WASH Part 3 - VFF

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 16:35
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Monday, August 4, 2008 8:10 PM


*this happy conversation is interrupted by a badly timed wave*

Joel: Yeah, I heard down here on Greenleaf you guys are looking for crew? I dunno, the info might be outdated, but if your interested contact me or something.


Monday, August 4, 2008 9:25 PM


*Zero continues to stare at Spinebite.* I know you don't care, but this young woman is ill. I want to help her to get well, and I want to answer her questions. If you don't mind, I'm going to turn around again.

*Zero slowly turns around to face Upperson as Spinebite keeps his gun touching the back of her head. She fetches the waste basket stowed next to the bed.*
You need to vomit you can do it in this. Gotta correct a couple of things you said.

First- I wasn't standing there when Spinebite first shot you, I ran down when I heard the shots, and I certainly didn't applaud his actions. But when he shot you he thought you had poisoned his food, plus you were an intruder on the ship. He was doing his job of protecting the ship and crew. For the record I wasn't happy about the way he did it, but my opinion didn't matter, I wasn't the Captain back then.

Second- Out here in the black there are rules for a reason. We depend upon each other for our lives. If a member of the crew doesn't follow orders, it means he cannot be trusted when lives are in danger. You notice he is about to shoot me dead, so it should be obvious that I was right not to trust Spinebite.

Third- If you're so opposed to violence, you should not have shot at unarmed people for sport. What you did was wrong. I approved your gun training so you could protect yourself and the other crew members if we were attacked by enemies, not so you could hurt people for fun.

Upperson: If what I did was wrong, why did you shoot me?

To remind you of how it feels when you're not expecting it. I should have shot you once for every shot you fired on the prisoners. But unlike Spinebite, I am not a fan of overkill. I would like to have a conversation with you about human rights someday, and why the prisoners deserve the same respect and dignity as you do, but for now maybe you think about keeping your head down.

Upper: Excuse me?

Well, you did say you have to throw up, and also you might want to duck in case Spinebite does decide to shoot me.


Monday, August 4, 2008 11:35 PM


*tater who was feeling uneasy for reasons unknown, switched to auto pilot and walked off the bridge*

*she walked into the infirmary hoping to find Tillie but instead saw BRG unconscious on the floor, she ran over to him*

Hey Doc! Alex! Can you hear me? Are you alright?

BRG: *his eyes slowly began to open* Urgh...what hit me....oh right that would be Spine...

Spine? Spine did this too you? Why was he in here anyway? Whats been going on?

*Tater helps BRG up and sits him down on a chair near by,after he is settled he explains whats been going on*

*Tater is speechless for a second then she whispers* What is wrong with everyone? Have you all gone insane?

BRG: No, the only insane one here in Ian.

*tater hears Zero, Spine, and Upper's voices from Upper's room. she walks over to the room slowly, seeing spine pointing a gun at the back of Zero's head*

Spine what the hell has gotten into you?!




Monday, August 4, 2008 11:37 PM


*Grabs the basket and uses it extensively. Coughs*

Upper: In all honesty captain, I'm not at all opposed to violence in its proper time or place. Or even some improper violence... that I have admitted to. But right now, not really.

Zero *looks at the pale and sweaty upper and smiles*: Yes, perhaps not.

Upper: So spine, how's about we skip on the shooting right now?

Spine *still pointing the gun* maybe not!

Upper: Oh, c'mon you know we were wrong. *grins* it was fun. But it was a little mean. Please, Ian? Put the gun down, and please give me a glass of water? Surely it's not that important?

Spine: They injected me with a sedative, and put disgusting dental goo in my mouth!

Upper: Yeah... real torture. One can forgive the sedative, but the dental goo - never!
*Retches again. Zero fills the glass with water and hands it over. Upper drinks.*

Thanks captain. Look. I am sorry I didn't stay in my room when you wanted me to. But you guys have been locking me up since day 1! I was just being obstinate I guess.


Monday, August 4, 2008 11:49 PM


ok seriously wtf... this is getting a little too creepy for me.. like i watched the firefly extras and they talk about all the support from their fans.. but THIS MUCH? its kinda borderline psycho.


Monday, August 4, 2008 11:51 PM


Tillie: *returning from the galley with two cups of tea* Hey Doc, you find any scars that match our lovely teeth-- *she sees BRG sitting on the chair outside the infirmary holding his head* Omigod Alex, what happened?

BRG: Spinebite.

*Tillie rushes into the infirmary, opens a cabinet and cracks a couple of cold packs.*

Tillie: Shhh, don't talk. Here, put this on your head. Where else does it hurt?

BRG: *pressing the coldpack to the back of his head* Just my stomach. How is it he could move a muscle, much less get up off the table?

Tillie: Don't have a clue, but the way he's been acting maybe he's juicing. The irrational behavior, the unprovoked violence, the strength?

BRG: Not even steroids could get him to move after that muscle relaxant. Must be something else besides 'roid rage. No, it's got to be something that's blocking the effect of the shot I gave him.

*Suddenly they hear Tatertot shout:* Spine, what the hell has gotten into you?!

Tillie: Ta ma de, now what?

BRG: *pointing to something on a tray inside the infirmary* Take that with you. Remember?

Tillie: Gotcha! *she rushes off to find Tatertot.*

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 12:00 AM


THAT was a dumb one tillie.. cmon be a little bit more creative please?


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 12:04 AM


(( to loken: who asked you to read it? And you could at least apologise for interrupting. but as rude as you are I gotta agree with you. This has gotten a little out of hand, hasn't always been so bad. Sorry for the interruption))




Tuesday, August 5, 2008 1:31 AM


Tillie: *pulls Tatertot out of the doorway and clamps her hand over her mouth* Shh! Get down! What were you thinking, screaming at Ian like that? You could've surprised him into pulling the trigger.

Tatertot: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's just I was so surprised myself.

Tillie: Sorry mei mei, didn't mean to yell at you, just that he could've turned around and shot you is all, and then what would I have done? Would've killed me anything happened to you.

Tatertot: What's going on? *with tears in her eyes* What's wrong with everybody?

Tillie: Dunno, but something's seriously off.

Spinebite: *staggering out of Upper's room* Ugh, that smell. Can't stand the smell of puke. Makes my stomach crawl up into my mouth, but there's no room with all that blue and green gooey toothpaste in there. Why'd they make me chew on the sugar trowel? Doesn't go with the brown in the scotch. Can't stand that brown blue green greasy plasticine and oh that's done it.. *he's violently sick all over the wall and floor and himself, and then he's sick some more.*

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 3:20 AM


*Tillie returns from Spinebite's bunk.*
Tillie: He's out. Sleeping like a log, and snoring like a saw.

*Zero pokes her head out of Upperson's room.*
Ladies, I could use a little help. Upperson's throwing up a lot, and -ooh!- didn't realize how bad it is out here. I think they've both been dosed with something. Good thing we're on our way to a hospital. Tot, what's our ETA?

Tatertot: An hour before we hit atmo.

Good thing. We can clean this up a little and get our patients ready for transport. Where's Doctor Alex?

Tillie: Ian socked him; he's sitting down with a lump on the back of his head.

Just us girls then. Okay, let's get moving.

*She returns to Upperson's bedside.*
Don't worry, Lin. Won't be long now. Hang in there for a little while more, and the doc on Beaumonde will take care of you. I promise. *Upperson smiles weakly, and sips some water as Zero cleans up the room.*

Tatertot: Are we gonna talk about what just happened?

Tillie: Naw, think we're just gonna clean up the sick.

******@****** fast forward past all the cleaning up, to save those with sensitive stomachs ******@******

*Zero returns to the cargo bay.*

Did you hear from Psyche?

Kate: Since the Wash is about to hit atmo it's safer to rendezvous dirtside. She can shuttle your patients directly to the hospital soon as you dock.

*Zero raises her eyebrow* Patients?

Kate: Heard the pilot and mech talkin' about Upperson and Spinebite gettin' so sick when they was cleaning up the mess. Complainin' all the way up to the bridge, sounded like.

Yeah, we've had a little unexplained vomiting.

*Zero and Kate look at each other and both exclaim:* The scotch!

He was in a kind of trance, just sitting stock still, and then he got very violent and reckless. Disobeyed orders, shot up his room --

Kate: -- and my men --

-- and your men, and then after we thought he was safely tranked he got right up off that table and put a gun to my head. And then he spewed -- well, you heard the girls. Wouldn't have believed any one man could have produced that much mess. It was something horrific.

