Man, here's hoping he doesn't screw up the Avengers like he did ALIEN RESURRECTION!

UPDATED: Sunday, March 18, 2012 17:37
VIEWED: 12493
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Monday, October 10, 2011 7:20 PM


Honestly, that's all I've got to say about this. I'm really just stirring the pot because no one seems to want to bring up that stinker he wrote that ruined my favorite movie franchise.
I have tried four times to make it through Serenity and I can't get past the first ten minutes. Firefly and Buffy were....I dunno, TV shows? The man writes the same "sarcastic" characters over and over again. Its like he just throws whatever he can to the wall and hopes it'll stick.

I guess its all to preference, obviously some people are fans. But really, can I hear from one Whedon fan who can just be real and agree with me that he really jacked up Alien Resurrection? I mean, really....


Monday, October 10, 2011 10:58 PM


Troll, troll, troll, troll, troll..... ad infinitum.

There are perfectly decent answers to all your questions but you're not worth answering. In fact I don't know why I'm answering now. Must be a moment of weakness.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 1:14 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Joss would be the first to agree with you about Resurrection sucking, since they threw out quite a bit of his script. Are you of the opinion that the writer is king in Hollywood? Nope, it's the directors, producers and/or stars who all insist on having their own input to the script.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 1:36 AM


I'd be inclined to worry less about why things don't work and instead [Marvel] at how things ever work out at all...


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 4:29 AM



Originally posted by thedudeabides:
I have tried four times to make it through Serenity and I can't get past the first ten minutes.

You're not going to like Avengers. I'd just pass on it if I were you.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 6:39 AM


I propose a toast, because the original poster is gonna need a few drinks.

To Alien: Resurrection - the Batman and Robin of the Alien franchise!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 6:48 AM



Originally posted by thedudeabides:
I guess its all to preference, obviously some people are fans. But really, can I hear from one Whedon fan who can just be real and agree with me that he really jacked up Alien Resurrection? I mean, really....

Jacked up, how, exactly? Have you read his script? Yes, the movie was bad, but the director changed a great many things. And no, the original script wasn't perfect, it was just better - and it did have flaws. But then, many things were out of his control. Bringing Ripley back for instance, was mandated, not a creative choice.

I'll agree that it was a bad movie. But to say it was all Whedon's fault betrays a rather distinct lack of understanding of how films are made.

Besides - how long is the list of prolific creators who never, ever have something fall short? Pretty damned short, if one exists at all - no one hits it out of the park every time.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 8:20 AM


I think we should all compare the character archetype equivalencies that Joss uses in all of his series, and have a vigorous debate over which characters go with which group of characters.

I'll go first. Malcolm Reynolds and Angel are both brooding anti-heroes and wear longcoats. Xander and Wash are both the funny guy. River/Buffy/Echo are all the super-powered action girls, powered up by an ancient conspiracy.

Or, we could discuss our favourite pizza toppings.

Mine's pineapple.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 8:46 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Picholines - and not the ones from a stupid jar that are the grocery store's off brand, m'kay?! Where do 'off brands' come from anyway? Off farms? Off France, maybe France, Off? Heh, "Get Stuffed with F-Off Brand Olives"

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 9:08 AM


I have no idea what those are, which lead me to believe they must be much inferior to pineapple.

They appear to be related somehow to olives? Then I assert that they are, in fact, the pits.

(Fighting words!)


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 9:32 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

I pit-y you! A white pizza with *real* pitted green olives, caramelized onions and garlic is one of life's great yet simple pleasures.
And you would prefer the fruit of pine tress?! Seven Hells!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 10:20 AM


At least when I eat fruit it's actually ripe. GREEN olives?


