Subtle yet interesting show observations -- post yours

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Saturday, January 28, 2006 9:31 AM


I dont know if this has been mentioned before but I just love how there are always a few little things I pick up that I hadnt noticed from the last time watching an episode.

One of my favorites is from Objects in Space. When the show starts we see Serenity flying by a red/white/green planet then the camera goes through the ship to River. At the very end of the episode, when River and Kaylee are playing jacks, River says "I can do this" and drops a rubber ball that looks pretty much the same as the planet they passed by at the beginning of the show. Then of course the camera goes through the ship again this time to end up with an external view. I just love that whole sequence of how the end shot is in reverse of the opening shot: From the planet, through the ship, to River, then reversed. A beautiful way to start and end the episode, showing us those objects in space literally.

I'll be in my bunk.


Saturday, January 28, 2006 10:41 AM


Two things:

1) It wasn't until I'd watched the Serenity pilot three times that I noticed Mal kissing the cross around his neck at the Battle of Serenity Valley. Me and my friend just looked at each other in amazement, since it was the first time he'd noticed it, too.

2) In the Serenity movie... the entire opening with Mal walking through the ship from the cockpit to the cargo hold is shot in one take. No cuts. Not quite subtle, but really amazing when you realize it. KF


Lord, I'm walking your way. Let me in, for my feet are sore, my clothes are ragged.
Look in my eyes, Lord, and my sins will play out on them as on a screen. Read them all.
Forgive what you can and send me on my path. I will walk on until you bid me rest.

      ~Haven Prayer


Saturday, January 28, 2006 7:41 PM


I have a Serenity observation.

In the very last scene with Inara, when she tells Mal she doesn't know if she wants to leave, she has absolutely no makeup on. I have to go back through the shows, but I think that is the first time she has ever been on with no makeup. It was like she was giving up being a Companion. Again, I have to double check, and if I am wrong, please let me know.

Basically, seems to be all about the symbolism, and I love trying to figure out what he meant by this shot or this scene. Of course, then I watch the commentary and he explains it! Just love him!

"If they've got guns or brains at all."
"They've got guns."


Saturday, January 28, 2006 7:54 PM


I love how, in both the BDS and the BDM, all the out-in-space shots are silent. Sure, there's occasional background music and you can hear the crew talking through their helmets, but there's no ship noise, no explosions, no air rushing past, no clanking of parts, no lasers whining. It's as it should be, as sound doesn't travel in space -- or so I've heard.

Heh, never been, myself.

It's pretty subtle, but also pretty ballsy after all the Star Trek and Star Wars movies with those noiseful space battles and such. I just like it.

And yes, Nandifan, I noticed that shot of her without make-up, too. I think it's the first time Inara is bare of her companion trappings. Her outfit is relatively non-ornate, too. Very poignant.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Saturday, January 28, 2006 8:06 PM



Originally posted by Kizyr:
Two things:

2) In the Serenity movie... the entire opening with Mal walking through the ship from the cockpit to the cargo hold is shot in one take. No cuts. Not quite subtle, but really amazing when you realize it. KF

I didn't notice that in the theatre, but I did notice when watching the DVD at home. Beautiful, isn't it? Done as if to emphasize the continuity of the set in the movie, just like on the series. And of course to introduce all the characters--including Serenity herself--right away.

We're gonna explode? I don't wanna explode!


Saturday, January 28, 2006 8:08 PM



That opening sequence with all the character interactions is one of my favorites in the entire series. Particularly the PA announcement and Jayne conversation!

We're gonna explode? I don't wanna explode!


Sunday, January 29, 2006 1:22 AM


Anyone noticed Jayne's shirt in "The Message"?
It has a drawing of a man's head wearing something kinda orangy (a hat??).
So, we have Jayne in a very cunning orange hat wearing a shirt with a guy who has something orange on his head, too! Shiny!



Sunday, January 29, 2006 2:03 AM


Some of the stuff y'all mentioned is talked about by Joss in the commentary. There's extensive stuff about everything relating to Objects in Space, including the opening/ending parallel. Also, the really long shot at the beginning of the movie Serenity is actually two shots, since the two floors of the ship are seperate sets. Still quite impressive, tho.