Kate: The getting right up off the table part don't sound familiar but the rest of it does.

Time to get you and your men secured. Don't want you rolling around hurting yourselves during re-entry.

Tillie: Hey Cap'n. Spine and Upper are belted in their beds, and so is Alex; he decided he wanted to lie down too, keep his neck stable.

Let's get strapped in. Tot, we're ready. Get us on the ground.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 3:46 AM


Well I'm just relieved that Spine didn't really go crazy...ok I'm off to land this ole bird!

*tater runs to the bridge and straps down in the pilots chair. the WASH flies threw atmo making the whole ship shake, tater holds her steady until they reach the dock for landing. the landing goes smoothly, and tater lets out a heavy sigh*

Every time...landing always scares me.

Zero: You did good, Tot.

Is there anything else I can to to help?




Tuesday, August 5, 2008 12:13 PM


Yes you can, Tot. You can help us get our sick folks to the hospital.

Tatertot: Just tell me what to do, Captain.

Tillie: Me too.

Tot, how about you help Doctor Alex walk to the shuttle? Luckily he doesn't need to be carried. Tillie, you're in charge of those two men in the hold. They'll help you get Spine's stretcher on board. Kate and I will get Upperson. Okay troops, let's go.

*They load the sick people onto Psyche's shuttle, and fly to the hospital that Jagger set up for the Durant's patients. The doctor strides out to the landing pad to meet them.*

Chen: I'm Doctor Chen. Where's our star patient?

She's here, but I have to tell you she's sick. She's been vomiting, sweating, shaking, and possibly hallucinating. I have the feeling she's in withdrawal from something.

Chen: Let's get her inside and I'll examine her.

We also have a merc who's been throwing up too, and I'm afraid he's been acting very unstable and violent. He may have been doped or poisoned with something, and he's very strong.

Chen: Don't worry, we'll make sure that he is no danger to himself or others, and we'll get the poison out of him. Please make yourself comfortable and refresh yourself with something to eat and drink.

Tillie: Is there a place I can clean up?

Tatertot: Is there a place I can take a nap?

Chen: Of course. I apologize, you must be exhausted. This is the residence section. Your rooms are just down the hall. Make yourselves at home. I'll be in the patients' wing, just down that hall if you need me.

*After what seems like an hour or so, the doctor returns.*
Chen: Your doctor and first mate are resting comfortably. Your passenger, while not exactly comfortable, is well on her way to recovery. She's been through an ordeal, but she's a very strong young lady and she'll be just fine. Oh, and your pilot and mechanic are both napping in their rooms.

I'm very grateful to you Doctor, these people are all extremely important to me. What's the next step?

Chen: We have to be patient and wait at least a day or two for everyone to recover fully before I can begin the process for the Durant's patients. In the meantime, there's someone special here I'd like you to meet.

*Doctor Chen leads Zero down a corridor and ushers Zero into a darkened room, where a young woman is sitting in a rocking chair holding a sleeping toddler.*



Tuesday, August 5, 2008 2:09 PM


*wakes up upon hearing footsteps seeming to pace in front of his door* Wonder who that is... *gets up and scrambles through one of his bags and takes a painkiller from a cylinder container in it* Least he could do is fine a less scarring way to knock someone out..
*lays down again and begins to try to sleep, when someone opens his door and walks in, a syringe in their hand* Captain? *gets up* Who are you?

Man: *starts panicking and trying to stab Alex*

*grabs the man's arm and turns it so he forces the syringe into his own stomach, and he then falls unconscious* Who the hell is this guy? *shakes his head and finds the nearest comm and pushes it, hoping someone will hear him* Yeah, if anyone can get here soon, I need someone in my room... hopefully fast..


Tuesday, August 5, 2008 3:54 PM



*Zero rushes out of the room and down the hall until she sees a door with a blinking light above it. Inside she sees a strange man passed out on the floor clutching a syringe, and BRG sitting up in bed.*

Alex, are you all right? What happened?!

BRG: This man attacked me. What the hell is going on?

That's exactly what I want to know.

*Doctor Chen runs in, followed by two security guards. He keys in a sequence above the comm and the light over the door stops flashing.*

Do you know this man?

Chen: Yes, he's one of my staff.

Is there any reason he should have been giving my crewman an injection?

Chen: No, of course not. Mister Fenix isn't one of the Durant's patients. He has a contusion from a blow to the head, but with no symptoms of concussion. He just had a bad knock.

*Zero and BRG look at each other and Zero rolls her eyes.*

He's my crew, I know what happened to him. What I don't know is who this other man is, and why he tried to inject Alex, and what he wanted to inject him with. Can you give me your expert opinion on the contents of that syringe?

*Chen bends down to pick up the syringe.*
Chen: I don't understand. This is an anesthetic. This is used to induce unconsciousness before surgery.

Or to knock someone out, perhaps. Why would your man want my man unconscious?


Wednesday, August 6, 2008 3:01 PM


*Tillie is jarred awake by the sound of a garbled noise over the PA followed by a short alarm buzz. She runs into the main corridor, and follows the sound to a room with a flashing light over the door, which goes out as she reaches it. A man is approaching the room pushing a gurney.*

Tillie: Wuo de ma, wuo de ma, wuo de ma -- is everybody okay? *The door opens and two men in uniforms emerge carrying a man on a stretcher.* Who's hurt? *She watches as they place the man on the gurney, and peers down at the man until she's satisfied she doesn't know him. She hears Captain Zero arguing with someone inside.*

Zero: Why would your man want my man unconscious?

Tillie: Who's unconscious? *rushing over to the bed* Alex! Are you okay? What happened?

Chen: He's not my man, he's a member of the general medical staff hired by Mr. Goosen for this project. I only have one personal assistant.

BRG: Someone tried to inject me with a tranq, wanted to knock me out. Dr. Chen here doesn't have a clue as to why, and I've got a headache.

Zero: What was he doing with a surgery anaesthetic?

Chen: I don't know how anyone could have gotten hold of it, those drugs are under lock and key. Even the room they're in is locked.

Tillie: I'm on it. Be back when I have some answers. *She sees a cold pack on the table, cracks it, and places it under BRG's head.* Feel better. Try and rest. *She runs out of the room after the men with the gurney.*

Zero: Show me the room. Now.

Chen: Of course. Right this way.

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Wednesday, August 6, 2008 3:58 PM


Chen: This is the room with the drugs and other medical supplies. *He opens the door with a key card.* We keep most of the drugs in those cabinets there, and the restricted drugs are locked in that -- oh.

*They look at the cabinet with its door pried open, the metal bent up like the top of a can of peaches.*

Is anything else missing?

Chen: So surprising -- there are valuable drugs in here. Not a one has been taken.

So only one vial of the anesthetic is gone?

Chen: No, two are missing. But that's all. I don't understand why a thief would take two vials and leave the rest.

Because it wasn't a thief.

Chen: Shen me?

This wasn't a robbery. The room wasn't broken into. Your "thief" took only what he needed and nothing more.

Chen: Ah yes, I understand. Of course! The door, he must have had a cardkey like mine.

Who has access?

Chen: All the staff. Captain, may I ask for your help? I would like to lock the drugs away so there are no more thefts. I have another locking cabinet...

Of course. *They move all the drugs to another cabinet and Dr. Chen locks it.*

Chen: May I accompany you back to Miss Aura's room?

After you.


Thursday, August 7, 2008 2:15 AM


*Tillie hides in the corridor, watching as the uniformed men wheel the empty gurney out of a room. She sneaks inside.*

Tillie: *softly, almost whispering* Nǐ hǎo, anybody home? *Strapped into the bed is the young man she'd seen being brought out of BRG's room. He moans softly and moves his head a little.* Nǐ hǎo, nǐ de míng zi shì shén me? You got a name? *A nameplate above his breast pocket reads Deron Lloyd.* Hey, you Lloyd?

Lloyd: Water. Please.

*Tillie gets the pitcher and a cloth from the table, and squeezes a little into Lloyd's mouth.*

Lloyd: Xiè xiè. Mouth is so dry.

Tillie: *dripping some more water* So tell me what's goin' on, Lloyd. Why'd you go after that other man? Why'd you try to shoot him with knock-out drops?

Lloyd: *becoming agitated and struggling to sit up, to discover he's strapped down* Let me outta here, I gotta get that hún dàn!

