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 4:28 PM


*upon reaching the galley, drinks the last of the scotch, which only amounted to about 2 1/2 shots.upon finishing the scotch, decides to get upper for some target practice. reaches uppers room and knocks on her door* Upper? You in there?

Upper:Spine? Is that you?

Spine:Yeah. How 'bout some shooting? But it would mean disobeying the cap'n.

Upper:Then I don't know.

Spine:Don't worry. I'll cover for you.

Upper:Okay, I guess so...*walks over to door and tries to open it* It's locked!

Spine:I think I can open it, hold on. *Goes to work on the door panel, after about three minutes has it open* Let's go.

*Upper and Spine proceed to spine's bunk to grab practice ammo, upon seeing the blasted door Upper raises an eyebrow*

Spine:Don't ask.

*Upper and Spine proceed to cargo hold, where they load practice ammo in their guns*

Spine:Today is a good day for this.

Upper:Why is that?

Spine:Because we have moving targets. *points gun at one of the prisoners* You there. Get up and run back and forth.

Prisoner:Screw you.

Spine:*caps prisoner in the chest, prisoner becomes more compliant*

"Pain is scary."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 7:11 PM


*Upper watches as spine scores a hit on the next prisoner.*

Spine: Now you go

*Upper hesitates, thinking that it is a little mean after all*

Spine: Ruttin' pansy *Hits another of the prisoners

*Upper gives him an ugly look*
Upper *brightly* Ah, at last! The advanced class that I was waiting for! *She aims and fires at the next prisoner, reminding herself that it is painful, but at this distance hardly that bad. She hits one in the shoulder and another in the chest. The prisoners try to avoid the fire desparately. Both Spine and Upper empty their clips.*

Upper: That was fun, but a little unfair. I mean, they weren't shooting back. And their hands are tied. No chance that you are going to offer yourself up for some practise?

Spine: You wouldn't hit me anyways.

Upper: I might

Spine: Care to try

Upper: Need you ask?

*Just as Upper and spine take hold of the reloaded weapons, Zero enters the hold*

Zero: WHAT are you two doing here!?

*Both Spine and Upper turn to Zero with guilty expressions on their faces*

Upper *in a small voice*: Practising how to shoot people. *then adds very quickly* it was really boring when you locked me up. We needed something to do.

*Upper suddenly realises that running around with guns after people locked you up for being dangerous may be a problem*


Thursday, July 31, 2008 2:55 PM


*notices Tillie come in* Need something?

Tillie: Captain told me to see if you found out anything else.

Well then, you're right on time. I found out something interesting about Jagger's Durant's.

Tillie: What?

It was going to become fatal. The disease would have killed him, it was damaging other parts of his body, messing up lung movement, all sorts of things, I havent ever seen this disease progress like that, it's extremely rare, I mean extremely. He couldn't have even known it, but it would have destroyed his lungs in under five months...


Thursday, July 31, 2008 4:42 PM


You both disobeyed direct orders. Glad to know your minds now, before we got dirtside.

*Zero shoots Spinebite in the neck. He looks at her with astonishment and grudging admiration at her accuracy as he slowly sinks to the ground. Upperson stares at him, horrified. Zero strides over to her and smacks her very hard across the face. She takes Upperson's gun from her, backs up a few feet and shoots her several times in the chest. Upperson falls to her knees, gasping for breath.*

Doctor Alex, get in here now. Our friend Spinebite needs a stitch or two.

*She stands over Spinebite, his hand clutching his neck to keep the bleeding under control.*
A first mate follows the captain's orders. Don't matter if he's bored or restless, if the captain says sit still the first mate sits still. You proved you're not trustworthy. I should let you bleed out.

*She kicks the gun out of his hand and picks it up, then she moves over to where Upperson is kneeling.*
And you! What made you think it's all right to shoot at other people for no reason? If you're so eager to follow Spinebite's lead into senseless violence, you don't deserve to be kept out of danger. And yes, that's why I locked you in that room, to keep you safe. *Upperson hangs her head.* Yeah, well, too late for I'm sorry. That doc wants to dissect you, I won't lift a finger to stop him.

*BRG and Tillie come out of the infirmary, and immediately rush over to Spinebite to stop the bleeding. Zero takes the rest of his weapons and then assists the other two to get the now nearly unconscious man onto the empty table.*

Keep him doped and immobile. He's dangerously unstable, I can't risk him hurting anyone else.

BRG: I can give him a shot to knock out his motor functions, but it doesn't last more than half a day.

Can you give him the shot more than one time?

BRG: Yes, that won't be dangerous.

