favorite episode and reasons why

UPDATED: Sunday, February 27, 2005 08:50
VIEWED: 11686
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004 6:09 AM


Hey everybody, someone probably started a thread like this at some point, but I figured for us noobs I would restart it. What's your favorite episode, and 5 reasons why? It's sort of an essay thread. I should'a been a teacher to give out nasty homework like this.

I know for some it's a toss up as to their favorite episode, but most people have a defining episode.
For me it's Objects in Space, sadly the last episode of the series, but deffinitely a very strong finish.

1. great moment, river in the cargo bay, extreme concentration on that stick, bent double with her ace near her feet to look at it, when she picks it up, a shot from above of the cargo bay, leaves scattered about, beautiful framing of that shot.
2. Jubal Early - For me, one of the most interesting characters introduced in Firefly. Maybe I just go in for people spouting endless streams of consciousness, but at least he was lyrical and intelligent sounding.
3. A look into the secret side of the firefly crew, Simon's secretly resentful, Jayne's secretly afraid, Book is secretly angry, Inara is hurt, and Mal is lost. Lots to work with here for future stories.
4. River becomes a worthy character. She really steps out of the whack job mold and shows the intelligence that they hinted at in the first episode.
5. Jayne - ok admittedly, he's my favorite character and he does very little in this episode, but it is interesting what he does. He sleeps through an emergency, proclaims his sainthood, reminds people of River's expertise with butcher knives, and tries to take the conversation in a not Jayne's fault direction.

So there's my five reasons. Anyone willing to take me up on ,y challenge to quantify why they liked certain episodes the best?

"Could be he's harboring some resentment at us for putting his man through our engine."


Wednesday, June 23, 2004 6:25 AM


Tough question! They are all good. I think I would go for either Objects in Space or Out of Gas. OiS pretty much for the same reasons you stated. Early is a really cool character.
But OoG has all those flashbacks on how the crew came on board. Plus it has lots of great music! Some really touching scenes when Mal is alone on the ship and there's this beautiful music.
I have to admit, I really can't decide.


Wednesday, June 23, 2004 6:32 AM


I love Firefly as a whole, but if I had to choose ONE favorite episode, it'd be The Train Job. When I initially watched it in the order it is on the DVD, I thought it was a bit repetitive coming after the great pilot 'Serenity', but now, after having rewatched it, it makes a great second ep. Plus, it's got some great quotes and introduces us to the uber-creepy Adelai Niska.

Take my love
Take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care
I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me
Take me out to the black
Tell 'em I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me
There's no place I can be
Since I've found Serenity
But you can't take the sky from me


Wednesday, June 23, 2004 6:36 AM


Serenity, because that's where it all started. They are all so perfect, it is hard to choose one in particular. They are works of art in entertainment.



Wednesday, June 23, 2004 6:39 AM


i have to go with our mrs reynolds, so erm... reasons:

1. saffron - i wanna go to the special hell. lots.
2. inara - a big part of my love/lust for her comes from the expressiveness of her face, the way she's upset when hearing mal is married, the big doe-eyes in her conversation with him at the end and that whole cute bit about how she 'just fell'. yum!
3. that's why i never kiss 'em on the mouth - that line made me laugh longer and harder than anything else has in years.
4 & 5 - well, thats gonna be inara and saffron again. phwoar.

eviltobz - that's lowercase gorram it!


Wednesday, June 23, 2004 8:21 AM



Originally posted by eviltobz:

3. that's why i never kiss 'em on the mouth - that line made me laugh longer and harder than anything else has in years.

I completely agree that this quote is a great one. Actually Jayne makes pretty much any episode, because he's just as mean as I wanna be. Can you imagine offering to trade Vera for Saffron? it is the best gun made by man and has great sentimental value.

"Could be he's harboring some resentment at us for putting his man through our engine."


