VFF Tranquility Part 14 ( The Phoenix Complex )

UPDATED: Saturday, December 10, 2011 02:58
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Friday, September 10, 2010 8:29 PM


Cammy-I got on when you stoped at the market it wasn't very hard most fireflys have a panel you can get in from.

Love Is Just A Chemical We Give It Meaning By Choise.


Saturday, September 11, 2010 4:53 AM


Many thoughts began to rush into the captains mind as he processed all the information...

How we got here...
Who is this stowaway...
What where Wisps real intentions...
Who set up the ambush...
Why was the get-away so easy...

...They (whoever 'they' are) are setting us up,
watching, to see where we go, what we do.

*Shadow snaps back to alertness and addresses the room.*

"Ok all, here's how it is...
we got new crew and we treat her as such 'til we have
reason to do differently.

Shiny, I need the status of Tranquility.
Is she 'space-worthy'?

Wash, keep us out of the Alliances' way, and try to monitor any other ships that may have broken atmo' after us.

Elbarto, check the ship for tracking devices.
I'm sure we left with a few 'presents' from whoever set us up.

Kat, as always, watch the twins. See if they know anything about this.

...And Oreo, are you copacetic?
'Cuz if'n you aint, I need to know that post haste. If everything is ducky with you then I need you to keep an eye on our guest.
If you ain't so shiny, you need to have Kat take a look at you.

Wisp, any ideas on why this is the way it is?" - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Sunday, September 12, 2010 4:22 PM


(oreo reappears through the galley door. the captain stares at him.)

Captain- Are-You-Shiny?

(a dizzy feeling of being unbalanced spreads through out oreo. He blinks a few times to try and regain his demeanor)

Captain- Oreo, im talkin to....

Oreo- Yeah, captain...I'm shiny. I'll watch her.

(cammy suddenly has a sinking feeling in her stomach. she blurts out on controllibly)

Cammy- NO! Not him! anybody but him!

Captain- well, you really don't have a say in the matter.

(Shiny, shoots a sinister grin towards cammy)

(Oreo takes in a deep and reaches and grabs cammy forecfully by the arm.)

Oreo- come on! to your feet! Lets go!

(The captain grabs oreo by the shoulder)

Captain- I hope you aint lookin for alittle pay back, cause like i said, she's crew til further notice and you're to treat her as such. Dong Ma?

Oreo- Xie-Xie... captain.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Sunday, September 12, 2010 11:20 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

“I've got about 18 theories on what the hell just happened but I need more Information before I start sharing any. I'm gonna go hit the wires and see If I can pick up some sort of trail. I’d appreciate If you could swing by my cabin in an hour or so, I've got a few scenarios I wanna pose to ya?”

Wisp excused himself from the table and headed to his quarters. His list of suspects was pretty long at the minute and he seriously needed to define his interests. He had until Shadow came by to have a few reasonable suspects. He also had to ascertain proof of his own innocence. He wasn’t the only person on board wanted by the Crimson Squad; Oreo had definitely been part of one of their experiments as had the twins. So where did he begin his investigation?

“Let’s start at the apex and work backwards” Wisp spoke to himself as he paced around his room “We were ambushed by a Crimson Squad assault team who had been tipped off about someone on tranquillity.” He pushed up a button on his computer and a screen was projected against one wall in a faint cyan. “Crimson Squad Ambush” He commanded whilst holding a little remote and the words appeared on the wall. “Now before that there was com chatter about sparrows picked up by the resistance. I Know from my research that particular call sign is in my file.” Another command and Wisps mug shot appeared next to the ambush with a link to his CS file. “Now the first conjecture how did they know I was there?” A short few commands later and Wisp has his list of suspects on the board all connected to him by little coloured lines.

“None of these have a direct connection to CS so they must have contacted them. Thats a good place to go from here. ‘Trace all Cortex logs From Silverhold to the CS mainframe’”. A loading bar appeared over the screen followed by ‘No results’. “So we can put the resistance and being spotted near the Phoenix complex on the backburner. Before We came here I was onboard ship so...” Another trace of the Cortex logs onboard turned up no results, although in a spate of paranoia Wisp did a more thorough check to see if any calls had been encrypted or bounced around. Again this was negative.

“So back one more step to Aquila” Wisp again ran his cortex check but this time was rewarded with a Big Red result to the CS information office. “So the guilty party left the ship on Aquila...” Wisp now sat down at the computer trying to get hold of the incriminating call but to no avail. A mixture of time and encryption prevented it from being accessed. But now he had leads to tell the captain and worse than that; he had suspects.


Saturday, September 18, 2010 10:42 AM


Shadow finished up in the galley and headed to Wisps room to see what he had to say.

If Wisp set us up, why would he have come back on board?
A bunch of other questions kept running through Shadows mind as he reached Wisps room and knocked on the door... - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]

Crew Ident Cards:


Sunday, September 19, 2010 8:35 PM


(Elbarto gets his orders and leaves the galley. One his way out he scans the entire room, looking at the people he regards as his kin, and a couple new faces)

(Thinking) Looks like we're one big dysfunctional family. The fact that that girl cowering in the corner bested Oreo is quite funny. I've seen enough to know that people are capable of anything, nothing really surprises me anymore...

Elbarto checks the ship for tracking devices, looking in places that he would hide them. He finds 3 such devices and realizes that there are probably more on the hull. After he destroys the devices he heads to the cargo bay to run through some forms, feeling very content and happy, if a word could be used to describe El.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010 12:15 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

“Come in” Wisp replied to the knock. Shadow entered the room with some trepidation about the exchange that was to follow “You might wanna close that door behind you” Shadow obliged as his eyes were drawn to Wisps information wall now bristling with photos, texts and links with lines connecting articles that related to similar theories.