Do it. I got to deal with that girl.

*Zero returns to the cargo hold, gets the prisoners into somewhat more comfortable positions and re-secures their bonds. She grabs Upperson by the arm.*

Time to go back in the room. Too bad if it's boring. I'll wager you'd prefer to be bored and alive than the alternative. Sit in there and think about what you want out of life, and why you think you deserve it. I'm very disappointed by your behavior.

*Zero locks Upperson in the room and returns to the infirmary.*


Thursday, July 31, 2008 5:26 PM


*gives Spinebite the shot* Alright, that's it. About 12 hours. Oh! I remembered where I put your gun, my room, right on the table, unloaded, I think I may have given the ammo to Spinebite here or something at some point.


Thursday, July 31, 2008 6:02 PM


Thanks, I'll retrieve it and give you one that fits your hand. But first: after Ian's insubordination today, I need to know where you stand. The job has changed; the doc we were supposed to snatch is an expert on the disease that was killing Jagger --

BRG: Durant's Disease.

Yes, that's the one, and he's going to work on several patients on Beaumonde including Jagger's child. The patients have already arranged to pay handsomely for the treatment, and since Jagger isn't in the picture anymore we can reap all the profits if we run the job in his place.

Tillie: Still don't get what Jagger boardin' us under false pretenses has to do with the job.

Kate told me the doc needs Upperson for something. Not sure if it's something she knows or something she has, but I aim to hand her over to him.

Tillie: He ain't gonna hurt her, is he?

Can't see as how that would make sense, considering how many patients Jagger lined up. No, I'm sure she needs to be alive and healthy.

Tillie: In that case I'm in.

BRG: It sounds like a good cause. I'm in. But will it work? Could it all be a scam to take money from the patients?

No, he wouldn't have worked this hard just to dupe a bunch of desperate people. He wanted to save someone's life, and found a way to turn a profit at the same time.

*Zero looks over at Spinebite's unconscious figure and snaps her fingers.*
Since Spine's quiet at the moment, now is the perfect time to take a dental impression. I want to see where on Jagger's body his tooth marks were. There's more to this story, I can feel it.


Thursday, July 31, 2008 6:40 PM


Tillie: Good thing I took all those pictures of his scars, hunh? *winks at Zero as she gets a box from a cupboard* I'll mix the goo if you insert the molds.

BRG: I never said anything about dentistry --

Zero: You two battle it out, I have a few more questions for our guests in the hold.

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:45 PM


How are you feeling?

Kate: Hwoon dahn shot me!

Yeah, well I shot him right back.

Kate: I saw. He gonna live?

Looks like it. How about you?

Kate: I wanna live. Look, I lied when I said I was his woman. Only did that to rile you up, Jagger wanted me to get you goin', he likes to -- well you knew him better than me. That was just me takin' orders. Ain't got a boss now, just as easily sign on with you. I know how to take orders, Captain Zero. Wouldn't have done like him. *She looks at the bloody spot on the floor where Spinebite had been.* I noticed you didn't take away my comm. Ain't used it since.

Who's this Psyche?

Kate: She's a Registered Companion, a great pilot and she flew all them folks we got on Paquin over to Beaumonde once the hospital got set up.

You called her to come rescue you?

Kate: Look at us. *She indicates the other prisoners.* We're humped. We tried to hornswoggle you, you ain't gonna look kindly on that. How was I to know you weren't going to just shoot us dead? Okay, you ain't the same as that Spinebite. But I didn't know that then, did I?

Did she say how soon she'd be here?

Kate: Jing-chang mei yong de piece of go se crapped out before I could get an answer.

Try her again, find out her ETA.

*Kate looks at her skeptically.*
Listen Kate, you're my prisoner but not necessarily my enemy. I will treat you fairly, dong ma? Be honest with me about the Beaumonde job. Tell me everything you know. If you're straight with me, if you want in on the job and prove yourself to me, I'll cut you in. One thing I can say for Jagger he had a talent for finding good people, so if he trusted you that's saying something.

Kate: I'll try her right now.


Friday, August 1, 2008 11:33 AM


You know, my two least favorite parts of medical school were dentistry and pharmacy. Dentistry was just not my skill and pharmacy had too much math... *looks at the molds* I liked pulling bullets out and fixing people. Had a knack for putting them in as well.

Tillie: I thought they made doctors say some oath not to kill?

Oath and some honor illusion, or the huge pay the lliance was giving actual doctors who joined up during the war? I got into school on a scholarship, not riches.

Tillie: Oath is supposed to be more then just words...