Tillie: *shushing him and putting the damp cloth on his forehead* Who're you after, Lloyd? Who's the hún dàn?

Lloyd: That's Alliance scum that is, that's Captain Fenix! He killed my family. He set fire to my village. He killed everybody!

Tillie: When was this?

Lloyd: Back in the war, back on Boros. I was still a kid, didn't even have a gun! Wasn't nothing I could do! *bursting into tears* Couldn't do nothing! Couldn't save them!

Tillie: How'd you know where to find him, Fenix I mean?

Lloyd: After Wolford boarded your transport, Kate waved us the crew list. I still wasn't sure it was him until they brought him in. I'll never forget that face. He was laughing at me, laughing! *He falls back in the bed exhausted.*

Tillie: You rest now. Be back later, you just close your eyes and rest.

*Tillie walks back to BRG's room and quietly opens his door.*

BRG: No need to tiptoe, I'm up.

Tillie: Y'ever know a kid name of Lloyd, Deron Lloyd?

BRG: Doesn't ring a bell, sorry. Where should I know him from?

Tillie: Boros. Says you killed his entire family and burned his village down.

BRG: *gravely* No wonder he tried to hurt me.

Tillie: No wonder. He was awful sure you did it, said he'd never forget your face. You made some kind of impression on him, Alex. He said you laughed at him.

BRG: Oh god. The little boy. *Alex is overcome with emotion, and Tillie waits silently until he collects himself.*

BRG: I told you about the Bad Platoons --

Tillie: -- I remember.

BRG: They were burning the houses to flush out the shock troopers. It was horrific; I'll spare you the details. Afterwards we had to go through the wreckage for survivors, and when I found this little boy alive after all that horror I was so overjoyed I started laughing and I couldn't stop. It was a miracle, this little boy's life after so much death! I hugged him again and again, and held him up high over my head so the other men could see that we had a survivor. I must have frightened him out of his wits! I didn't mean to.

Tillie: Are you recovered enough to stand? Can you walk?

BRG: Still a little dizzy, but well enough.

Tillie: Let's go then. Introduce you properly, how 'bout that?

nǐ hǎo = hello
nǐ de míng zi shì shén me = what's your name
hún dàn = bastard

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Thursday, August 7, 2008 10:52 AM


*wakes up to BRGs voice over the comm, gets up and tries to open the door. realizes that its locked, goes and sits on the bed mulling over the events of the past few days* Damn scotch... *jumps up as realization hits him* Damn scotch indeed! I've gotta tell the captain! *realizes for a second time that the door is locked, decides to wait for someone to come to him rather than vice versa, and goes to sleep*

"Pain is scary."


Thursday, August 7, 2008 10:52 AM


*wakes up to BRGs voice over the comm, gets up and tries to open the door. realizes that its locked, goes and sits on the bed mulling over the events of the past few days* Damn scotch... *jumps up as realization hits him* Damn scotch indeed! I've gotta tell the captain! *realizes for a second time that the door is locked, decides to wait for someone to come to him rather than vice versa, and goes to sleep*

"Pain is scary."


Thursday, August 7, 2008 10:52 AM


*wakes up to BRGs voice over the comm, gets up and tries to open the door. realizes that its locked, goes and sits on the bed mulling over the events of the past few days* Damn scotch... *jumps up as realization hits him* Damn scotch indeed! I've gotta tell the captain! *realizes for a second time that the door is locked, decides to wait for someone to come to him rather than vice versa, and goes to sleep*

"Pain is scary."


Thursday, August 7, 2008 10:52 AM


*wakes up to BRGs voice over the comm, gets up and tries to open the door. realizes that its locked, goes and sits on the bed mulling over the events of the past few days* Damn scotch... *jumps up as realization hits him* Damn scotch indeed! I've gotta tell the captain! *realizes for a second time that the door is locked, decides to wait for someone to come to him rather than vice versa, and goes to sleep*

"Pain is scary."


Thursday, August 7, 2008 10:52 AM


*wakes up to BRGs voice over the comm, gets up and tries to open the door. realizes that its locked, goes and sits on the bed mulling over the events of the past few days* Damn scotch... *jumps up as realization hits him* Damn scotch indeed! I've gotta tell the captain! *realizes for a second time that the door is locked, decides to wait for someone to come to him rather than vice versa, and goes to sleep*

"Pain is scary."


Thursday, August 7, 2008 10:52 AM


*wakes up to BRGs voice over the comm, gets up and tries to open the door. realizes that its locked, goes and sits on the bed mulling over the events of the past few days* Damn scotch... *jumps up as realization hits him* Damn scotch indeed! I've gotta tell the captain! *realizes for a second time that the door is locked, decides to wait for someone to come to him rather than vice versa, and goes to sleep*

"Pain is scary."


Thursday, August 7, 2008 5:18 PM


Tillie: *stepping back towards the door* Just be leavin' you two to get reacquainted, then. Gonna check on the others, see how they're doin'. Why'm I whispering, they're a thousand worlds away...

*In the corridor, Tillie leans against the wall and closes her eyes.*

Tillie: *heaving a huge sigh* Āi yā. Ain't gonna forget that in a hurry. *taking a breath and standing up straight* Okay. Let's see if we can find our barfing boat mates.

Tillie: *looking at the charts as she passes each door.* Durant's... Durant's... Oh, this looks promising: "Huàn zhě shì ǒu tù hé xiǎn shì měng liè xíng wéi." Sounds like our boy.

*Spinebite is lying in a tangle of sheets fast asleep. Tillie sits down beside him.*

Tillie: *wiping the sweat off his brow* Hey, ya big lug; sure had us worried there. Went all supervillain on us, scared the suī out of everybody. Better lay off the booze for a while, dǒng ma? You got dosed but good.

*She rearranges his bedclothes and leaves to find Upperson.*

āi yā = damn/ah/my god
huàn zhě shì ǒu tù hé xiǎn shì měng liè xíng wéi = patient is vomiting and exhibiting violent behaviour
suī = urine

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Thursday, August 7, 2008 8:24 PM


*Zero return's to Aura's room. Aura is still sitting in the chair, holding her sleeping son.*

I'm sorry about before.

Aura: It's all right, he didn't wake up.

I meant before before. I'm sorry about that night on Santo when I kicked Jagger out of the house.

Aura: No need, you were right. He didn't love me. But he loves his son. When baby Leo came along I don't know what happened; he was like a different person. He was sincere, caring, concerned. When Leo first started feeling sick Wolford was right there every minute, He shuttled us back and forth to the doctors. He went to the appointments and asked all kinds of questions. He was a hundred percent involved. He went to the medacad libraries and studied up on Leo's illness, and consulted with specialists on every world that had them. You wouldn't have recognized him as the same man.

If only he had shown that side of himself to me when he boarded our ship. Everything with him was lies: he boarded us under false pretenses, and from minute one it was deception after deception, one story after another, each more fantastic than the last.

Aura: That's Wolford for you. He couldn't just ask you for help, he had to kidnap you so you wouldn't interfere with Dr. Chen.

You know I would do anything for you. Why did he make it so complicated?

Aura: Wolford knew you'd already contracted with Badger to kidnap Dr. Chen. He didn't want you to get in bad with Badger; you know what happens to folks who cross him. So he figured a way to work it so that if Dr. Chen never makes it to Jiangyin it's on him, not on you.

Why would he do that? He's always been about the double-cross, and he always covered his own pi gu. Why would he put himself in danger?

Aura: He's dying, Zero. It's only a matter of time. He doesn't even have a year. Jiangyin deal goes south and Badger comes looking for payback, it's no big thing because his time's up anyway.

I don't know how to tell you this, but... his time's already up. He never made it off the ship. I'm so sorry, mei-mei. Oh Aura, I'm so so sorry.

*Aura hugs her sleeping son tightly to her, rocking him.*
Aura: It's not for me, but for Leo I'm crying. His whole life Wolford was a bad person, he treated you bad, he treated me bad, but he was the best dad to Leo. He did everything for him. Every job, every scheme, it was all for Leo. How will I do it alone? Wolford kept us going, he paid every single bill.

You're not alone. You have me, and I'll take care of you and Leo. This job will bring in plenty of credits, enough to keep you going for a long time. Maybe we can get new patients for Dr. Chen's treatment, bring in even more.

Aura: I'm sorry I kicked you out, Zero. I missed you so much.

That's over and done. We're together now, and that's all that matters.