I didn't notice the part about Inara's makeup. That's pretty cool.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 6:37 PM


Joss also mentioned in the commentary that the camera operator in that long stedicam shot only tripped once in 45 takes. I'd be tripping all over the place.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 6:41 PM


The planet/ball thing in OiS isn't so much subtle as intended parallel imagery.

What IS subtle in OiS is the fact that when Early is leading Simon through the ship, they pass the spacesuit locker... which is open.

Because at that point, although the audience doesn't know it yet, River has already left the ship to go sit inside Early's.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 7:18 PM


That's subtle.

I can't compete with that. But, I just watched the pilot and i was wondering about JW's comments about Kaylee being a depiction of sexuality, warmth, etc...Am I making too much of the fact then, that she is ironically shot in the abdomen in the pilot. Did any one wonder, for example, if she could still bear children after this incident? I'm reaching, I know. I was just so sad.

"...fer stew, sure...." Jayne



Sunday, January 29, 2006 7:37 PM


In Objects in Space when Early is kickin the crap out of Simon, and there is the brief cut to Jayne sleeping in his bunk. He has his 'is he going to be a hero-oh no he's just going to be Jayne' can see there is a huge honkin drool puddle on his pillow. Talk about adding a little something extra to a scene!


Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:25 PM


In Serenity when Simon is cleaning River's wounds when she is handcuffed in the pantry river says something to the effect of "old men with no blood on their hands, yet they're in an ocean of it." I think shes refering to the parliament and their decision that led to the graveyard of Miranda.

Though and Action when harmonized free each from the other


Sunday, January 29, 2006 8:34 PM


Oddly, that shot of Morena is one of the few of her that I've always really liked, but didn't quite know why. Subtle, eh?

One of my favorite scenes for subtlety is when Mal talks with the crew in the movie about his belief. He is backlit, like he is surrounded by a holy light, invisible to viewers behind the camera (us), as his belief floods back to him.


Sunday, January 29, 2006 9:12 PM



Originally posted by Shewchuk:
In Serenity when Simon is cleaning River's wounds when she is handcuffed in the pantry river says something to the effect of "old men with no blood on their hands, yet they're in an ocean of it." I think shes refering to the parliament and their decision that led to the graveyard of Miranda.

That's really sort of another example of "you're supposed to notice this" I think, and not so much something subtle.


Monday, January 30, 2006 6:39 AM


I had no so much an observation, but a question about an observation.

Does Jayne ever recite Chinese verses? I know he curses in Chinese, but has he ever uttered one of the complex phrases JW assigns everyone else?

Please correct if I am wrong, 'cause its sort of driving me crazy trying to remember!

(Hopefully soon I will be able to go through all the episodes myself, but land me a hand till then!)


"If they've got guns or brains at all."
"They've got guns."


Monday, January 30, 2006 7:55 AM


I know I'm a little dense, because all of you probably noticed this months ago, but it has to do with Firefly's opening credits, theme. 2/3's of the way into the theme, they a show a picture of the Alliance, followed by Simon, River and Shepard.
Obviously, all three have a connection with the Feds, further instilling my belief that Shepard was once an Alliance officer or Operative.

I wish Joss would have had more time to explain Shepard's background, I'm thinking Shepard became a priest to deal with the guilt of his Alliance past.

"A government is a body of people usually, notably, ungoverned." - Shepard quoting the Captain.


Monday, January 30, 2006 11:21 AM



Originally posted by CaptainsGal:
2/3's of the way into the theme, they a show a picture of the Alliance, followed by Simon, River and Shepard.
Obviously, all three have a connection with the Feds, further instilling my belief that Shepard was once an Alliance officer.

Huh, never really picked up on the Alliance-connection part of that in the intro, just always thought that since they were the 3 that Serenity picked up during the pilot and not originally fundemental crew members they were left for the end of the intro.

All of these observations are pretty intrigueing. You can be sure I will be pointing these things out to my friends next time we watch them.

I'll be in my bunk.


Monday, January 30, 2006 11:52 AM



Originally posted by Nandifan:
I have a Serenity observation.

