UPDATED: Monday, December 8, 2008 04:27
VIEWED: 116793
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Monday, August 25, 2008 12:43 PM


(shiny and oreo walk past ravenwood. out of the corner of oreos eyes, he can see ravenwood's expression. oreo stops just in front of ravenwood)

Anytime you're ready buddy....

(oreo continues after Shiny into the ship. Oreo jumps in front of shiny throwing his arms around her and picking her up.)

Oreo. What are you doing?

(Oreo grining)

I'm being human...i think. sides, i figured i'd give it a try before Capt'n comes back, seein as how he's gonna kill me anyways.

(Shiny smiles)

He's not gonna kill you, but he might just wound you while you sleep.

(Oreo frowns)


(shiny slaps oreo in the head)

I'm know oreo, being human means you also need a sense of humor.

(shiny laughs, then jumps down)

Come on, lets go see what 02 is up to

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:23 AM


Shiny walks ahead of Oreo, then she stops, turns around and looks at him.
" you know Oreo, you are more human than most, I don't know many people who would risk their lives to save another, the way you did for me."
Shiny walks over to Oreo, stands on her tippy toes and kisses him on the check.
Oreo: "whats that for?"
Shiny: "everything."
She walks away.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, August 30, 2008 3:21 PM


DA-XIA: "drop your weapons."

SHADOW: "ok, most of them aren't ours anyway. EL, give DA-XIA here the weapons we got from the 'welcoming commitee'."

EL gives DA-XIA the weapons.

DA-XIA: "xie-xie. now captain, you have a shipment of water for our people here on DUST PLANET?

SHADOW: "i do."

DA-XIA: "shall we go make the transaction, time is of the essence?"

SHADOW: "my pleasure. follow me."

SHADOW coms the ship: "SHINY, O2, get the ship ready to offload the shipment. we'll be there soon with some guests.

the group of 4 TRANQUILITY crew members and DA-XIA with 4 of her guards leave for the ship.
as they leave the lounge, another man dressed in all black gets up from his bar stool and joins them. he has a small briefcase.

DA-XIA: "it's ok, he's with me."

the 10 people walk back to TRANQUILITY to complete the transaction.

when they arrive, the man in black immediately insists on 'checking the cargo'.

SHADOW: "be my guest."

MAN IN BLACK: "i would like privacy please."

SHADOW: "seems a little overkill for a bunch of cans of water, but proceed."

the MAN IN BLACK opens his briefcase and takes out a scanner and begins to scan the cannisters of water. then he goes to the 2 cannisters that are different and connects a different device to them. after a moment he leaves the ship and says to DA-XIA,
"everything is intact." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, August 31, 2008 2:38 AM


...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, August 31, 2008 2:38 AM


Shiny stands next the capt.

Shiny:"Capt something dosen't seem right about this. Please tell me everyhting is going as planned."

Capt: "Shiny what would make you think this isnt part of the plan?"

the capt grins at shiny.
Shiny rolls her eyes.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, September 1, 2008 4:58 AM


(oreo wonders around thinking about what Shiny has said to him, feeling happy for once in his life. Well actually twice. Finding his sister kat was a happy moment, now shiny. Suddenly sick feeling consumes Oreo as he drops to his knees, then falls flat onto the ground)

(arrgh!) what's going on with me? gorramnit, feels like i've been....

(oreo passes out. only before all his functions go out hes hears a very fimailar voice possibly talking opn a com)


Yes sir, we have the target in hand. Returning to base at once

****ends com****

(voice on com)


Good. good job. i want him alive do you understand. Alive and undamaged. we have the bait now, it'll only be a matter of time till i have all the crew of Tranquility captive.

****ends com****

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Monday, September 1, 2008 9:45 AM


Shiny notices Oreo is not with the crew in the cargo bay she go's to look for him. She searches the ship, theres no sign of Oreo. She walks back to the cargo bay, still no Oreo, She walks down the ramp and starts walking around the outside of the ship comming Oreo.

'Com' "Oreo where are you hiding?"
As Shiny waits for Oreo's com she looks up and see's a small Craft pass bye, Shiny now starts to Panick.
'com' "Oreo! Oreo! Where are you?!" still no anwser Shiny starts running into the ship.

"Captain! I need to talk to you Now!"
Captain walks up to Shiny,

Capt: "shiny what's wrong? we don't want to scare our friends here."
Captain grabs shiny by the arm and walks with her away from everyone.

Capt:" Shiny are you ok? whats going on?"

Shiny: "Capt Oreo is gone! I cant find him anywhere and he's not answering his com, It's not like him, Plus I saw a small craft pass bye, what would a small craft or any craft be doing on this planet? Somethings wrong I can feel It."

Captain Coms 02:" 02 see if you can track the small craft that just left the dust planet."

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, September 1, 2008 3:45 PM


SHADOW finishes talking to SHINY away from the cargo bay:
"SHINY, go to the bridge and help O2 track the ship that may have OREO on it."
[thinking... 'that ruttin' reaver is nothin' but trouble.']

with the wind blowing dust in his face, SHADOW walks back towards the cargo bay, but before he turns the corner he hears THE MAN IN BLACK talking quietly to BARRON REDSTONE on the com...

"...yes BARRON, chemicals intact. also transponder and other tracking equiptment in the second cannister recieved. i'll contact you when 'the project' is up and running."

- voice of BARRON on speaker: "...also, address the 'bounty' issue immediately, REDSTONE out."

SHADOW moves away quietly from the cargo bay and goes around the ship to avoid the MAN IN BLACK.

then a voice from behind..."excuse me!?"
a rifle butt to the head and SHADOW falls to the ground unconcious.

M.I.B. "take him back to town with us, there's a reward."

DA-XIA notices the commotion and runs over.

DA-XIA: "what are you doing?! the captain and his crew are helping supply our planet with water.

M.I.B. pushes DA-XIA away.
"stay out of our way or your next!"

M.I.B. and the 4 men, who he paid to betray DA-XIA, all leave for the town carrying SHADOW and the shipment of water plus the 2 smuggled cannisters on the back of their truck, leaving a huge dust trail.

ELBARTO looks out one of TRANQUILITYS windows and sees the dust trail. he taps KAT on the shoulder, looks back out the window and says... "where's the fire?" - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008 2:50 PM


Shiny and 02 are on the bridge.02 has tried to make contact with the small craft, They are not responding. He then finds their coordinates
and shows Shiny. Shiny slaps 02 on the back "good job,Now I'll go tell capt."
before Shiny leaves 02 tells Shiny to hurry, The small craft is moving fast and if we don't leave soon we will lose it.
Shiny hurrys to go find Captain shiny can't find him. She walks outside the ship and coms him. when she finished comming him she hears Da-Xia "you wont find him, they took him and our water too."
Shiny looks at Da-Xia in disbelief "they took Captain? where? why? Are you kidding me?"