“You’ve been busy” The Captain exclaimed perusing certain features “You any closer to finding out why things are?”

“I am. I started out with what we know and I’ve tried to trace it back. Going from what the resistance said I checked some com logs and sure enough there was some chatter about sparrows” Wisp pressed an icon on his wall and a Communicae played:

“The sparrow has been spotted leaving the nest with 3 ducklings. Bees swarming”

“Now I know from my File that ‘Sparrow’ is one of the codeword that’s been used on me. So I’m reasonably certain that the attack was aimed at myself.”

“You warned us you had some trouble with the Alliance when you came aboard. We all got away from this one in one piece so you shouldn’t worry” Shadow offered.

“Thats not what I'm getting at Captain” Wisp replied with an extra sting on the word ‘Captain’ “What I'm getting at is that I've been a ghost for the past 3 years flying all over the verse and not once has the Crimson Squad got anywhere near my ass. Then suddenly within a choir boys wink of me coming on board your ship I nearly get my ass shot off in a fire fight”

“I don’t really care for what your insinuating there” Shadows hand drifted slowly towards his firearm. Not directly placing his hand upon it but most definitely adopting a quick draw pose.

“There's no insinuation about it. I checked the com records for Aquila where we landed to drop of those people you rescued.” Wisp pressed another button and the com log appeared “One call made not long after we’d landed to CS information line. I've been trying to get hold of the call but its too heavily encrypted and too far away. I do know it was made before I left the ship to help out Oreo in that bar. So the long and short of it runs like this: Someone turned me over to the authorities. Someone who was on this ship when we landed in Aquila. So maybe it was one of those people we rescued who recognised who I was, or...” Wisp let a pause hand in the air “It was someone who’s part of your crew who screwed me over”

Both men stood a moment with defiant glares. Both in quick draw poses.


Saturday, September 25, 2010 7:36 AM


( in a bunk, cammy is laying down on the bed crawled up as far in the corner as she can get. Oreo stands on the other side of the room sweating rolling down his face)

Cammy- i'm sorry for hurting you.

(a grimace expression rolls over oreo's face)

Cammy- it's just scared me. i thought you were going to kill me...

Oreo- I was.

(An uneasy feeling snakes its way through cammy's mind. Long, unforgiving silent moments pass.)

Cammy- Is it true? are you one of them?

Oreo- what are you talkin bout? course im part of the crew you daft girl.

(cammy sits up.)

Cammy- No, i mean are you one, o them. a reaver?

(Oreo unfolds his arms and moves towards cammy, kneeling down in front of her)

Oreo- you don't want to go down this road with me girl. you don't know me. you don't want to me.

(cammy stares into Oreo's eyes.)

Cammy- are..are you ever scared? whe..when you...change.

(cammy slowly reaches out to touch Oreo's face, but Oreo's intercepts her hand midway and clutches her hand tightly in his.)

Oreo- What are you doing?

(Cammy yanks her hand back and crawls her legs up to her chest)

Cammy- I'm sorry, i...I just... i don't know.

(Oreo stands up and heads toward the bunk room ladder.)

Cammy- where ae you going?

(Oreo places a hands on the rung of the ladder and begins hoisting himself up)

Oreo- Captain says you're crew for now. So, you can watch yourself.

(cammy watches as oreo disappears up the ladder and out of sight)

Cammy- Oreo...

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Saturday, September 25, 2010 7:37 AM


( in a bunk, cammy is laying down on the bed crawled up as far in the corner as she can get. Oreo stands on the other side of the room sweating rolling down his face)

Cammy- i'm sorry for hurting you.

(a grimace expression rolls over oreo's face)

Cammy- it's just scared me. i thought you were going to kill me...

Oreo- I was.

(An uneasy feeling snakes its way through cammy's mind. Long, unforgiving silent moments pass.)

Cammy- Is it true? are you one of them?

Oreo- what are you talkin bout? course im part of the crew you daft girl.

(cammy sits up.)

Cammy- No, i mean are you one, o them. a reaver?

(Oreo unfolds his arms and moves towards cammy, kneeling down in front of her)

Oreo- you don't want to go down this road with me girl. you don't know me. you don't want to me.

(cammy stares into Oreo's eyes.)

Cammy- are..are you ever scared? whe..when you...change.

(cammy slowly reaches out to touch Oreo's face, but Oreo's intercepts her hand midway and clutches her hand tightly in his.)

Oreo- What are you doing?

(Cammy yanks her hand back and crawls her legs up to her chest)

Cammy- I'm sorry, i...I just... i don't know.

(Oreo stands up and heads toward the bunk room ladder.)

Cammy- where ae you going?

(Oreo places a hands on the rung of the ladder and begins hoisting himself up)

Oreo- Captain says you're crew for now. So, you can watch yourself.

(cammy watches as oreo disappears up the ladder and out of sight)

Cammy- Oreo...

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:27 PM


Cammy wait a few minutes rubbing her scar in thought.after a while she climbs the latter and heads to the Cargo bay maybe she can find a new hiding spot while the crew calms down about her.

Love Is Just A Chemical We Give It Meaning By Choise.


Friday, October 15, 2010 5:03 PM


As the 2 men stood face to face a loud bang came from the engine room.
A moment later the ship went dark.
The emergency lights turned on, giving the ship an eerie low lit glow.