Not to me it wasn't. I don't trust words, I trust beliefs. Words are words, and there's no way anyone can be sure you actually believe what you're saying or that it's true... Goo ready?


Friday, August 1, 2008 3:54 PM


Tillie: Yeah, here we go. *She pours the goo into the dental molds BRG is holding out.* Can you hold it more, yeah up like that. Hold the other one up a little more? Just gotta pour this last bit... Okay. You want me to put 'em in?

BRG: Please. *turns the molds around and hands them to her* Do you have them? Need me to hold his lips back?

Tillie: C'n you just open his jaw a little wider? Yeah, that's good. Okay, here goes! Help me hold his jaw shut? Thanks. Oh, that is sooooo nasty.

BRG: How long until it sets?

Tillie: Shhh, I'm counting...*under her breath* six, seven, eight...

BRG: *watches Tillie counting silently, and pokes the now hardened foam on Spinebite's chin.* I think it's --

Tillie: Done! You're absolutely right, now all we have to do is very ... gently ... lift and sliiiide the nasty ol' thing right out. Hey, nice! They came out great, look. *Tillie shows Alex the impressions.*

BRG: *trying not to gag at the food particles stuck in the foam* Those look like teeth all right.

Tillie: Okay, you wanna help me with the plaster? *Alex rolls his eyes.* No? Lemme guess: the Alliance trained you as a medic, not a bricklayer, gorram it. *laughs to herself* Don't worry about it, Alex. When you make ceramics you learn all about plaster molds; it's no trouble. And while the plaster sets, why don't you tell me what it is you do believe in.

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Friday, August 1, 2008 10:02 PM


Well I believe that power currupts, anyone with it can't be trusted... Alliance are a bunch of evil sons of bitches... I also believe that dentistry is the lowest end of medicene.... well, I don't really think that last part. Not much I do believe anymore. Alliance took most everything away. Morals, ethics, all of it, they even took my gorram cat. And my money and my house and my family... I think out of the things I listed, the thing about the Alliance being evil sons of bitches pretty much sums it up.


Saturday, August 2, 2008 8:44 PM


Tillie: Well, whaddya know? We think more alike than I would've suspected. Exceptin' I'd add that it's not only important but necessary for us to behave ethically when those in power won't. An' I think dentists can be very helpful. However, these bite molds haven't been, yet. *holds up the plaster teeth and mimics biting with them* Have you found any scars that could have been made by these teeth?

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Sunday, August 3, 2008 5:36 AM



Originally posted by CaptainZero:
Do it. I got to deal with that girl.

*Zero enters the room where she locked up upper to find her lying on the bed looking pale and sweaty*

Zero: I've decided to hand you over to the doctor as Jagger intended.

Upper: Yeah, I kind of guessed when one of your new friends came in here with a dirty big syringe and injected the acute form of this Durant's Disease into me. *She coughs* Nice payback, captain.


Sunday, August 3, 2008 1:46 PM


You need to look at the facts. One: Nobody got in this room after I locked it. Two: Durant's can't be injected; you have to be born with it or breathe it in. Three: It's in everybody's interest to keep you healthy -- ain't nobody on this boat with any reason to harm you. Not my people, not Jagger's people. You're a valuable commodity healthy. You're not worth a mouse turd dead or sick, and nobody hates you enough to jeopardize a payday by hurting you. Dong ma? You understand me?

*Upperson stares at Zero, shaking with fury.*
Upper: How dare you! Why would I lie? My clothes are drenched in sweat. I feel like death. How can you tell me nothing's wrong?

Truth is, I think whatever drugs you been on till now are leaving your system, and you are suffering from it. Seen the exact same symptoms when my, when a friend was drying out from drops. She'd been dosed for nigh on a year, and her suffering was something awful. Terrible shakes, and sweats, and hallucinations, and pains in her joints. You may think you got Durant's, but I'm telling you what you got is withdrawal.

Upper: But the injection! Look!

I am looking, and you don't have any puncture wounds. Listen to me. Nobody wants to hurt you. There's no payday in sabotaging this job.

Upper: Could it have been that Blue Sun?

If it really is true that Blue Sun wants you, I'm sure they don't want you sick.

Upper: I'm telling you a man came into this room and shot me full of the most virulent form of that disease.

And I'm telling you that the only men on this ship are in the cargo hold or the medbay. There's no one unaccounted for.

Upper: Are you absolutely sure? Are you positive? *She bursts into tears.* What's happening to me?

You're going through an ordeal, but you will get through it. We're going to make sure you're safe and healthy, and we'll find the answers to your questions. But you will have to learn to obey orders, young lady. Withdrawal is tough, I won't lie to you. But if you do as you're told you'll get through it just fine, and we'll all be here for you every step of the way.