Da-Xia shakes her head no,"I'm not kidding, the man in black took him saying something about a reward for Captain Shadow, They took him into town.

Shiny runs into the ship "Tzao-gao!"
she picks up the main comm and tells everyone what Da-Xia just told her, she has El and KAt get the mule ready. She ends comm.

Shiny runs to find path, "Path If you can track Captain let me know. I want you to stay with 02. try to keep the twins on the ship. Also if you have any gadget that has long range tracking capabilities please use it for the small craft that 02 located. I need to leave with Kat and EL but if you locate the Captain Com Me."

Shiny hops on the mule with Kat and EL. El takes off in the direction that Da-Xia pointed, towards town.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008 10:45 AM


(Elbarto thinking) Da-Xia said that the man in black said that he wanted to collect a bounty...hmmm

El:(Comms Da-Xia) Is there an Alliance outpost in town?

Da: Yeah, and it's unusually well protected.

El: tell me where it is. (Elbarto listens for a bit) Ok, that's where we are going.

Kat: Wait, the three of us against an Alliance outpost?

El: On a small planet like this, there will only be 10 maybe 12 feds there.

(elbarto drives the mule and parks it a few blocks down from the post. Elbarto reaches into a compartment and pulls out a high-powered sniper rifle.)

El: Kat set yourself up on the roof across the street. That outpost has huge front windows, what a stupid design. I'm gonna go in there.

Kat: Umm..El... you can't just walk in there.

El: That's why shiny is going with me.


El: The captain's not the only one with a price on his head. You, will be collecting my bounty. You have to go because they know what Kat looks like.

Shiny: No one is gonna believe that I captured you.

El: I know, it will only work for a few minutes. But, we will be close to the Captain. Well, lets get started.

(Kat takes off down an alley with the rifle. Elbarto takes all of his guns off, except for one that he puts in the small of his back. He also slips knives down both of his sleeves, and one down the back of his neck. Elbarto puts his hands behind his back and Shiny loosely ties them together.)

El: Ready?

Kat(over comm): I'm in place.

(Shiny and Elbarto walk towards the outpost.)

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Thursday, September 4, 2008 3:42 AM


AS Shiny leads El to the alliance outpost, She plays the incoming transmission from planet news in her head.............

"++++incoming Transmission++++

Good evening, I'm Michelle Yang, with Planet Side News. New news on the infamous crew of the rogue vessel firefly, classification 03-K64-FFF-00 Tranquility, has just come in. The alliance Federation is coming in more then 400 memeber of the Alliance's military, i hopes, that a verse wide man hunt for these fugitives will bring them out of hiding and to justice. alliance official have also raised the bounty price on the criminals to almost 250,000 per fugitive a piece, Dead or Alive.Also, if you have any information leading to the capture of them individuals please contact Gen.O'riley through the Federation Cortex Line."

Shiny is very nervouse getting this close to the alliance especially with her past ties to them.

Shiny takes a deep breath and enters the building, She walks up to an alliance offical
"I believe you have a bounty on him" and nods towards El.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, September 5, 2008 8:04 AM


(oreo is awake, the affects of the tranq used to knock him out has worn off. his head is covered with a dark cloth bag and his hands bound behind his back. oreo stands up)

this is getting ridiculous....

(a voice speaks from behind him0

you are correct my friend. it is ridiculous....ridiculous how a couple of low rent thieves manage to always slip between the alliance cracks and get away with both Alliance top projects.

(the voice moves to the front of oreo, and removes the cloth bag revealing a familar face, not to oreo but to the crew of tranquility.)

Even, after i handed delievered, practically gift wrapped, them and you to every idiot bounty hunter or allaince bastard, you still managed to get away.

(the figure smiles)

So, how's Shiny. is she tramatized by our little rescue mission.

(oreo looks up in confusion)

rescue mission? what rescue mission?

(the figure laughs)

What rescue mission? who do you think pulled out of Silas 5, and who do you think was with shiny when your ass got rescued a second time?

(oreo shoots the figure a look of disbelief)


(Irish winks)

You got it, half breed and since no one can get the job done correctly, looks like i'm gonna have to do it myself. but for now....

(irish hits oreo over the head and knocks his unconscience)

Just relax, still your crew mates get here.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Sunday, September 7, 2008 1:34 PM


the men take SHADOW to the ALLIANCE outpost for the reward. the ALLIANCE soldiers put SHADOW into a holding cell.
the MAN IN BLACK heads to a secret facility in the desert with the other 4 men and the 2 mysterious cannisters, also the other cannisters of water.


" mission accomplished. you won't be able to use TRANQUILITY to smuggle equiptment for your secret project without them knowing any more. captain SHADOW is in ALLIANCE hands."
"your secret base will soon be up and running BARRON."

back in the ALLIANCE outpost cell, SHADOW wakes up.


xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Monday, September 8, 2008 1:09 PM


the ALLIANCE officials take SHADOW from his cell to the interrogation room and begin the interrogation.
they question him, day after day, session after session, allowing him no sleep.
most of the questions are centered around what SHADOW knows about the secret ALLIANCE project:
and the techniques that TRANQUILITYS crew used to manage the transformation of OREO into a reaver and back.

some more questions revolve around the identity of PATHFINDER, and the background of the rest of the crew.
finally this session ends.

ALLIANCE OFFICER 1: "next session we will discuss your involvement in the attacks on multiple ALLIANCE facilities.
take him back to his cell!"

the guards take SHADOW back to his cell, throw him inside, and slam the door behind him.
he hears the clinking of keys and the door being locked, then the guards walk away.

SHADOW lays on the bed and falls asleep instantly.

~the sound of a shuttle firing its engines.
PATHFINDER flies away in the scarab and finally docks on a strange firefly. he enters the ship and rejoins the A.B.A. [anti-browncoat alliance] and is never seen again.

~ELBARTO is captured but when he enters the main ALLIANCE holding center, he draws a sword and wipes out the entire ALLIANCE brigade.

~SHINY is found by a bounty hunter and taken back to her family. she eventually becomes an embassador between FIREFLY crews and planetary governments.

~THE TWINS are sheltered by SHADOWS old friend SENSEI DAISUKE OJIN on AQUILA.

