took me 2 weeks to actually post this..

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 12:16
VIEWED: 6615
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Saturday, November 26, 2005 5:31 PM


Well, my story..
Knew Serenity was coming out soon, thought I wanted to watch it but wanted to be familiar with the series first. I had heard good things (slashdot).

My first experience with firefly was watching the premier on Fox. I made it halfway thru the first episode. Honestly, I didn't like it at all. The ship reminded me of a stupid "space-cowboy" flick I saw as a kid, and I just couldn't get into it. Never saw another episode until about 3 weeks ago. I got the series thru netflix and watched the premier.

I kept wondering how I COULDN'T love this show. But I couldn't remember ever seeing the pilot, only the train robbery. I found out on the net that apparently FOX is filled with a bunch of MORONS (I'm a "shepherd",(pastor, United Methodist) otherwise the language would be worse..) .. anyway, I guess they didn't run the "setup" until the end. (?!?!?!?!?!?) (I gotta learn to swear in mandarin)

So, yeah, watched the pilot, thought it was great, watched the next few and thought it was wonderful, but by about the 5th episode I couldn't stop. Then when "out of gas" hit me, I lost it.

I'm a big german feeling-hiding guy, but I cried like a baby. Just thinking about it makes me cry. And not like "tears only" cry, like deep sobs and nothing in the world will ever be right again until Serenity is back in the black kinda sobs. (here I go again..)

I've pretty much thought of nothing else for the last two weeks. I haven't watched Serenity, but .. man.. is that it? Any talk of a second film or the series again? There was something about watching the last few episodes that was especially painful.. knowing that they were the last. wow.

So here is the deal. I'm still praying for my church, and family, and Parishioners, but Joss and the gang are getting special time. I don't play the lottery often, but I'm going to start. AND I'LL TELL YOU WHAT, IF I WIN, JOSS GETS HALF with no strings, just so long as we can fly again.

Actually, that's not a bad idea (that has probably been brought up before). .

All of us kicking in a hundred bucks apiece won't do it, so let's all take that money that we SAY we would give and give it now. To the lottery. If just one of us wins, we all win, as we'll promise that Joss and crew gets half the winnings.

Anyway, took me two weeks to let the pain subside enough so I can even talk about it. I think I need therapy.
Someone tell me what I'm feeling is normal and that it gets easier.


Saturday, November 26, 2005 5:48 PM


It is normal, it is horribly painful, and it does get easier.

Two things helped me:

1) The knowledge that everyone else feels (or has felt) the same way - not just Firefly fans, but the cast and crew all the way up to Joss.

2) Realizing that this franchise WILL continue in one form or another. Serenity's box office was mediocre (not horrible, not great) but it was critically acclaimed. The reruns of Firefly on Sci-Fi are doing incredibly well, and the sales of the TV show's DVD set alone (still near the top of the Amazon charts after all this time) justify continuing the franchise.

So, yeah, it hurts. And yeah it gets better. Just lean on the rest of us, spread the DVDs around, and if all else fails read some fanfic.

More Firefly's on the way. Eventually.


"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Sunday, November 27, 2005 12:56 PM


Hey, Welcome Aboard. Check out the Serenity Comic books (3 issues, each with 3 different covers) Soon to be collected in a "trade paperback". Also the River Tam Sessions (5 short clips from Rivers time at the academy-with Summer and Joss)
Out of Gas gets me everytime too. It's just that good. If I played the lottery, I'd do the same, Easily half strait to Joss for another season/movie (season is prefered). But I've an addictive personality, so lotto bad.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."
"Say you understand me, And I will leave myself completely.
Forgive me if I stare, But I can see the island behind your tired, troubled eyes." -Fantastic Place (Marbles) -Marillion


Sunday, November 27, 2005 1:59 PM


Welcome to our ship. Where most everybody feels the same as you do. The franchise will keep going--it HAS to--and we, as fans, can do what we can to get her flying again.


Can't stop the signal!
"No, Cap'n, I think it's shiny!"--Kaylee, o'course.
"Yeah, but she's our witch, so cut her the hell down." --Mal in "Safe."


