Firefly 1.4: 'Shindig'

UPDATED: Friday, May 13, 2005 20:49
VIEWED: 4051
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Monday, July 26, 2004 4:02 PM


I always feel like this episode is just a little too light-hearted, even though I like it. I love the really dark and painful episodes..."Out of Gas" and "War Stories" come to mind...but even so, a light-hearted episode is a good thing, sometimes. Made it hard to figure out what to say when writing this up over the weekend, though...

Here's my review for Firefly 1.4: "Shindig" (DVD version):

Overall, this episode was somewhat lighter than the episodes that have come before, giving the audience a moment to rest while also delving into the complexities of the relationship between Mal and Inara. While the lack of serious depth makes it seem like something is missing, and the context of Persephone society within the rest of the Alliance is hard to gauge, the episode makes its case with a certain grace.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 12:35 PM


Something I always thought would have been a good scene. Towards the end, after Mal dueled and is back at the ship, all the men at the party who were hanging around Kaylee talking about ships and engines show up armed to save Kaylee.

Serenity should be making little "alliances" throughout the show. EG: In Mrs. Reynolds, the scene, leaving the planet should show a new alliance developed and transfer of the only commodity the people had, fresh food.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 2:00 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by tcortezz:
Something I always thought would have been a good scene. Towards the end, after Mal dueled and is back at the ship, all the men at the party who were hanging around Kaylee talking about ships and engines show up armed to save Kaylee.

Coupla problems:
Badger's purpose was to keep his connexion to Malcolm Reynolds secret.
1) Badger would have to be incompetent for any of those men to have learned that Kaylee was being held.
2) If one man found out, what we see of that society's code of honour leads me to suspect that only one or two men would have come.
3) Once the situation on Serenity became known, Badger would have failed in his purpose, & had no further reason to hold anyone.

Serenity should be making little "alliances" throughout the show.

Logical, but I'm not sure Malcolm Reynolds subscribes to that logic. On an effete core world, Mal's thought processes may not qualify as sane, let alone logical.

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . . (wutzon) James Brown, "Please, Please, Please", 45


Thursday, May 12, 2005 6:23 AM



I linked to the review and looked at your others. You are very insightful.

Quite sad to see you haven't yet reviewed Objects in Space, possibly the finest televised Sci-Fi episode ever.

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 6:35 AM



Originally posted by thiefjehat:
...Objects in Space, possibly the finest televised Sci-Fi episode ever.

I second that. You'll find that that sentence also works with the words 'possibly' and 'Sci-Fi' removed.


Thursday, May 12, 2005 6:39 AM


Oh hang on we're supposed to be talking about Shindig here. I loved that episode mostly because Kaylee was so funny at the party. Also: "See that there? That's exactly the kind of distraction we could've used."


Thursday, May 12, 2005 7:54 AM



Serenity should be making little "alliances" throughout the show.

My problem there is that if Mal starts making "alliances" - even if there aren't many and they remain relatively small - that increases the chances of the Alliance catching up to Serenity. In order for them to stay as far away from the Alliance as they're hoping to, they have to remain under the radar as much as possible, and hooking up with too many groups on too many planets or other ships is risky.

STEVEthePIRATE had mashed potatoes for lunch today, and is, therefore, happy.


Friday, May 13, 2005 7:28 PM


Thanks for the replies.


Originally posted by YT:

Originally posted by tcortezz:
Something I always thought would have been a good scene. Towards the end, after Mal dueled and is back at the ship, all the men at the party who were hanging around Kaylee talking about ships and engines show up armed to save Kaylee.

Coupla problems:
Badger's purpose was to keep his connexion to Malcolm Reynolds secret.
1) Badger would have to be incompetent for any of those men to have learned that Kaylee was being held.
2) If one man found out, what we see of that society's code of honour leads me to suspect that only one or two men would have come.
3) Once the situation on Serenity became known, Badger would have failed in his purpose, & had no further reason to hold anyone.

1) I've questioned the competence of many of the characters of FF.
2) The number of men responding would have been in relation to the number holding Kaylee (and the others who are incidental). It would have reflected the popularity of Kaylee to the locals (shown at the party).
3) The locals don't have to know about Serinity's purpose on the planet - just that Kaylee was on the ship & having problems. Now if Serenity was caught w/ the "goods" then maybe the relationships of Badger, Serenity, and the guy w/ the sash would have come to the surface and blown the whole deal.


Serenity should be making little "alliances" throughout the show.

Logical, but I'm not sure Malcolm Reynolds subscribes to that logic. On an effete core world, Mal's thought processes may not qualify as sane, let alone logical.

He does seem to have a kind of Robin Hood philosophy, as inconsistent as it is through out the brief series.

Per a comment below. Since he does do some legal work throughout the system and lands on planets with local authority, and shleps a companion around, it seems that he is not always trying to fly under the radar. Alliances don't have to be broadcast - just are handy when needed.

This is an impressive group of fans. You guys have done a great job in getting the movie through. I hope Joss doesn't let you guys down.

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . . (wutzon) James Brown, "Please, Please, Please", 45


Friday, May 13, 2005 8:49 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by tcortezz:
The locals don't have to know about Serinity's purpose on the planet - just that Kaylee was on the ship & having problems. Now if Serenity was caught w/ the "goods" then maybe the relationships of Badger, Serenity, and the guy w/ the sash would have come to the surface and blown the whole deal.

I believe Badger's concern was not to conceal his clandestine deal, but to prevent the crew from interfering in the time honoured tradition of a duel. Certainly, the latter is what he said.

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . . (wutzon) Widespread Panic, "Papa Legba", from "Light Fuse, Get Away"






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