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 7:04 PM


Oh no, I get how movies are made, but Dan Obannon/ Ridley Scott, James Cameron, and to an extent...David Fincher/ David Giller all managed to make great to decent (three was ripped to pieces for a number of reasons, but was still worlds better than Resurrection) all while pleasing studio heads and the whole movie making process.
That french director and your boy Whedon screwed the pooch together. Whedon then had the audacity to blame the cast for not reading the script the way he envisioned it.....there's integrity for ya. Its everyone's fault but his.
Look, I'm a comic dork, so the Avenger's has my money already, but its gonnabe a sad sad day when ole Cap America sits in the corner and broods and Tony Stark has constant quippy one liners that would only sound good coming out of Buffy.

Thanks for the fans of Whedon who said Resurrection sucked. Ya'll kept it real.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 7:05 PM


Also, I'm a pepperoni and mushrooms kindof guy....always have been always will be.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 7:31 PM


Well, I just read that Whedon was one of like...six or seven writers on Toy Story.....that was an entertaining movie.....
AND thankfully, they didn't trust Whedon to write the script by himself (that was my fear) so hopefully the other guy did most of the writing.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:08 AM



Originally posted by thedudeabides:
Well, I just read that Whedon was one of like...six or seven writers on Toy Story.....that was an entertaining movie.....
AND thankfully, they didn't trust Whedon to write the script by himself (that was my fear) so hopefully the other guy did most of the writing.

Oh I understand you now.

Everything Whedon does or indeed is going to do is poor; yet everything his contemporaries do or have done, is good.

Y'know for a second there I thought you were being biased.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 1:00 AM



Originally posted by thedudeabides:
Oh no, I get how movies are made, but Dan Obannon/ Ridley Scott, James Cameron, and to an extent...David Fincher/ David Giller all managed to make great to decent (three was ripped to pieces for a number of reasons, but was still worlds better than Resurrection) all while pleasing studio heads and the whole movie making process.
That french director and your boy Whedon screwed the pooch together. Whedon then had the audacity to blame the cast for not reading the script the way he envisioned it.....there's integrity for ya. Its everyone's fault but his.
Look, I'm a comic dork, so the Avenger's has my money already, but its gonnabe a sad sad day when ole Cap America sits in the corner and broods and Tony Stark has constant quippy one liners that would only sound good coming out of Buffy.

Thanks for the fans of Whedon who said Resurrection sucked. Ya'll kept it real.

Apologies for the troll thingy in my other post but your original post read to me like a hit-and-run job. But you've returned and posted so fair play to you.

As for your point then it's a big resounding yes that Resurrection sucks. Alien 3 is the better movie of the two but both are a long way behind Alien/Aliens. To my knowledge Joss has never said that it was everyone else's fault but his, or even implied that. He is partly to blame with the emphasis on 'partly'. It is known that Jeunet changed things to his own liking and he is partly to blame as well. The studios also share some of it for interfering. Hell, even Sigourney Weaver for agreeing to come back after saying that she was done with the franchise. Your original post made it seem like you solely blamed Joss for it being bad which is just not the case. If he'd wrote and directed it then there would be some truth to that but he didn't.
You are obviously not a fan of Joss in any way whatsoever and that's fair enough. But a lot of people are, even if like me they don't like all his work. I think Som in the post above hit the nail on the head that you have formed some kind of bias to everything that he touches. What exactly is wrong with Toy Story? Your comment about it read as highly sarcastic indicating that you didn't find it entertaining. Care to elaborate on what was wrong in your opinion.

This line of yours made me laugh:
"Firefly and Buffy were....I dunno, TV shows?"
Well....err....yeah. They are TV shows. It may come as a shock to you but The Avengers is what is commonly known as a film or movie.

As for pizza then I'm with Byte and go for pineapple if I want something fruity or the classic pepperoni if I want something spicy. So we agree on that part.
Pizza Toppings: Bringing the world together one slice at a time.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:18 AM


Oh comon now...I'm sure he's a nice guy.....I mean, I dunno the man personally.
And there's nothing wrong with Toy Story. I really did like that movie....Who doesn't like Toy Story.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:53 AM


And now a special A:R version of which Joss Whedon characters are like each other, provided by my good friend who has actually seen A:R.

