Ramblings on Jaynesville

UPDATED: Thursday, October 19, 2017 12:51
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Friday, October 18, 2002 4:50 PM


And here we go. As always, spoilers abound, but i don't think I'm ever really specific enough to make anyone hate me. I hope...

"Have good sex." That's now going to be my new goodbye to people.

Yes! Shirtless Jayne! Natalie is happy...

I've decided that I really want to see Inara in a pair of jeans. Leather pants would work, too. She'd look good in them.

"I believe we're developing a rappor." Except with the way the schedule's been messed up, we have to take Book's word for it...

The episode written by Ben Edlund. So I watched both the cartoon and the live action versions of The Tick because it was really hysterical. And I like this. I love how he writes Simon. He's snarky and swears when it's appropriate. The way my brother put it, Simon is basically Arthur from the Tick. And yeah, I totally see it. Maybe that's why I like him so much.

Oh, and I keep wanting to yell "Spoon!" at random parts of the episode.

River's fixing the Bible. Okay, hee. That just cracked me up. And another reason I wish they ran these in order. I don't know enough about River to really come to a conclusion about her, and everything I'd seen so far kind of annoys me. Yet I loved her this episode.

The Jayne Song! Which I am *never* getting out of my head again. For one, the closed captioning was way faster than the actual singing, which was distracting. And how much did I love Simon covering his ears?

I want to see the crappy little town where Wash is a hero.

Book is Albert Einstein! I love that whole bit with Book's hair, and I have no idea why. Poor River in hiding. "No. I can't. Too much hair."

I love everyone on this show when they're drunk. There's DrunkJayne, DrunkWash, which is just amusing, and I really really like DrunkSimon and DrunkKaylee. I didn't really ship for them, but now I am.

"She named her hamster after me." Note to Ben Edlund: What's the hamster obsession?

Jayne Day Celebration? I want to see the Electric Light Jayne Parade.

Aw, Simon and Kaylee sleeping on each other. Which quickly turned into "What do you mean, not with me?"

Yep. Can't get The Jayne Song out of my head.

Damn. Simon looks good mussed up. Wow.

So Fess and Inara are lying in bed, and there's something about the expression on his face that makes me want to see him roll over and say "Yeah. You know what? I think I'm gay."

I have a note written here that's just "Zoe, Wash and a dune buggy."

Inara hasn't really *hit* me as a character yet. Yet when she says stuff like "Yes, that would be bad," it's something about her inflection that cracks me up and makes me really like her.

Don't kick MussedUpSimon! He looks better without blood!

Aw. Jayne. I feel bad for him, and I like how they don't resolve anything, really, with him about this. It just doesn't make sense to him. No jokes, just doesn't make sense.

Simon and Kaylee: I found myself saying the words "Kaylee. Sweetheart. Just jump on him." Said repeatedly.



Friday, October 18, 2002 5:29 PM


The have good sex line was definitely classic. I already compiled a small list of good quotes.

I watched the episode twice already, adn i was getting all hyper, because i'm so exhausted.

I think my mom's developing a little crush on Alan Tudyk. When Zoe and WAsh kissed, she started doing a Gerhardt impression (28 days). IT was quite beautiful. Now I'm going to think of gay german strippers wheneveri see Wash (is that really a bad thing though?! :D)

I do think Book looked like Einstein! It was quite cool. Kinda scary. i understand the hiding thing, but her lines there were weeeeeeeeird.. Something about snow, and ceilings caving in, and his brains being in terrible danger.

I WOULD like the crappy town where Wash is a hero. Hell, i'd probably found it. hehe.

The jayne song is fun, but not quite as addictive as the theme music.

I like the drunk people. Of course, I like WAsh best... but that's just cuz i think that Alan's such a good actor. I wish i had that kind of talent.

My major comment through this episode was... you'll never guess.

MORE WASH! i need to see more!

Zoe, Wash and a dune buggy, eh?

Oh, my other strange comment of the evening was that i was bothered by Jayne having a last name. Maybe it's just that my friend and I were doing Andromeda/firefly compare/contrast. And Jayne is kind of like a very different Tyr ( ijust mean in the tough mercenary stuff.. not personality). So to have him have the same last name as the guy who plays Tyr is too weird for me.


"My God! you're like a trained ape, without the training!"

Saint of Cheese


Friday, October 18, 2002 6:24 PM


How much do you love drunk Janye? Of course, drunk Simon had his moments, too, but a drunk Janye always makes for a good episode. I got to me one of those flappy ear hats.

I liked how the episode didn't have Janye turning into a big hero the mudders thought he was. He's a bad ass and knowing that there's a whole town who practically worship him doesn't make him a better person. He admitted it himself. In Janye's eyes, having the guy mudder jump out in front of him didn't seem worth it. He ain't no hero of Canton. Catchy song though.

River and Book's side story was very out of place with the rest of the episode, but at least River didn't sound that much of a crazy. Book's hair just made me laugh. Zoe's reaction was priceless.

