UPDATED: Monday, December 8, 2008 04:27
VIEWED: 116794
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Thursday, July 24, 2008 11:00 AM


( the engines of tranquilty become louder as it draws closer. The captian shouts for everyone to make their way towards the ship. Drake falls back to the group, leaving Oreo still in a stand off with Jaykins.)

So now you're going to run. (chuckles) it was to be expected. space trash such as yourself.

(Oreo grins)

Well, i wouldn't be to disappointed

(oreo quickly pullys out a pistol from his thigh holster and shoots jaykins in the shoulder sending him crashing to the ground in pain.)

I would never leave...with out saying goodbye, Jaykins.

(oreo turns around and runs, rejoining the others who are still shooting at the guards. Echo 2 and 3 run and kneel beside jaykins who is grunting and letting out loud shout scream of pain. Tranquilty lands just feet behind her crew with her hatch open. The begins boarding the ship, still firing at the guards. the captian shouts for everyone to get on board)

LETS GO! everyone move it!

(Shiny pushes the button on the panel that closes the hatch, just as the last crew member boards. The hatch begins to close. )

Kat, com up to O2 and tell him to get us the hell outta

(within seconds kat is comming o2 and the ship begins to ascend up into atmo and out into the black. on the ship, the captain, is checking to make sure everyone is alright. Oreo, taking a note of the situation slips off into bunk. in his bunk, he removes the helmet from his head and smashes it against the wall and then lays on his bed. tired, beatin and angry at himself for not moving his gun just a few inches to left and putting it into his heart.)

(sighs) it wont be the last time we see him, but, at least.....

(a knock at oreos door interupts his thinking)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 12:30 PM


First thing shiny does once back on Tranquility is clean herself up.
Then she decides to make her way to the gally. She glances at Pathfinder and smiles as she walks by the infirmary.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, July 25, 2008 1:48 PM


Shiny see's the Captain limping as he walks by her.

Shiny: Capt you never said how your leg got hurt?

Capt: Ask Oreo.

Shiny with a puzzled look on her face watches capt limp away.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, July 25, 2008 2:12 PM



xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, July 26, 2008 4:03 PM


As Shiny watches capt head towards Oreos room She sighs,

Shiny thinking: I need to talk to Oreo too.

she closes her eyes for a moment and pictures him kiss her.

Not knowing what reaction she would get from him, Decides to wait and see if he brings it up to her.

As she walks into the galley shiny see's the twins sitting at the table.

Shiny: Hey you two, are you hungry?

Twins: A little.

Shiny decides to cook for the crew, As she trys her best to make the Protein tasty she cant help but think about Oreo saving her
Shiny thinking: why would he go through all that to help me, He hated me, he thinks i'm like my parents, maybe he can see that i'm diffrent?

Storm: He knows your diffrent.

Summer giggles: He likes you.

Shiny turns and smiles: ok guys help me set the table.

Shiny comms the crew: Dinner is ready

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, July 26, 2008 6:06 PM


SHADOW coms back to SHINY:

"i'll be down soon."

SHADOW recieves a secure transmission from SENSEI OJIN on AQUILA with coordinates for a new job... a paying job.
TRANQUILITY will be transporting water to a small colony on a desert planet.

the 1st set of coordinates is for the 'pickup'- large containers of water from a land owner on TRIUMPH.
the 2nd set is the delivery, a planet known as DUST PLANET.

"O2, take us to TRIUMPH, then head to the galley for some of SHINYS cooking." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, July 27, 2008 6:11 PM


SHADOW goes to his quarters and acesses the grid for info on BARRON REDSTONE of TRIUMPH who is TRANQUILITYS contact for the 'water job'.

=== GENERAL VLADIMIR REDSTONE: a war criminal and double agent known for creating poisonous gas weapons for the ALLIANCE and selling classified information to the INDEPENDENTS. Now a Barron on planet TRIUMPH. ===

'what could possibly go wrong with this job?'

SHADOW joins the others in the galley. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Monday, July 28, 2008 6:13 AM


Capt limps into the galley and sits down next to Path and 02.

Kat and El are sitting together talking to the twins.

Shiny finishes putting dinner on the table as Oreo Sits down.

Shiny sits down in the only empty seat next to Oreo. She looks around the Table and Smiles to herself as everyone is laughing and talking amongst themselves, She glances at Oreo he dosent seem to notice, She leans in his direction and in a low voice says..

Shiny: Thank you Oreo for everything you have done for me, You will never know how much it means to me, I owe you my life.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 9:50 AM


(Oreo turns and looks at shiny. He smiles back at her and then turns to the captian.)

I figure, you and I are gonna have a chat bout me shootin you and all.

(captian, looks up at oreo)

I know why you did it, but, i guess we'll just leave it at....I owe you one.

