Black Panther

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 21:32
VIEWED: 4766
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Sunday, February 18, 2018 6:13 PM


I wouldn't call it great, but it's a very good film about a superhero with a conscience. Black Panther has all the earmarks of the original "Iron Man" with a little bit of Thor thrown in.

As origin stories go, it blended the modern day urban society with the modern technologically advanced society of the future. It's something we could have today, if we weren't so busy shooting each other. Black Panther touched upon some political realities, but with a soft touch so as to bring awareness without jumping up on the soap box.

It's both action-packed and socially conscience with several laughs sprinkled throughout. Yes, it was funny in all the right places, much more than I expected without going overboard. This was definitely how a movie should be put together.
There were very minor melodramatic scenes that might be considered cringe-worthy, but that was soon discarded and replaced with some breathtaking scenes and action sequences that Marvel is known for. Overall, I really finished liking Black Panther not merely for it's message of brotherhood, but also for it's attention to story, plot and pacing. This is a movie that thoroughly entertained, tickling the funny bone well teaching a lesson in family dynamics. Shakespeare on steroids, so to speak.

If you're a Marvel fan, go see it. If not, go see it. By the way, you don't need to know anything about the Black Panther as they do a wonderful job of giving his origins without resorting to old typical stereotypes and storytelling techniques.
Actually, I saw a variation of this type of storytelling many years ago, but they had a unique twist that I found refreshing. It added to the overall experience of getting to know Black Panther without weighing down the movie. At 2 hours and 14 minutes, it moved along quite nicely, with a good soundtrack and unique dialogue.

Fun Fact: I went to a 5 p.m. showing and the theater was packed. BP was playing on 5 screens and they all had lines going out the door and down the corridor of the theater. I haven't seen it this packed since Star Wars: A Force Awakens and The Dark Knight.



Sunday, February 18, 2018 6:21 PM


That's funny, we were both writing our reviews at the same time

Are you Siskel or Ebert?

Here's mine, and I'll put yours on mine for fun...

So, first let's talk about that "97% fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Is this the best movie I've ever seen?? Ummm, no. Would this be the best black superhero movie ever? Maybe, if I was a cis black male, though I'm sure many others would like it too. I would probably take Morpheus or the Falcon (as a character) any day of the week.

Before the movie we were actually discussing all the black lead (super)heroes to compare and it's not a big list... Blade, Static Shock, Luke Cage, Catwoman, M.A.N.T.I.S., The Last Dragon, Black Dynamite, Spawn...and maybe the voice half of Samurai Jack Compared to some of those, I can see why the buzz around this movie.

Next, if you go see it, DON'T SIT IN THE FRONT. We usually do because there is less people, and the chairs are usually cleaner and in better condition. This movie has much lights flashing, fighting, noise, and hard to follow sections that make up close viewing difficult/painful.

This movie really is maybe 2/3rds just fight scenes and action, and only 1/3 of that was interesting (to US, anyway). I kept having flashbacks to that Pon Farr Spock episode of Star Trek TOS

I knew there would be a lot of fighting .......(couldn't help but think about the Queen's recent edict that Megan Merkel not hug or touch people too much, but since he's a black king it's ok to brawl to the death every thirty seconds Can we get something in between those two options, please?? )

...however I'm the type to fast forward through long fight scenes whenever possible, so I got a little battle weary by the end.

The female military guards were just stunning to watch though. Strong, beautiful women in well-choreographed battle scenes that I'm sure made Joss's heart go all pitter-patter. I think THEY need their own movie. Not kidding, here.

I have to give Martin Freeman a hand on his 'Merican accent, he does a much better job than Cumberbatch did in Dr. Strange.

There weren't a whole lot of funny parts to the movie (just two or three minor chuckles), and there were two extra scenes at the end (one after credits).

If you are in the mood for more black actor leads, this is the promo that ran with the movie...reminded us of Panic Room. Plays on Mother's Day, May 13.

Hubby gives Black Panther a B+, I give it a B, and the kiddo gives it a B-.


Sunday, February 18, 2018 7:09 PM


Saaaaaayy.......Work all day 'til the morning come!

Ha, ha! Jinx! Hey, does that mean we'll hit Lotto or something. Hope so.
Say listen, thanks for posting my "pocket" review in your post. I was about to do the same, when I saw this post. You could be Siskel, I'll be Ebert. Unless you wanna be Ebert! Ha, ha!

Saw it yesterday, but when I got home I was so tired I went right to sleep and woke up like 2 in the morning, and went right back to sleep.



Sunday, February 18, 2018 8:19 PM


America loves a winner!

Saw it. Really really liked it. May be the best Marvel movie yet. Certainly ranks up near my fav, Captain America.

All the good parts from above. Well shot, great *cast, characters, liked the writing... nice mix of action, humor, and credible plot line.

Minor issue I had w/ the political narrative - the US isn't / wasn't , anywhere near the level of England, Spain , or France a " colonial " power. I hate that theme being shoved down people's throats as being part of actual history. Its WAS a former colony , for pete's stake !

* Forest Whitaker - fine actor and all, but I just didn't buy him for this part. I think it could have been better if a lesser known actor filled this part.

Also, I really liked Martin Freeman in his role. His character did seem a bit out of place, but I think he worked well as a sort of tie in to Avengers: Civil War. He's sort of the Agent Coulson of the MCU , going forward.

Curious side note - tried to buy an early Sunday ticket, but the online seat selections were very scarce. Only 1st row and not much else available. Wasn't until later in the day I could find a decent seat. Oddly, when I got there, the theatre isn't even 1/2 sold out. All those ' not available ' seats were almost entirely available. I'd say the near sold out movie was only 1/3 full.

Don't recall seeing that before.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Sunday, February 18, 2018 9:25 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Minor issue I had w/ the political narrative - the US isn't / wasn't , anywhere near the level of England, Spain , or France a " colonial " power. I hate that theme being shoved down people's throats as being part of actual history. Its WAS a former colony , for pete's stake !

* Forest Whitaker - fine actor and all, but I just didn't buy him for this part.

Also, I really liked Martin Freeman in his role. His character did seem a bit out of place,

I think as far as most black people are concerned, yanno, with the slavery and all, we were just as bad as the rest in the past, hence the derogatory connotation. Can't say as I blame them.

I will agree to the other two points...Forrest and Martin were both odd choices...


Sunday, February 18, 2018 9:28 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey, does that mean we'll hit Lotto or something.

I'm pretty sure winnin' the lotto is a myth. Of all the people I've ever known that have played, no one of them has ever won more than a few hundred...


Sunday, February 18, 2018 11:03 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Wishimay:

I think as far as most black people are concerned, yanno, with the slavery and all, we were just as bad as the rest in the past, hence the derogatory connotation. Can't say as I blame them.

I will agree to the other two points...Forrest and Martin were both odd choices...

