So you've watched every episode multiple times ...

UPDATED: Sunday, November 6, 2005 01:50
VIEWED: 38171
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Friday, March 11, 2005 3:45 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Zeek:
Just watched Safe last night and I did notice something that I never noticed before. When Mal talks to Simon about taking River to town while he takes care of the deal with the cattle, there is a split second scene of a rustle in some bushes. I think this is supposed to show that the kidnapping hill folk were there listening in. I always did wonder how they knew Simon was a doctor. Now I know.

I CAN'T FREAKING BELIEVE IT.... I too just watched Safe, and I too wondered the same thing. I just saw this thread and thought it would be a great place to post my, "how'd they know Simon was a Dr." question. And here it is. I'm so frustrated by the timing that I'm going to ask anyway...
Hey, in Safe, how in the world did those hill folk - that spent a lot of time lurking out of site in bushes - know that Simon was a Dr.??!! There's no way they could have known that that I can figure... no possible way...

I'd like to be king of all Londinum and wear a shiny hat.


Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:15 AM


Ahh...I finally noticed something new just today while watching the pilot episode again.

After Kaylee is shot by the Fed and simon is operating on her there are a couple shots of her laying on the medical table. One shot has Kaylee's left leg in frame and you can see clearly that she has stitched a teddy bear into the pantleg of her mechanics overalls. I thought that was endearing. Here's Kaylee who's such a girly girl she actually stitched a teddy bear into her work clothes.

After observing the bear I paid attention to any other shots of her in the episode just to see if there are other cute things worth noticing and I found one other...she has a little red heart on the front of her overalls too. You can see the heart when she places her hands on her hips after Mal says "I don't think there's a power in the 'verse can stop Kaylee from being cheerful".

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:43 AM



Originally posted by thiefjehat:
Ahh...I finally noticed something new just today while watching the pilot episode again.

One shot has Kaylee's left leg in frame and you can see clearly that she has stitched a teddy bear into the pantleg of her mechanics overalls. I thought that was endearing.

ah, you should have listened to Joss' commentary,
he even called attention to the Teddy bear,
he felt it very much symbolized Kaylee...

Actually I should rewatch the commentaries...
I've watched the episodes many times,
but each of the commentaries only once.


Sunday, March 13, 2005 11:28 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Aziraphale:
Dobson's wedding ring in the pilot. Makes me cheer just a little less when Mal caps him.

Could have just been for show, part of his 'cover'. On the other hand, seeing how he knocked Book even after he was out, Dobson might enjoy violence, including the kind which involves a spouse.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, March 13, 2005 12:51 PM



Originally posted by JustAnotherMudder:
I still have a hard time concentrating for a bit after the scene where Simone is talking to Early without his shirt on in 'Objects in Space'.

That was a great wardrobe decision.


Sunday, March 13, 2005 1:36 PM



Originally posted by KaySky:

Originally posted by JustAnotherMudder:
I still have a hard time concentrating where Simone is without his shirt on in 'Objects in Space'.

That was a great wardrobe decision.

I always thought it was too bad they had him put on his sweater...
Early should have made him stay all half naked & vulnerable....


Monday, March 14, 2005 3:12 AM


Found another tidbit. I had decided to watch the pilot with the english subtitles on and noticed something new. When Book is walking and looking at ships at the start of the pilot, the guy from the Brutus tries to lure him in and asks "What's your des Grandpa?" I would assume that "des" is future slang for "destination". So I suppose I can now add "des" in my slang library along with shiny, 'verse, gorram, and others

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Tuesday, March 15, 2005 8:09 AM


I just noticed today that Badger has TWO scales on his desk.

I saw this when I wondered to myself what things Badger thought were important enough to have at hands reach. When he moves to sit in his chair in the pilot episode you can pause the DVD to see what he has. To the right of the screen are 2 measuring scales. One is a chemists "pan scale" and the other is a merchants "Hanging scale". I was curious why he would need both in his daily business activities.

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005 4:06 AM


It took me about 5 viewings of Our Mrs. Reynolds to notice this one. When Kayhlee is comforting Saffron and saying how Mal is like a monster and makes everybody cry, Jayne's fingerless-gloved hand comes in from the right and strokes her on the shoulder with his pinky, as if he were comforting her too. I couldn't stop laughing.

