Anyone not feel the Firefly love?

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 8, 2006 22:01
VIEWED: 8744
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:24 PM


Since I cant get any of my friends to watch FF (yet anyway)...I was wondering... ( and yes Im thinking I need new friends but thats why I found you guys )

Have any of you turned someone on to Firelfy...had them watch all or at least most of the episodes and NOT feel what we feel? Like just..."yes its was entertaining but I dont get your obession" or " I cant believe you made me sit through that"

I guess Im just wondering because...back to the why of it all with I said before...I have never posted on boards before...not really into sci fi in general (dont get me wrong...loved LOTR and Star Wars and of course watched the original Star Trek...Captain Lovey Dovey anyone?.....but I digress) but..I have spent every single day since my first viewing on these boards or talking FF or thinking FF or singing FF or...and even considering getting myself to the BDFlanvention!

So back to my question...does someone you love just not get it? and do you think a little less of them for it?

"Faster would be better"


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:52 PM


I went to see Serenity with a couple of my friends, and when we came out I was like,


and my friends were like, 'erm, the action scenes where good...'

I was so dissapointed! They still dont see any depth to it, even tho I had a conversation with one of the NIDA (australian drama uni) teachers about it, and he was REALLY impressed.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:54 PM



Originally posted by Jetgirl23:
I guess Im just wondering because...back to the why of it all with I said before...I have never posted on boards before...not really into sci fi in general (dont get me wrong...loved LOTR and Star Wars and of course watched the original Star Trek...Captain Lovey Dovey anyone?.....but I digress) but..I have spent every single day since my first viewing on these boards or talking FF or thinking FF or singing FF or...and even considering getting myself to the BDFlanvention!

"The why of it all" what the hell am I talking about?? Babbaling at 3 in the morning again! I just really need to accept my addiction and live with it!

But I still want to know if you all know peeps that didnt get FF

"Faster would be better"


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:03 AM


I leant my dvds to a friend a while back. He thought it was good, but he ended up giving them back to me without even watching Objects In Space.

I did manage to persuade him to see Serenity with me though, so I'll claim that as a moral victory ;)


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:49 AM


I have introduced both of my daughters to Firefly/Serenity and although my oldest daugher Kati has fallen as much in love as we have, my younger daughter Shannon likes it and thinks it's cool, but isn't addicted.

Kati has gone so far as to buy up stuff, just like me, and also change her myspace to be all about Firefly and Serenity and is recruiting like mad! Shan is more reserved although she is wanting to send her friend Serenity as a birthday gift because "she'll love it just like you, Mom."

My Mom, who is in her 70's loves Firefly and Serenity and thinks it's the best thing she's ever seen. She's not a scifi fan either, but she LOVES the 'verse. She loaned my brother her Firefly DVD's this last weekend and called me and asked if she got lonely for them, could she borrow mine ( 1 at a time, lol, we're within walking distance of each other's house!)

So, there you have it. Some of us fall HARD, really hard and others are just in like. I've not had anyone who I've introduced to it not like it though. And everyone I've introduced to it says it ought to come back to tv or get a sequel.

" I start fighting a war, I guarantee you'll see something new. " Mal


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:33 AM



Originally posted by Jetgirl23:
Have any of you turned someone on to Firelfy...had them watch all or at least most of the episodes and NOT feel what we feel? Like just..."yes its was entertaining but I dont get your obession" or " I cant believe you made me sit through that"

Yes. The actual comment was: "Yeah, it's really cool, but I didn't like the scenes featuring spaceships and sci-fi stuff." His loss, not mine.

°°°°°°°°°°°° - my selfmade ambient/lounge/chillout music


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:35 AM


Here's the deal.

My husband is a uber sci-fi geek. Gotta love him for that.

I have never been that big into sci-fi. Granted I watch the good ones and could even laugh along with MST 3000 but I was never into the whole huge spiders from outer space thing.

When Firefly was released on DVD, my husband was one of the first to buy it. I’m sorry to say that until that point, I never heard of it. I would like to blame Fox for this last point b/c I am almost confident that I would of least given it a chance when it aired.

All of this changed the day I was dragged to see Serenity in theater. My husband even had to bribe me with a matinee showing b/c I thought is was going to be another space-kicking, blowing up stuff with sound and explosions in outer space (which I’m sure you all know that Joss hit it on the money with the no sound thing and minimal fire with no O2 stuff), guy with three eyes loves girl with three boobs story. I gave in b/c alas, I did drag him to see Just Like Heaven.