I'm not even saying the Oakland, NWA tie-ins to the movie weren't relevant. Hey, even if I don't like it , I can still admit it connects to a attitude and point of view many had. My 2 cent rub has more to do w/ the authenticity of ' colonial power ' in the sense that other European nations ruled most of Africa, and other parts of the globe, INCLUDING the Americas. Yeah, the same Americas which received so many of those slaves, but yet itself was a colony. Sins of the past, sure, call it what you want, but don't pile on extra nonsense that wasn't ours - ever.

I guess CIA agent Ross ( Martin Freeman ) was basically the 'token' character of the movie, where as Zuri ( Forest Whitaker ) was simply miscast. Props to his agent for getting him the gig and all, but it's just a minor gripe. Still a solid A movie, imo.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, February 19, 2018 1:39 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Saw it. Really really liked it. May be the best Marvel movie yet. Certainly ranks up near my fav, Captain America.

All the good parts from above. Well shot, great *cast, characters, liked the writing... nice mix of action, humor, and credible plot line.

Minor issue I had w/ the political narrative - the US isn't / wasn't , anywhere near the level of England, Spain , or France a " colonial " power. I hate that theme being shoved down people's throats as being part of actual history. Its WAS a former colony , for pete's stake !

* Forest Whitaker - fine actor and all, but I just didn't buy him for this part. I think it could have been better if a lesser known actor filled this part.

Also, I really liked Martin Freeman in his role. His character did seem a bit out of place, but I think he worked well as a sort of tie in to Avengers: Civil War. He's sort of the Agent Coulson of the MCU , going forward.

Curious side note - tried to buy an early Sunday ticket, but the online seat selections were very scarce. Only 1st row and not much else available. Wasn't until later in the day I could find a decent seat. Oddly, when I got there, the theatre isn't even 1/2 sold out. All those ' not available ' seats were almost entirely available. I'd say the near sold out movie was only 1/3 full.

Don't recall seeing that before.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

I heard that some groups like Black Lives Don't Matter took out large blocks of tickets to give to only Black kids. So maybe Black kids in your hood were illiterate, couldn't read the signs? Even heard Big Brothers did so, wasting the money from contributors like me - errr, former contributor.


Monday, February 19, 2018 3:29 AM


I was referring to the Jinx of posting almost at the same time, but yeah I always hear of someone winning in Oshkosh, Wisconsin or some such place, mostly Florida boonies. Lots of folks winning in Florida. I wonder why?

Anywho, I mostly buy scratch-off tickets now for a few bucks. I actually won $50 once.



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey, does that mean we'll hit Lotto or something.

I'm pretty sure winnin' the lotto is a myth. Of all the people I've ever known that have played, no one of them has ever won more than a few hundred...


Monday, February 19, 2018 3:37 AM


Oh behave! Even Rappy kept it civil Jewels. Rappy! I only made mentioned of the political undertones so that people wouldn't say I didn't give them a head's up.
Overall, like I said it was relatively mild compared to other fare (i.e. The Post).

But don't believe the "hype" lots of rumors fly about and mostly they're not credible. I'm not going to get into a political "discussion" here in Cinema. So don't even try.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
Saw it. Really really liked it. May be the best Marvel movie yet. Certainly ranks up near my fav, Captain America.

All the good parts from above. Well shot, great *cast, characters, liked the writing... nice mix of action, humor, and credible plot line.

Minor issue I had w/ the political narrative - the US isn't / wasn't , anywhere near the level of England, Spain , or France a " colonial " power. I hate that theme being shoved down people's throats as being part of actual history. Its WAS a former colony , for pete's stake !

* Forest Whitaker - fine actor and all, but I just didn't buy him for this part. I think it could have been better if a lesser known actor filled this part.

Also, I really liked Martin Freeman in his role. His character did seem a bit out of place, but I think he worked well as a sort of tie in to Avengers: Civil War. He's sort of the Agent Coulson of the MCU , going forward.

Curious side note - tried to buy an early Sunday ticket, but the online seat selections were very scarce. Only 1st row and not much else available. Wasn't until later in the day I could find a decent seat. Oddly, when I got there, the theatre isn't even 1/2 sold out. All those ' not available ' seats were almost entirely available. I'd say the near sold out movie was only 1/3 full.

Don't recall seeing that before.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

I heard that some groups like Black Lives Don't Matter took out large blocks of tickets to give to only Black kids. So maybe Black kids in your hood were illiterate, couldn't read the signs? Even heard Big Brothers did so, wasting the money from contributors like me - errr, former contributor.


Monday, February 19, 2018 9:03 AM


Did you watch Luke Cage, SGG? I'm just wondering if anybody here has seen both and thinks this movie is objectively better. Luke Cage was terrible and was the first Marvel show I stopped watching mid-season, and it was lauded by critics.

It seems like Black Panther might actually be different though. People I watch and people I know in RL that have seen it and have said they think they're done with Superhero movies were really impressed with this one.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 19, 2018 9:38 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I heard that some groups like Black Lives Don't Matter took out large blocks of tickets to give to only Black kids. So maybe Black kids in your hood were illiterate, couldn't read the signs? Even heard Big Brothers did so, wasting the money from contributors like me - errr, former contributor.

I have to say, as many theatres now have assigned seating and pre-ordering tickets is such common place, it was quite a noticeable difference, to see so many 'unavailable ' seats for purchase, and the actual empty seats when I got there. And I looked at multiple show times too, all mostly sold out, until finally getting a ticket for later in the afternoon.

Interesting note, there was a group of black folks , all wearing different but awesome looking Dashiki shirts, walking in right before me. Was I going to be th only white guy in there ? Turns out, they were the only ones, and the theatre was at most 1/3 full. The large section of centre aisle seats , the prime viewing ones, went almost entirely unused.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, February 19, 2018 9:45 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Saw it. Really really liked it. May be the best Marvel movie yet. Certainly ranks up near my fav, Captain America.

All the good parts from above. Well shot, great *cast, characters, liked the writing... nice mix of action, humor, and credible plot line.

Minor issue I had w/ the political narrative - the US isn't / wasn't , anywhere near the level of England, Spain , or France a " colonial " power. I hate that theme being shoved down people's throats as being part of actual history. Its WAS a former colony , for pete's stake !

* Forest Whitaker - fine actor and all, but I just didn't buy him for this part. I think it could have been better if a lesser known actor filled this part.

Also, I really liked Martin Freeman in his role. His character did seem a bit out of place, but I think he worked well as a sort of tie in to Avengers: Civil War. He's sort of the Agent Coulson of the MCU , going forward.

Curious side note - tried to buy an early Sunday ticket, but the online seat selections were very scarce. Only 1st row and not much else available. Wasn't until later in the day I could find a decent seat. Oddly, when I got there, the theatre isn't even 1/2 sold out. All those ' not available ' seats were almost entirely available. I'd say the near sold out movie was only 1/3 full.

Don't recall seeing that before.

The trailers that I've seen do not reflect a single facet of what you've said. I'll likely catch it on DVD, I'm already on the waiting list for Thor.