*Zero moves over to the chair and tentatively strokes the little boy's head.*
You named him Leo.

Aura: After daddy. You like it?

It's perfect.


Thursday, August 7, 2008 9:51 PM


((Please ignore this, it was a mistake.))


Thursday, August 7, 2008 9:55 PM


*Upper wakes up as Dr. Chen enters the room, takes the glass of water he pours and drinks it down*

Dr.Chen: I hope you had a good long sleep, although it has been a little longer than I intended, due to some excitement with one of your friends.

Upper: Who? Is everyone allright?

Dr. Chen: The doctor, but he is going to be fine.

*Upper nods*

Upper: Dr Chen, I feel better. I mean, alot better. I think that the antigens we were hoping for - well that you and several other people were hoping for are indeed present.

Dr.Chen: It certainly looks that way. But I will have to do some tests to be sure.

*Dr.Chen calls the nurse over the PA system and she arrives to draw some blood.*

Dr.Chen: Nurse, I want that sent to the lab asap. Tell the people there that it is to be bumped up to their first priority. They will know what it is about.

*Dr Chen examines Upper*

Dr Chen: Well, you do seem better. If you want something to eat or to move around, feel free to do so.

Upper: I just have one question, doctor. Zero told me that I couldn't have the disease, because it was passed on in aerosol form.

Dr Chen: Yes, in general. But for this to work we had to create a special form of the virus. One that we could inject and that would not become infectious to the other persons involved in... getting the patient here.

Upper: But there were no injection marks!

Dr. Chen: Yes, there were, but just somewhere where it would have been hard to spot.

Upper: Do I want to know?

Dr Chen: It was done while you were sleeping or after knocking you out, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. It was in your eye.

*Upper grimaces* That is disgusting!!!

Dr Chen *drily*: You'll get over it.

Upper: Well, that's put me off my food for a little longer. Think I'll go and see the others.

Dr.Chen: I'll have them bring something to your room, so you can have it when you get back.

Upper: And doctor? Will you let me know about those lab tests as soon as they are done??

Dr.Chen: You'll be the first to know, because we will be looking for more blood.

Upper *grimacing*: Swell. Where can I find the others?

*Dr.Chen indicates where the rooms are and upper leaves in the general direction. As she enters a corridor, she sees Tillie coming out of a room*

Upper: Hey! Glad to see a familiar face! Who's in there?

Tillie: Spine, sleepin'

Upper *grins* Oh, I thought it would be the good doctor.

Tillie: No. He's busy mendin' some fences with an old friend.

Upper: Really? Last I heard he was being attacked.

Tillie: Yeah, long story. Let's go find Tater, and eat somethin'! I'm starvin'.

*they start walking*

Upper: Tillie, was I crazy or did spine hold a gun to the captain's head? Was that real?

Tillie: Sure was, but there seems to be somethin' strange about the whole thing. I think the whiskey was spiked.

Upper: Right. *looks away, then turns back and smiles at tillie* You're right! I'm starving too. Let's eat.


Friday, August 8, 2008 12:52 PM


Lloyd: Hwoo Dahn! *starts trying to get up* I'LL GET YOU!

Relax, I'm not what you think! Lord, you're different then th elittle boy I remember...


No, I didn't, and I was with the 21st during that event, I was a 2nd Lieutenant. Everything isn't how you think, I was laughing out of joy..

Lloyd: You burnt my town to the ground, Alliance scum!

*explains as best he can what really happened*

Lloyd: And why should I believe you? Hm?

Do you really need to know? I left the Alliance military, was forced out.

Lloyd: How do I know that's not a lie?

*goes over to Lloyd and whispers something in his ear*

Lloyd: That was you?

*nods* I'm responsible that council member's death. Records don't show it, but my decision made it happen. You can't tell anyone, NO ONE, esoecially not the WASH's crew, I'm waiting for a good time for that myself. Understand that?

Lloyd: Yeah... Wow..

So you believe me now?

Lloyd: Yes... Sorry about before, Fenix...

With the information you had, I can't really say I can blame you.

Lloyd: Only... that Bad Platoon... it wasnt a Bad Platoon...

What do you mean?

Lloyd: It couldn't have been, not with what heard..

Then what was it? *crosses his arms*

Lloyd: Black operations. High class, high rated, highly authorized...


Saturday, August 9, 2008 3:21 PM


*Tillie and Upperson walk down the hall to Tatertot's room.*

Tillie: I was just on my way to find you. How're you feeling? You look much better.

Upperson: I feel much better too.

Tillie: *knocking on the door softly* Tate honey, you up yet? Wanna come eat something with Upper and me, or ain't you done resting?

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Saturday, August 9, 2008 5:57 PM


*tatertot wakes up to light knocking at her door and tillie's voice*

Tillie: Tate honey, you up yet? Wanna come eat something with Upper and me, or ain't you done resting?

*tater's voice is a little groggy from sleep* Uh-um yeah I'm up! Hold on a sec! *she gets out of bed and stretches. then she walks over to a mirror in the room and peers at her reflection, her hair is a mess so she looks around for a comb, when she finds one she brushes threw her hair quickly and puts it up in a ponytail. when that's done she walks out of the room to find tillie and upper waiting*

Hey jie jie! Hey Upper, glad to see you up and walking. You look a lot better.

Upper: *smiling* Yeah I feel a lot better!

*tater smiles back, then turns to tillie* So I thought I heard you say something about eating? I wasn't dreaming right? I'm starving!

Tillie: *giggles* Yep you heard right, c'mon.
*the three off them walk off together to get some food*




Monday, August 11, 2008 5:10 PM


*Tillie, Upperson, and Tatertot are happily sampling food from a heavily laden buffet table.*

Tillie: *putting slivers of something onto Tatertot's and Upperson's plates* Here, try this. It's a little salty, but the flavour is very interesting.

Tatertot: *making a face* I'm not sure I like it.

Upperson: There's something familiar about this, but I'm not sure. It's right on the tip of my tongue.

*Tillie and Tater burst out laughing.*

Tatertot: Of course it is! It's in your mouth!

*Upperson rolls her eyes, and then gives in and starts laughing too.*

Chen: Ah, that's a pleasant sound. So good to hear people enjoying themselves. How are you all?

Tillie: Much better now that we've had some rest and food, duō xiè.

Chen: Bù xiè, no thanks necessary. You're all doing a great service; especially you, young lady. *patting Upper's shoulder* The blood test has come back, and I'm pleased to tell you the antibodies are present.

Tatertot: What does that mean?

Chen: It means this young lady was exposed to Durant's Disease but she didn't get sick because her body successfully fought it off, and her blood contains the means to help other people do the same.

Tatertot: She did too get sick.

Upperson: Yes, I did a little. But I recovered completely, didn't I Doctor?

Chen: Yes, you don't have a trace of the disease. Not anywhere. The only way we can even tell you were infected is from the antibodies.

Tatertot: But why was she throwing up so much?

Chen: Her body was fighting off an infection. During that time she felt ill, as we all do when we have a cold or a stomach virus. Now the infection is all gone, but her blood still contains the antibodies it made for that fight.

Tatertot: So you're gonna put her blood into the sick folks and they'll get well?

Chen: It's a little more complicated than that, but essentially, yes.

Tillie: How many people will she be able to help?

Chen: Hopefully all of them.

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Wednesday, August 13, 2008 12:18 PM


OOC: If you have previously expressed interest in applying for a crew/passenger/renter/stowaway position, or for any new applicants:

It has come to my attention that some members of cannot read their PMs (Private Messages). Please check your email. If you cannot receive PMs you may post your email address on the following thread:

Xie xie,


Wednesday, August 13, 2008 2:43 PM


*Zero knocks softly on Spinebite's door.*

You up?

Spinebite: Yeah, come in.

Feeling any better?

Spinebite: Ye-- hey, the scotch! There was something in that damn scotch--

We gave the bottle to the doc's lab staff here to find out what you got dosed with. No answers yet, but we only just gave it to them.

Spinebite: Hey Captain, I did some stuff--

You talking about when you shot your door full of holes, or the part when you broke Upper out of her room and went shooting up the folks in the hold, or maybe the part when you had the gun to my head?

*Spine hangs his head. His shoulders slump forward and he looks utterly dejected.*
Spinebite: Um. Yeah. About that...

I get that you were dosed with something powerful, and I get that you were not quite yourself, not quite in control.

