TRANQUILITY 平静 [ Part 8 ]

UPDATED: Sunday, January 25, 2009 10:40
VIEWED: 31734
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Monday, December 22, 2008 10:54 PM


Badger again 'coms the ships:
"as promised, i release another ship..."
he pushes more buttons on the controller.
"Serenity is now out of peril. 3 ships remain, tranquility, independence and browncoat. we're getting closer."

Countdown clock 00:00

I'm above You... better than.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:54 PM


Badger 'coms the remaining ships, tranquility, browncoat and independence:

"Time to free another ship."

He pushes the buttons to release 1 more ship.

"The independence is now free.
2 ships left, less than 1 day left.
which ship will be destroyed?"

Countdown clock 00:00

I'm above You... better than.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008 6:35 PM


O2 and KAT look at each other with concern.

O2: "KAT, we don't have many options. we're on a moon with no oxygen, we can't power up the engines of the ship nor the shuttles because the
'sonar sensor' will auto detonate the bomb."

KAT: "only one option, as i see it."

in unison : "space suits."

they get into their suits and leave TRANQUILITY behind, for what may be the last time.

O2: "ok KAT, let's walk away from the ship slowly. we need to conserve as much o2 as possible." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008 6:59 PM


Badger makes his final 'com to the two remaining ships -
tranquility and browncoat, both now empty:

"well chaps, time to do some damage. See you in hell mates."

Badger pushes a sequence of buttons 1 last time...

I'm above You... better than.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:01 PM


I'm above You... better than.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:49 PM




Q: So, you're a bounty hunter?
A: That's not it at all.
Q: What are you then?
A: I'm a bounty hunter


Monday, December 29, 2008 12:53 PM


Shiny hears the Captains Voice echoing through the hallway, She peeks around the corner of the hallway and see's the Captain and 2 Soldiers.

Shiny,"Path where in a big Heep of trouble looks like the Captains been caught".

shiny not too happy, Pushes the cart away from her. She watches it as it continues to roll back down the the hallway. Away from shiny.

Path," Shiny, I don't think Oreo would appreciate that.

Shiny," I don't care anymore, I'm tired of everything not going "according to plan".

Shiny watches the cart roll into the wall and stop. She walks past Pathfinder.

Shiny,"come on, we need to get Oreo awake. Inject him again. We need his help.

Shiny retrieves the cart and pushes it into an empty room. Path follows with his cart.

Shiny opens the lid and and holds Oreos arm so Path can inject him again,

Path, "maybe he needs a little bigger dose, considering he's part reaver."

Path injects him.
Shiny and Path look at each other,
Path, " now all we can do is wait.

Shiny, walks to the other side of the room and sits on the floor against the wall.
(thinking) Ever since I met Oreo, All I do is wait.

She lets out a sigh of frustration.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 4:40 AM


(shiny sits and watches Oreo, waiting for something to happen)

Shiny(whispers to herself)- gorramnit oreo, wake up.

(suddenly movement from oreo's catches shiny's attention)

Shiny- Path, did you see that?

(Path looks over to shiny)

PAth- See what?

Shiny- Oreo. He moved. His hand moved.

(Path finder stares at oreo for a moment)

Path- Shiny, i think the stress of all this is getting to you...

(Oreo suddenly sits up on the cart. Path and shiny jump back from the sudden startlement)

(shiny stands to her feet and slowly creeps into oreo's veiw)

Shiny- Oreo? Oreo...are you ok?

(Oreo trains his eyes into shiny)

Oreo- Shiny?

Shiny- yes, its me.

Oreo- Where are we?

Shiny- we're in the med facility on Ariel remember. Path got all the data on you and the twins. but...

(In an almost annoyed tone)

Oreo- But?

Shiny- the Captian from taken by some men.

(Oreo swings his legs over the egde of the cart and hurls himself off of it onto his feet. Oreo begins to roll his neck, stretch out his arms and legs)

Oreo- Well, lets go get him then.

(for the first time in some few hours, a smile creeps across shiny's face as she turns to path)

Shiny- you stay here with the twins and i'm going to go with Oreo and get the Captian.

(Path nods in approval)

Oreo- alright then, lets go.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Wednesday, December 31, 2008 2:46 PM


* in badger lair *

Saffron looks to Badger and says:

"Are you a ruttin' idiot? why blow up a ship and not make money from it?"

"It's not about money, it's about sending a message.
Old 'earth that was' saying goes like this:

"some men just want to see the world burn."

I'm above You... better than.