Monday, February 19, 2018 9:49 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I heard that some groups like Black Lives Don't Matter took out large blocks of tickets to give to only Black kids. So maybe Black kids in your hood were illiterate, couldn't read the signs? Even heard Big Brothers did so, wasting the money from contributors like me - errr, former contributor.

I have to say, as many theatres now have assigned seating and pre-ordering tickets is such common place, it was quite a noticeable difference, to see so many 'unavailable ' seats for purchase, and the actual empty seats when I got there. And I looked at multiple show times too, all mostly sold out, until finally getting a ticket for later in the afternoon.

Interesting note, there was a group of black folks , all wearing different but awesome looking Dashiki shirts, walking in right before me. Was I going to be th only white guy in there ? Turns out, they were the only ones, and the theatre was at most 1/3 full. The large section of centre aisle seats , the prime viewing ones, went almost entirely unused.

Yes, I have seen that before. Mentioned it a few times, but forget now which films they were.


Monday, February 19, 2018 9:55 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Did you watch Luke Cage, SGG? I'm just wondering if anybody here has seen both and thinks this movie is objectively better. Luke Cage was terrible and was the first Marvel show I stopped watching mid-season, and it was lauded by critics.

It seems like Black Panther might actually be different though. People I watch and people I know in RL that have seen it and have said they think they're done with Superhero movies were really impressed with this one.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I like Luke Cage. IMO, the weakest of all the Netflix Marvel shows, 'millennial' Iron Fist ...but I digress. Rosario Dawson , who in IRL is a true communist seems to have worked some of her own political views into her character, but thankfully not overly so. I've no problem when shows deal w/ the real history of slavery, and giving the black point of view. But that's not where I think the focus should be, and the more they try to amp up this racial animus towards folks of today, who have nothing to do w/ the views and events of the past, it takes away from what's so far a very good story.


The trailers that I've seen do not reflect a single facet of what you've said. I'll likely catch it on DVD, I'm already on the waiting list for Thor.

Newsflash - trailers aren't always accurate to what's in the movie. If you've not seen it, kinda hard for you to comment. I actually try to avoid trailers, talk of upcoming movies I am eager to see, because I want to go in w/ a few preconceptions of what to look for as possible.

I try not to be spoilery on such films , especially in the first couple or 3 weeks.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, February 19, 2018 11:16 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

I like Luke Cage. IMO, the weakest of all the Netflix Marvel shows, 'millennial' Iron Fist ...but I digress. Rosario Dawson , who in IRL is a true communist seems to have worked some of her own political views into her character, but thankfully not overly so. I've no problem when shows deal w/ the real history of slavery, and giving the black point of view. But that's not where I think the focus should be, and the more they try to amp up this racial animus towards folks of today, who have nothing to do w/ the views and events of the past, it takes away from what's so far a very good story.

I didn't even watch Iron Fist. I feel like that's the beginning of Marvel scraping the bottom of the barrel. The only reason that I gave Luke Cage a try is because he was in Jessica Jones, which I actually thought so far was by far the best Netflix Marvel show. Season 2 of that is the only show I plan on even watching in the future... maybe I'll watch more Daredevil and the Punisher... I'm not even sure.

Luke Cage seemed like it was written by out of touch white guys and what they think that black culture is like "in da hood". I mentioned that in the Other Sci Fi thread before. The white idiots I hung out with back in my early 20's when I was an idiot myself would have loved it. Especially that stupid Ode to Biggy Smalls B.S. The show came off as extremely fake and I couldn't relate to any of the characters at all. It was garbage.

I have no interest in watching any of the Marvel movies anymore either except for Deadpool 2. I might give Black Panther a watch though. Too many people who's opinions I respect think that it was really good. Sure... the critics giving it a near 100% and playing up the race aspect of it without even reviewing the movie is a huge turn off for me, but I'm willing to look beyond that given the people I know who have seen it and actually like it for the story it tells and its entertainment value.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 19, 2018 12:06 PM


America loves a winner!

I'm not a comic book guy. I know an effort was made to pay homage to the comic book origins of the Netflix characters, but honestly, I really don't care. It's what's on screen that makes or breaks it for me.

Daredevil and Punisher are very good. Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, also well done. ( Krysten Ritter is sooo easy to watch )

I really think they screwed the pooch on Iron Fist though.

I hope Deadpool 2 strikes lightning again. I freaking love everything about that movie.

I waited all damn summer for Thor: Ragnarok to come out, and honestly, I was let down. It was too campy, and imo, went too far in poking fun at itself. Or trying to, at least.

Back to Black Panther - it was smartly done, for the most part. There were minor flaws, but those were vastly overshadowed by the good stuff. Like Captain America, the movie goes to the origins of the character we've seen in the MCU , but knew so little about. The UN scene at the end... really liked that one.


Monday, February 19, 2018 1:52 PM


I understand that trailers are not the film. But ad avoidance is Near impossible the last few weeks.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
I like Luke Cage. IMO, the weakest of all the Netflix Marvel shows, 'millennial' Iron Fist ...but I digress. Rosario Dawson , who in IRL is a true communist seems to have worked some of her own political views into her character, but thankfully not overly so. I've no problem when shows deal w/ the real history of slavery, and giving the black point of view. But that's not where I think the focus should be, and the more they try to amp up this racial animus towards folks of today, who have nothing to do w/ the views and events of the past, it takes away from what's so far a very good story.

Sure... the critics giving it a near 100% and playing up the race aspect of it without even reviewing the movie is a huge turn off for me, but I'm willing to look beyond that given the people I know who have seen it and actually like it for the story it tells and its entertainment value.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The sting of disappointment with The Last Jedi after the same hype scenario has left me wary.


Monday, February 19, 2018 5:33 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Anywho, I mostly buy scratch-off tickets now for a few bucks. I actually won $50 once.

We're doing well then, we won $500 bucks twice... One went to car repairs and the other went to a Indy zoo trip. On the scratch-offs, pay attention to the corner number of the tickets you buy...different states tend to put winners either on high number or low numbered tickets.


Monday, February 19, 2018 11:51 PM


America loves a winner!

JSF - well, the movie doesn't cure cancer, or give you the meaning of life. Least, I don't think it does. But it's fun to watch.

Now, in the string of over hyped under delivering super hero movies - Suicide Squad, BvS , Thor: Ragnarok, Wonder Woman, Justice League, this movie DID lack something. A insanely over the top CGI on steroids climactic ending which brought the overall quality of the movie down a couple of notches. ( Now, Thor - R did call for such CGI , but to be honest, the rest of the movie let me down, so it all evens out )

Spider-Man was darn good too, but I felt the major flaw was the ferry scene. Too much. Wasn't necessary for the plot. I get there had to be SOME reason for him to get demoted , as it were, but that boat sinks in no time flat , and there's nothing either of them could have done about it. That's all.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 1:29 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
JSF - well, the movie doesn't cure cancer, or give you the meaning of life. Least, I don't think it does. But it's fun to watch.