~OREO escapes his captors and hunts down the creators of the OPERATION REAVER ECHO ONE project. he destroys them - one by one, then hunts down his 'successors',
ECHO 2 and ECHO 3.
they are superior to him but he destroys them with techniques he has learned from being with TRANQUILITYS crew, especially the highly trained martial artist ELBARTO.

~KATS voice over the speakers...
"O2 take us out of here."
they fly off with TRANQUILITY into the black.~

...again the sound of clinking keys. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Monday, September 8, 2008 2:43 PM



Monday, September 8, 2008 2:43 PM



Monday, September 8, 2008 2:48 PM


The alliance Official looks at Shiny then at El.
He walks around the two of them looking them up and down.

Alliance official: "whats his name" looking at shiny, Shiny having a bad feeling about this situation Sighs "Elbarto."

Alliance Official:"What's make you think he has a bounty on him?"

Shiny:"I heard him bragging about it."

the Alliance official walks over to some papers and starts going through them glancing up at shiny every once in awhile.

Alliance Official looks at Shiny:" whats your name and What ship did you say your travling with?"

(Shiny is sweating bullets at this point).

Shiny:"my names Kasey and I'm not on any ship."

The Alliance Official calls a guard over and starts whispering. All Shiny can think about is getting the Captain outta there and getting to Oreo.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 9:57 AM


(oreo awakens once more still bound an the clothe bag still covering his head. the room he's being hald captive in is quiet but, a sense of another thing in the room with him triggers his cautioness)

Who's there?

(oreo pauses)

I know you're there. say something.

(still no reply.)

(oreo thinking to himself)

nerves, its gotta be just my nerves.....

(suddenly, footsteps shuffling towards oreo, breaks the silence. the clothe bag is rip from oreo head and a fist connects with oreos head) need to just die.

(oreo struggles getting up to his knees, but manages, only to be knocked back down, by another strike)

you never give up, you never die....

(the strikes become more and more fierce)

I will be the onw to destroy you and your kind.

(oreo recieves one final kick to the ribs, forceing a mouth full of blood to spew onto the floor. the footsteps leave, oreo lay on the ground hurt and bleeding, he can only must up two words)


Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008 12:47 PM


(Elbarto stands there as the Alliance Fed looks him up and down. All of a sudden the Fed leaves the room.)

(In the Feds office)

(The fed turns a a communications console.)

Fed: Colonel Cole, you told me to call you if anyone showed up after the firefly captain.

Cole: And?

Fed: Two people showed up, a male and a female. The female says that she is trying to collect the bounty on the male. The male's name is Elbarto.

Cole: Do you have cameras in the room?

Fed: Yes Sir!

Cole: Patch me through so I can see them.

(The Fed hits a few buttons so the Colonel can see through the security camera feed. The Colonel's eyes widen as he spots Elbarto.)

Cole: Perfect, Son listen to me very carefully. I want you to let them go. This isn't the place to capture a man like that. You don't have good enough agents. I'm going to send a Snatch & Grab team to capture him.

Fed: But sir, he's just one man. Surely we can take him.

Cole: Listen you fool! You will not touch him! That man was the Commander of Tac. Team Wolf.

(The Feds eyes widen in surprise. He had heard of Tac. Team Wolf. Towards the end of the war, the Independants were starting to get desperate. One Officer came up with the plan to to go to all of the Ninja Dojos in the galaxy and recruit the best ones. That was the birth of Tac. Team Wolf. Rumor has it that the got their name by accident. Before deploying on a mission, one team member had quoted Shakespeare by saying "Unleash the dogs of war." Another team member had said "Dogs, Hell we're more like wolves." After that the name stuck.)

Cole: Captain!! Captain!! Are you listening to me?

Fed: Umm... Yes Sir. The man and woman are not to be touched.

Cole: Make sure you remember that. Out.

(The Fed turns off the console and heads the the other room)

(Back in the other room)

Fed: There is no bounty on this man, you two leave at once. I want nothing more to do with you!

(Shiny looks at Elbarto, who gives her a quick nod. together they leave the outpost.)

(Back at the mule)

Shiny: We were supposed to rescue the captain. What happened in there!

El: I don't know, but we should head back to the ship.

Shiny: What about the Captain?

El: we need to head back to the ship and regroup. The place's security was much better than I originally thought. We need to sit down and come up with a plan.

(El looks down an Alley to see Kat running up to join them.)

Kat: I heard over the comm, and I agree with El. We need to rethink this.

El: Lets go back to the ship.

(All three jump onto the mule, and Elbarto takes them back to the ship.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008 6:01 AM


Shiny is quiet sitting in the mule, she starts thinking about Oreo and the Captains situation.She Knows EL and KAt can handle The Captains Situation without her. She's pretty sure on what her next move is going to be she just needs to wait to reach Tranquility and talk with Path. She can't leave Oreo He wouldn't do that to her and she wont do it to him. She whispers:"Oreo I'm on my way."

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, September 12, 2008 8:30 AM


(blurry eyes open. its takes a few seconds for things to come in to focus. a room, with medical equipment, machine's beeping. Oreo, finds himself laying on an operation bed. arms and feet bound by electric straps, wired to give him 500 volts if he attepmts to make any movements towards freeing himself. A voice, the same voice from the room he was being held in fills the air)

Does all this look familiar? It should. it the same set up the alliance used to turn you, into what you are.

(oreo, squirms his wrists in his bounds, trying to free them. A sudden jolts of electicity shoots through his body)


(The figure grins)

Stings doesnt it. I would suggest dyou didnt do that too many more times, i'd hate for you to accidently kill yourself before we can get started

(oreo takes in deep breathes, blinking rapidly as to bring his focus back)

Get... started.. on what....?

(the figures pulls a light down and aims it into oreos face.)

Well, seeing as how you're not going to remember any of this anyways.... You are unique. Echo 2 and 3, just mere lab rats, toys if you will. but you, you are the prize of the alliance. which is why you are here, again. we' will make you better, stronger , faster and this time around, more obediant. Or at least i will.

(oreo squints his eyes to try and get a better look at his captor)

And who are you?

(the figure moves the light and leans over oreo. oreo's eyes widen)


(Jaykins smiles)

Thats right my friend, and you are now my slave. when i'm done with you, you will destroy those fools on tranquility for me and then the real fun will start. Dong Ma?

(Jaykins stands him self up and another figure moves in, carrying a tool with a circular blade at the end. Jaykins nods to the figure)

Ok Irish, cut him open and lets begin.

