Inara knows about Book the whole time

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 21:15
VIEWED: 12528
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Tuesday, June 3, 2003 7:59 PM


I think Inara will eventually quit her line of work and become something like Face on the A-Team. And future love spats with Mal will go like, "I USED to be a whore!" (after he calls her a whore).

And Mal starts paying her, because she's pulling great con moves for the team. Their relationship blurs and the issues of money vs. love vs. whorin' and stealing make for a good story. Especially after we learn she's already slept with Book in the past! Companion's honor forbids Inara from telling Mal who Book really is since Book's identity is protected under Guild law.

Of course, Mal points out that she's not a Companion anymore. Or is she?

Will Inara reveal the truth about Book?


Wednesday, June 4, 2003 8:33 AM


Here's what happened.

During the war, Inara and several other companions entertained Alliance soldiers at a masquerade party. All the companions wore extravagent costumes.

Inara had sex with Book at this party, though he wasn't called "Book" back then. She remembers him, but he does not recognize her.

Guild law prevents her from revealing this information. She is not allowed to kiss and tell.


Thursday, June 5, 2003 3:01 PM



Originally posted by Succatash:
Here's what happened.

During the war, Inara and several other companions entertained Alliance soldiers at a masquerade party. All the companions wore extravagent costumes.

Inara had sex with Book at this party, though he wasn't called "Book" back then. She remembers him, but he does not recognize her.

Guild law prevents her from revealing this information. She is not allowed to kiss and tell.

That's crazy! Inara wouldn't lie to Mal. She met Book for the first time in Serenity.

Joss Whedon wouldn't make Inara a traitor! Your ideas are bulshit! And also, he said he was in the abby, so how could he be in a war?

Try again, dumb ass.


Thursday, June 5, 2003 3:11 PM



Originally posted by Succatash:
That's crazy! Inara wouldn't lie to Mal. She met Book for the first time in Serenity.

Joss Whedon wouldn't make Inara a traitor! Your ideas are bulshit! And also, he said he was in the abby, so how could he be in a war?

Try again, dumb ass.

She's not lying, she's just not telling. It's a Guild thing. It's a likely clue that she doesn't think Book is a danger to the crew. He just has a secret, and it's his right.

I don't understand your comment about the abby and the war. And I don't appreciate being called a dumbass.

I wish someone more favorable would respond. I don't have time for games.


Thursday, June 5, 2003 3:20 PM


I think it's a very interesting idea. I think I prefer the thought that Book knows she knows though. What if he's keeping an eye on her, that would make that whole scene in her shuttle in "Serenity" a strange strange mind game.

ooooh! shiny!


Thursday, June 5, 2003 3:46 PM


When Book cries at Inara's feet at the end of Serenity, it is very touching and real. I'd like to maintain the integrity of that scene and still make this a plausable idea.

So, was Book crying crocodile tears? My original prediction was that Book knew her too, but then how could this scene be real?

Maybe Book had a bad day, and a bad day before that, and it was easy to cry.

In the Serenity episode, what made him walk from ship to ship, before Kaylee picked him up? What the hell is he doing?!!

A really cool TV movie called "Book" would be so very nice right about now. And the movie could end the very minute Book starts walking and smiling towards Serenity.


Thursday, June 5, 2003 3:47 PM


She's not lying, she's just not telling. It's a Guild thing. It's a likely clue that she doesn't think Book is a danger to the crew. He just has a secret, and it's his right.

I don't understand your comment about the abby and the war. And I don't appreciate being called a dumbass.

I wish someone more favorable would respond. I don't have time for games.

Yep, it is a great idea, not dumb at all. Obviously Book hasn't been in an abbey forever. My guess is that he went there to atone for his sins as a member of the Alliance crushing the browncoats. This would make an encounter between him and Inara in his previous life not so unlikely. Lots of juicy character dynamics then if Inara is bound by honour to protect Book's identity but Mal starts to get wind that Book was once his enemy.