Now, in the string of over hyped under delivering super hero movies - Suicide Squad, BvS , Thor: Ragnarok, Wonder Woman, Justice League, this movie DID lack something. A insanely over the top CGI on steroids climactic ending which brought the overall quality of the movie down a couple of notches. ( Now, Thor - R did call for such CGI , but to be honest, the rest of the movie let me down, so it all evens out )

Spider-Man was darn good too, but I felt the major flaw was the ferry scene. Too much. Wasn't necessary for the plot. I get there had to be SOME reason for him to get demoted , as it were, but that boat sinks in no time flat , and there's nothing either of them could have done about it. That's all.

Of those, I've seen WW and am on the waiting list for Thor. Are you saying Spidey was better than the rest?

And thanks for the honest input.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 3:58 AM


Thanks for the heads up Wish. There use to be an article in the local paper (can't remember the guy's name) that would give some info on the odds for scratch-offs plus how often they have winners, and the last time someone had won.

Haven't seen that lately. Seems that the odds are better with scratch-offs.



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Anywho, I mostly buy scratch-off tickets now for a few bucks. I actually won $50 once.

We're doing well then, we won $500 bucks twice... One went to car repairs and the other went to a Indy zoo trip. On the scratch-offs, pay attention to the corner number of the tickets you buy...different states tend to put winners either on high number or low numbered tickets.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 4:13 AM


No, I haven't seen Luke Cage. Caught him on Jessica Jones, but truly, his character doesn't appeal to me. Although I liked JJ, I'm not too keen on him. But I recently caught a YouTube video that compared other black superheroes/heroes and this is what Icame up with:

Morpheus (The Matrix is just too cool)
Blade/Black Panther
Storm - X Men
Agent J (Will Smith of MIB)

I may be missing a few, but it's interesting how BP has changed the landscape.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Did you watch Luke Cage, SGG? I'm just wondering if anybody here has seen both and thinks this movie is objectively better. Luke Cage was terrible and was the first Marvel show I stopped watching mid-season, and it was lauded by critics.

It seems like Black Panther might actually be different though. People I watch and people I know in RL that have seen it and have said they think they're done with Superhero movies were really impressed with this one.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 4:32 AM


That's certainly wierd. The theater I went to was packed to the rafters. People brought their kids and they actually behaved themselves, stood still to enjoy the movie (there were maybe a couple of young kids that did some running around, but, for the most part, they kept their seats.

I saw all manner of people lined up (I got there a half hour early, cause I wanted a good seat). I would say the majority of people on the line were comic book fan boys and girls (about half); now these were adults - perhaps in their 30s. And about a third were families, there were several folks that were couples as well.

I saw a handful of black folk wearing colorful clothes and using Dashikis. The theater was filled with all manner of people. Young, old, black, white, hispanic, boys and girls. Whenever I saw really young black kids I took special care to watch their reaction as they came into the room. Those kids were "jacked" (excited) and scampered about to find good seating. Throughout the movie the entire audience was riveted, their attention solely on the screen.

This movie was well done and presented itself extremely well. I rate Thor 3 just slightly above BP, but they did a fantastic job with the movie as a whole. The costumes were some of the best I've seen and rivaled the ones from Thor Ragnarok.

But I am curious as to why anyone would buy up tickets and not show up for the screening. It just doesn't make sense.



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I heard that some groups like Black Lives Don't Matter took out large blocks of tickets to give to only Black kids. So maybe Black kids in your hood were illiterate, couldn't read the signs? Even heard Big Brothers did so, wasting the money from contributors like me - errr, former contributor.

I have to say, as many theatres now have assigned seating and pre-ordering tickets is such common place, it was quite a noticeable difference, to see so many 'unavailable ' seats for purchase, and the actual empty seats when I got there. And I looked at multiple show times too, all mostly sold out, until finally getting a ticket for later in the afternoon.

Interesting note, there was a group of black folks , all wearing different but awesome looking Dashiki shirts, walking in right before me. Was I going to be th only white guy in there ? Turns out, they were the only ones, and the theatre was at most 1/3 full. The large section of centre aisle seats , the prime viewing ones, went almost entirely unused.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 4:46 AM



...the critics giving it a near 100% and playing up the race aspect of it without even reviewing the movie is a huge turn off for me, but I'm willing to look beyond that given the people I know who have seen it and actually like it for the story it tells and its entertainment value.

This is what I'm saying...Think of it this way: in a purely British movie they walk and talk like Brits; this movie has elements of that. Like I said, it's kind of like Shakespeare. Their accents are almost like that of Kenyans or South Africans. Anyway, the story is good, well written, and the jokes will make you chuckle. It moves along at a nice pace (the 2 hours go by like that); and it's thoroughly entertaining.

If you liked 'Creed' you'll like this movie, same director.



Tuesday, February 20, 2018 4:51 AM


Hey Rap,

I agree with most of what you say, but, you really didn't like Thor Ragnarok?
Also, you're right about giving your attention to the story, if it's good, that's what counts.



Originally posted by AURaptor:
I'm not a comic book guy. I know an effort was made to pay homage to the comic book origins of the Netflix characters, but honestly, I really don't care. It's what's on screen that makes or breaks it for me.

Daredevil and Punisher are very good. Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, also well done. ( Krysten Ritter is sooo easy to watch )

I really think they screwed the pooch on Iron Fist though.

I hope Deadpool 2 strikes lightning again. I freaking love everything about that movie.

I waited all damn summer for Thor: Ragnarok to come out, and honestly, I was let down. It was too campy, and imo, went too far in poking fun at itself. Or trying to, at least.

Back to Black Panther - it was smartly done, for the most part. There were minor flaws, but those were vastly overshadowed by the good stuff. Like Captain America, the movie goes to the origins of the character we've seen in the MCU , but knew so little about. The UN scene at the end... really liked that one.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 8:37 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
No, I haven't seen Luke Cage. Caught him on Jessica Jones, but truly, his character doesn't appeal to me. Although I liked JJ, I'm not too keen on him. But I recently caught a YouTube video that compared other black superheroes/heroes and this is what Icame up with:

Morpheus (The Matrix is just too cool)
Blade/Black Panther
Storm - X Men
Agent J (Will Smith of MIB)

I may be missing a few, but it's interesting how BP has changed the landscape.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Did you watch Luke Cage, SGG? I'm just wondering if anybody here has seen both and thinks this movie is objectively better. Luke Cage was terrible and was the first Marvel show I stopped watching mid-season, and it was lauded by critics.

It seems like Black Panther might actually be different though. People I watch and people I know in RL that have seen it and have said they think they're done with Superhero movies were really impressed with this one.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I actually liked Luke Cage in Jessica Jones. Honestly, I didn't mind him specifically in Luke Cage either. It really was the bad guy that I didn't like at all. Seriously man, if you watch one thing from that turd you should see the little monologue that he gives to Biggie Smalls while somebody is looking at a painting he has hung in his office with a bunch of lights lighting it up.

I'm willing to bet $1000 bucks that a white guy who was in his teens during the late 90's wrote that.