(Oreo nods his head in approval, then lowers his head a bit so his eyes a hidden)

Ya'll know that now more then ever, them folks gonna be gunnin for us harder then ever.

(Oreo turns back to Shiny)

And Jaykins dont seem like the type of man thats forgivin. I reckon, he'll be take on our tails as well, along with his halfbreeds.

(Kat interupts)

You know he's right captain. We've made quite the name for ourselves now. The alliance knows who we are and what we have.

(Captian sits back into his chair and folds his arms)

Yeah, I know. which means we're gonna have to jump twice as fast, if not more from now on.

(El speaks)

Well, I'm ready for anything. And now that both this ship merc's are back on their feet, we should do alright.

(oreo claws at the armor his wearing)

Well, i'll feel better once Path takes off this damn gorilla suit and I can go back to wearin my own gear.

(Path sighs at oreo comment and feeling alittle disappointed)

Well, as soon as a few more of your bones, especially the one in your head heals, the armor will be removed. but, you must remember oreo, you're only human, whether you're half reaver or not.

(Oreo stands up from the table)

Just let me know when its time for it to come off

(oreo turns and walks out of the galley)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 11:58 AM


++++incoming Transmission++++

Good evening, I'm Michelle Yang, with Planet Side News. New news on the infamous crew of the rogue vessel firefly, classification 03-K64-FFF-00 Tranquility, has just come in. The alliance Federation is coming in more then 400 memeber of the Alliance's military, i hopes, that a verse wide man hunt for these fugitives will bring them out of hiding and to justice. alliance official have also raised the bounty price on the criminals to almost 250,000 per fugitive a piece, Dead or Alive.Also, if you have any information leading to the capture of them individuals please contact Gen.O'riley through the Federation Cortex Line. stay tuned, when we some back, the venus Mavericks take on the Neptune Freeders in the U-Ball finals.

++++Ends Transmission++++


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 3:35 PM


After dinner shiny goes to the bridge with Pathfinder, They both see the transmission from planet news.

Pathfinder: Captain will want to know about this.
Pathfinder leaves.

Shiny Talks to 02 for awhile then walks to her room, Inside her room she pulls out a small trinket box she had tucked away, She opens the box and listens to the music it plays, she takes out a letter that was wriiten to her a long time ago and reads it, Feeling sad she folds the letter, puts it back in the box and hides the box.

Shiny thinking: "no more regrets", She made a mistake once in her life, She wont do it again. She looks in her mirror, and for once and she is happy with herself, She feels strong, and for the first time confident. She brushes her hair, Takes one last look at herself and leaves her room.
Shiny heads to the engine room.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008 3:44 PM


* coms the crew *

"we'll be picking up a job on TRIUMPH.
stay on your toes, and no leaving the ship unless you check with me 1st. we'll be there in a couple days.
that's all." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 1:32 PM


(oreo listening to the captian com)

A couple of days. Sounds like a vacation to me. wonder what the job is?

(oreo begins thinking about the kiss he had given shiny)

Wonder what she thinks of me now? probably shouldnt have done that. she probably thinks im more of a freak then usually. (Laughs) on this ship, that word is startin to become more of a compliment to me.

(oreo suddenly realizes something)

I aint talked to kat in a spell. We've been through alot between the two of us over the last few months. Mum died, us finding each other after so many years, gorramit! the alliance mucked up alot of things.

(oreo sighs and then lays back on his bed)

Well i guess, ill just wait awhile before bringing any of that stuff up. sides, be nice to get back to some honest theivin. anything really, other then fightin for my life or someone eles's. i think we earned of time to just take things easy and rob from the rich and give to the poor (oreo laughs at loud to himself)...the poor....Us!

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 2:53 PM



*SHADOW coms the crew.*

"ok, we'll be landin' momemetarilly.
when we do, i want everyone to stay together.
our contact, the BARRON, is a war criminal and i'm not takin' any chances."

"he's providing these containers of water for the colony on the DUST PLANET, so he's not that bad... although he is makin' a profit on it."

"that's all."

TRANQUILITY lands on TRIUMPH and immediately BARRON REDSTONES men begin to load the cannisters of water into the cargo bay.

the BARRON walks up to the captain and the crew who are standing just outside the ship.

BARRON REDSTONE: "CAPTAIN, please keep your crew clear of the area while we load the water." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Thursday, July 31, 2008 3:36 AM


Shiny looks at Barron Redston, She dosent trust him, or like the fact he's giving orders as to where the crew can be.

Shiny whispers to Capt "is this guy for real?"

She walks Away, She go's to the other side of the ship away from the crew to be alone with her thoughts admiring the veiw. She thinks she hears someone walking behind her.