I also finally noticed in War Stories, the look that Simon gives Book (or rather the back of his head) after he says, "I was there, son. I'm fair sure you haven't shot anyone yet."

I finally noticed River stealing the bread off Jayne's plate at the end of Safe.

Well, as a rule I say girl folk ain't to be trusted.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005 5:00 AM



I'm English so I may be missing somethign here but what the hell is the song "beans in my ears"??

I have often wondered what he's muttering - looks like a repetion of "beans" . . .

Would you be so good as to furnish me with the lyrics/ some idea fo the tue to this??

Forever in your debt.



Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:13 AM



I knew the song from the late Lonnie Donegan's 1964 recording. But I doubt he wrote this masterpiece himself! My transcription:


My wife said I've not to put beans in me ears
Beans in me ears
Beans in me ears
Well my wife said I've not to put beans in me ears
Beans in my ears

Now why should I want to put beans in me ears?
I mean - beans in me ears
It's daft - beans in me ears
Well now why should I want to put beans in me ears?
Beans in my ears

'Cos you can't hear nagging wives when you've got beans in yer ears
Little beans in yer ears
Tiny beans in yer ears
No you can't hear nagging wives when you've got beans in yer ears
Beans in yer ears

What's that you say? Let's put beans in our ears?
Beans in our ears? (Yeah!)
Beans in our ears? (Yeah, beans!)
What's that? You say let's put beans in our ears? (giggling)
Beans? In our ears?

Oi! You'll have to speak up, I've got beans in me ears!
I say, beans in me ears!
In me ears!
Oi, you'll have to speak up, I've got beans in me ears!
In me ears!

(degenerates into madness)

Darling, darling, they've, they've gone and put beans in me ears
Oh, beans in me ears
I say, darling, y'know, they, they've gone and put beans in my ears
Beans, in my ears

That's nice dear, just don't put those beans in your ears (No, I said they've --)
Beans in your ears (No, listen --)
Beans in your ears (No, they've already--)
That's nice dear, but, just don't put those nasty little beans in your ears (No, listen!)
Beans in your ears (Hey! Oh...)

I think that all wives have got beans in their ears
Great big beans in their ears
Whopping beans in their ears
Yes I think that all wives have got beans in their ears
Beans in their ears!

So there you go. The tune is a chirpy folky little number, very mid-60s Lonnie if you know the kind of thing. Banjos and very probably washboards to the fore.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:46 AM


That is truely terrifying!!

But all knowledge is good, I guess. Thank you!!


Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:16 AM



Originally posted by SixGun:
It took me about 5 viewings of Our Mrs. Reynolds to notice this one. When Kayhlee is comforting Saffron and saying how Mal is like a monster and makes everybody cry, Jayne's fingerless-gloved hand comes in from the right and strokes her on the shoulder with his pinky, as if he were comforting her too. I couldn't stop laughing.

Just watched it last night. That was pretty funny. I never noticed it before either. Kaylee just stole the stage and I never noticed what was going on at the sides of the screen. I don't even know why it was funny but it was. Perfectly executed IMO.


Saturday, March 19, 2005 5:06 PM



Originally posted by JustAnotherMudder:

I still have a hard time concentrating for a bit after the scene where Simon is talking to Early without his shirt on in 'Objects in Space'.

hehe me too! I LOVE that scene! :P


"Yes sir..Captain Tightpants"

"Also, I can kill you with my brain"


Saturday, March 19, 2005 5:07 PM



Originally posted by JustAnotherMudder:

I still have a hard time concentrating for a bit after the scene where Simon is talking to Early without his shirt on in 'Objects in Space'.

hehe me too! I LOVE that scene! :P

I never remember the things I notice, but when I am watching the ep I do notice them again. lol


"Yes sir..Captain Tightpants"

"Also, I can kill you with my brain"


Sunday, March 20, 2005 5:23 AM



Originally posted by nedward:

I knew the song from the late Lonnie Donegan's 1964 recording. But I doubt he wrote this masterpiece himself! My transcription:


My wife said I've not to put beans in me ears
Beans in me ears
Beans in me ears
Well my wife said I've not to put beans in me ears
Beans in my ears

So there you go. The tune is a chirpy folky little number, very mid-60s Lonnie if you know the kind of thing. Banjos and very probably washboards to the fore.