Sunday, November 27, 2005 3:00 PM


Hello, I don't often say 'ello t' new members, so many of 'em now, it's tough to keep up, but this one I had to.
I'm giving my sister the Firefly Box set for Christmas (She doesn't know yet). I don't think she's ever willingly watched anything with the words science fiction attached to it.
So I've printed off the best 3 customer reviews from Amazon uk I could find to coax her into watching it, else she'd just say, 'oh, it's a space thing, oh thanks' and she'd never watch it.
But now I've printed off your post on the back too. If that don't do the thing, then nothin' will


Sunday, November 27, 2005 5:17 PM


Hey, if I can "bare my soul" to get one more fan, it's worth it. :)

I feel better now, nice to know it's OK to be obsessed with this. I've also bought the set and ripped the pilot and out of gas to my kyocera 7135 smart phone, so now when I have a spare minute, I just take it out and get a fix.

Looking forward (?) to my first viewing of Serenity.
BTW: I see it referred to as "BDM" .. Best Dang Movie?


Sunday, November 27, 2005 5:28 PM


BDM = Big Damn Movie = "Serenity"
BDH = Big Damn Heroes = the cast and crew of Firefly/Serenity
BDS = Big Damn Sequel = that we're all hoping for
BDT = Big Damn Trilogy = the song by the Bedlam Bards (Cedric!) that says it all.

*From the scene in "Safe"
Mal:"looks like we arrived just in time, What does that make us?"
Zoe:"Big Damn Heroes, sir."
Mal:"Ain't we just?"

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Dreaming the dream that only the sleepless know."
"Say you understand me, And I will leave myself completely.
Forgive me if I stare, But I can see the island behind your tired, troubled eyes." -Fantastic Place (Marbles) -Marillion


Sunday, November 27, 2005 5:30 PM


BDM stands for Big (and excuse me here, Pastor) Damn Movie. On the edge of space there is a lot of cussin' and such.

And I cried (hard) the first I saw Out Of Gas, too!

And don't read about nor let any tell ya about Serenity!!!! Cover your ears and hum if ya have to! See it UNSPOILED at all costs.

Chrisisall, prayin' for your 'clean view' of the BDM


Sunday, November 27, 2005 7:28 PM


I'm a serenity virgin so far, haven't hear a peep. Should be good, though I'm watchin it alone. :)

Thanks for the explanations all, and know that cussin' doesn't bother me, especially in manadarin. :)


Sunday, November 27, 2005 9:40 PM


Good night, could my post (above) have more typo's? I'm not even going to attempt to correct them. eesh. :)


Sunday, November 27, 2005 10:54 PM



Originally posted by melcrose:
Thanks for the explanations all, and know that cussin' doesn't bother me, especially in manadarin. :)

This is my source to cantonese swearing...

I use it as a reference by episode, and... Yeah, I've been known to call people a monkey's butt every so often...


I cannot abide useless people...

But I'm trying sooo hard...



Monday, November 28, 2005 11:12 AM


It's all very problematic. I think it would be great if I could erase my memory of Firefly so I could rediscover the series again but, I think I would rather erase my memory of Fox. What helped was a list displayed in another discussion of what people's favorite science fiction books were. I haven't read much scifi in a long time. I went out and bought Ender's Game. I had never read it. I enjoyed it. It helped fill big d*** hole left by no more Firefly. I've watched the series twice through and saw the BDM twice. I preordered the BDM the day the availability date was announced. I can't wait. Oh no! The pain is building again. I can't play the game any more. The buggers aren't the enemy. The teachers aren't the enemy. Fox is the enemy. I'm off to buy another book.

So many worlds. So little time.


Monday, November 28, 2005 11:44 AM


Melcrose: we all know your pain,
do get out to see 'Serenity' (is it still playing anywhere near you? It is worth a drive)

and Jadehand is right, you NEED the comic books, there will be more (new stories in comic book form) coming out next year

and check out my signiture...because the River Tam Session videos are not to be missed....