Monday, August 4, 2008 4:42 PM


*wakes up during the doctor's rant about the alliance and feels an unnatural chill throughout his body* (What the...? I see what they did. I guess I'm 'dangerous'.Never imagined that the Alliance would end up doing me a service. I must have developed an immunity to this stuff during my time in prison)


* Have you found any scars that could have been made by these teeth?

Spine:*leaps up suddenly, punching doctor Alex in the gut*

BRG:*bends over with the pain*

Spine:Sorry doc, but I get a might touchy when people dope me. *punches BRG in the back of the head, knocking him out, then walks out of medbay and to his bunk, grabs a gun, loads it, and heads to Upper's room, thinking that Zero might be there. Upon seeing Zero points the gun at the back of her head and thumbs back the hammer* Whaddaya think, Zero? Should I pull the trigger? Come up with a good enough reason for me to let you live, and I'll go back to serving as your loyal first mate, and won't make another attempt on your life for the rest of my days. So whats it gonna be?


"Pain is scary."


Monday, August 4, 2008 4:42 PM


*wakes up during the doctor's rant about the alliance and feels an unnatural chill throughout his body* (What the...? I see what they did. I guess I'm 'dangerous'.Never imagined that the Alliance would end up doing me a service. I must have developed an immunity to this stuff during my time in prison)


* Have you found any scars that could have been made by these teeth?

Spine:*leaps up suddenly, punching doctor Alex in the gut*

BRG:*bends over with the pain*

Spine:Sorry doc, but I get a might touchy when people dope me. *punches BRG in the back of the head, knocking him out, then walks out of medbay and to his bunk, grabs a gun, loads it, and heads to Upper's room, thinking that Zero might be there. Upon seeing Zero points the gun at the back of her head and thumbs back the hammer* Whaddaya think, Zero? Should I pull the trigger? Come up with a good enough reason for me to let you live, and I'll go back to serving as your loyal first mate, and won't make another attempt on your life for the rest of my days. So whats it gonna be?


"Pain is scary."


Monday, August 4, 2008 4:42 PM


*wakes up during the doctor's rant about the alliance and feels an unnatural chill throughout his body* (What the...? I see what they did. I guess I'm 'dangerous'.Never imagined that the Alliance would end up doing me a service. I must have developed an immunity to this stuff during my time in prison)


* Have you found any scars that could have been made by these teeth?

Spine:*leaps up suddenly, punching doctor Alex in the gut*

BRG:*bends over with the pain*

Spine:Sorry doc, but I get a might touchy when people dope me. *punches BRG in the back of the head, knocking him out, then walks out of medbay and to his bunk, grabs a gun, loads it, and heads to Upper's room, thinking that Zero might be there. Upon seeing Zero points the gun at the back of her head and thumbs back the hammer* Whaddaya think, Zero? Should I pull the trigger? Come up with a good enough reason for me to let you live, and I'll go back to serving as your loyal first mate, and won't make another attempt on your life for the rest of my days. So whats it gonna be?


"Pain is scary."


Monday, August 4, 2008 4:42 PM


*wakes up during the doctor's rant about the alliance and feels an unnatural chill throughout his body* (What the...? I see what they did. I guess I'm 'dangerous'.Never imagined that the Alliance would end up doing me a service. I must have developed an immunity to this stuff during my time in prison)


* Have you found any scars that could have been made by these teeth?

Spine:*leaps up suddenly, punching doctor Alex in the gut*

BRG:*bends over with the pain*

Spine:Sorry doc, but I get a might touchy when people dope me. *punches BRG in the back of the head, knocking him out, then walks out of medbay and to his bunk, grabs a gun, loads it, and heads to Upper's room, thinking that Zero might be there. Upon seeing Zero points the gun at the back of her head and thumbs back the hammer* Whaddaya think, Zero? Should I pull the trigger? Come up with a good enough reason for me to let you live, and I'll go back to serving as your loyal first mate, and won't make another attempt on your life for the rest of my days. So whats it gonna be?


"Pain is scary."


Monday, August 4, 2008 4:42 PM


*wakes up during the doctor's rant about the alliance and feels an unnatural chill throughout his body* (What the...? I see what they did. I guess I'm 'dangerous'.Never imagined that the Alliance would end up doing me a service. I must have developed an immunity to this stuff during my time in prison)


* Have you found any scars that could have been made by these teeth?