Spinebite: But... *He says it as if he's adding it to her sentence.*

But nothing, I didn't put a but on the end of that. You tell me what you remember. Did any part of that come from inside you? Did any part of you want to shoot me in the head? Where do we stand, you and me? You still my First Mate, or you planning to shoot me in the head again?

Spinebite: You still want me for First Mate?

Well, I don't have as much call for a killing machine as Captain Walker thought he might need, but I do need a strong right-hand man to keep me and my crew safe. I need someone with a cool head, who can keep it holstered until the time is right. Do you only want to take on jobs if there's murder and mayhem involved, or would you be satisfied with capers that don't have any killing in them?


Thursday, August 14, 2008 3:58 PM


The drug brought out a side of me I thought I'd buried. You have to understand, it could very well have been anyone else with a gun to their head. You were just the most convenient choice.

Zero:I don't understand.

Spine:After I lost my family, I was devoid of anything human whatsoever. My only purpose was to kill. Thats part of the reason why I enlisted. After the war, I buried that part of me, so I could go to work as a merc. Part of me wants to gut everyone in this hospital then burn it to the ground. The drugs brought that part out. Its what enables me to kill without remorse.

Zero:And this part of you is buried again?

Spine:If it wasn't, you never would have made it through the door. I'll keep the WASH and her crew safe, and I'll do whatever you need me too.

"Pain is scary."


Thursday, August 14, 2008 3:58 PM


The drug brought out a side of me I thought I'd buried. You have to understand, it could very well have been anyone else with a gun to their head. You were just the most convenient choice.

Zero:I don't understand.

Spine:After I lost my family, I was devoid of anything human whatsoever. My only purpose was to kill. Thats part of the reason why I enlisted. After the war, I buried that part of me, so I could go to work as a merc. Part of me wants to gut everyone in this hospital then burn it to the ground. The drugs brought that part out. Its what enables me to kill without remorse.

Zero:And this part of you is buried again?

Spine:If it wasn't, you never would have made it through the door. I'll keep the WASH and her crew safe, and I'll do whatever you need me too.

"Pain is scary."


Thursday, August 14, 2008 3:58 PM


The drug brought out a side of me I thought I'd buried. You have to understand, it could very well have been anyone else with a gun to their head. You were just the most convenient choice.

Zero:I don't understand.

Spine:After I lost my family, I was devoid of anything human whatsoever. My only purpose was to kill. Thats part of the reason why I enlisted. After the war, I buried that part of me, so I could go to work as a merc. Part of me wants to gut everyone in this hospital then burn it to the ground. The drugs brought that part out. Its what enables me to kill without remorse.

Zero:And this part of you is buried again?

Spine:If it wasn't, you never would have made it through the door. I'll keep the WASH and her crew safe, and I'll do whatever you need me too.

"Pain is scary."


Thursday, August 14, 2008 3:58 PM


The drug brought out a side of me I thought I'd buried. You have to understand, it could very well have been anyone else with a gun to their head. You were just the most convenient choice.

Zero:I don't understand.

Spine:After I lost my family, I was devoid of anything human whatsoever. My only purpose was to kill. Thats part of the reason why I enlisted. After the war, I buried that part of me, so I could go to work as a merc. Part of me wants to gut everyone in this hospital then burn it to the ground. The drugs brought that part out. Its what enables me to kill without remorse.

Zero:And this part of you is buried again?

Spine:If it wasn't, you never would have made it through the door. I'll keep the WASH and her crew safe, and I'll do whatever you need me too.

"Pain is scary."


Thursday, August 14, 2008 3:58 PM


The drug brought out a side of me I thought I'd buried. You have to understand, it could very well have been anyone else with a gun to their head. You were just the most convenient choice.

Zero:I don't understand.

Spine:After I lost my family, I was devoid of anything human whatsoever. My only purpose was to kill. Thats part of the reason why I enlisted. After the war, I buried that part of me, so I could go to work as a merc. Part of me wants to gut everyone in this hospital then burn it to the ground. The drugs brought that part out. Its what enables me to kill without remorse.

Zero:And this part of you is buried again?

Spine:If it wasn't, you never would have made it through the door. I'll keep the WASH and her crew safe, and I'll do whatever you need me too.

"Pain is scary."


Thursday, August 14, 2008 3:58 PM


The drug brought out a side of me I thought I'd buried. You have to understand, it could very well have been anyone else with a gun to their head. You were just the most convenient choice.

Zero:I don't understand.

Spine:After I lost my family, I was devoid of anything human whatsoever. My only purpose was to kill. Thats part of the reason why I enlisted. After the war, I buried that part of me, so I could go to work as a merc. Part of me wants to gut everyone in this hospital then burn it to the ground. The drugs brought that part out. Its what enables me to kill without remorse.

Zero:And this part of you is buried again?

Spine:If it wasn't, you never would have made it through the door. I'll keep the WASH and her crew safe, and I'll do whatever you need me too.

"Pain is scary."


Thursday, August 14, 2008 11:02 PM


In that case, if you can keep the mad killer safely bottled up, welcome back. I'd like to change your title to Master at Arms; it's better suited to the work you've already been doing on the Wash. Security, enforcement, interrogation, all those weapon-y kinds of things.

*Zero shakes hands with Spinebite and claps him on the shoulder.*
I have a reason to ask you to be my MA. I have some work for you.

We'll be here for several days while Doc Chen and Upperson do their healing thing. I'm also looking into lining up some more high-paying customers for the treatment. I'll be relying on you to oversee security while we're here, and after both you and Upper are fully recovered I want you to continue her weapons training. Tillie may also be joining the training, and I'd like you to watch Doctor Alex shoot so you can give me an idea of his ability.

But it's after the job is done that I'll really need your expertise. It's possible we'll have a problem with Badger. I'm hoping I can work it out with him, but if not we're going to have to show force. You'll be in charge of that force. You can hire any of Jagger's former team and the security detail here at the hospital. You'll train them and get them prepared, but it's also important that if Badger accepts my terms you can keep your men controlled. I want to avoid bloodshed. Your team will be there to protect us as we go in to parlay with Badger, and use force ONLY if Badger starts it. Can you do it?


Friday, August 15, 2008 7:55 AM


Well Lloyd, for the safety of everyone, we can't let you go, would you like me to fetch you a coffee or something?

Lloyd: No, I'm fine...

So if the 76th was black operations, that'd explain why it's not listed in any official registries. And why they acted like they had orders.

Lloyd: Yeah, and I thought you were in command of them.

Well, thankfully I wasn't. My CO was supposed to keep the 76th under control, though he obviously failed at it. I was the medic and 2nd in command of the 21st Riflemen, our CO was one Major Abrew, he was in charge of all operations and forces on Boros.

Lloyd: Well at least your home wasn't burned to the ground, your family slaughtered...

Actually, my home was burned to the ground and my parents, my only family, were slaughtered, and both by the Alliance I suspect.

Lloyd: They must have really disliked you for that Parliament member's death.

Yeah, I take it they did. Sure you don't want a coffee or something?


Friday, August 15, 2008 2:47 PM


Won't be a problem, cap'n. *leaves room and goes to the cafeteria, where he finds Dr.Chen, Upper, Tillie, and Tater* Dr. Chen, I need your permission to run hospital security for a while.

Dr.Chen:I'm not so sure about that...

Spinebite:Dr., there are some powerful people who might be interested in harming Upper. Not to sound melodramatic, but only I can sufficiently protect them.

Dr.Chen:In that case...

Spinebite:Thank you, Doctor. *points at Tillie and Upper* You two, we've got shooting practice later. I'd appreciate it if you could tell the good doctor. Tater, you're welcome to join us. *leaves cafeteria and goes down to the hospital security center and explains whats happening to them* Alright, I want two guards on every entrance and two outside her door. *points to two guards* you two are to serve as escorts. You are to stay with her at all times. *leaves and goes to where Jagger's people are staying, enters one of the rooms*

Person:Here to finish the job?

Spine:I only wish. We have shooting practice later.

Person:What, am I going to be the target again?

Spine:Not this time. We need more muscle, and I'll be training you. Go tell the rest of your men. *leaves to go get something to eat*

"Pain is scary."


Friday, August 15, 2008 2:47 PM


Won't be a problem, cap'n. *leaves room and goes to the cafeteria, where he finds Dr.Chen, Upper, Tillie, and Tater* Dr. Chen, I need your permission to run hospital security for a while.