Shiny thinking It's probably one of the crew, dosent turn around to see if someone is there.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, July 31, 2008 10:26 AM


a figure walks up behind ShinyFrye who is alone, on the other side of her ship.

Ravenwood- Excuse me Miss.

shinyFrye turns to find a Spikey haired man, with blue eyes and a tuft on his chin. He wore lose white leather pants, with a sleeveless white tank top underneath a black bullet proof vest. his boot were also white, with five black strap running down the front of it.

ShinyFrye- Can i help you?

Ravenwood- Are you part of this crew?

Shinyfrye- Yes, whats is to you?

ravenwood- i noticed your ship as it landed, i was jst wondering if you folks are lookin to hire.

ShinyFrye- that might be something you wanna discuss with the captian. Who is on the other side of the ship. HIs name is Shadow.

Ravenwood- well, thank you.

Ravenwood turns to walk away, but stops.

Ravenwood- I'm sorry, but please dont think of my as being to forward, but, you are a very pretty lady.....

suddenly Oreo, footsteps are heard behind ravenwood. ravenwood turns and is immediately face to face with oreo chest. Ravewood takes a few steps back and looks up at oreo who isnt none to happy at the sight of Ravenwood

Ravenwood- I think i'll go find your captian now.

Ravenwood bows back to ShinyFrye and then takes huge strides around Oreo, ensuring that he puts as much distant between him and the huge half breed.

Oreo- you ok?

ShinyFrye- yeah, guys alittle creepy though. Says he's looking to get hired, and is i know the captian, he will be.

Oreo- well then, i guess we'll just have to keep our eyes on him then.


Thursday, July 31, 2008 3:50 PM


Shiny agrees with Oreo, then starts to walk back to the ship, She stops walking and starts to say something to Oreo, but decides not to.

Oreo looks at Shiny "where you going to say something?"

Shiny starts walking Again "no."

Shiny walks ahead of Oreo.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, August 1, 2008 10:04 AM


(Oreo trails slowly behind shiny, thinking to himself)

Ok, now would be a perfect time to tell her how you feel about her. we're alone. just her and I.

(oreo takes a deep breathe)


(Shiny stops and turns around)

Yes, what?

(oreo, like a schoolboy trying to look inccoent after pulling a prank blurts out)

tá mé chomh mór sin i ngrá leat

(Shiny smiles out of confusion)

Wh...what...I..don't understand

(Oreo, quickly lets out a sigh of relief, realizing that what he wanted to say, came out in english in his head, but not his mouth.)

(Nervously laughs)

Nothing, I meant to say, we should go check in with the captian and see bout this Ravenwood guy.

(oreo takes off in a jog and heads towards the otherside of the ship, shiny watches oreo for a few seconds then lowers her head)

Why can't you just tell me? Is it so hard?

(on the other side of the ship Oreo runs into the captain who is talking to Raven wood,O2, El, Path,Kat and the Twins are standing with him.)

So, you're looking to get hired huh? What are some of your qualifications, cause on this boat we work for a living, we each bring something to the table. It's how we survive.

(Oreo posts himself against one of the landing gears of tranquility and pulls out a cigarette and lights it. shiny, joins the rest of the group)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Friday, August 1, 2008 2:14 PM


The Captain listens to RAVENWOODS qualificions.

SHADOW say's "Your welcome to fly with us and earn your keep, But if you turn on my crew You will be sorry." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, August 1, 2008 3:25 PM


Shiny Looks at Ravenwood(unsure of his intentions, but willing to give him a chance says) "welcome to tranquility.
Once these guys are done loading the cargo, I will gladly show you around the ship if you like?"

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, August 2, 2008 8:05 PM


(Elbarto sits in the corner of the cargo bay watching the men unload the water. He pulls out a knife and starts picking his fingernail with it.)

(El thinking) I don't expect these boys to give us any trouble, you never know. What were those two things on the last mission. They seemed to be from the same branch as Oreo but more developed. I guess the Alliance are perfecting their pets.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Monday, August 4, 2008 9:50 AM


Ravenwood shakes hands with the captian and then turns and walks over to shinyfrye

Ravenwood- so, are you and the big guy over there...

Shinyfrye- Are we what?

Ravenwood- Are you, you know....Together?

Shinyfrye gives Ravenwood a fierce glance

Shinyfrye- Not that its any of you're business but, no, least i dont think so....its complicated.

Ravenwood- I just figured, since he was so quick to interupt, i just figured you two were an item.

ShinyFrye- Well, like i said, I don't know.

Shinyfrye folds her arms and walks away, looking at Oreo who is standing next to El.

Shinyfrye- I wish i knew...


Monday, August 4, 2008 10:11 AM


(oreo quickly objects to El comment)

So, i'm nothing more then a pet now, am I?