Wednesday, June 23, 2004 8:39 AM


I'd say Out of Gas -
1 Stylisticly brilliant; too often teevee is used basically as "radio with pictures", this is an example of image delivering emotion and information, you can't just turn it on and walk out of the room and hope to follow what's going on. I'm also fond of non-linear storytelling. The shots that cross from flashback to present are great, moreso because they are done "in-camera", such as the camera dropping down as Mal and Zoe exit in the background, and the camera finds wounded Mal in the foreground as the lighting shifts from autumn hues to winter hues.
2 Nathan Fillion; I recently reviewed _Private Ryan_, and his small bit, while played for dark humor, was still wonderous. This episode is all about his work, and I'd hazard to guess this is an actor that has yet to demonstrate just how brilliant he can be.
3 Backstory; Where they all came from also gives us an idea of where they are going (except for that Book fella...).
4 The Black; It's mentioned in passing at various times about how fragile things are out in a tin can, but this shows how the reality is very much on the minds of all. The scene with them all sitting at the table during dinner and during the cake presentation shows their relationships between each other, but the scene when they divide up between the shuttles is a room full of very human fear, they are all, literally, on the same boat.
5 Emotional content; We get to see everyone happy and everyone scared, and from this we learn alot about them all. Jayne's line that shuts Mal and Wash up when they are arguing, Simon having the worst birthday ever and Inara comforting him, Wash and Mal both having to contend with the absence of Zoe at a moment of crisis. And the scene when Mal dropped the part kinda struck home for me, from those times when I battled with car repair and it's late at night and I'm tired and dirty and hungry and this last thing needs doing and suddenly it falls and lands dead center beneath the car and you don't know which to hit with the tire iron, you or the car.

I think that's enough for now....


Wednesday, June 23, 2004 10:06 AM


Always a fun thread! Maybe it's the academic in me, but I love to reference previous work(using the term work loosely). For those interested in surfing similar comments:
There are also discussions on particular episodes along with reviews and other information in the archives for this section. Just go to the following url and do a search for a word from the title of the particular episode (Control-F on pc, Apple-F on mac - not trying to be snarky, just trying to come at this from a lowest common denominator point of view).

I shaved off my beard for you, devil woman!


Tuesday, June 29, 2004 1:09 PM


I would say Objects in Space is definately my favorite. Simply because it triggered such a strong emotional response in me. My eyes welled up twice (Yeah, big pansy here). No other episode of Firefly, or any show, has done that to me. Few movies do either. It was just completely brilliant, and struck a chord with me. Great stuff.

I also really liked some of the shots in that episode. particularly the one with Summer bending down to the stick. A joy for the eyes.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 6:04 PM


Ariel is a very exciting, fast paced episode that has a great ending. That' s my favorite ep.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 8:38 PM


Objects in Space was awesome. Want proof? I made my sorta uptight English professor borrow my taped version of it, and he totally went apeshit over it. Then showed it in class, and made the class write an analysis of what they got from it. He then bought the DVD box set. He expressed how he loved that they incorporated the Mandarin in the dialogue to "fool" the censors. I even converted some students into Browncoats. I'm gonna take these sons of bitches with me to see Serenity opening day. And on the last day of class, he showed both parts of the pilot.

I'll be in my bunk.


Monday, July 5, 2004 4:04 AM



And the scene when Mal dropped the part kinda struck home for me, from those times when I battled with car repair and it's late at night and I'm tired and dirty and hungry and this last thing needs doing and suddenly it falls and lands dead center beneath the car and you don't know which to hit with the tire iron, you or the car.

That bit struck home with me too. Mal seemed so vulnerable and desperate - a total contrast to how we usually see him. Dropping that important widget exactly when you need it the most is precisely the sort of cosmic joke that that happens.

I think I agree with everything in this post, actually! OoG is one of my favourite's too, along with Ariel and Objects in Space.