Dr.Chen:I'm not so sure about that...

Spinebite:Dr., there are some powerful people who might be interested in harming Upper. Not to sound melodramatic, but only I can sufficiently protect them.

Dr.Chen:In that case...

Spinebite:Thank you, Doctor. *points at Tillie and Upper* You two, we've got shooting practice later. I'd appreciate it if you could tell the good doctor. Tater, you're welcome to join us. *leaves cafeteria and goes down to the hospital security center and explains whats happening to them* Alright, I want two guards on every entrance and two outside her door. *points to two guards* you two are to serve as escorts. You are to stay with her at all times. *leaves and goes to where Jagger's people are staying, enters one of the rooms*

Person:Here to finish the job?

Spine:I only wish. We have shooting practice later.

Person:What, am I going to be the target again?

Spine:Not this time. We need more muscle, and I'll be training you. Go tell the rest of your men. *leaves to go get something to eat*

"Pain is scary."


Friday, August 15, 2008 2:47 PM


Won't be a problem, cap'n. *leaves room and goes to the cafeteria, where he finds Dr.Chen, Upper, Tillie, and Tater* Dr. Chen, I need your permission to run hospital security for a while.

Dr.Chen:I'm not so sure about that...

Spinebite:Dr., there are some powerful people who might be interested in harming Upper. Not to sound melodramatic, but only I can sufficiently protect them.

Dr.Chen:In that case...

Spinebite:Thank you, Doctor. *points at Tillie and Upper* You two, we've got shooting practice later. I'd appreciate it if you could tell the good doctor. Tater, you're welcome to join us. *leaves cafeteria and goes down to the hospital security center and explains whats happening to them* Alright, I want two guards on every entrance and two outside her door. *points to two guards* you two are to serve as escorts. You are to stay with her at all times. *leaves and goes to where Jagger's people are staying, enters one of the rooms*

Person:Here to finish the job?

Spine:I only wish. We have shooting practice later.

Person:What, am I going to be the target again?

Spine:Not this time. We need more muscle, and I'll be training you. Go tell the rest of your men. *leaves to go get something to eat*

"Pain is scary."


Friday, August 15, 2008 2:47 PM


Won't be a problem, cap'n. *leaves room and goes to the cafeteria, where he finds Dr.Chen, Upper, Tillie, and Tater* Dr. Chen, I need your permission to run hospital security for a while.

Dr.Chen:I'm not so sure about that...

Spinebite:Dr., there are some powerful people who might be interested in harming Upper. Not to sound melodramatic, but only I can sufficiently protect them.

Dr.Chen:In that case...

Spinebite:Thank you, Doctor. *points at Tillie and Upper* You two, we've got shooting practice later. I'd appreciate it if you could tell the good doctor. Tater, you're welcome to join us. *leaves cafeteria and goes down to the hospital security center and explains whats happening to them* Alright, I want two guards on every entrance and two outside her door. *points to two guards* you two are to serve as escorts. You are to stay with her at all times. *leaves and goes to where Jagger's people are staying, enters one of the rooms*

Person:Here to finish the job?

Spine:I only wish. We have shooting practice later.

Person:What, am I going to be the target again?

Spine:Not this time. We need more muscle, and I'll be training you. Go tell the rest of your men. *leaves to go get something to eat*

"Pain is scary."


Friday, August 15, 2008 2:47 PM


Won't be a problem, cap'n. *leaves room and goes to the cafeteria, where he finds Dr.Chen, Upper, Tillie, and Tater* Dr. Chen, I need your permission to run hospital security for a while.

Dr.Chen:I'm not so sure about that...

Spinebite:Dr., there are some powerful people who might be interested in harming Upper. Not to sound melodramatic, but only I can sufficiently protect them.

Dr.Chen:In that case...

Spinebite:Thank you, Doctor. *points at Tillie and Upper* You two, we've got shooting practice later. I'd appreciate it if you could tell the good doctor. Tater, you're welcome to join us. *leaves cafeteria and goes down to the hospital security center and explains whats happening to them* Alright, I want two guards on every entrance and two outside her door. *points to two guards* you two are to serve as escorts. You are to stay with her at all times. *leaves and goes to where Jagger's people are staying, enters one of the rooms*

Person:Here to finish the job?

Spine:I only wish. We have shooting practice later.

Person:What, am I going to be the target again?

Spine:Not this time. We need more muscle, and I'll be training you. Go tell the rest of your men. *leaves to go get something to eat*

"Pain is scary."


Friday, August 15, 2008 2:47 PM


Won't be a problem, cap'n. *leaves room and goes to the cafeteria, where he finds Dr.Chen, Upper, Tillie, and Tater* Dr. Chen, I need your permission to run hospital security for a while.

Dr.Chen:I'm not so sure about that...

Spinebite:Dr., there are some powerful people who might be interested in harming Upper. Not to sound melodramatic, but only I can sufficiently protect them.

Dr.Chen:In that case...

Spinebite:Thank you, Doctor. *points at Tillie and Upper* You two, we've got shooting practice later. I'd appreciate it if you could tell the good doctor. Tater, you're welcome to join us. *leaves cafeteria and goes down to the hospital security center and explains whats happening to them* Alright, I want two guards on every entrance and two outside her door. *points to two guards* you two are to serve as escorts. You are to stay with her at all times. *leaves and goes to where Jagger's people are staying, enters one of the rooms*

Person:Here to finish the job?

Spine:I only wish. We have shooting practice later.

Person:What, am I going to be the target again?

Spine:Not this time. We need more muscle, and I'll be training you. Go tell the rest of your men. *leaves to go get something to eat*

"Pain is scary."


Friday, August 15, 2008 3:38 PM


*arrives in the doorway right as Spinebite tells them to find him and enters the room after Spine leaves* Target practice, eh? Wont that be a joy. If I can still shoot as well as I could before I was assigned to the Hellana, then it wont be any problem.. Five years can make someone more then a little rusty.

Tillie: Did you get to use a gun while you were assigned there?

Alliance had strict procedures ragarding lethal firearms on their vessels, I had to pass a proficiency test, really difficult, but then I got to carry a handgun, a 9mm Alliance Standard. Only fired it twice during those five years, but I'm sure I'll still be just as good... Do... ANY of you have firearms experience? Besides Upper.


Saturday, August 16, 2008 2:35 PM


Sorry for interuppting but i think you need to know.
Captainwalker, as ya may or may not know, was my cousin.
yesterday, people say he got in front of a bullet aimed at someone else on the street.
if he survives, the chances he will be braindead are vey high.
sorry for setting this down on you, but he is not coming back.


Saturday, August 16, 2008 9:48 PM


Tillie: My daddy taught me to shoot, an' I had a pretty fair aim with a diOx pistol—you know, with the little torpedoes of CO2 in the grip? But I never shot using regular ammo. I'm a little afraid of the recoil, seein' as how I busted up my wrists a while back. Nervous the kick might bust 'em up all over again.

*BRG raises his eyebrows, and Tatertot and Upperson swap astonished looks.*

Tillie: *seeing the looks* What?

Tatertot: You shot guns?!

BRG: What did you use those diOx pistols for?

Tillie: Oh, just target shooting. It was great fun. Bàba rigged up a bunch of targets in the yard, and didn't we make a racket! We had cans and bottles and pieces of scrap metal hanging from strings, and the targets where if you hit it bang in the middle it dings a bell, and I got so I'd ding the bell every time. Got old Huang plenty mad, said it scared the eggs out of the chickens.

BRG: So how did you hurt your wrists?

Tillie: Had a job once running a piece of equipment, used the same motions and the same muscles all the time, till it got so I had to wear braces up to here *gesturing*.

BRG: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Tillie: Median and radial nerves both. Not as bad as my friend Deena, couldn't hold a pint of ale more'n a few seconds before her grasp would give out. Anyhow, the target shooting was way before I had the job that wrecked my wrists, an' I worry about the kick. Screw up my wrists again, won't be any good to the Wash.

BRG: I'm sure Ian can find you a light enough weapon and small-caliber ammunition so the recoil won't be excessive.

Tillie: Hope you're right, or I ain't riskin' it. The Wash comes first.

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Sunday, August 17, 2008 10:39 PM


BRG: This is the perfect time to find out, Tillie, since we are in a fully operational medical facility. I'm sure Dr. Chen would let us use their diagnostic equipment, and I can have a look at it.