(El stops and looks up at oreo and begins to stammer over his words) not what i meant, least not about you. I'm talking about Echo one and two. You got to admit, they kicked your butt across the complex and back.

(Oreo whince's at the thought)

Yeah, well, a good fighter dosen't become great, unless he loses a few fights. You should know that, or did your sensi not teach you that HotHead.

(El, turns away from oreo, muttering under his breathe. Oreo, suddenly looks up and sees shiny walking. He pats El and the shoulder and then take off to catch up with shiny)

Hey! Shiny! Wait up!

(Shiny stops and turns)

Hey oreo, whats going on?

(Oreo tilts his head and smiles at shiny)

Captian, told to tell you that next time i saw you, to ask you if you could do a sweep and a check of the engine. Said 02 mentioned something about the ships handling being off or something.

(Shiny, suddenly happy to hear something needs to be done that didn't have to do with guns, recues and such, gives Oreo a big smile)

Sure no Problem. I haven't had a real chance to check my girl out, given the situation we've been in as of late.

(oreo, chuckles and shiny lightly punches Oreo in the shoulder)


(Oreo still chuckling)

You. You're like a kid in a candy store when it comes to that ship and her engine.

(shiny slightly embarrassed)

Well, its what im really good at

(Oreo, places his hand behind shiny's head and leans over and kisses her on the forehead)

you're not just good, you're great. Don't sell yourself short Eh.

(oreo turns and walks back over to El. Shiny, still happy, lost in the moment, snaps back and makes her her to the engine room.)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Monday, August 4, 2008 11:44 AM


Shiny in the engine room, is bent over the engine humming a tune. Ravenwood is standing in the doorway watching Shiny.

Ravenwood: "So your the ships mechanic?"

Startled Shiny stands up and Turns around.

Shiny: "Yup, Why do you look so surprised?"

Ravenwood: "I'm not, well maybe a little, It's just.. you dont see a girl mechanic too often".

Shiny smiles at ravenwood: "Is that a bad thing?"

Ravenwood walks over to shiny, standing close to her,He moves a piece of hair away from her eyes.

Ravenwood: "Not from where i'm standing, it's not."

nervously shiny looks at the engine,
" Well I should get back to fixing her, we dont want to crash or anything."

Ravenwood smiles: "No we dont want that.will I see you later Shiny?"

Shiny smiles and nods her head yes, she watches Ravenwood leave. Shiny takes a deep breath, grabs her wrench,smiling to herself leans over the engine and starts humming again.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 8:11 AM


(oreo runs into Ravenwood as he's leaving the engine room)

Find what you're looking for in there?

(ravenwood grins at oreo)

I don't know yet, there migth be ....large object in my way, that i might need to get rid of.

(A grim look comes over Oreos face)

Well, it seems to me, that you wouldn't be "Man" enough to move this large object, plus, i hear tale, this large object i think you're speaking about can be very stubborn.

(Ravenwood steps around Oreo and begins walking whiile talking over his shoulder)

Well, the more stubborn the better. I like a challenge.

(Oreo whips around and grabs Ravenwood)

You leave her alone. You know nothin bout her. You're just some drifter.

(Ravenwood grabs oreo the his hand and removes it from his arm)

I'm no drifter, i'm a thief and a thief steals what he wants.

(Oreo flashes his eyes towards Ravenwood. Changing them from Hazel to pure white and back again.Ravenwoods jaw drops)

Well, i'm the half breed. Half Reaver, half human and I'm a killer. That means, i kill who i want, dong ma?

(Ravenwood turns and walks away, leaving oreo standing alone outside the engine room. when Ravenwood is out of sight oreo silently peaks his head into the engine room and watches shiny working on the engines for a second then turns and leaves.)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 12:09 PM


Shiny tightens the last bolt, puts her wrench away, straightens her clothes and wipes her hair away from her face. She steps back, watches and listens to the engine.

She comms 02: "ok 02 she should be all set, she's nice and quit and running smoothly." ends comm.

Shiny walks to the cargo bay to see if Barron and his crew has finished loading the water. She see's everyone standing around talking.
She looks for Oreo but she dosent see him. She sits down on a crate and watches Ravenwood. The twins keep looking at shiny and talking.

she hears Oreos voice.

Oreo:" So your all done in the engine room?" he sits down next Shiny and looks in the direction she is looking.

Shiny: "Yup, all done."

Oreo: "So...What do you think about our new crewmate?"

Shiny Not realizing it, smiles: "He seems nice."

Shiny turns her attention to Oreo, He gives her a look, get up and walks away.

Shiny calls out: "Oreo!"