An hour and however many minutes later, I was hooked and completely obsessed. Due to some medical problems that same night we saw the movie, I spent the next three days watching back-to-back episodes of Firefly.

Since then, I eat, breath, and sleep Firefly/Serenity. Sometimes I will pop in my favorite episodes while I’m cleaning just so I can listen to the dialog. If I wasn’t watching it, I was reading “Finding Serenity” or the visual companion. I even began writing Fanfiction. I’m not that good at getting the characters on paper but I’m working on a story that I hope to post sometime soon. Either way, my obsession has started to scare the people that are around me. One day, I know I will be locked in a padded room with only a T.V. and DVD player but at least I will be happy.

Until then, I will try and convince my husband to name our first daughter Kaylee and our first son Malcolm…middle name Reynolds.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:44 AM


My best friend from childhood just won't get it. He's suspect of anything I come to like before he does anyway, but wtf? He likes Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica, so FF should have been an easy sell, right?
Nope. "They push the western thing too hard, it just does nothing for me."
He only watched one ep on Sci-Fi, I think it was Heart Of Gold

Oh well, my Wife likes it!!!



Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:28 AM


I think there are really three groups of folk to consider when trying to recruit!

Group #1 You know they’ll see Firefly and immediately “Get it”. For them just lend them disc one of the boxed set and they’ll be “good to go”.

Group #2 is a bit trickier. They are folk that will need the proper introduction. You know then best, so select a specific episode of Firefly that you know they’ll enjoy and invite them over for free Pizza & Beer and watch it with them. With these folk it may take an episode or two to bring them around. Be selective and patient with these guys because they don’t initially have our love and we sometimes have a tendency to scare them off with our enthusiasm.

Group #3 Just don’t get it and probably never will. Let them sit home and watch the “OC” or some other trash TV.

BTW, my girlfriend HATES almost everything Sci-Fi, but she "got it" immediately and LOVED the show. She didn’t really care as much for the BDM, but loves the show.

I would love to see some numbers on Brown-Coat demographics. It’s got to be one of the most diverse base of fans out there. Bring on them new recruits; come one, come all!!!


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:32 AM


I've only had one total failure, somebody who watched the first two episodes and thought they were "too cowboy."

Isn't it funny how it's the western bits that do some people in, and the scifi bits that turn off others? The perils of genre mash-ups, I guess.

I did have a guy who watched Serenity with me and liked it but isn't hooked. He's interested in the show, but not... rabid. Like some of us.

I know exactly what you mean about those people who will simply "get it." You just know. Although they're a pretty damn diverse bunch.

Mmmm... Firefly.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:39 AM


Yeah, I had my parents watch the first two episodes of Firefly and the movie. They thought it was "okay" but they showed no interest in watching any more episodes of Firefly, and certainly don't love it the way I do. They lack imagination, what can I say? They refused to sit through Hitchhiker's Guide because it was "too weird".

However, my brother watched the movie and has just asked to borrow my Firefly set, so that's a victory. I also converted my cousin, who now owns her own set and movie. So, some people will get it, others won't. Their loss.

"I'm having one of those things - a headache with pictures."

"Of course I'm right. And if I'm not, may we all be horribly crushed from above somehow."

Like books? Go to this thread:
to find out how to buy mine!


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:44 AM


Hi Jetgirl23

Well I've converted my two best friends (1 man, 1 woman), a long time college friend and her husband and my mum and dad :D

My two best friends I got into Buffy and Angel that took some time but Firefly they lapped it up. My college friend and her husband I took to watch Serenity and they loved it straight away without any fuss and now have bought Firefly.

My dad who loathes Sci-Fi fell in love with Firefly after just a couple of lines from Jayne and Wash and when I took him to watch Serenity in the cinema agreed with me that it's the film of 2005.

But for all this success can I get my girlfriend to watch it?


I've tried my damndest but it's no use. The one saving grace is that she's not actually seen it so it's not a direct critisicm on the show, merely the genre label of Sci-fi that turns her nose.

Oh plus when she saw the Serenity poster she was like:

"Ok now I see why you like this show!"

*shruggs shoulders* 'Alea jacta est'


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:29 AM


I have one friend that just can't get it. Just won't get it.