Because come on. Like I'm gonna watch it.


And these characters are, let's say it all together:


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 5:20 AM


Personally, I LIKE Resurrection. My second favorite in the franchise. "Here's how it might have been..."


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 6:13 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:

Apologies for the troll thingy in my other post but your original post read to me like a hit-and-run job. But you've returned and posted so fair play to you.

No, I think you got it right the first time.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12:33 PM


Originally posted by thedudeabides:

Honestly, that's all I've got to say about this. I'm really just stirring the pot because no one seems to want to bring up that stinker he wrote that ruined my favorite movie franchise.
I have tried four times to make it through Serenity and I can't get past the first ten minutes. Firefly and Buffy were....I dunno, TV shows? The man writes the same "sarcastic" characters over and over again.

If you were to glance casually over some of Hollywood's repsected directors you'd notice most of them have a particular 'kink' that they adhere to.

Steven Spielberg. Use of children to further a story : Close Encounters, ET, Empire of the Sun, Temple of Doom, Twilight Zone the Movie.
Frank Darabont. Likes to develop Steven King stories : Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, Mist....
Darren Aronofsky. Overblown psycho melodrama. Black Swan, Requiem for a Dream, The Wrestler
Robert Zemeckis. Likes to encorporate technical challenges: Polar Express, Who framed Roger Rabbit, Beowulf, A Christmas Carol.
Christoher Nolan. Concept heavy ideas: Insomnia, Memento, Inception
John Carpenter. Heavy obsesssion with the Horror Genre: The Ward, The Thing, Halloween, The Fog, In the Mouth of Madness.
Martin Scorsese. Violent depictions of life often focused on gansters. Meanstreets, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Casino.
Tim Burton Characters who are outsiders: Edward Scissorhands, PeeWee Herman, Batman, Beetlejuice, Vincent
and the most respected and singular of them all:

Alfred Hitchcock. Suspense thrillers. Vertigo, Psycho, Rear Window, North by Northwest etc etc.
and everyone of them has made a 'stinker' some actualy nothing but, but that's arguable.

It's just the rub.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:02 PM


Oh just compared Whedon to Hitchcock?

I get what you're saying, but I hardly think that Whedon has shared the same success and acclaim as Hitchcock, Burton, or any of the other ones you named....
There's a reason those guys are household names.

Still, props to those who said A:R was bad.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011 4:39 PM


Originally posted by thedudeabides:

Oh just compared Whedon to Hitchcock?

I get what you're saying, but I hardly think that Whedon has shared the same success and acclaim as Hitchcock, Burton, or any of the other ones you named....
There's a reason those guys are household names.

Still, props to those who said A:R was bad.

Nope. I highlighted how most directors have a pattern in thier work.

Thereafter it's all much of a muchness. Burton has spent his whole career dealing with people saying he does the same thing and can't write/direct narrative for toffee. Spielberg has been sited as being too sentimental (a criticism he's acknowledged). Tarantino is too preoccupied with non expositional dialogue... and so it goes on. None are exempt from criticism and or falling into a routine of familiarity.

I guess what I'm saying is Whedon is not exclusive in terms of having faults. It's part of the process. How much of a directors faults you can put up with all depends on the individual. You clearly don't gel with Whedon's 'Schtick'. There's really nothing that can be done about that.

However to save yourself any further dissapointment I'd suggest avoiding Avengers. You know he wrote and directed it right?

He only wrote Alien Resurrection!

Cartoons -


Thursday, October 13, 2011 4:33 AM


firs things first... let me get this out of the way... I like black olives and mushrooms on my pizza. That feels better!

At any rate, yes, A:R sucked. That's a self-evident truth, common knowledge like the color of grass or the fallibility of the right wing. But I don't think it's because of Joss' writing. Many steps between screenplay and movie, and tossing out a good portion of Joss' work was an early one.