Oreo keeps walking.

upset Shiny starts thinking to herself. What's his problem, It's not he tells me how he feels. one minute he kisses me on the lips then next minute it's on the forehead. What am I supposed to think? Getting angry Shiny gets up to leave also.

She walks by the galley and see's Oreo sitting at the Table by himself, Shiny debates going in to talk to him, She stands there(thinking) He's so handsome, she go's to walk into the galley she feels a hand on her shoulder, It's Ravenwood.

RavenWood: "so Shiny, you feel like giving me the tour of the ship now?"

Oreo Looks up to see RavenWood standing next to shiny with his hand on her shoulder and shiny looking at ravenwood.

Shiny quickly looks at Oreo, Oreo gives Shiny a dirty look and walks over to them, Shiny Starts to say something but Oreo just walks between the two of them not saying a word and continues to walk down the hallway.

Shiny looks back at Ravenwood, not wanting to be rude says, "OK." Ravenwood walks over to the table and takes a napkin, walks back over to shiny and starts to wipe her cheek,

Ravenwood:"you have some grease on your face."

Shiny looks at Ravenwood thinking, (thats so sweet). "follow me I will show you the bridge and you can meet 02." On her way to the bridge Shiny see's Kat and smiles, Kat looks at shiny and smiles but when she see's Ravenwood the smile fades.

Kat: "Shiny would you mind helping me with a few things in the cargo bay?"

Shiny tells Ravenwood she will have to give the tour a little later and walks with Kat to the Cargo bay.

Kat: "Shiny not that it's any of my business
but be carful of Raven, we still dont know much about him, Besides you know how my brother feels about you and I thought you felt the same?"

Shiny:" Kat no, I don't know how Oreo feels, I dont think HE knows how he feels. All i know is Raven seems nice and I don't wanna be rude to him.

Kat frowns: " shiny have you Talked to Oreo?

Shiny: "I tried too, but you know Oreo."

The both of them walk into the cargo bay.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 8:04 PM


(Elbarto heads to the galley and sees Oreo sitting there alone)

(Elbarto thinking) Ahh.. what the hell. As much as i dislike what I'm about to do....

(Elbarto walks into the galley and sits across from Oreo)

El: Look Oreo, I know that you and me don't get along very well, but that's cuz we are both dominant people. But I think we're gonna have to work together this time. Echo 2 and Echo 3 can kill you if they work together and you know it. Hell, you got the bruises to prove it. And you also know that we are going to have to take the fight to them eventually. Your raw power and my skill can make short work of them. Besides, I still have my equipment from during the war.

(Oreo thinks about what El has said.)

Oreo: This is my fight.

El: I figured you would say that. Go ahead, fight your own war, but I know from personal experience that it wont end well for you.

(Elbarto gets up and walks out)

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Thursday, August 7, 2008 2:28 PM


(Oreo sits and watches El leave. So many things on his mind. It had been along time since he'd been this angry, mainly because he was either drugged or beaten within inches of his life the past few months. But this was different, El was completely right, working alone didn't seem to be working out to much anymore, not like it used to anyways. He was mad about shiny, well not about shiny, more about him being to scared to tell her how he felt and now this drifter was making cheap sorry ass plays towards her. Oreo, head begins hurting, thinking rationally wasn't exactly his strong suit. Oreo reared his chair back on two legs, looking up at the ceiling, when suddenly his Kat walks in)

Here you, what are you doing in here all by your lonesome?

(oreo turns his attention from the ceiling to Kat)

Just thinking. actually, i'm trying to keep from thinking. it makes my head hurt.

(Kat chuckles)

you're thinking bout shiny, well i'll let you know, that she likes you alot, you mean alot to her, but you gotta show her.

(Oreo's face goes grim)

Yeah, like i'm real good at that.

(Kat rolls her eyes)

Yeah, i see what you mean. But if you don't act, soon her heart might find another.

(Oreo turns back to the ceiling)

well, we got this job to finish, hopefully that'll give me some time to try and think alittle harder bout all this.

(Kat stands up)

Do you ever think about mum or dad?

(The legs of Oreo's chair quickly fall back to the ground. A sudden sad look develop's)

I....I actually haven't been able to think about them. Not alot of good memories to think about, so, I try not to, i guess.

(Kat turns)

Yeah, me too. But at least you and I still have each other.

(kat leaves oreo still sitting)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Thursday, August 7, 2008 3:51 PM


the guards finish loading the cannisters of water and shadow walks back inside TRANQUILITY.

* com *

"ok all, get ready to leave. O2, get us to DUST PLANET."

SHADOW walks toward the galley, feeling very run down. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, August 8, 2008 6:24 AM


Ravenwood is sitting in the food area, when Elbarto walks in. He stares at Ravenwood as he passes by.