In the very last scene with Inara, when she tells Mal she doesn't know if she wants to leave, she has absolutely no makeup on. I have to go back through the shows, but I think that is the first time she has ever been on with no makeup. It was like she was giving up being a Companion. Again, I have to double check, and if I am wrong, please let me know.

You know... I don't know a single guy who would've ever picked up on that. Hell I think Morena looks lovely either way, so I doubt I'd've ever noticed that unless someone pointed it out.

Is it really that clear when a girl is or isn't wearing makeup? Half the time I can't tell. Then again most women I know personally make a point to apply makeup in subtle ways so it doesn't really look like they've applied anything. KF


Lord, I'm walking your way. Let me in, for my feet are sore, my clothes are ragged.
Look in my eyes, Lord, and my sins will play out on them as on a screen. Read them all.
Forgive what you can and send me on my path. I will walk on until you bid me rest.

~Haven Prayer


Monday, January 30, 2006 12:29 PM


Is it really that clear when a girl is or isn't wearing makeup? Half the time I can't tell. Then again most women I know personally make a point to apply makeup in subtle ways so it doesn't really look like they've applied anything. KF

It's not really all that clear, since it took me about 5 times of watching to notice, and I think
the only reason I noticed was because I had watched a marathon the whole day before I watched the movie, but just something about it made me realize she wasn't in full Companion mode, that she looked natural.

Yes, the point of girl makeup is to not look like we have makeup on. It is very complicated, and girls are born with an innate knowledge of it. As Mal says, "We are a mystery!"

"If they've got guns or brains at all."
"They've got guns."


Monday, January 30, 2006 2:27 PM


Well, since I haven't seen it mentioned by anyone else, and it came to be a topic of conversation a few years earlier I can proudly be the one to bring it up.

In the movie when Mal is in his room looking at the video of Inarah (this is lead from the line Kaylee makes about pushing Inarah away) they pan out to show him sitting watching the vid, (you must look close, it goes by quick) what do we see in front of him? Can you see? Can you see? Hup, that's right kiddies, it's his toilet, his john, his thrown, seat down. I didn't see it until the second viewing, but when I did I
re-wround and paused and sure enough, there it is. Joss did it, he got the FIRST toilet in space. Good on ya Joss.

There are more from the tv, but I won't mention them for now. I love these threads.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting.


Monday, January 30, 2006 2:40 PM


Isn't there a scene in one of the episodes where it shows Mal just finishing up using the toilet? He pushes it up with his leg and then pulls another thing down which is his sink. Am I wrong? What episode is it if I am right?

"If they've got guns or brains at all."
"They've got guns."


Monday, January 30, 2006 3:48 PM


No, your not wrong Nandi, it's in the original 2 parter Serenty pilot. It's lead in from the conversation Inarah and Book are having talking about the Captain.

She asks "Why are you so fascinated by him?" he replies "Because he's somewhat of a mystery. Why are you?" she answers "Because so few men are." This fades to us seeing him buttoning up his pants (Damn, too late) him kicking up the toilet seat and then pulling out the sink and washing his face.

People talked about Star Trek and how you never see them use the head (toilet) and wondering if anyone ever would, and Joss putting one in. So when I saw the seat in the movie I thought yayyy, the first flush in space. So there you go.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting.

btw, the commentary for the Serenity pilot is hilarious. Joss and Nathan being two very funny mischevious boys, and that scene mentioned has a comment by Joss that will just crack you up.


Monday, January 30, 2006 3:51 PM


Hey thanks Mistressahara!

You got to love JW's desire for realism!

"If they've got guns or brains at all."
"They've got guns."


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 6:00 PM


I'm not sure how subtle this is, but I didn't notice it until the last time I watched Serenity.

When they're robbing the vault and River points out the troublemaker, Zoe says, "Do you know what the definition of a hero is? Someone who gets other people killed. You can look it up later." Damn, but there's the rest of the movie in a couple of lines.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:03 PM


Nother one from the series. Heart of Gold: They're in the main room talking about fighting Rance and tightening their defences. The camera goes from one to another as they say their lines, they pan to Jayne, I believe his line was, "Aw hell they won't be expecting a fight."
That didn't interest me so much as the fact that Jayne, this big rugged man's man... was BRAIDING the ladies (whore's) hair. BRAIDING IT. You must check that out. If gives an even newer depth to this supposed hard ass mercenary.