"Looks like we'll have to shoot each other later." - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]


Crew Ident Cards:


Thursday, October 21, 2010 3:10 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Both men charge from Wisps cabin towards the engine room, the Captain leading the way. Approaching the engine room they see no fire but a plume of grey smoke whirling over the reactor.

Placing both hands on either side of the door Shadow peers inside poking his head round both sides. “Wheres Shiny?” he shouts.

“Probably on the way” Wisp mutters as he forces himself under the Captains arms. “It seems somethings bust though and I think we should get it out of the engine before it catches fire.” Grabbing a flashlight off the ground nearby Wisp moves over to the engine in the center and begins spinning it so he can reach the smoking lump of machinery. “Gimme a hand here its stuck”

Wisp puts the flashlight in his mouth and the two of them manage to get the part free and the valves that connect it sealed off. Placing the part on the floor Wisp shines the flashlight on it.

“Im not sure what it does but I can see whats wrong.” Wisp points to a split pipe covered in blue fluid “That coolant pipe is sheared. Could be an accident or you know…sabotage”

The Captain grabs Wisp shoulder and throws him up against the smoldering engine block. In the same fluid moment he draws his weapon and places it underneath Wisps chin.
“Look Here. Ive said this once and I’ll say it only once more. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY on my ship sold you out and Nobody sabotaged this engine. If you ever so much as insinuate that theres a traitor on board again I will end you in a moment. I don’t care how you’ve helped us out you better learn to trust this crew or you get off the next port we cross. Understand?”

It was just at that moment Shiny came running down the corridor “Whats happened to the eng…” She stops at the door eyes flickering between the smoking engine and the gun placed beneath Wisps chin.

“That part there” Wisp nods his head very gently towards the floor where it sat “Coolant pipes bust. This is a little misunderstanding. I was just apologising for it to the Captain.” His eyes looked towards the captain in silent submission

Lowering his gun “Yea. Misunderstanding. What’s wrong with my ship Shiny?”


Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:27 AM


Shadow waits for Shiny's diagnosis.
As Shiny walks over to inspect the smokey engine,
Shadow walks over to a corner, leans against the wall and slowly slides down to a sitting position on the floor.

Ever since they put that micro chip in me back on Dust Planet I can't stop having these blackouts and weird dreams.

*drops off to a short uneasy sleep against the wall.* - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]


Crew Ident Cards:


Wednesday, November 10, 2010 6:22 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

A light fog rolled through the tree line under an otherwise cloudless night. Millions of stars twinkled incandescently beside the two moons of white and grey light. In a break from the forest a roughly square compound sat fenced off, poorly constructed wooden guard towers stood manned at its corners. Lighting in the base was minimal as the archaic generator was already struggling keeping basic functions operational. Freezing guards leant in each tower kept awake by dreams of fires and warm beds, rifles stood lazily beside them. Again to save power there were no radios, the guards communicated by sonic cabling running between the towers. Occasionally brief snippets of conversation or dirty jokes would spread between them but overall they stood in silence.
In the centre of the garrison stood an old abandoned church with a new concrete bunker hastily attached to the side. The classic earth-that-was gothic architecture juxtaposed with an ugly block of shapeless grey rock. A series of radar dishes and antenna littered the roof of the newer building rotating lazily in the twilight.

Unbeknownst to the entire base a group of shadows skulked through the trees.

A hand was held up in the Mist and three men huddled to a stop beside a lumbering oak. “Stand by here for Rendezvous with Spacers team”
“Up here boss” Came a whisper from above. All three men swung their rifle skyward as they jumped of shock.
“Jesus Spacer! Do you want me to shoot your ass off? Christ you’re like a Wisp of smoke up there. Where’s the rest of your squad?”
Spacer tapped a log against the tree trunk and two more men dropped from neighbouring trees and joined the group. “All present Sir” Snapping off a perfect geometrical salute.

“The Snipers in your team isn’t he?” the group leader asked Spacer, a clear tone of disdain in his voice.
“That would be me sir. Hence the tree.” He replied with a boyish grin.
“Well Mr Wisp. We’re going to head to the edge of the tree line, when we get there we’ll give you the signal. How many guards have you spotted and how long will it take you to remove em?”
“The only guards we’ve spotted are in the towers. Four of em. I've been taking ranges and I can take em all out in eight seconds.”
“Spacer I've got no time for macho shit. Its Night they’re at least 400 yards away not backlit with a separation of 200 yards between each target. You can’t take em out in eight seconds.”
“Oh well if you say so Sir I’ll make it last a minute”
“Fine whatever Signal when you’re done. And this is going in my debriefing report. Ok team move out” As the group moved out a distinct mutter was heard insinuating very unpleasant things about Wisp.

A brief time passed as the squad stalked through the woodland. Wisp took up his Rifle and practised his four shots at the guard towers. The range was great, and the elevation was uneven, and it was dark, and his four targets were spread out. But Wisp was the best damn infiltration agent in the whole Ariel Youth Military Academy, this was child’s play. Lining up on his first target his headset muttered the word “Go”. In a lightning succession four pops rang out into the darkness. “You were right sir. It only took six seconds”
A grumble followed over the comm. And Wisp watched through his scope as the group entered the church. The target was a terrorist cell that had been hitting troop transports in the area, however recon reported that civilians were present on the base so an airstrike wasn’t possible. Instead a commando squad was sent in to exterminate the terrorists whilst leaving the civilians unharmed. Very difficult high end mission. Just the way he liked it.