Ravenwood- Is their a problem?

Elbarto- You know, you just have one of those face's.

Ravenwood- I asure you, we've never met before.

Elbarto- Humpf! Whatever. I noticed you and Oreo have been...less then favorable to each other. A word to the wise my friend. Oreo ain't someone you wanna mess with. The guy is a ticking time explosive just waiting for the right idiot to come along and push the trigger and set him off. If i were you, i wouldn't ruffle his feathers.

Ravenwood eyes Elbarto

Ravenwood- So, you're saying I should focus on someone...alittle weaker then Oreo, such as yourself. Is that what you're saying?

Elbarto turns around to ravenwood angry

Elbarto- I could take Oreo in my Sleep. I know every move that unpredictable bastard makes.

Ravenwood laughs under his breathe

Ravenwood- Well, if he is unpredictable, you can't possibly know his every move, now could you? Plus, from what i've seen, he's the strong guy on this ship, not you.I mean, he's a half breed and you''re just a cocky human.

Elbarto pulls out a gun and points it a Ravenwood

Ravenwood- you won't pull the trigger...

Elbarto- How do you figure, since you since to know everything?

Ravenwood- Cause, what would your captian say, when he find out you shot one of his crew?

Elbarto clutches his gun tighter. He knew what Ravenwood was saying was correct. Elbarto begins to lower his gun.

Elbarto- You better hope you piss off Oreo first and he finishes you, cause i know he'll do you quick.

Ravenwood- Oh yeah? what would you do to me?

Elbarto- It will be very slow. what i do to you, will make what Oreo has been through look like a cake walk.

Elbarto puts his gun away and leaves

Ravenwood- Oh, it will be so easy to manipulate this crew.

Ravenwood begins laughing to himself


Friday, August 8, 2008 9:36 PM


(Right before Elbarto leaves the room, he suddenly turns around and throws 2 knives with blinding speed and perfect accuracy. The knives go past either side of Ravenwood's face, nicking each of his cheeks as they pass.)

El: I would watch myself if I were you.

(Ravenwood's hands slowly go to his face. He is truly startled.)

El: Have a nice day.

(Elbarto leaves the room.)

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Friday, August 8, 2008 10:32 PM



Originally posted by SHADOWcaptain:
the guards finish loading the cannisters of water and shadow walks back inside TRANQUILITY.

* com *

"ok all, get ready to leave. O2, get us to DUST PLANET."

O2 *coms* back :

"--'K , Cap'n , We're outbound , for a setdown , someplace dry and Dusty-like...

Shiny told me she's got this girl runnin' quiet and smooth , or else she said she'll run real smooth 'til she QUITS , I'm not sure which...

Anyways , we're on an escape vector , and runnin' hard for the moment...

Everything looks real smooth from here , and ya know that always makes me as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockin' chairs...

Letcha know if anything changes...O2 , out ! "


Saturday, August 9, 2008 2:55 AM


Shiny hears Capts com. As she walks into the bridge she hears 02's com back ("Shiny told me she's got this girl runnin' quiet and smooth , or else she said she'll run real smooth 'til she QUITS , I'm not sure which...")

Shiny laughs, Looking at 02 Shiny says, " I guess we will have to wait and see".

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, August 10, 2008 3:17 AM


Shiny leaves the bridge and walks to the engine room.
Once in the engine room shiny picks up her wrench and starts to clean it.
She lays back in her hammack rubbing the wrench with a cloth lost in her thoughts.

Waiting for Tranquility to arrive at the dust planet.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, August 10, 2008 4:28 AM


Tranquility enters atmo and sets down just outside the colony.
The colony is set at the base of two small hills.
It's just a small colony because the planet is barely habitable, so it relies on supplys from other planets.

CAPTAIN "OREO and EL, you two go up the hill and provide cover for us while we make the drop.
Path and KAT come with me, we have to meet our contact.
Shiny,02 and Ravenwood stay with the ship.
Wait for me to give the ok to relaese the water cannisters." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, August 10, 2008 7:38 AM


(Oreo and El post themselves, back against a pile of boulders, checking their gear)

You know Oreo, when the Captian tells us to provided cover fire, that really means, get ready to come save us

(Oreo, chuckles as here loosens straps on his back pack, revealing the makings of his K2R sniper rifle)

Now that is a thing of beauty (Looks over to el who is cleaning his sword)...i mean, it dosen't have the range of a sword, but still beautiful.

(El rolls his eyes at oreo's sarcastic joke)

Just don't miss, I would hate to have to clean up your mess....AGAIN!

(Oreo, grins)

The only mess you'll be cleaning, is that gunk you puttin on your oversized kife there, cause you ain't gonna even get the chance to use once i'm done.