Simon and Kaylee need to get together. How cute did they look when they woke up?

"Have some good sex." Hee hee.

"Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing." - Zoe


Friday, October 18, 2002 8:20 PM


Once again, my boy Jayne proves just what a badass he is, too. He not only killed Stitch, he killed that guy ugly! Goes to show that he wasn't lying about killing the six men, one armed with Vera.

Kaylee and Simon was very cute. Kaylee is reminding me of pre-lesbian Willow, back when she was with Oz.

The landlock was interesting. I wonder how that works?

I guess that really was good mud, as the stature didn't break much at all.

Just my dos pesos,



Saturday, October 19, 2002 7:18 AM


Well, they did say that the baked mud on that world can be stronger than steel.


Saturday, October 19, 2002 7:38 AM


Hmm... well the son of the magistrate apparently turned the landlock off remotely, which suggests something electronic, and most definatly not mud, since mud would not be able to be manipulated on and off in that fashion.

Hmm... I'd venture a guess that it could have been some sort of large electromagnet buried under the surface of the planet. Perhaps each docking space has a plate which can be magnetized so as to hold a ship to the planet... I believe similar technology is featured in several other science fiction stories I'm familiar with(Star Wars, Robotech, Star Trek maybe)

Funny and/or insightful quote coming soon.


Saturday, October 19, 2002 7:58 AM



Originally posted by MoonKnight:
Hmm... well the son of the magistrate apparently turned the landlock off remotely, which suggests something electronic, and most definatly not mud, since mud would not be able to be manipulated on and off in that fashion.

If I'm not mistaken, I think Neoolong was talking about the mud for the statue, not for the Landlock. I'd have to agree with him on that one.

I like your idea of the electromagnet for the landlock, but would that have any effect on electronics too? I'm not a big science whiz or anything, by a long shot.

Just my dos pesos,



Saturday, October 19, 2002 10:06 AM


Oh, I loved this episode! Train Job and Bushwhacked
were pretty good, but Jaynesville was by far the best
ep. yet!

When the town's people started singing that song about
Jayne, the expression on his face was priceless!

Jayne: Time for some thrilling heroics.


Saturday, October 19, 2002 10:50 AM


Seems to me, a smuggling ship like Serenity would have something to defeat the landlock. It wouldn`t make much sense for the ship to be grounded that easily.

So much for speculating on who Kaylee likes! The "when we made love last night" trick was a bit mean though! River seems to be a hell of a lot more normal now, maybe cuz the eps are out of order.


Saturday, October 19, 2002 4:04 PM


The landlock may have been something like a boot: a device designed to physically prevent the vehicle from moving (maybe by shutting down fuel lines or sumthin') that requires a key (or in this case, code) posessed only by the proper authorities. They could probably have removed it, but it would take time.


Saturday, October 19, 2002 5:50 PM


But they just landed in a brushy clearing, I didn`t see any landing pad. It seemed like a software do-hickey to me.


Saturday, October 19, 2002 6:13 PM


Could be something beamed down from orbit, even, 'specially as the magistrate lives on a moon. I think. I have to watch the epsiode again (oh WOE ). There is obviously some form of gravity-generating technology (see other thread) and perhaps it can be focused to pin a ship in place. That could be handy. *ponders modern-day applications*

Interesting worldview River has there. For her, the Bible wasn't a book made out of paper--it was a symbol. She saw it the way Shepherd does, only more concretely. Now I really want to know what they did to her, and what they were trying to achieve.

Inside every cynic there's an idealist desperately yearning to be let out, and when they are let out they're usually a real pain and cause all sorts of trouble. --Chris Boucher


Saturday, October 19, 2002 7:13 PM


Another item of note was Stitch's shotgun. Did anyone else notice the strange sound it made when reloading? I think this is possibly a lead for our speculations on the tech level of their firearms. Similar, but not exact?

Someone speculated that they though it might be Adam Baldwin playing Stitch too. There was no listing in the credits for Stitch, so you may be right.

Just my dos pesos,



Saturday, October 19, 2002 10:24 PM



Originally posted by RexRaygun:

Originally posted by MoonKnight:
Hmm... well the son of the magistrate apparently turned the landlock off remotely, which suggests something electronic, and most definatly not mud, since mud would not be able to be manipulated on and off in that fashion.

If I'm not mistaken, I think Neoolong was talking about the mud for the statue, not for the Landlock. I'd have to agree with him on that one.

I like your idea of the electromagnet for the landlock, but would that have any effect on electronics too? I'm not a big science whiz or anything, by a long shot.

Just my dos pesos,


Yeah, I was referring to the statue. I guess I should have been more specific.

I figure the landlock was probably something like a futuristic boot. I don't think that it was an entirely physical object like a boot or else they probably would have noticed it before trying to take off.


Saturday, October 19, 2002 10:50 PM



Originally posted by Trickster:
Yes! Shirtless Jayne! Natalie is happy...