Wisp watched as the team exited the building and checked his chrono. Three minutes. The outline was for at least eight. Was the squad leader getting back at Wisp for his display earlier? Pretty damn risky doing a whole infiltration in three minutes, or pretty sloppy. Wisp dropped from the tree and joined the convoy as it headed past.
“Everything go to plan?” He asked as they headed through the trees.
“Slight change. Tell you at the extraction.”

It took around fifteen minutes to reach the extraction zone. When they did the group leader looked at one of his men and said “Charges now”
“Wait...” Wisp interjected “Charges? What Cha...” an explosion erupted from the compound they were just at followed by a series of secondary blasts. Wisp felt the heat on his face as the simulation disappeared from around his eyes and he reappeared in the training room. He immediately took off his neural interfaces without wating for the techs and grabbed hold of the group leader by the collar.

“What the hell were you thinking! There were civilians in that base. Women and children! Which is precisely why we DIDNT just blow it to hell from low orbit!”
The group leader pushed him away groggy from the simulation interface and the barrage of questions. “When we got inside there was a much bigger weapon stockpile than recon told us there would be. I had to wonder if the rest of the recon was accurate, so I made a judgement call and saved my team.”
“You saved your own cowardly ass more likely! What if this had been a real drop? Would you still be so gung-ho at murdering dozens of innocent women and children?”

“That’s enough Spacer” boomed a voice from the doorway. A greying general stood perfectly at ease frowning down at the pair of them. “Come join me for a walk. The rest of you I’ll see you at debriefing.”

Wisp fuming with rage followed the General into the corridor and began walking with him. Nothing was spoken until they reached the outer doors to the campus. The training building was located down a woodland path similar to the planet Wisp had just seen himself on. Apparently this was to help the trainee assume the artificial reality. All it helped Wisp do in his experience was remind him how artificial the realities really were.
“I'm sorry about that outburst in there sir, But if that had been a real combat drop then he would have just killed dozens of innocent people to save himself some work”

“Actually” replied the general, his voice much calmer now “was save himself some risk. It’s not the same thing Spacer.”

“But were going to be commandos. Risk is what we do. Its better us risk our lives than innocents die needlessly”

“That’s a great ideal Spacer but there are a lot of people out there who hate the alliance and won’t hesitate to kill you no matter what your intentions are. That training scenario is designed to make the team leader make a choice. I'm not saying he made the best choice but it certainly wasn’t the WRONG choice.”

Wisp went to speak but stopped considering his words “But it wasn’t right sir”

The general stopped and turned to Wisp. “Right and wrong aren’t our call to make. Your heart thinks what’s right and wrong. A soldier thinks with his head. You’re going to be a great officer one day Spacer. Hell I watched you take out those four guards and I can easily place you in the top ten snipers in the whole alliance military. But you need to stop letting your view of right and wrong get in the way. If you keep thinking with your heart you’re going to find yourself in trouble one day”

“ I don’t know If I can sir”

Wisp pulled himself away from his flashback. He’d been Fifteen when the General had told him those words. That was seven years ago. It was about then he’d decided that the military was not his calling and decided to escape into the big wide world. But no matter which path he’d taken, here he was. And after thinking with his heart he was in trouble.

A voice over the intercom shattered his memories. “Captain” It was Pilotwash from the cockpit. “Just picked up an alliance troop transport heading our way. It’s not coming too fast but we’ll be in trouble if we don’t get those engines going soon.”

‘Yeah’ Wisp thought to himself ‘Big Trouble’


Friday, November 19, 2010 7:14 AM


Shadow was awakened by the sound of Wash's voice on the 'com.

"Shiny, if you can't get us up and running soon, we may have to 'go dark' and play dead."

"Wisp, if you're gonna draw your weapon on someone make a choice - Me, or whoever is in that shuttle."

"Wash, shut down all non-essential systems..."

Tranquility begins to lists lazily to the left. - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]


Crew Ident Cards:


Thursday, November 25, 2010 2:24 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

“Okay Shiny do what you can for the engines in the meanwhile we’ll get ready to be boarded. Captain round up Oreo and Elbarto and anyone else on board who can hold a gun. I’ll head down to the cargo bay and start rearranging crates. I think Ive got a few toys that might come in handy.”

Time passed quickly as everyone prepared for the assault. PilotWash would regularly give updates on the Alliance vessel time to intercept. The battlefield was prepared to give cover opposite the entrance ramp on all sides. Wisp had placed boxes on either side of the door to funnel the boarding party in a straight line directly opposite where he would be sat with a sniper rifle. The next part of the gauntlet was a tangle web set at the tip of his funnel. The tangle web was a simple device that created an unusual and unexpected antigravity field, this caused anyone passing through to trip or stumble. The web coincided with a small automated defence drone that Wisp had salvaged from his ship that had this area set as its kill zone. After that three bunkers were spaced around the hold to provide maximum arc of fire from the Captain, Oreo and Elbarto.

The overall effect would be deadly on anyone stupid enough to board, however would t be enough? The best case scenario would still be to be able to run away faster than they could catch up…


Thursday, November 25, 2010 9:01 PM


After The Power Goes Out Cammy Flumbles Around Waiting For Her Eyes To Ajust.

She Smiles Slightly Back In Her Realm Darkness...

Cammy Runs To The Cargo Bay, Reaching In Her Sleave She Pullls Out One Half Of A Split pair of Scissors.

Love Is Just A Chemical We Give It Meaning By Choise.