I'm going to go rewatch Serenity to see if this theory doesn't make their initial meeting too wierd and unlikely.

Keep up the juicy speculation!! :)


Thursday, June 5, 2003 3:47 PM


I will accept your hypothesis briefly. (Anything to get you to stop arguing with yourself, Succatash.) I think it more likely that Book would remember Inara from some past meeting, when he was an officer in the Alliance army and she was an up-and-coming Companion. He would have looked completely different (probably no hair, no mustache, and a totally different way of carrying himself -- a different aura, even) and Inara maybe thinks he looks familiar but hasn't put her finger on it yet and isn't trying too hard because she meets so many people. We can blame that on the aura-thing.

WE WILL FIND OUT, SOMEDAY. Don't beat yourself up over it. Be patient.

"Is there any way I'm gonna get out of this with honor and dignity?" Zoe, War Stories


Thursday, June 5, 2003 3:51 PM


Not to upset the Buffy fans, but I say Joss give up "The Ripper" miniseries idea and and make one called "Book" instead.


Thursday, June 5, 2003 4:13 PM


Just so we have something to watch, while we wait for the Firefly movie?


Thursday, June 5, 2003 4:38 PM


I guess this has spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen all the episodes yet. Sorry Brits.

I don't think Inara knows Book at all. Nothing she's said or done indicates that, and even if she didn't recognize him physically, he has dropped more than enough hints to make it clear that he is more than he claims to be- she'd have figured it out if she'd met him before.

And I don't think Book knows who Inara is, either- he thought she was a real ambassador in "Serenity," and Book never has been one to play dumb- he's not shy about his military knowledge. If he'd thought she might recognize him and reveal his past, which he obviously doesn't want anyone to know about just yet, he would have avoided her. Instead he probably has more scenes with her than anyone but Mal.

A short list of what we know about book:

* "The Train Job" - He knows who Niska is.

* "Safe" - He has an identity card that makes Alliance personel rush him to their med center after initially turning him away.

* "War Stories" - he's intimately framiliar with weapons and ships, enough so that he can identify what kind of sniper rifle was used to kill the buyers of the Ariel medical supplies and also recognize the vehical they took Mal and Wash away in from the burn mark it left in the ground.

* "Objects In Space" - River's vision of him saying "I don't give half a hump whether you're innocent or not. So where does that put you?" Jubal Early knows who he is. "That ain't a sheperd." This leads me to speculate that he was a bounty hunter, not Alliance... though the "Safe" incident kind of goes against it.

Am I forgetting anything? As it stands, I have to assume that Book is deffinately a former Alliance military man who left after the war and spent six years in the abby before ending up on Serenity. He's not running from the Alliance, since they had no problem letting him go in "Safe," and he's obviously not still working for them or else they'd have come after River more often. So the real questions are exactly what role did he play in the war (ie, was he at Serenity Valley) and what event made him change his allegiance?


Thursday, June 5, 2003 4:46 PM


Hey listen here Succatash, if you've got a problem with my buddy Succatash, you got a problem with me. So cool your damn jets and stop calling people names.

There ain't nothin' I can't overcome or come to know. So lay your heavy load down on me, strip everything I have away. I am not your prisoner, I am not afraid.


Thursday, June 5, 2003 5:19 PM


Thanks for you support, Archer.

Talonpest, you make some great points. Here's what struck me right away as I was reading your post.

"Nothing she's said or done indicates that, and even if she didn't recognize him physically, he has dropped more than enough hints to make it clear that he is more than he claims to be- she'd have figured it out if she'd met him before."

Perhaps "nothing she's said or done to indicate that she knows" is because she's a trained Companion? I think being a Companion is more important to Inara than being a tattle-tale for Mal.

"And I don't think Book knows who Inara is, either- he thought she was a real ambassador in "Serenity," and Book never has been one to play dumb."

Isn't that like saying the actor didn't act dumb?

I just think it is so Joss-like to create a great character like Book, with such exterior mysteriousness, then reveal the truth from the inside-out.