Thursday, January 1, 2009 5:22 PM


THE BLUE HANDS team escorts SHADOW through the complex and take him to the lower levels for interrogation.
they strap him into a chair in a dimly lit room, and inject his upper arm with a syringe that looks more like a pistol.

"now captain shadow, let's discuss the location of 2 of our patients that you've been seen with, SUMMER and STORM,
the twins that were smuggled out of our facility here a few months ago."

BLUE HANDS #2 reaches into SHADOWS browncoat and removes all the IDENT cards that SHADOW took from the archives.
finding all the missing IDENT cards, he stops his search... missing a few personal items that SHADOW found, belonging to OREO,
that he tucked into a hidden pocket.

~~~the injection begins to take effect~~~

they're sick.
they caught some disease.
had to kill'em... i think.
haven't seen 'em in a spell but we had a hog-killin' time when we broke bread.
is it hot in here?

" captain, surely you don't think that you could just walk into an ALLIANCE facility dressed as a maintenance crew
and steal ALLIANCE property without anyone noticing, did you?"

SHADOW thinking groggily:
* huh? no mention of the twins being here, or OREO?
they must think... um, that PATH, SHINY and I were the only ones that snuck in. and that we are after records only.
a nice diversion that i wish i thought of 1st. *

SHADOW answers #1's question.
"well, thing is, we were going to dress as clowns, but then we saw that you 2 were here, so we changed our costumes.
do you like them? we put a lot of work into them.

BLUE HANDS 2 pulls out a small device from his breast pocket and pushes a small button, releasing 2 sonic extensions. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, January 2, 2009 10:49 AM


(Shiny Struggles to keep up with oreo as they make their way through the hallways of the facility.)

Shiny- Oreo, do you think it's a good idea to just walk about all non-chalant.

(Oreo looks back at Shiny with completely seriousness in his eyes. Shiny stares into them. A look that shiny hadn't seen for some time now. That look in oreo's eyes. the readiness, that reason the captain hired him in the first place. Had oreo finally gotten his memory back. It was hard to tell.)

Shiny- We don't even know where the captain is. How can you be sure of where you're going?

(coming up to a cross section in the hallway, Oreo suddenly louges forward grabbing a guard who is on his hourly rounds.)

(Oreo wraps his arms around the unsupecting guards and constricts until the only sound that can be heard was a "SNAP". Oreo releases his hold and lets the body fall to the ground. He knees down to strip the fallen guard of his weapons.)

Oreo- Here. (Oreo throws arc pistol to shiny). reckon we only have an hour to find the captain before someone realizes he ain't back.

(shiny a little shaken, catches the gun and stares at it for a moment. Oreo notices)

Oreo- are you ok?

(Shiny lowers her head)

Shiny- you killed him.

(Oreo looks down at the body and sighs)

Shiny- Why don't you have any emotion? Is it because of what "They" did to you? Or were you always like this?

(Oreo Places his pistol down the front of his pants so only the grip on the pistol is showing)

Oreo- i dont know why, shiny. all i ever feel is anger and hate.

(shiny looks up at oreo)

Shiny- Do...Do you hate me?

(Oreo steps infront of shiny and wraps his arms around her.)

Oreo- No shiny, I don't hate you.

Shiny- Then tell me Oreo, I want to hear you say it.

(Suddenly a flood of memories flood oreo head)

Oreo- Arrrrgrgh!

(Shiny holds tight until oreo settles down)

Shiny- Oreo? Tell me.

(Oreo pulls shiny closer to him)

Oreo- you.

(Shiny tightens her grip)

Shiny- thank You...

(Suddenly the facility alarm goes off. Oreo looks down at the body and then down the hallways)

Oreo- what the hell? How could they know already?

(shiny taps Oreo on the arm while looking up into a corner, where a sercurity camera was trained on their posistions)

Shiny- I think we better go.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Friday, January 2, 2009 4:22 PM


Shiny and Oreo take off running.

Oreo, "shiny keep up."

Shiny try's hard to keep up, running as fast as she can.
She's not about to get caught now, not with Oreo finally admitting his feelings.

She follows Oreo down the hallways around corners she's lost all sense of direction she hears people running shiny looks up and shoots a camera.
Oreo spins around.

Oreo,"what the hell?"

Shiny, "sorry."

Oreo,"nice shot, but save your bullets."

Shiny glances at the stairwell, She looks at Oreo.
They both run to the stairwell.
They run down the stairs they stop at the landing below shiny looks through the door window and see's soldiers.
They keep heading down the stairs. they reach the bottom floor, Oreo slowly opens the door and looks both ways down the hall.
he motions for shiny to follow him they both quietly and quickly
Make their way down the hallway.