Friday, November 26, 2010 5:57 AM



"Looks like we ain't fixin' the engine in time.
Prepare for a fight. Wash, keep us dark until the last moment." - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]


Crew Ident Cards:


Monday, November 29, 2010 4:09 PM


As Elbarto waits in the darkness he thinks about Wisp. He has some new found respect for the man who was able to set up this ambush with minimal time. He realizes that Wisp must have some extreme combat experience. Over the intercom, wash announces that the ship is almost upon them. He hears the other crew members tensing while he stands as still as a statue leaning against the hull behind his crate. He notices that Wisp prefers to use that sniper rifle of his. El has always preferred close quarters combat himself.

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010 8:46 AM


Shiny wipes sweat out of her eyes as she pulls her wrench as hard as her hands would allow. She usually works good under pressure
but this time she's a little more anxious than usual.
Shiny steps back from the engine....nothing... "dammit" shiny throws the wrench down.
Whether it being the force of the wrench hitting the ground or pure luck the engine starts.. shiny cracks a smile "music to my ears"
Shiny comms wash. "we're good to go".

...Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Thursday, December 2, 2010 4:09 PM


(Oreo straps on a few extra guns to his hip)

Oreo- This dont ever get old.

(Elbarto shouts over to oreo)


(Oreo flips el off and continues to check his gear and wait)

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Friday, December 3, 2010 1:30 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

The Tranquillity’s engines purred to life to the crew’s great relief but it was unfortunately minutes too late. The troop transport was too close and had the advantage of momentum on the nimble firefly. They simply lacked the acceleration to run from the charging alliance vessel. PilotWash announced all this over the intercom to the assembled warriors in the cargo bay. A moments silence passed as the intercom crackled silent as each person there made peace with their own private maker.

“Ok Listen up Gents.” Wisp exited his cover and stood in the centre of the bay at the very heart of every arc of fire. “This here is the Kill box.” He traced out a hastily taped box on the floor. “Don't shoot till they get into the box and don’t let them leave it. If you’re getting up close and personal don’t stand in the box or you’re liable to attract some friendly fire.

“I'm not gonna dress this up in candy ‘cos we’ve all been here before. They likely outnumber us and might have some bigger guns. However we’ve got the home ground advantage. They’re gonna walk in here expecting us all to be pissing our pants and instead they’re walking into a world of pain. If we can hold them off long enough to get a break in their lines we can throw down the engines and they’ll never catch us. But we’ve got to get em to stop first then break em. You don’t need telling how to handle your own Gosa but this ain’t gonna be rosy. Good luck”

Wisp returned to his cover as the clunk of a docking seal vibrated through the deck. Shadow shouted through the room in a distinctive Military tone. “MEN, TAKE ARMS” And so they gripped their rifles, pistols, and blades and looked into the jaws of hell itself.


Saturday, December 18, 2010 3:23 PM


* thinking *
the suspense is killing me.

Shadow loads his weapon and hides a small envelope in a hidden panel. - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]


Crew Ident Cards:


Thursday, December 23, 2010 4:40 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

The start of any ambush always feels the same way. The rush of adrenaline hits you just like a drug, sets your veins on fire, and makes your stomach squeeze and churn. Time slows down so the space between heart beats feels like a lifetime. As the first target enters your cross hairs you want to take that first shot the timing be damned. It takes the patience of a saint and the courage of a lion to hold your nerve, to wait for the perfect moment before making your strike. This encounter was no different than any of the others.

The airlock hissed open and a team of soldiers began heading down the gauntlet Wisp had set up. When the first one was in the centre of his kill box Wisp placed a round straight through his left eye. In an instant all hell broke loose as weapons on all sides’ roared steel fire into the six man Alliance team. The battle lasted a matter of seconds before all the attacking men lay bleeding on the floor and the hatch sealed again.

“Get these bodies cleared” Shouted Shadow and the team moved quickly to shift the pile of dead soldiers dragging them to the back of the cargo bay.

“Captain this one’s alive” Oreo stood holding a young man bleeding from the abdomen. “What do we do with him?”

“Drop him by the airlock. They can pick him up on their next wave.”

“Captain” Shiny stood at the back of the cargo bay near the living space “Do you want me to disengage and make a run for it yet?”

“Not yet. They’ll be expecting that at this junction. We need to wait till their off guard. Have it ready though.”

Wisp dropped the body he’d been carrying and walked over to Shiny. “How you holding up? Your face tells me this is your first intense fire fight”


Monday, December 27, 2010 9:47 PM


As oreo passes by,he hears wisp asking shiny if she is okay. Oreo cracks a smile.

Oreo- boy, you don't even know. Our little shiny here is quite the fighter. She risked her neck to pull my rutting backside out of a reaver infested camp almost a year ago.

Wisp looks at shiny with extreme interest.

Shiny- you can shut up now, oreo!

Oreo stops and turns.

Oreo- what?! Its true ain't it? Don't tell me you're gettin flushed. Aught to stand up Android be proud bout what you done. Mean, fightin them reavers, long way from fixes engines and screwin nuts and bolts and like.

Shiny turns and storms off. Leaving wisp and oreo behind.

Wisp- my friend,I truly think you don't know when to...stop.

Oreo drops the body and faces off with wisp.

Oreo- if I were you, id watch what you say to. Sides, I was only speaking the truth. Hell, I was prasing her. It was a damn heroic thing she done.

Wisp begins shaking his head in disgust.

Wisp- when are you going to realize? She isn't you. She isn't some brute thing that has no feelings.such as yourself. she doesn't See killing as some sport or game. She's human.You rutting idiot,just like the rest of us.

