Joss wants YOU to help save Dollhouse.

UPDATED: Saturday, May 2, 2009 03:21
VIEWED: 8456
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:35 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

From Sci-Fi Wire:


Joss Whedon, creator of Fox's sci-fi series Dollhouse, told reporters that there is still a chance that Fox will pick the show up for a second season, provided the remaining four episodes do well—especially with a new lead-in, Prison Break, which replaces Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles in the timeslot before, starting April 24.

"The question is, with a different lead-in, will anything change?" Whedon said in a group interview Wednesday in Hollywood before appearing on a Paley Festival panel about the show. "Will Prison Break be a worse match for us because it's such a different show? Or will it be better because more people watch it? Do more people watch it? I don't know what the numbers on Prison Break are. So there are a lot of X factors."

The following Q&A features edited excerpts of Whedon's comments. Dollhouse airs Fridays at 9 p.m. on Fox.

I have all-new questions for you today.

Whedon: Well, good, because I have an all-new personality. Well, I changed my shirt. I know how to bring it. I've learned from the celebrities.

Have you heard anything official from Fox about when you'd hear about cancellation? Or have they told you if you hit a certain ratings number, that would be more favorable to a second season?

Whedon: They haven't said anything about a number, and they haven't said anything about a date. What they have said is "We get it. We get that the numbers are soft, but it's not a Nielsen world. The DVR numbers are good, and the show's getting better, and the demographic is good, and we all have a crush on [star and producer] Eliza [Dushku]." So they're basically fans.

Obviously, there has to be a number we reach that is viable for them economically, or it would be senseless for them, unless they were insane fans like me. But they get it. They get the show, and they get what works. So they're anxious for it to stay at a level where they can justify throwing down some more. Hopefully that'll happen.

Rumor is that Terminator, your lead-in, is essentially canceled. Does that give you any pause?

Whedon: No. I mean, Terminator did very poorly. I don't know why. I love it. That's why I'm not on that side of the fence, because I'm not a marketer. I don't know how these things work. It started strong, and it fell off for some reason. I liked it as a lead-in because, artistically, they were just a nice match. They both had a similar sensibility, and I think Terminator was a really interesting show that really plumbed the depths of its premise really well. So I was happy to be with it. But the fact is it was doing poorly, and we were doing better, but not great. I think, ultimately, nobody blames us. We did build on Terminator and usually on our own half hours most nights. It's anyone's guess at this point.

Did you sense you needed to wrap up the story if the season finale ends up being the series finale?

Whedon: I always have that sense. The trick is to do something that has a sense of closure and only asks questions, which is what we did. It does have a total sense of closure and a ridiculous number of cliffhangers at the same time in its own way, in a way that's very hard to describe. It's not like anything else I've ever done.

If you get a second season, have you already thought of a story arc?

Whedon: Yeah. Not an absolute total arc, but there's a bunch of stuff that we're already chomping at the bit to get to. We feel like this story is just too rich, and we barely scratched the surface. Although, I'll tell you, for the next four episodes, we scratch it really, really hard. It's going to bleed.

What would it take for fans to rally for a season two?

Whedon: I don't think it's a "Save Dollhouse" campaign. Basically, we've got a few more times up at bat. It's going to be up to the fans to be vocal in their own community to make sure people are watching, that we get those DVR numbers, that they don't slip. If they want to cold-call executives, that's good too, I guess. Or Twitter. A lot of people are Twittering. Ultimately, it's just holding the course, because I honestly began to think that we were dead in the water, and the people at Fox made a point of calling me to say, "That's not the case. We're still working it out. We're fans. We want this to work."



Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:26 PM


Thanks for posting the article, but it seems to me that Fox may be starting to feel the fans (and in particular Browncoats) heat.

Let me explain. Their statements to Joss are "we're fans" "we get it." Oh reeeeeaaally!
Hmmmm, methinks Fox execs don't want further ill will directed at them. Their treating him with kid gloves because they know he has a devoted following that could bring in large sums of cashy-money. They may be looking to future revenues from DVD sales (as with another Whedon project).

But, no matter, WE will not fail him. Message received Joss. Rally the troops and fire up the engines, we have a mission. Of course, all this depends upon those last four eps being killer. If it's anything like "A Spy in the House of Love"
Dollhouse stands a good chance of seeing a second season. It's also good to know that TiVo and DVR numbers are considered as well. I wonder if that includes Hulu viewings as well?
BTW I found out that there's a book by the same title as that last episode of DH. "A Spy in the House of Love" (1954) is a book written by Anais Nin. Here's a description of the book: The book is a journey into the mind of Sabina, who is assumed by many to be a fictionalized version of author Anaïs Nin herself. The book portrays an adulterous woman working with a therapist to try to come to terms with her dishonest ways. The story is a character study of a woman in torment.