(A sound of metal being cut pierce's oreo's ears, then a sharp pain engulfs all of oreos sense's. it was happening all over again. This time..................)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Sunday, September 14, 2008 5:53 AM


the ALLIANCE officials finally finish their interrogation of SHADOW.
they leave the room and walk down the hallway.

"he's given us nothing. we'd be better off getting rid of him and having someone capture one of his other crew members. at least we know they are on the planet. they may have the information we need about the 'ECHO ONE' project... and may be more 'willing' to give it to us."

"yes, time for the next step. we are under orders to not capture the TRANQUILITY crew all at once, even though we could have easliy done it. this tactic of capturing them one by one was not my idea, it comes from 'higher up'.
if i had my way, we would have stormed their ship as soon as it landed here on this rock... or better yet, back on TRIUMPH.
but orders must be followed.
have SHADOW taken out to the middle of the desert and leave him there.
then go to phase 2."

"yes sir."

SHADOW hears the conversation though the vent in his cell.

i can't wait to see that half - bred reaver OREO.
1st i'll shoot HIM in the side. it IS his turn anyway, then i'll thank him somehow for putting us all in this mess.
but how to thank him.......?
i've got it!
i'll make him listen to one of PATHFINDERS lectures on cryogenics!

* the sound of guards boots marching down the hallway getting louder *

"time to get my sun glasses." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008 11:28 AM


the ALLIANCE guards take SHADOW out to the desert in a shuttle and leave him in the middle of nowhere.
they take off and their shuttle disappears over the horizon.

SHADOW yells at the shuttle:
"yeh, you better run."

= the sun is beating down on SHADOW and he soon starts to feels the effects. =

* thinking *
"i don't know which direction to go, but i have a general idea. i will die if i don't start moving."

"ok, just keep a steady pace and don't stop."

= the sun keeps beating down =

= heat =

= the sand is so hot that it is burning his feet through his boots. =

* 'keep moving' *

"is that a big rock up ahead?"

it is.

SHADOW tries to sit in the sliver of shade that the rock casts.
* thinks *
'huh, SHADOW in the shadow.'

= the sand is too hot, even in this little bit of shade =

'keep moving.'

* thinks *
'if the crew could find out that i'm not in the ALLLIANCE jail anymore, they could search for me using TRANQUILTYS infrared tech.
but even that type of search would take forever.'

'keep moving'

'why does my skin feel cold?" - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 8:57 AM


The Mule arrives at Tranquility. Shiny takes off to go find PathFinder. She finds him in the infirmary looking at one of his many gadgets.

Shiny: "Hey Path did you find the Coordinates of that ship?"

Path: "Sure did."

Shiny tells Path about what happened back in town.

Shiny:" Path I want to take the shuttle and find Oreo and I want you to come with me."

Pathfinder looks up at shiny,

Path:"Shiny you know that is dangerous, Plus should you really leave the ship without the capts OK.

Shiny knowing pathfinder makes a good point.

Shiny:" El and Kat can take care of the capt, Heck he could take on all those guys at the outpost without breaking a sweat. And once they find Capt we can send our coordinates."

Shiny looks path right in the eyes,"WE need to go get Oreo, Path They will hurt even kill him. We need to go now." shiny starts walking away Prepared to go herself if necessary. She hears pathfinder following She turns around and Hugs him,"thank you Path."

As she walks by ELs room she tapes a note to his door telling him what she's doing and to have him com them when the capt is found.

Shiny and Path get in the shuttle and take off to get Oreo.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:33 AM


(IT is a long process, but the screaming finally stops)

IS he dead, jaykins asks Irish?

(Irish looks up at jaykins from behind a pair and think binocular glasses)

No. the pain was to much for his brain and his sensory organs to handle. His body is just shut down. This will actually make things easier for us.

(Jaykins gives Irish a glare)

Remember, i want his memory erased, ALL OF IT! I him back on the Alliance team and ready within th next four days. Do you understand?

(Irish grins)

Yes, yes, yes....I understand. You, i mean, the alliance will have there weapon back, and soon after, you will have those kids back as well.

(jaykins smiles and leans in close to oreos ears)

Welcome back to the Family....Echo One!

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Monday, September 22, 2008 6:44 AM


Shiny and Path sit in silence, Even though neither one has spoken a word they both know what danger Oreo is in.
Shiny Looks out the shuttle window, She hopes El and Kat understand why she Left.

Shiny Lets out a Sigh.

PATH Looks at Shiny: "Shiny whats on your mind?"

Shiny still staring out the window: "How long till we get to Oreo?"

Path: "Not sure a couple of days maybe,I'm not sure if he's on a ship or on a Planet. I'm hopeing once we get close enough we will be able to figure it out."

Shiny looks at "Path: Captains gonna be mad, is'nt he?"

Path smiles: "Not too sure, But we will find out soon enough.. I hope."

Path tightens his grip on the controls and turns the shuttle to the right. Shiny close her eyes to rest.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:36 AM


(a low humming sound from a light suspened over head fills the small room. four walls, one of them made of 7 inch thick, bullet proof, shatter proof, crack proof and more importantly...Oreo proof glass. and the other side, Irish and Jaykins peer into the room watching and waiting)

It shouldn't be too much more time now Jaykins. The sedatives, should be wearing off.

(Jaykins stands watching with his arms folded across his chest)

Are you sure this glass will keep him and us seperated?

(irish chuckles)

Yes, i'm sure. Besides, it's a one way. We can see him and but cant see us. Besides, when he wakes up, the only thing he will be concentrating on, is the amount of pain that will be surging through his body.


good. Fuel for his anger. Is he going to remember anything?

(Irish adjusts his glasses)

No, the only thing he will remember, are the false memories i implanted during surgery. All others are being hindered by a memory supressive chip.

(Jaykins places his hand against the glass)

Congratulations irish. You have successed where so many have failed. are the false implanted memories enough to make him turn on his crew.

(Irish turns to jaykins)

Oh it's enough alright. enough that Echo will make sure the tranquility, doesn't fly ever again.

(jaykins continues to grin)

When echo one awakens, send in two and three. I want to see the fruits of our labor.

(Irish turns back to the glass)

It shall be done.....

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 4:01 PM


Path tightens his grip on the controls and turns the shuttle to the right. Shiny close her eyes to rest no sooner than she does, the shuttles engine starts reving then slowing, Shiny looks at path, " thats not a good sign." then the shuttle starts making a noise.

Path; "Shiny I think we need to go back to Tranquility."

Shiny upset at whats happening reluctantly

Path turns around and heads for Tranquility.
Shiny Coms 02 To let him know whats happening and to get an update on Captain.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, September 27, 2008 2:47 PM


deep in the desert, SHADOW wakes up in a cave.