Tuesday, July 6, 2004 8:07 AM


1. Jayne has his own town
2. Jayne's theme song
3. Talking about Earth That Was and realizing only the fully educated knows about Earth's history-very sad
4. River and Book's scenes together
5. Jayne and Mal's talk at the end

Objects In Space
1. River walking around reading everybody's mind
2. River's easedropping
3. Wash: "Psychic, though? That sounds like
something out of science fiction."
Zoe: "We live in a space ship, dear."
4. Jayne:"Wha -- are you-are you sayin' she's a witch?"
Wash: "Yes, Jayne. She's a witch. She has
had congress with the beast."
Jayne: "She's in Congress?"
Wash: "How did your brain even learn human
speech? I'm just so curious"
5. Early's and Simon's scene up until the end of the show

^__^ River and Jayne are so cute!!


Wednesday, July 7, 2004 7:24 AM


My top three are Objects in Space, Out of Gas, and Ariel, but since others have already given good explanations for OiS and OoG I'm going to have to go with Ariel.

1. Simon- the guy who can't seem to be able to talk to anyone (Jaynestown) is able to come up with a successful plan to help his sister and get the crew their best pay off to date. Not only that but the scene in the hospital where Simon is able to save the guys life really shows a lot about the character and what he sacrificed for his sister, it shows how much he really does fit in at a central planet hospital.

2. Jayne- there's always the risk of Jayne turning on crew members. He says in Serenity that it'll be an interesting day when the money is good enough, case in point. The writers do a wonderful job of staying true to the character of Jayne. Plus Jayne learning his line and then having to say it was hilarious.

3. Blue Sun- River refers to "two by two hands of blue" before this episode which basically teaches the audience to take just about everything that comes out of River's mouth seriously. It introduces the threat of the Blue Sun organization without giving too much information. The crew still doesn't understand why River attacked Jayne ('s shirt).

4. Mal- Mal's the captain, it's his ship and his crew, and he's not going to stand for double crossing. Jayne's afraid of pissing Mal off and this episode gives a good reason why.

5. A job finally goes smoothly!- Okay, well not really, but it's because of inside forces that things go wrong.

6. It's firefly- and firefly rocks.

-Professor's fiance


Monday, July 12, 2004 6:20 AM


It is really really hard to pick just one!
Out of Gas was a great episode as well as this one that I can't remember the name of but it's the one where Mal and Walsh get kidnapped by Miska the Psycho little man. I really liked that ep because:
1) It was funny as hell.
2) You really get to see how protective Mal is of his crew in terms of keeping Walsh from submitting to the torture... that takes a man of extreme will. I know he proves it on many other occasions, but that one really struck me as a stand out.
3) Zoe ruining the little mans power play of making her choose. Fabulous!!


Monday, July 12, 2004 7:59 PM



Originally posted by JustAnotherMudder:
It is really really hard to pick just one!
Out of Gas was a great episode as well as this one that I can't remember the name of but it's the one where Mal and Walsh get kidnapped by Miska the Psycho little man. I really liked that ep because:
1) It was funny as hell.
2) You really get to see how protective Mal is of his crew in terms of keeping Walsh from submitting to the torture... that takes a man of extreme will. I know he proves it on many other occasions, but that one really struck me as a stand out.
3) Zoe ruining the little mans power play of making her choose. Fabulous!!

That would be "War Stories" ^-^;; Too bad I don't know all of Buffy/Angel episode titles too.


Tuesday, July 13, 2004 3:48 AM


Thanks. I always think of the episode "The Message" as "War Stories" because of the reminiscing over the corpse and all. ;) LOL.
I just rewatched both last night as a matter of fact... and got all mad at Fox Again! Frelling Fox. *grr*

I don't know any of the Angel titles. I just started watching that show from the beginning thanks to :D

"We have done the impossible. That makes us mighty."


Tuesday, July 13, 2004 4:08 AM


Well all of the episodes are very good, so its the little things that count. My fav episode would be Objects in Space.

1. River is über cute in space suit
2. Simon protecting his sister.
3. River in the cargo room. The whole bending for the stick, holding the gun, "She understands, she doesnt comprehend" part :)
4. River saying in the Early's ship, right before Simon attacks Early that "everybody could just go on without me" part, very sad.
5. Early, the way he talks is just somehow very funny and strange.