Spine:*leaps up suddenly, punching doctor Alex in the gut*

BRG:*bends over with the pain*

Spine:Sorry doc, but I get a might touchy when people dope me. *punches BRG in the back of the head, knocking him out, then walks out of medbay and to his bunk, grabs a gun, loads it, and heads to Upper's room, thinking that Zero might be there. Upon seeing Zero points the gun at the back of her head and thumbs back the hammer* Whaddaya think, Zero? Should I pull the trigger? Come up with a good enough reason for me to let you live, and I'll go back to serving as your loyal first mate, and won't make another attempt on your life for the rest of my days. So whats it gonna be?


"Pain is scary."


Monday, August 4, 2008 4:42 PM


*wakes up during the doctor's rant about the alliance and feels an unnatural chill throughout his body* (What the...? I see what they did. I guess I'm 'dangerous'.Never imagined that the Alliance would end up doing me a service. I must have developed an immunity to this stuff during my time in prison)


* Have you found any scars that could have been made by these teeth?

Spine:*leaps up suddenly, punching doctor Alex in the gut*

BRG:*bends over with the pain*

Spine:Sorry doc, but I get a might touchy when people dope me. *punches BRG in the back of the head, knocking him out, then walks out of medbay and to his bunk, grabs a gun, loads it, and heads to Upper's room, thinking that Zero might be there. Upon seeing Zero points the gun at the back of her head and thumbs back the hammer* Whaddaya think, Zero? Should I pull the trigger? Come up with a good enough reason for me to let you live, and I'll go back to serving as your loyal first mate, and won't make another attempt on your life for the rest of my days. So whats it gonna be?


"Pain is scary."


Monday, August 4, 2008 6:40 PM


*Zero slowly turns around to face Spinebite, the gun barrel pressed against her forehead.*
So if I come up with a reason for you to let me live you'll be my loyal first mate... Gee, now let me think. You're holding a cocked gun to your captain's head. And yet you're telling me you'll be loyal to me and won't ever try to kill me again.

*Zero looks Spinebite straight in the eyes.*
I thought maybe you couldn't handle a female captain. I was planning to wave all the other VFF captains to see if one of them would hire you on. You won't obey me you ain't got a place on my ship, but I wanted to get a good place for you, somewhere you'd fit in, someplace your particular ways would be an asset, or at least be tolerated.

But now? *Zero points to the gun pressing into her skin.* It don't matter if you shoot me or not. Can you think of any reason any captain on any boat will take you on? Who will risk making you a part of his crew, knowing you can't be trusted?

I got one reason to live right this second, and that's to save the life of my sister and my nephew. I know you don't give a rat's ass about them; your family's all dead so why should you care about mine? So you're probably going to shoot me.

This ain't Alliance territory with court proceedings and lawyers. This is the black. By this action right here *Zero taps the gun barrel with her finger* you've already signed your own death warrant. You may be a super-human of some kind, but even you can't heal from having your head blown off. No Alliance secret medicine can protect you from that. So you may want to consider not killing me, not because I gave you a good enough reason for you to keep me alive, but because you don't want your brains splattered all over my body.


Monday, August 4, 2008 7:39 PM



*Heads to Upper's room, thinking that Zero might be there. Upon seeing Zero points the gun at the back of her head and thumbs back the hammer*

Upper *starts as Spine enters the room, and listens to their exchange*

Upper: Wait a minute, guys! I don't know whats up with me here, but this has to be a hallucination. I mean, you guys are on the same side here. *Turns to the captain*
From what I could gather about this place is that it is exactly as you say, not the Alliance. I get that you're *grimaces* a little pissed right now *turns to spine* and you too, but can't we... you talk this out? It's not the army, and you know that.

Zero *growls*: Ain't nothin' to talk about. This here huan dan has stepped over the line once too often.

Upper *weak but insistent*: Captain! What are you going to do? Hand me over to these people, kick off spine and what then? The doc next? or tater?

Zero: Ain't even the same thing. They weren't insurbordinate.

Upper: Mistakes happen cap'n. *Lies down, shiny with sweat* You didn't blink an eye when spine shot me when I first got here - with real bullets. But you are getting all broken up about him and I shooting the prisoners with training rounds? Sure, stupid and unneccerary, but hardly that bad.

Zero *mulishly* I said, it ain't even the same thing.

Upper: Fine. FINE! *turns to spine* If you are going to get all violent, I would appreciate it if you would do it somewhere else. *Turns her back to the room, and stars shaking*

Zero *mocking*: You're suddenly squemish

Upper *muffled*: It all depends on whether you want to see me throwing up as the last thing you see in this life. Your choice.






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