(it's was almost like listening to two eigth year old boys bickering over a favorite toy, the way oreo and el interacted. On the surface to anybody who didn't know them, it would seem they hated each others guts, but inside and to the crew of tranquility they were almost best friends.)

****Captian Coms****

HEY! would you two like a room? Knock it off. Get your butts in gear. Looks like we have some locals coming our way and we're not sure if they're friendly yet.

****Ends Coms****

****Oreo Coms****

Aye, captian. we're ready, just give us a signal if things go south.

****Ends Com****

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Sunday, August 10, 2008 9:22 AM


Shiny listens to the capt as he gives his orders.
She watches el and Oreo take off.
She turns around and walks back onto the ship standing next to Ravenwood she looks at the mule and says "I'm gonna take the mule for a spin to make sure she's working fine, You Wanna come?"

Shiny hops on the mule and looks at Ravenwood.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, August 10, 2008 10:59 AM


SHADOW, KAT , and, PATHFINDER are met in the pathway that leads to the center of the shanty town on this otherwise deserted planet, by a group of 4 men.

this doesn't look like our contact.
she's supposed to NOT be a man.

man # 1 speaks up
"you from TRANQUILITY"?

SHADOW: "you my contact"?

SKILTONIUS: "yeh, i am now. the name's SKILTONIUS i'm gonna need to have what's in all your pockets."

*SKILTONIUS' men draw their weapons.*

SHADOW: *feigning 'wiping sweat from his forehead' as he looks down, wispers under his breath, into the com*

"OREO, if you can hear me, you might want to aim at the man in the hat, and wait for my cue."


*SHADOW motions to KAT with his eyes, to take the man on the left.
then, motions to PATHFINDER to take the man on the right.*

"hey, SKILTONIUS, you must be the 'middle-man'?! - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, August 10, 2008 4:56 PM


=============== AUTOMATED CARGO SCAN ============

SCANNING CARGO BAY...........................


198 CANNISTERS OF H2O........................



SAVING RESULTS...............................

Mid-bulk Transport Standard Radion Accelerator core. 03-K64-FFF-00
ONLINE Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 19:50


Tuesday, August 12, 2008 12:51 PM


Shiny looks at ravenwood shrugs her shoulders and takes the mule for a spin around Tranquility a few times, Happy with the way its working drives it up the ramp and parks it. Shiny stands on the ramp waiting for the crew to get back.
Shiny thinking " their taking longer than I thought they would. Shiny starts to worry.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008 2:05 PM


(Oreo turns to El, alittle confused and worried)

All this talking is taking way too long. And them fellas don't look like the people we supposed to make contact with.

(El peeks over the rock pile)

Yeah I know what you mean. Something bout all this just ain't settin right, but we can't move till cap gives the signal, if there is one.

(Oreo chuckles)

Its the captian, there's always a signal. Nothing ever goes according to plan with this crew.

(Oreo joins El who is still peeking down at the situation unfolding between the captain and the strangers.)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Thursday, August 14, 2008 1:38 PM


Shiny still standing on the ramp trys to com the crew, she one returns her com, She turns to Ravenwood.

Shiny: "I'm going to go check on the crew something dosent seem right, If you want you can come but i'm leaving now"

Shiny starts to walk in the direction of where the crew went.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, August 15, 2008 10:45 AM


(Oreo and el sit, watching every moment in front of them, when breaks concentration of begins talking with oreo)

So I noticed you and shiny been kinda close lately. Ya'll two got something go'in on?

(Oreo, never taking his eyes off the situation currently taking place answers El)

I reckon that ain't too much of your business. Sides, this new guy ravenwood seems to be interested in her.

(El beats his fist on a rock)

You know what? That guy is gonna be a problem. He's got a major problem with you...and me. So, I'm pretty sure he's got ill intensions for shiny as well

(Oreo suddenly turns to el)

What do you mean?

(El looks up at oreo)

Back on the ship, me and him had a run in. He said something bout getting shiny to be his, or something like. No matter what.

(Oreo eyes widen)

Gorramnit! You knew this and didn't say anything till now! She's on the ship with him!

(Oreo, stands up , picks up his gear and begins running back towards the ship.)

(Back with the captian things have taken a different turn. The contacts have become spooked from the ruckus oreo has created, and they now have their gun trained on the crew.)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Friday, August 15, 2008 11:48 AM


* no reply from OREO... stalling for time... waiting for OREO to shoot the man in the hat. *

* in the com *
"EL, if YOU can hear me - sooner is better than later."

* thinking *
if we don't get away from these thieves soon, we'll miss our rendezvous with our contact... but at least we'll get a little action.

SKILTONIUS: "your money NOW, or we start shootin'."