Tuesday, July 13, 2004 8:56 AM


In OiS, Simon isn't just protecting River, he's also going to bat for Kaylee, even though he also showed he was born with a silver foot in his mouth earlier in the episode.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 5:29 PM


There are too many great episodes to have a favorite. But if I must choose, I choose "Safe". This was when I stopped seeing River as being creepy and fell in love with Dr. Tam. There is just so much good stuff in here!
-the sharp contrast between the affluence of the Tam's previous existance and the distress of their current existance
-scenes of River as a normal, although brilliant, little girl. loved her "fallacious"
-Inara in that beautiful outfit
-the hurt look on Kaylee after Simon slams Serenity
-Jayne ransacking Simon's room
-Zoe's "Sanguine. Hopeful. Plus point of interest it also means bloody." to Captain Harbakan
-Jayne, Mal, and Zoe in the biggest damn heroic scene ever!!!!!
-Jayne returning items pilfered from Simon
-Mal telling Simon "You're on my crew."

Yeah, this was a good episode. My favorite scene in the series was when Mal shot that lawman without breaking stride in "Serenity". I was watching a download after the series was cancelled. That scene made me buy the DVD set.



Monday, October 4, 2004 10:58 AM


I'd have to go with Objects In Space aswell.

1 - River is presented as a real character.

2 - Jubal Early's musical theme. It's just haunting and beautiful.

3 - Wonderful dialogue, courtesy of Mr Early again. Just the way he say's :
"Does that seem fair to you?"
" Firefly is a good design"
"Little man loved to play with fire"

to name but a few, but everything that he was coming out with was fascinating to listen to.

4 - Mal's expression when River says to him
"Don't make faces" - I love that.

5 - The final line that somes up the entire episode and the show in respects to its early cancelation:

"Well here I am" - it's almost like this little DVD box set is saying it to you. It is the Object in Space.



Friday, October 15, 2004 11:06 AM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
5 - The final line that somes up the entire episode and the show in respects to its early cancelation:

"Well here I am" - it's almost like this little DVD box set is saying it to you. It is the Object in Space.

Nice one

Keep the Shiny Side Up


Friday, October 15, 2004 11:23 AM


Out of Gas:

1- Cinematic styling; just the way the story is assembled.

2- The mustache! Does Wash just look like some kinda 70s throwback or what?!

3- Kaylee's origins. Engines make her hot, man. Didn't ever realise Kayless was that much of a wild child.

4- Jayne's entrance. The fact that Mal and Zoe could stay cool enough to talk Jayne into joining the crew...just awesome dialogue!

5- The very last scenes. I have stood in that exact same position and mood when I've bought old VWs. There's just love in that man's eyes!


Uncharted Outlaw!

Haulin' goods from one end of creation to th' other. Keepin' my nose clean 'round the Alliance. See my Firefly Store:


Friday, October 15, 2004 12:27 PM



Originally posted by UnchartedOutlaw:
Out of Gas:
5- The very last scenes. I have stood in that exact same position and mood when I've bought old VWs. There's just love in that man's eyes!

Amen to that! I gots me a Beetle too!



Wednesday, October 27, 2004 5:49 AM


well, you know, they're all fabulous, but i think my favorite is "war stories."

1. kaylee chasing river in the opening and how the whole "no power in the 'verse can stop me" line comes back when river saves kaylee's hide at the end.
2. we see inara take a female client. besides the beauty of that interaction, i love jayne's reaction, "i'll be in my bunk."
3. the captain and wash discussing their relationships with zoe while they're being tortured.
4. zoe's unquestioningly choosing her husband when niska says she can only have one. and that's right after wash was all insecure about her and the captain.
5. how the whole crew comes together to get mal back. book not having a problem with shooting men in the kneecap. wash and his tiny gun.

"dong ma?"


Wednesday, October 27, 2004 6:09 AM


This is a cool thread but a REALLY evil question! :D

All of the episodes are really good. It's hard to narrow it down to just one.