Oreo- I'm. Human.

Wisp- No. You not. You're. ..a monster. A product. A weapon dreamed up by some demented alliance mind. And now, here you are. But for what purpose? Hmm? It's not to try and regain any little bit of humanity that may still be in that murderous body of yours. No. It's not you trying to find a cure so you can end this nightmare you have sucked us all into. So, what is it? What is your true purpose? Could be that, you're no better then the alliance? Drunk with this awesome power that has been given to you? Fighting for your own causes and forgetting those that have put more then just their life on the line! Or are you just scared? and your transfromation is your only means of hiding that fear? You forgotten what its like to be human, let alone a man or a friend or someome that could be trusted.

Wisp turns and walks away,leaving oreo alone with his thoughts.

(Oreo whispers to himself)

Oreo- am I really a monster?

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010 1:07 PM


El:(After hearing what wisp said unseen) You may be........but I've had worse allies than you. You are good in a fight and that counts for more than most in this 'verse. So you can get all touchy feely if you want or you can put on your big boy pants and kick some Alliance ass. Feelings have no place on the battlefield. Just remember what you are doing and why you are doing it. People you care about will get hurt along the way, but sometimes the destination is more important than the journey.

( El walks away leaving Oreo to contemplate what he just said)

When you can't run you crawl. When you can't do know the rest.


Saturday, January 1, 2011 11:39 PM


After The Shock Of The Swift Battle Cammy Calms Her Self.She Helps Move The Bodies But Seems Distant The Whole Time. Often Losing Her Train Of Thought Watching Shiny Storm Off Or El Trying To Make Oreo Feel Better. Everything Seemed To Distract Her...

Love Is Just A Chemical We Give It Meaning By Choise.


Sunday, January 2, 2011 5:30 AM


As Wisp and Oreo exchange words, one of the bodies on the floor begins to move slightly, almost undetectably.
The soldier stealthfully angles his weapon and trains it on the back of Wisps head.
His finger touches the trigger and.....
Shadow sees this movement and, in a quick-draw motion, fires a bullet through the soldiers head. - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]


Crew Ident Cards:


Sunday, January 2, 2011 1:39 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Feeling a little Guilty for his harsh words Wisp returns to Oreo.

"Look sorry for blowing up there a little bit, but me and you see Death Differently. See I hate it, I hate killing, I hate fighting and I hate people dying on my head. Cos you see Everyone who dies here lies on my soul. This Ship and every person on board it would be nowhere near Silverhold If I hadn't gone looking for my Friend. And even if you did that Alliance ship would have no reason to follow you here. So look around. Look at every dead man on this deck. I Killed them, Wether I pulled the trigger or somebody else did I was the one that got them killed. And I know their Alliance and they would have killed me if they got the chance but It doesn't make it any better. They still had Mothers and Fathers, Probably had Wives, maybe even Children. What if those kids are orphans now because of me? What If I just took away the last person they had in the world? And hell what If a stray bullet had hit Shiny back there? I think of these things every time I draw my weapon. Who's going to die? Will I get someone Innocent Killed?

You know what Im gonna do when this is all over? Im gonna get ID's off every man lying cold on this floor and I'm gonna pray for em. Hell I don't believe in some superpowered God going round dishing out fate. But they might, and I've taken away that right from them. So the least I can Gorram do is make sure they get the treatment they deserve."

A shot rings out and both men turn to see The captain holding a smoking gun.

"So I get it that life means nothing for you, And you think of much about killing a man as you do about taking a Gosa but the rest of us have our consciences to think about when we sleep at night. And I sure as hell wanna keep the blood off mine"


Thursday, January 6, 2011 3:38 PM


(Oreo picks up the body that is lying at his feet and continues toward the airlock. rage, streaming through out his body, but not the typical rage that you normally would succumb to. This rage was different. sort of new to his senses. Almost, fear related.
ared. So many different thoughts rushing through his mind, none of which made any sense to him. As he finished dumping the body, he turns to see Cammy, just standing there. almost, as if lost in absolute thought. Oreo, tries to divert his eyes, but your her whole manner memersized him. slowly, seconds turned to minutes.
What could she thinking about? Why was she even here on this ship? Slowly, Oreo snaps back to reality, at the sound of El, being, well, El. Oreo shouts over to cammy.)

Oreo- HEY!!

(Cammy quickly directions her attention to Oreo)

Oreo- We don't get paid to stand around gawking into nothing you know!

(Cammy, lowers her head as if she were a child being scolding by your parent.Oreo, see's this and suddenly becomes sympathetic)

Oreo- Hey, look now. i didn't mean to make a fuss. But, we got work need be done. and the quicker we...

Cammy- I'm sorry.

Oreo- well, you ain't got nothin to be sorry for. ah-hum, if you need...ah...(coughs)...if you need help with anything you let me know.

(Cammy lifts her need back up and looks at oreo with slight confusion.)

Cammy- Wha...

Oreo- I'll be up top movin somethings if you need me. just holler.

(Oreo turns and walks away)

Cammy-...who are you?

(thoughts race through Oreo's mind one by one, until one finally sticks out.)

Oreo- i still need to find that cure or else i ain't gonna be around to much longer. Need to find kat and see bout plannin our next move.

(Oreo rubs his temples and lets out a deep sigh, when a noise from behind causes him to whip around to see Cammy standing there.)

Oreo- What?! What do you want?

(cammy shyly and sliently reply's)

Cammy- Are...are you dying?