Well my belief is that this person lacks compassion, and has never been passionate about anything. Not enough love. You know what I mean Jetgirl23. Just, no love.

Is that how your friend seems?

Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 7:41 PM


When i first started watching the episodes, i thought, "wow," the more western edged eps got me more into the characters. The pure "sci-fi" appreciation came second. Then, as I travelled deeper into the FF verse, these traits reversed thier effect on me. But now, I'm getting back into the western eps. Its a total cycle, man. I'm also watching to see how many pull back shots there are of Morena Baccarin pouring tea in her shuttle.

"Earl Gray. Hot." Picard



Sunday, January 29, 2006 11:24 PM


Hello Jetgirl23,

I just recently identified for myself that FireFly/Serenity is a collective body of episodes, the core mass of which is Love. And I am thus attracted to it like, say, the pull of gravity. If there's nothing in the soul to resonate with that Love, then FireFly/Serenity can never draw such people, let alone carry them. Like Mal said: "You can know all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air you don't Love, she shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her up when she oughtta fall down." Same thing. Without Love, these folks possess nothing to make FireFly work for them; and, consequently, after an episode or two, they fall right out of the sky.

Take it for what it is: a good Love-o-meter. Heck, I'd base solid friendships on people's reaction to FireFly! lol

P.S. Thinking of that last scene in Serenity, I just remember that expression: "Whatever floats your boat." And I realize I now have the answer: Love! :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam.


Monday, January 30, 2006 6:09 AM


My girlfriend really likes it (although shes still a die hard farscape fan above and beyond firefly)and so does her mum, but her little sister and dad just dont get it (they dont understand the whole western in space idea and he hates the theme tune! ( )) I'm with asarian on this one!.

None of my girlfriends family have seen the BDM, that should bring the non believers around (Ass kicking River anyone?)

Reavers Vs Oompaloompas, clash of the titans! (I'm talking scary Oompaloompas with orange skin and green hair, not the rubbish new ones)


Monday, January 30, 2006 6:48 AM


Okay, but here's the flip side to that question: Why do we love it so much? What is about this show that compels us to share it with those we care about and hope that they will feel the same?

I have a few theories, but I'd be interested to get other feedback.

My main working theory is this:

We all want to belong to something bigger than ourselves. We love Firefly because the crew and the show gave us a sense of community and family. The crew created their own family, and if the stories can be believed, the cast did as well. The reason we're on this site right now is because we needed to extend that feeling of camraderie outside the confines of an hour a week.

Let me know your thoughts.

MAL: Define interesting.
WASH: Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?
ANGEL: If nothing we do matters, than the only thing that matters is what we do.


Monday, January 30, 2006 9:25 AM



Originally posted by TamSibling:
Okay, but here's the flip side to that question: Why do we love it so much? What is about this show that compels us to share it with those we care about and hope that they will feel the same?

Let me know your thoughts.

Good question, Tamsibling (great nick, by the way).

What indeed? Why do we love it so much? Your main theory is a right on the money, I think, and I completely agree.

Since you ask, just the other day I made a post, trying to answer your very question. It would be rude (not to mention megalomaniac, lol) to repost it here. So, if you wanna read my take on it, have a look:

Love is about sharing. As simple as that.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam.


Monday, January 30, 2006 10:06 AM


I tried to hook my father without success - he's the kind of fantasy and SF fan who likes a few select people such as Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett, but won't branch out. I think my brother and sister'll take to it better. They both have February birthdays; I've picked up a copy of Firefly for each of them, so I'll soon find out...

As to why I love it? Because it's complicated. It's exactly the sort of thing I go for - antiheroes instead of heroes, not necessarily doing what's right but doing what's less wrong, who have it in them to do amazing things just once in a while. The philosophy's difficult, the sociology's difficult, there are layers upon layers in there - it's massive. I really mean that - while I was watching the BDM (saw that before the series) I got a flash of something close to the Total Perspective Vortex; the sudden sinking realisation that the setting is far too vast for me to see all of it at once, and that there's a massive weight of cultural and personal history pressing down on the characters.

Creative Writing


Monday, January 30, 2006 10:15 AM


i posted a thread similar to this, because i cant get my cousins and some friends into the show. They reject things i am into before they even hear about it. They are more concerned about not getting into anything 'sci-fi' cause its for 'weirdos'.

Anyone else notice that some of the people that do not give firefly a chance are the people that do 'mainstream' things? like all buy razrs, watch one tree hill or the oc, and all worry about their image? yeah i need new friends.