*Thinking long and hard...*

I guess it would have to be 'Out of Gas'.

I haven't seen an episode written in a disjointed and innovative way since the pilot of Alias. It was the first time I really started to care about the characters too. 'OOG' had everything a good episode should have and that's why it's my favourite.


Sunday, December 12, 2004 12:50 PM


I thought I'd renew this thread. Good subject!!

I'm with the two of you that said "War Stories." I thought this was an amazing episode. Not only did we really get to 'meet the real man' in Mal, but also Zoe and Wash, and to a smaller extent, the rest of the crew.

1) First and foremost, Zoe. She was absolutely incredible in this ep. She knew exactly what Niska was after, and refused to give it to him. She immediately took Wash, and showed no reaction what-so-ever when he cut Mal's ear off. And yet you knew that it absolutely made her blood boil. She really kept cool and showed her grit. Love her SOOOO much!

2) Next, Wash. Not because he was especially brave, but because he finally started to come to terms with the relationship Zoe and Mal have, and because I think he really was changed by the experience.

3) We learn about Book: he's practical and loyal. A lot of religious men are anything but practical. I loved the "kneecaps" comment. In fact, I'm working on a wallpaper of it. We also learn that he has handled a gun before. He certainly seemed to know what he was doing.

4) We also learn that Kaylee is a lover, not a fighter. Rather than seeing this as a weakness, I feel like it's one of her she can help keep the rest of them human when they lose track of themselves.

5) The humor. Thank goodness these writers have such an amazing sense of humor! This could have been such a painful episode, but it was funny and touching at the same time that it showed the grim side of living in a basically lawless society, out on the rim.

I just thought it was a wonderful showcase for some major talents, and developed the characters considerably. Love it!!



Sunday, December 12, 2004 4:59 PM


Objects in Space. I find that River is the most interesting character in the series, and this is the episode which most explores her perspective. The sequence with her walking through the ship has got to be one of the best sequences I've ever seen on television.

Are these our lives? NNNOOOOOO!!!


Sunday, January 16, 2005 8:52 AM


I liked Serenitym Out of Gas, and War Stories. But the ep. that I found to be the best was Heart of Gold. There was great action, acerbic wit, and some really dramtic moments.

And this:



Sunday, January 16, 2005 11:16 AM



Originally posted by SSJ4BlackBelt:
I liked Serenitym Out of Gas, and War Stories. But the ep. that I found to be the best was Heart of Gold. There was great action, acerbic wit, and some really dramtic moments.

Yeah!! Someone else picks my favorite!! I love the "Gunsmoke" feel to the whole thing, and also the "monster who thinks he's right with God" comment Mal skates off...very true, very profound, very not-preachy because of Mr. Fillion's wingin' it past us top speed. But possibly the funniest line in the whole series is Wash's "Figures you'd get your most poetical about your pecker" to Jayne.

But Kaylee's character, the lover-not-a-fighter noted in a pervious post on this thread, comes out (pun optional) when she says, "Look! They got boy whores too! Ain't that thoughtful?" I love that (fictitious) woman.


Wednesday, February 9, 2005 11:45 PM


My favorite episodes, if I had to choose, would be "Objects in Space," "Ariel," and "Out of Gas," in that order. However, since a lot of folks have already given some great reasons for watching these eps, I'll talk about another that I really enjoyed: "Serenity."

5) Begin from the beginning. This was the first episode I watched, and the one that got me hooked. It sets the tone for the "Firefly" universe, especially the opening scenes at Serenity Valley and Persephone. I'm a fan of the American-Chinese amalgam that dominates the culture.
4) It's a two-parter, so it took its time and allowed the story to unfold. It isn't rushed, and right away establishes a connection between the viewers and the characters, especially Mal. I think there's a little of each character in all of us.
3) It doesn't take itself too seriously; that is, there are lots of funny moments. Wash playing with the toy dinosaurs and Mal's "Public relations" line after dismissing Jayne from the dinner table are my favorites.
2) The theme song! The first time I heard it, I walked around singing it for about a month.