Jayne, braid my hair please.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:41 PM


On the Operative's ship in the movie, there's a guy in Alliance uniform on a lower level doing things with a control panel, and he turns around and says something to the Operative. Something about him made me wonder:

Is that Wash?

Or am I just imagining things?
Or has everybody already noticed this before and it's old news?


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 11:11 PM


"In the very last scene with Inara, when she tells Mal she doesn't know if she wants to leave, she has absolutely no makeup on. I have to go back through the shows, but I think that is the first time she has ever been on with no makeup. It was like she was giving up being a Companion. Again, I have to double check, and if I am wrong, please let me know."

I don't think she was giving up being a companion so much as finally feeling comfortable enough around Mal and Serenity as to finally start treating it like her home. Previously, she always made a point that the shuttle was her home. I think, in her own way, it was her way of showing Mal that she loves him.


Thursday, February 2, 2006 4:34 PM



Originally posted by jayneisagirlsname:
In the funeral scene at the end of The Message, when Tracy's mom touches his face, Jayne's obviously thinking of his mom, because he pulls the hat that she made for him off of his head, and it almost looks like he's crying ... and you know he's not crying for Tracy. He's probably thinking about when his body will get shipped home to his mom after he's killed.

I had finally gotten to the point where I could watch that scene without having my eyes tear up.
Thanks for ruining that....


Thursday, February 2, 2006 5:13 PM


I dunno about subtle, but in the pilot episode "Serenity" you can see a star wars imperial shuttle lifting off from the spaceport in the background.

It happens when Inara is docking her shuttle with Serenity for the very first time (2nd 1/2 of the 2 part docking scene).

If you watch the upper, left corner of the screen the imperial shuttle comes up from behind some shipping containers, unfolds its wings and flys off the left side of the screen...

I got a big laugh the first time I noticed that (around the 5th time I watched it or so)... Just keep noticing more and more wonderfull little details the more I watch this show.



Thursday, February 2, 2006 6:01 PM


A couple Jayne observations:

-in Serenity after River beats up everyone including Jayne in the bar, back on the ship Jayne is holding someting on his crotch, I assume somthing frozen to ease the pain. a few moments later he is eating something, and it apears to be grapes from the bag he just had on his crotch.

-When they are flying through the reaver space for the first time, Jayne is in the back holding his gun in a comforting fassion, like he needs it for emotional support.

I got a kick out of these when I noticed them!


Thursday, February 2, 2006 6:02 PM


In Shindig I noticed that Badger cuts the apple he’s eating.

Also in Our Mrs. Reynolds the only time River spoke was cut.

Well, here I am.


Thursday, February 2, 2006 6:20 PM


So, I just wanted to make a comment about the noise in space thing, because it's even more subtle than that.

In Serenity, you hear the report from the cannon as if it were muffled- almost as if the cameraman was in a pressure suit standing on Serenity and was "hearing" the cannon fire through the vibrations in the ship's hull.

Additionally, there is sound in space during the battle, but it is the only time there is actual sound. Why is this? Because the ship is inside an ion cloud, which *does* transmit sound. Just absolutely brilliant.

"See, morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with, long as she does it quiet-like."


Friday, February 3, 2006 3:03 PM


First one is the definition of a hero - 'someone who gets other people killed', combined with Jayne's 'how many came out of Serenity Valley alive?', combined with Bushwacked 'you have a tendency to inspire loyalty, sergant.'. The whole thing makes a link that Mal is the anti-hero hero.

Other one is River rushing to fight the reavers, the lights running alongside the tunnel they're in light up as she runs past them. Thought it was nice.

End of BDM - when Mal sits down in the pilot's seat, he flicks the 'magical 3 switches'. Wash tribute?


Friday, February 3, 2006 3:13 PM


Heh, I dunno if this counts as "subtle" so much as "frickin HI-larious", but while watching "War Stories" with Mr. Fillion's and Mr. Tudyk's commentary, I got to seriously laughing about the "headless Wash" scene.