SHADOW: hey, SKILTONIIUS, your hat is starting to bug me." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, August 16, 2008 12:44 PM


Shiny starts walking down the same path that the crew followed to meet up with the contacts, Raven starts walking slowly behind her.

Shiny turns around:"Raven if your too Afraid,You don't have to come with me."

Raven stops walking and looks at shiny, with an annoyed look on his face say's

Ravenwood: "you know something Shiny, You should'nt talk so much, NO one really cares what you have to say anyways.

Shiny with a look of disbelief: "raven stay with the ship, I will find my crew on my own."

Ravenwood realizing what he just did, "Shiny I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I'm just a little out of my element here."

Shiny trys to force a smile " I still think you should stay with the ship if I need you I will com you.

Ravenwood walks over to Shiny and puts his arm around shiny, "I really am sorry".

Shiny " It's ok Raven, I know you are."
Shiny steps away from him she keeps walking and listening for her crew.

Raven watches Shiny walk away and snickers to himself, then he walks back to the ship.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, August 16, 2008 9:04 PM


El (Thinking): Damn it Oreo, you took the sniper rifle with you. Oh well, guess i gotta improvise.

(Elbarto smiles)

El: This could be fun.

(Elbarto leaves the rock pile he was using for cover, and runs towards the group.)

SKILTONIUS: Who the hell is this! Are you wearing a sword? (He trains his gun on El.)

SKILTONIUS: Hey thats a nice sword how bout you hand it over?

El: Hey man I don't want any trouble.

(Elbarto pulls out his sword and begins to hand it to Skiltonius hilt first. Suddenly Elbarto tosses the sword at Skiitonius. Skiltonius takes his eyes off of El for a second, but that's all El needs. El jabs Skiltonius in the throat. Skiltonius drops his gun as his hands go to his throat. At the same time Elbarto draws a pistol in each hand and points them at the theives. Kat and Shadow have also drawn their guns.

El: Drop your guns!

(The theives look over at Skiltonius, on the ground still graspign for breath. They drop their guns.)

El: So cap, what do you want to do with these guys?

Kat (Thinking): I know he resolved the situation, but does he have to gloat like that?

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Sunday, August 17, 2008 2:29 PM


As shiny's walking, she can't help but think, she feels uneasy about the way Raven spoke to her, she starts thinking about the twins and 02 back on the ship, she knows if everything turns out ok with the Capt he would be upset with her for leaving the twins. Plus Shiny is not sure she can trust Raven just yet.

Shiny turns around and starts walking fast, as she approaches the ship she see's Raven Playing Tag with the twins. Shiny smiles feeling a little better about raven, she stands there and watches them play.

Raven looks over at Shiny and smiles at her.
Shiny smiles back.

Shiny coms 02: "02 have you heard from any of the crew? I'm getting worried."

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, August 21, 2008 8:00 AM


(Oreo, rushing as fast as he can back to the ship, realizes he just left the crew in a bad spot)

Captian's really gonna lay into me for this one, but shiny is on the ship with that bastard. He's...

(suddenly he's see shiny walking back to the ship alone)


(Shiny turns around. Surprise and happiness suddenly appears over her Face. Oreo stops right in front of her, as she slaps him in his arm)

Where have you been? Where's everyone eles?

(Out of breathe oreo responds)

Their back still dealin with them local folks.

(Shiny suddenly tells oreo about ravenwood)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Thursday, August 21, 2008 12:04 PM


After Shiny finishes telling Oreo about Raven.

She looks at Oreo, still smiling,
"The capt is gonna be mad at you for leaving, But, I'm happy to see you." she wraps her arms around his arm and hugs him. she then steps back and with a puzzled look on her face say's
"Oreo why did you leave the capt, I thought he needed YOU and El to be on lookout?."

Oreo:" I wanted to make sure everything was ok here, I don't trust Ravenwood something about him dosent add up.

Shiny looks at Raven playing with the twins feeling like Oreo might be right, but hopeing he wrong. Raven looks over at them and waves Shiny waves back, Oreo just stares at him.

Shiny turns to Oreo,"we should talk to Pathfinder when the crew gets back about taking this armor off you.

not amused Oreo looks ats shiny.
She smiles at him, then they both start walking back to the ship.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, August 24, 2008 12:25 PM


"leave'em, we have an appointment with our contact. EL, takes their weapons."

the group leaves to meet their contact about the 'water job'.

they walk into a small lounge in the rear of the shanty town.
SHADOW approaches the bartenter and asks
"where's DA-XIA?"

the bartender motions to a door in the back.

the four walk into the back room and close the door.
the room is dimly lit.
the four firefly crew members see a thin silhouette.
a female voice speaks with a slight chinese accent... "welcome"... then the sound of cocking guns.

SHADOW: "this must be the place." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.






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