I think this describes DeWitt's character to a T.
I wonder if Joss read this book and got some inspiration from it.

Also, I found a blogger that has soem good insights into DH. "What's Alan Watching" by Alan Sepinwall, a TV critic for the Star-Ladger.


I'm going to watch the ep again just to get some things clear in my head.




Wednesday, April 22, 2009 12:47 AM


I'll be tuning in as always.

People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do


Wednesday, April 22, 2009 4:00 AM


Undomesticated equines could not keep me away.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009 6:02 AM


I download off itunes the following day as I do not really watch TV unless something is interesting and I don't have cable. Do you know if they are figuring in those numbers too, or are they to low to factor in?


Wednesday, April 22, 2009 6:15 AM



it deserves to be canceled

First the show just isn't that good, I want to like it but the more I watch it the more I dislike it. It had a poor premise, the crap scripts and a very average lead actress. Too bad our zealous Whedonites will never admit their god suddenly has feet of clay.
Second what the hell was Joss thinking returning to Fox, a company he vowed never to work with again, this is where Dancing With The Stars and American Idol dominate. This might come under "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me"
Third the save dollhouse campaign jumpedtheshark (better known as boned the fish these days) once the Whedonesque zombies made a save dollhouse rally, petition, save dollhouse website

People should be ripping Joss a new one over at Whedoneqsue sites, instead I see the usual tv zombies brown nosing as per usual. Yes I've cut to the bone but more importantly
I'm not a zombie, if a show sucks I will say it sucks

The sooner the creative failure that was Dollhouse is behind Joss the better.
Whedon needs to get off his throne for a while, get back down to earth and start writing good material again like his Buffy, Firefly days



Wednesday, April 22, 2009 7:01 AM



Originally posted by participant:

it deserves to be canceled

To each his own, I guess. I enjoy it, I think it has a lot it can build on, but I can also understand how others may not like it.


Originally posted by participant:

Second what the hell was Joss thinking returning to Fox, a company he vowed never to work with again, this is where Dancing With The Stars and American Idol dominate. This might come under "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me"

Honestly, I think people should stop ripping on FOX. They do what they think is best for them to make money. That's the whole point of the network. They're not some great artistic venue, they're a business. Yeah, they didn't give Firefly a chance, but at some point you just have to bury the hatchet. They did give Firefly more of a chance than any other network. And as for Joss returning to FOX, you have to work with the people who are willing to pick up your show. I don't know if he tried other networks, but he may have and FOX picked it up. That's better than not working in my book.


Originally posted by participant:

Third the save dollhouse campaign jumpedtheshark (better known as boned the fish these days) once the Whedonesque zombies made a save dollhouse rally, petition, save dollhouse website

I fully agree with this. I didn't like when people were doing this either, I thought it gave the show a bad rap before it was even released, which didn't help at all. In fact, it probably hurt the show.

People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do


Wednesday, April 22, 2009 9:21 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by participant:

it deserves to be canceled

First the show just isn't that good, I want to like it but the more I watch it the more I dislike it. It had a poor premise, the crap scripts and a very average lead actress. Too bad our zealous Whedonites will never admit their god suddenly has feet of clay.
Second what the hell was Joss thinking returning to Fox, a company he vowed never to work with again, this is where Dancing With The Stars and American Idol dominate. This might come under "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me"
Third the save dollhouse campaign jumpedtheshark (better known as boned the fish these days) once the Whedonesque zombies made a save dollhouse rally, petition, save dollhouse website

People should be ripping Joss a new one over at Whedoneqsue sites, instead I see the usual tv zombies brown nosing as per usual. Yes I've cut to the bone but more importantly
I'm not a zombie, if a show sucks I will say it sucks

The sooner the creative failure that was Dollhouse is behind Joss the better.
Whedon needs to get off his throne for a while, get back down to earth and start writing good material again like his Buffy, Firefly days




There's a serious disinfo campaign to derail all TV shows and movies where writers dare to plagerize CIA scripts, or exhibit govt corruption.

Cancellations based on alleged "poor ratings" are a popular tool. Look what Fox did to Lone Gunmen, for daring to quote declassified Operation Northwoods, and predicting CIA carrying out 9.11 by crashing a robot airliner into WTC. Lone Gunman Dean Haglund said CIA does feed script ideas to Fox writers.