Then you've got the obligatory barber shop with your stereotypical black people inside of it. And jeez... I dunno... It was crap. Even though it was rated one of the best Marvel things that Netflix ever did. Seriously, if it was just a story with a bunch of white guys in it and it was written that poorly then everyone would have rightfully shit all over it.

Morpheus... one of the coolest characters ever made. I wish the Matrix was a standalone movie and they never made those other two pieces of shit. I think the biggest sins those second two movies made was taking all of the power and mystique away from Morpheus and basically making him middle management for some other asshole.

Blade two is one of my favorite Comic Book movies, and probably one of my favorite action movies ever made. I'm sure the special effects probably don't stand up today, but I remember seeing that in the theater when it came out and I was truly blown away.

Storm... Sadly, not a good character. Hallie Berry is a great actress and I had a HUGE crush on her when I was a kid, but I thought she was the weakest link on the X-Men.

Agent J. Who doesn't love Will Smith? Hell... I'm one of the few people I know who really liked Wild Wild West that came out around the same time. Everybody shits on that movie today, but Wild Wild West holds a place in my heart right next to Waterworld and The Postman as movies that the world hates but I love to watch every 5 or so years.

Don't forget Spawn. That to me was another highly underrated Superhero Movie that I loved when I saw it in the theater.

BTW... here you go. They had the Biggie Smalls scene on YouTube:

Yes... The villian's name is Cottonmouth. God that's just terrible.

EDIT: I had to swap out the video for a netflix preview that only shows the first part of it. The entire scene is 2 1/2 minutes long and is up on YouTube, but it's got a very loud Tupac track in the background that makes it almost impossible to hear the dialogue.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 8:48 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
]Of those, I've seen WW and am on the waiting list for Thor. Are you saying Spidey was better than the rest?

And thanks for the honest input.

I thought Spidey and WW were tops on that list, yeah. Had the ending of WW not been so cartoonish, I'd have given it a nod over Spidey.

Maybe I WANTED to like Suicide Squad more, so that's why I'm not completely trashing it, but yeah, it was the worst of the bunch. All others had elements which I enjoyed, but also considerable flaws.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 8:52 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
I'm not a comic book guy. I know an effort was made to pay homage to the comic book origins of the Netflix characters, but honestly, I really don't care. It's what's on screen that makes or breaks it for me.

Daredevil and Punisher are very good. Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, also well done. ( Krysten Ritter is sooo easy to watch )

I really think they screwed the pooch on Iron Fist though.

I hope Deadpool 2 strikes lightning again. I freaking love everything about that movie.

I waited all damn summer for Thor: Ragnarok to come out, and honestly, I was let down. It was too campy, and imo, went too far in poking fun at itself. Or trying to, at least.

Back to Black Panther - it was smartly done, for the most part. There were minor flaws, but those were vastly overshadowed by the good stuff. Like Captain America, the movie goes to the origins of the character we've seen in the MCU , but knew so little about. The UN scene at the end... really liked that one.

I collected comics when I was a kid, but it was more of an OCD thing, and I thought I was going to be rich off of them someday so I almost always immediately bagged them and put them away. They're not worth the paper they were printed on. So... I'm not really a comic book guy either.

I love Krysten Ritter. Nuff said. ;)

Jessica Jones was a good character, but her nemesis is what I felt made the Netflix show. That's why I'm a little worried about season 2. IMO, Killgrave was probably the best villian in a Marvel title to date, and the writing and acting in that show were just superb.

I've never seen anything to do with Thor or Captain America outside of the two Avengers movies. Neither of those characters ever did anything for me. I'm sure the movies aren't bad, but I just don't have any interest.

Deadpool shocked me. I had no idea what I was getting into when I started it and I really don't remember laughing out loud at some parts of it in quite some time. I've never really been a fanboy of anything except for maybe Firefly when I saw it, but my love for the first Deadpool movie might be as close as I ever come.

Black Panther has piqued my curiosity though. I like the idea of a Superhero movie taking a more serious tone than most Marvel fare while also not becoming a depressing nightmare world of the DC Snyderverse. I'm sure I'll eventually give it a watch.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 8:59 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

But I am curious as to why anyone would buy up tickets and not show up for the screening. It just doesn't make sense.


Been to this cinema before, and hadn't notice such a discrepancy. You can see what seats are available online before you purchase, and as I said, it wasn't until mid afternoon before I could find a seat which wasn't front row or very last row. This to me says 'sellout ', or very nearly so. When I did get a seat, it was mid level, but on the aisle. Every seat above and below , aisle to aisle, was " not available ", and yet when I got to the movie, only a smattering of people were actually sitting in those seats. Most were wide open. I fully expected it to fill in, as the movie started, but it never did.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 9:09 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Deadpool shocked me. I had no idea what I was getting into when I started it and I really don't remember laughing out loud at some parts of it in quite some time. I've never really been a fanboy of anything except for maybe Firefly when I saw it, but my love for the first Deadpool movie might be as close as I ever come.

Obviously for completely different reasons, but yeah, DP to me nailed it much like Firefly. It really stood out, from the very start, and I was hooked. Bought the damn thing too, which is something I never do!

As for Killgrave and Jessica , I'm hearing that David Tennent was roaming around the set, indicating that he'll still be in Jessica's head, at least from time to time in the next season. Should be fun.


Thursday, February 22, 2018 7:08 AM


Did a little digging on the matter of sold out theaters and empty seats. One story I found said that Octavia Spencer bought out a theater (I believe it was Atlanta) for poor kids to attend. Another story I came across spoke of a young girl in Flint Michigan raising $16K to buy out a theater so that only young kids her age could see the movie.

Flint Story

Octavia Spencer

Two great stories to hear about. I'm sure there are more like this. Actor Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther), singer Kendrick Lamar, and Rapper T.I. joined the many black entertainers to follow suit.

It's a beautiful thing to see.



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

But I am curious as to why anyone would buy up tickets and not show up for the screening. It just doesn't make sense.


Been to this cinema before, and hadn't notice such a discrepancy. You can see what seats are available online before you purchase, and as I said, it wasn't until mid afternoon before I could find a seat which wasn't front row or very last row. This to me says 'sellout ', or very nearly so. When I did get a seat, it was mid level, but on the aisle. Every seat above and below , aisle to aisle, was " not available ", and yet when I got to the movie, only a smattering of people were actually sitting in those seats. Most were wide open. I fully expected it to fill in, as the movie started, but it never did.


Thursday, February 22, 2018 8:02 AM


Speaking of beautiful things, there is an online petition that Disney give 25% of the profits of Black Panther to inner city schools and black communities in America.

Fuck 25%. I say give it all.

Ball's in your court, Disney. You want to go all SJW now, so put your money where your mouth is.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 22, 2018 4:31 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
But I am curious as to why anyone would buy up tickets and not show up for the screening. It just doesn't make sense.