*BRG turns to Dr Chen, who had been listening to the exchange*

Dr Chen: Of course, be my guest. Just check with the nurse when the hospital schedule allows for an examination. There should be room some time today.

*BRG is on his way to leave the room to check with the nurse in charge*

Tillie: Dr, don't you want to get somethin' t'eat first? It'll keep!

*BRG stops and turns around*

BRG: I'll just check with the nurse and then I'll be right back. This smells much better than any hospital food I've ever come across!

*Upper nudges tater and they laugh together*

Tillie *looking at tater and upper*: What?

Upper: Nothting, nothing. *proceeds to munch some roast beef*

*Spine comes in and grabs a slice of roast beef off upper's plate*

Uppper: Hey!! There's more than enough for all of us!

*Spine just grins and with his mouth full starts to fill up a plate with everyting*

Spine: Gorrammit I'm so hungry I could eat an ox

Upper: The amount of meat on your plate is roughly the equivalant of at least three quarters of an ox.

Tillie: Play nice, kids

*BRG comes back and starts getting something to eat as well*

BRG: There's an opening in about half an hour, so then we'll know for certain.

Tillie: Thanks doc.


Monday, August 18, 2008 11:58 AM


captain walker died yesterday. sorry to have tell you else.


Monday, August 18, 2008 2:26 PM


*stares at a piece of roast beef* I remember one time the 49th got some of this, it was right before The Battle of Serenity Valley... If I'd have been with the 21st during that battle, they all got killed. That was my first assignment with the 49th, and I got all the gore I could...

Upper: Doc? Bloody war stories can wait until after we eat, right?

Or they can simply not be told. Sorry.

Tatertot: It's alright. Work we're in, we'll probably end up seeing some gore anyway, we've already seen a lot...

Spinebite: Aint seen nothin' yet. Plenty more waitin', hope we get to it faster. And doc, is there anything you talk about besides medical jumbo and stories of your Alliance time?

Well, most of my life was spent in the "service", it was the only job I had, then they took it away.

Upper: Why would they fire you? You seem like you were a great soldier or something.

Long and complicated circumstances, maybe you'll get an answer later. *takes a bite of the roast beef*

Spinebite: Doc's also got this thing 'bout not trustin' people 'parently. And having his mysteries.

I have a story for that to.


Thursday, August 21, 2008 9:24 PM


Upper: I'd like to hear this story *looks expectantly at BRG#

BRG: Maybe some other time

Upper:Ah, c'mon doc, you just like to tease me...all of us! *grins at BRG*

*BRG looks away, with a serious expression on his face*

Tillie: Don't let 'er bother you none, doc! She's just teasin'

Upper: She's right you know, don't mind me, I have a genetic disposition for being annoying. I'm sorry. *starts to eat with furious concentration*

*Everyone is a little quiet while they finish their meal. And as soon as Tillie and the doctor are done, they leave for the diagnostic ward. The captain is spending time with her sister, and that leaves spine, upper and tater to their own devices.

After munching a huge helping of chocolate mousse, upper sits back with a sigh*

Upper: Now that was what I call refreshing, I feel like a new person. A person that is too lazy to go to my room, where my bed is. But longing for my bed none the less.

Spine *sounding very lazy* Yr bed's gonna have to wait, we have training to do.

Upper *groans*: You are a sadist! Why now? Shan't we wait to hear if Tillie can join in?
Besides, I'm a sick person *tries hard to look pathetic*


Thursday, August 21, 2008 10:42 PM


*Zero walks to the dining area with a piece of paper in her hand. She catches up with Tillie and BRG in the hallway.*

Please come back in with me for a minute. It won't take long.

*BRG and Tillie retake their seats. Zero stands at the head of the table.*

Got some news for you. A couple of items came over the Cortex about Captain Walker.

*Tillie hangs her head down and closes her eyes.*

BRG: Did he say why he abandoned the Wash?

No, and if we want to know why he left us we'll have to find out ourselves. *Zero stands up even straighter than usual.* I regret to inform you all that Captain Walker is dead.

*Everyone looks up at Zero with surprise, and Tatertot and Tillie put their arms around each other.*

Tatertot: What happened to him?

There isn't much information in these waves. I understand, I want answers too.

There will be a service for him on Persephone in a week's time; apparently that's how long it will take to transport his body there from wherever he was found.

Spinebite: Persephone? I thought he was from a Core planet.

BRG: Osiris, wasn't it?

Yes, that's another mystery. Where he was really from, who were his family, and who is holding the service for him on Persephone. I intend to find out. I'm off to talk to Doctor Chen and ask about our timetable here, then check the charts and see where our orbit lies with Persephone's. Could be a day's journey in a shuttle or a week's on the Wash, so I may need to leave immediately.

Tillie: C'n I come along, pay my respects?

Any who wish to attend are welcome. Except-- Lin, forgive me for saying, but in your case I have to ask Dr. Chen. If he needs you here I'll ask you to stay behind.

Upperson: Of course, I understand.

Chen: Did I hear my name?

Yes, Doctor. There's a funeral on Persephone we want to attend one week from now. I was about to find you to ask about our timetable here, and especially if you need Upperson or if we can bring her with us.

Chen: It will take several more days to synthesize the treatment serum. I don't need any of you for that, only my team in the lab. After I draw blood from Lin today she won't be able to donate again for at least another three days, so the timing is convenient for both your needs and mine. However, if I had my wish I'd keep her here safe with me rather than gallivanting off to Persephone.

I don't blame you.

Well crew, that is all for now. I'll chart a course and let you know how soon we need to leave.


Friday, August 22, 2008 9:45 PM


Funeral vs boring hospital, tough choice.

*Spinebite sniggers. Tillie and tater look at upper with shocked glances*

Sorry, sorry, I don't mean to say things like that out loud. I'm sorry.

*Upper looks shamefaced*

I don't know where it comes from sometimes.

Dr. Chen: Boring hospital it is.

*Upper nods and leaves the room*

Dr Chen: Dr Phoenix, I would like to discuss something with you, if you don't mind.

BRG and Dr Chen walk to his nearby office.

Dr Chen: Dr, does that girl seem stable to you?

BRG: Possibly not, but she could also just be annoying by nature.

*Dr Chen laughs*

Dr Chen: Not your favourite crew-mate? *then more seriously* "No, I mean, she seems not to be able to screen comments in her head before she makes them.

BRG: Yes, rude and annoying...Sorry,I don't mean it, she just riled me before.

Dr Chen: Ok, but I would advise you keeping an eye on that one, once you are out in the black again. From what the captain told me, it seems like it's getting worse. Something doesn't add up about her.

BRG *under his breath, so dr Chen doesn't hear him* Yeah, that makes two of us. Pro'bly more.


Saturday, August 23, 2008 6:49 AM


*tater walks off with tillie*

Can I come along? know....Captain Walker's...*she can't say the last word*

Tillie: Of course, Jordyn honey.

I feel so bad...we all thought he left us...but...he...*she begins to tear up*

Tillie: Oh, mei mei! Its alright none of us could have known what happend.

I know...but I still feel bad.

Tillie: There there sweetie. *hugs tater*

*after a moment tater speaks again*

Also...what's wrong with Upper? What she just was so rude and out of character.

Tillie: Not sure. She has been through a lot. She might be a mite grumpy. I don't think she ment what she said.


Tillie: What?

I'm not sure but I think that aint it. There seems to be something seriously wrong with Upper.

*tillie looks thoughtful*

Jie jie?

Tillie: Oh, its nothing. C'mon, how 'bout I do your hair? *she smiles down at tot*


{(To the crew of the Wash: Sorry for my short post and interruption: I will be going away next weekend then after that school will be starting, so I won't be around. Infact with school starting I'll probably be non-existing, but I'll try and post as much as I can. Just a warning to y'all I didn't disappear....)}



Saturday, August 23, 2008 10:14 AM


*goes to Spine after talking with Chen* So, can we get the shooting out of the way? I'd like to sleep tonight without being attacked or worrying about my aim being screwed from lack of practice.

Spine: Alright, suppose it won't hurt havin' you first, doc. I got a few guns pulled out, you can pick one you like. Ain't got any of that Alliance military-issue crap though.

Didn't expect you to, it's expensive stuff. *they walk outside where Spine has several objects and targets set up to shoot* I used to shoot cans with my A36 rifle between missions. Great assault rifle, that one.

Spine: Must be why we didn't have none of 'em.