Whether Dollhouse lives or dies, cudos to Joss and his team for covering govt mind-control in BTVS, Firefly and now Dollhouse. It's a war out there, and Joss is on point. Google Cathy O'Brien and Johnny Gosch.

The sheeple must not be allowed to awaken, lest they escape from the Kosher slaughterhouse.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009 11:07 AM



Originally posted by participant:

it deserves to be canceled

As of a few weeks ago I agreed. It really has started to pick up though. I'm getting interested in the characters. The premise still sucks but hell so does a vampire private detective. If Joss can fit good enough characters around a crappy premise it can still be a good show IMO.

Unfortunately for you most of the "zombies", as you call them, tend to respect other peoples points of view. So, that probably won't work as flame bait. Shoot for something racist or sexist. That might get you some attention.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009 11:14 AM



Originally posted by participant:

it deserves to be canceled

First the show just isn't that good, I want to like it but the more I watch it the more I dislike it. It had a poor premise, the crap scripts and a very average lead actress.

Unfortunately I agree with you 100%. I've watched every episode and tried to get onto it, but it just isn't working for me.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009 12:51 PM


Dear Joss:

Stop doing shows with FOX. You know they're just in it for a quickie. Like our former president so eloquently put it, "Fool me once, shame on- shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again."


Blue Sun: Like Capri Sun but without the little straw.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009 5:49 PM


Would someone please please ask Fox to ask Joss about an idea he has for a show that is a Space Western with humor, drama and above all a guaranteed $$$ following. It's a working title at the moment but he wants to call it "Firefly" or Maybe "Firefly: After Miranda" Gorram it! Fox wake UP and get Joss back on a show with some character and real grit - Firefly. Hell, if Fox wants aliens to compete with Star Trek give em Reavers in tights!!!



Wednesday, April 22, 2009 6:59 PM


Expired, forgotten, spoiled rotten.

E! has a poll for what endangered show you'd like to see get another season and Dollhouse is one of the options.

A blog on the struggles of an unpublished writer:


Wednesday, April 22, 2009 9:00 PM


Dollhouse was has been picked up in the UK and Aussieland. Maybe not matter to the Fox Network, but the Fox Studio who produces the show has to be very happy.

Might just end up with some sort of cost-sharing arrangement in favor of another season.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009 11:54 PM


Dollhouse got picked up in Aus!?!?

Where! When! What channel!? When's it starting?

I'll help boost the ratings for it here, even if Fox does cancel it.


Thursday, April 23, 2009 11:05 AM



Originally posted by BigRichard:
Dollhouse got picked up in Aus!?!?

Where! When! What channel!? When's it starting?

I'll help boost the ratings for it here, even if Fox does cancel it.

Haven't heard date yet.

Channel 10 picked it up and then Fox 8 supposedly got it. So it is supposed to air on Fox 8 and then maybe Channel 10 later. Hope these are the correct numbers. You can check out their website, they have a dollhouse section.

Nathan Fillion's Castle Mon 10pm/9c ABC Online Joss Whedon's Dollhouse Fri Fox 9pm


Thursday, April 23, 2009 12:26 PM


Might just end up with some sort of cost-sharing arrangement in favor of another season.

This is probably more true than not, Fox did this arrangement with Warner Bros for Watchmen (their probably sorry they ever brought this to court now, based on the tepid box office receipts to date).

I don't understand why Fox and Universal wouldn't strike a similar deal regarding FF/Serenity.

COME ON GUYS! Growing fanbase, dedicated following, recognizable stars, sexy reavers. Come on, this shit writes itself.

There that should do it.

Hope...................why do you torture me so!




Thursday, April 23, 2009 5:56 PM




Originally posted by participant:

it deserves to be canceled

First the show just isn't that good, I want to like it but the more I watch it the more I dislike it. It had a poor premise, the crap scripts and a very average lead actress.

Unfortunately I agree with you 100%. I've watched every episode and tried to get onto it, but it just isn't working for me.

I've heard a lot of this, but I have to honestly say, I don't agree. I actually REALLY like dollhouse. It's definitely gotten better as it's gone along but I actually liked it and the premise from the beginning...It might not be the popular opinion - I dunno, I'm getting so many mixed signals on it lol - but it's my opinion


"Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away."


Friday, April 24, 2009 9:20 AM


Like, I get it. There's a lot of Buffy nostalgia for this guy, but here's the thing: Dollhouse just isn't that good! That's it! The premise is interesting, the ever--expanding universe is interesting, the developing serial nature of the show is interesting, but the week--to--week episodes just aren't good!

The casting is off(especially with other dolls)and the dialogue seems forced(i.e. the trademark Wheadon humor inserted whenever, wherever, no matter how serious the tone of the discussion between characters).