Many a singalong has been enjoyed in our house to that little ditty. We would crowd around the accordion and sing until the neighbours slapped an ASBO on us. Those were the days.

Something I recently noticed about OIS, when Early is in his spaceship and he has a pictureof a woman and a dog. River mentions this later, but she implies that the woman is his mother, and the woman in the picture is white.

BTW Ned, haven't seen you around lately, has the opening of the Apple store really been that exhausting?


Sunday, March 20, 2005 11:17 AM


Have just watched Our Mrs Reynolds for the Jayne comfort action - Superb!!!!!

Also watching Bushwacked I notice that Kaylee says at the start that the derelict is spinning because the "port thrust's gone" but later in the epsidoe she tell Simon that there's nothing mechanical wrong with the ship. Which is it??


Sunday, March 20, 2005 9:40 PM


I did wonder if Early was adopted. Early's past is fun to speculate on.

Glad to see someone else appreciates the Donegan magic! And no, not around so much these days. I'm such an asocial coward that my presence in a group can never be taken for granted! But I'm still booked in for the Starfury con, so I expect I'll be there.


Monday, March 21, 2005 12:45 AM



Originally posted by nedward:
I did wonder if Early was adopted. Early's past is fun to speculate on.

Glad to see someone else appreciates the Donegan magic! And no, not around so much these days. I'm such an asocial coward that my presence in a group can never be taken for granted! But I'm still booked in for the Starfury con, so I expect I'll be there.


See you there.


Monday, March 21, 2005 4:31 AM


oops-I'm getting my threads all mixed up!


"Yes sir..Captain Tightpants"

"Also, I can kill you with my brain"


Monday, March 21, 2005 6:30 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

The fact that there was apparently only one brown suede long coat made for Nathan Fillion for the series.

What do I mean? Well, I still have to check "Serenity" to be sure, but I thought that both sleeves on the coat were pretty much intact until Mal was shot in the shoulder by Patience or one of her men. Then he had to stich it up.

Only I just watched "Out of Gas" this morning. In the very first flashback, while Mal is talking about, "what she could be," I noticed the left sleeve was stiched right where he was shot in "Serenity" which happens much later in the timeline.

Now, I'd be checking my facts right now, only I loaned Vol 1 and 2 to a friend who just got to watch them yesterday. He called to say, "It's your fault. I have only 2 DVDs and it's your fault."


Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.
Minnesota Meetup - join us!


Saturday, March 26, 2005 6:21 AM


In 'Our Mrs Reynolds', the crew are gathered on the bridge trying to fix the damage that Saffron created.

Shepherd Book delivers his speech on what will happen to them when they reach the net and stands behind Mal.

Before and during the part where Mal delivers the line: "Well, keep on it. We can't fall into that net", Shepherd Book smiles and turns away - TWICE!


Wednesday, March 30, 2005 2:07 PM


I'll have to look for Jayne's finger on "Our Mrs. Reynolds," there. Here's some other bits I noticed after dissecting the episode again:

After Jayne is playing with Saffron's shawl ("Can I know her?") Mal says "You're gonna be cleaning latrines with your face if you keep that up." Don't ask me why, but I didn't catch that line until, like, the ninth viewing.

The part where Saffron pulls out the little heat-strip thing and puts it on the door frame, right after she pulls the cover off, the strip starts to glow, like it's heating up.

Saffron then heads to shuttle #2 to make her getaway. She opens the door and Inara is there. As she turns away to apologize, she has this look on her face for a second like "woah, that was close."

Here's a possible goof: The scene after Mal wakes up, he starts buttoning his shirt again. I'm not positive, but I think he buttons his top button twice.

Every well-bred petty crook knows that the small, concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting.


Tuesday, June 7, 2005 12:47 AM


Isn't the King of londinium's shiny hat a crown? It would make more sense surely.

There is no such thing as a stupid question. Only stupid people.


Tuesday, June 7, 2005 3:42 AM


In Trash, when Jayne is working on getting the circuit board out of the trash container (while standing on Serenity), the camera pans up the container to him. It passes a computer screen, clearly showing a Windows 2000 screen (New Hardware Detection Wizard, close as I can tell).