Been to this cinema before, and hadn't notice such a discrepancy. You can see what seats are available online before you purchase, and as I said, it wasn't until mid afternoon before I could find a seat which wasn't front row or very last row. This to me says 'sellout ', or very nearly so. When I did get a seat, it was mid level, but on the aisle. Every seat above and below , aisle to aisle, was " not available ", and yet when I got to the movie, only a smattering of people were actually sitting in those seats. Most were wide open. I fully expected it to fill in, as the movie started, but it never did.

Did a little digging on the matter of sold out theaters and empty seats. One story I found said that Octavia Spencer bought out a theater (I believe it was Atlanta) for poor kids to attend. Another story I came across spoke of a young girl in Flint Michigan raising $16K to buy out a theater so that only young kids her age could see the movie.

Flint Story

Octavia Spencer

Two great stories to hear about. I'm sure there are more like this. Actor Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther), singer Kendrick Lamar, and Rapper T.I. joined the many black entertainers to follow suit.

It's a beautiful thing to see.


So these theaters were empty because the poor kids were illiterate? Or they needed to rob all the empty houses while their neighbors were at the film?


Thursday, February 22, 2018 9:40 PM


Did I ever tell you guys the story about when I went to see Shaft with my girlfriend in the theater? I probably did.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 23, 2018 12:22 AM


America loves a winner!

I don't mind seats being bought up, but I would like to have seen them USED. I remember how guerilla marketing for for Firefly DVDs lead to TBDM. I bought 2 of each, to lend, so far be it from Browncoast to make a fuss, but empty seats isn't what I think they were expecting. Sure, ticket sales matter, but it really is a fun flick, so why not go the extra mile and make sure someone goes and sees it for those purchased tickets. Concessions would appreciate it, I'm sure.


Friday, February 23, 2018 3:03 AM


So, you have to be the stupid asshole. Damn, this was a celebration and a good deed that was extended to the less privileged.

You could have even kept your racist remarks to yourself, but Noooooooo, you got to play the fucking fool.

God damn JSF. I just don't get it......

SGG.................I'm not mad, just disgusted.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Did a little digging on the matter of sold out theaters and empty seats. One story I found said that Octavia Spencer bought out a theater (I believe it was Atlanta) for poor kids to attend. Another story I came across spoke of a young girl in Flint Michigan raising $16K to buy out a theater so that only young kids her age could see the movie.

Flint Story

Octavia Spencer

Two great stories to hear about. I'm sure there are more like this. Actor Chadwick Boseman (Black Panther), singer Kendrick Lamar, and Rapper T.I. joined the many black entertainers to follow suit.

It's a beautiful thing to see.



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
But I am curious as to why anyone would buy up tickets and not show up for the screening. It just doesn't make sense.


Been to this cinema before, and hadn't notice such a discrepancy. You can see what seats are available online before you purchase, and as I said, it wasn't until mid afternoon before I could find a seat which wasn't front row or very last row. This to me says 'sellout ', or very nearly so. When I did get a seat, it was mid level, but on the aisle. Every seat above and below , aisle to aisle, was " not available ", and yet when I got to the movie, only a smattering of people were actually sitting in those seats. Most were wide open. I fully expected it to fill in, as the movie started, but it never did.

So these theaters were empty because the poor kids were illiterate? Or they needed to rob all the empty houses while their neighbors were at the film?


Friday, February 23, 2018 4:43 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
So, you have to be the stupid asshole. Damn, this was a celebration and a good deed that was extended to the less privileged.

You could have even kept your racist remarks to yourself, but Noooooooo, you got to play the fucking fool.

God damn JSF. I just don't get it......

SGG.................I'm not mad, just disgusted.

So tell us: why are all these seats empty?


Friday, February 23, 2018 7:01 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
I don't mind seats being bought up, but I would like to have seen them USED. I remember how guerilla marketing for for Firefly DVDs lead to TBDM. I bought 2 of each, to lend, so far be it from Browncoast to make a fuss, but empty seats isn't what I think they were expecting. Sure, ticket sales matter, but it really is a fun flick, so why not go the extra mile and make sure someone goes and sees it for those purchased tickets. Concessions would appreciate it, I'm sure.

The theater itself would appreciate it. They don't make a dime off of the movies anymore. Any empty seats was all money straight to Disney who did not have to pay any of the operating costs of the theaters where this happened.

On another note, I do have to kind of agree with SGG there JSF. That did come off as pretty racist, or at the very least pretty ignorant. If anybody here was to blame, I would say that it was the people who organized the buying of the tickets and not getting people to fill the seats. If that happened then it clearly was just a virtue signaling stunt that they didn't even bother to follow through on, showing how little good the gesture actually had behind it.

I think we need to remember at this point that it's all hearsay anyhow. How many thousands of theaters showed the movie opening weekend? Even with an eye witness account here of empty seats in a theater there's no way of knowing if this was the norm or not.

Also... instead of jumping straight to stereotypical reasons why the seats might not have been filled, maybe we should apply Occam's Razor here. Maybe a lot of the black youth in this country just isn't that into the Superhero Movies. Just because the media is in love with this movie for all the progressiveness behind it, kids don't think that way.

I'm not going to pretend to know what white kids are into these days, let alone black kids, but I've got to chuckle a bit when the media or the activists would just assume that black kids would want to go see a superhero movie because it stars a lot of black characters and takes place in Africa. I'll tell you one thing that kids don't give a shit at all about... the color of the Director of the movie or anybody else that was behind the camera. I think at the end of the day, kids don't really give a shit about all of that like the adults do, and that's a good thing.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 23, 2018 11:42 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
I don't mind seats being bought up, but I would like to have seen them USED. I remember how guerilla marketing for for Firefly DVDs lead to TBDM. I bought 2 of each, to lend, so far be it from Browncoast to make a fuss, but empty seats isn't what I think they were expecting. Sure, ticket sales matter, but it really is a fun flick, so why not go the extra mile and make sure someone goes and sees it for those purchased tickets. Concessions would appreciate it, I'm sure.

The theater itself would appreciate it. They don't make a dime off of the movies anymore. Any empty seats was all money straight to Disney who did not have to pay any of the operating costs of the theaters where this happened.

This sounds like BS. How does the cinema charge $5 for one ticket and $11 for the next? For all movies? And then the next cinema always charges full price? And they don't make a dime? Is Disney signing off on every individual cinema's pricing for each film and Showtime?

On another note, I do have to kind of agree with SGG there JSF. That did come off as pretty racist, or at the very least pretty ignorant. If anybody here was to blame, I would say that it was the people who organized the buying of the tickets and not getting people to fill the seats. If that happened then it clearly was just a virtue signaling stunt that they didn't even bother to follow through on, showing how little good the gesture actually had behind it.

I think we need to remember at this point that it's all hearsay anyhow. How many thousands of theaters showed the movie opening weekend? Even with an eye witness account here of empty seats in a theater there's no way of knowing if this was the norm or not.

Also... instead of jumping straight to stereotypical reasons why the seats might not have been filled, maybe we should apply Occam's Razor here. Maybe a lot of the black youth in this country just isn't that into the Superhero Movies. Just because the media is in love with this movie for all the progressiveness behind it, kids don't think that way.