And it was right in front of our noses the whole time.


Thursday, June 5, 2003 5:32 PM


Well, here's my pet theory:

He was a sniper for the alliance. And came to be deeply troubled by his profession/proficency (as is often the case with these sort of folk) and turned to God for salvation.

This would explain is weapons knowledge, and his marksmanship (that quick from-the-hip shot that precisely knee-shot that soldier comes to mind as an example). Also, while he seems to be knowledgable and experienced with guns, he doesn't seem to be so great at hand-to-hand - he's been quickly dispatched twice so far.

So, because of his proficency in the war he has the undying respect and gratitude of the alliance... which he mostly doesn't want.

Maybe he even had Mal in his sights once long ago? Perhaps shot the man standing next to Mal when the Independants collapsed at Serenity? Or not



Thursday, June 5, 2003 5:46 PM


Everything you say could be very well true. I like your ideas. Book isn't a total bad ass by accident.

So, what if it turns out that Inara remembers him as a younger, less-refined sniper?


Thursday, June 5, 2003 6:33 PM



Originally posted by Succatash:
When Book cries at Inara's feet at the end of Serenity, it is very touching and real. I'd like to maintain the integrity of that scene and still make this a plausable idea.

So, was Book crying crocodile tears? My original prediction was that Book knew her too, but then how could this scene be real?

Maybe Book had a bad day, and a bad day before that, and it was easy to cry.

In the Serenity episode, what made him walk from ship to ship, before Kaylee picked him up? What the hell is he doing?!!

A really cool TV movie called "Book" would be so very nice right about now. And the movie could end the very minute Book starts walking and smiling towards Serenity.

The more I think about this, I end up thinking about it more. I think Book's story is better than the Ripper idea. Who's with me!?


Thursday, June 5, 2003 6:51 PM


I wondered (re: the pilot episode)why, when Book visited her shuttle with dinner, that she said she was expecting him... perhaps there is something to the theory that she knows Book. But little I've seen makes me think that he knows her. If he does, the level of deception he's maintaining is extreme. Hmmm.....

Perhaps that whole scene was the equivalent of "Ok, so you know me... I'm going to act as though I don't know you... what are you going to do?" If that were the case, though, I would have expected more tension between them?

I figure (like most everyone, of course) that Book was/is something special to the alliance, almost certainly from the war. I'm thinking he's a victim of his own success... now with overwhelming regret- and now actually feels obligated to help out this Independant minded crew. Of course they're the last people in the 'verse to whom he could reveal what's troubling him.

But of course sooner or later Mal will find out! Then trauma, drama, anger, frustration, and forgiveness can occur. Or something like that. Quite a monster waiting in the shadows



Thursday, June 5, 2003 7:08 PM


Succatash, the absence of a reaction is hardly an arguement for Inara knowing Book. I agree that she would have an obligation to protect the confidentiality of her clients, but there have been no hints, no clues to support them having known eachother. If that were a plot element I'm sure hints would have been dropped out of Mal's presence. Their interactions have been every bit as "getting to know you" as everyone elses.

The idea that she doesn't recognize him because he is older doesn't really work too well... Inara can't be older than her late twenties. She's not old enough to have known him long enough ago that he would be so unrecognizable after living with him for a year-ish.

Isn't that like saying the actor didn't act dumb?
No, I don't think so. I'm giving Ron Glass the benefit of the doubt here, since I've never seen him in anything else, but I think from what I have seen he's a good enough actor to pull of a nuanced performance. Besides, what I was reffering to is that his character has not held back any knowledge, despite it's allusions to his past. He spoke up about Niska in "Train Job," for example, and about the weapons and vehicals in "War Stories" when he could easily have kept quiet and protected his secret. Both times Jayne asked questions about how a preacher could know those things.

CCT: Not to rain on your parade or anything, but Book was no sniper- he was higher up than that. He wasn't carrying out orders, he was giving them. His line in River's vision puts him in a position to judge people- snipers don't know their victims, they kill from a distance. A sniper victim would never have a chance to beg for mercy or to plead his case.