My God, it's full of stars!
(Chapter 39 of the book)


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 4:21 PM



Dobson's wedding ring in the pilot. Makes me cheer just a little less when Mal caps him.

might not be a wedding ring.
and even if it was, bad and dangerous doesn't change 'cause you may have a woman (or a man) somewhere.
there are alliance who'd just as soon string up everyone on serenity because of simon and river.
some of 'em are married.
doesn't spare 'em from a bullet if need be.

Simon: "What if the captain says to shoot me?"
Zoe (without missing a beat): "I shoot you."


Wednesday, June 8, 2005 4:28 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by SixGun:
It took me about 5 viewings of Our Mrs. Reynolds to notice this one. When Kayhlee is comforting Saffron and saying how Mal is like a monster and makes everybody cry, Jayne's fingerless-gloved hand comes in from the right and strokes her on the shoulder with his pinky, as if he were comforting her too. I couldn't stop laughing.

Just watched it last night. That was pretty funny. I never noticed it before either. Kaylee just stole the stage and I never noticed what was going on at the sides of the screen. I don't even know why it was funny but it was. Perfectly executed IMO.

That cracked me up, too. Especially having heard in the commentary that Jayne is always touching, tasting and smelling things!
He puts his finger into Simon's birthday cake on Out of Gas, I think he even smells the hat his Ma sends him in The Message...

"Take me, sir. Take me hard." -- Zoe


Thursday, June 9, 2005 7:04 PM


During "Our Mrs.Reynolds", after Saffron "quotes" the bible, Mal says "Whoa, good bible". Later after Saffron tells Wash the myth of Earth-that-was, Wash says "Whoa, good myth." the exact same way Mal did, and with the exact same look on his face!

The real-life box droppin', man-ape gone wrong thing, now without the pesky falling boxes


Sunday, June 12, 2005 10:20 PM


Here's something I just noticed last week long after I'd thought that I'd seen everything that there was to see in every episode:

In War Stories, right before they start the attack on the skyplex the camera pans through everyone really quick and for a split second you can see Simon putting his gun in his pants. Which...makes me burst into uncontrollable giggles.

Simon's a gangsta, yo.

Also, I'll add that, long ago, I'd watched OiS three times before I realized that Early was on the ceiling above Simon. Yes, I was staring at his shirtlessness, which that angle was very, very good for.

"I'm very sorry if she tipped off anyone about your cunningly concealed herd of cows."


Monday, June 13, 2005 6:18 AM


Has anyone mentioned the one in the pilot where, having escaped the Reavers, Wash is only pantomiming holding the yoke, his arms extended, no yoke?

Also in the pilot, Badger is peeling an apple on his desk with a device which keeps it a good distance away from him. This not only tells us that he's a man of some small wealth, but maybe that he's cautious about who might slip a Griswold in his apple.

The Crybaby is probably a coffee can: you can see the word "Caffeine" on it.

I figured a Crybaby was not deployed in Bushwacked because, unlike in the pilot, the Alliance cruiser was already upon them. The Crybaby was probably deployed long before the Dortmunder arrived and was a good distance away.

And in War Stories, right before Serenity crashes into the Skyplex, one of the guards is reading a magazine with a model in a swimsuit, a caption reads(as if to warn him!) "Stop Staring!" This was a real magazine, not one created for the show, and the model is the lovely Jami Deadly ( ) who was really surprised and pleased to find herself on an episode of Firefly!

History repeats the old conceits
Updated! Improved! Shiny!


Monday, June 13, 2005 2:03 PM


Need a weave on that?

It's nothing.

I expect there's someone's face
feels differently.

(smiles in reverie)
They tell you never hit a man with
a closed fist, but it is on
occasion hilarious.

I suppose so.

I must've seen the episodes a dozen times but it was only last night that I realized Simon was referring to the fact that Mal hit him twice in the face in Serenity.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005 9:14 AM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by ScorpioVI:
I must've seen the episodes a dozen times but it was only last night that I realized Simon was referring to the fact that Mal hit him twice in the face in Serenity.

I've seen Train Job more than twenty times, but it never dawned on me. I'm sure you're right, and I'll watch that ep with new appreciation next time. Thanks

Keep the Shiny Side Up . . . (wutzon) Sting, "Spirits In the Material World", from "Ghost In the Machine"


Friday, June 17, 2005 12:12 PM


In the Episode: TRASH

When they are landing on the floaty island on Belerophon, I just noticed an SR-71 blackbird spyplane go past them.