***someone should make a MMORPG based on the 'verse!***

Geeze i want Firefly to come back!



Monday, January 30, 2006 11:29 AM


I've personally seen a ridiculously broad base of fans for Firefly--this includes folks who ordinarily watch just the majorly popular shows like The OC or whatever.

Me, I absolutely loved it because it just so happened to do everything right. Usually with any show I have a few reservations, even with stuff I love. There's always things here and there I'd wished they'd done differently. Firefly was the first time ever I didn't want them to change a thing.

My best friend roped me into it by just knowing me well enough and what I'd like; hence, he managed to get me hooked inside of five minutes...

What he did was show me Our Mrs. Reynolds. At the first scene where the hollowed-out spaceship was being dragged down a river by horses, I 'got it'. It got me thinking: "damn that makes sense... we got all this technology now, but some folks who can't afford it still make do with pack animals instead of diesel engines"

Then it continued... the serious situation, the standoff, and the "pretty floral bonnet" line. I realized this wasn't just a dry Western / Sci-Fi show, it had a lot--and I mean a lot--of wit about it. And that meant good writers, and good dialogue.

Then it continued further... I got to see how the rest of the crew started reacting to Saffron suddenly being on board, joking with the captain, then turning serious. I saw that it also had great characterization, and very entertaining plot setups.

After 10 minutes, I told my friend to cut off the episode and burn everything to CD for me (this is months before the DVD). I was gonna watch it from start-to-finish. To date, that's the only time ever I have gotten so quickly and completely into any television show. KF


Lord, I'm walking your way. Let me in, for my feet are sore, my clothes are ragged.
Look in my eyes, Lord, and my sins will play out on them as on a screen. Read them all.
Forgive what you can and send me on my path. I will walk on until you bid me rest.

~Haven Prayer


Monday, January 30, 2006 12:18 PM


I have introduced 2 friends of mine to this, but unfortunately one of them didn't like it.

"I didn't like western and Spaceships mixed all together" was his excuse.

The other one is on his way to be a fellow Browncoat, but hasn't seen all episodes yet, so I'll wait until then. He's already telling me that he's going to learn how to swear in Chinese

Anyway, where I'm from, Firefly has only just started to air on TV so many people still don't know what it's all about...

"Sir, I think you have a problem with your braing being missing."


Friday, February 3, 2006 9:11 PM



...but I was never into the whole huge spiders from outer space thing.

Aw, man... yours is one of the most charming postings I've seen on this site (albeit it's 10 days old). However, I have to tell you that "Starship Troopers" is one of the best (pseudo-"cheap") thrills available... it's such good, BAD sci-fi cinema... OH-yeah... it's a "huge spiders from outer space thing" like you'll never believe... nudge-nudgesay-no-MORE!!!

'Say-no-MORE' or "your friends will think you're a stupid, inbred stack of meat."


Saturday, February 4, 2006 8:06 PM


One comment:

We call them beigecoats.

Seriously, it's gonna be a thing.


Saturday, February 4, 2006 8:10 PM


my sister just doesn't get it. she was like, "oh wow! this show is good!" and then wandered off and didn't watch the rest of the episodes. i am also a message board newbie. a message board virgin, if you will. this particular firefly board deflowered me. and in doing so, created a posting monster!

it's sad when family and friends don't get this. i don't understand it, because it's not like it's that hard to get.

that is why we have our fellow browncoats. like a support group, only so much more fun.
if i ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed.


Sunday, February 5, 2006 9:27 AM



Originally posted by violetrix:
i am also a message board newbie. a message board virgin, if you will. this particular firefly board deflowered me. and in doing so, created a posting monster!

You said it sista! De lowered and created a monster in me as well (I blame Nathan Fillion for all was his picture in an acticle that got me curious to FF in the first place) When I woke up the morning after my first post and and got all the love and understanding from you guys...I was a goner (you were my first response BTW Violet...Thanks!)

Anyway...I am soooo nervous...I am off to California to visit my best friend of 20 years....I have been talking up FF for 2 months now and she claims she will give it a big chance based on my obsession. I have made her promise to at least sit though 4 episodes (and to pretty much fake it even if shes not into it) but....If she does not feel the love...I am going to be we as so close and understand/love most of the same stuff (hence the 20 year friendship)....her not liking it will really upset me.....fingers crossed.