Shiny whispers "Oreo what are we looking for?"

Oreo,"the Captain".

Shiny gives Oero the look.

Shiny" I know that, but where are we looking to find him?"

Oreo,"not sure, But we'll know it when we see it".

Shiny, see's a service elevator, She steps inside and notices there is only one button with an arrow putting down.
She motions for Oreo to step in. She pushes the button.

Oreo,"what you do that for?"

Shiny." It was a button, so I pushed it."

The doors close to the elevator and it heads down.

Shiny glances over at Oreo.

The elevator stops and the doors open.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, January 3, 2009 8:32 AM


(El and Claire in Alliance facility)

Claire: The comms center is down that hallway.

(El looks around)

El: You go get a portable burst transmission radio. We wont have time to use it here, so grab it then we will make our way to the motor pool and hijack something.

Claire: what are you going to do?

El: I'm going to hold this position until you get back.

(El unslings two assault rifles, wishing he had his avenger rifle. Alliance feds start to pour around the corner. El unleashes a spray of lead at them.)

El: go!

(Claire takes off down the hallway. )

(El thinking): Our luck can't hold out much longer. I'm going to have to come back to this place and burn it to the ground.

(Elbarto is holding back the feds by laying down suppressive fire. His body is covered in burn marks from spent shells, and his hands are black from muzzle fire. Their is a pile of bullets at his feet. Suddenly a grenade lands at his feet. Elbarto kicks it back at the feds and it explodes sending shockwaves down the hall. Claire manages to grab the radio and make her way back to El.)

Claire: I got it! Lets go

El: Ok babe, you lead the way. They will be back on our tail in a few seconds.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Sunday, January 4, 2009 5:22 AM


THE BLUE HANDS continue to interrogate SHADOW:
"captain, do you know what this is?"

"i don't care a continental.
quit beatin' the devil around the stump
and get to your point.
is there one?
a point?
or are you just trying to put a bee in my bonnet?"

"this is a painful way to die.
captain, we know your real name, were you where raised, and much more about you and your crew.
now, were are THE TWINS?"

SHADOW starts to fall unconscious.

* E C H O I N G I N H I S H E A D *
" 'names OREO and trust me... i wanna tussle."

back on TRANQUILITY a message comes on screen from the cortex to an empty bridge.

"crew of TRANQUILITY, this is SENSEI OJIN.
are you receiving?
respond please."

* no response *

"i shall record this message. reply when you can.
we are still scanning for any signals from ELBARTO but nothing yet.
please update me on your status when you can.
OJIN out."

* outside the ship, on the lifeless, airless moon, O2 and KAT continue keeping their distance from TRANQUILITY just to be safe.
KAT is holding a space suit with something in it that she brought with them, when they left the ship... ADMIRAL the cat. *

"hows ADMIRAL doing?"

KAT: "looks o.k., they don't make suits for cats but it still works... lots of room to move at least." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009 4:32 AM


(The doors to the elevator open up reveiling a large room filled with aluminum gerney's. On top something is being covered with plastic sheeting. the only sound, is the sound of the monitors next to each continuiously beeping.)

Shiny- Oreo, where are we?

(Oreo stands silent looking at each gerney)

Oreo- I don't know...

(Suddenly a door at the far end of the room opens and in walks to two men carrying another between them. Shiny and oreo quickly duck behind a cluster of moniters.)

Man 1- Ok, set him up he here and strap down his arms.

Man 2- Right. I don't understand why they don't just kill this one.

(Man under 1 snaps at man 2)

Man 1- hey! Its not our job to question these guys. We do what we have to get paid. Thats it.

Man 2- yeah i know...

(the sound of a clipboard falling on the floor interrupts to the mysterious men.)

Man 2- what the hell was that?

(Oreo looks back shiny who is red in the face from embarressment for knocking over the clipboard)

Man 1- Who cares, probably a rat or something. ain't nothing in here but stiff. Lets go.

(Both men exist the room. as soon as the door is completely shut, both oreo and shiny let out a deep sigh of relief)

Shiny- I'm sorry oreo. My foot got caught up in all these wires.

(Oreo stands up)

Oreo- it's ok. we're still breathing. And so is that person down there.

(Shiny looks down thw way and then back at oreo)

shiny- You're not going to go check him out are you?

Oreo- why wouldn't I?

Shiny- If you didn't hear, we're in a room full of dead bodies.

(oreo looks around once more)

Oreo- they're all on life support. they're not dead.

(Oreo slowly makes his way over to the newly hostage person. With wide eyes oreo calls for shiny)

Oreo- Shiny! you better get over here!