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse,
and have you joined the Browncoats yet?


Monday, November 28, 2005 2:34 PM


Thanks for the heads up, I'll hit the site you suggest and watch the videos! Fix, here I come!



Monday, November 28, 2005 2:43 PM


Melcrose! Welcome aboard.
Whatever you do, don't see 'Serenity' alone. It's best with someone to cling to during the scary parts.

And yes, what you're going through is perfectly normal. We've all gone through it, and have failed numerous 12 step programs to get us over it!


Monday, November 28, 2005 2:54 PM


I don't drink or do drugs, should I start? :)

Thanks to all, I'm feeling much better. I'm at the point now where it only takes me a few hours to fall asleep. I keep thinking about winning the lottery and getting Joss and the gang back together. HOW GREAT would it be to say "here Joss, 15 million, no strings attached. NOW GO MAKE MORE EPISODES!"

ah.. dreams..

(How much did it cost for that season, anyway? Anyone know?)


Monday, November 28, 2005 3:00 PM


Think it took me longer to post. I still have the blues. I felt also that I needed help. What is it about this series that held me so. I don't know. And, as did you, I was, well, even watching the series after 3 times still welling up when I know it's to an end. That is so weird too. I thought that if it were a money thing that if I wond the lottery, I would give money to have the show on again.

Read some of the Fics. It helps a little. That is were I am now and watching the series for the fourth time, counting the days until Serenity is released.

Hwoon dahns for cancelling the show.

and don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that.


Monday, November 28, 2005 3:46 PM


America loves a winner!

Here's how it is, preacherman ( pastor ) There's lots of us folk out here, more than you know, who ( how to put it.... ) eh, feel pretty much the same as what you described. I don't know how to explain it, but this show is just different. Different from any other fiction that I've ever been a 'fan'.

What I really like about the DVDs is that I can not only watch the episdoes over and over, but each time, there's something new that I somehow missed before. Well, there was, the first few dozen times I watched.... anyway, it's just good stuff. Glad you found your way here.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, November 28, 2005 4:52 PM


Hi there!

I'm new around these parts m'self... Just joined the other day.

I missed Firefly when it was on FOX as I work evenings and didn't have TiVO yet (posibly a good thing!).

I 'found' it on Sci-Fi a few weeks ago when they aired "Heart of Gold" and thought it looked like a prety cool show and decided to watch the next episode when it aired the following week to see if it got any better...

Holy cow did it EVER!

After watching "Objects in Space" I got up from the couch and immediately started searching on the net for info on FF. I ordered the DVD set that night!

The DVDs arrived the following Tuesday morning. I watched DVD#1 on Tuesday evening replaying each episode with commentary after watching it normaly, #2 on Wednesday, #3 on Thursday, #4 on Friday. Went and preordered the movie from Amazon early Saturday morning before going to sleep and went out and saw the movie on Saturday afternoon!

I currently am EAGERLY awaiting comics #1/2/3 that I won on Ebay and also await a very nice looking "serenity" fan-art logo done in white, automotive grade vynil to go on the rear window of my Blazer...

I KNOW your pain my friend!

I went to my sisters house on Saturday to help her install a new water filter in the kitchen...

I played the pilot and "The Train Job" for her...

She called me today and asked me to loan her the whole set... I think I know what HER X-mass present will be! ;)

Spread the joy of FF to everyone you know!

One of the little "easter eggs"/extras you can spot is during the pilot episode, watch the upper left corner of the screen while Inaras shuttle docks with Serenity for the first time. There is a Star Wars Imperial Shuttle taking off... ;)



Monday, November 28, 2005 5:27 PM


What a great community we have. Thanks for all the advice / therapy. :)

I sent my wife details and pics to make me a Jayne hat. We have a lot of great knitters in our church, looks like one of 'em is going to make me a Christmas present.