Look, just compare Dollhouse on a show to show basis with LOST. With that show, everything is perfect, and there's a sense that it BELONGS in a regular weekday slot, it FEELS like a 'real' show.

Dollhouse--and to a lesser extent, Firefly--just didn't FEEL like that. There wasn't a sense that it belonged anywhere other than a Friday night. There's a juvenile aspect to Dollhouse that always prevents it from hitting the mark. Now, one can blame this on any number of things, but the truth is that Joss Wheadon is a hit or miss guy. In Firefly, the episode 'Objects in Space' was perfect. But the rest of them weren't. They fluctuated between seriousness and jocularity enough to make the show to inconsistent to stay on the air, and the same is true for Dollhouse.


Friday, April 24, 2009 11:46 AM



Originally posted by biggunsid:
Like, I get it. There's a lot of Buffy nostalgia for this guy, but here's the thing: Dollhouse just isn't that good! That's it! The premise is interesting, the ever--expanding universe is interesting, the developing serial nature of the show is interesting, but the week--to--week episodes just aren't good!

The casting is off(especially with other dolls)and the dialogue seems forced(i.e. the trademark Wheadon humor inserted whenever, wherever, no matter how serious the tone of the discussion between characters).

Look, just compare Dollhouse on a show to show basis with LOST. With that show, everything is perfect, and there's a sense that it BELONGS in a regular weekday slot, it FEELS like a 'real' show.

Dollhouse--and to a lesser extent, Firefly--just didn't FEEL like that. There wasn't a sense that it belonged anywhere other than a Friday night. There's a juvenile aspect to Dollhouse that always prevents it from hitting the mark. Now, one can blame this on any number of things, but the truth is that Joss Wheadon is a hit or miss guy. In Firefly, the episode 'Objects in Space' was perfect. But the rest of them weren't. They fluctuated between seriousness and jocularity enough to make the show to inconsistent to stay on the air, and the same is true for Dollhouse.

This is one of those joke posts where you say the opposite of the truth, right?

The premise is interesting? The premise is awful for TV. The audience doesn't feel invested because the characters constantly change.

The other dolls are cast poorly? I like Victor and November over Echo. I'm not a huge Sierra fan but whatever.

Whedon humor inserted everywhere? What show have you been watching? There's hardly any Whedon humor in Dollhouse. He's even so much as said this isn't a comedy and there won't be too much humor in there. Which is exactly what shows up one the screen. There might be one or two joke lines per episode, but nothing even close to Buffy, Angel or Firefly.

Everything is perfect on Lost? Like the lack of any coherent plot? Like characters who can't stay consistent from one week to the next? Like dangling threads of story that are hanging EVERYWHERE? That show is the biggest mess on TV. All it has going for it is human curiosity. If they ever answered the questions on the show it would be dead and buried. Which is lucky for the writers that they still don't have answers.

Anyway I will be present and accounted for watching Dollhouse tonight. I thoroughly expect to fail Joss. I really don't see the numbers spiking tonight. If anything the lack of an episode last week will probably hurt the numbers this week.


Saturday, May 2, 2009 3:21 AM



Originally posted by biggunsid:
Like, I get it. There's a lot of Buffy nostalgia for this guy, but here's the thing: Dollhouse just isn't that good! That's it! The premise is interesting, the ever--expanding universe is interesting, the developing serial nature of the show is interesting, but the week--to--week episodes just aren't good!

The casting is off(especially with other dolls)and the dialogue seems forced(i.e. the trademark Wheadon humor inserted whenever, wherever, no matter how serious the tone of the discussion between characters).

Look, just compare Dollhouse on a show to show basis with LOST. With that show, everything is perfect, and there's a sense that it BELONGS in a regular weekday slot, it FEELS like a 'real' show.

Dollhouse--and to a lesser extent, Firefly--just didn't FEEL like that. There wasn't a sense that it belonged anywhere other than a Friday night. There's a juvenile aspect to Dollhouse that always prevents it from hitting the mark. Now, one can blame this on any number of things, but the truth is that Joss Wheadon is a hit or miss guy. In Firefly, the episode 'Objects in Space' was perfect. But the rest of them weren't. They fluctuated between seriousness and jocularity enough to make the show to inconsistent to stay on the air, and the same is true for Dollhouse.

I always thought the fluctuation between subtle humour and seriousness in firefly to be one of the most likeable aspects of the whole show... but i guess everyone has a right to an opinion.

Lost was, and still is shithouse.






CW app streaming Dollhouse for free.
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