"where am i?"

a voice answers from a dark corner of the cave.

"you're safe."

"who are you?"

"we are THE GUILD-desert dwellers. we watched your journey. you should be dead. who are you?"

"ummm, i don't rightly remember."

"drink some water."

SHADOW looks around and sees a cup of water next to him.
he picks it up, takes a sip, puts it back down and falls back to sleep.

VOICE speaks into com:
"we can begin." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 9:33 AM


Send them In Now....

(Irish turns in his swivel chair to, a computer and begins pushing buttons and tapping on keys. Two's doors in the left and right walls of the Holding room Oreo is being kept in Open. Echo's Two and three step out into the room. Oreo, unphased by the two intruders climbs out from his bed abd positions himself inbetween the two other half breeds.)

Attack...Kill him....

(Jaykins orders play through a com into the room. Instantly, echo Three advances towards Oreo Only to be Caught by the throat and lifted two feet into the air and Brought back down and slammed into the lanoliioum floor. Three's spines is instantly crushed. Two, turns to the Mirrored walled, paniced and angry)

What is this?! You Knew this would happen! You Bastard, you send lambs to the slaughter?!

(Jaykins picks up his com)

Thats right Two, like all good lab rats, they eventually die.

(Two runs up to the mirror and slams her fist against it)

We had a deal! You get Oreo and you improve Us!Make us Better!

(Jaykins Grips the Coms Tightly in his hand)

No! The deal was you two kill Him and The Crew of Tranquility. If my memory serves me correct, you two filthy half breeds did neither. So, now, Because of Irish, the Alliance, I, Have my perfect killing machine back. Which means, its time for the rats to the leave the maze and be disposed of.

(Twos, Lets out a ferious growl, not realizing oreo has moved behind him. Two, catches a glance of his reflection and turns around, but not fast enough. Irish and Jaykins stare at a glass mirror, watching the blood trail down it. Jaykins sets the com back onto the table into front of him)


Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Thursday, October 2, 2008 11:18 AM


Shiny and Path make it back to Tranquility, Path Parks the shuttle. Shiny gets out and looks the shuttle over mumbling to herself.

Shiny turns around to see the twins standing behind her.

Shiny smiles at them,

Storm looks at shiny with a scared look on his face. " things have changed, we are in danger."

Shiny see's the look on storms face and knows.. he means what he says.

Shiny puts her hand on storms shoulder, "dont worry".

Storm looks at shiny: "The Captain is in the Dark." storm walks away.

Shiny and path exchange looks,

Shiny trying to just focus on the task at hand :" we should get this shuttle working in no time."

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, October 2, 2008 4:54 PM


(Nighttime in the cargo bay)

(Elbarto all geared up heads up the stairs to shuttle 1. When he enters the shuttle he sees Kat in the Pilots chair)

El: You ready?

Kat: Am I ready? All I'm doing is fly, you're the one who is gonna jump.

El: As far as we know, they haven't released the captain, so I'm going to extract him. Remember, you have to be at least three miles up.

Kat: Yeah, I got it.

(Three miles above the city)

El: Ok, this is my stop.

Kat: You come back in one piece you hear?

El: Don't worry about me. See you soon babe.

(Kat turns to glare at him for the babe remark only to find that Elbarto has already jumped.)

(Elbarto lands on the roof of the Outpost with no problems. He quietly makes his way to the jail. He takes out the guard at the jail and looks in the cells, only to find them all empty.)

El: What the hell?


(Elbarto drops to one knee and spins, firing at the voice with a pistol in each hand. The man, expected Elbarto's reaction drops into a doorway. Elbarto ducks into another doorway.)

Voice: You can't get out of hear alive. I'm standing in the only exit, with a whole team at my back.

(Elbarto puts both his pistols out from cover and fires off some shots. The shots are returned and for a few seconds, a furious gun battle ensues.)

Voice: Hold your fire!!! Look, if you come with us, we will spare the shuttle that dropped you. You see we were expecting you to pull a stunt like this, so we increased the radius of the radar. We can send two fighters and take out the shuttle, or you can surrender. Your choice.

(Elbarto counts his rounds in his magazines. He has only 5 rounds left.)

(Elbarto thinking): If I surrender, I can spare Kat, and I can live to fight another day.

(Elbarto tosses his guns out of the doorway.)

El: Ok, I surrender.

(As soon as Elbarto leaves his cover, 3 tranquilizer darts enter his chest. He drops to the ground)

Voice(Into his comm): This is team leader, we have the package, departing now.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Sunday, October 5, 2008 6:53 PM


As Kat guides the shuttle up and away she is smiling, thinking about how she can get Elbarto back for the 'babe' comment when they meet up. As she is conjuring up ways to torment him, her brain suddenly clicks into overdrive.

Why did they let El and Shiny go when they Shiny tried to hand over El to them?

How did they get through without seeing any other ships?

How come there were no perimeter guards when the shuttle was flying out....?

Kat grabs the Comm:

"Listen up, we have a BIG problem..."

You are beholden to no man


Tuesday, October 7, 2008 10:19 AM


(02 is aboard Tranquility when he catches a faint signal trying to be picked up)

What the Hell is that?

(O2 examines the monitor closely)

Oh my god....It cant't be

( o2 quickly grabs his com)

****Coms Dockat****

Hey Kat, you are not going to believe this but, i just picked up a faint haul encoded with a message

****Ends Com****

****Kats coms Back****

From who? Where?

****Ends Com****

****02 Coms Back****

Your Brother, Oreo. And get this, from the little bit of the message i've already diciphered, he's on either on silas 5 or one of 1 of her neighboring moons. I won't know for sure till i get the rest of the message

****Ends Com****

****Kat Coms****

Ok, you continue working on that, i'll com Shiny and Path.

****Ends Com****

****02 Coms****

Are we going to go get him?

****ends com****

****Kat Coms****

After we find the Captian. Who ever managed to kidnap Skye, didn't realize what an escxape artisit he is, so i figure he can hold his own still we get the Captian back****

****Ends Com****

****o2 Coms****

Copy that, I'll get back to you when i have something more to report.

****ends Com****

(Kat talking to herself)

Good, one less thing to worry about.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Friday, October 10, 2008 2:48 PM


* inside the hidden caves in the deep desert, the desert dwellers [THE GUILD] begin their proceedure on SHADOWCAPTAIN.
he has been sedated and moved to a sterile operating room. *

DOCTOR #1: "he's asleep. scalpel."
DOCTOR #2 hands a laser scalpel to the 1st doctor.

a short time later the proceedure is complete: a microchip has been implanted into SHADOWS neck.