(Shiny runs over and stops. Covering her mouth with both hands before uttering this single word)

Shiny- Captain...

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Friday, January 9, 2009 10:26 AM


Shiny stares at the Captain then looks at Oreo, she starts backing up.

Shiny :"Oreo what have they done to him?"

Shiny starts walking forward, she stops right beside the captain and whispers.

Shiny," Captain can you here me?

Shiny starts getting scared.

Shiny with a trembling voice," we need to get him out of her NOW!"

Shiny starts trying to get the captain off the table but he's too heavy for her to budge.

Shiny whispers loud and firm, Oreo, Help me, Please we can't leave him here!

Oreo and shiny start hearing the voices again.

Oreo pulls shiny down next to him and puts his hand over her mouth, Shiny looks at Oreo and he puts his finger to his lips motioning her to be silent. Shiny nods but can't stop the tear from falling from her eye.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, January 12, 2009 4:35 AM


(The door opens once again. this time two men with a flash lights shine them into the room. Satified that the room was clear, the door closes)

Shiny- Who were they?

Oreo- Watchmen. Guards. Sercurity. Who knows.

(Oreo stands up, shiny follows)

Shiny- why is this happening? They're taking us out one by one.

(Oreo sighs with grief)

Oreo- its what they do.

Shiny- Who? the Alliance?

(Oreo just stands, half thinking about shiny's questions and half thinking about how to escape)

(Shiny steps in front of oreo, place both her hands on his face.)

Shiny- Oreo, who?

Oreo- I don't remember.

(Shiny lowers her head so its resting on oreo's chest)

Shiny- You still can't remember everything can you. And we'll probably not make it out here so path can fix you.

(Suddenly shiny remembers about Path and the twins)

Shiny- Oh my god, we still have to get back to Path and the twins.

(Oreo picks up the captain and throws him over his shoulder, then he touches shiny lighty on her cheek.)

Oreo- Listen, this is going to be fast. Stay and front of me and don't stop running. Dong Ma?

(Shiny nods in approval)

(They make they're way to the door. Oreo place's a hand on the handle. Just before he opens the door shiny turns around and kisses Oreo)

Shiny- Okay. Now i'm ready.

(the door flings open the pair, along with the captain on oreo's shoulder take off running.)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.



Monday, January 12, 2009 1:55 PM


SHADOW starts to wake up from being bounced on OREOS shoulder while running.

SHADOW, groggily:
"is it christmas?"
"why's the floor movin'?"

* passes back out *

meanwhile, the ALLIANCE commandeers the 'maintenance' vehicle
that the TQ crew used to get to the ALLIANCE facility.
it's taken to a depot and dismantled. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Monday, January 12, 2009 5:24 PM



"TRANQUILITY, please respond......

* no response *

"Very well, when you receive this transmission, please relay this message to Shadowcaptain...
I, Sensei Ojin, have purchased the Firefly 'SERENITY' from the Fox Impound Ship Yard on Ariel,
by a secure cortex transaction.
I request that some of the crew of TRANQUILITY receive my purchase at the Shipyard,
and fly SERENITY back to Aquila, were I shall take possession of her.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009 3:13 PM


Shiny's in front of Oreo running fast.

Oreo shouts out "left", "straight", "then right".

Shiny's following his directions.

She's worried about the twins and Path, but more worried about the captain.

Shiny coms the ship, but no one answers.

She just keeps running.

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, January 15, 2009 10:13 AM


(Shiny shouts back to oreo)

Shiny-I can't get anyone to com me back from the ship.

(Oreo shouts back up to shiny)

Oreo- Gorramit girl! forget the ship for now. Com path and find make sure he and the twins are ok.

(Shiny coms Path)

****Coms path****

Path? Are you there?

****Ends com****

(seconds later path's voice comes through the speaker on shiny's com)


Yes, i'm still here. Where are you guys? did you get the captain?

****Ends com****

****Shiny coms****

Yes, we have the captain and we're making our way back towards you right now! Should be there within minutes so get the twins ready.

****endss com****

(Shiny and oreo increase their speed, darting in all directions still they finally meet- up with path who is waiting with the twins)

(Out of breathe shiny notices the twins sitting on the floor quietly and then looks over to path)

Shiny- they're alright.

Path- far from it. Just like Oreo i'm sure, they're awake and able to move about, but they are still far from alright.

(Oreo removes the captain and props him up against a wall.)

Oreo- You got anything that help him out. Think we may need him willing and able to run on his own two feet. Figure shiny and i might have stirred up quite the ruckus running through them hallways. Pretty it'll only be a matter of time still the halls are flooded with security.