And the #1 reason why I like this episode --

1) Kaylee eating a strawberry. Need I say more?



Saturday, February 26, 2005 7:25 AM


I'm going to go with "Our Mrs. Reynolds", with "Ariel" a close second.

My reasons - I don't know much about cinematography and all, though I recognize this series does a great job. My preferences are driven by the characters, mostly.

1. Saffron - excellent character, every bit as amoral and grasping as our Jayne but substituting wile and intelligence for muscle. The actress (forgot her name, damme) is very talented. Quite a beauty, too; too high on the waif-o-meter in her submissive country girl role, at least until she starts hauling out the naughty religion stuff, but awesome as the con artist. The lines "Good Bible!" and "Good Myth!" are hilarious.

2. The look on Jayne's face as he ogles Vera. That whole scene is pure gold. "My days of not taking you seriously are definitely coming to a middle" is on the short list for best line of the series.

3. The bit at the end where Mal smugly reveals his clever deduction - that Inara kissed Saffron too.

4. Zoe & Wash's snickering about Mal's marriage.

5. Book leaning into the hall to repeat: "a special hell." Perfect delivery.

As others have noted, it's hard to pick a favorite. I'm hoping somebody will speak up for "Trash" or "Bushwhacked". :)


Saturday, February 26, 2005 10:32 AM


I think Bushwack'd, Shindig and OiS pretty much sum up why I love Firefly as a series.

Bushwack'd is just the perfect space horror and creates a genunine sense of evil and peril while staying within the constraints of a family show...

Shindig has some truly classic lines and also is just a beautifully shot episode with a very, very cool swordfight.


"Are you Alliance?"

"Am I a Lion???"

Just about sums up my love for that episode, but also the shot where River is stood on the balcony and the shot where she picks up the gun have a wonderful unnaturallness to them. Plus Jubal threatening to rape Kaylee had me shouting at the screen.


Saturday, February 26, 2005 11:29 AM



Originally posted by BlueBomber:
And the #1 reason why I like this episode --

1) Kaylee eating a strawberry. Need I say more?

I'm right there with you on that.

"It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of son'bitch or another."


Sunday, February 27, 2005 8:50 AM


I think we all agree that asking you to pick your favorite Firefly episode is like asking you who your favorite child is. But here goes.

Out of Gas is my favorite.

1) This episode more than any other defines and solidifies the relationships. I love the scenes where they are all having a good time around the dinner table like a family, laughing and talking.

2)We see the origins of some crewmembers and Serenity herself and how they've changed from then to present. Jayne's flashback was classic and Kahlee's was masterfully done.(That guy Bester cracked me up.) And who knew Zoe didn't like facial hair?

3)The explosion scene was gripping. When Zoe pushes Kayhlee out of the way and get's blown across the room, River repeating "Fire", the first time prophetically I came forward in my seat, heart thumping in my chest. The creeks and groans of metal and alarms going off in the background were like cries of pain from Serenity as if she were a living being. Mal's single-minded efforts to put out the fire is just another example of why he's one of my favorite heroes. That scene was different levels of peril layed on top of each other in a masterful blend.

4) Mal's relationship with Serenity is truly established. His unbridled optimism when he buys her to his last ditch efforts to save her, we see his love. His struggle, even after being shot to take the catalyzer to where it needs to go had me shaking my head in wonder. His ability as a leader is also expanded upon. Jerking Wash up and making him tend to the bridge away from injured Zoe, making Kaylee focus on the job at hand instead of wallowing in self-pity and finally directing everyone to the shuttles as he stays behind all show he knows what needs to be done and sees that it gets done.

5)The last scene where he wakes up in the infirmary got to me. It shows the crew's loyalty to him and his love and respect for them. And the final glimpse of the salesman talking about the other ship and Mal staring off in the distance to what we find out is the future Serenity with love in his eyes, you just kind of nod your head and say "Yeah", smile and say "Yeah" again. That says it all right there.

Well, as a rule I say girl folk ain't to be trusted.






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