See, after Zoe's rescued Wash and Niska has his henchman cut off Mal's ear, Wash has turned away and is leaning against a doorway with his head on the opposite side. When they show him from the torture room's side again -- and we're probably supposed to be watching Zoe stick Mal's ear down her shirt -- the door jamb and that Hawaiian shirt make it look like Wash doesn't have a head. Heh.

Priceless stuff, especially with those two laughing it up on the commentary track.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Friday, February 3, 2006 11:57 PM


just watched Serenity tonite.

I noticed when Mal is watching the video of Inara (on that postcard thingy) in the video River is there and as Kaylee says " this very bed..." Rive is doing her "look how I can bend over cause I'm a dancer" thing and sniffing the bed..or atleast giving it a VERY close examination.

It was just a cool River presence moment.

twas a perrty sight as jello was a slingen and the ladies were all in a heap of fun.
Twas a right shiny event for the eyes to feast on.

It was fun!!

Hoplessly addicted but in that good sort of way. :)

SCAD/Savannah,GA Browncoat


Saturday, February 4, 2006 5:21 AM


In the pilot ep Serenity, just when they land in Persephone, Kaylee complains about some stuff that should be seen to and Mal kind of cuts her off. She then says that if the compression coil blows, they will be helplessly drifting in outer space (which of course is what happens in OoG later on).

Keep flying,


Saturday, February 4, 2006 6:02 AM


I watched everything backwards, starting with the BDM and then on to the box set.

One thing that occured odd to me was that

Select to view spoiler:

Wash died...wahhhhhhh

And, during the opening scenes of the show, during the song...when the song says..."Take me out to the black, tell them I ain't comin' back"...who's it showing?

I always see that and go...hmmmmmm.....wierd.

"In the immortal words of Socrates, I drank WHAT?"


Saturday, February 4, 2006 7:13 PM


I just noticed something on this...oh...tenth? twelfth?...viewing of the BDM. It might be considered a spoiler to someone who hasn't seen it, so I'll put it behind a cut, though I'll still try to be appropriately vague.

Select to view spoiler:

When the Operative contacts Mal on Haven, he starts talking about how he believes in something greater than himself -- a better world. Mal says, "So me and mine gotta lay down and die so you can live in your better world?"

Boy...ain't that poignant? Considering River's secret, ya know?

It's one of those things that makes a heckuva lot more sense once you've seen it a couple of times.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Saturday, February 4, 2006 7:59 PM


Something just occurred to me earlier today...

In Our Mrs. Reynolds, after Mal makes the awful divorce comments and "saffron" runs away, then Mal has to go looking for her and finds her in the engine room.

While he was looking for her was probably when she was screwing up the engine... which they don't find out till later in the show.


Sunday, February 5, 2006 1:38 AM


This isn't incredibly subtle: in the bar fight at the start of Shindig, Mal would have got knocked down one time fewer if he hadn't been posturing at Inara.

This is a bit more so: earlyish in Trash, when YoSaffBridg is outlining the heist to the crew, Jayne immediately responds like he knows exactly what the Lassiter is. The rest of the crew are just looking a bit blankly at her or in an "Oh. Interesting." way, and Jayne's getting pretty excited - even before the spiel about it being the forerunner of modern lasers. The boy really knows his guns.

Creative Writing


Sunday, February 5, 2006 3:05 AM


I rewatched Shindig today and found something I had not noticed earlier (even though it might be more obvious for someone who is a native speaker of English).

In the scene in the dining room, where Shepherd, Simon and Jayne are playing cards and River comes in and rips off the labels of the food cans, the last thing Jayne says is: "So do we go on playing or do we just screw around"

Then the camera cuts to Wash and Zoe who are doing just that: screwing around.

As I said, maybe I was just slow on the uptake and everyone else got that on the first view, but it did struck me as funny when I noticed.


Sunday, February 5, 2006 2:03 PM



Originally posted by Capella:
In the pilot ep Serenity, just when they land in Persephone, Kaylee complains about some stuff that should be seen to and Mal kind of cuts her off. She then says that if the compression coil blows, they will be helplessly drifting in outer space (which of course is what happens in OoG later on).