(Shiny kneels by the twins and begins to pat them on theirs heads)

Shiny- We still can't get in contact with Kat or o2, so maybe it'd be a good idea to head back to the mule.

(Oreo folds his arms)

Oreo- I'm sure these guys have found the mule by now. might have moved it to a hangar or storage.

(shiny looks up at Oreo)

Shiny- well, its the only option we got.

(Path stands to his feet)

Path- I afraid she's right. I feel we've reached a point in this little escapade that leaves us no other alternatives but this one.

(Oreo looks at the group and sighs)

Oreo- Okay, but this is how it's going to work. I'll lead, shiny and the twins in the middle and path you bring up the rear. We ain't gonna have time to mess around got it.

(all nod in agreement)

Oreo- alright, just let me take a minute to find something i can use for a weapon and we're outta here.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.



Thursday, January 15, 2009 2:46 PM


(Elbarto and Claire making their way to the motor pool.)

El: Come on babe, they are right behind us.

(As if on cue, a bullet whizzes down they hallway and hits Claire in the thigh. El fires back and kills the attacker, but the damage is done.)

Claire: MY GOD. It hurts...It hurts.

El: Calm down! We don't have time for panic.

(El rips his shirt off and uses it to form a tourniquet around the wound.)

Claire: Just leave me. I'll only slow you down.

El: You know I wont do that. Now here, take this and keep them off of my back.

(El puts a fresh mag into the assault rifle and hands it to Claire. Then, hoists Claire over his left shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He pulls a pistol out of his pants with his right hand and starts running for all he's worth.)

(El and Claire make their way to the motor pool, El running and shooting, and Claire covering their rear. El, still moving, spots a dune rocket (a dune buggy modified with rocket boosters to cover greater distances in less time. Native to only desert planets, the Alliance uses them to travel between outposts) El tosses Claire in the passenger seat. He then takes the assault rifle from her and starts shooting at the other buggys, disabling them)

El: Keep your head down!

(Claire gets the engine started while El covers her. The buggy comes to life with a roar. El jumps over Claire and gets behind the wheel.)

El: This should be fun

(El hits the gas and they take off into the desert.)

*In The Command Center*

Private: Colonel the fugitives have stolen a dune rocket and are escaping into the desert.

Cole: Let them go for now.

Private: But Sir! They killed and wounded many personnel.

Cole: Private, never question my orders. There are greater plans at work here.

Cole:(to himself) I'll see you again Gideon.

(El and Claire in the desert)

El: I'm glad we found this small cave.

Claire:(Caressing her new bandages) I'm even more glad that buggy had a survival kit in it. About what happened back there.... How did you do it Gideon? You were crazy, like an animal.

El: Years of training, and years of battle experience.

Claire: Tell me about your past, how did you turn into such a killer?

El: Ask me later, and I will tell you everything. First things first. Get some sleep, I'll keep watch.

(El grabs the burst transmission radio and sends two transmissions, one to Traquility, and one to Sensei Ojin.)

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:36 PM


back on TRANQUILITY, O2 and KAT re-enter the ship when their space suits run low on oxygen.
they carefully remove the charge that was put in the engine by BADGERS AGENT.
then they go to the bridge and view the messages that were received while they were outside the ship.

"ELBARTO'S alive!"

"i'll try to get a lock on his signal."

then he tries to fire up the engines, but warning lights go on, across the console... no response from the engines.

"it's getting cold in here."

"yup, engines been powered down a long time.
let's go take a look at it. gee... woulda been nice to have a mechanic right now." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:49 PM


again SHADOW comes to,
still being carried by OREO.

as they pass room FF151,
they see PATHFINDER with the cart concealing the TWINS.

PATHFINDER whispering loudly:
"quickly, in here!"

he gestures to OREO, SHINY and SHADOW to enter room FF151.
they enter the room and close the door.

then, from behind them, they hear a noise... - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, January 17, 2009 12:42 AM


Oreo and Shiny stop moving when they hear a sound. Someone runs down the corridor, their footsteps echoing loudly. They stop, and heavy breathing is heard, just outside the room.

"Please, let me in. I really need your help, and I'm just about to help you."