*picks up a pistol from a table nearby that is full of Spine's guns* P17? Nice weapon, is this the 9mm?

Spine: 40.

Well, I got the gun right... *aims at one of the close targets and hits the bullseye* Same as I remember. *aims at one of the farthest out and puts the remaining 11 rounds into the bullseye*

Spine: Well doc, you aint half bad.

I always loved the pistols. *puts back the gun and takes a rifle* Model-23, lever-action? What caliber's this one?

Spine: .44 Magnum. Nice, big, and powerful.

*fires a round at a target in the middle area and hits the edge of the bullseye* I've never used one of these before, sights are hard to get used to.

Spine: Yeah, takes some practice, but it's better fer point'n and shoot'n, fast combat, it aint really a sniping weapon.

I can tell. *fires the rest of the bullets at center area targets and puts the gun back* I don't see anything automatic here.

Spine: Those are my precious ones. Full-auto aint the easiest thing to find, fact most aren't really legal..

Ah. *takes one of the rifles with a scope on it* Could it be? A good old Calbore-3? I used one of these with the 49th. This, my A36, and that old sharpshooter pistol. *begins firing at the targets in the back, hitting the bullseye with ease* God I love these. My dad had one me and him fired. I wanted one, but, it was medical school or a sniper rifle, so I had to wait for the military to come along. Fixed that problem right up.


Thursday, August 28, 2008 10:10 PM


*Tillie arrives with an enormous pair of ear protectors and a basket full of firearms.*

Tillie: Hey guys, look what I got! Some of the nurses shoot targets, and they lent me their diOx pistols to practise with. Shiny, ma?

Spinbite: You don't want to shoot with those girly guns, Tillie. Try one of these.

Tillie: Nah, just target practice for now. See if I got any eye left, is all. No sense goin' to the trouble of findin' a real weapon if my shooting is lā jī.

BRG: I thought you were going to wait until we had a chance to examine your arms.

Tillie: An' miss the fun? Aw, c'mon Doc Alex, please let me try just a couple rounds.

BRG: As long as it's only the CO2 pistols, and as long as you only use lighter-weight weapons.

Tillie: *saluting with a giggle* Shì, xiān sheng!

*Tillie puts the ear protectors in place on her head, and loads pellets into one of the guns. She looks ridiculous, as if there are giant orange tea cups glued to either side of her head. Spinebite looks at her and laughs so hard he has to sit down. Tillie closes one eye, tilts her head just a little, and aims with one hand supporting the other.*

Spinebite: *crossing his arms* This oughta be good.

Tillie: *takes a shot at the closest target, frowns at the distance from the bullseye, and takes another shot which also misses the bullseye* Gorram sight don't line up right.

Spinebite: *elbowing BRG* Yeah, sure.

Tillie: *empties the pellets and reloads into a different gun* This one's better anyhow, nicer grip. *takes a shot that falls just outside the bullseye, wrinkles her nose, and takes three more shots that all go into the bullseye* That's more like it. *loads more pellets and shoots into a medium-distance target's bullseye.*

BRG: *elbowing Spinebite back* What do you think now?

Spinebite: Maybe that sight really was off.

Tillie: *loads again and shoots into one of the farther targets, all the shots landing in the bullseye* Gotta remember this model, got a good feel to it. *coming back to the table* Well, at least I ain't lost all my hand/eye. *hands the pistol to Spinebite* Lemme know if you can find somethin' similar to this, xíng ma?

Spinebite: That was some pretty good shooting there, Tillie.

Tillie: Shén me? Oh, sorry. *removes the protectors* What was that?

BRG: Maybe Ian should hold off until we've had a good look at your wrists.

Tillie: Oh all right, Doc. Gotta get these back anyhow. *takes the gun back from Spinebite* Good shooting, you two.

Spinebite: See ya.

Tillie: *turns around just as she's getting to the door* Hey Doc, ya think while we're in the exam you could maybe take some o' these out? *lifts her shirt just enough to expose a line of sutures* They itch somethin' awful.

lā jī = garbage
shì = yes
xiān sheng = sir/mister/teacher/(title of respect)
xíng ma = all right?/okay?
shén me = what?

"Need a weave on that?" - Simon, in The Train Job


Friday, August 29, 2008 9:54 AM


I don't think it should be a problem. *begins loading bullets into the magazine of one of the pistols* How long until we can get in?

Tillie: Ten minutes, I think.

Alright then. I guess I'll stay here until then... Unless Spine here doesnt want me wasting more of his ammo.

Spine: As if a hundred thousand rounds aint enough.... *muttering quietly* I'm gonna get the cap'n to take it outta your pay....


Saturday, August 30, 2008 3:27 PM


It's on me today. We can use the practice.

*BlueRedGreen and Spinebite turn around, startled.*

May I? *Zero takes the weapon BRG has just finished loading and empties it into a target.*

*She hands the empty gun back to BRG and turns to Spinebite.*
Give me something with a little more oomph.

*Spinebite hands her the Magnum. She looks at it with grim satisfaction.*
This'll do.

*Zero shoots into a target until the bullseye is completely obliterated.*
Sorry about that.

Spinebite: No problem, Cap'n.

*She hands the gun back.*

We'll be leaving for Persephone tomorrow after breakfast. I'm not expecting any trouble from Badger because the job here is still going strong. Long as he's making a profit, he won't make any trouble. But I have some misgivings about the funeral. *Zero tosses Spinebite a bag of coin.* Here's for the ammo.


Saturday, September 6, 2008 3:04 PM


*Persephone. Eavesdown Cemetery.*

*A man stands in front of a casket, his hands folded. He wears the black robes and collar of a shepherd. Around him in a rough circle are a group of mourners, their heads bowed. Alliance enforcers in shiny black are in evidence, along with several officers in grey and purple. Keeping an uneasy distance from them are people who may be farmers or laborers, many of whom wear brown dusters or trousers.*

Shepherd: We are gathered here today to pay our respects to Nickolas Walker.

*A woman in a long silk gown silently approaches and joins the group. She looks around before bowing her head with the others. Another woman joins the mourners. This one is dressed in a vest and trousers tucked into her boots with a gun at her hip. A third arrives, dressed in a military jumpsuit with a cap pulled down over her eyes. Two women arrive together, a young slender girl with beautiful silky brown hair and an older, curvier woman with untidy braids emerging from beneath her cap.*

Shepherd: Nickolas held many titles: Sergeant Walker *nodding to the Alliance officers*, Colonel Walker *nodding to those in brown*, Captain Walker *nodding to a man in Japanese robes and the woman in the vest*. He had many titles, but today we remember Nickolas Walker the man, and leave the titles behind.

*On the roof of the church next to the cemetery, a man lies in a prone sniper's position. He looks through a scope at the faces of the mourners. He moves the scope up to view the other buildings that surround the cemetery, and spots four other sniper positions. He murmurs into his mic. Two men step back and disappear out of sight, while at the same time a man and a woman move up to take their places.*

Shepherd: He loved his family and his friends. He loved his ship. He loved to help people. He loved adventure.

*An Alliance official's head is bowed, not in prayer but bent over a handheld database of wanted criminals. He looks up periodically to scan the faces of the mourners and check their features against the images on his screen. His behavior is not unnoticed, and several people hitch up their coat collars against the breeze and fix their hats more firmly on their heads. One man in an oversized duster is writing down the names of every purple-belly in attendance. He checks the names against another list, and whispers to the woman next to him. She looks at one of the officers, an older man with a scar above his eyebrow.*

Shepherd: We remember him today not just as an officer in an army or the captain of a ship but as a son, a brother, a friend.

*A whisper is heard from one of the bowed heads:* So much tension, it gives me an uncomfortableness. Feels like a storm about to break.


Monday, September 8, 2008 9:40 AM


Just to say thanks, cause i'm not sure what else to. He died saving another person, so i guess that's something. Thanks again. If there is anything else, don't hesitate to contact me.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 2:11 PM


Tillie: Never got enough time to know him too well, but he was a good captain an' he treated his crew fair. Now we come to learn he was a hero, that he died saving someone else's life. Don't come as no surprise he put another's safety in front of his own. That sounds just like our Captain Walker. He'll always be a part of our ship, and just wanna send out respects to his family and tell you we will always hold him in our hearts.

"When you can't run anymore you crawl, and when you can't do that-- you find someone to carry you." The Message


Wednesday, September 10, 2008 12:02 PM


Thanks a bunch and nice sig. happy cruising.






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