Monday, November 28, 2005 5:38 PM


I don't really intend to be cynical, but what the hell. Didn'y you just say that you are a pastor for united methodist?!? I take a stronger stance against religion and god than Mal does, but aren't pastors supposed to be nce, and have no bad feelings towards the less fortunate (ie- FOX)? And I thought gambling is against Christianity? I also thought pastors/priests/shepards/padres/reverands/monks were only supposed to make enough money to get by? Don't believe in praying all that much, but if that's what gets "Firefly" back, I'll personally send YOU $100 (in Canadian of course) But I'd have to agree with you about FOX being .

If you want to learn Manadrin, go to: But be warned, these words are not correct pronunciations.

My chinese friends looked at me like I was crazy and said that they couldn't understand my butchering of their language .

Example: "Eat Sh**" in mandarin is not pronounced "chi shi", but more like "chu shu", whereas "chu" is like saying chu in "Chug". For "shu" say it like chu in chug, but just replace the "ch" with "sh". It's not 100% correct, but it's a lot closer to being right.

If you want to say "You are a (an) retard", say "ni shi bai sha-gua". The "shi" in this phrase is pronounced just as you'd think, like saying "she". Not like the previous example.

"I aim to misbehave."


Monday, November 28, 2005 6:01 PM


Welcome, Preacher Man.

Umm, you don't have scary hair, do you?


Monday, November 28, 2005 6:44 PM



Originally posted by 20thCentFoxHater:
I don't really intend to be cynical, but what the hell. Didn'y you just say that you are a pastor for united methodist?!? I take a stronger stance against religion and god than Mal does, but aren't pastors supposed to be nce, and have no bad feelings towards the less fortunate (ie- FOX)? And I thought gambling is against Christianity? I also thought pastors/priests/shepards/padres/reverands/monks were only supposed to make enough money to get by? Don't believe in praying all that much, but if that's what gets "Firefly" back, I'll personally send YOU $100 (in Canadian of course) But I'd have to agree with you about FOX being .

Heh heh.. I'm not a normal preacher.
I'm the guy that got the local movie guy in church because I kept going in and renting slasher flicks. (hooked on 'em as a kid, just too funny)

I'm the guy that hangs out with the kids on Saturday night on the street corner and invite them to church on Sunday. .(and am blown away when the show up)

Also, if I was suppose to take a vow of poverty, somone didn't mention it. DON'T TELL my 57" Toshiba HDTV, it would be sad. :) (I do tons of "non-member" funerals for a) the ministry, we've gained quite a few members that way.. but b) the money is nice and pays for the TV. .

And yeah, the Methodist church does have a problem with gambling. I barely ever play, but I'm going to start. I don't think of it as gambling though, my housing is given to me so I don't pay property taxes. I've got to support the school system somehow.
Thanks for the pronounciation tips. If I drop a plate in the local chinese joint, I'll get it right!

And, hey, no problem if you have a problem with preachers / pastors / etc.
I've met a MANY of them, and can understand your ire. :)
Don't worry, I won't pray out loud.


Monday, November 28, 2005 6:49 PM



Originally posted by Ursula:
Welcome, Preacher Man.

Umm, you don't have scary hair, do you?

Heh heh..
Only in that it seems to be "jumping ship". :)


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:19 AM



Originally posted by melcrose:

Originally posted by Ursula:
Welcome, Preacher Man.

Umm, you don't have scary hair, do you?

Heh heh..
Only in that it seems to be "jumping ship". :)

So it's scared rather than scary...

Ain't about you, Jayne. It's about what they need.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005 12:16 PM


My stepfather is a "non-standard shepard" (minister) as well...

The summer after he and my mom got married he was the camp director for the churches summer camp season.

He and my mom would dress up as clowns (he has been to clown school and is regestered, etc...) and go out and goof around give baloons to random kids in the local town.

He was running late one Sunday so he did the morning service in camp in full clown gear except for the red nose.

Came stomping into the hall, picked up the bible, gave the service and then went out along with mom and a few of the other camp councelors to bring happiness to the townsfolk.

He's a really cool guy. Gets in trouble with the church sometimes cause he is a bit more outspoken than they'd like sometimes. ;)






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