Keep flying,

In Arial, when Wash and Kylee are walking around the junkyard looking for parts - Wash picks up a piece of junk, then turns around and throws it away when he sees the ambulance. The piece of junk he throws away is a catalyzer for a compression coil - the very thing that broke in Out of Gas.


Monday, February 6, 2006 8:28 AM



Originally posted by Kaneski:
End of BDM - when Mal sits down in the pilot's seat, he flicks the 'magical 3 switches'. Wash tribute?

OMG... I'd never noticed that... I can barely watch scene without crying in the first place. That just made it that much tougher.. ;p


Friday, February 10, 2006 3:43 AM


Hmm, not sure it qualifies as subtle, per se, but the:

"Ask her"

Line from River (referring to the lady in the holographic recording at Miranda). A comment which throws Simon for a loop a bit, causing him to ask: "Am I talking to Miranda now?" (followed, in turn, by River's priceless: "I am not a multiple, dummy" look; but I digress).

Anyway, I missed it the first time. Could just mean I'm slow, lol, but I thought that was subtle. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Friday, February 10, 2006 3:47 AM



Originally posted by Johnboy:

Originally posted by Capella:
In the pilot ep Serenity, just when they land in Persephone, Kaylee complains about some stuff that should be seen to and Mal kind of cuts her off. She then says that if the compression coil blows, they will be helplessly drifting in outer space (which of course is what happens in OoG later on).

Keep flying,

In Arial, when Wash and Kylee are walking around the junkyard looking for parts - Wash picks up a piece of junk, then turns around and throws it away when he sees the ambulance. The piece of junk he throws away is a catalyzer for a compression coil - the very thing that broke in Out of Gas.

Oh, I missed that! Good catch.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Friday, February 10, 2006 4:18 AM


This is either subtle or entirely unintended. At the end of Ariel when the crew dressed as paramedics are getting out of the air ambulance and unfastening their unwanted clothing, Inara walks down to the cargo bay. At the exact moment when Mal notices her he takes his hat off and carries on holding it while he's talking to her. That's generally regarded as a sign of respect. This could have happened that way by coincidence, though.

Creative Writing


Friday, February 10, 2006 4:18 AM


Subtle it may not be either, but in Objects in Space, aboard Early's ship, you can clearly see Early holding a (transparent) fugitive alert for River and Simon. And it says (mirrored): "WANTED ALIVE". Later, in the BDM, they sent an assassin, of course.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Friday, February 10, 2006 4:29 AM


I noticed in 'Safe', during the River dance scene, that River's moves start to imitate Mal's during the gunfight. When she is shown bending down for a move, the next shot of Mal shows him walking in a deep crouch. River drops into a split, and the next shot shows Mal tackling the gunman to the ground. Very cool choreography and cinematography, and it really foreshadows River 'seeing' the situation with Book a few seconds later.

Also, anyone notice in the BDM, when the Operative is reviewing Mal's war record, the display below Mal's photo. Its a DNA chain, apparently giving information about Mal's genetic signature. Those nice little touches, making the 'verse seem more real, are one of the things that really drew me to Firefly.


Friday, February 10, 2006 4:49 AM



Originally posted by Blueishbrowncoat:
just watched Serenity tonite.

I noticed when Mal is watching the video of Inara (on that postcard thingy) in the video River is there and as Kaylee says " this very bed..." Rive is doing her "look how I can bend over cause I'm a dancer" thing and sniffing the bed..or atleast giving it a VERY close examination.

It was just a cool River presence moment.

The River and sex thing seems to be a recurring theme for some reason... There is this scene, of course. Then there is River seeing Wash and Zoe in the moment in "OiS", and River sticking her head down out of the hatch at the end of the BDM to see Kaylee and Simon. Add to that, as subtly as you can in a comic, the crew is on the bridge in one cell after Wash and Zoe were, erm...busy, and in the midst of everyone else's very focused dialog, River's line is "It smells like sex in here."

It kind of strikes me as funny...especially when River went to the Academy at 12 and was so deeply "immersed" in the program. Does she personally *know* what sex smells like??? Strange, at least to me.







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