Oreo- whats it matter to you?

(cammy hangs her head lower then she had before.)

Cammy- I don't want you to die. I don't want anybody to die.

Oreo- Girl, you don't even know me. Sides, thats life. You're born to live and then you live to die.

(cammy looks up at oreo, with tears in her eyes)

Cammy- is that what you think?

Oreo- Well, I...well, yeah! it's the truth ain't it. I mean, what else is there?

(With a puppy dog look in her eyes, still filled with tears.)

Cammy- Are you leaving?

Oreo- not thats its any of your business, but yeah. i am.

Cammy- Can i come?

Oreo- can you...come?! What are you? Insane? You're just some kid. Where im goin, could run into some imminent danger or somethin.

(cammy throws her hands down by herside and with her eyes closed and tears runnin down her face, shouts)

Cammy- I'm not just some kid! I can help! I can help you! Please!

(Shocked and somewhat amazed, oreo stares at cammy for a moment before saying anything)

Oreo- ...No!

(Oreo walks away, leaving cammy, with tears still streaming donw her cheeks.)

Cammy (soft voice)- I can help you. i will help you. you won't have to die.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Sunday, January 16, 2011 8:52 AM


cammy walks off hanging her head she climbs up on the cat walk and sits on the bar she sings in a whisper
"Down by the reeds
Down by the reeds
Swim the Sirens of Oakvale
Out to the seas

Down by the reeds
Down by the reeds
Float the souls left unbroken
By white balverines

Down by the reeds
Night blooming weeds
Embrace those who go dancing
In sad moonlit dreams

Down by the reeds
A twisted path leads
To banshees who breathe out
A cold winter's breeze

Nobody knows
Nobody sees
The Sirens of Oakvale
Down by the reeds"

Love Is Just A Chemical We Give It Meaning By Choise.


Monday, January 31, 2011 3:49 PM


(Oreo climbs down into his bunk quarters and quickly retrieves a black duffle bag. He places it atop his bed and unzips it. He lets out a short sigh, before pulling down the purple and green blanket that is hiding his mass array of weaponary.)

Oreo- if im gonna go, tonight is as good as any. er'ybody should be sleepin soon nuff. then i can slip into one of the shuttle and be long gone fer any of them even notice.

(Oreo begins to stuff his bag full of pistols, rifles, bombs, grenades, knives and so on. Hours later, late, after everyone is asleep, Oreo climbs his bunk ladder to the cat walk and makes his way to the shuttle.)

Oreo- Gonna miss this old heap, ah! I'll be back soon nuff. Still, Been awhile since ive left it. gonna feel weird when im gone.

(oreo pushes a button that activates the shuttle door. A high pitched sounds emitts as the door opens. Once open, oreo quickly makes his way to the control panel ande begins prep for launch. Suddenly, he stops and with out even turning around call out to the figure behind him)

Oreo- You're not coming.

(The dark figure steps out from the shadows)

Cammy- I'm coming! please! I can help you!

(Oreo turns around to her)

Oreo- Why should i bring you with me?

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011 4:57 PM


Cammy smiles softly
Cammy- I didn't kill you.

Love Is Just A Chemical We Give It Meaning By Choise.


Thursday, February 3, 2011 1:31 PM


(Oreo stammers)

Oreo-'t. and anyways...WE could run into some iminent danger! Alliance, bad people, Guns and the like. Who's gonna protect you?

(A sheepish grin slide across cammy's face)

Cammy- You?

Oreo- Me!? I don't know what you got goin in that head of your's girl. but , i ain't got no time to be playin at being nobodies body guard.

(cammy hangs her head. Oreo caresses the bridge of his nose between his fingers and lets out a sigh)

Oreo- Buckle in. We leave in five.

(instantly cammy begins jumping up and down out of excitment and then dashes to the second pilots chairs and begins to buckle herself in.)

Oreo- What am i doing? i wasn't gonna bring kat, AND she knows how to take care of herself. What am i doing?

(Oreo lowers himself into his chair. cammy turns to him)

Cammy- this is going to be fun!

(Oreo gives cammy a sour look, but she continues to give oreo a big smile. Oreo, finishes his prep and prepares to launch. Within minutes, the detacts from Tranquility and then off into the black.)

cammy- where are we going?

(Oreo pushes a couples buttons, and finishes setting their destination)

Oreo- Going to find a couple of friends of mine. then we go back to the begining.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011 3:37 AM


Shadow watches the shuttle separate from Tranquility and looks over to Pilot Wash:
"O.k., activate the tracker... dong ma?" - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]


Crew Ident Cards:


Tuesday, February 22, 2011 1:09 PM


(on the control panel a red light activates and begins blinking. Oreo, busy, doesnt notice that the tracking becon has been activated.)

Oreo- Alright girl, we are on our way. Hope you know what you're doin comin with me and all.

(Cammy smiles at oreo)

Cammy- this is going to be fun. like an adventure.

Oreo- Adventure?! We are heading into alliance territory and possibly might run across reavers.

Cammy- Reavers? Well aren't you one? They won't mess with us if you're here right?

Oreo- HA! I'm not they're type of reaver. I'm still human as far as they are concerned. which means we are still on the menu.

(Oreo stops and turns to cammy)

Oreo- whats your story. You try to kill me. and now you want tag along with me. why? Who are you really?

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Saturday, March 19, 2011 4:54 AM


Cammy-People Call Me Alot Of things
I have many names *She Grins Widely At Oreo*

Love Is Just A Chemical We Give It Meaning By Choise.