DOCTOR #1: "contact SENSEI OJIN, tell him
'the package is ready'." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, October 10, 2008 3:16 PM


Sensei Ojin sits in his office high atop the Dragonback mountains on Aquila waiting for a message from his allies on Dust Planet.

*incoming message*

"The package is ready."


Monday, October 13, 2008 11:33 AM


* SHADOW wakes up on the ground in front of TRANQUILITY.
dazed, he walks up the ramp leading into the ship. *

SHADOW starts walking to the bridge.
thinks-'where is everyone?'

reaching the bridge, he finally sees someone... O2, sitting at the controls.

SHADOW: "finally, a friendly face."

O2: "captain, welcome back. how did you escape?"

SHADOW: "i'm not rightly sure. O2, where is eveyone?"

O2: "SHINY is with THE TWINS and PATHFINDER checking out shuttle 2. DOCKCAT is out looking for you in shuttle 1. OREO and ELBARTO are missing."

SHADOW: "O2, com everyone that you can reach.
get them to the galley. we'll make plans once we know what the situation is." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008 3:09 PM


Shiny hears 02 over the comm. Happy to hear the Capt is back Rushes to the galley. As she waits for the Capt to enter, She pours heself and Path a drink.

Shiny" Just in time" Path walks into the galley and sits down as shiny puts the glasses on the table.She sits down next to path and takes a sip, they both wait for Captain.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008 4:12 PM


(Location unknown)

(A woman looks from the corner of the cell as guards bring in Elbarto's body. the guards toss Elbarto's body onto a cot and empty a syringe into his arm.)

Guard: That will wake him up in a couple of minutes.

(As soon as the guards leave the room, the woman hurries towards Elbarto. She puts a pillow under his head and covers him up with a blanket. Just as she's about to pull away, Elbarto's hand reaches out and grabs her.)

El: Where am I?

Woman: I don't know where we are?

El: Ok, I'll start with an easier question. What is your name?

Woman: Claire

El: Hey Claire, I'm Elbarto.

(Elbarto stands up with a little difficulty. When he reaches his feet, he shakes his head, clearing it. Elbarto then takes his first real look at the cell. It is very sterile, and painted painfully white. It has no windows, and one door.)

Elbarto: hmm, quaint.

Claire: Is that all you have to say, we are gonna die here.

(Elbarto shrugs)

El: I've been to worse places. As for dying here.....Well that has yet to be seen.

(Elbarto turns to look at Claire)

El: I've also had worse company.

Claire: What do you mean "Has yet to be seen" We are in the heart of an Alliance facility.

El: I'm still breathing, which means I'm still fighting. Listen to me Claire. Never give up. I never have and I never will. The day you give up is the day you become useless. Besides, when I break out of here, I might take you with me.

Claire: But you just met me.

El: That's true, but you are here which means the Alliance wants you for something, and if I take you away from them, thats just another win for me.

(Claire thinking) This man is so cold.....Yet there seems to be something more beneath the surface.

(While Claire and Elbarto are talking, a man walks up to the cell door.)

The man: Hello Gideon its been awhile.

(Elbarto whips around at the sound of the name Gideon, and sees Colonel Cole.)

El: You son of a bitch.

Cole: So you do remember me Gideon, or is it Elbarto now? Its been sixteen years since we last saw each other face to face.

El: When I get out of here, you are a dead man.

Cole: I've been waiting to get a hold of you for a long time, what makes you think you can escape?

El: I can escape, because you made one huge mistake. You left me alive.

Cole: Of course you're alive. You're no good to me dead Gideon.

El: What is it that you want from me anyway?

Cole: You still don't know do you? (Cole laughs) Gideon, you are the other side of evolution. Not quite as impressive as the Mental side, but impressive none the less.

El: What are you talking about?

Cole: There are humans that can read minds, truly gifted humans. We know that that is part of evolution. However, that is only half of it. One side of a coin if you will. The other side is people like you. People that are gifted physically. People like you. You are slightly faster, slightly stronger, slightly more agile than normal humans. However, add that to your lifetime of training and combat, and you get a true killing machine.

El: ..........

Cole: We have been able to beat evolution though. Through science we have created even better weapons. However, you are an untampered subject. you can still be useful to us. Let these thoughts sink in Gideon. You can still be part of something great.

(Cole leaves Elbarto to ponder these thoughts.)

El: I always knew I was gifted, but this is a little much.

(Elbarto thinking) I really have to get out of here. That man has to die. He has done so much he needs to atone for.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008 8:26 AM


SHADOW walks into the galley and sees PATH and SHINY sitting at the table. then THE TWINS chase each other in.

"well, O2 has sent the message for everyone to return to the ship. looks like we'll be 'crew huntin' if we don't hear word soon."

SHADOW leans against the galley wall and waits...

STORM thinking:
*...or they may be 'hunting' for us.*

SUMMER: turns to STORM -
"dragons hunting fireflies..."

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Thursday, October 30, 2008 11:16 AM


No sooner than Summer asks "where's Kat" Kat's voice is heard over tranquilitys Comm,

"Listen up, we have a BIG problem"

kat proceeds to tell the crew her thoughts on ELs plan to rescue the Captain, when Kats Comm is finished shiny turns to the Captain.

"Kats right it dosent add up, Once El figured out you wern't being held captive he would of contacted Kat... especially by now".

Captain comms Kat and tells her to return to Tranquility and meet us in the galley.

02 comms the crew in the Galley telling them about the encoded message from Oreo and that it seems like Oreo is on silas 5 or one of 1 of her neighboring moons, But wont know for sure until he recieves the rest of the message.

Shiny looks at the Captain and shakes her head, She pours a drink into a glass and slides it towards the Captain "you'll be needing this"

She then pours herself and Path another drink, as they all wait for Kat to show up.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, November 10, 2008 10:51 AM


(standing amongest the debris that was the site of the Silas 5 facility oreo waits for a reply from tranquility)

(in a deep gruff voice)

This will be the end of tranquility and her crew.

(Oreo shifts his view to a distant hillside and lets out a deep pirceing growl)

(A voice chimes over oreos com)


Have you not heard word back from Tranquility?

****ends com****

(Oreo pulls his com out from his left breast jacket pocket)


They will com back, i have nothing but time.

****Ends com****


YOU FOOL! time means everything. the more time they have to anaylize the situation, the fast they will figure out that you are no longer one of them and they will slip through our finger yet again!