The male voice sounds urgent and nervous. The person it belongs to looks like a normal, young doctor. He wears simple medical clothes and is clean and neat. He carries a black suitcase in one hand and a small electronic device in the other. He stands straight and lacks most expression, making him look very Alliance. Only his voice and his eyes give away his feelings.

Taking a deep breath, he presses a button on the device he holds. The top floors of the facility explode.

More explosions follow, then fire alarms, and the sounds of groaning metal. The top few floors are quickly and completely wrecked. The rest of the massive building feels the shock, but stays intact, it's design keeping it safe. Evacuation begins, many corridors becoming busy and confused.

The doctor outside room FF151 breathes out, feeling pure relief. He feels very little remorse, knowing the only inhabitants of the very top floors were terribly twisted men. His mission in the building is accomplished. The doctor pulls off his ID card and drops it, his medical career is over. His thoughts return to escaping, before the Alliance can discover and capture him.

Sounding more urgent than before, and a little more confident, he speaks toward the closed door, "I had to do what I just did. No innocent civilians have been killed, but a lot of evil, sick people have been stopped. We can escape in the confusion. I was informed of your movements throughout this facility, I know you're trying to get away too. Take me with you and I'll pay you very generously. I'm a doctor, I could also try and help your captain."


Saturday, January 17, 2009 1:44 AM


SHADOW hears his name and opens his eyes again:
"wubbu who? oh, right, we have to go now. hey... what's up doc?
yup you can come with us. you got a vehicle to get us out the back?
i'm guessin' they've found ours by now, plus yours is probably nice and comfy." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, January 17, 2009 11:01 AM


(oreo, shiny, path and the twins stand in shock. A mysteroius doctor just leveled the top floors of the building and the captian all of sudden awakens.Shiny looks at Oreo.)

Shiny- what do you think?

Oreo- Well until i can remeber some of the weirder stuff that has happened to me, this moment takes the cake.

(Storm and summer suddenly grab hold of shiny's hands tightly.)

Shiny- storm? Summer? whats wrong?

(the twins do not reply, they just stand close to shiny holding on tightly as if they were going to fall. starting to become uneasy with the whole situation speaks out)

Path- I feel, that even though the captain isn't quite in his right mind, he did give an order and we should follow it. anything to get out of this unforsaken place.

oreo- well you heard the man.

(Oreo breaks down the door, reveal, a young man, in plain, clean doctors attire)

Oreo- alright, i guess you're coming with.

Doc- Thank you. you shall not regret it. I promise you, you all will be paid and i also offer my medical services a well.

(Shiny glances over to path is starring at the young doc.)

Oreo- Do you know of any place we can find a gorramn ship? a skiff? anything?

Doc- There is an underground hangar underneath the facility. I'm positive you can procure a ship there.

(Oreo picks the captian up back onto his shoulder)

Oreo- okay, you lead. Any funny business and you're gonna wind up in a pine box. Dong Ma?!

(A look of uncertainty wipes onto the young doc face)

Doc-, I think?

Oreo-Good answer. Move It!

Doc- you have anger issue's don't you?

Oreo- move your ass...

(With the young doc leading the way, the group make their way towards the underground hangar)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.



Saturday, January 17, 2009 6:45 PM


The Doc is leading the way, shiny catches up to him. keeping pace with the Doc, shiny speaks...

"Thank you Doc for helping us, My names Shinyfrye, but everyone calls me Shiny".

The Doc looks at Shiny, "Is he always this pleasant to be around?" referring to Oreo

Shiny with a happy tone, "oh ya, he's always this way, that's our Oreo.

Oreo shout's. "Enough talking, keep moving".

Shiny turns around, and gives Oreo the "be nice" look.

The Capt mumbles something, the twins start crying.

Shiny thinking, I can't wait to get back on TQ.
"how much further Doc?"

Shiny also thinking.....OZ slang for Australia on earth that was. Wondering why that came to mind?

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, January 17, 2009 8:29 PM


TRANQUILITY sits, powerless, on the dark side of a small moon near ARIEL.


"Check life support at once. Hull temperature -280 degrees and falling. Cabin temperature 33 degrees and falling."


Mid-bulk Transport Standard Radion Accelerator core. 03-K64-FFF-00
ONLINE Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 19:50


Saturday, January 17, 2009 9:16 PM


"hey doc, get us to a com or a vehicle
that has one, dong ma?"

"...and OREO, put me down please. i'm not dead... not yet."

= M E N T A L ... E C H O I N G =

wulfric... doctor... suitcase... box... magic...