Also, and this is just personal curiosity, but if you couldn't sit through Serenity, how are you a member of this board?? I'm not saying we should cast you out, I really am just flabbergasted; how can you like Firefly, but not Serenity? Never mind that you obviously don't care for the work of Whedon in general (that's the impression I get).


Thursday, October 13, 2011 6:11 AM



Originally posted by CPLRoberts57thOverla:
Many steps between screenplay and movie, and tossing out a good portion of Joss' work was an early one.

Which is why I asked the original poster if he had read the script (rather than judging the writing by the final film, which was altered greatly).

Rather telling that he avoided that question.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Thursday, October 13, 2011 6:34 AM


Onions, peppers, and mushrooms.

Oh, and I haven't seen Alien Resurrection. I like lots of elements of Joss's storytelling. Not horror so much, but the thriller/sci-fi/western/and especially humor aspects of his writing really engage me. I've never been able to watch all of Buffy, because although I LOVE the concept (Little blonde girl walks into dark alley, where lurks evil bad guy. Evil bad guy jumps her. And she beats the snot out of him.) I've found I just don't care for vampires all that much. Space cowboys for me any day.

I think that one thing Joss Whedon succeeds at tremendously is dumping stereotypes on their heads, with humor. I mean the reason we're even seeing a similarity between Mal=Angel=other Joss characters is because his overturning of the stereotypes has established new Joss-derived archetypes. It's a bit like saying that Mozart's music is stereotypical classical music.


Thursday, October 13, 2011 11:20 AM



Originally posted by CPLRoberts57thOverla:
Also, and this is just personal curiosity, but if you couldn't sit through Serenity, how are you a member of this board?? I'm not saying we should cast you out, I really am just flabbergasted; how can you like Firefly, but not Serenity? Never mind that you obviously don't care for the work of Whedon in general (that's the impression I get).

Well he didn't ever say that he liked Firefly and from the points he keeps making about Joss and his other work I have to assume that he didn't like it (if he even watched). I highly doubt that he tried to watch Serenity 4 times either. Giving a film ten minutes (even allowing for exaggeration of the time scale) is not giving it any anywhere near enough of a chance, whatever the film may be, and if they thought it was that bad they wouldn't have given it another go, let alone 3 more attempts.

As for being a member of this board, he joined, started this thread and this is the only one he's posted in (so far). I may not have gotten the 'hit-and-run' part of my first post quite right but I definitely stand by my opinion that he's a troll. He deliberately posted this thread to get fans riled up and see what comeback he gets. I'd be quite happy to be proven wrong but if he doesn't like Joss's work then I don't see him sticking around.

Love the battalion pic in your sig.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Friday, October 14, 2011 1:26 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:

Well he didn't ever say that he liked Firefly and from the points he keeps making about Joss and his other work I have to assume that he didn't like it (if he even watched). I highly doubt that he tried to watch Serenity 4 times either. Giving a film ten minutes (even allowing for exaggeration of the time scale) is not giving it any anywhere near enough of a chance, whatever the film may be, and if they thought it was that bad they wouldn't have given it another go, let alone 3 more attempts.

As for being a member of this board, he joined, started this thread and this is the only one he's posted in (so far). I may not have gotten the 'hit-and-run' part of my first post quite right but I definitely stand by my opinion that he's a troll. He deliberately posted this thread to get fans riled up and see what comeback he gets. I'd be quite happy to be proven wrong but if he doesn't like Joss's work then I don't see him sticking around.

Love the battalion pic in your sig.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall

Well, I just assumed OP was a fan because he was a member. It escapes me what motivates trolls to just appear in threads to rile people up. Seems like lack of constructive means to pass time combined with lack of creativity.

And thanks! I like the sig, have made a bunch of others that I'll roll out from time to time.