I'm not going to pretend to know what white kids are into these days, let alone black kids, but I've got to chuckle a bit when the media or the activists would just assume that black kids would want to go see a superhero movie because it stars a lot of black characters and takes place in Africa. I'll tell you one thing that kids don't give a shit at all about... the color of the Director of the movie or anybody else that was behind the camera. I think at the end of the day, kids don't really give a shit about all of that like the adults do, and that's a good thing.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

So your reason why the seats were empty is the kids are not SJWs.
That is the best reason I've heard.


Friday, February 23, 2018 5:08 PM


Cinema's pay so much for the licensing fees to show the movies that they don't make any money off of the ticket prices after their operating costs. The variance of price of tickets is all factored into that (as far as children's tickets being cheaper, or matinee shows being cheaper). It's similar to how gas stations don't make any money off of the gas that they sell.

This is why both of these places have ridiculous prices on the goods they sell. They know they've already got you there, so they bank that you're going to buy something extremely overpriced.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So your reason why the seats were empty is the kids are not SJWs.
That is the best reason I've heard.

Simple and to the point. That's my reason.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 26, 2018 11:40 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

In Ursula K. Le Guin’s most famous short story, “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas,” the city of Omelas is perfect for its citizens, minus one. There is ample leisure time and an abundance of everything anyone could need. Life is comfortable and good for everyone, not just a privileged few.

But there is one citizen for whom Omelas is a hell: a small child, kept in a basement and endlessly tortured. Le Guin never explains how this arrangement came to be.

“The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” stuck in my head as I watched Marvel’s Black Panther. The world of Wakanda, a fictional African nation that is the world’s most technologically advanced but also quite possibly the world’s most secretive, is a bright, gleaming utopia for its citizens, who live in a society where easy access to the metal vibranium means the kind of post-scarcity society that science fiction writers have been dreaming about for decades.

But Black Panther keys in on the darker underbelly of Wakanda in ways that might not be immediately obvious from the gleaming edifices of its capital city. In order to have such lavish prosperity, Wakandans have had to ignore the suffering of black people all over the world, particularly in the United States. They’ve had to sit by and allow the slave trade and colonialism to happen when they might have stopped either via a show of military might or even a more active diplomatic role.

This skepticism about Wakanda is both Black Panther’s greatest strength and, ultimately, the reason its climactic battle lets down the rest of the movie just a little bit. But it’s also part and parcel of Marvel’s recent slate of movies, which has been interested, more than ever, in the idea that American hegemony and military power maybe isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be — even as every movie seems to conclude with a big shrug. “Well?” the films seem to ask. “What else are you gonna do?”

The deeper Marvel gets into “phase three” — which consists of Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok, and Black Panther, with four more movies to come in 2018 and 2019 — the more complicated its relationship to power becomes, but only up to a point.

The further we get into the cinematic superhero era, the more explicit these films get about both their real-world impetus and about the way America tragically responded after 9/11 with disastrous wars that never end. Kind of like the endless wars, one after another, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The very idea of a superhero, someone whose very being is just better than everybody else, carries certain fascistic overtones. After all, in a world with superpowered humans and other creatures, might literally could make right. The best superhero stories, consequently, are aware of this troubling undertone and either examine it or deconstruct it in interesting ways.

In the deconstructionist corner are works like the comic Watchmen or even the Pixar film The Incredibles. The former asks what kind of psychological trauma you’d have to experience to think putting on a costume and beating people up is the way to live your life; the latter flirts with objectivism in its insistence that everybody is special but some people are more special than others. (The Incredibles remains the best superhero movie, but it’s constantly about two adaptation choices away from becoming a straightforward rendition of Atlas Shrugged — for kids!)

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, February 26, 2018 4:40 PM


Perhaps one reason Black Panther was scheduled for now: the Winter Olympics does not present a plethora of Blacks for Blacks to root for. So these super Blacks who look down on all others are the alternate Olympics.
Hmmmm. Shrewd.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018 2:55 AM



So tell us: why are all these seats empty?

How am I supposed to know. What difference does it make? But here's my theory. I've gone to plays where there were empty seats in front of me, but always thought the people who bought the tickets would show up. But i never in a million years would say "crazy Yellow people, how dare they not show up." It's all their fault that I can't get a better seat.

A few years back I went to see "Crouching Tiger." I had to sit all the way in the last row. We got there 10 minutes before the show started. Me and my son had a blast, and I went back a couple of weeks later to see it again. Great movie. When I went to see Dark Knight, I had my seat stolen, even though I showed up a half hour before the movie started. I went to give my son his ticket as we met at the theater, and when I returned a young woman took my seat eeven though I had my coat there. BITCH!!!

We argued (it was just where my son likes to sit, towards the center within the first ten rows), but I didn't want to knock her out so I left, spoke to management and was given even better seats for a showing not 15 minutes later. So we actually got to enjoy the film in a much better spot.

Lesson: Shit happens!

I also get the feeling you guys may have exaggerated a little. When I bought my ticket to see Black Panther, the show I wanted to see (4:20 p.m.) was sold out. The next show (4:30 p.m.) was sold out as well. Fuck! So, instead of blaming anyone, I looked to see about the 4:45 p.m. show. I was in luck (it was 4:10 p.m.) I bought the ticket and went in to get snacks, figuring no one would be there waiting to see the show at 4:45 p.m.

I bought some corn nuggets, a soft drink (strawberry iced tea...I didn't have lunch) and proceeded down the hall to find the screening room. I walk down the corridor, they take my ticket and I walked down towards the room. I see a bunch of people blocking the entrance to the screening room. But then I realize it's the fucking line to see the movie in Screening Room 3. Fuck!

There's about maybe 50 people already in line, right by the entrance and the show prior hasn't let out yet....again, Fuck! So I get in line and eat my corn nuggets (bite size pigs in a blanket), drink my iced tea and wait. No seats, gotta stand....Fuck! Although I could sit on the carpeted floor, I decide against it. I look at the time it's only 4:15 p.m. Fuck!, I got a half hour to wait. I finish my corn dogs and slowly sip on my iced tea. Finally, it what seemed like a lifetime, the theater lets out and then the cleaning crew go in. It was about 10 minutes of cleaning and they let us in.

4:40 p.m. People rush in to grab good seats. I see black people, old and young, kids and adults...but I also see white people, nerds, with their kids; they're all excited and run wild looking for their whole family to sit together. After about 5 minutes, the theater is nearly packed. I see teens, twenty-somethings, folks in their 30s and 40s discussing the seating arrangements. I grab my usual aisle seat up on the first level just above the first grouping of floor seats. I'm good, so I get comfortable. There's about 5 seats left in my row. I check my watch and it's 4:45.

A couple in their 20s excuse themselves to grab two of the seats in my row next to me. I move to let them pass. Suddenly there's a comotion. Two gay guys are disputing the seating arrangements with the young couple. I hear one say that he had his jacket there and they were about to climb over the seat from the back of the chair when they showed up. I found that a bit strange, they could have asked to allow them to pass, so I thought it was bullshit, but I wasn't paying attention to that. The young couple yielded and went ot find two other seats. I didn't hear any further comment, although I did see one turn to the other and say something.