I did not see the scene in "Serenity" where Book comes to see Inara and she says she was expecting him as an indication that she knew him- her first line after saying she expected him was "So, would you like to lecture me on the wickedness of my ways?" It was simply an inevitable interaction between the preacher and the whore, and a demonstration that he may be a religious man but he is also tollerant.

Book had to have been a career military man. He deffinately participaed in the war, but given his age and the urgency with which the Alliance crewman ordered him to be cared for in "Safe," he must have been a general. His decision to leave had to have been motivated by an incident where he did something so immoral and horrible that even a hardened military veteran had to beg for forgiveness by devoting his life to god. Most likely ordering a massacre of civilians or using a biological weapon- something that killed a whole lotta innocent people.


Thursday, June 5, 2003 10:34 PM


I think that when Book went to give Inara her supper tray that night, that Book and Inara had a short conversation generally saying how it had been Mal's idea that Book should bring in the tray, so it probably wasn't a preconceived plan by Book.

Also, Book is good with hand-to-hand as well, he knocked the gun from Dobson's hand, and knocked him out, very quickly and easily. Re-inforcing the - Book is an army man theory.


Thursday, June 5, 2003 11:29 PM


Allow me to point out that before a script change, some very detailed information about the battle of serenity valley is discussed - the actually filmed scene differs, but I do remember the original somewhat.

Thing is, they name an alliance officer who's tactical plan resulted in the crushing defeat of the alliance there - and I honestly suspect Book is that officer.

It would explain a great deal, especially as relates to his relationship with Mal.

I figure they changed that scene for a coupla reasons, but also because it was just too damn obvious (at least to me) who Book was, when the rest of the hints started to drop.

As far as him "knowing" Inara, folks in her line or work have extensive client bases and reputations - look at how easily she waltzed in and out of Paradiso in The Train Job ?
A registered companion, especially one as 'mobile' as Inara, would be a rarity, and have a significant amount of reputation, therefore Book is quite likely to have heard of her previous to his current "employment", even if they'd never met. - that's pretty logical.

I figure Book became jaded with the alliance when he saw all of the promises of the unification were just more political bluster than anything else (such things ALWAYS are.) and his guilt over what happened in serenity valley, especially after the shooting, drove him to the abbey.

That's probably why the situation is so hard on him in the premiere, as he begins to realize he's shipping with THAT "Malcom Reynolds", and he's not so bad a person.

Humanizing "the enemy" makes them impossible to hate - think about it.


"Well, my days of not takin you seriously are certainly comin to a middle.." - Mal


Thursday, June 5, 2003 11:31 PM


Oh yeah, the script in question was "War Stories" - in case anyone else read the first run of it and also spotted that...

Wouldn't mind any more detail or comfirmation, there.



Friday, June 6, 2003 5:25 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Thing is, they name an alliance officer who's tactical plan resulted in the crushing defeat of the alliance there - and I honestly suspect Book is that officer.

Wow, I had not heard that before. Very interesting to think Book is directly responsible for Mal's defeat. What irony, that a preacher took a man's faith.


Friday, June 6, 2003 6:06 AM


::snipity snip snip really cool post::


Originally posted by Talonpest:
CCT: Not to rain on your parade or anything, but Book was no sniper- he was higher up than that. He wasn't carrying out orders, he was giving them. His line in River's vision puts him in a position to judge people- snipers don't know their victims, they kill from a distance. A sniper victim would never have a chance to beg for mercy or to plead his case.

Ooh, you have spawned a... ehh what do you call plotholes that want to be explained in Firefly and just scream at you to write fanfiction? Us crazy LotR Fanfiction folk call them Nuzguls... but we need a new name here... what do we call those persistant plot bunnies, savage and cruel? Reavers? Alliance Bunnies? Bluehands? Browncoats? Jayne?

"Gorram! Been bitten by a Jayne! Now gotta write about Book." Got a funny kinda ring, there...