Saturday, October 15, 2011 4:33 AM


thedudeabides there's a part of me that almost wants to agree with you 100%. Even though I think Joss can be a great writer, top class movie maker a and do a nice comicbook like Xmen.
I'm a long term Firefly fan....then came the movie

and back then people started to rip him a new one over how quick the story unfolded and the pointless shockjock deaths of Wash etc as well as not executing the technical details of the visuals and story so newbies could be drawn into the Firefly franchise for movies 2 and 3

Joss is great but he can mess up
Aliens a mess and Serenity had messy bits
I hope he gets it right 4 Avengers, its a big franchise and responsibility


Saturday, October 15, 2011 4:51 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by JaynezTown: well as not executing the technical details of the visuals and story so newbies could be drawn into the Firefly franchise for movies 2 and 3

And yet we've seen just as many people (if not more) drawn to Firefly after seeing Serenity first as we had original series fans. I think he did just fine.

As for dudeabides, if he looks like a troll, sounds like a troll and smells like a troll, well...


Saturday, October 15, 2011 6:09 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Bytemite:
Or, we could discuss our favourite pizza toppings.

Mine's pineapple.

I like pineapple. I also like black olives, mushrooms, and sausage/meatballs. And there's a pizza place out here that has a bacon and tomato pizza with creamy sauce that I think is just to die for; I like the toppings, but whatever kind of sauce that is really brings it all together. I think it's garlic alfredo or something.

(Is stoked for Avengers)
(Became a fan of Firefly after seeing Serenity in the theater twice)

What reason had proved best ceased to look absurd to the eye, which shows how idle it is to think anything ridiculous except what is wrong.


Saturday, October 15, 2011 8:47 AM


Secretly I also like (black) olives, and mushrooms. It's just pineapple is the best.


Saturday, October 15, 2011 3:01 PM


rezident owtsidr

I like Alien Resurrection. Better than Alien3.

I have the new Alien BR box set. Fantastic! Lots uv extras, including etended director's versions.



Sunday, October 16, 2011 4:23 AM


There are parts that I enjoy in both 3&4. The atmosphere in 3 is superb, and hints at what was to come from Fincher, and I enjoyed the underwater chase in Resurrection as well as the introduction to the scientific facility. However when placed next to the sequel and Alien. They're miles apart. Many reasons for this but personally the main one for me is that the ALIEN creature had lost it's mystique after Aliens.

It'll be interesting to see what Scott does with PROMETHEUS.


Sunday, October 16, 2011 6:19 PM



Originally posted by GWEK:
Personally, I LIKE Resurrection. My second favorite in the franchise.

I gotta say... I'm surprised. I thought 3 was definitely the worst. Then, 4, 1 and of course... Aliens on top! That's what she said!!!

So you liked 4 better than Alien or Aliens? I admit that watching the first one now, it's not the thrill ride I remembered. But movies were made differently 25 years ago. Things developed more slowly, characters were fuller, everything was just a little more subtle.


Monday, October 17, 2011 1:28 PM


Awwww, now, if I can't "rile people up" then what good is exercising the right to debate.
Its true, I'm no Firefly fan...I'm a comic dork though and here's the rub....your boy Whedon is yet again trailing into into my territory (comics) and this one's in a way that already has my money. I mean, comon.....I know what you're saying about I should avoid it if I can't stand his writing, ideas, favorite plot devices, etc....BUT...its an Avengers movie. I'd watch that thing even if Schumacher directed it. (He hurt Batman and I cried.)
SO...getting back to why a Firefly message board....cause I'm just curious about polling opinions about A : R among a wide group of Whedonites...and maybe poke around abit and see what the appeal is, because I honestly don't see it.
I've had this same conversation with friends I have that are all crazy for Firefly and when I point out the abortion that A : R was they all just cite other works like, "but he wrote Buffy/Firefly/Angel/etc".....oddly enough, none of them seem to ever say that he helped write Toy Story...I'll be honest...that's the only thing the man's got going in my eyes.
And yet again, its all my guys love Whedon...and well....there ya go...most of ya'll kept it real, some of ya'll got defensive, and like...two of you said you loved A : R...I'm not judging, you've got your own likes and dislikes, and I've got mine, etc etc etc to infinity and beyond....(did Whedon pen that line?)