I was hoping it wouldn't turn into an ugly incident. I thought that the one who spoke was rather nasty about it and I was in no mood to deal with bullshit. Not today. I just wanted to sit quietly and enjoy the movie. There was a seat next to me that was empty, but I paid it no mind and went about my business of getting comfortable. For the next two hours, I was going to Wakanda!

Two things: Luckily no one sat next to me (the seat remained empty) and the two gay guys behaved themselves (TG for small miracles). I waited to everyone got settled and took off for the Men's room. I came back, my seat was left alone (Good!) and I only missed the first trailer. People were still coming in to find seats. The only ones left were right up front (the first two rows) which was about 20 feet from the screen. Trailers ended. The screen posted a few announcements and the theater and screen went dark.

Time for Wakanda!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
So, you have to be the stupid asshole. Damn, this was a celebration and a good deed that was extended to the less privileged.

You could have even kept your racist remarks to yourself, but Noooooooo, you got to play the fucking fool.

God damn JSF. I just don't get it......

SGG.................I'm not mad, just disgusted.

So tell us: why are all these seats empty?


Tuesday, February 27, 2018 4:44 AM


Listen, I didn't mean to come out so harshly, but I don't have a clue as to why this happened. And I think that jumping to conclusions about race is why we are where we are.

Truth is no one knows.

What I would suggest is to ask theater management whenever that happens. The next racially charged movie that comes out, I will be sure to ask. Perhaps this weekend at the showing of Red Sparrow.



Tuesday, February 27, 2018 5:10 AM



I'm not going to pretend to know what white kids are into these days, let alone black kids, but I've got to chuckle a bit when the media or the activists would just assume that black kids would want to go see a superhero movie because it stars a lot of black characters and takes place in Africa. I'll tell you one thing that kids don't give a shit at all about... the color of the Director of the movie or anybody else that was behind the camera. I think at the end of the day, kids don't really give a shit about all of that like the adults do, and that's a good thing.

Fuck Six, that's a great point.

As I watched a video of a classroom full of black and latino kids celebrating, dancing on top of their desks - whooping and a hollering - it gave me goosebumps. These were young kids 8, 9, 10 years old. All because someone donated tickets for them to go see Black Panther. It struck me as I read your comment, "Damn, he's right." They were just happy to get out to see a movie. The fact that he happens to be a superhero who's black was completely irrelevant.

Well, maybe not so much. This movie has been greatly anticipated, and greatly hyped that maybe some of them were excited to see it. Still though, the excitement is partially due to get out of school for something special, and partially to be thought of. Yes, these kids have been through some shit.
For someone to say, "here we thought enough of you to say you're worth it. Enjoy!"

By the way, Chadwick Boseman bought out a theater, in his hometown of Anderson, South Carolina, for underprivileged youth; 2 theaters in fact. on opening night, Saturday and on Monday (President's Day) for the whole day.

According to USA Today, there was one youngster...Mildred Johnson, 73 years old:

"I collect comic books myself, and love all them superheroes. I have a feeling this one is going to be my favorite."

"Johnson said her daughter, who lives near Atlanta, tried to get tickets to the film on Thursday, Friday and Saturday without success. She said it wasn't until Sunday that they could get tickets. As for her, she plans to see the film a few more times at least, especially since she used to live near the (Boseman) family."

So, as you see, many had trouble getting tickets.



Tuesday, February 27, 2018 5:21 AM


I quickly glossed over your comments and I will take the time to read it thoroughly tomorrow (later today). I hope that I could understand it.
Anyway, it looks good.



Wednesday, February 28, 2018 9:32 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

I'm not going to pretend to know what white kids are into these days, let alone black kids, but I've got to chuckle a bit when the media or the activists would just assume that black kids would want to go see a superhero movie because it stars a lot of black characters and takes place in Africa. I'll tell you one thing that kids don't give a shit at all about... the color of the Director of the movie or anybody else that was behind the camera. I think at the end of the day, kids don't really give a shit about all of that like the adults do, and that's a good thing.

Fuck Six, that's a great point.

As I watched a video of a classroom full of black and latino kids celebrating, dancing on top of their desks - whooping and a hollering - it gave me goosebumps. These were young kids 8, 9, 10 years old. All because someone donated tickets for them to go see Black Panther. It struck me as I read your comment, "Damn, he's right." They were just happy to get out to see a movie. The fact that he happens to be a superhero who's black was completely irrelevant.

Well, maybe not so much. This movie has been greatly anticipated, and greatly hyped that maybe some of them were excited to see it. Still though, the excitement is partially due to get out of school for something special, and partially to be thought of. Yes, these kids have been through some shit.
For someone to say, "here we thought enough of you to say you're worth it. Enjoy!"

By the way, Chadwick Boseman bought out a theater, in his hometown of Anderson, South Carolina, for underprivileged youth; 2 theaters in fact. on opening night, Saturday and on Monday (President's Day) for the whole day.

According to USA Today, there was one youngster...Mildred Johnson, 73 years old:

"I collect comic books myself, and love all them superheroes. I have a feeling this one is going to be my favorite."

"Johnson said her daughter, who lives near Atlanta, tried to get tickets to the film on Thursday, Friday and Saturday without success. She said it wasn't until Sunday that they could get tickets. As for her, she plans to see the film a few more times at least, especially since she used to live near the (Boseman) family."

So, as you see, many had trouble getting tickets.

I remember how it felt to go on a field trip when I was 8 or 9 years old. It didn't matter what we went to see, it was just fun getting on the bus and going somewhere outside of the building. We never went to see any movies, but living by Chicago we had a lot of great trips to places like the Museum of Natural History and the Adler Planetarium. I even remember going to an Amish community once (I don't know if it was a real Amish community or just people LARPing for school children, but I still remember it 30 years later).

I never had a field trip that somebody paid for, but if I had been growing up at a school that never did field trips because there wasn't any money in the community I probably would have been dancing around if somebody bought one for us.

I will say that it's a shame that ticket prices for things are so much today. I remember on most days the museums in Downtown Chicago were all free most days of the week and you only had to pay for some special event type stuff, or the light show in the planetarium, or the Omnimax theater when they built it when I was around 11 or 12. It was even free to go to Brookfield Zoo, although you still had to pay a couple bucks for parking.

For a basic ticket to the Field Museum, it's now $24 for adults and $17 for kids.

Brookfield Zoo:
$21.95 for adults, $15.95 for kids.

Shed Aquarium:
$19.95 for adults, $14.95 for kids.

Adler Planetarium:
$24.95 for adults, $19.95 for kids. (Includes one show which is an absolute must when going here. Apparently there are more than just the light show now. I might have to go back there to check out the new stuff someday. This was always my favorite place to go Downtown).

You can find info for free days to these places here:

I wouldn't want to go on one of those days though. It would be a mad house.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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