Book the Inquisitor! Tormenting the souls of poor Browncoats to get information for those cruel Alliance demons... The jump from inquisitor to monk is a nice, easy backwards jump. And if you've been interrogating people, you have lots to be guilty for, neh? We know Alliance uses interrogation ("Safe", again) but we were shown truly mild stuff in that episode.


Book had to have been a career military man. He deffinately participaed in the war, but given his age and the urgency with which the Alliance crewman ordered him to be cared for in "Safe," he must have been a general. His decision to leave had to have been motivated by an incident where he did something so immoral and horrible that even a hardened military veteran had to beg for forgiveness by devoting his life to god. Most likely ordering a massacre of civilians or using a biological weapon- something that killed a whole lotta innocent people.

Or head inquisitor. ::is keen on this idea:: Maybe he learned some things no man should have to know about, or had to use some particularly painful methods to get information outta people. In which case his name would be recognized in "Safe" and he'd be... in good hands.

Serenity; Ship, Valley, State of mind


Friday, June 6, 2003 8:45 AM



Originally posted by Succatash:

Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Thing is, they name an alliance officer who's tactical plan resulted in the crushing defeat of the alliance there - and I honestly suspect Book is that officer.

Wow, I had not heard that before. Very interesting to think Book is directly responsible for Mal's defeat. What irony, that a preacher took a man's faith.

This makes complete sense to me. Is the original script for this still available for reading?
I am so glad this thread popped up. Book is my favorite character. I am now almost certain from reading this thread that Book and Inara knew of each other, but most likely hadn't ever directly met.


Friday, June 6, 2003 10:55 AM



Originally posted by cct:
I wondered (re: the pilot episode)why, when Book visited her shuttle with dinner, that she said she was expecting him...

After their awkward meeting (due to Mal's calling her their ambassador then dropping the "W" word on Book), Inara had expected him to come to lecture her on the evils of her ways. She even says as much to him. (That's when he comes back with he brought her some food, but he has some good sermons with hellfire and brimstone if she'd prefer...)


Friday, June 6, 2003 10:57 AM



Originally posted by Talonpest:
This leads me to speculate that he was a bounty hunter, not Alliance... though the "Safe" incident kind of goes against it.

Perhaps he's DEEP undercover as a spy/mole for the alliance (or some faction, perhaps sent to keep an eye on River...)


Friday, June 6, 2003 11:04 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Thing is, they name an alliance officer who's tactical plan resulted in the crushing defeat of the alliance there - and I honestly suspect Book is that officer.

It would explain a great deal, especially as relates to his relationship with Mal.

{snip snip}

(H)e begins to realize he's shipping with THAT "Malcom Reynolds", and he's not so bad a person.

Humanizing "the enemy" makes them impossible to hate - think about it.

OOOhhhh.. I remember having seen that scene with Zoe and Simon talking about Serenity Valley. now my brain is telling me I need to spend more of my precious bandwidth to re-download the unaired version once again.

I love the idea that the Captain was his enemy and now he knows him.. THAT works much better for me than Book knowing Inara in the past. Explains the tears, the questioning of Inara about Mal caring so much for his crew... ooooohhH. my brain is on overdrive now. Scuse me.

"And also? I can kill you with my brain."


Friday, June 6, 2003 11:58 AM


>>OOOhhhh.. I remember having seen that scene with Zoe and Simon talking about Serenity Valley. now my brain is telling me I need to spend more of my precious bandwidth to re-download the unaired version once again.<<

That's the scene, where Simon looks up the battle of serenity valley in there and Zoe asks him "what's it say about bloodbath?" and explains what REALLY happened after the shooting stopped.

The reader simon was using (the script for it anyhow) mentions the alliance officer by name.

I highly suspect Book is the officer in question.



Friday, June 6, 2003 12:09 PM



Wrong ep tho.. it was the original Serenity (pilot ep) script, page 67-69

The original FOX firefly site still has it in the "spoilers" section.

The relevant URL is this.