Friday, March 25, 2011 12:31 PM


(oreo chuckles)

Oreo- you?! a thief?!

Cammy- believe me...

Oreo- Oh i don't believe you. thats just it.

(Cammy folds her amrs across her chest and purses her lips at oreo. Oreo, chuckles again)

Oreo- you see? you see that there? how can anyone take you seriously when you do stuff like that?

(cammy slowly unfolds her arms and stares down at feet. as if ashamed for her actions.)

Oreo- what? you're gonna pout now?

(Cammy trying to hold back tears responds)

Oreo- NO!

(suddenly, the shuttle shakes and jolts)

Cammy- whats going on?!

Oreo- I...think...we just hit atmo. buckle up kids. we'll be landing here in a few.

(suddenly a jarring sensation swweps through oreo body)

Cammy- what? whats wrong?

(Oreo whispers)

Oreo- Reavers...

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Sunday, August 14, 2011 6:04 PM


Oreo- Alright kid, this is what you signed up for. If them reavers take us, we are gonna wish we was dead, way before they get to doing what they want with us.

(a sudden sense of fear and panic sweeps through cammy's body. A the stories of man coming out to the edge of space and turning into savage creatures. cannibals. all of the stories were real. and now, cammy sits in disbelief as the tiny shuttle that was carrying her and Oreo acroos the universe was suddenly under reaver fire.
The shuttle violent shaks and jolts and deafening bangs and thump, fortunatley drown out the beating of her heart and the shouted orders by Oreo.)

Oreo- HU DAHN! wake up girl! i need your help!

(with her body trembling, Cammy forces herself out of her trance and turn towards Oreo.)

Oreo- Listen! We gotta make a break for the closet planet or we are reaver meat! Dong Ma!

(cammy Frantically shakes her head in agreeance)

Oreo- You know how to work a cortex?!

(Once again, frantic head gestures take place of the lack of words not being uttered from between cammy's lips.)

Oreo- Alright then!!!! Get Ta Finding!!!!

(Cammy scrambles onto the cortex and within seconds locates a nearby planet.)

Cammy- That one! Here!

(Oreo glances quickly glances over)

Oreo- Its all woods down there. alright then. Find a covered spot.I'm pretty sure they should be pretty low and fire power probably preparing to hook us in.Should be able to lose'em pretty quick.That reaver ship is to big to land anywhere down.

(As quick as a flash cammy spots a perfect caover site)

Cammy- Oreo. here. Forty miles north of where we are going to break atmo!

(Oreo tightens his grip on the shuttles controls)

Oreo- ok. you dumbass deadheads. you picked a fight with the wrong half breed. Tag! You're It!

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat. - May the road rise with you.


Sunday, November 20, 2011 9:18 PM



(A Females Voice come in)

????-Hello, Firefly vessel Can you hear me? my Ship is dead in the water and running low on supplies

????-the rest of my crew left on the shuttles, if you can hear me please i need help i don't know how long i will last if you help me you can have anything worth scavenging from my ship.

????- I Repeat Firefly vessel can you hear me?


Monday, November 21, 2011 1:43 AM


*an automated reply comes from Tranquilitys main computer*:
"unknown vessel, beware!
Oxygen levels below human tolerance on board."

*The ships system continues to slowly pump oxygen from the emergency backup into to ship, while it escapes from a newly opened breach* - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]


Friday, November 25, 2011 8:29 AM


As the ships connect ???? walks over to tranquility
As she steps out she is greeted by a man she assumes to be the captain.

????-Thank you, my ships been dead for a while and im not sure how long i would have lasted. i cant repay you in anything but whats left of her.


Friday, November 25, 2011 10:30 AM


Shadow stops welding the breach in the inside of the hull when he hears the airlock open and a female steps through.

He replies to her statement:
"Welcome aboard."

[He discreetly looks at her uniform for any signs of Alliance]

[The ships computer repeats 'oxygen levels returning to normal' in the background].

"Once we get the breach fixed, we can see what we can use from your ship... dong ma?
So, what do they call ya?" - TRANQUILITYS LEVEL 5 [SECURE CHANNEL]


Wednesday, November 30, 2011 6:56 PM


????-*Smiles Slightly* Call Me Lilith

Lilith- Thanks For the pick up I didn't know how long id be stuck, Ill offer any help i can give to fix up your ship.

As she steps forward her blue hair becomes visible Wearing Pants a little to big for her and a greasy T-shirt


Thursday, December 1, 2011 2:07 AM


"Shiny. So lets go see what we can scavenge off your boat."

Shadow discreetly picks up his pistol.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011 4:36 PM



*As the go back onto her ship its clear she wasn't lying, The cargo is scattered and thrown aside it also seems to be slightly harder to breathe*

Lilith walks on Looking for something of use to the new ship.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011 4:38 PM


"Looks like you had a bit of a tussle here.
Were where you headin'?"


Thursday, December 8, 2011 4:45 PM


"No Where Really Just Traveling From Place To Place"

*Lilith Reaches for A Small Pack and Rummages Through It*

"Need Any Of This?"

*She Throws Shadow a the bag full of bandages and small medical supplies*


Friday, December 9, 2011 1:51 AM


"well 'no-where's' a good a place as any to be travellin' to.
seems like thats where my boats been headin' for spell.
thanks for the medical supplies. where to now?
engine room?"


Friday, December 9, 2011 9:21 PM


"sure This Way"

*They Head Down a hallway ending with the engine room, A Few Parts are missing and wire hang around the walls*

"Well lets see what we can get"






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