This was the remarkable, sleek spyplane from the 60-80s.

The xmen also used one in the comic book in the 70s-80s

"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic


Monday, June 20, 2005 9:59 AM


I just caught another one I never noticed before. Perhaps this was mentioned before , maybe ona nother thread, but heres what I got:

In the pilot, Serentity, our Sergeant Reynolds has to make a run to an AA gun to take out that sk9iff. Before he does he reaches into his shirt and pulls out his crucifix and kisses it.

Never noticed this before. Of course the serenity valley battle is where Mal lost his faith. Nicely illustrated!

"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -tee shirt some girl was wearing at Megacon. <-my webcomic


Monday, June 20, 2005 11:39 AM


Someone said it already, but the part in OMR when Jayne reaches out to comfort Saffron is so funny.

And another one of my favorite Jayne moments that I didn't notice at first was in Ariel when Simon is trying to teach them the proper medical terminology or whatever.

Jayne seems to be...sewing 2 napkins together or something. And then Simon sees him and snatches it from him. Haha.

Also, Jayne was braiding that whore's hair in HoG. Heehee

My show is too pretty to die.


Monday, June 20, 2005 12:29 PM


In "Shindig," the scene right after Mal and Inara's conversation, the crew walks the streets of Persephone. After Mal hurts Kaylee's feelings, Zoe, Wash, and Kaylee drive away on the mule. My question is, if they had the mule all along, why would they need to walk? And how did it end up not getting stolen? Persephone strikes me as the kinda place where a vehicle like that could easily be snatched, so it doesn't make sense to just leave it unattended in the middle of the street.

"Mwah ha ha ha...mine is an evil laugh. Now die."


Tuesday, June 21, 2005 12:47 AM


"Jayne seems to be...sewing 2 napkins together or something. And then Simon sees him and snatches it from him. Haha."

Jayne is writing on paper with a crappy lil pencil... making a cheat sheet.


Thursday, June 23, 2005 5:37 AM


Watched the pilot and Train Job last night in anticipation of the movie tonight. Near the end, the creepifying Blue Hands guy says, "I didn't come 86 million miles to investigate the theft of some medical supplies" (or something to that effect). It occured to me that 86 million miles, spacially, isn't all that far - you know, about the distance from the Sun to the Earth-that-is.


Monday, July 4, 2005 7:36 AM


i noticed this after a few screenings of the message...and zoomed in just to be sure...the little stature of hans solo frozen in carbonite

Oh, gawd! What could it beee? We're dooomed! Who's flyin' this thing? Oh. Right. That'd be me. Back to work
I hope she does the soup thing. It's always a hoot, and we don't all die from it - My DeviantArt - My Melo


Monday, July 4, 2005 10:31 AM


I was watching "Train Job" up close an personal on my lap top last night and noticed for the first time that the stone in the belly dancer's naval is flashing different colors. All the little details!


Monday, July 4, 2005 11:36 AM



Originally posted by SixGun:
It took me about 5 viewings of Our Mrs. Reynolds to notice this one. When Kayhlee is comforting Saffron and saying how Mal is like a monster and makes everybody cry, Jayne's fingerless-gloved hand comes in from the right and strokes her on the shoulder with his pinky, as if he were comforting her too. I couldn't stop laughing.

I thought Jane was poking her as a character thing. He kind of pulls the strap of her dress and snaps it back. Like when he puts his finger in Simon's cake in Out of Gas. He's just feeling up the new merchandise.


Monday, July 4, 2005 11:43 AM



Watched the pilot and Train Job last night in anticipation of the movie tonight. Near the end, the creepifying Blue Hands guy says, "I didn't come 86 million miles to investigate the theft of some medical supplies" (or something to that effect). It occured to me that 86 million miles, spacially, isn't all that far - you know, about the distance from the Sun to the Earth-that-is.

That's our lovely Firefly writers. They're great with the stories, but when it comes to the science of space, uh...

Unless maybe the blue hands man came from a planet near to the ship they were in. hmm.