"I saw the problem when I was down there on my back earlier..." - Kaylee


Friday, June 6, 2003 12:11 PM


GAH!!, sorry, meant to post the URL *only*... how'd it do that ??
Didn't mean to step on any rules(if I just did) or clog the bandwidth...
Yer welcome to fix it if it hasta be, Haken.



Friday, June 6, 2003 12:53 PM


So Book's real name is Dick?


Friday, June 6, 2003 1:08 PM



Originally posted by Succatash:
So Book's real name is Dick?

Hee. I could so see Book being a Dick.

But seriously, Nuns take a new name when they join an order right? Do priests, or more importantly... Shephards?

I think the fact that they interupt the reading of the full name does bring a little more emphasis to that name. Richard Wil- wilcox? Williams? WilShephardbook?

velly velly intelesting.


"My food is troublesome." - River
"Girl's a mind-readin' genius, can't figure out how to eat an ice-planet." - Jayne


Friday, June 6, 2003 4:05 PM


Yeah, his new name "Book" is certainly registered with the Alliance. They love him.

A new religious name makes sense.

Not to repeat myself, but Ron Glass could have himself a hell of a TV show or miniseries called "Book."


Friday, June 6, 2003 4:43 PM


I realize how stupid that sounds compared to the main goal of Firefly coming back.


Friday, June 6, 2003 8:04 PM


The spin-off will come after about four seasons of FF, Succatash.

Keep the faith.

There ain't nothin' I can't overcome or come to know. So lay your heavy load down on me, strip everything I have away. I am not your prisoner, I am not afraid.


Friday, June 6, 2003 9:30 PM


Originally posted by Talonpest:
CCT: Not to rain on your parade or anything, but Book was no sniper- he was higher up than that. He wasn't carrying out orders, he was giving them. His line in River's vision puts him in a position to judge people- snipers don't know their victims, they kill from a distance. A sniper victim would never have a chance to beg for mercy or to plead his case.

There is an assumption here that Book was repeating something he said to someone else. Not something that was said to him. After watching OIS several times to deterine exactly which it is, I still don't know. It could be either way.

If it was something said to him, that puts this is a new light, possibly the reason why he gave up on the Alliance. Of course, if it was something he said to another person, that could be a reason for joining the abbey as well.


Friday, June 6, 2003 11:42 PM



Originally posted by Drakon:
There is an assumption here that Book was repeating something he said to someone else. Not something that was said to him. After watching OIS several times to deterine exactly which it is, I still don't know. It could be either way.

No assumption, really. In River's visions, Simon says "I would be there right now..." if it weren't for River, which he said earlier. Jayne said "I got stupid- the money was too good," which he said earlier. Then Book says his line, then Zoe and Wash get it on. Then Inara says "I'm a big girl, just tell me," and Mal says "None of it means a damn thing." I can't recall either of them saying those words exactly, but it was certainly in line with what they have been thinking.

So really there is no evidence to suggest that it was anything other than what he's said or thought before.

Thinking about it more, I'm not certain about Book being a general. He was deffinatley in some branch of the military, due to his weapons and combat training and his identity card that gets him a warm welcome on Alliance cruisers. But what branch of the military deals with people like Niska, carrion shops (in "Our Mrs. Reynolds" he described the nature of the net Saffron had pointed them into, which made Jayne say "One of these days you'll have to tell us how a preacher knows so much about crime.") and would have him pursuing someone who claim to be innocent? He was dealing with criminals.

I'm thinking military intelligence or military police, maybe even some kind of Alliance secret service. Another possibility, albeit an unlikely one, is that Book is somehow connected to the Blue Man Group, as I like to call them. He was conviently absent during the incident in "Ariel," and thus didn't have anything to say about it that might have shed more light on what he knows about them. I don't like that theory too much, because it would necessitate Book acting essntailly as a "guardian angel" for River, trying to protect her from his former people, and thus far he hasn't shown any special interest in her.