****ends com****

(Oreo's goes grimance)


They will be here and when they come....Silas 5 will be they LAST stop....(Oreo pauses for a second)...Oh and Irish....Tranquility maybe be first to die.....But you're next.

****Ends Com****

(Irish seetles back into his chair and tosses his com onto the desk infront of him and sigh's)

It was a mistake using him.....

(Jaykins suddenly enters the room and places a hand on irish's shoulder)

No. Only fools make mistakes, you didn't really think we could tame that beast. No. We just needed him long enough to handle our little pest problem and then we'll put that bastard half breed out of his misery and the rest of the verse's.

(Back on tranquility the crew in sitting around the table in the galley. Kat walks in and sits next to the twins. Capt"n takes a swig from his cup and sets its back onto the table)

Ok, so where are we at?

(Shiny is first to speak)

Well, El is captured, we're still trying to find out where.

(Kat interrupts)

and my brother, wheres oreo?

(o2 speaks out)

We got a transmission from silas 5, it was really jumbled with codes, but i mangaged to decoded the whole thing.

(Capt'n shouts furiously)

Well what does the damn thing say

(O2 pulls out a disk and inserts it inot a portable vid-drive unit, instantly oreo pops up omn thte screen and begins talking)

---tranquility, this is oreo, i managed to escape. don't know who from or from what planet, but i hi-jacked a short range skiff. managed to get as far as silas 5. i need pick up----

(kats suddenly stands up and slams her fist on the table)

So what are we waiting for? Lets go, we're going to need him to find El....(kat slowly lowers her head)...i'm all he has left.

(Shiny looks at kat with alittle jealously but understands her)

(turning to the capt'n,o2 instantly denies the idea of pick up oreo)

NO! Capt'n we can not go after him

(Capt'n snaps)

And why the hell not! He is part of this crew and we do not leave our own behind

o2- i understand that, but i've been analyzing this video and something is not right with oreo.

(Summer speaks up qlinching to shiny)

He is right, oreo is bad now. He's lost his heart.

(Shiny looks down at summer in confusion)

what do you mean summer? what are you talking about?

(Storm interrupts)

the bad people had oreo, turned him bad again. Now Oreo wants to hurt us. he wants us all dead.

(o2 agrees with the children)

i think they're right. Every mission we've been on oreo knows all the details, the planets....our enemies....everything.In the vid, he said he didn't know who captured him or what planet he escaped from. That's not like oreo at all. plus, i undercoverd an Alliance signal in the transmission. it's not from the skiff or silas 5. Capt'n, the allaince got there weapon back and now they're using him to flush us out.

(the capt'n throws his cup against the galley wall)

How did this happen? (sighs)

(kat begins to insist that oreo be picked up)

Capt'n we can not leave him there, we can not let him go through all this again.....

(summer grabs kats hand)

He has no heart anymore, he will kill us

(kat rears back and begins shouting at summer)


(summer cowers behind shiny crying and shaking)

(kat instanlty begins beating her fist against the table again)

Summer, sweetheart, i'm sorry. I can't just let those bastard have him and turn into soemthing worse then he already is. He is a good person, my brother.

(the capt'n stands up)

he's crew and the way i see it, we have to members of this crew that needs saving. we're going to go after El first, cause something tells me , we're going to need every bit of strength we can get out hands on to go after Oreo and bring him back.

(pathfinder speaks up)

And to keep him from killing us.....

(Capt'n glares at Path and then continues)

Ok, we need to need back to Persephone and have a talk with our friend badger, if there's one person who's can get us pointed in the right direction.....its that little weasel. Dong Ma!

(the crews nods and agreeance and begins prepping for they travel back to persephone)

(Amongst the fallen debris that was silas 5, stands a figure, waiting and watching and growing more angry as time passes)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Monday, November 10, 2008 2:22 PM


= when things happen, they always seem to happen at the same time. =

right in the middle of all this discussion, an incoming message from AQUILA comes in.

"SHADOWCAPTAIN, it's urgent that i see you at once. please come to AQUILA. this is extremely important."

SHADOW mulls over all the decisions he must make...

1. go after OREO on SILAS 5, with the foreboding message from THE TWINS that OREO is 'bad' again - his half reaver side reactivated to turn against his old crewmates on TRANQUILITY.

2. stay here on DUST PLANET and try to find out what happened ELBARTO.

3. head to his old friends planet, AQUILA for something mysteriously important.
[at this thought, the back of SHADOWS neck begins to itch - right at the spot where the microchip was implanted by THE GUILD in the deep desert.]

4. go to PERSEPHONE to see what badger knows.

* thinking PERSEPHONE? BADGER? *

"belay that order, we go after OREO on SILAS 5. we know he's there and needs help.
ELBARTO is capable and can handle himself.
we'll come back for him. maybe he'll find us if we don't find him 1st.
SENSEI will have to wait, and BADGER can eat his nice hat." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 5:26 AM


Shiny can see that Kat is happy with the captains decsion.

Shiny looks down at summer, her eyes meets the little girls and smiles, summer's eyes fill up with tears and one tear drop falls on her cheeck.

Shiny wipes the tear away and hugs summer, "it's ok summer, Captain knows what he's doing." Shiny's eyes meets the Captains, Captain walks away.

Summer,"he wants to kill us, his heart is dark, Shiny Jaykins is behind all of this."

Shiny not knowing what to think anymore, pulls summer away from her, " I need to go to the engine room." she walks away.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 1:22 PM