~~~ what did the blue hands team do to me? ~~~

liquids... spices... ginger...
saddle up sideways... knife in the back... always watching, never there... - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, January 18, 2009 7:06 AM


On Aquila, a garbled signal is received from the Dust Planet. Sensei Ojin analyzes the transmission.

"I believe this is from Elbarto. It has his 'fingerprints'.

Ojin sends a message to his spy network on Dust planet - The Desert Guild:

"Guild, please search for Tranquility crew member Elbarto. I recieved a broken transmission from him having the words
'cave', 'heavy fire' and 'escape' being the only audible words. Contact me with updates. He may assist you with operation REFLECTOR
[ the counter intel project to the secret underground Alliance base in the deep desert. ]

Ojin and his security team return to continue the interrogation of the traitor who planted the bomb on Tranquility
when she was docked on Aquila - the security guard who replaced Elbarto, when Elbarto left to join Tranquility.


Monday, January 19, 2009 6:48 AM


the DR. leads the group - SHADOW, SHINY, OREO, PATHFINDER, STORM, SUMMER and himself down a stairwell, to an elevator that accesses the underground parking area for the ALLIANCE employees.
DOC puts his IDENT CARD into the reader and the elevator takes them to the lowest level.
they exit the elevator and run to his hovercraft.
they pile into it, barely fitting in.

"yup, this won't look too suspicious."

the DOC drives towards the exit while SHADOW uses the 'COM to call TRANQUILITY.

"O2, KAT, you there?"

O2 answers:
"barely cap. we have life support failure - no power at all 'cept for communications. long story, with bombs and cats in it. our friend OJIN says he purchased a ship, SERENITY, from the FOX IMPOUND SHIPYARD for you to fly back to him. but...
here's an idea, since KAT and i will be all gross and corpsified soon, maybe you could stop here and pick us up on the way back to AQUILA? you sanguine with that?

"we gotta get to the SHIPYARD 1st, but we'll put a move on it, not that we're not already. hang tight and put a blanket on."

the hovercraft moves up to the ground level and starts gliding slowly away from the ALLIANCE facility, past many emergency vehicles making their way into the complex.

"nice distraction DOC, they didn't have time to notice that we were there... then the explosions.
we actually might have something go our way... shiny!"
"DOC, you look a little flushed, you o.k.?
you still with us?"

then a loud bang.


[message repeats in chinese ] - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 6:33 PM


the hovercraft heads towards the outskirts of ARIEL CITY, towards the FOX IMPOUND SHIPYARD, weighted down by the 7 people.
over the crafts 'com, the 7 hear a broadcast alerting the feds of DR. BANE being a suspect in the bombing and that his hovercraft
was seen leaving the area, heading west.
just then, they hear sirens in the distance but getting closer.

"they're on to us. lose them DOC."

the DOC's eyes are glazed.
the hovercraft begins to drift to the left, almost out of control.
SHADOW pulls him away from the controls and pilots the vehicle himself.
the DOC passes out.
the vehicle enters an area of abandoned buildings as the feds close in.
SHADOW takes the vehicle down the abandoned streets. in a zig-zag pattern, still heading for the SHIPYARD, now just a mile away.

"sounds like they're gaining on us."

"no visual yet CAP."

"CAPTAIN, i have an idea. i know of a safe house in this quadrant. the DOCTOR needs medical attention.
if you let me take him in the vehicle there, the rest of you can go to get SERENITY on foot. it's only a mile away.
i have a better chance to escape with only he and i in the vehicle.
plus, this will draw the feds away from you."

"we're not leaving without you."

"sir, it's our only chance. we'll never outrun the feds with 7 people on board. i'll catch up to you.
even if i don't, i know how to find you, wherever you are.
just go to the SHIPYARD and give me 5 hours. if i'm not at the SHIPYARD by then, leave without me, i'll find you."

SHADOW turns down a small street, RAVENWOOD ave.
and stops.

"o.k. PATH, you are right. take the craft and get help for the DOC. see you in 5 hours."

the group splits up and PATHFINDER speeds away towards the safehouse with the doctor still passed out.

the 5 remaining crew start running towards the SHIPYARD. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 7:24 PM


as the craft speeds away, OREO fires a flare down an alley way to draw the feds attention.
the decoy worked, as the feds turn down the alley to follow the sound.

"that should buy those pencil-necks some time."

"good thinking OREO. hey, were did you get that briefcase?"

"took it from the DOC while he was out."

"yup, that's our OREO."

the 5 continue running to the FOX IMPOUND SHIPYARD. they finally get there after almost an hour. STORM and SUMMER slowing their trek.