Saturday, June 7, 2003 9:25 AM


I agree with you Talonpest. I've been thinking that he was a General or something big like that for a while now. He could have had a number of jobs and positions. could have started off as a military police soldier. might have worked with the secret service too for a while. rose up through the ranks and eventualy became a military General or something like that. I have a feeling that he is "General Richard Wil--". that's the theory i'm going to stick with until otherwise shown that he isn't, but right now the evidence seems to point in that direction.

do you know what the chain of command is? it's the chain i go get and beat you with till you understand who's in rutten command here


Saturday, June 7, 2003 10:25 AM


The fact he chose the ship Serenity and knew enough to lead Simon to the information the ship had been named after the valley and battle, might say that he is trying to make amends for something he did at the battle of Serenity.


Saturday, June 7, 2003 10:40 PM


I don't recall any mention of what the name on Book's indent card was. Only that whatever it was was recognized by the system. It could have been his real name, or it could have been the name Book. I bet it was his real name. All we know is that he wants the crew to "call" him Book. Too bad no one on the crew was as interested in his real name as we are. We might have gotten some more info.


Sunday, June 8, 2003 1:37 AM


Knowing Joss the way we do, do you really think he could resist the temptation to name him Richard Wilcox?

Wait a minute... flashback in progress... what was the Mayor's name on Buffy...? Wasn't it Richard Wilkens???


Sunday, June 8, 2003 12:16 PM



Sunday, June 8, 2003 4:38 PM


I agree he was someone dealing with criminals. I am thinking he had something to do with an "Andersonville" like set up for the Alliance. Him being a prison warden or some such would fit in line with everything we have about his past, especially: "I don't give half a hump if you're innocent or not. So where does that put you?" as well as his first rate knowledge of "crime". Also, being the head of the big POW camp for the side that wins the war would make you big news...and get you a gold star on your Ident card.


Sunday, June 8, 2003 7:41 PM


I'm not sure about the prison warden theory... I think he has to have been more active in the field, and in a non-war capacity to know about people like Niska and the carrion shop. Also, there wouldn't be any POWs saying they were innocent, would there? I wouldn't think that would be open to debate.

Perhaps during the war he was in charge of discovering Indepentant sympathizers, gestapo style. Maybe he was the Alliance's very own John Ashcroft


Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:35 PM


Where did we learn that Book slept with Inara? Or is that just a theory? And what is Book's real identity? I am new to this, ok nevermind what I just said, I read the posts, excuse my interruptions


Wednesday, June 11, 2003 5:39 PM


This is pure speculation and inductive reasoning.


Thursday, June 12, 2003 8:57 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Allow me to point out that before a script change, some very detailed information about the battle of serenity valley is discussed - the actually filmed scene differs, but I do remember the original somewhat.

Thing is, they name an alliance officer who's tactical plan resulted in the crushing defeat of the alliance there - and I honestly suspect Book is that officer.

So, maybe that's why he picks a ship called "Serenity" to travel on. Perhaps 'Serenity Valley' is where Mal lost his faith, but 'Book' found it?



Thursday, June 12, 2003 11:32 PM




Friday, June 13, 2003 7:27 AM



Originally posted by Dman[WarLlamas]:
So, maybe that's why he picks a ship called "Serenity" to travel on.

I'm pretty sure Mal named the ship after he bought it.


Friday, June 13, 2003 7:42 AM


I think that Book is most likely a member of a faction within the Alliance. This faction most likely wishes to protect River and stop the work of the HoB agents. I theorized this from something he said in an episode (can't remember which one!) about a government being a body of people usually ungoverned.

That's my two cents!






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Sat, November 26, 2022 16:47 - 39 posts
The Unmade Episodes
Sun, June 12, 2022 14:39 - 1 posts
Episode sequence?
Wed, February 16, 2022 00:58 - 9 posts
Questions about Sound in Space
Mon, November 29, 2021 20:47 - 41 posts
Itinerary for Serenity during the 9 months of Firefly/Serenity.
Thu, June 20, 2019 20:39 - 21 posts