Sensei Ojin sits in his office in Tengoku on Aquila, after his message has been sent to Tranquility, and thinks...

~~~ Shadow, you are like a son to me but I need the chip that has been implanted in your neck by The Guild. I may need to have someone close to you bring you here.
that information is vital. Vital to The Guild on Dust Planet. Data on the secret Alliance project going on there, and information on the connection between Barron Redstone and 'The Project.'
Shadow, I can only wait so long...~~~


Wednesday, November 12, 2008 9:24 AM


(Claire and Elbarto in their cell)

Claire: So Gideon do you have an escape planned.

El: I can't escape from this cell Claire, so I'm gonna have to wait until the take me to do tests. And I've asked you to stop calling me Gideon.

Claire: It's a much more humane name than Elbarto.

El: Well, I can't disappoint a beautiful woman.

(Claire holds El's hand with her own): Will you come back for me?

El: Of course I'll come back for you. I care about you. Plus, you know more about this place than I do.

Claire: What are we going to do?

El: When they take me to the lab I will have to overpower them somehow. Then I have to get some weapons. After that I'm thinking we make our way to the motor pool and hijack something?

Claire: An aircraft?

El: No, something with wheels. I'm not that great of a pilot, but I can drive anything. All we need to do is make contact with my ship.

(Elbarto hears footsteps)

El: Someones coming.

The cell door bursts open and four armed guards walk into the room.

Guard: Come with us.

(Elbarto gets up and moves towards the door.)

El: I'll come back for you Claire.

Claire: I know.

(Outside the cell they are joined by four more guards. Elbarto laughs at this.)

El: You guys must really be scared of me.

Elbarto thinking (Shit, I could take eight, but not in a narrow hallway. Guess I'm gonna have to take my time with this.)

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008 6:12 PM


AUTOMATED SYSTEMS SCAN......................



B. 03-K64-FFF-02 [BOOK] - SIGNAL: WEAK.

C. 03-K64-FFF-03 [WASH] - SIGNAL: WEAK.





Mid-bulk Transport Standard Radion Accelerator core. 03-K64-FFF-00
ONLINE Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 19:50


Thursday, November 13, 2008 10:31 AM


(Oreo is standing against a old building with his eyes closed, arms folded and a cigarette in his mouth. Suddenly his opens his eyes and looks out into the black sky. A faint light makes its way across the sky. Oreo unfolds his arms and takes the cigarette and flicks it.)

Oreo- It looks like my guest have arrived.

(A slight confusion sweeps over Oreo face)

Oreo- Figured they be alittle bit more inconspicuous. Humpf! Whatever, either way, they're time is up.

(A voice comes over oreo's com)


Echo 1, we picked up tranquility, they are in.........

(Oreo smashes his com against the ground)

Oreo- Shud up! I think i already know that!

(rubbing the back of his neck)

Oreo- Gorramnit! Why do i have this pain in my neck.(Sighs)

(Oreo pulls out another cigarette from his pocket)

Oreo- Now, I just wait still the get here and they fun starts. Wonder how many i get to kill.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Friday, November 14, 2008 8:03 AM


Shiny hears the on board computer "PROXIMITY ALERT: APPROACHING SILAS 5."

She leaves the engine room and see's the Captain.

"Captain.Do you really think this is a good Idea? what if the twins are Right about Oreo, What will we do? We don't have EL here if something goes wrong."

As shinys talking to the Capt she notices that he keeps rubbing the back of his neck.

Captain: "Shiny not sure what the twins are talking about, As far as I'm concerned, Oreo is crew. We get Oreo then hopefully we will here from El."

Even though shinys worried the twins might be right, She can't help but feel a little happy to see Oreo.

Shiny walks to the cargo bay.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Friday, November 14, 2008 11:41 AM


(Shiny and Capt, venture onto the bridge. Capt, walks up next to o2)

Capt.- there. set her down there in the forrest patch. it'll give us cover, just in case things dont't go according to plan.

(o2 snickers0

o2- do they ever?

(Capt. reaches for the com while answering o2)

Capt.- Ain't that the truth (pushing com button0


ok crew, i want everyone locked and loaded. as soon as we land we head to the facility and track down Oreo. I want everyone on their toes for this one, we'vr ghad to deal with Oreo in the past, but this might be a litle different. if the twins are right about him, we.....shot him down. Hopefully, that wont't be the case.

****ends com****

(Shiny suddenly feels a nervousness take over her body)

Shiny- whaat do you think happened to him?

(Capt. turns to shiny, with an almost sad look on his face)

Capt.- well, i reckon the Alliance kiddnapped Oreo, took him to another one of their torture houses with the intent on cuttin on Oreo and turning him into their little play toy of destruction. i'm just hoping that with with Oreo being the escape artist that he is, he was able to get away before they had a chance to do any of their wrong doing's.

Shiny- What if he didn't?

(Capt. turns anad begins to walk away)

(Shiny watches as the Capt. disappears out of sight)

shiny- I was afraid you might say that.

(Tranquility lands and with the mule prepped and ready the capt., kat, Shiny,Path, the twins and o2 set out towards the facility.)

(an hour has passed and Oreo is standing in the middle of the compound, when he hears the whirring of the mule's engines approaching.)

Oreo- it's time.

(the crew make their way through a winding road and have the facility within site, along with a faint figure standing in the middle of it)

(o2 shouts back to the capt.)

o2- Capt. look!

( Kat jumps up to get a better veiw)

Kat- It's Oreo!

(o2 manuevers the mule in through the compound gates and stops 500 feet in front of Oreo)

(Cautiously the Capt. steps out onto the ground)

Capt.- Glad to see you're okay.

(oreo glares at the captian in complete silence0

(Capt. places his hand on his gun)

Capt.- Oreo? you okay? Boats ready to get us off this rock. Got El need saved as well.

(still on response from Oreo)

(Capt. looks back at the crew and then back at Oreo)

Capt.- The Twins tell me that the allaince had you, did some more experimnets on you. That true?

(Oreo takes a step towards the Capt. quickly the capt. pulls out his gun and trains it on Oreo)

Capt.- Hold it right there oreo....

( but before the captain can finish his sentence Oreo is on top of him. He grabs his gun and throws it out into the distance. Kat and o2 quickly pull out their weapons and open fire, narrowly missing Oreo, but diverting his attention from the capt. long enough for him to slip away. Once oreo realized what had happened, he stood up to his feet and took off running behind old building and eventually into the main Lad building)

(Shiny jumps down to aid the capt.)

shiny- Are you alright?

(Capt. stands up and dusts himself off)

capt.- might have a problem.

o2- it was like he didn't even know us.

Capt.- If i had to wager a notion...he doesn't. Gorramn alliance problem wiped his memory.

(Capt. walks over and picks up his gun)

capt.- We need him alive, i don't care how, but we need him alive.

(The crew happy to hear the new order, but still hesitie to carry them out.)

kat- how are we gonna catch him? He was on you before any of us could blink, and run off just as quick.

( capt. looks over to Shiny.)

Capt.- Shiny is going to draw him out to us, then we'll trap him from there.

(shiny's legs almost give out from under her)

Shiny- how the hell am i supposed to do that?

Capt.- if there is one person that can tame that animal long enough to captured its you.

(kat steps inbetween the two)

kat- but capt, he's my brother...

Capt.-No buts!! this is the way it's going to happen. This way or....we shoot him.

(Capt looks over a path)

Capt.- Path, think you can make something strong enough to hold him outta the scrapes lying around?

Path- we...well...I...I can try, but i'll need tools.

Capt.- tools are in the hold on the mule, get workin.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.






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