ANd the expression on Jaynes face, as he ripped the tape off, was priceless. Nice acting job on Adam's part.

Just my dos pesos,



Sunday, October 20, 2002 3:19 AM



Originally posted by Trickster:

Yes! Shirtless Jayne! Natalie is happy...

Mmmm... Me too, honey.

River's fixing the Bible. Okay, hee. That just cracked me up. And another reason I wish they ran these in order. I don't know enough about River to really come to a conclusion about her, and everything I'd seen so far kind of annoys me. Yet I loved her this episode.

Another me, too. Dammit! When she's not mumbling and screaming she's actually kind of cute.


Aw, Simon and Kaylee sleeping on each other. Which quickly turned into "What do you mean, not with me?"

Well, you know what I think, but in the interest of not starting another war I'm keeping my mouth shut.

So Fess and Inara are lying in bed, and there's something about the expression on his face that makes me want to see him roll over and say "Yeah. You know what? I think I'm gay."

Don't tempt me like this!


Aw. Jayne. I feel bad for him, and I like how they don't resolve anything, really, with him about this. It just doesn't make sense to him. No jokes, just doesn't make sense.


I liked this too. Too many shows think we'll buy a jerky character like Jayne just changing completely after one little encounter like this. When the show began I felt like we should start taking bets on how long until Jayne nobly sacrificed himself for someone so he could prove he's 'not a bad guy.' So glad they don't seem to be going in this direction.

And there was shirtlessness. River could have babbled like her name sake and this would still be the bestest Firefly episode yet.

"I was gonna get me an ear, too." - Jayne


Sunday, October 20, 2002 5:42 AM



Originally posted by JaynesGirlfriend:
When the show began I felt like we should start taking bets on how long until Jayne nobly sacrificed himself for someone so he could prove he's 'not a bad guy.' So glad they don't seem to be going in this direction.

Which is GOOD, cuz I don't want to see Jayne going anywhere, whether it's in a blaze of glory or not!



Sunday, October 20, 2002 7:05 AM


(re: the statue) "Its eyes kind of follow me wherever go."

Do you think this might have been an oblique reference to Catherine Madison's cheerleading trophy?


"You still don't get it. It's not about right. It's not about wrong... It's about Power." —Morph-O-Monster, "Lessons"


Sunday, October 20, 2002 8:30 AM


just curious...but for those who have watched "Serenity", is River becoming coherent because she's out of shock? Simon said that she wasn't supposed to be out of the "box" for another two weeks, is that now coming into fact?


Sunday, October 20, 2002 8:02 PM



Originally posted by RexRaygun:

Someone speculated that they though it might be Adam Baldwin playing Stitch too. There was no listing in the credits for Stitch, so you may be right.

You know, I kept wondering who that was under the makeup and thinking maybe that was him, too. But I still don't know. Maybe watch it again and listen to the voice? But Adam does some voice work for cartoons (JACKIE CHAN ADVENTURES), and I never would have recognized his voice there, so...that might not be conclusive, either.

(Aw, heck, who cares if it's conclusive, it's just fun to watch the ep again! )

And Rex -- yeah, I most definitely saw the look on his face when he ripped off that tape! Owwwwie!


Monday, October 21, 2002 4:59 AM


Jayne: The Hero of Canton.


Tuesday, October 22, 2002 12:56 AM



Originally posted by RexRaygun:

Someone speculated that they though it might be Adam Baldwin playing Stitch too. There was no listing in the credits for Stitch, so you may be right.

Holy crap, my husband asked the same thing. I thought he was nuts. Guess not! I'll have to tell him when I get home that he might have been right. Huh. I hate it when that happens!



Thursday, October 19, 2017 5:09 AM


Following a 2 week hiatus for baseball, this 4th episode to be aired makes clear that Mal most never actually has a plan, he just wings it on the fly.

Jayne gets his own statue, town, but my ears out on a riot in his honor. And he is the first, outside Zoe, Wash, and Inara to get laid. In contrast to Star Trek, where the Captain gets paid regularly, here Mal has not yet.

And Kaylee is getting a mite pushy already.

With TTJ and OMR, this message is the 3rd of 4 episodes where Inara effectively saves everyone's bacon.

Jayne's lay is apparently played by Laura Niemi, who later shows up in season 5 of Castle - the episode before Dennis Cockburn's.


Thursday, October 19, 2017 10:45 AM


lol I had forgotten that we had wondered if Stitch was actually Adam in makeup.


Thursday, October 19, 2017 12:51 PM


Ok, I just realized this is the first time we learn Jayne's name is Cobb.

Given the JC alliteration, in this 4th episode we know that he is unfairly persecuted, innocent, benevolent, mythical prophet, honorable, misunderstood, scapegoated. That puts a specific n on things, without much to counter from TTJ, BW, or OMR.

River is very underdeveloped at this point, merely a confusing extraneous character. TTJ and BW only gave hints of her.






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