Monday, July 4, 2005 11:58 AM



Originally posted by Amnesiac:

Watched the pilot and Train Job last night in anticipation of the movie tonight. Near the end, the creepifying Blue Hands guy says, "I didn't come 86 million miles to investigate the theft of some medical supplies" (or something to that effect). It occured to me that 86 million miles, spacially, isn't all that far - you know, about the distance from the Sun to the Earth-that-is.

That's our lovely Firefly writers. They're great with the stories, but when it comes to the science of space, uh...

Unless maybe the blue hands man came from a planet near to the ship they were in. hmm.


Select to view spoiler:

After watching the movie, that (and the whole cosmology of Firefly) made a lot more sense. 86 million miles is easily plausible, and probably a pretty long distance all things considered.


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 5:48 PM


OK, we all notice Jayne's touchy fingers, so you can get pretty smashed if you had a Firefly drinkinng game that intailed to drink each time you saw Jayne unnessarily touch something like Safforn when he's not in the show.

Well, when the crew first gathers to meet Safforn, notice Jayne's hands. They go on his belt to off his belt in every other shot. I think there's something else in that scene, but I can't remember.

In Train Job, the woman in the yellow mask thingy in the train is really a man. When I noticed it I found it a blaring mistake and I got paranoid about that person. It could be a spy or anybody. I kind of wonder if they purposely put that man in woman clothing or not.

When I find more stuff from watching the series before the movie, I'll post it.


Tuesday, July 5, 2005 9:25 PM


I noticed recently that Mal addresses Kaylee as "meimei" in Serenity. It's Chinese for "little sister," and we hear it more often from Simon adressing River. Still, I think it pegs Mal and Kaylee's friendship.

As for "shiny"--I think it's interesting that the first thing they refer to as shiny really does reflect light: the shiny nutrition supplements. Part of what I like about the "shiny hat" line is that it could be taken both ways.

One thing that's always bugged me is that the crewmembers call Inara "the ambassador" repeatedly during the pilot, and then the term is never used again.

Two details I really love:

In "Our Mrs. Reynolds," Inara's expression when Mal storms right past her, saying that he and Saffron are the only people who don't think their marriage is funny. He's so oblivious sometimes.

The lighting in the "Trash" scene when Mal and YoSafBridge have just stolen the lassiter--it's amazing how the shadows work out so that he looks warm but she looks cold.

"You can't take my show from me,
Because I've got the DVD."


Thursday, July 7, 2005 12:07 AM


I'm surprised no-one else has mentioned this:

In "Ariel", right after the CGI Helicopter/Ambulance (Heli-lance?) lands, look at the landing gear.

When they cut to the actors, the landing gear has grown wheels!

They're just prop dollies used to move the vehicle to that spot, but I guess they forgot to remove them before shooting.

The real-life box droppin', man-ape gone wrong thing, now without the pesky falling boxes


Thursday, July 7, 2005 6:07 AM


Not a blooper, but at 12:22 into "The Message", right before River calls Simon a boob, Jayne (with letter in mouth), walks by Simon and mutters something. Sounds like he's calling Simon a hack or something for getting Kaylee p.o'd again. It's not on subs or in the scripts. Anyways, just wondering if anyone else heard it.

"That's the buffet table....."


Monday, August 1, 2005 1:48 AM


I should really learn to pay attention. On my gazillionth viewing of bushwhacked, I finally noticed that when Kaylee carefully hands a rather heavy engine part to Simon ... he promptly drops it.

"She was all naked and ... articulate."


Monday, August 1, 2005 2:04 AM


Something completely unimportant, but amusing as hell, in Our Mrs. Reynolds, at the campfire party scene, as the camera pans onto Mal and I think the Amish looking guy, there is a fairly short looking, very drunk guy, playing the air guitar.



Friday, August 5, 2005 5:26 AM



Originally posted by thiefjehat:
After observing the bear I paid attention to any other shots of her in the episode just to see if there are other cute things worth noticing and I found one other...she has a little red heart on the front of her overalls too. You can see the heart when she places her hands on her hips after Mal says "I don't think there's a power in the 'verse can stop Kaylee from being cheerful".

In other episodes she also has a second pair of overalls (most notably in 'Safe') with a purple mouse on the top left breast pocket.

Kaylee is way cute.






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