"Faster would be better"


Sunday, February 5, 2006 12:12 PM


she'll like it-- how do people not like it? i agree, nathan is very persuasive. i was persuaded by adam baldwin as jayne (huge arms), but that's beside the point. nathan's a cutie, and if her interest is not piqued by his cuteness, then maybe the amazing dialogue, wonderful directing,and beautiful cinematography will get her.

best of luck!

i was your first reply? how cool! since i started posting on this site, i just post on everything that i'm into that has a message board. i'm such a posting slut. i use firefly quotes as a signature, though, regardless of the message board affiliation.
i try to spread the firefly love.
if i ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 3:30 PM


Well,in the Sci-fi fantasy club that I am in-I have persuaded someone to watch the 'verse and they liked it a lot.

I saw the BDM before the series and I can't really explaint the impact it has had on my life. I bought the series a few days later and watched it. I was hooked from the beginning.

I also managed to hook my brother too. However,we are both Joss fans for a long time. The rest of my family have watched Joss stuff and I'm not sure how they'll react to the BDM(If they ever rent it out)


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:14 PM



Originally posted by asarian:
Hello Jetgirl23,

I just recently identified for myself that FireFly/Serenity is a collective body of episodes, the core mass of which is Love. And I am thus attracted to it like, say, the pull of gravity. If there's nothing in the soul to resonate with that Love, then FireFly/Serenity can never draw such people, let alone carry them. Like Mal said: "You can know all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air you don't Love, she shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her up when she oughtta fall down." Same thing. Without Love, these folks possess nothing to make FireFly work for them; and, consequently, after an episode or two, they fall right out of the sky.

Take it for what it is: a good Love-o-meter. Heck, I'd base solid friendships on people's reaction to FireFly! lol

P.S. Thinking of that last scene in Serenity, I just remember that expression: "Whatever floats your boat." And I realize I now have the answer: Love! :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam.

Aw, you would say that. You're a girl. But I wonder what others would say?

What Firefly crew Would Say:

Mal: It's love. Love'll keep it in the (Bonk!) (Thud)

River: I like to hear him say it. But sometimes he just drones on about it and so must be taken out by a 90 pound girl.

Zoe: It is what it is. And if he tells me to shoot you, I will.

Book: The love that the Good Book says is our true calling as men, to find the divine love in all of us. Love is like the shiny glint of a T-84 plasma pistol with a Radion silencer and Gredaden sites set to range...not that I know anything about that. Where did Riv (Bonk!) (Thud)

Simon: Well, l-l-llove could be it. I mean, th-th-the idea is good, and...I mean, we could try to see if, you know, people, if they got together, they could...if they WANTED to, you kno (Bonk!) (Thud)

Kaylee: No, Mal was right! It's love! And hopefully, a lot of good old sex! But mostly love. Just so long as we have sex. Did I mention sex? Ohhh, I really like that too. But yeah, I suppose love and sex both i(Bonk!) (Thud)

Jayne: Are you kidding? I(Bonk!) (Thud)

Serenity: Why are you asking me? I'm a ship. And why am I suddenly a 19 year old girl?

Inara: I can tell you, if we have compatible spirits and your credit account i[Bonk!] [Thud]


Stegasorous- I wub you!

T.Rex- No! I will rule!

Stegasorous- Aw, you know you wub me!

T.Rex- Curse your sexy stegasourous ways, I am defeated by wub! (kissy noises)

(Bonk!) Oh motherly son of a...(Thud)


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:01 PM


Out of all the people that I've turned on to firefly and Serenity, only 5 of them (out of 25 people) thinks its a great thing. The remaining people just don't get it, or can't see the appeal of this well done show.

I simply don't understand this, and I am also not amused that the people at my stupid job call me River...this is getting on my nerves.

How is it possible that after watching all 14 episodes of FF and Serenity, a person cannot fall in love with the well put together character development that has gone into the show? I simply dont understand, and it makes me feel like a freak sometimes.

Firefly is the 1st sci-fi show that I've watched that doesnt depend on wiz-bang special effects and spaceships to make the show work. Its the character development that make this show live.

In short order, while watching the Firefly DVDs, I have come to love the characters, LOVE them...all of them...even Jayne. This says a lot about the writers and directors of this show, because in real life...I love no one, but they MADE me love the characters that they created.

God I'm rambling.....sorry people, I'm not myself these days.







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