"ok, lets wait near the entrance for a spell. PATHFINDER and THE DOC still have 4 hrs to get here."

meanwhile, PATHFINDER pulls up to the safe house.
he pulls the DOC out and helps him to the entrance.
he knocks.
the door opens.
a man looks at the PATH, and then at DOC.

DOC looks up at the man groggily:

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Thursday, January 22, 2009 7:49 PM


"how much longer CAP?"

"3 hrs."

"ruttin' PATHFINDER"

OREO starts trying to open the briefcase that he took from the DOC.


"what? he's not here." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Friday, January 23, 2009 10:34 AM


(After a few moments of struggling with the case oreo throws it down onto the ground)

Oreo- ruttin piece of fei-oo.

(Captain chuckles out loud)

Captain- Wow, something "YOU" can't break into. Now i've seen everyting.

(shiny smiles at oreo who is kicking the briefcase around.)

Shiny- Honestly Oreo, I don't think that'll work.

(Oreo stops and looks back at shiny with a sheepish grin)

Oreo- I may not remember much anymore, but i do remember that something this hard to get into, must have something valuable in it.

(Shiny turns back to storm and summer who are playing an old hand game with each each other.)

Shiny- Remember who you took it from. It's probably full of medical supplies.

Oreo- yeah you're right.

(suddenly Oreo becomes very excited)

Oreo- hey, might fetch a handsome sum of scratch on one of the outer planets!

(The captain and shiny stare at Oreo in disbelief, not because of his idea, but because of the usual way oreo is attempting to open the case)

Captain- Serioulsy?! You're biting the briefcase?

Oreo- gotta try everything captain.

(Shiny try's holding back a smile)

Shiny(thinking to herself)- I've never seen Oreo like this. Almost child-like. Like a kid in a candy shop.

(Shiny fails at hiding her smile. suddenly the twins burst out laughing. their full attention trained on Oreo comedic attempts at trying to open the case. Frustrasted, oreo holds the briefcase in his hands, not knowing that the briefcase was backwards begins shouting)

Oreo- Gorramnit! Activate! Unlock! OPEN!....

(Suddenly the latches unlock and the breifcase opens instantly smacking Oreo in the face. Like in some old "earth that was" kid show oreo falls over backwards like a tree thats been chopped. Shiny runs over to oreo)

Shiny- Oreo! Are you okay?!

Oreo- I'd like to thank the academy for this wonderful trophy....and all the lights...that are...all bendy.....

Shiny- What?!

Captain- He'll be fine.

(The bends down and reaches into the caseand pulls out a piece of paper and a large think folder, filled with documents.)

Shiny- What is it captain?

(the captain opens the folder and begins reading)

Captain- it's looks like an alliance document, bout some new project called "Inner Reaper".

(Oreo finally sits up, trying to stop the stinging by rubbing his face.)


Captain- My thoughts exactly. We may have to ask the good doctor bout this when he gets back.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.



Friday, January 23, 2009 1:44 PM


"they have 2 hrs to get here. OREO, stay here with the TWINS."
"SHINY, come with me, we need to check in with the YARDMASTER to make sure everything is shiny.
also check out SERENITYS engine, make sure she's good to go."

"you 3 kids have fun!"

"OREO, don't lose anything in that briefcase."

the captain and mechanic of TRANQUILITY enter the FOX IMPOUND SHIPYARD to receive ownership of their sistership SERENITY. - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 11:54 AM


Shiny stands in awe admiring the beautiful ship.
She walks over to Serenity and place her hand gently on the side of the ship.

Shiny,"Captain, she's so Pretty".

She walks slowly around the ship taking in every detail. She can't stop smiling.

Captain,"Shiny,Ive never seen this happy."

Shiny turns her head and see's the biggest grin on Captains Face.

Shiny, " i can say the same about you."

Captain, "well, you ready to go in and take a look?"

Shiny, extends her arm in the towards the cargo bay door, "after you Captain."

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 3:56 PM


SHADOW and SHINY walk up the ramp and enter SERENITY.

"ok, lets make sure she's ready to roll before we get all fuzzy.
DOCKMASTER says he's releasing the landlock on her soon.
we have less than 1 hr to wait, then we leave to help O2 and KAT." - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Sunday, January 25, 2009 10:40 AM


"times up. SHINY, go get OREO and THE TWINS."

SHINY goes and gets OREO and THE TWINS.

"everybody strap in, we're taking off momentarily."

"here goes nothin'..."

[ new thread ] - TRANQUILITYS War Room [and Lounge] - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.






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