Monday, October 17, 2011 1:43 PM


Sorry bout this one, kindof escaped me originally...yes I read the script for A : R....I did my homework, but it really wasn't too different from what went on screen....granted that goofy frenchie just....I dunno what he did or wanted to do to that new born alien, but the idea was still not all that great anyways, and as far as the whole struggle between Ripley's humanity and alien side...well...that's why some concepts never get produced...they look/sound cool, but they just aren't that practical...there's no way of really bringing that to the screen and keep with the feel of alien movie...not like it felt like an alien movie anyways...
As for fighting the alien on earth, I just don't see the point...
I dunno, but yes, I did read Whedon's script.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011 6:13 AM


Yo, Whedon did what he could with the mess he was handed (do THIS, don't do THAT...).
And I liked the movie better than 3 also.
But yeah, not too good.

OTOH, Serenity is one of the best flicks ever made.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, October 19, 2011 8:54 AM


So, yeah, he came here deliberately to stir things up - sounds like a troll to me.

Also rather telling that he cites things either changed by the director or mandated by the studio - but blames Joss. Yeeeeah. Comic fanbois, always good for a laugh.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Thursday, October 27, 2011 3:29 PM


rezident owtsidr

Thats just like, your opinion, dude.

Therez alot uv inz & outs & wut-hav-youz in making moviez & TV showz. The writerz, directorz or any single person arent godz, so the final product iz never all their fault or credit.


Friday, October 28, 2011 5:35 AM


Your "s" key broken?

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Wednesday, February 15, 2012 4:09 PM


This thread is quite polarized and why would I bump it?

I like what TheSomnambulist said about Directors. I mean about each one, since I don't know them that well.

Alien: Resurrection was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, and killed a good franchise. For such gross
tastelessness, the Studio and producers should be ashamed ... or shot.
Number 3 wasn't awful; just not very good. Pointless.

Sarcastic characters? I much enjoy the humor in Firefly. I like the honesty & decency of Kaylee, Wash,
Zoe & Book. I also like the thuggery and insubordination of Jayne. I have both Firefly & Serenity.

I saw the pilot for Buffy; don't think I got thru the one for DollHouse. I am not that much of a Whedon
fan. I see him as refreshingly creative. Would I walk across the street to get his autograph? Sure.

Quote Joss: "With everything that I do, I hope that they see people struggling to live decent, moral lives in
a completely chaotic world. They see how hard it is, how often they fail, and how they get up and keep trying.
That, to me, is the most important message I'm ever going to tell."

Well, OK. He gives us the Hard Life with a Hard Chaser. This old gal, I can't do total fear and hopelessness
anymore. Let's have some warmth and good times after a hard battle.

"All I suggest is a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest" ~Paul Simon


Thursday, February 16, 2012 12:31 AM


Oonjerah wrote:


Alien: Resurrection was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, and killed a good franchise. For such gross
tastelessness, the Studio and producers should be ashamed ... or shot.
Number 3 wasn't awful; just not very good. Pointless.

Alien Resurrection has my favourite writer, my favourite director and my favourite actor working together, yet the results are singularly disappointing. Goes to show you can have too much of a good thing.

I guess the old adage about 'too many cooks' comes to mind....

Cartoons -


Thursday, February 16, 2012 5:14 AM



This thread is quite polarized and why would I bump it?


As heroic archetypes, they're all technically "decent" even in the grey on grey setting. Including Jayne, who does have his redeeming qualities. But yeah, "honesty" is something else, and not all of them have that.


Thursday, February 16, 2012 10:17 AM


I suspect Jayne would be less insubordinant in his comfort zone: While carrying grenades. How to stop
him calling Mal's name on every job, I have no clue. Dental anesthetic to paralyze the tongue perhaps.

"All I suggest is a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest" ~Paul Simon


Sunday, March 18, 2012 5:37 PM